Toy that is poorly stacked. Child development: modern anti-chairs. Principle of shallow packing

Cut into order in the nursery - the task is not from the lungs! Especially if the child is still small and does not like to help his mother in cleaning issues. How and where to fold toys so that they always be in their places? How to teach the baby to restore order in the room on your own? We reviewed a number of ideas that will help solve these issues!

Many kids love to hide their toys under the bed, in the end there is a whole dump machine, robots, quotes and other items. Not worth it to scold your child or somehow oppose this, you can make storage under the bed comfortable and exciting. To do this, you will need retractable boxes on wheels. They come complete with many children's cribs or sold separately in furniture stores.

Perhaps these are the most democratic and convenient to use storage systems. In textile baskets, you can add the most ordinary toys, from a small designer to overall soft toys. It is convenient to do this to the child without the help of my mother, and if you wish, it can move the baskets around the room.

This option is great for those who have several children of different ages. At the lower level, it is convenient to arrange the toys of the younger child, and at the highest - older. So parents will protect themselves and children, because many toys for older are not at all suitable for games of the smallest.

If there is not a lot of space in the room, you can organize storage of toys right on the front door. To do this, you can use a soft textile or polyethylene organizer with pockets. Either hook a small bags or baskets on the hooks, and fold toys there.

Extended plastic containers can often be found in business stores. They are convenient to store tools, all sorts of things, including children's toys. The kid with ease can be folded in them toys, the main thing is that the containers do not have an unpleasant smell of plastics, if it is, then such containers cannot be bought.

Flexible and bright toy storage baskets are not difficult to find in specialized children's stores. In such organizers, children will gladly fold their toys.

Conveniently, when there are mobile storage systems in the nursery, which are convenient to move around the room. This considerably saves time and makes cleaning more pleasant and productive. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to wooden boxes equipped with wheels.

Make textile pockets can any mom, there is no great difficulty in this, and for this you do not need to be a Sweden or designer. But the baby will always be pleasantly to fold the most beloved toys in the "houses", which Mom made her hands.

Metal baskets are a classic option that will be comfortable and baby, and mom. They are very light and transparent, they are not hard to take them in their hands and always see what lies in such a basket.
Magnetic holders will be suitable in a children's boy, there are always several dozen cars and robots that are in disarray. You can collect them quickly in one place with small magnetic helpers.

Storage of children's toys is an eternal and inexhaustible topic. So we found more

In the game, the child comprehends the world of human relations and in general the device of the world. Man deprived of the game in childhood is inevitably mentally inferior

Very often you can hear: "My child does not play. Toys are not interested in him. He is much more sweepering next to me in the kitchen, and a variety of toys in the nursery lie idle! " Is such a situation normally and what is its reason? Do I need to do something, or the baby will turn and start playing more and better?

Nowadays, the situation with children's game and toys is not at all as simple and trouble-free, which one seems at first glance.

What toys are

Toys are educational and plot, plastic and wooden, for boys and for girls, Chinese and not Chinese. Choosing a toy little child, firstly, it must be remembered that the material from which it is produced should be as environmentally friendly. In addition, the toy must be made of impact-resistant, non-toxic stained materials - based on the fact that a small child will nibble it, and bite, and drop, and in different ways it is not useful. Many Chinese toys are simply not intended for active use by their child. They only have a kind of toys, but break during the first week. The child does not have time to play a toy, do not attach to her.

So, the toy should be high quality and strong.

Toys, like book illustrations, and the situation in the nursery, largely form the aesthetic world and tastes of the child. Choose toys of that aesthetic direction that you, parents, closest. Choose toys that you seem beautiful.

Let's start with quantity

As a rule, any modern child, almost independently of the level of family income, a lot more toys than he needed and useful to have. Such a "soldering" has several reasons.

Cepete wishes Pope and Mom

Firstly, and this applies mainly to the firstborn, when the baby appears in the family, both parents, and especially the parent, the floor of which coincides with the floor of the child born, begin to buy those toys that could not buy when they were young children and very these Toys wanted. Peak of this kind of shopping is just for the period from a year to three.

And this parent desire can not be condemned, it can only be aware of it and try to control. Moms are bought with puppet services and cribs, strollers, as well as dolls themselves in the commodity quantity. Pope buy iron roads of impressive sizes, different types of cars, gas stations and even, to the horror moms, weapons.


All together - as well as guests, grandmothers and grandfathers - bring soft toys. It's just considered a bad tone - come to the house where there is a child, and do not bring him a toy as a gift, as a rule.

It happens that at the turn of the second year of life, the baby's toy property in a matter of weeks increases many times. And he does not play.

Parents sometimes even angry: "He has such toys, from each of which I have it in childhood, just my happiness, and he has no emotions." Unfortunately, this is exactly the case when the number of toys and the quality of the game - things are inversely proportional.

That is, the more toys, the worse the game.

Recall the famous episode from "Semisweetics". The girl Zhenya says: "I want all toys of my world." And then he doesn't know what to do with them, because it does not come to the head with such a unthinkable amount. Unfortunately, many modern children find themselves in a very similar position.

Pursuit of "Early Development"

A significant part of the toy property of a modern child is developing and educational toys. There are now a lot of them, and parents can buy literally everything in a row, not very looking after age restrictions on the box with a game or toy. Educational and developing toys, of course, should have a child. The whole question in the amount, quality and method of application.

Developing toys The child can adequately use only when there is an interested adult, which will show the baby benevolently, what exactly can be done with this toy. If the developing games and toys lie "in Naval" in boxes with other toys, scattering and mixed, then it is almost no sense of such a developing toy. And it is unlikely that your child will be used for its intended purpose.

Unthinkable diversity

Our post-Soviet, man is still difficult to get used to the huge proposal in fact for any commodity position. And, without knowing how to choose, we buy everything in a row. It often seems to us that the more, the better. In fact, in matters of education often it turns out to be different. And one of the main issues is a sense of measure.

As a rule, children, "heated" toys, are little played. The number of toys is proportional to the quality of the game. Rather, inversely proportionately. It often happens that, the more toys, the worse the child plays, the more he scatters them. So a large number of toys is good only if the gaming space is properly organized.

So, the art of choosing toys. Still, after all, from the quantity. Everything is simple: toys should be so much in free access, how much is a child when organizing the help of an adult, can relatively easily remove.

Let me remind you once again about the features of the attention of the attention of a small child: by the end of the first year of life, the child is at the "Field Stage" of the Development of Attention. This means that if the baby began to play with one toy and at the same time he came across another, then he is more likely to leave the first, will distract and will be engaged in the second toy, and so on until all the toys will be offended.

If your baby played with something, in no case should not try to put new items to him in order to diversify the game. In this verge, we really appreciate the concentration of attention. The child who won must be left alone and quietly rejoice that its ability to develop a targeted action.

If the child sits in a pile of toys, then the most likely that he will just spread them.

"Printing communication" on the toy

There is such a classic experiment in the psychology of development: Mom is asking for all available toys to choose the one in which her child loves to play the least, and for two weeks every day to play with the child in this toy. The results of this behavior are superior to all expectations - the toy becomes from the most unloved most preferred.

Child and then for a long time he chooses this toy even with an independent game. The fact is that for the child this, it is this toy that has become saturated with the presence of mom. Taking her in hand, he recalls all previous days of a joint game, recalls that and as a mother with this toy did.

At this toy, as psychologists say, now lies "Printing Communication."

So, if you want your child to play with your toys, you should play with him for many hours, "revive" them with your presence. It is said that the "talker" and "unsigned" toy can be easily distinguished. To play the child, you need mom to play with him. Otherwise, the child will play only her mother's favorite toys - saucepans and mobile phones. Children are more likely to use those items that Mom enjoys.

So, modern children do not play because they have too much toys, and, therefore, they are not value. Children do not play because there is no transmission of gaming culture between generations - as children in cities are now rarely communicated with each other free and do not learn from each other's games. This missing link in the transfer of gaming culture must be filled with adults, and adults also do not play with children. In addition, the mass of the offered toys is "wrong".

Let's talk about "Right" and "wrong" toys

The "wrong" toy is made of improper (unnatural) material, painted in unnatural, absent in nature. The "wrong" toy is too similar to the present object (for example, a small toy iron is quite like a large iron). This excessive look does not leave the place to develop a child's fantasy: toy So it's too similar to the sample, nothing needs to speculate.

In "wrong" toys often use the principle of the button. The baby presses the button, and the light bulbs light up from this single movement, the wheels begin to spin, everything comes into motion. That is, the effort spent absolutely does not match the result obtained. And it does not allow to form causal relationships, which means that the intellect develops at all as when when playing with a simple toy. Where "pushed - rolled" or "hit - flew away."

The thrust for early impressions, to the fact that almost everything around is entertainment, is postponed very deeply. It is clear that we live in the button civilization - but the more the child in the preschool child will see things, the principle of which is more obvious to it and is accessible, the better his logical thinking will have developed.

Children have a huge interest in manual work - both male and female. They look very carefully for what is being done by hand. And if dad nails a nail or drill the wall - then it is just a holiday of the knowledge of adult life for the kid. But unfortunately, if the samples of female manual labor can be seen (for example, in the kitchen), then in many families, all male handmade work comes down to work on the computer keyboard. And this is natural - this is the stage of the development of civilization. Nevertheless, the dads of little boys I would have very recommended at least occasionally to deal with them by the fact that the centuries were a male part of the housework. It will be a much more educational activity for them than many educational games.

The correct toy is multifunctional. That is, it can be used by many different ways in a variety of games.

Classic example of a multifunctional toy - ball. It can be thrown, and roll, he can become a puppet watermelon or a fabulous bun. The smaller the child, the greater the among his toys should be multifunctional.

The correct toy is made of eco-friendly material (fabric, wood, metal, leather). Of course, quite without plastic toys, it is unlikely to do without plastic toys, but you can strive to ensure that their percentage is as low as possible.

Creating a gaming space and its organization

Principle of shallow packing

One of the simple and affordable ways to make a new or almost new toy for a child - to remove it away. If you divide all the toy property of a child to 3 or 4 approximately the equal parts, ¾ will remove and you will change the toy "exposure" once a week - the child's own toys will perceive almost as new.

For a child, it's good if small animals lie separately, the machines are separately, and the designers are not mixed with each other. So the baby is easier to learn to play, create a chaos around yourself.

Where toys live

Children love toys toys are laid out in a variety of drawers, beautiful boxes and baskets. So the kids are easier to understand that each toy has his own house. Ideally, if the play area is present in the nursery and all the toys live there.

For children, older, the main, organizing space of the game zone, the subject may be a toy house.

If your baby has already started to crawl or walk, toys, just woven in the box or basket, do not fit. Psychologists and teachers believe that the optimal location of toys is at the level of the eye of the child in shallow open shelves. That is, it is best suited for toys a rack, tightly screwed to the wall. It is necessary to confuse such a rack with a toy storage system that must be located in an inaccessible place for children. Well, if toys in the storage system are distributed by types and burns in closed opaque boxes.

Remember that about three years old, the child plays much better if the order on the game shelves is supported by mom and dad. The fact is that children at this age are not able to create the fact that experts call the "good structure" for toys. Simply put, the baby enthusiastically plays, while it can destroy the order and break the structures created by the parents. And as soon as everything is destroyed - interest in toys and the game, as a rule, disappears.

First toys for the story game

Good toys for a one-year-old, two-year-old, a three-year-old child must "prompt" the story of the plot of the game, come out on the right ways to deal with you. About one and a half years old, the kid has the ability in the game to portray the actions similar to those that he sees every day. For example, how to feed, laid down, dance. So the first director game appears. The emergence of such a game is an important milestone in the mental development of the child. Psychologists are focused on the emergence of this game as an indicator of the overall well-being of the child's development. And it is very important that adults understand the value of this type of game.

After all, playing with toys and building the first plots, the baby learns the experience of adults. It is playing that the child learns to better understand what is happening around and makes the actions of adults. Therefore, parents should sit on the carpet in the nursery and show the baby, as a dog makes the "top top" and "AM-AM", understanding that what is not developing a child as a joint game with mom or dad. In addition, the game is the Golden Foundation for Your Communication with the baby.

List the first toys for the story:

Baby doll (needed for girls, and for boys; it is when playing with a doll, a child masters human emotions);

Puppet farming, i.e. The dishes, bottles and nipples, clothes and a blanket;

Large cars and small cars;


Game house;

Slices of fabric in order to dress up, drape, turn various other items to rip out;

Unstructured gaming material (pebbles, chestnuts, bumps or plastic balls), i.e. Items that can be slept and assign them any game value. Chestnuts can be puppet potatoes, and money, and bombs. There is a big space for the development of the imagination of your baby;

Scene gaming sets with animals and men.

First developing toys

Educational toys should also be in the nursery, but the place and the role of them are completely special. So, these toys in no way should be at the bottom, in Naval. They should have a place on high shelves, but such a baby can see them and show and show her finger or call, if he wanted to play it.

Educational toys are good as an adult app, which is ready to play them. It is when the game with developing toys is created "the zone of the nearest development", i.e. Those actions that the baby can be cherished together with the mother, but one can not handle with them yet.

If we talk about the proportional ratio of different types of games, then for a child, from a year to four, plot games should be no less than developing.

What kind of educational toys should be a child?

Large mosaic with a diameter of 20 mm.;

Box forms;

Frames and inserts Montessori;

Puzzles consisting of 2, 4, 8 parts;

Large cubes of formation;

Designer type "Hollow", preferably with plot add-ons;

Children's musical instruments; \\

Development Boards

It is necessary to show adequate ways to communicate, trying for a child of his feelings.

Acquaintance with the outside world. Toys for the smallest

The main children's games up to three years occur without the use of toys.

Games with quantity. Water and sand

The game with sand and water gives a child so much joy, so much adult bathing in the warm sea. Therefore, try at least in the warm season to give the baby to play a chance with them. But in many countries, the lolly sandbox for the premises is an indispensable attribute and kindergartens and children's rooms.

Name toys that will probably like your child:

Different size and color Cups for transfusion;

Molds with various kinds of holes;

Plastic medium-sized bottle;

Water mill for the bathroom;

Game "Fishing": Large fish and fishing rod;

Ships and fish are simple and crowning.

Speeding games

City children chronically lack sensory impressions, especially sensations associated with touch. Especially acute this issue is in the autumn-winter period, when it is impossible to play in the sand, and the snow is often such that you will not play in it. Yes, snow is not suitable for the game of touching the touch - it is cold, and rarely, who loves the kids. Therefore, parents should make efforts to ensure that they are always at hand, to create an educational environment for games with the number and training of tanging.

Speeding games are fascinating and very much like children. Such games are capable of even the most turning unridden for a while to tear off the usual pranks. The simplest thing you can do at home is to push the unclean walnuts, chestnuts or peanuts. This requires one large capacity (approximately 1-2 l.) And two smaller (250-500 ml.). It is necessary to show the baby how to take nuts one by one and put them on the cups, and after showing him how to shift them to handles. But the croup is most interesting to try.

You can shield:

Buttons, beads;


Large croup (beans, peas, beans);

Vegetables (pre-well washed);

Small toys or details of a small designer.

Link development

An excellent opportunity for the development of tanging at the kid game "Magic bag". The principle of the game is simple: in the bag of fabric you need to put 3-4 not too large items that are familiar to the child.

It is very important, starting from 10-11 months, try to diversify the dictionary of the child, adding words associated with the touch ("Soft - Cannot Mine"). To distinguish these concepts, you need to play with the baby with objects made from different materials from the tactile qualities. For example, pebbles and a piece of foam sponge. The sponge will easily be squeezed in her palm, and the hardness of the pebble will give opposite sensations. It is also necessary to teach the baby in different ways to touch people, animals, items. For example, it is necessary to teach "affectionately to touch", "touch one finger", "stroking", and also clap your palm, strongly knocking, strongly press. These exercises will help the child learn to control the power of their handles when contacting anyone or anything.

A lot for the development of tanging is given classes with a plasticine or salt dough, clay. In the autumn-winter time, the child is useful for such classes, lasting for 7-10 minutes, he has every day.

Minimum set for tanging:

Plasticine of different softness (plasticine in buckets, plasticine in strokes);

Toys made from different materials, tissues of different types;

Toys with various fillers (for example, beam, balls);

Do not interfere with the baby to get acquainted to the touch with everything that is not potentially dangerous, first of all with meals.

Creating a normal game environment: Best toys for children from one year to two years

It is appropriate, in my opinion, bring a list of the best toys with brief explanations about each. After all, it often happens that with a huge variety of toys in a child, a very important for development lacks.

List them:

Balls of different sizes and different filling;

Four-wheel scooter or machine on which you can sit;

Sets of small plot toys; Sound toys.

Creation of "Yes Inserts" and non-game objects as toys

If you want the child to play well and freely, you should be used as less as possible in the children's word "no". This does not mean that the restrictions are not needed, just the time of the game is not the best time to introduce restrictions.

The game is the space of free creativity of the child, and a sharp mother or daddy "no" can this game space break, the fine fabric of the game will interrupt, and the child will not be able to continue to play further also inspired. Restrictions that exist in the nursery and toys should be simple, understandable, constant and minimal. Decide in advance, it is impossible to make a child with toys. And it is best to remove the items that cause the flow of prohibitions or greater anxiety in adults. If the ban is repeated often, the child or learns to ignore it, or produces excessive stubbornness through everyday resistance.

About cleaning toys. Skills of independence

There is a wonderful proverb: "You love to ride - love and sosochos to carry." She says, as you understand, what you need to answer the consequences of your actions. For a child who will soon be filled with two years, such things begin to be accessible if parents consider the right and right to spend time and effort on the joint cleaning of toys or the participation of the child in cleaning the table.

According to the majority of psychologists, it is useful for the development of a child to have the minimum home responsibilities. It is with everyday fulfillment of affairs on the house of a child formed the ability to respond for itself, concentrate attention, try, bring the work started to the end.

Having riding a child from the "trouble" of collecting toys, you will not help him, but in some way they will prevent aware of the world and yourself in this world. Naturally, most adults are much easier and calmer to remove toys themselves. But if the habit of participating in the cleaning of children will arise early, up to three years, then after forming it it will be much more difficult, since the child will become more actively resisting. Try to find time, strength and fantasy to attract a child to the annoying cleaning of toys.

Plots can be different, but the rod one: the mandatory participation of the mother and its ability to creatively organize the process. Having arrange a nursery, remember that the baby things that surround it is the whole world. And you do not hang the shelves at all and the lockers arrange - you create the universe in which your baby will grow and learn.

"Today at school, the first class like the institute!" ... And the point here is not only in the load, which first-graders are experiencing. All schools are now needed, as well as to the institute, to pass entrance exams (more precisely, tested). For many parents, it becomes a present discovery that their child is not only not able to cope with the elementary tasks of entrance tests, but also thinks otherwise than these tasks suggest. Children's psychologists see the root of the problem, in particular, in choosing toys. Recognizing useful and harmful to the development of a child dolls and the machine studied the Kommersant-money correspondent to Natalia Tyutyunenko, together with the psychologist faith Abramenkova.

White, fluffy, terrible.

The child of my friend, adequate and "advanced" boy, has not been tested at school. It is clear that in good educational institution without certain investments today you will not fall. But it came out quite offensive: the child could not collect the kettle's figure cut into pieces. What this kettle understood. And I could not collect. The school psychologist explained that he, like many other today's children, thinks too straight, lack fantasy. If he learned the algorithm of actions, then the task copes, but the step is right, the step to the left of this algorithm is the trouble. Parents wondered: after all, developing toys, by a general opinion, they supplied it over measures.

Another friend, just a children's psychologist, recently returned from a children's supermarket in upset feelings: "They sell white fur frogs there! I did not even understand what kind of beast it was, but on the price tag it is indicated: "The soft toy" frog "is for the smallest". That is, it is not enough that the child heats up the pile - it will also think that frogs are white and covered with wool ! What is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe world formed? "

Undoubtedly, there are many good toys today, but from some even far from psychology and pedagogy, a person's pile rises on end.

School of novice maniac.

At the international exhibition in New York, a set of aliens toys was presented. In an advertising booklet, it is written: "New toys allow kids who loving the thrill, toy scissors to serve Belco Messenger of extraterrestrial civilizations and take turns to pull into the light of its insides: a spleen, stomach, liver, etc.".

We will leave the stylist on the conscience of the manufacturer, but forgive me for tautology, the internal content cannot but cause the psychiatrist's close interest. Just some allowance for young chikatilo.

Teachers believe that it is necessary to study the anatomy of living beings at school, under the leadership of the teacher and only at a certain age when the child's mental is ready to perceive such information.

The following example is associated with an insanely expensive baby doll. This doll reacts to the movement of a living being and begins to cry, requiring it to be "fed", "", "said". Powerful manifotary Tamagotchi, the dangers of which have already been said more than once.

Of course, the idea is understandable: we bring up the future mom. But the parents who bought this doll with their five-year-old daughter, after a while they were forced to pick it up from the nursery: it was worthwhile to move their daughter in a dream, the doll began to "cry", and a half-headed child rushed "to rock baby." The result is neurosis. And the child and the parents.

What are today sold in toys in stores? For a long time, the correspondent of "Money" and Vera Abramenkov, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Deputy Chairman of the FES under the Ministry of Education, went to one of the usual stores for children to hold a blitzpertiz of his range for utility, uselessness or potential harm. We did not see the designers, as well as the mosaics, cubes, the alphabet, etc. But at least a third of the room was occupied by the "Winners of Vampires", all sorts of warriors, "Fighters with ghosts", looking at which, the correspondent went down to a rack with plush teddy bear. The nervous system must be preserved, God forbid, you will dream at night.

Unnatural selection.

Every parent is confident that he knows what his child needs. And for what criteria do we choose and buy toys? A small composure showed: we are guided by anything - the price, the desire of the child, their own preferences, but not considerations of didactic utility. What can I get smaller, if we have the desired amount, and the child discovered all the ears, and in Petit, Katya, Sasha from his group have such a long time ago? Urgently buy!

One of the most significant motives for buying toys - "the child wants it to be her." Or - "I promised him if he finished a quarter to five (he would not fight anymore, etc.)." Bought appropriate, to put it mildly, an amazing toy. And then we will be surprised why with such a number of different toys we have teapots are not going!

Another option - "I'll buy, only silent!" Or "I didn't have such a toy in my childhood, let my child be." Or maybe this is your happiness that you did not have this? When I was small, my whole kindergarten envied the owner of the Barbie dolls of Barbie very condemned at the pre-school institution. And now, after many years of Barbie, we have problems with teenage girls, brought up on the proportions of this doll. Girls grow and understand that they do not correspond to the parameters of their ideal. By the way, the British, who sprinkle, now bring the image of the British analogue of Barbie - Cindy dolls to appearance in the measure of a fifteen-year-old teenage girl.

When transferring criteria for choosing toys, we did not take into account pedagogically savvy parents, who, fortunately, is also a lot. According to children's psychologists, moms and dads today are divided into two categories: very educated, shifting tons of special literature, and catastrophically illiterate. Middle no.


Toys are soft, plastic, porcelain, wooden, rubber, mechanical, electrified, musical, waterfowl, etc., and so on. P.- It knows everything.

But toys can also be developing, educational, entertainment, weching. And it is precisely in such a manner, not a generally accepted when the entertainment is in the foreground.

But let's start with the impact of toys. Consider, for example, wooden painted thematic boards and the wooden figures drawn by an artist-psychologist from which stories are laid out on the boards. Unconsciously every child lays out their inner problem with their help. At one boy, the whole family died during an earthquake. At first he laid out the challenge without exit, and at the third-fourth session with a psychologist, this output appeared. That is, the child worked for itself the most problematic situation, translated from the inner to external and decided in the game.

What is the American good Russian death?

Today, about 250 enterprises are engaged in the release of toys in Russia, sometimes not even a "toy" profile (up to the St. Petersburg Plant of Precision Stank Troops). But foreign manufacturers are leading in the market of educational toys. Designers on the assembly of "People-spiders" are in demand in children. And in order to survive, the developing toys stores work with this product.

Vera Abramenkov: Someone calculated that telepusiki gave $ 2 billion profit per year from the sale of products with their images (toys, magazines, sweets, etc.). In Russia, the volume of such sales is about $ 100 million per year. Everyone knows that the television series was first shown. Looking around the series, the child asks (or demands) to buy him a toy hero, a towel, ice cream with his images ... The next children's show is removed for this money. But only no one wants to think about why the same pokemon is prohibited in a number of European countries?

Today, the largest number of the right "Development" can be found in the networks of specialized stores "Little Genius", "Smart Child", "Smart Games". According to the staff of these stores, Russian manufacturers are most stronger in the manufacture of wooden and to a lesser extent - plastic products. At the same time, Russian products prevail in the age category from two to five years (60-70% of toys). In categories up to two and after five years, the share of domestic toys is at best 30%.

Natalia Timoshin, administrator of one of the stores of the trading network "Little genius": among foreign developments there are insanely interesting, but, as a rule, there are no advertising on TV. Therefore, they are not on the shelves of ordinary toy stores. And if there is, they lie in the far corner, as they do not ask them. Once they are not asked, they are not supplied. The circle closed. In addition, if the parent decides to buy a Russian mosaic or a pyramid, he will have to search for it. At the same time, domestic toys, not yielding in quality, make it possible to save. For example, a foreign mosaic costs 300-1000 rubles. And Russian - 150-400 rubles. At the same time, ourselves gives new opportunities for creativity - other colors and a playing field.

Russian designers are a separate topic. According to Natalia Timoshina, today there are quite a lot of them, the development is sometimes aesthetically more useful than in foreign analogues, but they almost do not know about them. It is indicative of the "master ball" invented in Russia. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe semi-designer-semilosika liked the foreign manufacturer and was redeemed. (And on the package, the corresponding details of this foreign manufacturer are affixed, and the Russians are still on the liner. It is Russians. Here is such a casus.)

Attitude towards a developing toy in our country is ambiguous. Part of the psychologists of "Westerners" believe that, in principle, the child must be allowed to allow everything. If the toy is really "not that, then he rejects it intuitive. According to this logic, most mothers controlling the choice of the child are boldly recorded in neurasthenichk. Another approach is more conservative. It is argued that from the negative impact of certain products of the child need to be fencing. Otherwise you can develop at all what I would like.

And the adherents are fashionable today in Russia Waldorf Pedagogy (steadying for the maximum concomitment of the nature of the child) say that toys made from natural materials: wood, wool, straw, etc., the greatest benefit of the child are most benefited.

They give the greatest exposure of fantasy, not harmful to health and approach nature. But to completely deprive the child of modern popular games is still not worth it.

Psychology-practitioners are called to stick to the Golden Mid: Toys should be different. The child is in society, communicates with children who have purchased dolls, cars, etc.

If you are limited to homemakes, the child will feel uncomfortable. In addition, it is not so bad if in his arsenal there will be one or two negative hero, on which he will be able to spill the negative. But too fascinate with such toys, no matter.

Think yourself, decide for yourself.

The main thing when choosing toys is just thinking that it represents and what qualities can form. And adhere to certain criteria. In the case of a white fluffy frog, two were broken: medical and psychological. To keep all the requirements in the head, of course, it is difficult, but we must consider at least the most important.

With a medical and environmental criterion, everything is clear. A pedagogical aspect is also important, that is, what will teach this toy and what will develop. For example, the designer forms perishability, spatial thinking is wonderful.

The child is not able to perceive the toy is not motionless, and the requirement of psychology is that these emotions are positive. Provocations of aggressiveness around and so enough.

And aesthetic requirement - compliance with the toy ideas about beauty. A toy for a child is a certain ideal, an image that is laid in the subconscious. Well, these images would be appropriate.

Any toy without parental participation in the game loses a significant proportion of its attractiveness. It is very important that you show and taught. Otherwise - all the same dusty angle in the nursery. And yet: toys should not be a lot. Even if the children's chokes are littered with elephants, railways, dolls, the child will convince you that there is nothing to play. And he wants a new railway (doll, elephant, constructor).

Svetlana Nemtsova, a school psychologist: a part of the annoying, old toys can and need periodically from the child to hide so that he forget about them. And when you get them again, he will perceive them as new, toys will "work" again.

And besides, a large number of objects in front of the eyes interferes with the child to focus - he is enough for one thing, then for another, so it is difficult to play.

By the way, in the store, which we inspected, there were only a few standing toys. Drum, sets for embroidery, pair of board games, a few soft toys and one doll.

Educational games.

(The most popular toys according to the staff of the store "Little genius")

1. Nikitin's cubes - "lay pattern", "Cubes for all", "Unicub". They contribute to the development of spatial thinking, creative and mental abilities of the child, tendency to analyze and synthesis. From cubes bonded between themselves, the child is proposed to build in space

geometric shapes (191-206 rubles.).

2. Cubes Zaitseva - a guide for learning a child reading from an early age (1134 rubles.).

3. Games lacing from wood and foamed rubber. Develop small motility of hands, logical thinking, attention, spatial thinking. Consist of parts with holes and lace (45-130 rubles.).

4. Montessori's liners (Belarus) - tablets and inserts of various forms and subjects ("mushrooms", "vegetables", "fruits", "butterflies", "fish", "fractions", "alphabet", "figures" and etc.). Develop fine motility, visual-shaped thinking; Traine to recognize objects along the contour, orient on the plane, circle, hatching (85-207 rubles).

5. Magnetic designer "Supermack" (Italy), 1600-5000 rubles. Depending on the number of elements.

6. Designer "Takeshi" - soft plastic tubes of different lengths and colors and special mounting (315 rubles).

7. Mosaic (Russia), 85-320 rubles.

8. Mosaic Crowerty (Italy), 195-820 rubles.

9. Puzzle game "Master-ball" (Russia) - bulk mosaic consisting of large and small curved triangles and special compounds (333 rubles).

10. Designer "Electronic Expert" (Russia), 2040 rubles.

Paragraphs 5-10 - toys for the development of shallow motility, imagination, perfection, spatial thinking.

Generalization of the work experience of the teacher of Dow: "The impact of a modern toy for the development of the child"

The author is the compiler: Imanguilova Liliya Kabirovna, educator Madou number 44 Salawata of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
Description: This work will help caregivers and parents correctly choose modern toys for children.
Purpose of work: To identify how modern toys for the development of the child affect.
I do not need a pyramid,
The ball was lying in the corner,
And railway
I will give a brother ...
I now play cars
Toonless me mile.
Bakugan, Transformer, Dust
Together with you cheer ...

Toys are serious. Perhaps no less serious than the choice of drugs, nanny, kindergarten or school for your beloved Chad. Toys can develop, treat, entertain. But they, they are able to upset the psyche, give a false understanding of the world around, cause aggression and simply pose a threat to the health and life of the child.
Let's think about what our children play? ... What toys do we buy them?
In all these fluffy hares, rattles, motley puzzles, block cubes are hidden powerful - creative or destructive - educational force.

It should be noted that the modern market of toys is an absolute element. The absence of any value references in the toy market leads to their uncontrolled production, unsystematic purchasing and meaningless consumption. As a result of the counters of shops and children's rooms, they are littered with the same type and, as a rule, useless, and sometimes harmful toys, and very few of them, and important toys for children's development. This situation is very negatively affected by the quality of the game, and therefore, on the efficiency of the child's development.
The choice of toys becomes extremely chaotic. The complex "The best in the world of parents" eats a common mind to be cleaned. If the child is discovered all the ears that Petit and Vani are four bakugan, and he has only three, then we immediately fill the missing thing - albeit the useless - cartoon hero. Our child is no worse than others, although it is not clear, why he needs this toy.

In this way, relevance The problems of the right choice of toys are obvious, which contributed to the definition of the purpose of my work.
Purpose:determine the psychological and pedagogical effect of toys on the development of the child, the way to choose and use it. (Slide tasks)
It is very difficult to determine the exact time of making toys, but it can be assumed that they appeared in the early stages of the development of human society, as evidenced by excavations.
From ancient times, toys are known in the form of labor instruments, household items made from the simplest natural material. With the help of such toys, for example, onions, arrows, boats made in miniature, but technically correctly, brought up in boys the necessary skills for the hunter, a fisherman, a nomad cattle. The game in the dolls, sewing for them clothes, "cooking" courted girls to the work of women-hostess.
The modern child lives in the world, at first glance, much more bright and diverse than his peers 200, 100 and even 40-30 years ago. Let's look back: bright covers of books and magazines, color billboards on the street, and, of course, the film toys, sometimes the most unimaginable colors, forms, destinations. Toys are purchased, as one large dad said, suitcases and in a month, the same suitcases are thrown. Constantly there is a change of paints, forms, flashing pictures, items. And the psyche of the child does not cope, deforms the perception of color and sound, ideas about good and evil.
Consider some modern toys. For girls, of course, Barbie.

What vital orientation for any baby symbolize these magnificent beauties? Who are they daughters? Girlfriends? Neither one nor the other. Having such a doll, the girl imagines himself is not a mom, a brandy child, but, for example, a maid caring for the Mrs who retracts her house.

Summary of experience of the work of the teacher DOU "The impact of a modern toy for the development of the child"

The most important advantage of a soft toy is to give tenderness to the baby. As practice shows, a pretty teddy bear, a fluffy elephant or a soft dog can "cure a child from fears and even from the night Enurbish. In a soft toy, some depth needs of a small creature are embodied.

And what is sold now? On the shelves of toy stores, we see the creatures of unknown species and breeds, unimaginably screaming color. Here in the store toys sits huge (growth with a person) black monkey ferocious species - if you get into the baby's bedroom, then night fears and neurosis kid are secured!

To understand how my parents feed the toys choose toys for their children and whether they need psychological and pedagogical care, conducted a survey-survey.
As the survey showed, in most cases the toys are selected and spontaneously purchased, by virtue of the circumstances or external, surface signs. The developing potential of the toy, its pedagogical "utility" adults are more often not taken into account.
So the club "School for parents" was organized, the purpose of which was the acquaintance of parents with the requirements and methods for choosing toys for kids.
A number of consultations were prepared on the topic: "Children's toys and requirements for them", "List of toys necessary for a child early age and preschool children", "Useless toys". Also, parents were introduced to the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of May 17, 1995 N 61 / 19-12 on psychological - pedagogical requirements for games and toys in modern conditions.
During the business game: "We select the toy right," together with the participants of the meeting divided toys into three groups.
Toys contributing to social and emotional development: various types of animals (bears, bunnies, dogs); dolls with all kinds of puppet utensils; Kits for playing doctor, hairdresser, shop; Details of costumes and attributes, helping to accept and hold a playing role (doctor's bathrobe, car steering wheel, militia cap, red hat); Transport toys (truck, train). Toys contributing to intellectual and informative and motor skills: all kinds of cubes, designers, puzzles, mosaic, lotto, domino, etc. Toys, contributing to the development of physical qualities: balls, hoops, rope, kegli.
In the process of working our club, parents learned that there are certain requirements for the toy. The first and necessary requirement is the potential to be the subject of the relevant activity of the child. Choosing fun, parents began to focus on age, strive to ensure that all types of toys contribute to the development of various spheres of vital activity. Also began to take into account the fact that the possibility of active child action depends on many qualities, for example from the size of the toy. Huge soft "animals" (dogs, hippos, elephants), which are hard to take into hand, not a subject of children's actions. The same toys, but smaller sizes can be used in the children's game.
Sometimes adult seems that the more different properties and qualities contains a toy, the better. So, it would seem, a plastic ladybug on wheels, which is both a train, and a telephone, opens up a variety of opportunities for children's activity.
But such a "diversity" disorientates the child: he does not know what to do - to carry it, whether to talk on the phone or feed? Moreover, the full implementation of all these actions is very limited - it is impossible to transport anything on such a toy (you will not put anyone and do not put anyone), the handset falls all the time. It would be much more useful in this regard to "disconnect" all the functions and offer the child three different and understandable in its purpose and the method of action of the subject.
However, the "utility" toys from the point of view of the development of the child is not the only evaluation criterion. By organizing a round table with parents and children on the topic "Favorite toy" we came to the conclusion: the toy must necessarily, on the one hand, to develop the ability of the child, and on the other - to bring him joy and pleasure.
I wonder the training "Modern toy - what is it?". It was noted that the toy would raise his developing role, it should not be simply attractive, but also open for a variety of forms of child activity.
Little child is a fan of features. He actively assimilates the world to convert it, and the toy is the necessary means of the creation process. Therefore, the wider range of using toys, the higher its value for creativity and the more it can develop the creative potential of the child himself. Together with the parents, we came to the conclusion that the best toys are natural: pebbles, sand, bumps, sticks, loskutka - they can be all! And what could be the machine? Only a typewriter, however, if it is a truck, then probably also a box for storing cubes, a bed for a teddy bear or a carriage for cat travel. And what could be an electronic toy with four buttons? Its completely obvious to its monofunctional unambiguity - click on the buttons and everything!
Sometimes a child itself finds "toys" - deputy items that meet certain, often unconscious needs. Some shell, pebbles, rag, bird feather are endowed with special properties, experiences and meanings. After our interesting meetings, parents, finding a similar "garbage", trying to bring order in a kindergarten or, turning the pockets of children's clothing before washing, do not throw them away. Now they are sure: it is better to pebbles than a transformer, or a shell than a monster? After all, the toy is not only the accompaniment of the game, but also a means of learning, entertainment and even treatments.
The modern toy has undergone evolution: from reduced copies of labor items, homemade in antiquity - through toys, symbolizing the beautiful in life (XIX toys - the first half of the XX centuries), to toys embodying the ugly, terrible, death (recent decades).
Of course, not all modern toys play a negative role in the child's life. Nowadays, there are such toys that meet the rules of modern pedagogy. These are educational toys, all kinds of designers, sets for creativity, plot-shaped toys, puzzle games, etc.
Proper modern toy - multifunctional. It can be used in several ways, and in a variety of games. Classic example - ball. It can be thrown, and roll, he can become a puppet watermelon or a fabulous bun.
The correct modern toy should be made of environmentally friendly material (cloth, wood, metal, leather). It is unlikely to do without plastic toys to do without plastic toys, but it is necessary to strive for their percentage to be as low as possible.
Remember: A properly chosen toy will allow the child to invent various plots for games, which means it will be more often in demand and will not dope on the shelf!

Psychologists are concerned about how much the quality of the children's game of modern preschoolers has changed: it has become monotonous, aggressive and individualistic. One of the reasons for the sad tendency is many fashionable toys that slow down the development of the child, distort its emotional sphere and form negative properties of character. Children's psychologist Inna Malash told about the dangerous "prestige toys" the portal.

More than play

For the baby, the toy is an indispensable tool for knowing the surrounding world, allowing to master new actions, solve new and more difficult tasks. Therefore, adults should be sufficiently liable to the choice of toys - not only take into account the age of the child and make sure their sanitary and hygienic safety, but also to know the criteria for pedagogical and psychological utility and the harm of the "childhood friends". To do this, it is important to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe meaning of the game for a child:

- The game is the leading activity of the preschooler, which determines the development of its intellectual, physical and moral forces;

- The game forms creative imagination;

- The game is a "school of arbitrary behavior" (the child learns to consciously manage his actions);

- The game is the "School of morality in action" (it is the game and a fairy tale help the child to understand, "what is good and what is bad"; verbal explanations may be long and unsuccessful);

- In the game, the child learns to communicate, interacting with other people and knows himself;

- In the game, the child learns to express his feelings and understand the feelings of other people;

- The game has a repetition of social practice, an affordable understanding of the child.

Harmful toys

At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing complicated to determine which toys are able to cause harm to the development of the baby. So, there are unconditionally bad toys that do not awaken in a child's desire for the knowledge of the surrounding world or make an impossible independent and free creative game.

However, in practice, to hold the border between the toy "good" and "evil" to non-specialists is often not easy. In addition, many adults are confusing the price factor: most of the toys harmful to the children's psyche are not cheap, so they do not doubt their "comprehensive" security.

So, with what toys Children's psychologist Inna Malash categorically does not advise to acquaint preschoolers?

Women dolls (Barbie, Cindy, Bratz, etc.). Playing with the "adult" doll, a little girl is limited to the opportunity to imitate mom. This adversely affects future women to motherhood.

Many psychologists are convinced that Barbie dolls and their analogues are the embodiment of the Keeper's anticipant homemade. The opinions are also expressed that women dolls with unnatural proportions are able to donate the first grains of discontent with their own body. In the future, "shoots" are possible in the form of such mental disorders from girls like anorexia and bulimia.

Scary toys (monsters dolls, mutants, monsters, freaks). If traditional toys are kind and cute - perform a psychotherapeutic function (but it is helping children to master their fears and win them), the terrible products of the toy industry, on the contrary, bring to the life of the kids an additional portion of nightmares.

These toys have a direct impact on the formation of character traits: a child, copying the image of the doll, identifying himself with her, can become closed, incredulous, evil. Also, the toy monsters "companions" will be uncontrolled aggression in children, cause disorders of the concentration and allocation of attention, may cause difficulties in building a child's relationship with peers and adults.

In addition, terrible toys pervert sense of excellent, and therefore impede the formation of aesthetic taste in children.

Electronic toys (transport, musical), creating the illusion of the activity of the child, actually manipulate them and ask a program of action. In essence, a small person turns into a contemplative-passive "supplement" to the toy, its activity is reduced to the useless to develop logic to press buttons. And the absence of space for ideas, fantasy, transformations and experiments is hampered by the development of the child's creative thinking.

Interactive dolls and animals contribute to the distorted development of the sphere of emotions and feelings. Having in his arsenal a set of responses to interaction with a person, these toys emotionally "disorient" kid: stroking and swinging can answer crying or sounds of displeasure, and on aggression or long inattention - hugging or joyful replicas.

Ways to confront toy cunning

Parental awareness of the psychological dangers of modern toys, alas, does not guarantee adults of quiet life, and children - happy and safe childhood. Aggressive advertising and toys ordered by the manufacturers of toys. Huge annotations make their black things. Therefore, Mama and Dad are important to know how to act, if ...

... The child dreams of a harmful toy. First of all, parents should think about what attracts the baby in a toy. To do this, find out how in whose company the child is going to play with it. The answer "I will beat her!" indicates an depressed aggression. It can cause dissatisfaction with the basic psychological needs of the child in love and care. Also, aggression often provoke resentment on parents or other close people (grandmother, brother, friend, etc.).

Solve the problem will help joint games and conversations of parents and a child, as well as special gaming methods to reduce the level of aggressiveness (for example, you can shove in a cup, make a fight with newspaper snowballs, to make a feet of the clause of the offender and break it and dr.).

If the child wants to attract the attention of peers, he will say: "I will bring a toy to kindergarten, and then Masha will play with me." Also, children are often asked to buy them a particular toy, because "such a car (Vanya)". Possible root of the problem is an understated self-esteem of the baby. In this case, parents are important to reconsider their education methods. The second common cause is not a game skill-shaped skills. They can be developed, only playing regularly with the preschooler.

... the child gave a harmful toy. In the perfect version, relatives and friends must put parents knowing what toys they are going to give. But in reality, no family is not insured against unwanted gifts. Therefore, moms and dads are desirable to know with what problems they may encounter if after the holiday they will decide to get rid of the harmful toys.

First, this is the insult of the "donors". Many parents do not even try to explain to relatives and friends, what harm a presented toy can cause a child. They are stopped by hidden and poorly realized motifs (the fear of loneliness and rejection, the feeling of guilt, etc.). However, it is important to understand the parents: if they do not know how to negotiate people, constructively negotiate and resolve disagreements, they will not be able to teach them their children.

Secondly, the child can fiercely protest. In order not to darken the holiday, you should not take a gift from a happy baby. You can "isolate" a harmful toy in a few days. The main thing is to go to the end, not leaving the child's requirements to return a gift. If an adult is hard not to retreat from the decision taken, it means that they should be founded to reflements about their parental role and honestly answer the questions themselves: "Does the child not lead me?", Will I have to go about him? ". Positive answers - reason to think about the reasons.