Poems about real love. Love with all your heart - like this because you are a miracle, and I am ready to exchange paradise to hell, just to be with you

Love cannot make life easier, but it makes sense existence. And it is much easier to go through life, having a goal. Then, when this goal is achieved, it's much easier to walk in my life hand in hand with your second half, with a person you love, and who loves you.

When you take a man by hand, and you feel how his heart beats - this is the manifestation of love. Love with all my heart is a normal state. Love with all your heart - it means to love truly, truly. Love gives a person knowledge as he should be. Loving man Trying to become better. A loving person tries to make the world better.

Love with all my heart means ...

Loving to all his heart a person will never laugh at the weaknesses of another, he will support and help. True love is painted, it can light sunlight Even the most cloudy day.

True love never passes. She can only measure the time to wake up later. True love is one for life, and many people are not given and that happiness.

Love with all my heart, it means to love life. The ability to love does not come over the years, it is either there or it is not. The ability to love is in tenderness and care, in respect and understanding. If a person loves with all his heart, he is happy already from what he loves.

Love with all my heart, it means to be capable of self-sacrifice. Love does not tolerate egoism. A selfish person who is not able to let love from herself, does not like to truly. For true love, the main thing is not personal happiness, but the happiness of your loved one.

So the mother, loves his child with all my heart, gives life for him without any doubt. For true love does not tolerate doubt. If you met your true love, then take care of it, do not let fear settle in your heart. The smallest doubt is to love or not - kills love. Yes, in fact, if there are doubts, then there is no love.

Love and fate

If you met your true love, fell in love with all my heart, then everything around is transformed. True love will never disappear. She will come back again and again. In the crowd of individuals, in the series of events you will definitely go to your beloved. In spite of everything, you will be able to ever see that it is true love.

Love semi-hearts - it means to see signs. If you look at, the binding of your destinies will be visible. Similarly, similar dates or events are found.

But even true love is not protected from errors. Sometimes something happens, which makes a man blind and deaf towards others. At such moments, you can inflict deep wounds in the soul of people who loving you.

Love with all my heart, mean to forgive all the mistakes. True love makes again rise and go towards his happiness, overcoming all fears and doubts.

9 ½ weeks, 1986

Rare it was a phenomenon - the effect of Summer. Nevertheless, every man came across him at least once in his life. Tom Henson has encountered him in the city where there are 400 thousand offices and where 3 million 800 thousand people live, there can be only one explanation - fate.

500 days of summer, 2009


Love is when you do not need to ask for forgiveness.

Love Story, 1970

Happiness is to reach thin face madness, when the trait between the consciousness and the real world is already steer, when you wake up and fall asleep with thoughts about her, when I want to smile and live, only remembering the smile of the native myself, the most beloved person, when no one needs and nothing without it, when for every sigh , Everyone her gaze, every moment next you are ready to give everything.

Eternal radiance of pure mind, 2004

- I love very much when you sing.
- You just believed to me.
- And how. Like more blessing.

Irony of fate, or with light steam!, 1975

I wanted to say that I love you. That is not knowing, you became my guide star. And this love does not take away. I ask, promise me that you won't grow hard about me, whatever happens, because life is so beautiful. I do not regret anything, and you are unfortunately. It is most important!

Meet Joe Black, 1998

Because you are a miracle, and I am ready to exchange paradise to hell, just to be next to you.

Where do dreams lead, 1998

Something moved at the bottom of the soul, something stubborn deeply, began to break through through offended pride and cold calcality. Scarlett became an adult, and a new feeling was born in her heart, the feeling is stronger than the vanity and self-humanity of egoism.

Thundered, 1939

This is how it happens: live your life, and it would seem, you don't need anything that you have everything. But when you meet her - here you think: damn ... and how I used to live without it?

Removal Rules: Hitcha Method, 2005

- Where, Miss?
- To the stars!

Titanic, 1995.

Sometimes the last person with whom you would like to be together, it turns out to be a person without which you can't.

Pride and Prejudice, 2005

Success is a myth. Love is the only thing for what to live. When life is over, it is important only to be something and how you loved.

Business in you, 2013

Through good times. Through bad times.
When a man loves a woman - it's all the times.

When a man loves a woman, 1994

I like that you are freezing when there are 22 degrees on the street. I like that you spend one and a half hours to order Saintwich. I like this wrinkle that it appears on your nose when you look at me as if I'm crazy. I like that even at the end of the working day from my costume smells of your spirits. I like that before going to bed I want to talk to you.

When Harry met Sally, 1989

You can often hear the word "love." Everyone wants to love him. And what does this word mean? Wikipedia "says" that this feeling that is inherent only by a person. And also is deep attachment and sympathy to another. More love is considered as a philosophical category, in the form of a subjective relationship, that is, a selective feeling aimed at the object of love.

How does this happen

A person begins to put attention signs to the object of his sympathy. It tries to be as often as possible, and as close as possible, to the "dear" person. Constantly be near. Not for surveillance, but in order not to miss the one who is close and dear to you.

If a person is alone, he says: Heart wants to love! Since it is important for us to be with someone nearby. It's not alone to live, but about someone to take care or know what you need someone. Young guys and girls often wonder: how to love with a heart? In school, they are taught that the heart is only a muscular organ. And, of course, that the muscles can not love.

What loves

Explanation options set. Also, as the choice is huge. Someone says that you need to love your head. Because otherwise you will stay without everything (and without a head including). What should be only a cold calculation. Otherwise, your place on the "Bench of Fools". After all, love, first of all, implies - to give yourself, your strength and your time (for someone - all my life).

Again, there are many explanations that love does not tolerate lies and deception. What you need to love with your heart! Only it can feel, as our soul lives in it. Here, the main thing is not to think that the heart is a muscle. After all, it is the soul that seeks to meet an understanding or, as they say, a relative soul. We just need to love with your heart!

How to love with a heart

Love with your heart, it means to love not for yourself! The desire to ensure that the object of your feelings is happy, this is what should prevail. This is the highest expression of love. Everyone loving heart She strives for as much joy and pleasure to bring to another. And what our feeling will be disinterested, the more we get in return.

Waiting for love will only remove you from her receipt. Start yourself give love. And you will see that she will not make himself wait. And it is enough for you for many years (maybe not only years). Be happy!

"A few years before the Second World War lived one wonderful married couple. They loved each other very much. With each possible case, the husband tried to express his wife. And she was beautiful, sensitive and possessed fragile health.

But the war began, and the husband had to go to the front. There he had to go through a lot of heavy tests, but every time he miraculously remained alive. And every day prayed to God to help him survive to return home, to his wife, which he loved. The idea that he will raise her again, warmed him the soul and helped tolerate hunger, cold and wounds.

When the war ran out, he, happy more than ever, rushed home, like on wings. It's already a village already seen, and he comes to each other! When the joy of the fact that they saw each other alive and unharmed, he lay down, a friend began to console him, speaking about some kind of test that fell to him.

- What kind of test you are talking about? - Asks husband with a fading heart.

- Yes, you don't know anything? Your wife was seriously ill. Survive, of course, she survived, but only her face is disfigured now, - he answered sympathetic to each other.

Husband, like milk, sank to the ground and cried bitterly.

And in the evening he is suitable for his house. The wife, seeing him, can not get enough and everything thanks God for the miracle that he returned home alive! And then they sit at the table ... And she suddenly understands that her husband, such a loved one, lost in the war of vision! Thinking that he is blinded due to the injury, she did not ask him about him not to cause him of unnecessary suffering. Began to take care of him as appropriate loving wifeAnd they happily lived for another 15 years.

Then, after these 15 years of complete happiness, but also secret suffering, because she was incurably sick, his wife brought the soul to God. BUT loving husband closed her eyes ... and opened her! All these years, he pretended to be blind in order not to multiply her suffering. "

That's what to love! Make blind to not injure another

That's what to love! Make blind in order not to wander the other.

We often would also be better to close your eyes, because our look is much harder than we think, and the one we look at, can become even worse from this turning look. Many people lose their strength to deal with them or with trials through which they pass, only because we looked at them not as it should be! Because of us, their lives can be even harder, because we do not see how they have a soul hurt, hidden in this disabled person, or covered by ugliness, or some urgentness, or by definition, who have taken power, or depression, with which they fight ...

But to close your eyes on this, you need to love! We cannot stop seeing someone else's disgrace, when there are indifference, or nonsense, or the desire to marginalize a person, but only when we show sensitivity, delicacy and generosity.

Need to love not to give another feel offended or reprehensible

Does love need to behave simply and naturally? Obviously yes! You need to love to not give another feel offended or represented. So that we do not cause the reason for which he suffers, but, on the contrary, helped him, quenched, as far as we can, his pain.

Is it not Christ in our lives? I think he looks at us closed eyes, because otherwise we could not even look at him, feeling so blamed in front of him.

And I thought: how rare we hear these days about the cases like this! Love now as if cooled, we seem to love anymore, or maybe we just became too selfish?

Before the relationship Between loving were much longer, more beautiful, happier. Previously there were beauty and sacred love of two. One simple gesture, a small flower, one glance has already become a source of joy, the thrill of the heart and happy tears. And now ... only you hear that about partings and sadness. Scandals and accusations.

We are so enslaved with love for yourself that the neighbor becomes for us

Everyone complains about someone. All accused of someone. Very few of those who would take blame and responsibility for parting on themselves. Maybe we can no longer love? We can no longer forgive? For us no longer have any love value? Or are we just so enslaved with love for yourself that the neighbor becomes for us a burden?

We all know - for the relationship, family life Fallen, it is necessary that one inhabited by his love happiness and beauty of the life of another. It is known that "love is a bonfire, but it burns when throwing firewood," and then you can love incentive.

None of the books are written and no one said, as if to love, it means only to experience happiness, no, love - it means to wish for good and happiness to another. It means - to abandon your egoism and pride, to accept the world to rear, pray in the hope, please contact the short one that you have, and thank you for him, to be happy, seeing what is the other, and live rising ...

Love - in this wisdom of life. Love is to have a wise heart. Love - it means to own science that heals, and does not kill, comforts, and does not destroy!

Maybe those who read these lines hold other opinions, think that I do not apply to write about love relationships, I do not know, "how hard it is." Perhaps they are right, but only, like any priest, I suffer much more than you can imagine when I see the hearts' heart, tears on the beautiful face of the other. And the love is so hard to see it ...

Love is first of all to give.

Love - So feelings of your own river,

Spring generosity splash

To the joy of a close person.

Love is just your eyes open

And immediately think with the zareku immediately:

Well, what would we like to give

Who do you like all my soul?!

Love - it means passionately to fight

For loyalty and the word, and every look,

So that there were hearts to the end of their

And in the mountain and in joy forever next.

Does love waiting? Well, of course, waiting!

And tenderness is waiting for heat, but only

Accounting calculations do not lead:

Divided so much, taken so much.

Love is not a piggy bank in the Casca Mol.

The song does not typose.

Love - it's happy to respond

All good on earth!

Love is to see any item,

Feeling near his native soul:

Here is a book - he read it or not?

Pear ... and how is this pear?

Trifle? From what? Why bass?!

Sometimes after all, and a drop of life saves.

Love is the happiness cherry ground,

And in happiness, nothing happens!

Love is not a solid fireworks of passion.

Love is true in the life of hands,

She is not afraid of black days,

Neither seases and neither separation.

Love - it means to protect the truth,

Even wait against the whole universe.

Love - this is in the mountain to be forgiven

Everything, except for feedback and treason.

Love - So how many times

With pride to withstand all the extra

But never even for death

Do not agree to humilion!

Love is not a cheerful mindless bow

And do not reproach that they beat under the ribs.

Love - It means to have a talent,

Maybe the biggest and kind.

And to hell, miserable reasoning,

All feelings will go like in the sand of water.

Teamless is only hobbies.

Love, like the sun, always lives!

And I don't care about zinic laugh

One who does not measure the star heights.

After all, these poems are only for those

Who is the heart able to love and believe!

Eduard Asadov

Love long-tierpite, forgiven resentment ...

Love long-tierpite, forgiving resentment.
Love is merciful, giving his own.
Love does not envy, whoever you are,
Not extodied, humiliating yours.

Love is not proud of the success important.
Love is not focusing in the name of victories,
Not annoyed about everyone
Does not think and evil, and does not make trouble.

Love covers your flaws,
And believes everything you say in response;
Forgiving errors, does not rotate the furtive
And everything tolerates, giving you the light.

Love will not condemn, repenting the truth,
From the joy of truths blooms, as in paradise.
Love is self-made - all of you for the sake of.
Love does not scream your weakness ...

Love only hopes the best minutes.
Love expects, sniffs, sings,
And always believes that you need someone;
Love is your reflection.

Lyudmila Larkina


Love to rode myself
With over the years, it is doubly rushing.
Love do not sigh on the bench
and not walking at the moon.
Everything will be: slush and powder.
After all, together you need to live life.
Love with good song is similar
and the song is not easy to fold.

Stepan Shipachev

I wish you good

Smile, and crying heart
in single evenings.
I love you.
It means -
i wish you good.
This means my fill,
words do not and meetings are not necessary,
and do not be sophisticated,
and do not need my anxiety,
and do not need on the road
we dawn with you met.
Here and the old age guess,
and it's time to forget about ...
I love you.
It means -
i wish you good.
So, how can I leave you
how do i get memory from the heart
how not to warm your hands
understanding burned?
Who will say my fond,
what we need
and what is not necessary,
will advise how to be?
Nobody will tell us about it,
and no one will indicate the paths,
and no one nodes will unleash ...
Who said that it's easy to love?

Veronica Tushmanov


No need to give your loved ones
Neither those who are near and neither
Who is far away, almost invisible.
But often close to everyone!

When everything is perfectly built
And life flames, as if styling,
What about happiness to worry about?!
After all, everything comes true and so!

When from the evil Ile of Baghery words
Soul sometimes hurts and breaks -
Do not grieve in an irritant eyebrow.
Bold! Let's say again and again:
For happiness should be struggling!

And in the storms of sharp explanations
Keep us, god, every time
From nervously rolled phrases
And ill-conceived solutions.

Also known not to antiquity:
Loving is dishonest not given,
Therefore, neither the vital of jealousy,
Neither entertainment of all sorts of fragmentation
Neither hops nor secret infidelity
Love does not cost anyway!

So, fight and decide:
Let be joy, let the trouble,
Fight, argue, step,
And only love do not give
Do not give out!

Eduard Asadov


Love without measure long-blood
And mercy is full
Without envy, exceeding
Always out pride she
Her darkness is not familiar
She is not looking for his
Not annoyed by evil
Does not think even evil itself
Love is not laughing
But glad the truth always
Everything covers everything believes everything
Total hopes for
She suffers everything in life,
Although the image of the world and will let
Love all sorrowful takes
And never breaks

(1 Corinth. Gl.13)


It was everywhere with respect to her:
And the worker and a kind wife.
And life suddenly cost without regret:
He was near the husband - and here it is alone ...

Behind the weekdays smooth alternate.
And those who friends and respect then
But something suddenly arose and
What can sometimes disobey:

Pleasses, young hearts,
To her, going through friendship sometimes,
Already joked as in the days of the past
During my husband, never solved.

And, saying that life is almost nothing,
Kohl will be a heart of caress
Sometimes hinted to her
Pordly hinted her ...

And then at the meeting they will be bored
And even annoyed by sneaking,
Since someone too affectionate hand
She will shake with the knee Ile from the shoulder.

Did not believe: breaks, playing,
Tell me what the honor saves!
One of two: Il is styled,
Or a long time someone is yes there.

And it was not clear to anyone
What is one, she is true to him!

Eduard Asadov


Do not hurry to leave!
Wait at the open door!
It is impossible to easily forget
Those who love you who believes you!
Do not hurry to reject
When you have a soul ...
Get wisdom printing,
Summate just silent!
You're able to be able, I know.
Do not hurry to sob
All feelings immediately rejecting, -
Heat may not be enough
To alienate ice melted.
Do not hurry to do
Find a moment to stop!
What if it turns out to know
And where it is necessary to appear ...
Do not rush to forget everything
From nonsense thought to dismiss ...
How difficult to return everything!
How difficult it is back to return!

Igor Fedoseev


I'm not sorry that I have not loved you -
I love your love!
I'm not a pity that now I'm separating Tomim, -
I love hot in separation;

I'm not a pity that I poured and drank myself
Humiliation bowl to the bottom,
What to make the curses and to tears, and to the plea
You remained cold;

I'm not sorry that the fire, boiled in the blood,
My heart burned and Tomil, -
But I'm sorry that I once lived without love,
But I'm sorry I loved little!

Alexey Apukhtin


We are with you stupid people:
That a minute, then the outbreak is ready!
Facilitate agitated chest
Unreasonable, sharp word, -

Speak when you angry,
Everything that the soul is worried and torment!
We will, my friend, angry open:
The world is easier and will be bored.

If the prose in love is inevitable,
So let's take a share of happiness:
After a quarrel so full, so gentle
Return of love and fate ...

Nikolai Nekrasov


What would nor teach us
But the heart believes in wonders:
There is a non-merging force
There is a rapid beauty.

And earth wadering
Colors will not touch the unearthly
And from the midday heat
Rosa will not dry on them.

And this faith will not deceive
Of the one who only lives
Not all that there bloomed here, fades,
Not everything that was here will pass!

But this faith for a few
Only those are available grace,
Who are strict in the temptations of life
As you, I knew, loving, suffering.

Other people's healing to do notem
I knew how to
Who put the soul for another
And to the end everything has undergone.

Fedor Tyutchev


Cute friend, Ile you do not see
That everything we visible -
Only defill, only shadow
From invisible eyes?

Dear friend, Ile you do not hear
That everyday noise Cracker -
Only the response is distorted
Triumphing consonant?

Dear friend, Ile you do not feel
That one for the whole light -
Just that heart to heart
Says to give it?

Vladimir Solovyov


As soon as people do not name Love -
Poison, poison, witch drink.

But for love, this meaning -
It has a different nature.

Madness, HOT, NATIONAL -
No man guesses.

She, "just" - we are blessed,
In the cruel age, in the insane eyelid.

Run, run - how to save from the plague,
Do not give us God of such jellows!

But for love your words are in vain -
After all, God is love, eh, man ...

Who told you that, they say, the love of judgment?
What does God condemn, will not forgive forever?

Love Law "Finnish" misfortune -
She covers sin!

How can it be?! Again blasphemy!
Well, knit, on the cross it! On the cross!

So it was with the Lord - he did not judge the feelings.
But you judge. So who are you, man?