Christmas tree Origami from paper step by step. Paper Christmas tree in Origami technique: Step-by-step instructions How to make a Christmas tree from origami

Origami - Art build of various paper crafts. This type of creativity was invented in Japan. However, over time, other countries began to make their own adjustments to this type of creativity. For example, the Chinese came up with modular origami. Its essence lies in the fact that all crafts are collected from the same triangular modules. Due to this, you can get a very large volumetric craft.

To perform a simple paper from paper, you will need 1 sheet of paper. You can take a leaf of green paper or a sheet of white paper, and then color it.

Stages of performing this craft:

  1. Cut the extra part of the sheet A, you should get a square.
  2. Bend the resulting square diagonally.
  3. Connect the two sides of this square with the fold line diagonally.
  4. Make one fold accordion in the middle of your tree.
  5. Turn the resulting workpiece.
  6. Begin the bottom end of your tree so that it looks at you.
  7. Make one more folding harmonica. It should be located between the two horizontal bends that you already have.
  8. Make the bottom of small cuts to get the trunk of your tree.
  9. Turn your Christmas tree and decorate it.

It is very simple tree execution option. He can make every schoolchild in 2 minutes. If you want to make a more beautiful handicraft, read the following sections.

Manufacture of cardboard Christmas tree

From cardboard You can make a Christmas tree absolutely any size. To do this, you need cardboard, tape, glue, scissors and paints. Sequence of actions when performing a Christmas tree of cardboard:

  1. Cut 4 trapecies. The upper base of this trapezium should be two times less than the lower.
  2. Cut from cardboard 2 squares. The first is to connect the lower bases of the trapez, and the second is for the upper bases.
  3. First glue a tape lower bases of all trapezium to the sides of a large square.
  4. Shile all the sides of the trapezoids with each other.
  5. Gently glue a small square to the top of the resulting product.
  6. You will have a voluminous trapezium.
  7. To get the Christmas tree, you need to make some more such trapecies. The top item is a pyramid. This pyramid will have a square base.
  8. After you make all the trapezoids and the pyramid, you need to glue them.
  9. To do this, lubricate glue the top base of the largest trapezoid. Put on it by the bottom base the following trapeze.
  10. Spread all parts in this way.
  11. After all the composite pieces of the tree are glued, you need to paint it.

So that your Christmas tree was more beautiful, you can glue something to it. By the way, your Christmas tree will look much more beautiful if there is a star on her tip.

Cut two stars from paper. Place the pencil between them or some wand, pre-groaning these stars with glue. Color the resulting product is red, and stuck it in the top of the product. Congratulations, your Christmas tree is ready!

This snience is the most beautiful and spectacular. First, it is the volume. Secondly, she looks like a Christmas tree more. It is performed from special modules in the form of triangles. Make them very simple. To do this, see a video that lasts one minute.

You can choose the size of these modules yourself. For example, if you want your Christmas tree to be in size as a real, one module from the A4 sheet can be made. However, 16 or 32 triangular modules are most often from the A4 sheet.

Detailed instruction Take trees from modules with your own hands:

  1. It is necessary to make a twig. Take two modules, and insert two neighboring corners in both pockets of the third module.
  2. Insert one corner of the next module to each close pocket of the two previous modules.
  3. Collect a twig, alternating in each row, then 2 modules, then 1.
  4. One twig is collected from 12 rows of dark-green modules.
  5. The last two rows need to make light green.
  6. Next, you need to do lateral processes. To do this, it is necessary to collect twigs of five rows. They are going to the same principle as the previous twig. The main thing is that the last two rows are light green.
  7. Take a large twig consisting of 12 rows. Return three rows down, and dive with two side processes on sticking corners of the modules.
  8. It is necessary to make 5 such twigs with side processes.
  9. Next, you need to connect these twigs with each other. To do this, you will need 5 modules.
  10. In the center of the received rings must be stuck a wooden wand.
  11. Make four intermediate rings. They are performed from 14 modules according to the same principle as the branches in one ring connected.
  12. Make 4 more rings out of twigs. However, now these twigs must be shorter. The second ring must be made of 10 rows, the third of 8, the fourth of 6, and the fifth - out of 4.
  13. In turn, put on the wand all the rings, not forgetting to wear intermediate rings.
  14. Make a macushka for the Christmas tree. It is done in the same way as a twig from 8 rows.
  15. Put the top.

Of course, at first glance, the execution of the crafts may seem very difficult, but it is not. Moreover, it is very exciting and fun if, of course, it is not alone.

In order not to suffer with cutting the paper modules, buy a special set of modular origami. The kit will include instructions and blanks.

Most people perceive the information visually much better. Therefore, to better understand how to do this craft, you can watch a video with a master class.

Modular origami is a great way to develop a shallow motorcy and raise the mood. Try to put your children with this occupation, because it is very useful for improving motility, attention and concentration.

Now you know how to do with the help of the origami tree of paper. Thanks to this, you can create and maintain a New Year's mood, as well as to give your children. I wish you success!

ATTENTION, only today!

Christmas tree origami in two simple ways. Christmas trees are flat, they can decorate homemade postcards, a big christmas tree.

Materials used:

  • Green paper of two shades;
  • Brown paper;
  • Glue;
  • Any decor in this variant - sequins.

Christmas tree origami stagnaya

Let's start with a simpler way, although both of them are absolutely not difficult. Much lighter by volume origami christmas trees made from one sheet.

Christmas tree in Origami technique: 1 way

Put in front of yourself square shape. It can be bilateral.

Fold opposite corners, forming one fold.

Then fold two other corners again to make another cross fold.

Align the top two sides of the paper in the center.

Then also fold the parties at the bottom. Left.

Connect the upper corner with the bottom.

Then lift the outer corner up by forming a small fold.

Turn the part, changing the top and bottom (without turning over the other way).

Check the lower corner to the fold level.

If you turn over the paper on the other side, it can be seen that the Christmas tree is already. Little children at this stage can stop.

Older children will cope with further task - the formation of the trunk.

To do this, use the reception common in Origami - the creation of pockets. They are simple to do, the main thing is to understand the principle of action. You need to fold the side inside, straightening the sides of the sides. On right.

From the left side.

Turn over the other side - the Christmas tree is ready.

Wishes, it can be made two long-term and even three. Moreover, it is not difficult to do it.

Take another square segment of paper equally with the previous size. It can be a bit in another tonality of green.

Fold twice the paper.

Expand and align the sidewalls in the center.

Bend the part twice by connecting the bottom and top corner.

Get inside the sides. It turned out such a triangular tier of the Christmas tree.

Two details are ready, put on the triangle at the corner of the Christmas tree so that it does not fall too low, secure it with glue at the desired level.

All, the Christmas tree origami is ready.

Optionally, it can be decorate with any decor, paper figures.

Origami Christmas Tree: 2 way

Prepare a square paper cut. Ideally, the parties must be of different colors to highlight the Christmas tree barrel. I glued two squares together: brown and green. But you can use one-sided paper with green and white face, or even the usual double-sided, not scary if the whole Christmas tree and even the trunk will be green.

Note: With the paper connected together with two sections of paper, it's a little more difficult to fold origami due to double density. Children are easier to work with one sheet.

Fold twice by connecting opposite corners. This step is needed to determine the middle.

Check the side corners, aligning them in the center.

Pull the top corner, maintain to the green part of the paper.

Then immediately direct up, while doing a small fold.

Turn the part to the other side and start a small corner from below.

After you need to make a fold again: fold the lower part to the green area up, and immediately down, forming a fold.

Make side pockets, as in the previous way.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe top fold, also direct the face inside. On right.

Turn over the other side. Origami Christmas tree is ready.

These may be two versions of the Christmas tree. And, of course, they can be decorated with sequins, rhinestones, beads, glitter, paper balls, asterisks. Everybody will tell fantasy.

Decorating the premises in Origami technique is an affordable and beautiful way to decorate any home or office. And the New Year tree origami and other colorful crafts from paper will help to create an atmosphere of the holiday.

Simple and colorful origami Tree, Scheme Her execution.

Fluffy and elegant Christmas tree on your desk in the office or each landing room for guests behind the New Year's table is easy and simple. Enough to make a little effort and origami tree Will be your pride and an unusual surprise for others.

You can also make such a Christmas tree with your children. Working with paper well affects the development of motility and attention from preschoolers. If you know, how to make christmas tree origami, then you will always be something to surprise your friends at a festive table or just please the children around you. Well, if you just love Origami and create wonderful crafts for the soul, then with this scheme you can easily replenish your collection of crafts.

Consider in detail how to make christmas tree origami.

To create a Christmas tree, we will need a square sheet of paper, (it is better to take a bilateral, then the craft is more colorful).

From an ordinary square, we make a double, pre-running the line vertically, horizontally and diagonally.

Create the basis for the Christmas tree by rebuilding all the ribs of the square to the center, as shown in the diagram.

To give the volume, make six sides. It is necessary to break back all 4 sides and, gently pressing the fold of the fold, bend it in the middle.

I hide in the middle of the two remaining corners of the Niza of our Christmas tree.

I turn over and straighten all sides. We owe a finished Christmas tree trunk from six branches.

We take scissors and make parallel cuts at different height, without cutting the center of our origami chirka.

By making bends on each side of coniferous paws, westing them in the opposite direction and gently press the inside, form a twig. Such an operation should be done with each of the 6 branches.

Here is our beauty and ready! Now, at will, you can decorate it with beads or sparkles - your taste and discretion.

Decoration of our life - origami tree.

Our life consists of trifles and such pleasant joys. After all, this simple and little Christmas tree will take you a little time. And if you make them more than one - the process will go much faster. On the eve of the New Year holidays, it is easy to create the necessary atmosphere of similar trifles - from several Christmas trees you can make a colorful garland for home decoration, class at school or office ... Origami tree It will be an excellent common class with children, will help spend time with benefit and give a good mood. Origami is an amazing world of creating wonderful things from simple paper, and our origami china scheme It will be an excellent addition to your collection. If you do not have the first year in such work, you know perfectly well that the paper comes to life in the skillful hands, and the author of each craft will instill a soul into her. For children, such a handicraft will be an excellent gift - you can make a few Origami Christmas trees together with the baby and give them to educators in kindergarten or other kids.

We hope that our master class helped you find out how to make christmas tree origami To decorate your home, office or other room. And a combination of several parts - Christmas trees and snowflakes, for example, will provide you with a complete victory.

Christmas tree. Step-by-step instructions with photos. Origami for senior preschoolers

Author: Goncharov Marina Mikhailovna, teacher MDOU CRR kindergarten №1 "Berezka", city of Verkhneuralsk, Chelyabinsk region.
Purpose: I propose a master class on making paper Christmas tree. Work can be an interior decoration for the new year, decoration on the Christmas tree. This master class can be used in classes with senior preschoolers, younger schoolchildren, in circle work, as well as in the joint activities of children and parents.

purpose of work: Creating a Christmas tree with your own hands.
- To acquaint children with the manufacture of paper Christmas tree by origami.
- To form skills to follow oral instructions.
- Fasten the skills of neat work with paper.
- Develop attention, thinking, spatial imagination, aesthetic feelings, creative abilities, small motility.
- to educate interest in the art of origami, accuracy, independence.

Before the holiday of winter
For green christmas tree
Dress white sama
She sewed without a needle.
Smoked white snow
Christmas tree with a bow
And worth most beautiful
In a dress green.
She is green to face
Christmas tree knows it.
How is she under the New Year
Well dressed! (Chukovsky's roots)

Tale about Christmas tree. (
He lived, there was a small Christmas tree. She, like all the Christmas trees, lived in the forest. There was our green and fluffy Christmas tree. She grew on the clearing and very pleased with her beauty of different forest bells.
Winter has come. The white snow fell asleep the Christmas tree, and she became more fluffy, still smarter, as if dressed in a warm fur coat. Forest Forest Datvora was having fun: Run, Lachats, Silia, Ticker and Snegiri on the clearing, near the Christmas tree. Once someone's steps were heard in the forest, the beasts in fright rushed to those who were hidden. Soon dad and three babes came to the clearing: two girls and a boy.
- Dad, dad, look what a Christmas tree! Just what we need! - happily shouted the older children and pulled the dad for the sleeve.
"And, however," Pope replied, "let's remember this clearing and come tomorrow with an ax to cut down the Christmas tree." Dress it better, and it will decorate our home for the holiday.
The older children were delighted, and the youngest girl suddenly began to cry:
"Dad, dad, don't chop Christmas tree," she sobbed, "she is so beautiful, so fluffy, sorry to chop her.
- Well, what about us without a tree for the new year? - asked dad.
- Daddy, let's buy artificial. I saw in the store. And this will leave for bunnies and squirrels. They also need a Christmas tree for a holiday.
Dad looked attentively at her, and then smiled and said:
- You are right, sorry Christmas tree. It disappears at us at home, warm. And here the Christmas tree can still grow many, many years and to delight everyone.
On that and cut, and then went home. Only that the next day the steps in the forest were again rang out. Forest animals were frightened. Did people change their mind and go chop the Christmas tree? See that the same dad and children come to the clearing. But in their hands they do not have an ax, but a huge box. And in the box what is just not! And balls, and golden bumps, and soft toys, and beads! They began to decorate the Christmas tree. A big and brilliant red star was put on the top. And under the Christmas tree laid gifts for forest animals: carrots, apples, nuts, and hay.
- Beautiful wearing a Christmas tree turned out! Said Dad, "we came up with. Well, now go home, you need to hurry, otherwise we will not have time to store behind the Christmas tree.
They left, and they wanted, lush, elms and other forest animals jumped out the clearing. They began to treat with gifts, and then drive away the dances around the Christmas tree. And the Christmas tree is so beautiful, such an elegant! It is worthwhile, he smiles his friends. Finally, they have a real New Year holiday from the forest!

For the manufacture of crafts you need to cook: Green bilateral paper, pencil, scissors.

Sequence of performance:
Prepare green square.

Bend square in half to itself, combining the upper and lower sides and corners. Carefully try the finger of the fold line. Expand the square, combine the sides (bend again in half).

Expand the square, bend on one and another diagonal, it turns out a triangle.

Expand square angle to yourself.

Break into the side corners along the lines of bend, so that the base shape is double square.

Bend to the middle alternately and left corners of the upper square, try.

Expand the fold of the right corner, lift up, combine the left side of the sidewall bending with the left corner and press. Become to the right.

The same action is repeated with the left corner.

Turn over the square and with other corners to repeat the same actions.

It turned out a quadrilateral.

On the bottom of the workpiece to spend the line and cut off. (You can cut off at the level of the corners, then the Christmas tree will be lower)

On the side line of the fold to make a markup in 1.5 cm increments.

Scissors make cuts to the midline.

Each incision bend on the corner.

It turned out such a bulk green holiday Christmas tree.

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