Who belongs to the category of a single mother. Single mother: legal status and warranty. The concept of "single" is applicable in cases

The status of a single mother in our country is no longer surprised. This is a special status, designed to provide women with a raising your child on their own, good living conditions and guarantee social rights, data by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. According to this status, you can get special privileges and social benefits, in addition, alone mothers receive children's benefits. But still some women decide to establish paternity. Today we will talk about what it is more profitable: leave the status of a single mother or an alimony more profitable?

The status of a single mother is automatically removed after the establishment of fatherhood and filling the Graph "Father" in the child's birth certificate. At the same time, she gets right.

Contrary to public opinion, the mother is a single - this is not a woman who divorced the father of the child.

Basins for receiving a woman's mother's single:

  1. Birth of a child:
    1. Outside legal marriage;
    2. After 300 days from the date of divorce.
  2. Failure of the child's father to recognize her fatherhood;
  3. Obtaining a child's birth certificate without specifying his father (dashboard or indication of one name);
  4. No application for paternity;
  5. Sole adoption or adoption of a child;
  6. Discover fatherhood in court.

In other words, you can get the status of a single mother only in the case when there is no information about the father's father. In addition, if a woman points to one man, but he does not confirm his fatherhood, it also gets the status of a single mother.

Who can't get the status of a single mother?

Not always a mother, self-raising child, can get benefits from the state. So, get status Mother is a single woman can not:

  • Mothers in the marriage process or recently written a divorce statement;
  • If the child's father was deprived of parental rights, it does not give the right to the status of a single mother;
  • Mother who gave birth to her child in legal marriage;
  • Women who born within 300 days after:
    • After divorce;
    • After the death of a legitimate husband;
    • Marriage recognition is invalid.
  • Unmarried Women, in the birth certificate of the child of which Graph Father is filled, even in the case when the father of the child:
    • Evades alimony;
    • Lives separately;
    • Not familiar with his child;
    • Recognizes his paternity, but does not participate in the educational process.
  • A child's mother who voluntarily refused to help a man recognized by blood father:
    • According to the voluntary consent of the man;
    • In legally;
    • Judicially.

A legitimate husband is automatically considered the biological father of the child's wife. If he has evidence that the child is awesome, he may refute fatherhood in court.

Advantages of Mother's Status Single: Benefits, Payments and Manuals

A single mother needs special social protection from the state, for this reason, according to Russia's law, they received the right to special federal benefits, benefits and payments after the birth of a child.

The most important advantages they receive belong to the Labor and Tax Code, as well as a number of social benefits. The main one includes:

  1. Social benefits and payments:
    1. Compensation for an increase in the cost of life, if a child under 16 years old (with full-time learning under 18) - 300 rubles. monthly;
    2. Compensation for food, if the father shies away from the alimony or mother of the child is a single, in children under three years old - 675 rubles. monthly;
    3. Manual for the care of a disabled child 1 or 1 group until they reach the 18 year old age (in the village. - Up to 23 years old, if the child can not work), - 6,000 rubles. per month;
    4. Allowance for single mothers whose cumulative monthly income less than the sum of the subsistence minimum established in the region of residence;
  2. Monthly allowance of lonely mothers to ensure the standard of living of a child:
    1. For children from 9 to 1.5 years - 2 500 rubles. per month;
    2. For children from 1.5 to 3 years old - 4 500 rubles. per month;
    3. For children from 3 to 18 years old - 2 500 rubles. per month.

To get benefits for single mothers, you need to contact the territorial office of social protection with a certificate of income for the 3 preceding month. As a rule, the application is applied after exiting the decree so that decreh payments do not fall into revenues.

  1. Labor benefits and guarantees:
    1. Has the right to work part-time at its discretion until a child of 14 years of age;
    2. If a child under 14 years old, then a single mother cannot be dismissed if there is no turn of disciplinary disorders behind it:
      1. To reduce the staff of employees in the enterprise;
      2. When changing the leadership;
  • According to the abnormalization of the qualifications of the position.
  1. If the employer's enterprise decides to eliminate the company and cut the staff, a single mother will necessarily receive another workplace;
  2. Patient care allowance:
    1. With inpatient treatment - the amount is calculated on the basis of the working experience of a single mother;
    2. With an outpatient treatment, a single mother in the first 10 days of the disease will receive 100% salary, in the remaining time it will be accrued to 50%.
  • Payment of the hospital sheet without restrictions, if a child under 7 years old, if older, then pay only 15 days.
  1. The right to leave at its own expense to two weeks at any time, at the request of a single mother;
  2. Mother lonely will not work:
    1. Overtime;
    2. In nighttime;
  • In festive and weekends.
  1. Tax Benefits Mothers Singles:
    1. Double deduction due to the content of minor children;
    2. Double deduction can be saved if the child is a full-time student learning (up to 24 years).

In addition, a single mother can claim additional benefits from the law to improve life and children. Additional benefits for single mothers who do not receive child alimony include:

  • Free baby clothes for a newborn baby;
  • Removing the obligation to pay for the export of food and household waste, as well as cleaning the common territory of an apartment building - until a child achievement is 1.5 years;
  • Free baby food at dairy kitchen (milk, cottage cheese, etc.), - up to 2 years;
  • Discount on the purchase of medicines and children's drugs with a discount of up to 50%;
  • Free use and visits to children's doctors and massage rooms in a children's clinic at the place of residence;
  • Two-time free meals for children, students in general education institutions;
  • Discount (30%) to pay for additional educational institutions, circles, sections, artistic, music schools, etc.

In addition, children of mothers single have benefits when entering kindergartens: no queue for enrollment and 50% discount for payment. Some regions, in turn, try to provide lonely to the right to provide free sanatorium vouchers to a Russian sanatorium or resort annually, as well as to the children's camp.

How to get a mother's alimony alone?

Despite all the above benefits and benefits, which are designed to simplify the life of lonely women. It is for this reason that many of them, knowing the biological father of the child, are faced with the choice, and more profitable: a single mother or alimony. And how to get alimony from the father of the child.

If a single mother gets alimony to a child, it will automatically be devoid of status and social benefits for single mothers and other social and labor guarantees.

First of all, the mother is alone to get alimony, she needs to prove the paternity of the alleged father of the child. This is a mandatory point for making alimony. In addition, for obtaining, it will also have to establish the relationship of a man and a child.

So, establish paternity and get alimony on a child born out of marriage, you can:

  • Voluntary with the consent of the child's father about making his name to the child's birth certificate;
  • In court by submitting a claim to establish the paternity of the intended biological father of the child.

If the plaintiff will present insufficient evidence of the biological paternity of a man, then the judge will refuse her to receive alimony, and if she has already managed to get alimony, then the payer will be able to arrange.

What is more profitable: mother single or child alimony?

We will not concern psychological parsing issues, that to choose a woman. Status Mother Lone or Alimony have the same goal - to protect the interests of the child and his right to receive material assistance from both parents. The only difference: with the status of a lone mother, she instead of help from the father of the child, receives help from the state.

Main advantages to stay mother's mother:

  1. Guaranteed support from the state;
  2. Often payments to the child are more than alimony for a child with a child's father (unemployed, disabled person who hides real income, etc.);
  3. A man who pays for the child's alimony will be able to demand an alimony from obtaining their content from the already grew sown or daughter.

In addition, the mother's mother is deprived of labor, tax and social benefits, but at the same time she cannot be insured against the payer, losing their work, as well as in through court and other changes for the worse.

However, it is impossible not to note the advantages of alimony for a child:

  1. The size of children's benefits and other state payments to the child is often small and difficulty covers the cost of nutrition of the child;
  2. If the child's father has a stable, high earnings, then the child's alimony will be significantly higher than children's benefits;
  3. Often, the preservation of the place of work in the liquidation of the enterprise is more important for the mother of the child than getting alimony.

How to install paternity and get alimony?

If, when choosing: a single mother or alimony, a woman decides to recover payments to a child, then she needs to apply for the establishment of paternity to court at the place of registration of itself or the intended father of the child.

The application must specify the following data:

  1. The full name of the court, the address of its location and the FIO of the judge;
  2. Personal data on the sides of the case (plaintiff and respondent):
    1. FULL NAME, date of birth;
    2. Registration address.
  3. The name of the document is a claim for the establishment of paternity and recovery of alimony into a minor child;
  4. Thesis Business Description:
    1. Relationship with the defendant;
    2. Child name, date of birth;
    3. Evidence of co-residence and property of property and other circumstances.
  5. A list of evidence of the biological paternity of the defendant;
  6. The requirement is to establish paternity and appoint the payment of alimony to the child;
  7. List of attached documents:
    1. Applicant passport;
    2. Certificate of the birth of a child;
    3. The result of a medical genetic examination for paternity;
    4. Other evidence of paternity;
    5. Certificate of income and job extract for both parties;
    6. Receipt about the payment of state duty.
  8. The date and signature of the applicant.

You can download a sample claim for paternity setting.

Opinion expert

Marina Bespalo

In 2011, he graduated from the University of Internal Affairs in the specialty "Laws". In 2013, the magistracy course, the specialty "lawyer". In 2010-2011, a course in Portland State University (USA) at the Faculty of Criminal Law and Criminology. Since 2011, a practitioner lawyer.

Parents should think about the preparation of a document confirming the transfer of money to alimony. According to Art. 808 Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a receipt - confirmation of money transfer or material values \u200b\u200bin a certain amount. Also, in accordance with the Decision of the Federal Arbitration Court of the North-Western District of August 11, 2010 on Customs Proceedings No. A56-69901 / 2009, the receipt is appropriate evidence in confirming the fact of transferring funds and lack of debt. Therefore, the design of the document is a guarantee for the protection of the interests of participants under possible court proceedings.


So, solving for yourself, more profitable: the status is a single mother or alimony, you need carefully:

  • calculate the aggregate state assistance;
  • compare it with the presumptive size of alimony.

In addition, it is not necessary to forget that according to the Family Code, alimony-payer is provided with many legitimate ways to reduce alimony. Therefore, many women choosing in the question of the "mother of a single or alimony", decide to remain in a preferential position by the state than to engage themselves by the illusions about huge, but non-efficient alimony to the child. Moreover, the Father cannot guarantee benefits upon admission, while the state helps in obtaining education, medical care and pay for medicines and food for a newborn.

We draw your attention to the fact that Russia's legislation is constantly changing and the information written by us may be outdated. In order to solve you have a family right question, you can contact a free consultation of the site lawyers.

Not every woman raising a child without the participation of his father is considered to be on our legislation with a single mother. Such status and the associated social support from the state receives only the woman who gave birth to a child outside of marriage and in the absence of a joint statement of parents or a court decision on the establishment of paternity. In her birth certificate, her baby, respectively, either will stand a dummy, or the surname of the father is recorded by the name of the mother, and the name and middle name - according to its instructions. At the same time, the woman is issued by the registrar of the registry office of the approved form confirming its status (form No. 25).

If the child has an official father, then there is no benefit as a lonely mother, even when the male-dad with his family does not live and the alimony does not pay.

Single mother: Benefits and benefits in 2020 and who they are provided

It would be logical to assume that the concern for socially unprotected citizens should take over the state. And some payments of lonely mommies are really installed at the federal level. But often, what and when there is a manual, a single mother will learn from familiar or from local news. All because part of the preferences for this category is given to the deposit of local authorities, which establishes them, based on its own understanding and financial capabilities. And the provision of sending in the field of labor relations has already been traditionally entrusted to employers.

Social support measures

For any special allowance of a single mother in 2020, as before, it is not necessary to count. However, with the aim of improving the material situation of single mothers, they may be provided with various social privileges installed at the local level. Such benefits, as a rule, belong:

  • free linen sets for the newborn;
  • free children's dairy kitchen;
  • extraordinary admission of kid in kindergarten;
  • discount for a kindergarten;
  • acquisition of some medicines for free or discount;
  • free massage therapist services in the children's clinic;
  • free food in the school canteen;
  • discount on the payment of utilities services.

Benefits in matters of labor and employment

It is clear that in order to grow a kid one, it is necessary to have a stable income. Therefore, one of the most significant guarantees for a lonely mother of a child under 14 years old is a banned ban on dismissal on the initiative of the employer, with the exception of cases of complete liquidation of the enterprise or for the guilty grounds (driving, in a state of intoxication, etc.). That is, during the organization of measures to reduce the state, it is impossible to dismiss on this basis.

Prior to reaching the child of the age of five years, the direction of a single mother in office business trips, attracting overtime work, work at night, weekends and non-working holidays can be carried out only with its consent. In the meantime, the child will not be 14 years old, the mother can work on an incomplete working time (truth, and the salary will be proportional to spent time).

If a collective agreement was concluded in the organization, then it may be established right for single mothers to receive annual additional leave without salary salary at a convenient time for them duration up to 14 calendar days.

Payments and benefits

At the federal level, children's manuals for lonely mother practically do not differ from payments for children raised in a full family - neither on the list of species or their size. Thus, the size of the mother's allowance in 2020 will be:

  • maternity benefits - depending on the size of earnings, but not less than 34,520,55 rubles;
  • fixed one-time payout at the birth of a child - 16.350,33 rubles;
  • monthly payments for baby care to one and a half years - in the amount of 40% of the average earnings, but not less than 3065.69 rubles;
  • monthly payment for child care from 1.5 to 3 years - 50 rubles;
  • monthly or quarterly payout of low-income lonely parents who have children under 16, depending on the region.

In addition, working lonely moms have the right to double tax deduction. The tax deduction is the amount of income on which the income tax is not deducted by law. That is, the person will get a big amount in his arms. The tax deduction in the amount of 2800 rubles per child is provided by a single time until the annual amount of income exceeds 350,000 rubles.

What documents are needed to obtain benefits

To obtain social support measures for a single mother in the relevant social protection authority should be provided:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • certificate of birth of a child (original and copy);
  • certificate of form No. 25, which was mentioned above.

To obtain benefits provided by low-income families, it will still need a certificate from the place of residence about the composition of the family.

Let's sum up

For some reason, the opinion is widespread that being a lonely mom is beneficial. But, as we see, no special children's allowance for lone mothers in 2020 in Russia, unlike some European countries, has not been established, and the privileges of this status gives small. Therefore, in the material plan, it is much more profitable to establish the paternity of the biological father and require the payment of alimony from it. However, in the position of a single parent there are also its advantages: no one needs to be permitted to go to another country to go to another country or, for example, asking the child's father to bring a certificate from work that he did not use the appropriate benefit at his place of work. .

Given that single mothers accounted for much more difficult than full families, the state legally provided for them various benefits and guarantees. Unfortunately, many still do not know their rights or learn too late.

Who admits a lonely mom

Mother is not considered lonely if the child has an official father. In this case, under these words it is understood that a person who acts as a father of the child was inscribed in the birth certificate, even if he is not his biological parent. Let's consider such situations.

If the spouses are registered, then the child's father is the child's mother, if not proven otherwise. An entry on the father's father is made on the basis of a marriage certificate at a request of one of the parents. The regimen register the child on the spouse, and such a mother will not be considered lonely, even if the child is not a child her husband. Also, the former spouse is considered to be a father if since or recognizing it invalid, as well as from the moment of death, no more than 300 days passed. Fatherhood certifies the record of their marriage (paragraph 2 of Art. 48 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation - hereinafter the IC of the Russian Federation). In this case, the child is registered on the former spouse, and such a mother is not considered lonely. If less than 300 days have passed since the death of the parent, then such a mother is also not recognized as lonely. The child is registered on the deceased, and the family is appointed by the allowance in connection with the loss of the breadwinner. If the father's father deprived the parental rights, then in this case the mother is not considered lonely.

If the parents of the child are not in a registered marriage, then the Father's information is made on the basis of an act of OB, but provided that paternity is established simultaneously with the birth of the child. In this case, a joint statement of parents is necessary. This voluntary means that a woman is not a lonely mother, even if this man does not live with her.

In the event of the death of a person who recognized himself by the father of the child, but was not married to the mother of the child, the fact of his fatherhood recognition can be established in the procedure of special legal proceedings (Art. 50 of the RF IC, paragraphs. 4 of paragraph 2 of Art. 264 of the Civil Procedure Code Of the Russian Federation - further Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation).

Also, the mother, and the father can establish paternity in court, if, for example, a woman refuses to register paternity voluntarily or father of the child refuses to recognize himself with his parent (Art. 49 of the RF IC). If paternity or recognition of paternity is established in court, then the woman will not be considered a lonely mother.

Thus, women include women if in the child's birth certificate there is no recording about the father at all or such information is written solely on the instructions of the mother, and not a joint statement with the father of the child.

Pluses and consumers in the birth certificate

Some registry authorities recommend lonely mothers not to write in the birth certificate even a fictitious father, just to put a fiber. This will free you in the future from a number of problems. Suppose you decided to relax abroad. Since in accordance with the RF IC of the Russian Federation, parents have equal rights and carry equal duties against their children, then it will take a notarized consent of the second parent that he does not mind traveling. In this case, the battle will save you at customs from the need to explain that "dad" is fictitious. Another example: if parents are spelled out at different addresses, then for the permanent registration of the child with one of them, the consent of the second parent is required that it is not against such registration. Or you decided to get married and the future husband wishes to adopt your child, or go to a permanent residence abroad - everywhere in these cases, the consent of the father inscribed in the document. The law has many more situations when to commit any actions that concern the child, the consent of the father or the second parent. Thus, if a child has no father, it disappears the need to write joint statements in each case or go to the notary.

But there is also the reverse side of the medal. For example, the child does not arise the right to alimony, since alimony obligations arise only from parents, and this must be documented. In addition, in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, children relate to the heirs of the first stage. But the child will not be able to inherit property from the actual father, if there is no record about this anywhere.

We now turn to benefits. I must say that the benefits for single mothers are not very much, but they are.

In addition, the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated April 6, 2004 No. 199 PP established an additional one-time allowance to young families in connection with the birth of a child. But I must say that lonely mothers have also possess the right to receive this benefit, which have registration at the place of residence in Moscow. The size of such a manual depends on the severity of the child's birth and amounts to:

  • at the birth of the first child - the five-time subsistence minimum, established by the Government of Moscow, per capita, i.e. 3611,45x5 \u003d 18057.25 rubles;
  • at the birth of the second child - the seven-time size of the subsistence minimum, i.e. 3611,45x7 \u003d 25280.15 rubles;
  • at the birth of the third and subsequent children - a tenfold size of the subsistence minimum, i.e. 3611,45x10 \u003d 36114.5 rubles.

Also for single mothers there are benefits for paying for training in children's schools (musical, art and other) systems of the Committee on the culture of Moscow. The amount of payment for children of a lonely mother is 30% lower than the usual payment. Benefits applies to art school students before reaching the age of 18. In cases of training in the schools of the arts of citizens who have reached 18 years and having the disability of the 1st or 2nd group, the size of the training fee decreases by 30% (order of the Committee on the Culture Committee of the Government of Moscow dated May 6, 2002 No. 205).

Children of single mothers can take advantage of both free school foods, in, for example, the cost of breakfast of students of 1-grades is 12-14 rubles per day, and two-time meals from students from large and socially unprotected families (breakfast, lunch) will cost Moscow Budget in 37-44 ruble per day.

In any case, if a lonely mother wants to get any benefit or learn about that, she should contact the Social Protection Committee at the place of residence, where the inspectors are obliged to tell it about all orders, benefits and payments operating in a particular area.

The number of incomplete families in the Russian Federation is growing, and the mother remains the only breadwinner for children. For monetary assistance, it turns to the state to receive benefits and benefits that are established under legislation, lonely mothers.

How to get the status of a single mother in 2020, interests many women, since the benefits for them are put in almost all spheres of life. There is a Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81 "On state benefits to citizens who have children", he regulates the main benefits and payments to which parents may apply, including single mother.

Who can get the status of a single mother

Who is considered a single mother in the Russian Federation? It can be called a woman who in the document on the emergence of a child is not registered his father.

Other signs:

  • the paternity of a particular citizen was not established in the court bodies, on the basis of evidence, in particular the results of DNA examination, that is, there is no judicial determination on this issue;
  • after the divorce between the spouses, more than 300 days passed;
  • application from both parents, under the registration procedure of a newborn in the registry office, is absent;
  • the woman, conducted a child's adoption procedure, at this time, without being in the marriage union;
  • children appeared in a woman who at the time of their appearance was not in the registered marriage union.

Attention! Many mistakenly believe that if a woman divorced his children's father, then she can be considered a single mother, this is not the case. When she remained alone with children as a result of a divorce, means that in the paternity section in the birth documents of children stands a certain person. And this factor no longer gives the right to call it, a lonely mother, even if, the father after the divorce does not take part in the raising of children.

During the registration of a child in the authorities of record acts of civil status, a woman is issued a certificate in form No. 25, it confirms that the mother is the only parent.

Surname such children is assigned maternal, and in the column Father, at the request of a woman, is affixed by a dash or the information they will provide.

Important! If the certificate was not issued on the day of registration of children, a woman has the right to seek her on any day. Employees, lifting all the documents, are obliged to issue a certificate even after time.

Legislative consolidation of status

In the legislation as of 2020, there is no definition of a single mother.

There is a definition of a person with family responsibilities and a lonely parent, raising a child independently. These concepts are fixed in the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation from 2014, in which the work of persons with family responsibilities raising independently young children is settled. The main signs of the status of a lonely mother, according to the above document:

  • the presence of responsibilities for the education and development of the child;
  • the implementation of the actual care of the child;
  • father died, deprived of parental rights, limited in parental rights, recognized as missing, incapable.

Attention! The legally definition of lonely mother applies only in the field of labor law, it does not allow a woman to receive social benefits.

The key point for the use of benefits in the labor law industry for mothers is that it brings up, tends, feeds his children. To use such privileges, it does not even need to have a certificate.

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In 2020, for single mothers, the Labor Code provides many benefits. For example, when reducing the staff of employees, it has an advantage, also a lot of rewards and benefits when organizing a working day.

Who can't claim status

Women who are not allowed to get such status:

  • if she remained alone, after the divorce, the father was recorded in the relevant column in the birth certificate;
  • children's paternity was established in court or voluntarily;
  • the child appeared, until the expiration of 300 days from the date of divorce or other circumstances, for example, the death of the spouse (part 2 of Art. 48 of the Family Code of Russia).

Procedure for registration of status

Get the benefits of one-lone mothers in 2020 in the Russian Federation is more profitable and easier than trying to establish paternity and seek making an alimony obligations on the Father.

How to get the status of a single mother? Some believe that receiving a certificate in form No. 25 is already the basis for recognizing such status for it, but everything is not so simple.

To assign the status of a single mother and receive its benefits and other payments, you need to contact the Department of Social Protection or MFC with a certain list of documents. The certificate of №25 will be only a confirmation that a woman can be attributed to the group of single mothers.

Required documents

To get the status of a lonely mother, you need to contact the social protection department of the population or MFC on registration with a certain list of documents. These documents include:

  • a statement written by a woman with the requirement to receive this status;
  • certificates of the birth of children;
  • applicant's passport or other identity document;
  • a certificate that the child lives with his mother, and not with his father or with another person (you can order in the passport desk);
  • documents in which the applicant's income has been specified over the past three months preceding the date of application submission;
  • certificate in form №25, decision of the judicial authority or other document confirming the fact of the attitude of this person to the category of single mothers;
  • documents confirming the presence / absence of other family income (certificates from school / kindergarten);
  • account details for transfer benefits;
  • documents confirming the lack of father in children.

After submitting documents for the status of a single, she will have to wait for the decision of the authority of the body, which they must take out no later than 10 days, from the date of their receipt.

If, the applicant's requirement will receive a positive answer, a certificate will be issued, which will confirm the rights of a single mother.

Failure to receive benefits

When submitting documents, you can not always get a positive answer.

If, after considering the documents, the answer will be negative, then a notification will come in which the refusal will be clearly argued. Refuse without explanation, employees are not right. Such a decision, under the legislation of the Russian Federation, may be appealed in court if there are grounds for it.

With a woman, the status of a single mother can be in case:

  • when she got married, and the new husband adopted her children;
  • if, the documentation that is a lonely mother submitted to social protection authorities to design benefits will contain false information.

Pros and Cons Acquisition of Mother's Status

In addition to obtaining benefits and benefits from the state, a woman who made the status of a single mother, may notice the emergence of positive or negative points when performing some transactions or design documentation.

It may concern both her own and a minor child.

Pros of obtaining a lone mother status

  • obtaining benefits in many industries: labor relations, social;
  • free movement of children. For example, it will not be necessary to obtain permission from the Father to depart the child abroad. Such a problem always rises between parents, even though the Father, not wanting to participate in the upbringing, simply does not allow him to go to another country, due to the tense relationship with his mother;
  • if, the new husband's husband wants to adopt a child, the consent of the biological dad will not need;
  • father will not have any rights to its content in old age.

Attention! This is a very controversial topic in the Russian Federation, but the cases when a man made a requirement for its adult child, quite a lot. It cannot be called fair, since he himself did not participate in the upbringing, and did not help his child with money.

Negative moments in the acquisition of status

  • a woman has no right to sue alimony until a man does not officially recognize the child with his own. If this happens, the status of a single mother will be removed, and it can no longer qualify for payments from the state.
  • children are deprived of the rights to inherit the law of property from their dad and his close relatives.
Important! Lonely mom needs to think well that in her case it will be more profitable and better: to receive benefits from the state, and have complete rights to children, or wait for the alimony from their father, which may not follow.

Attention! In the Russian Federation in 2020, benefits and though not big, but there is. A woman who received the status of a single mother, can always claim their receipt. To do this, make all the documents and get a certificate certifying this fact.