State aid of a large mother is single. Mother Lone - Legal status, benefits and benefits Lithuanian mother payout


What kind of mother is considered a single, it seems obvious: this woman, stretching the child independently, without the participation of his father. But the law of the Russian Federation assigns such status far from all its citizens with children who remained without male support. The article below is one who specifically put a single mother's allowance in 2020.

Mother's status Single in 2020

There is no single regulatory legal act, where there would be a decoding of the status of a single mother. In different documents, you can meet several similar wording - "incomplete family", "lonely mother", "the only parent" and others. Their use depends on the application. For example, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a mother is considered to be a mother who raises a child without a father. At the same time, a man can be recorded in the documents, but, for example, to keep up of education, be devoid of legal capacity or parental rights.

Another definition gives the Ministry of Finance: the child's single child has no father at all, disappeared, died, his name is not reflected in the documents or made there with the words of the mother. It is this approach that is used in social security and is called a single mother:

  • A woman who gave birth outside the marriage of a child whose paternity was not established - by a court decision or voluntarily;
  • A woman who gave birth to a child in marriage or within 300 days after a divorce, if the former spouse challenge her fatherhood in court;
  • A woman, outside the marriage relationship adopting / having a child.

Who is not a single mother?

In turn, the mother and single or the only parent does not recognize:

  • Woman, stretching child alone after divorce. She can receive or not to receive alimony - the right to state support is not provided to her;
  • A woman who gave birth to a child for 300 days after marriage was terminated / declared invalid. In this case, the man is recorded by the father of the child, even if there is no actual kinship between them;
  • A woman, father's paternity of which is established by the court or voluntarily. At the same time, the father can accommodate separately and not to contribute to their lepta into education;
  • Widow, from the date of death of the husband of which passed less than 300 days. In this case, the late spouse is recorded in the fathers of the child by default.

If a citizen is still recognized as a single, in the registry office she is given a special certificate in form No. 25. In the child's birth certificate, they put a dashboard or bring Father's Father with Women's words. In the future, these papers will require government agencies and at the place of employment as confirmation of its status.

Payments and benefits in 2020 mother's mother

It is important to understand that in Russia a particular allowance of a single mother in 2020 is not paid - all promotions and benefits The state produces on general grounds for mothers of any status. Specifically it is about such payments:

  • . Depends on the maternal revenues over the past two years or on the magnitude of the minimum wage. In 2020, should be at least 398.79 rubles.
  • Manual for women who are registered in honey. Institutions in early pregnancy. It is 675.15 rubles.
  • . The amount is fixed - 18,004,12 rubles.
  • . Before the moment when the child reaches 1.5 years, the mother receives 40% of the average earnings, but not less than 4,852.00 rubles per first child, 6751.54 - for the second and subsequent.

The remaining types of payments are monthly or quarterly - single mothers receive from regional budgets (about it - several points below).

Additional support for single mothers

In addition to children's child benefits, the state provides support in other, intangible form. For example, a group of social benefits and compensation includes:

  • Places in kindergarten. A lone mother has the right to priority enroll its child into a group, as well as a decrease in the parental fee;
  • Help in treatment. The state is ready to help with the acquisition of drugs - pay their cost in whole or in part, to provide a massage therapist in the children's clinic;

The rest of the benefits do not depend on the status of a woman directly, but relying to the low-income families. If, due to low income, a single mother with a child falls into this category, they can claim some more encouragement:

  • Utility subsidy. It is expressed as a percentage, which reduces the monthly payment of utilities. Guaranteed families who have spending on the "communal" make up more than the established norm;
  • Free dairy kitchen. A family recognized as needing receives high-quality and varied specials.

Separately, it is worth highlighting a tax deduction in a double size - this compensation is provided specifically for a single parent. You can save 2,800 rubles on the tax monthly, if the loner brings up one or two children, and 6,000 rubles - if three.

Benefits and benefits of a large mother

In the Russian Federation, a mother is recognized as a mother who raises three or more children who have not reached the age of majority. To be considered longer, such a woman of each child should give birth out of marriage. This is an important nuance: if at least one of the three (or more) children a large mother gave birth, consisting in the marriage relationship, "preferential" status she does not see.

Basically, large-class single mothers receive the same payments as simply alone mother. Variable amounts - large support is laid. What specific benefits are spending:

  • Constant. It is paid until the youngest children have achieved majority. The amount of payments depends on the region - for example, in Moscow, mothers pay monthly 1 200 rubles to compensate for the growth value of life, and 675 rubles from above - to the growth of food prices;
  • Temporary. If a large mother does not work, the payment is 6 327,57 rubles, if it consists in maternity leave - 40% of the size of the salary, but less base amount. Pay such a guide until the child is 1.5 years;

In addition to all-Russian benefits and benefits, single mothers are encouraged by one-time payments in the regions. In Moscow, the rates are:

  • Benefit. It is paid once for the third and subsequent children in the amount of 14,500 rubles, and 50,000 rubles at once for triples;
  • Compensation. Mothers are relying on an ongoing basis to reimburse the costs of communication and the purchase of school uniforms.

The remaining benefits are intangible in nature. At the federal level, large lone mothers are relying:

  • Discount on the payment of utilities services. Its percentage depends on the number of children: Families with 3 children in fat reduced by 30%, from 4 - by 50%, and from 7 or more - fully reimbursement;
  • FREE FOOD. We are talking about complex breakfasts and lunches that children from a large family can receive at school;
  • Places in kindergarten. The priority in the queue is always behind large families, as well as such families, the parental fee is not charged;
  • Free pass. Acts for all children and one of the parents for all types of public transport;
  • Free treatment. The state will provide children with drugs and trips to health facilities (at least one trip for two years);

Intangible benefits are laid in the regions level. So, in Moscow in the maternity hospital, linen sets are given, later offer free to visit the Circus, Zoo and so on for free. Municipal institutions of the city.

Labor benefits

Since a single mother - a priori is the only breadwinner in the family, in the TK RF behind it consolidated special rights and benefits (by the way, they also apply to single fathers):

  • A lonely parent who brings up a child up to 14 years old cannot be reduced, dismiss when a leadership change or deprive posts due to disciplinary penalties;
  • In the event of bankruptcy or liquidation of the organization, a single parent must provide another place for employment. Responsibility for it lies on the hiring organization, which is going to reduce its employee;
  • Care for sick child is paid to all parents. At the same time, the size of the mother's allowance depends on the type of treatment. If the child is required in the hospital, payments will be determined by experience. With an outpatient treatment, the allowance in the first 10 days is paid in full, then - half;
  • Parents with children under 7 years old sick leave paid without restrictions, with children older - paid the first 15 days;
  • A single parent has the right to take a vacation at my own expense at any time. The maximum duration of such a vacation is 14 days;
  • A lone parent with a child under the age of 5 can not be attracted to work on weekends and holidays, to overtime work and work at night;
  • A mother who has a child up to 14 years old, at any time has the right to go on a part-time day.

Also preferences are available in single mothers when they are arranged. The fact is that employers cannot refuse them in hiring due to the presence of minor children. And if the candidacy is still rejected, the single mother must clearly explain what the cause of failure is.

Mother single allowance in 2020 in Moscow

Unlike other regions of the Russian Federation, in the capital, lonely mother receive their own, only they are accomplished payments. Including:

  • Baby benefit. Monthly amounts 15 000 for a child up to 3 years old 6 000 - Child from 3 to 6 years, 12 000 - on a disabled child up to 18 or 23 years;
  • Inflation compensation. For food for a child up to 3 years old - 675 rubles. For other expenses to children up to 16 or 18 years old - 750 rubles, if the mother receives a monthly allowance. If not getting - 300 rubles.

An additional requirement for single mothers who seek to receive these benefits is permanent registration in Moscow.

Lone Mother Handbook in 2020 in St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg for solo, the same benefits are available as the whole country. The difference in the amount of payments: as the second most important city, Peter and his municipal authorities allocate more funds to support needy than the remaining Russian regions.

How to place the allowance to Mothers Lone?

To obtain one-time and monthly payments, it is necessary to follow the next algorithm of action.

  1. Collect the required documentation, the package of which must comply with the established list;
  2. Give the collected documents to authorized bodies;
  3. Representatives of the social institution before making a packet package are convinced of their full volume and correct filling, and then the authenticity of the indicated information is checked;
  4. Receive benefits for regulated deadlines.

Submit an application for benefits can directly a single mother or a person who represents it, in the case of which the notarial power of attorney will need confirming the right of action on behalf of the only guardian. Processing documents are engaged in social protection bodies, located in close proximity to the address of the residence. Also registration of the statement is possible in centers carrying out multifunctional activities. The execution of the benefit is made within 10 days, after which cash transfers are being implemented.

Documents for mapping

  • Applicant passport;
  • Certificate of the birth of a child;
  • Certificate from the registry office (form number 25);
  • Income certificate (2-NDFL form);
  • Certificate of family composition;
  • Extract from the Labor Book, if the applicant works;
  • Certificate from the employment center, if the applicant is unemployed;
  • Extract about the composition of the family and missing debts.

Presented list - advanced. Depending on the promotion or benefits, documents may be needed less (for example, for a unite allowance for the birth of a child, a 2-NDFL certificate is not needed).

How to get a mother's allowance loneliness?

  1. Collect the packet of papers requested for the design of this manual:
  2. Contact management of social protection at the place of registration or in the hiring organization;
  3. Apply in writing and get backed benefits, benefits or compensation.

In organs, social protection will inform in detail about what payments are given to a single mother and how to arrange them. We will not be clarified to clarify the list of documents - changes are constantly introduced into existing legal norms.

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In the conditions of a protracted economic crisis, the birth of a child involves tremendous material costs for its provision and training. Therefore, the respect of the parents decorated at two, or even three children cause respect. Especially those who raise them alone. In the overwhelming majority it is women.

Who can get

In the concept of many people, a single mother is a woman, one raising children. In fact this is not true.

Officially, such status is assigned in the following cases:

  • the registry office did not file statements from the Father's definition;
  • information about the Father in the birth certificate of the baby was made from the words of the mother or in this column there is a fiber;
  • the child was born when a woman was not married or from the moment of its termination, more than three hundred days passed;
  • the woman adopted the baby, not being in a marriage relationship;
  • mother re-married, but the spouse did not set paternity over the child.

In the Labor Code to lonely mothers, lonely women having children are counted:

  • the spouse of which died or was deprived of parental rights;
  • divorced, but not receiving alimony on children;
  • born out of marriage, but who have established paternity on a child.

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Such women are relying various crossings and privileges, but not paid benefits for single mothers.

A woman, raising and providing three and more children, both relatives and more adopted by a large lonely mother. Their age should not exceed 18 years, and in case of full-time learning 23 (depending on the family of family residence).

In addition, there are requirements:

  • the emergence of children outside of marriage and without paternity;
  • birth or adoption of children through three hundred days and more after the divorce.

In the event that one of three children was born in marriage or his father was recorded in the birth certificate, a large mother would not be assigned a single status.

What benefits are put a large mother's mother

At the federal level, single mothers provided various benefits, subsidies and compensation in all spheres of life and activities to improve the conditions for children, their social security.

Large mothers who have more than two children receive the following help:

  1. A lump sum payment at the birth of a child.
  2. Monthly payments before the child execution of the age of one and a half years in the amount of 40 percent for working women and 4,388 rubles for the unemployed.
  3. Monthly allowance until the adaptation of adulthood, for each of them, the size is established in the region of residence.
  4. Monthly compensation from the employer before the execution of the child of three years.
  5. Maternity capital when the second baby appears, and if it has not been received, then on the third or fourth.
  6. Discount for payment from 30 to 100 percent (depends on the number of children) for utilities and solid fuel (for residential heating houses). It is established within the regional standards for the cost and size of the consumption of services.
  7. Providing toddler drugs up to six years for free upon presentation of a doctor's prescription.
  8. Drive children from educational institutions and back on all types of urban transport are free, in villages - on suburban and long-distance transport.
  9. Specially designed mortgage program. The main condition is the solvency and availability of stable operation.
  10. Free breakfasts and lunches in schools and primary and secondary educational institutions.
  11. Free provision of school and sports form for the entire period of study.
  12. The priority reception in kindergartens, discount for payment of 50 percent of the cost.
  13. Providing trips to children's healing and sanatorium institutions, camp in the presence of doctors.
  14. An interest-free one-time loan or a loan for the purchase or construction of residential real estate.
  15. Preferential one-time payments for the development of peasant farm: buying vehicles, equipment, equipment.
  16. Free priority provision of housing, subject to the need to improve living conditions. Regions can establish their own criteria for family recognition in need.
  17. The priority one-time provision of land for the creation of a farmer or peasant farm, a small enterprise. In this case, preferential taxation.
  18. Providing land plots for gardens and gardens from 0.15 hectares.

In regions, additional benefits may be provided for large single-lone mothers, some of them are provided in the event of a family recognition of a low-income.

In addition, this category of parents rely benefits in the labor area:

  • employment with a preferential labor regime: work at home, part-time, week;
  • advanced training, vocational training and retraining on the necessary specialties through employment service;
  • the impossibility of dismissing women with a child under 14 years;
  • additional vacation for two weeks, at your own expense;
  • business trips only with the written consent of the mother;
  • when raising a disabled child, four paid weekends are additionally every month, at a convenient time;
  • full compensation for hospital, regardless of the experience;
  • the tax deduction at the first and second child is 2,800 rubles, on the third, fourth and subsequent 6,000, on a disabled child 24,000 rubles.
  • retirement at the age of 50, with more than four children and 15 years of insurance experience.

Large mothers get support from the state, regardless of whether they raise children or with spouses. In some cases, the influence can have a revenue received by the family, this issue needs to be interested in a specific family living area.

Procedure for registration

The main document confirming the status of a large family is a certificate.

It is issued in the service of social protection of the population at the place of residence, in multifunctional centers or via the Internet (single portal of public service). The submitted statement and documents are considered no more than eight days.

The application is as follows:

If the applicant independently provided certain documents that can be obtained with interdepartmental interaction, a request is made to authorized bodies. Then the decision to assign status will be transferred: after receiving the necessary documents in two days.

The certificate can be issued before the moment there is a basis for the assignment of status, but not more than a five-year term. Then it can be extended.

In case of full-time child learning after the 18-year-old execution in a general education institution, the mother should provide a certificate of training every year.

Also, a woman should be obtained in socializing a single mother identity and a certificate of recognition of a family in need.

With the above documents, you can proceed with the design: children's aids - in the Pension Fund, tax benefits - in the tax inspectorate, discounts for utilities - in social protection authorities or the center of housing subsidies.

What documents are needed

Documents for obtaining the status of a large family:

  • mother's photo 3 * 4;
  • mother's passports and reached 14 years of children;
  • certificates of birth, adoption of children, the fact of guardianship and guardianship over them;
  • help from the registry office on the record in the Certificate of the birth of the father's information from the words of the mother (form 25);
  • certificate of full-time learning or from the military registration and enlistment office;
  • help for accommodation with children on one territory.

For registration benefits will be needed:

  • identity of a single mother and a large family;
  • certificate of recognition of a family in need;
  • identity cards of all family members;
  • receipts for paying utilities and a certificate of the absence of debt on the rent;
  • employment history; Identification codes for children.

Can refuse

When making a decision on refusal to grant the benefits of a lonely large mother, it is necessary to notify the applicant about the reasons for refusal.

This can be done in the following cases:

  • failure to provide the required documents;
  • transfer of false information;
  • termination of the grounds for the assignment of the family of a large-scale: execution of children 18 or 23 years old, the end of full-time learning;
  • re-marriage of the mother, during which the child was adopted by a new spouse;
  • mother accommodation separately from children;
  • finding one or all children in the care of the state;
  • mother was deprived of the rights to children.

Privileges provided by large lonely mothers at the federal and regional levels are designed to solve several tasks. First, it is an improvement in the demographic situation. Secondly, a decrease in social tensions. And, thirdly, improving the quality of life of the family and the conditions for the education of children.

Single mother: Benefits, benefits and payments in 2020. The reasons for the woman alone to raise a child, a lot, but, despite different reasons, the result is one: the mother and the child need help.

Children's baby manuals. Social assistance to lonely mothers.

Who is a single mother?

Woman confesses the only parent

with which his father is not registered in the document about the emergence of a child.

Other signs of lonely mother:

  • the paternity of a particular citizen was not established in the court bodies, on the basis of evidence, in particular the results of DNA examination, that is, there is no judicial determination on this issue;
  • there is a certificate of a civil status record authorities that information about the child's father's child is made to the child's birth certificate;
  • after the divorce between the spouses, more than 300 days passed;
  • application from both parents, under the registration procedure of a newborn in the registry office, is absent;
  • the woman, conducted a child's adoption procedure, at this time, without being in the marriage union;
  • children appeared in a woman who at the time of their appearance was not in the registered marriage union.

Important! Many mistakenly believe that if a woman divorced his children's father, then she can be considered a single mother, this is not the case. When she remained alone with children as a result of a divorce, means that in the paternity section in the birth documents of children stands a certain person. And this factor no longer gives the right to call it, a lonely mother, even if, the father after the divorce does not take part in the raising of children.

Mother's status is not assigned

  • divorced woman who does not receive alimony;
  • a woman who gave birth to a child for 300 days after the divorce (the father is automatically considered a spouse);
  • if the Father was installed in court, but for some reason it does not live with the family;
  • if a woman gave birth to a child after 300 days after the death of the spouse;
  • if the father is deprived in court. Right.

During the registration of a child in the authorities of record acts of civil status, a woman is issued a certificate in form No. 25, it confirms that the mother is the only parent.

Surname such children is assigned maternal, and in the column Father, at the request of a woman, is affixed by a dash or the information they will provide.

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The status of lonely mother is preserved if the woman married, but the spouse did not adopt her child

If the woman entered into marriage, but the husband did not adopt the child's child, then the employee does not lose the status of a lonely mother (Art. 423 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 11 of the provisions approved by Decree of the Sovmina of the USSR on August 12, 1970 No. 659). In this case, a legally, a woman remains the only person who should raise a child. In one case, the court indicated that the woman was entitled to count on the material assistance of the new spouse and his concern about all family members (the appellate definition of the Moscow City Court of September 16, 2014 in the case № 33-21339 / 14). However, in this case, the court caught the employee that she hid from the employer a number of family circumstances and abused the right. Therefore, it is unknown, what decision will take the court in the labor dispute. In a more recent decision, the same court supported a female employee (the appellate definition of the Moscow City Court of April 18, 2016 No. 33 - 12918/2016). In this regard, the employer risks the fact that the employee will restore at work.

Documents to get a loner status

To obtain status of lonely momYou must contact the Social Protection Department for registration with a certain list of documents. These documents include:

  • a statement written by a woman with the requirement to receive this status;
  • documents confirming the fact of birth of children;
  • applicant's passport - mother of the child;
  • a certificate that the child lives with his mother, and not with his father or with another person (you can order in the passport desk);
  • documents in which the applicant's income has been specified over the past three months;
  • certificate in form №25, decision of the judicial authority or other document confirming the fact of the attitude of this person to the category of lonely mothers.

After submitting documents for the status of a single, she will have to wait for the decision of the authority of the body, which they must take out no later than one month, from the date of their receipt.

Mother's allowances in 2020

Lonely Mother (as a single mother, working and no) How many lump-sum benefits on one child and other children appointed by mothers in connection with the birth of a child in Russia are? At the same time it is necessary to keep in mind that there are:

  • federal benefitswhich are paid to all mothers in the territory of the Russian Federation without exception (taking into account the district coefficient, in areas and locations, where such factors are established);
  • benefits paid at the expense of the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation. The subjects of the Russian Federation with their regulatory legal acts independently determine the amount of the appointment and payment of benefits for a child, and also implement these payments from their own budgets. The necessary regulatory legal acts (laws, decrees) are adopted in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

To obtain a long-term manary benefit after the birth of a child, it is necessary to apply to the social protection of the population at the place of residence (Rossen or Essels) and have the necessary documents on the manual.

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Benefits and the size of the manual for a lonely woman in 2020

Benefits in 2020 for a single mother (the only parent) in all regions of Russia have a different amount. The Russian Federation provides a guarantee for monthly and simultaneous payments, preferential conditions on personal income tax and the impossibility of the manager to remove the employee who is a single mother, from office.

But not all women raising a child without a husband are given the opportunity to receive benefits and use the warranty conditions of a lonely parent.

State support for the only parent has differences in various situations. A single mother can get benefits and benefits in the form of a reduced amount of tax on personal income thanks to deducts on children enlarged twice, a variety of benefits issued by the state during pregnancy, at the birth of a baby, during the maternity leave, payments to the child, which Not yet passed the threshold of the three-year-old age. Among other things, employees who are single mothers cannot be reduced.

The power of each region is entitled to identify its own size of the benefits of loners and payments in the current year. The benefits may be in the form of monthly compensation, a guarantee for the provision of free medical drugs and nutrition, extraordinary enrollment in kindergartens, discounts on the purchase of training equipment and much more. Who pays the allowance and paying a single mother? She can learn about them in sobes, which benefits and benefits will be presented to its region in 2020.

We will study the following types of manuals for single mothers, about which you should not forget to the employer.

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Federal paymentsMethod of receiptPayments to the city of MoscowMethod of receipt
One-time allowance for women who put in medical organizations in early pregnancy time up to 12 weeksPay at work One-time allowance for women who are registered with medical institutions for up to 20 weeks of pregnancy.
List to a Muscovite social card
One-time benefit at the birth of a childPay at work or in Rossen (if a single mother does not work, not learning)One-time compensation payment due to the birth of a child
One-time allowance, if a single mother has no 30 years.
("Luzhkov's payments")
Monthly allowance for the period of leave for child care upon reaching the age of one and a half years.Pay at work or in Rossen (if a single mother does not work, not learning)

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Additional monthly manuals of a single mother (mother-single) in Moscow
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In each subject of the Russian Federation, there are additional payments to single mothers, therefore the amount of payments is different. Below are the benefits for 2016, due to the budget of the city of Moscow, provided for by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of December 8, 2015 No. 828-PP. The deaths in Moscow is recognized as low-income if the income is below the subsistence minimum in Moscow

1. If the income is lower than the subsistence minimum per capita, established by the Government of Moscow, then a single mother has the right to count in 2016 to the following benefits:

  • monthly allowance to families with minor children who have incomes below the subsistence minimum in an increased amount:
  • for children aged 0 to 1.5 years and from 3 to 18 years - 2,500 p.
  • for children aged from 1.5 years to 3 years - 4,500 p.
  • monthly compensative payment for reimbursement of expenses due to the increase in the cost of life of lonely mothers (fathers) on children under the age of 16 (students of educational institutions that implement general education programs - up to 18 years) - 750 p.
  • monthly compensative payment for reimbursement of the cost of food costs Lonely mothers, as well as families in which one of the parents evade the payment of alimony, for children under 3 years old - 675 p.

Application for data benefits is better to submit at that time, in which they do not fall into the last three months of payments on the hospital sheet, when the single mother has been listed on pregnancy and childbirth payments, otherwise the income may be much more than the established magnitude.

If a single mother marries, but the husband does not adopt (not a child) of the child, then his income in the calculation and purpose of the manual will not be taken into account.

2. If the secondary income is higher than the subsistence minimum value, then an additional single mother can count on a monthly:

  • compensatory payment for reimbursement of expenditures due to the increase in the cost of living on children under the age of 16 (students of educational institutions implementing general education programs - up to 18 years) - 300 p.
  • compensatory payment for reimbursement of the cost of food value single mothers, as well as a family in which one of the parents evade the payment of alimony, for children under 3 years - 675 p.

3. Monthly compensation payment in the amount of 6 000 r. On the child under the age of 18, non-working parents who are disabled I or II group.

4. Monthly compensation payment in the amount of 6 000 r. Person employed care for a disabled child under 18 years or disabled since childhood under the age of 23.

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Manual at the birth of a single mother, payments during pregnancy, during the decree in 2020

The Russian Federation guarantees payments that are provided for the birth of a child:

  • Benefits mothers who have taken registered in the first months of pregnancy;
  • (50 rubles) during the childcare leave for 3 years;
  • up to 3 years;

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Maternity benefit

provided for the entire period of the decree of workers (). The duration of holiday care for your own child is determined by the doctor and is confirmed on the hospital sheet. This factor is mainly based on the course of pregnancy and childbirth. Usually, maternity leave begins 70 days before the date of delivery, and ends 70 days after the date of birth of the baby. If a woman gave birth to more than one child or sacrificed childbirth happened, then leave to care.

Decree is issued on similar, which is issued in ordinary hospital leave. To determine the amount of maternity benefits and childbirth, set:

  • The duration of the estimated time;
  • Salary of workers throughout this time;
  • Pale of the work of employees on average per day;
  • The resulting value of payments.

Formula for determining the average wage per day to establish the amount of benefits at the birth of a child:

Maternity salary = income size for the reporting period : (731 - number of days in excluded periods).

Next, it is necessary to compare the resulting amount with the maximum value. And all because the average salary per day to determine the amount of benefits in 2016 could not be more than 1.901 rubles. 37 kopecks. This amount turned out in this way. The addition of maximum values \u200b\u200bfor the payment of insurance premiums to the social insurance fund for the past two years (in 2015, the amount was equal to 670.000 rubles, in 2016 - 718.000 rubles). After that, the resulting number was divided by 730 (this figure was indicated in the law).

If the resulting day wage amount was less than 1.901 rubles. 37 kopecks, it means that the number obtained must be multiplied by 140. In the inverse situation, to 140 you need to multiply 1.901 rubles. 37 kopecks. It turns out that the total selection of payment decret in 2017 does not exceed 266.191 rubles. 80 cop. In addition, the duration of vacation in this situation is exactly 140 days.

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Monthly child care benefits up to 1.5 years for a single mother

designed for an employee who is making a maternity leave. This manual is carried out by the FSS of Russia, except for such regions that work on the basis of direct payment of monetary compensation through the Fund. The manual is based on the value of the average monthly salary. To establish this formula:

Average monthly salary = the average amount of payment per day x 30,4.

The average daily payment is determined by analogy with a pregnancy and childbirth and also can not be in 2016 more than 1.901 rubles. 37 kopecks. Among other things, the maximum amount of child care benefits up to 1.5 years is 40% of the average monthly wage. Therefore, the maximum permissible amount of payments for care in 2017 - 23120 rubles. 66 kopecks.

Such a figure was determined due to the calculations produced: 1.901 rubles. 37 kopecks. x 30.4 x 40%.

In addition, the power determined the smallest allowance. The volume of care benefits for the elder child has at least 3.000 rubles in 2016. Payments for the second and next children make up at least 5.817 rubles. 24 cop.

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One-time benefits, payments up to 3 years

In addition to those described above, those issued on children belong to one-time. The amount of benefits for women who stood up keeping pregnancy in advance, in 2017 he has 613 rubles. 14 cop. The amount of one-time payment at the birth of a kid - 16 350 rubles. 33 cop.

Pay attention to the fact that, regardless of which the company's payment system is working, the amount of payments for the child compensates entirely to the social fund. Insurance.

In accounting, payment of compensation should be carried out with such a wiring:
Debit 69 subaccount 1 - Credit 70.

Benefits for children are not subject to payments to funds and tax on personal income. In addition, payments due to the FSS are not considered when determining the income tax.

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PLOTS FOR NDFL for a single mother in 2020, deducting the only parent

A large single mother can use benefits and double-sized. To use this feature, it is necessary to write a statement, which is submitted together with a birth certificate, where there is no information about the father, i.e. It is worth a fiber. In the case of providing data on a father from the words of the mother, the possibility of using a double deduction can be obtained only with a child's birth certificate in form 25. This certificate is issued in the registry office, in which there is a mark confirming that the father's information is listed in the birth certificate from words Mother.

The monthly deduction on the 1st and 2nd child is 2.800 rubles, on the 3rd - 6.000 rubles. Deduction on a child having a disability, has even greater size.

This year, deduction on personal income tax exists until the income for the year will not amount to more than 350.000 rubles.

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What are the responsibilities of the employer, taking a job, single mothers?

Dismissal or reducing position. If a single mother brings up a child who has not yet fulfilled 14 years or a minor disabled person, an employer will in no case dismiss it on his own initiative. Exceptions in this situation are:

  • Closure of the company;
  • Repeated non-fulfillment of labor requirements without providing thorough reasons with a previously obtained disciplinary reprimand;
  • Multiple non-compliance with the conditions for the fulfillment of duties in a rough form (drunk, drunk work and much more);
  • Learning employee who deals with cash or other values, acts that are caused by the loss of trust of the head;
  • A female learning, who fulfills educational work, immoral act or education using mental violence or physical violence;
  • False documents that were provided by a worker to conclude a contract.

Vacation at your own expense. In addition to the above benefits, a single mother with a child under 14 years old can take at any time according to Article 263 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

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Certificate of birth with a dash in the column "Father" will not allow to dismiss a worker

There are a number of cases in which the court accurately recognizes a woman with a lonely mother. These include situations when the father of the child:

  • not specified in the birth certificate or information about him made from the words of the mother;
  • died or he was recognized as missing;
  • deprived of parental rights and is limited in parental rights;
  • it is recognized as incapable or limitedly capable.

If in the child's birth certificate in the column "Father" stands, or information about the father to the document, they made the courts, then the courts consider a woman's mother (review of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in the first quarter of 2010, approved on June 16, 2010, the appellate Determination of the Smolensk Regional Court of July 3, 2012 in case No. 33-2018). In the second case, a woman needs to receive a certificate in the registry office that a record about the father's father was made from her words (form number 25, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 1998 No. 1274).

Separate categories of citizens, who include women, independently raising a child, the state provides additional material support. Mother single in Moscow Enjoys additional benefits laid down by the decree of regional authorities. This category includes women, whose child is in the birth certificate it is a fiber or father name is recorded from her words. Benefits cannot use divorced mothers, even if a man evades the payment of alimony. This category provides its support measures.

In addition to standard children's manuals, the following payments to Mothers Lone in Moscow are appointed:

  • monthly allowance in elevated amount;
  • compensation due to the increase in the cost of life;
  • payment for reimbursement of price increases for food.

Compensation is paid in the event that, but her spouse does not adopt the child. The benefits are relying and guardians raising children of lonely parents.

Payments are appointed only if the child and mother live in Moscow and have permanent metropolitan registration.

It does not matter, a resident of which country is citizens.

Dimensions of benefits in Moscow.

Compensation payments are constantly indexed.

In 2019, their size is:

  • monthly allowance for a child from birth to 3 years - 15,000 rubles;
  • payment for a minor from 3 to 16 years (up to 18 years old, if he continues to study at school) - 6000 rubles;
  • compensation associated with the increase in food prices (up to 3 years) - 675 rubles;
  • reimbursement of costing costs of life - 750 rubles.

An increased monthly allowance relies with a single mother in the event that the average per capita income per person in the capital of the subsistence minimum.

Low-income families are also appointed compensation payment, which is associated with an increase in the cost of life in the amount of 750 rubles.

If a single mother does not receive a monthly allowance, compensation is 300 rubles. Cash is paid monthly.

How to get mother's benefits is a single.

For the destination of the mother's allowance, it is necessary to contact the center of the civil service "My Documents".

Compensation is paid since the child's birth, if the statement was filed no later than 6 months from this date.

To obtain payments, you must prepare the following package of documents:

  • identification;
  • certificate of birth of the baby;
  • confirmation of Moscow regulation at the parent and child;
  • documents about, patronymic or surname (if the procedure was conducted).

If a guardian addresses for the manual, he must provide an order for the appointment of guardianship. Payment may be appointed by the fathers, who are self-raising children, if the mother is deprived of parental rights or died.

Additionally, it is necessary to submit documents confirming the right to benefit. These can be financial statements about income, certificate from the registry office of the status of a single status, etc.

The state organization is filled by a statement on the established form. The document form can be found on the website of Moscow Mayor.

The statement indicates the information:

  • address of registration and actual residence;
  • details, the applicant;
  • child information (children);
  • family income information;
  • protection data (by movable and immovable, securities, monetary assets, etc.).

Income information includes all payments received in the family. These include pensions, wages, other benefits.

The completed statement and application to it should be considered within 10 days, after which the decision is made to appropriate payments. The applicant is notified about the results of consideration of documents in writing.

If the material position of the mother of the single is improving or changing family circumstances, giving the right to benefit, it must report this to civil servants within a month. Management of social protection in such a situation is reviewing the feasibility of obtaining benefits.

Benefits to children of single mothers at school.

Benefits Mothers Lone in Moscow are provided in the event that the child is a student.

To prepare a minor to a new school year, a one-time payment in the amount of 14,000 rubles is provided.

Women should claim her if the average monthly income on each family member is below the subsistence minimum.

Educational organizations can provide additional benefits to a schoolboy, whom only mother raises.

Among them are:

  • providing textbooks and teaching benefits;
  • organization of free hot per day;
  • discount on the training fee in sports sections, art schools (15-50%).

Children up to 15 years old having chronic diseases specified in the Special List, there is a free receipt of dairy products and mixtures.

In order to take advantage of benefits, you must contact the medical institution and take the direction from the doctor.

Minors who raise loner mother, other types of state support are also provided. Among them are:

  • free visit to zoos and museums;
  • or sanatorium;
  • (poor);
  • discounts on the purchase of tickets for exhibitions and other cultural institutions.

The list of institutions that children can visit from the preferential category are approved by the Government of Moscow. It can be found on the official resource of the administration.


Lonebees who have permanent registration in the capital are provided with social support measures, including both address assistance.

Funds are prescribed only if the income on each family member does not exceed the cost of living. A child who is learned in a general education organization should be provided with hot two meals.

In addition, for the entire period of studying it must provide free textbooks. Before the start of the new school year, a single mother can arrange.

My mother's benefits.

Unfortunately, a single mother is a frequent phenomenon both in modern Russia and around the world. The reasons so that the woman alone rarely grows a lot, but the result is one: mother and child need help. Assistance to single mothers from the state is expressed as follows: additional children's benefits and payments, benefits in labor and tax legislation, a preferential queue in the device in kindergarten and much more. In more detail about all rights, benefits and benefits in 2020 for single mothers, you will learn in this article.

Mother's status 2020

The legal definition of the status of a single mother says the following: "A single mother is a woman whose child has no information about the father in the death certificate." It would seem that this formulation explains a lot, but, in fact, it does not explain anything. After all, we are talking about morally, and often a socially disadvantaged person, who is responsible for the content and education of the child - the smaller citizen of our state.

Single mother Not recognized by single mothers

A woman who gave birth and raising a child (children) is out of marriage if the child's paternity is not properly established:

  • there is no joint statement of parents to the authorities registry office
  • there is no decision to establish paternity
Woman raising children in an incomplete family, i.e. After the dissolution of the marriage (in divorce or already divorced) and for some reason, not receiving alimony from the former spouse.
A woman who gave birth to a child in marriage or within 300 days after the dissolution of marriage, if the father of the child was recorded a spouse (former spouse), but paternity is challenged in court And there is a court decision that spouse (the former spouse) is not the father of the child. A woman who gave birth to a child for 300 days after the dissolution of marriage, recognizing him invalid or since the death of the spouse. In this case, the father of the child is recognized as a spouse (former spouse) (part 2 of Article 48 of the Family Code) and the registry office register a child on a spouse (former spouse), even if he is not a biological father of the kid.
A woman who, not being married, took the adoptive child. A woman who was not married and raising a child whose paternity was established voluntarily or in court, even if this man does not live with her.

Payments and long-term maters 2020

First of all, it is worth noting that all parents, including single mothers, have the right to federal payments and benefits at the birth of a child.

How many mother do you get? Additional benefits are established by regional legislation and to obtain a comprehensive list of payments and benefits should be applied to the district branch of the Center for Social Protection of the Population. Consider payments on the example of Moscow.

Additional payments of single mothers Moscow

The benefits paid in 2019. Lonely mothers at the expense of the city's budget are provided for by the Moscow Government Decree of December 11, 2018 No. 1525-PP. However, the resolution states that families in which the income below the subsistence minimum may be calculated for some payments.

A single mother in Moscow has the right to the following payment regardless of family income:

  • Monthly compensation payment due to the increase in the cost of living lonely mothers (fathers) for children under the age of 16 (students up to 18) - 750 p. For receiving a monthly allowance for a child, 300 p. - For not receiving such a manual.
  • Monthly compensation payment for compensation for the increase in the cost of food-solid food products, as well as families in which the parent shies away from paying alimony, For children under 3 years old - 675 p.
  • Monthly compensatory payment of a lonely mother (father), occupied care for the child with disabilities I or II group up to 18 years old (up to 23 years old on the disabled since childhood) is paid only if the child does not work, and amounts to 12 000 r.

Payments for lonely mothers if the income is lower than the subsistence minimum:

  • from 0 to 3 years - 15 000 r.
  • Monthly allowance for lonely mothers for children aged from 3 to 18 years old - 6 000 r.

To the social department Protection must provide a certificate of income over the past 3 months. The optimal period for submitting applications to these benefits, in which decreh payments do not fall into revenues.

Labor benefits

Speaking of labor benefits for single mothers, the following points should be noted:

  • In the event of a shortage of states at the enterprise, a single mother cannot be dismissed if it contains a child whose age has not reached 14 years. Dismissal is illegal when changing management at the enterprise and even when such an employee does not correspond to the position. However, precedents, in which a single mother was dismissed due to regular serious disciplinary misconducts, registered.
  • In addition, a single mother, in the event of a reduction due to the elimination of the enterprise, can count on providing another workplace. By the way, the administration of the enterprise, which carried out abbreviations was carried out responsibility for subsequent employment.
  • A single mother, like any other mother, is given a manual if she is caught by a fallen child. The allowance paid in inpatient treatment is calculated depending on the employment experience. An outpatient treatment implies the payment of a mother's allowance for the first 10 days in full size and in the amount of 50% of wages during the rest of the time.
  • Care for a fallen child up to 7 years old provides for payment of the hospital sheet without any restrictions. If a child over 7 years old, you can count on payment of 15 days of the hospital.
  • A single mother has the right to get a vacation at their own expense at any convenient time for up to 14 days.
  • Single mother with a child under 5 years old cannot be attracted to overtime work, work at night, on holidays or weekends.
  • A child's mother up to 14 years old (including single matels) has the right to part-time, established at their own request.
  • In the subject to the listed, single mother can count on benefits in employment, as the potential employer is not entitled to refuse to hire due to the presence of children. In case of refusal to accept work, the enterprise administration should submit a clearly formulated refusal motivation.

Tax deduction for a child's single child

Lonely mom has the right to receive a double tax deduction for the maintenance of each of his child up to 18 years of age. If the child who has reached the age of 18 is a high school student, a dual tax deduction will be saved until 24 years old. This means that some amount of income will not be issued by income tax, namely 1,400 rubles per first and second child and 3,000 for the third and subsequent.

What benefits covers the rest of the life of single mothers?

  • the right to receive free children's linen kits for a newborn baby;
  • the right to temporary refusal to export solid food waste and for cleaning the territory of an apartment building, if a child under 1.5 years old;
  • the right to receive free food at dairy kitchen for a child under 2 years old;
  • the right to acquire a number of medicines at a reduced value at a discount right up to 50%;
  • the possibility of free visits to the massage cabinet, if any in the children's clinic;
  • in addition, the children of single mothers in secondary schools should receive two-time free food in the school canteen.
  • children's children when entering additional educational institutions, such as artistic and music schools, can count on providing 30% of discounts to pay for training.
  • again, such children come to pre-school institutions out of turn and with the provision of 50% discount.
  • finally, each year, children of single mothers can count on receiving a sanatorium ticket.

Housing Single Mothers

It should be especially noted by the target program "Young family - affordable housing." As part of this program, the mother who has not reached the age of 35 may apply to compensate for the cost of housing. The ability to acquire housing is also single women who have decided to take a mortgage. About how real, read in our detailed material.