Does the child need a kindergarten: for both against, the opinions of psychologists. Does the child need a kindergarten? Is it worth going to kindergarten


The article turned out purely in the style of
Surprisingly, all the specialists are united - almost any child of the Russian format kindergarten (full day, 25 people in the group, the teacher receives 10 thousand rubles a month - (today recognized) up to 4 years, it brings more harm (often .. very significant) than good .
There will be an opinion of the 5th specialist - very interesting examples of the teacher with experience on the topic of how to influence the development of personal qualities of children.

For parents, whose children go to kindergarten. From the sense of guilt, we do not die, sleep at night;) Perhaps it is worthwhile to revise something, modify (part-time and so on), to establish a causal relationship.

"Understand me correctly, I'm not against kindergartens at all. There are well-equipped kindergartens with small groups and talented and kind teachers, but, unfortunately, such extremely small. Think, in whose hands you give a child, and is he ready in 2 -3 years to such a test. If most easily gives the child to a kindergarten, it does not mean that it is right. We are accustomed to this disgrace simply because it is distributed. The conviction about the need to certainly give the child to kindergarten - it's like Caries: Is it extremely common, but is it normal? "

Many moms have a weather or her question: if mom is sitting at home with younger, whether a kindergarten needs a kindergarten, in which volume (full day, half a day) and for what. That is, is it necessary in which kind of kindergarten the most child, if a mother can be at home with him?

I asked him 5 specialists and got very interesting answers. I am sure you will also be useful to you.

The question of kindergarten is now very ambiguous, I will try to consider it from different sides. I will consider it from the point of view of the elder and from the point of view of the younger.

Let's see what happens at all, from the point of view of the older child.

He was the only one and the last months of her mother's pregnancy was at home and, if he did not go to kindergarten, it was comparable to the summer holidays: waking up not by regime or alarm, but what time it got, calm breakfast, walks, conversations, crafts, cartoons - And all this together with my mother. And then the second was born.
The first months with only a child born for mom are very downloaded: Even if she is an experienced mom, still a month or two after the birth of the younger, there is a sharp difference between meanwhile that Mom paid the oldest (and before the birth of the second one) to the child. It is just a fact that must be considered. If you soften this period, the senior will not feel a sudden "abnormality." Moreover, mitigate precisely on all the parameters for which changes occur: and the time paid to him, and the conversations and a calm breakfast.

And if the elder already goes to the garden? Then he will not see any special changes, but the question is, "and not to leave the older house?" Anyway will arise. From now on and consider what the pros and cons of any solution and how to find a gold mine room.

I always offer to proceed from the features of the child himself before making decisions that he is * DR * ujnaya-Semy * will be better for him.

First, let's see what kind of child gives a kindergarten:
- Meeting with other children (including the ability to solve conflicts, which is important);
-Reply (what at home we are most often attached so strictly);
- Systematic classes (this does not apply to kindergartens, who already work under the program "Success" - But this is a very separate topic);
- Meeting with other adults (not parents and relatives)

These were the pros. But there are also disadvantages:
-The regret, not uncommon in the spring-autumn period, when children are in the kindergarten with snaps, transmitting bottled bottles to spout;
- 20-25 children in the group The probability of an individual approach in learning is very small;
-Necause children in the kindergarten do not like fundamentally (these are more often children who are internally capable of such massive communication, which, if you can put it, look like "chamber music" - it sounds only in small groups).

Now you can draw conclusions:
If you have a child who avoids mass communication and have a circle of peers with which he communicates and without a kindergarten, then he will be better with you. And you can always agree with him that "now I am busy small, but then we will deal with you ..."

If the elder child may get sick and bring home infection from kindergarten, then you should not risk the health of two children.

If the child is socially active or strive for leadership, then the house for him will be "few spectators and interlocutors", in this case he needs a kindergarten. True, always the holiday is, if you take it from there early.

If in kindergarten in kindergarten, good educators and a strong program (and the child like classes) - don't deprive it. In this case, the kindergarten he needs.

And now let's try to summarize:

You are my mother, and you know your child well. If your elder does not have a pronounced desire for leadership and a variety of diverse communication, then he will be better at home. If he has, then let him go to kindergarten, and you can pick it up after sleep. There, he will find a way to implement pyli deposits, and at home for him it will be very difficult.

However, you soberly and understand that the first couple of months will be difficult with newborn baby and older at the same time. If you can pass this period without strong overloads for yourself (you are also restored after delivery), then let the eldest stay at home. If not something perceive the kindergarten as a temporary assistant. True, consider that if the elder did not attend kindergarten before, he will perceive it as a "link and ophu." In this case, the kindergarten is better replaced by a nanny.

After this pair of months, it becomes easier with a small one, there will be more time and there will be no such load. And if you can do with both (and not just turn on the older cartoons or say, "go play"), then there will be no problems. By six months, the little one already crawls and the eldest with him is already interesting: the eldest learns love and patience, and a little learn from the older. The only request is: do not turn the older nurse in order not to break their friendship and affection for each other.

The only thing that would be noted is classes: if you can with the eldest child to do at home full, then you know that the garden classes are no better learning. Around the contrary: at home, in the "Miliary" environment, the child is learning and faster and easier.

In general, what is in this whole article: watch your child. You solve the task with three components: how will it be better than the eldest, as it will be better to you and how it will be better. And you just need to find a reasonable combination of all this, to find compromises. And it is best to do this, based on the characteristics of the child.

To be honest, I never considered the garden with something necessary for the child and no arguments of other people were convinced of me. I personally know the children who honestly went into kindergarten from three years old and as they were closed, and remained so. And to say that Sadikovsky experience somehow helps them * D * Rujnaya-S * at school, I can not. Also, I also know several children who were not in the garden, but one of them is Ataman in any company, including now in the classroom in school, and the teacher will not appeal on the girl.

Children are able to successfully grow with the garden, and without it. It depends on very and very many factors.

The decision to send a child to the garden should not be presented as a massive and universal. This is purely individually in each case.

How easy the child goes into the garden depends on so many factors that it would be not realistic to state them even within one book. But a sensitive mother may well determine whether the child needs a garden for which the child is ready and whether it will be ready for it.

So to be or not to be kindergarte - only a mother should solve, relying in his decision not on the opinions and intimidation of other people, but for their intuition and their "child sense".

Of course, everything that I wrote does not apply to the situation when a child should go to the garden due to the fact that mom needs to work. This is a completely different story.

Alexander Kuznetsov, Children's Psychologist, Author of the Popular Portal of Education Doktorpapa.Ru (full text)

"How?" - you ask. - "What about socialization, accounting to the rules, preparation for school?" My friends, all this you can teach a child yourself, in the natural environment of his home home, without giving a child to a kindergarten, where (with rare exceptions) it will be one of 25-30 for himself on the care of a person for him, about The kindness and qualifications of which you most likely have a rather vague representation. If you give a child to kindergarten, you make other reasons, then I ask you, weigh everything for and against once again. That's what you follow to keep in mind, taking the final decision.
Up to 4 years, the child is not expressed with the motive of communicating with peers. "Socialization" before this age is ineffective. Before the child there are other development tasks. This will tell you any children's psychologist (and will even call what kind of tasks).
The lack of proper personal attention to the child because of a large number of children in the group may lead to the fact that the child will "bring" from the garden not so much new knowledge and skills as bad habits and defects in person. Durability, bad words and gestures, a shaded feeling of self-esteem and self-confidence, due to systematic attacks on him, some "bad" in a group or a screaming and hard educator - a common thing. Do you think to give a child to a kindergarten, so that the cruel "truth of life" did it stronger? Believe me, at this age the result will be the opposite. To train your power in stressful situations, your child must first absorb her. Guess the source? Your love. Before she created in the child the inner rod of confidence in herself, stress does not make it stronger, but only his personality is urged.

If you are thinking to send a child to a kindergarten to 3.5 years old, know that most children at this age are not ready for separation with mom. Children think * Drujnay * a-s * Emya.RU that mother threw them, she can no longer be trusted. It can change the identity of a child once and for all, having folded his sense of basic safety, and putting the beginning of diffuse anxiety, flawlessness and dependence. You can not see such an injury at once, but you will definitely see the consequences in the future.

Gloves and infections. It often turns out that giving a child to kindergarten, you are in a situation where, during the year, the child is in the garden for no more than a few weeks - the rest of the time he is sick at home. Immature immune system + stress unfamiliar and often hostile setting \u003d often a sick child and / or chronic diseases.
Increased danger of injury. The reason is the same overcrowding of kindergartens and, as a result, not wonder.

Bribes. If you are not allowed to paint the walls or a new roof, then to your child may be referred accordingly.
Low qualifications (with rare exception) educators. Without going into details, I will only say that very small part of them teaches children to the Children: the ability to think (this is not at all what to learn to read and count), sympathize, to believe in your own strength, to communicate effectively, to learn and cooperate with others. Why the child "Preparing for School", if it is not based on these basic skills?

This list can be continued. If you still decided to give the baby to kindergarten, think good things, do you know enough of those people whose hands do you pass your most expensive treasure? Are you confident in their patience, kindness and qualifications? So if you really do not have the opportunity to postpone the kindergarten for a year, giving a little bit to grow a little and the body and soul, or in general, to do it yourself?

Understand me correctly, I'm not against kindergartens at all. There are perfectly equipped kindergartens with small groups and talented and kind teachers, but unfortunately, such extremely few. Think, in whose hands you give a child, and whether it is ready for this test for 2-3 years. If the majority easily gives a child to a kindergarten, it does not mean that it is correct. We are accustomed to this disgrace simply because it is distributed. The conviction of the need to certainly give the child to the kindergarten is like caries: is extremely common, but is he the norm?

Do you need to walk a child in kindergarten?

It happens, it seems to parents that the child is not needed at all. And the baby can be taught everything at home. Parents are in no hurry to give the crumb into the garden, and the child himself does not really want.

But still, the child needs to visit the kindergarten, and he is just necessary for him. And in order for the kindergarten to become a favorite place for your baby, you need your positive attitude and understanding why you need to go to the kindergarten.

It is important that parents understand that communication is the necessary component of the child's harmonious development. Then the crude will be easier to get used to the kindergarten. And if you find it right, the baby will go to the kindergarten with great pleasure.

Kindergarten gives child communication

From 3-4 years old, and from 4 - quite exactly, the child needs communicating with peers. This kid needs to be provided. After all, if the child does not go to the kindergarten, it will greatly impede his infusion in the school team.

In the kindergarten, children during the game learn to defend their interests, to show character, find friends and establish relationships. Also, which is very important, in kindergarten, a child learns to communicate with outsided adults. Learn to trust them, acquires experience.

And this experience of communicating with educators helps the baby to avoid difficulties in establishing relations with school teachers.

In the kindergarten, the child begins to understand that, except for parents and relatives, there are adults, whose opinions need to be listened. Often they have to obey.

Child learns to fulfill the rules

In kindergarten, the child gets used to perform certain general rules. Learn to behave in society so as not to cause inconvenience to others.

In the end, the child in the garden truly finds out that such a discipline is in the positive sense of the word. That is, the baby in the kindergarten learned to eat and sleep in time, to work on schedule.


You say: What is good here? The child is just flying.
But in fact, if educators experienced and loving children, the rules of the hostel in kindergartens should not be similar to Mashter. In addition, our life is subordinated to certain rules and discipline. So better if the crumb from childhood gets used to such a situation.

Preparation for school

In kindergarten with kids are engaged in drawing, modeling, designing, speech development and many other objects. That is, in the kindergarten, the child develops and intellectually, and physically.

How much is possible to provide the child to the child all the conditions for its proper development? With a big desire, everything is possible.

Psychologists say that parents should be engaged in intellectual and physical development. After all, the child will take knowledge from his relative and close person.

But at home to create a baby, all the necessary conditions for social development is unlikely to succeed even by the most loving parents. After all, the team is necessary for this.

On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

Consultation for parents "Your child goes to kindergarten"

How to use the movement of parents by hand with a child in a kindergarten for learning his safety? In some countries, such as England, Japan and Finland, the child's school learning ...

Does the child go to kindergarten?

We all come from childhood. So, from kindergarten. Perhaps our parents lived in a certain sense easier than us now. In any case, the words "kindergarten" did not cause severe with ...

There is so much contradictory opinions, beliefs, the sayings on this topic that for the full study of their study, perhaps, not one day and maybe not one week. Therefore, parents who are ready and drive a child in the garden, and not drive, but want to understand how it should be more correct, you need to spend a lot of time to fully study this issue.

If you obviously decided that you would or, on the contrary, do not want to drive a child in kindergarten, we advise you to proceed directly to the study of respective arguments, why you need to or should not give the baby to the children's institution. In any case, you will find a lot of confirmations in the correctness of its decision, whatever it is. Because in reality, a kindergarten for a child can be both good and evil. And this is the most important thing that the loving mother must understand.

However, if you want to take a right decision so that it cannot be harvested in any way, it is still worth spending his time for the deepest study of this issue and familiarize with different points of view on this.

After all, times when children handed over to the garden at mandatory, have long been rushed to the fly. Today, a woman can stay with a child on maternity leave, at least under 3 years old - this regarding the legislative side of the medal. As for the sociological, no one looks crooked on Mom, which "sits at home." Disabled for many reasons for women (and especially young mothers) is a completely normal, natural phenomenon.

In a word, today we have the right to decide by yourself, whether the child needs a kindergarten or not, and especially whether he needs him how this opinion was rooted in society.

Kindergarten: led or not drive

It seems that everything around agree that the extremes are not good, but when it comes to discussing some acute problem, then adhere to the golden middle it turns out almost impossible. So with a kindergarten: there is many opponents and fans, and the mean here cannot be: you have to choose from two options - either not to drive, or drive (path and briefly).

Arguments "For" kindergarten

Oh, how many in the network walks narrations about how different moms raise their children! Some do not even disturb even get up in the morning when the baby woke up, and others with a head plunge into care for the child, sometimes for a few days a row without having a free minute at least hairstyles.

But what is interesting: those and others may be rightful. And if you decide to send a child to a kindergarten or consider the upbringing option of his home, at least until school age achieve, then your solution in each individual case can also be true or erroneous.

To avoid mistakes, you need to think about everything well and analyze. Let's start with the arguments "for" a kindergarten who express teachers, psychologists and ordinary parents:

  1. The child must pass "socialization." Even if he did not attend kindergarten, shortly before departure to school it is recommended to still take it into the Sadikov group for a short time - for several hours every day.
  2. In each child, Nature laid a sense of public: he wants to play with other children, to be among the peers, do something together with them, team. And kindergarten is suitable for this, as it is impossible.
  3. The baby in kindergarten will play and communicate with other children regularly and communicate with other friends, will learn and develop.
  4. Housing conditions are far from all families allow crumb to play and frolic, play sports or creativity at home. And in a kindergarten is a mandatory component of the regime.
  5. The child's stay in kindergarten is a natural step towards developing independence, which is very difficult to teach at home very and very difficult. Children deftly manipulate adults and instantly learned to eat and fall asleep on their own, as soon as grandmother comes to guests from afar.
  6. In the garden, the crumb is disciplined, and at home allows himself not to obey. There are often cases when the baby in the garden "and eats better, and sleeps in the afternoon - and do not force at home!".
  7. The kindergarten has a strict mode - sleep, rest, food meals. Even if you managed to establish your mode of home, it turns out not always: it was detained on the market, then the girlfriend met for a walk, then someone came to visit.
  8. Many lonely (and not only) Mama has to go to work shortly after delivery to provide themselves and the child. And the kindergarten is the only way to "attach" crumb to working hours, because finding a well-paid work at home can be a little.

Kindergarten must be comfortable for a child and in some way even remind of a family, where the role of his mother takes a teacher: Loving, understanding and ready to always come to the rescue. Eh, so in every garden ...

Arguments "Against" kindergarten

Agree, many arguments "for" kindergarten can be found convincing and rational. But do not rush with the conclusions. Perhaps the arguments of "against" will be more convincing for you:

  1. Socialization again. In the family, it passes more smoothly and harmoniously, and very often even more "correct." After all, the family for the kid is his first society that is firmly connected with the "big" society, and therefore the child observes how adults and other children behave and transfers these behaviors into society.
  2. Tradition to drive kids to the garden is a negative consequence of the once created system. Even if the mother can stay with the baby at home, even if he receives a huge stress because of this, falling asleep and waking up with tears in his eyes, we still drive it into the garden, because "so do everything", and it is very convenient.
  3. The mode offered in kindergarten almost always does not coincide with the biological rhythms of each individual children's body. And at home, the kid has the opportunity to live according to its own regime, which is comfortable and does not harm. The biological mode is always a variable, that is, it allows small changes and corrections, since it depends on the whole set of diverse factors (health, mood, weather, etc.).
  4. Regarding independence, it just becomes at home, and naturally. Because the child does not obey the obligatory rules, very often not accepted and not understandable. He has the right to decide when he wake up and go to bed, what to play and what to do, to go to the street at this time, that he is and is there anyway. Of course, if you let him. In the kindergarten, he is forced to obey, and not make decisions.
  5. Toddler separation for 2-3 years with parents is a huge stress for him that has a negative impact and mental, and physical health. It was during this period that the crumbs formed confidence in the outside world. Relief of the baby from Mom is a great test for him. The child needs emotional security, in mom's love, warmth and affection, especially in the face of a new one's stranger for him. And since the children in the group are a lot, the educator cannot take on these functions in each individual case - you need to distribute your attention to all.
  6. Some children get tired of a large number of people, noise, crowding. They want to be alone, relax, relax, do a favorite thing, and not by what ordered. And this also injures their psyche and victites physical health. It is not surprising that the baby begins to hurt constantly: the younger, the strongest the relationship between its emotional sphere and the level of immunity.
  7. The requirement and negotiation is "by the clock" generates problems with the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system of the Sadikovsky child.
  8. The baby who came to the children's team always begins to hurt: who more often, who is less common, but a certain adaptation period is held all - children's immunity inevitably decreases for a period. Even the "Nesadikovsky" children are sick with viral and infectious diseases, and at this time Mom is obliged to be near and treat the child.
  9. Faced with an unusual behavior of other children (arrogance, sidikovsky, aggression, deception, etc.), the child of Sadikovsky age is not able to objectively assess the situation and the behave meaningfully, consciously. As a result, he is either more stronger, habitual to such a order of things and perceiving it as proper, or moves to the side of "bad" and adapts his bad behavioral manner.
  10. The child must communicate with children of different ages to develop harmoniously and naturally. Among other things, it teaches to evaluate the past and predict the future.
  11. Up to seven years, the child builds a family model in his presentation. And since it is a whole day in kindergarten, then maybe he will understand which rules and laws act in the team, but family values, traditions and relationships will remain an abnormal virgin virgin, which he swears through the entire adulthood and which will then become real An obstacle in building their own family.
  12. Modern gardens adhere to the subordination model of relations between adults and children. And therefore, a little ground, not learned to cooperate with adults, discuss issues on equal and reach agreements, the child begins to rebel against "slavery" or clogged in himself, knowingly taking his "inferiority."
  13. The child in the garden is taught to "be, like everyone else", imitate each other, while it is very important to develop individuality in it, and harmonious, self-sufficient, free. Sadikovsky kids row under one comb and raised in stereotypes. For a child, it becomes more significant that others will think, and not he feels himself.
  14. All children are different on temperament. What a choleric has already done, then the phlegmatic is still planning, and in the garden they are forced to wait, the second is endlessly hurry ... From here, there are complexes, uncertainty, "loser syndrome", inability to plan and properly dispose of their time and other consequences.
  15. We can not be one hundred percent sure even in the best educators! And to work with several dozen completely different, but the same children are impossible without mental disorders and violations in the end. What can be said that many go to the education is not by vocation ...
  16. A child raising at home grows more kind, understanding, open, calm, balanced, confident and (surprising) more educated!

In general, all the advantages of home education can be accommodated in one phrase: even the most lazy and evil mother for the child is better than a good teacher.

What mothers to be, to solve us, not children. Moreover: we give a few years of living together with your own child, which is not needed at all. And yet: harmony, utility, the success of the child almost entirely depends on how much he loves and accept (as it is) in his own family.

Of course, this is not the entire list of advantages and disadvantages of a child of a kindergarten. And, undoubtedly, you do not have to share all points. But some conclusions from them can be done.

Kindergarten - for a child?

And now let's find ourselves honestly: Can a child visited the kindergarten, stay hotly and gently beloved with his parents and, on the contrary, not stirred in their attention and not deprived of joint pastime? Or maybe a child raising at home, develop harmoniously, grow sociable and restrained, demonstrate independence and patientness in relation to others, to be disciplined and so on?

Of course! In the same way, as the remaining home, the baby may not surcharge parental attention and love, and the child who visits the child's institution is to remain spoiled and uncontrollable. Actually, this is enough to make a decision, but we want to note something else.

Mom is undoubtedly the first person. Mom has the right to personal happiness. And any mom will be happy if happy will be her child. But often we forget to ask what he wants.

For some moms, happiness is also the right to personal space, on your own hobbies, for free time, career growth and just a minute of loneliness, when she can devote his thoughts to himself or do nothing (not all mothers like the gingerbread furnace and embroider napkins).

For others, this is not an estimated sacrifice, the right to think and tell everyone around than mom sacrifices for his child, which high fee pays and that it refuses to make money in favor of care of the child and its development! And, by the way, many psychologists consider such "perversions" certainly not less manifestation of egoism than the desire for their own life, free from cooking, cleaning and daily crafts of creative works.

But the main thing, in the end, so that everyone remains satisfied. If the baby suffers from a kind of kindergarten, and Mom all his creature strive as much as possible and take time with him longer, then why not? If the child is happy to go to the garden and is looking forward to the end of the vacation or speedy recovery to go to the favorite garden, and the mother enjoys communicating with other people, fulfilling his favorite work, classes with their hobby, then why not?

Of course, it would be better if a system of pre-school education would have established some changes. After all, the rules in the gardens for modern kids 2-3 years are not very suitable. But the child of five years could feel more or less confident and comfortable. But here's the problem: it is already unrealistic to arrange it in the garden at such age, because all the places in the group have long been busy. And therefore, you have to choose (for those who can afford to choose): Either give the child to a kindergarten at the age of about three years, or not to give away ...

Find such an algorithm to solve the equation "Does the child need a kindergarten?" So that everyone is good! But, of course, the interests of the child should always remain above all. And be happy!

Especially for - Larisa Necrob

What is good in kindergarten?

Does the child go to kindergarten? They say, "home" children are very difficult adapting at school, because they are not used to being in the team.

Until recently it was believed that kindergarten is a truly necessary link In the development of each child. And indeed, "Home" kids often struggled to school regulations, Communication rules adopted in the peer group. Perhaps these difficulties were explained primarily by the fact that such children were very small, the overwhelming majority were exactly the "chiking" children. Often, children moved entire groups from the "yard" kindergarten to the same "yard" (that is, in the microdistrict) school. And if the child got into the same class, who spent the first seven years of life under her mother and grandmother's wing, he, of course, had to be shed.

Today, the situation is different. Children who never visited the kindergarten stopped being an exception. In addition, the very concept of "kindergarten" today is not so unambiguous as before. In addition to the standard State Children's Garden, there are a number of other options for "Employment" Rezcherenka. So in the first class, children come with the most diverse "luggage": someone went to ordinary kindergarten, someone in some kind of development center, and someone and nanny sitting at home.

And now they became heard at first timid, but the voices of those who took upon themselves the courage to say: "Home" children are no worse than the "kindergarten". Of course, everywhere there are exceptions, but in general, the child, educated at home, and not in the "institution", may well be the same developed, independent, initiative and sociable, as well as the pupil of kindergarten. Another thing is that for this, parents should not just "store" precious child at home, and work on developmentin it all these qualities.

What exactly gives visit to a kindergarten to a child?

First of all - the possibility communication with peers, Inclusion in the group. You can be convinced individualists, closed and uncommunicable, but you need to remember: approximately starting from three years (and from four - absolutely exactly!) The child needs to communicate with other children. And this opportunity, you must provide him. When a child in kindergarten in kindergarten learn to communicate not only with other children, but also with adults. Before the start of school age, parents, of course, remain the only truly authoritative adults in the life of the child. But the experience of communicating with educators in kindergarten helps a child to avoid difficulties in establishing relations with school teachers. The baby learns that in addition to mom there are other adults, whose beliefs need to be listened, and sometimes and simply obey. With this point, the other is naturally connected: in kindergarten, the child meets certain rules of behavior and learns to observe them. The word "discipline" in many of us causes a rather negative attitude, since it is associated with the "equalizing" Mutter, adopted in the gardens, and in schools of the Soviet era. But if you get distracted from these associations and understand the word "discipline", only the ability to adhere to the necessary rules of the human dormitories, it should be recognized: these skills are needed. Finally, in kindergarten, the child receives opportunities for intellectual and physical development. Strictly speaking, the standard educational programs adopted in state kindergartens leave much to be desired: in many ordinary kindergartens, classes are not enough, and they are not at the highest level. The child's "kindergarten" of the child is not enough. In any case, parents should deal with the baby themselves. But if the "home" child is spent exclusively in front of the TV screen, then in kindergarten he, of course, will get incomparably more. Drawing, modeling, design, speech development, musical classes and physical education - this minimum "Gentlemansky set" will provide the most simple state garden. If you are lucky and you will find a truly good kindergarten (there are both state-owned) with a good, extensive program, you can expect that your baby will truly interestingly.

Home children others? We disassemble the main questions

1. Can I have at home to provide the child all the conditions necessary for its harmonious development without giving him to kindergarten?

In principle, this is possible. But only in the event if you are really ready for this very and very serious work. The most difficult thing in home education is, perhaps, not intellectual or physical development of the child. Just in these directions, the caring and educated mother can give the child much more than classes in kindergarten. It is much more difficult to create a baby all the necessary conditions for social development.

Above, we have already talked about the main advantages of kindergarten: the child gets the opportunity to communicate with peers and with others, in addition to parents, adults, learns to behave "in society", follow the rules. And if you do not want to give the baby to the kindergarten, you need to think carefully how exactly you give the child these opportunities.

2. Does the "home" child need friends?

The home child must spend a lot of time on playgrounds, playing with other children. In addition, it is very desirable to provide him with some permanent friend-peer - and better, several friends. You need to carry it to visit and invite other children to your home.

3. Communication with adults is necessary!

This task is quite feasible. But you can not forget about another important moment - communication child with adults.It is no secret that women who prefer to sit at home with children until it comes to go to school, often distinguished by an increased sense of parental debt and the desire to certainly be perfect mothers. Some rather unfavorable consequences flow from this commendable aspiration: such mothers are almost always convinced that they simply do not have the right to entrust her precious baby to someone outsider (and all other people often fall into the category of "outsiders" - including the nearest girlfriends , and grandparents).

If you do not give a child in a kindergarten because you do not trust caregivers and think that no one, besides you, cannot be able to handle the child, find the right approach to it, - you need to urgently change this point of view! Of course, the child can not be given in the first hands. But it is impossible to limit his world only with its own person too. You need to understand that the child needs experience with other adults, in addition to mom - Let even this mom really best in the world!

Do not want to send a beltenious child to kindergarten - give it to some circle, section, game group. Agree with someone from your girlfriends, that from time to time your child will spend the day with her. The best - if among your friends there are the same young moms as you. You can make a "visiting schedule", take turns by taking other kids. Let your private "kindergarten" "works" just a few hours a day, at least a couple of times a week: it will already bring to the kids much benefit. They will learn to communicate with each other, and there will be a little to get used to the fact that it sometimes falls not only to mom.

Suitable age: Does it make sense to give a child in Nursery?

The most optimal age for the exit "into the light" is four years. Yes, yes, not less! And please try not to listen to the persistent advice of experienced grandmothers, who are always ready to explain to us that "the sooner, the better - will get used to fast!" Because it is not true.

One-year-old carapausOf course, it can "get used to" to the fact that for some reason a favorite mammy replaced someone else's, not too affectionate aunt. Get used to - it means to accept and silently suffer, responding to the stress "only" frequent colds and other diseases, poor mood, a decrease in interest in the world around. Such passive resistance is far from a pione, it is very negatively reflected on the further emotional, intellectual and physical development of the kid.

Today the kids take the kids only from one and a half years. But it is - extremely early! A year and a half - age when only starts to weaken the so-called separation alarm. Simply put, the baby is still too strongly tied to the mother and very painfully reacts to her absence, and equally, on the emergence of other people's people, especially if they are trying to approach him too close.

It's no secret that best of all in the nursery adapts "unfavorable" kids, that is, those who do not live too well at home. This perfectly know teachers of kindergartens. They talk with sadness that in each group there are one or two kids who do not want to leave the kindergarten in the evenings: parents come, name from the threshold of the group, and the child ... turns his back, hides behind the shelf with toys. And the point here is not at all that the baby "played", too fascinated by some kind of important little babies.

For a two-way Karapuz, meeting with mom, the opportunity to cling to her stronger and not to let go anywhere - the most important thing, by definition, by virtue of age features. Since this age, the fear of unfamiliar adults is gradually smoothed, but it does not disappear even for quite a long time (although different kids are very different from each other). Interest in other children wakes up in babies only to three years. At the same time, at first they stretch to comrades older than themselves, then they begin to be interested in those who love, and only last of all pay attention to their peers.

So, nursery can be justified only by the most extreme necessity. Before you decide to give a child to a nursery, you need to go through all possible options to leave the baby at home. Look for homework, try to negotiate with familiar mothers about what you will be in turn "grazing" of your kids. Believe me, there are no hopeless situations and, if you wish, you can always have our own as the alternative to the nursery.

Two year old It's a little easier for a child to the nursery. The general rule remains the same - early! But from this rule already there are quite a few exceptions. By two years, the kid can be really very sociable, And if the kindergarten (first of all the educators!) It will be good, perhaps the child will like it there. In any case, you can try to take a child in Nursery, if you have already convinced that it does not experience fear of other children and adults, has the necessary self-service skills (knows how to use the pot, it can have independently), without much suffering experiences your absence.

At the same time you must watch the behavior, the mood of the baby, his health. If you see that your two-year apartment is difficult to adapt to the nursery, "in no case insist, do not persist in your intention to teach him to the" institution "right now. The saying "Cuts - Will Slight" in this case does not work!The negative experience of visiting the nurse will refive later: after a year or another, when the "homemade" kids will come to the group and adapt to the kindergarten without any problems, your baby will continue to take a kindergarten as a settling place, will often sow, cry in the morning and Evenings.

In our case, such folk wisdom is applicable: "Miser pays twice". After sending a two-year-old kid to Nursery, who is not ready for this, you will not win anything. Exit to work will result in regular hospital. It is much more wiser to spend time with the time: gradually, without a rush, but persistently and consistently cook the baby to the kindergarten. Such a "attachment" of your time, your care will pay off to the fullest. Let it sound trite, but still: what could be more expensive than the health of a beloved child - as physical and psychological?

Some moms give two-year-old kids in Nursery not because it is very necessary to go to work, but from "pedagogical" considerations:they say, in the group of the child will be involved in independent, he will develop faster, etc. Yes, communicating all day with other people's aunts and being only one of the fifteen-twenty of the same karapusov, your child will probably learn to keep a spoon and tighten the pants faster than his "home" peers. But is it important in itself?At home, he also learns independence, mastering all these necessary household skills - how else? This, of course, requires your attention, your work and your patience.

Let's speak honestly. Leading kid to nursery, we can not even dream of some individual approach, respect for the identity of the child, etc. With children's children's gardens, and here nursery can not be considered a place useful for the child.

And the age features of a two-year-old child, and the quality of our nursery, in general, lead to this conclusion: wait, do not rush! Proved that pupils of the nursery are often subsequently distinguished by less initiative in decision making.Since activity and emotionality are largely laid in the first years of life.

A child who is badly accustomed to the nursery or kindergarten does not necessarily demonstrate it explicitly. He can behave quite obedient and even submissive, expressing his experiences with some kind of indirect way. The most common form of passive resistance of yasery kids is frequent colds.

But there are other moments to which you need to pay attention. This is a dream, appetite, child's behavior in the evenings, after the kindergarten. At first, after the start of visiting a nursery or kindergarten, such "charms" as a decrease in appetite, difficulties with falling asleep and even crying at night, home whims and a somewhat reduced or irritable mood can be considered "normal". But if after three or four weeks, the position of affairs does not improve, we can say that the child does not adapt to kindergarten or nursery.

In this case, the kid is desirable to get rid of the garden to the next year, and if it is absolutely impossible - try to soften his situation: leave him only half a day, to arrange an extra day in the middle of the week, look for a garden or a nursery with fewer children in a group.

These recommendations may seem too realistic. Nevertheless, the experience of many mothers shows that if desired, they can be performed. And the efforts justify themselves, because as a result you retain the spiritual well-being of the child, and therefore, and its own.

At what age does the child best go to kindergarten?

We have already begun to answer this question. Repeat again: the most psychologists consider the optimal age today four years,and quite permissible - three. To three years babyit is no longer afraid to remain for some time without mom, it begins to be interested in communication with other children, has self-service skills. But truly enjoying the game with peers it will be only closer to four years.

The ideal option is gradually, without a rush and having to begin tight requirements to acquaint a child with a kindergarten three to three and a half years.At first, walk with him for walking together with the kindergarten group, then leave him in the kindergarten afternoon.

If it will be quite quickly discovered that the child does not mind spending time in a new setting, you can go to the usual visit to the kindergarten. If the kid does not express special delights - there is nothing terrible in that up to four years he will visit the garden on the "gentle" regime.

It is not necessary to worry about the fact that he will go back in something from his peers. It is necessary that after three years he did not remain in a closed home space, one on one with her mother or grandmother, and gradually expanded the borders of the friend.

The child does not want to go to the garden at all ...

Is it any child to teach to the kindergarten?

Some children doctors, psychologists and parents are called - " nesavikovye". What is behind this definition? Are there any children who cannot adapt to the kindergarten under any circumstances?

Honestly, such children probably not. The only question is how much effort needs to be attached to the child and his parents so that adaptation to the kindergarten takes place, and whether these efforts are justified, that is, you need to make them.

By how babies adapt to the kindergarten, they can be divided into three groups:

First group - Children who react to the change of the situation by the real nervous breakdown. It is almost always addicted by frequent colds; Second group - Children not showing signs of nervous overvoltage, "just" beginners often sick. Third group - These are kids who are accustomed to kindergarten without any problems and difficulties.

So here each second child refers to the first or second group. Does it mean that only half of the children who go to the kindergarten has a chance to "get along" there, and everyone else should sit at home before school age? Of course not.

In most cases, the problems of adaptation are solvable, and this is not required for this very much time. Kindergarten - stress for the child, but stress is quite overcome.Only the baby must necessarily help cope with this new and very serious experience. Such a large number of children experiencing difficulties in adapting to the kindergarten is largely due to their unpreparedness to a new way of life. You can not throw a child in an unfamiliar situation, as in the water, based on the fact that it will immediately learn to "swim". It is worth paying the time in advance and attention to the preparations for visiting the kindergarten, and then your baby is likely to be in the third, prosperous group.

The child can not get used to the kindergarten. What is this explained and what can be done?

Indeed, in some cases even careful preliminary work does not help. Contrary to all your efforts and good intentions, the child continues to protest against a kindergarten visit in one form or another. What is the matter?

First of all, the baby maybe has not yet achieved suitable age (This question we discussed in detail above). The rome of how already mentioned, the child's attitude to the kindergarten can be strong spoiled by the unsuccessful experience of visiting a nursery. The conditional reflex can be triggered here: even a small child remembers (at least on the subconscious, emotional level), that in these walls he was already and felt bad. If the reason is precisely as follows, it is best to postpone the exit "in the light" for another time (at least half a year), continuing during this period to keep in touch with the kindergarten - go for walks, make friends at the "neutral territory" with someone from the kids who go to the same group. The farms in the adaptation to the kindergarten may be due and temperament baby. Temperament is a congenital characteristic, it cannot be changed, but "but", unfortunately, can be suppressed, to distort violent. Male Sanguins usually adapt to a new situation quite safely, but choler and phlegmatic people often have to be not easy. Children with choleric temperament turn out to be too active and noisy, but no longer suffer from slow fighters - they simply do not have time for the rest. And in the kindergarten it is important - to keep in foot: on time to eat, get dressed or undressed, perform some kind of task ...

Basic Rules for Mom Kindergarten

Carefully watch your baby, ask the teacher about how exactly the child spends the day in the group. And if you decide that difficulties in adaptation are related to the "uncomfortable" for the garden with temperament, be sure to discuss it with educators. Explain that the baby behaves "inappropriate" the manner is not because something is to blame, but because it can not differently.

Feel free to be persistent and solid, telling educators,that your karapuza-phlegmatics in no way can be constantly torn, customized, and even more so scold for slowness. Tell them (and, of course, keep in mind) that under pressure from adults, a phlegmatic child only becomes even more slow and passive.

Its nervous system functions in such a way that when overpressing stimulation is generally included " emergency braking", and the child flows into the real prostration. But if such a child is not disturbed, he knows how to bring started to the end, calm and balanced, neat and reliable. As for slowness, as the child's growing and development and development, it will be gradually smoothed. The pace of work phlegmatics will still be somewhat reduced Compared to Sanguines and especially choleric - pace, but not effectiveness! While hurry choleric twice pulls all the clothes inside out and upstairsAnd the teacher will finally change it correctly, the phlegmatic child will just have time, but it's right and neatly fasten all the buttons and even, maybe tie a lace.

All this certainly needs to be explained to teachers to remember: the smaller they pull and rush your "Ticker", the faster it "leveled", Get used to the setting of a kindergarten and will begin to do everything you need.

And what to do with those the most rigid cholerwhich no seconds are sitting in place and generally often resemble a little tornado? It is clear that such a temperament does not cause special enthusias from teachers in kindergarten. But again, it is necessary to talk to the staff and explain that the baby "buffs" is not due to lack of education, but by virtue of the innate features of the person. Tell me educatorsThat your "hurricane" child would be good if possible to occupy any active activity. If he spread toys, then probably with the same pleasure and speed will gather them - if you ask him, and not to force it. As a rule, in kindergartens, children are still allowed to move quite freely - run and jump (allowed at least because it is impossible to force twenty-three years long and quietly sit on the chairs!).

If you get very rigorous educators who demand from children so that they stand in one place in one place or went backwards with couples - what, in this case best search for other educators. (This, by the way, applies not only to the problems of choleric children! Mutra, suppression, rigid restriction of natural activity is harmful to any child, regardless of temperament.)

Finally, in search of the reasons for bad adaptability of the child to the garden, think about what: do you easily adapt to new conditions?Do you like to stay in noisy companies? If the child grows in the society of closed, few sociable parents, then, most likely, he himself will prefer quiet games alone. This kid can really be contraindicated in such a kid, but at the same time it cannot be left in isolation in any way! It certainly needs to be "to light", although it is unobtrusive and neatly, small "doses". It is very nice to identify such a "rejection" into the game group in which few children and where it is not necessary to spend the whole day.

Who better stay at home?

In the usual, standard kindergarten should not be loosened, often ill(Also before any kindergarten!) Kids, as well as kids with an unstable nervous system. This does not mean that such children can not be sent anywhere. Just need to take into account that if your baby is not too healthy, it means its increased sensitivity, vulnerability. It is necessary to approach him with extreme caution, and the kindergarten to choose even more carefully than in the case of "ordinary" (if only there are in the world!) Child. There are special healthy kindergartens, but you should not rely on the name: if there are fifteen people in a group and one educator into two shifts - a great recreation effect, visit such a garden will not bring your croching.

If you do not plan to spend the coming years on the hospital care for the child, set aside the dreams of the kindergarten and start alone "Relax" kid: Watch out for its mode and nutrition, walk more, if you allow doctors - start hardening. Try to find opportunities for the child at least a couple of times a week visited some "school of development", gaming group. If this is not possible, at least choose him to visit him, so that he will be broken down by "from you, learned that the world around is wide and is not dangerous

Many modern mothers are in a hurry to go to work and kindergarten for their kids is inevitable. In the same families, where to look after the child there is someone, the question with the preschool institution is solved in different ways. Some adults remember their own negative experience and refuse to execute their son or daughter in kindergarten, others opposite believe that socialization is necessary, and life in the team will best prepare the baby to school.

What is the position right? Do you need to drive a child in kindergarten? It is worth understanding these issues. We will consider the pros and cons of the usual kindergarten, the question of preparing for school, as well as we give the opinions of specialists.

If mom or other relative has the opportunity to be at home with a child, the kindergarten question is solved in different ways

Pluses of visiting pre-school institution

There are many arguments that usually lead the supporters of the kindergarten. We list the main of them:

  • The main and most obvious plus visits to the preschool institution are the possibility of communicating with peers. A child in the team to learn to communicate, hops his society. Already in two years, kids are beginning to be interested in peers and learn to play together. Disputes and quarrels raise the ability to compromise in children, recognize their guilt and find real friends.
  • In the team, the immunity of the baby is exposed to a powerful attack that he trains him and makes stronger. Kids 2-5 years often infect infectious diseases. Pediatricians believe that it is better to pass into infectious diseases in childhood to earn immunity to them. Windmill, steam and rubella are much easier tolerated in preschool age and rarely give complications.
  • Any institution for children must correspond to the main parameters: have enough space for games, it should have a room equipped for sleep. Children learn, dance and sing, teachers, speech therapists are engaged in them, there is a regular psychologist. In addition, there is a training program for school, which takes into account all the nuances.
  • The garden helps his pupil to become autonomous. Often it is here, away from Mom, you have to learn to dress yourself, walking on a pot on time, eat a spoon and use a towel (we recommend reading :). The tutor is only one and wait for the guardianship from him akin to the fact that the baby sees at home, does not have to. The word "want" or "give" no longer so often sounds from the mouth of the mother pet. So you need to learn to do many things yourself.

In the garden, the child becomes part of the team, learns to be friends and communicate

What else is an undoubted advantage?

Above we listed the most obvious advantages of a standard kindergarten. There are also less noticeable things that any parent of the Sadikovsky child can realize:

  • Children get used to the regime, which is well affected by health and general development. In addition, teachers require kids to adhere to the rules of behavior in the team. Thanks to the mode and permanent example of one-label, children surrounded by peers eat better and sleep, and also faster dress up for a walk. Usually, the kindergarten child is more disciplined than the one that grows under the supervision of the mother or the incoming nanny.
  • Modern children already at 2-3 years old spend a lot of time in the virtual world or watching cartoons. It is in the team of peers under the supervision of the teacher, a small person is reliably fenced from computers, tablets, smartphones. All day, children spend on schedule: instead of cartoons - drawing or laying from plasticine, instead of computer games or the Internet - preparation for the matinee.
  • A good preschool institution for a son or daughter will allow the mother to go to work and increase their material well-being. In addition, some women need to realize themselves in the team, move along a career ladder, which makes it possible to feel your need not only at home, but also at work. Financially secured, confident in his abilities Mom will not be angry with trifles, and full will be able to give the kid with his love.

In kindergarten, the child will definitely not hold his days at a computer or tablet - there will be many exciting activities for him

Cons of kindergarten

Some moms say: "I don't want to give a child to a kindergarten, I am afraid that he will not be paid enough attention!". In part, it is so, the everyday visit to such a institution is associated with a number of difficulties and many see it many minuses. We will give here a few most obvious:

  • The team of peers is not always the best entourage for a small person. The ability to communicate, find compromises and even be friends quite can be pulled out at home with adults, on the playground. In addition, the child can attend various children's classes - mugs or sections. In the garden, it is often possible for some pressure on the part of the educators, the requirements of "be as everything", the presence in the team leaders. If the kid will be brought up at home, it will avoid stress, which will certainly arise in a new environment, among unfamiliar children and strict educators. It will learn a lot, watching and participating in the current events of his family, instead of replacing real gaming situations.
  • Even the most progressive pre-school institution takes off the child from the family, teaches not to experience too deep attachment to parents. Today, many moms and dads do not know how to communicate with their child and spend time with the family. All wines a persistent belief that children need to constantly distract, look for them entertainment. Any child will be able to play a long time to play independently, being near mom. Sometimes it is long enough to play with the baby, so that for the next half an hour he has found a lesson, fully satisfied with communication with her mother.
  • Independence in the conditions of the children's institution is very conditional. Pupils obey strict rules that do not give them to show themselves. For the educator, the main advantage of each kid is the ability to obey and act in the resulting framework. Mom also prepares his daughter or son to adult life, which is sensitive to his achievements, every time giving him more freedom.

The opportunity to spend time with parents for a child is priceless, and the visit to the kindergarten reduces these watches and minutes

Caring for mental and physiological health - the task of parents

Giving a daughter or son to the garden, many do not think about how it will affect his health. Here we are talking about both physical and psychological aspects. I would like to note that the minuses are significantly outweigh the possible advantages:

  • The famous pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky believes that the child will have a healthy respiratory and cardiovascular system if it spends enough time in the fresh air. At the same time, it is not necessary to undergo a stage of a series of diseases. Frequent colds and infectious diseases that are inevitable in a large children's team, do not always favorably affect the immune and the general state of the preschooler. Each disease is fraught with complications, and regular dropouts from the life of the team do not allow the child to adapt to the kid in its group.
  • In the children's institution discipline - above all. Different pupils are difficult to adjust the order for all. Active kids with difficulty can fall asleep in the allotted time, because they do not have time to calm down before bedtime. It is difficult for them to wake up "call." As a result, they are deprived of a full rest. Each kid has its own biorhythms, according to which it is best to organize classes, sleep or active games. These discrepancies can have a negative impact on the general condition.
  • Sometimes caregivers are quite rude and demand from children instant fulfillment of their requirements. Not a very good teacher, not wanting to understand in children's conflicts, often punishes everyone who does not listen. An impressionable kid may experience stress and even get a psychological injury if it is unfairly punished.
  • Children tend to adopt the behavior of others, and not only adults. In the team you can get a bad example of behavior, learn how to fight or fade - among the peers are quarrels, fights. No mom or educator will be able to protect the obedient child from the influence of aggressive children, unless they disrupt the discipline too rude.

Preparing for school - mandatory part of the program?

What is considered competent training for school? The ability of the preschooler Read, write with printed letters and count on chopsticks? It turns out that when entering school, these skills will not be superfluous, but they are not mandatory. The main thing is that school teachers are oriented - this is the ability to learn: listen, assimilate information, as well as to have developed logical thinking.

It is necessary to think if you need to drive a preschooler in kindergarten for the sake of high-quality school preparation:

  • There is no special program in the garden, which is designed to direct the development of the future student in the right direction. In order to develop the logic, you need to solve special tasks with the child, ask to argue one or another solution. It is also desirable to develop its common outlook and encourage the desire to know the world - it is better to do all this individually.
  • Especially collective pre-school training does not suit children with pronounced individuality. Educators instill pupils the idea that you need to be like everyone else. During creative sessions, children are prescribed to make appliques or sculpt figures on the pattern, draw on the declared topic. If the child loves to fantasize and invent his own games, unusual ways to create paintings, applications, in such conditions will be not easy. For him, the result of classes can be zero.
  • Often in the children's state institution, the school preparation program is somewhat outdated. Every year, the requirements for incoming in the first class are changing, it is better to prepare a future student in accordance with the new demands of teachers.

As you can see, visit the garden exclusively to prepare for school there is no need. Mom can do herself with her preschooler, or to take him to classes a couple of times a week. In a preschool institution, lessons pay quite a bit of time and do not practice an individual approach to each preschooler.

So that the child joins without any problems in the ranks of schoolchildren, preparation must take into account his individual features

What do specialists say?

Parents must independently decide whether a kindergarten needed for their son or daughter - the teacher and psychologist Unionger Anna says so. To make the solution to be suspended, it is desirable to easily appreciate all the advantages and disadvantages of a preschool institution. Those who decided to make up their baby in the garden, it is important to think about how to facilitate the child a period of adaptation to new conditions. Perfectly, if the baby knows how to eat independently, use the pot, dress, can communicate with peers (we recommend reading :). Those families who are experiencing a divorce, recently moved, were replenished with a newborn brother or sister, it is better to pay better with a kindergarten. The child at this moment is experiencing a period of adaptation to new conditions and the kindergarten will become another factor that can cause stress.

According to a famous family psychologist, a writer, a member of the Association of the Family Device "Family for the Child" - Lyudmila Petranovsky, it is desirable to immediately determine for itself the status of a kindergarten. If you perceive it only as a place where you can leave the child to hopelessly, while parents at work, the garden turns into the right, convenient and inexpensive service. If you make overestimated requirements for this institution and expect that a child will qualitatively prepare for school and pay a lot of attention to its development, you can get a negative result. Those parents who need to free up time for work, in kindergarten may well leave the baby, without worrying about its safety and entertainment. Moms and dads, ready to be with your child, communicate with him, play - without kindergarten can well do.

Another position adheres to a psychologist and psychotherapist, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Irina Markodik. Each adult, who visited the garden in childhood, remained memories of him - someone had pleasant, funny, someone - not very, Irina believes. Despite such opposite opinions, kindergarten is necessarily good - the child has been necessary, which has reached 3 years.

The perfect option is to completely abstract from the impressions that kindergarten left the parents in their childhood. It should also take into account the warehouse of the child's personality, his passion and inclinations.

The decision is yours

As you can see, not all experts adhere to a single point of view. Some believe that home education is more uniform, calm and with the right approach allows you to identify and explode individuality in the child, the ability to express your thoughts. Others strongly recommend parents to think about the socialization of the baby and must find him a good caregiver.

Give a clear and unequivocal answer to the question, whether your child needs a kindergarten, impossible. All parents are different and each of them has its own experience visiting the garden. This experience will definitely become one of the weighty arguments in favor of making a decision "for" or "against". However, sometimes it is worth abandoning your own impressions to take a weighted solution. In reality, the garden is a good way to arrange a child for the time while mom is busy. While the baby visits the group, you can not worry about his leisure, regular nutrition and sleep. If parents can look after the child on their own, it is possible to organize creative and developing classes at home. Loving parents are able to give their baby worthy upbringing, as well as provide him with a full and regular communication with peers.

Remember - making a decision, it is necessary or not to give the child to a kindergarten, it is important not only to take into account your own desires and needs. It would be nice to think about the readiness of the child himself, as well as his personal qualities that may not fit into the overall program and the possibility of children's institution.