To whom the retirees give material assistance. Material assistance in the IFC law on financial assistance to pensioners

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for two types of financial assistance to pensioners: state material assistance is carried out at the expense of the insurance system of social support for citizens of the country, and the material support for the former employee of the pensioner or retired employee from his former employer.

Addressable one-time material assistance to non-working pensioners by the state is carried out by the Department or management of social protection of the population at the place of registration of the pensioner. It can be: material (monetary), food, dye, sanitary and hygienic, patronage of socio-medical and social services, as well as services for cleaning premises, where the elderly people live.

One-time financial assistance to pensioners

How to get material assistance to a pensioner? Mostly, targeted material assistance is sent to lonely non-working retirees and the families of pensioners, where all family members do not work and have an average monthly income no more than 15 thousand rubles. This assistance is provided once a year on the basis of a written statement of a pensioner and for certain purposes, for example, for the repair of a residential premises (after cases of fire, flooding). Such material assistance to the pensioner is carried out on the basis of an act of inspection of specialists, checks, estimates of the work performed, etc. Matthew a pensioner can give on expensive treatment that the pensioner cannot pay independently. Another article of the pensioner Mattheom is to purchase fuel (coal, firewood, etc.), essential items, etc.

The basis for the provision of targeted material assistance to non-working pensioners, as well as its amount, is regulated by local governments.

Material assistance to former employees of pensioners

Providing material support from the employer to employees who retired or former employees - retirees is carried out on the basis of the provisions of the collective agreement.

There are stipulated by the legislation to the provision of material assistance to employees to pensioners:

Expensive treatment associated with serious pension worker diseases;

Retirement retirement or disability after a long time of work in this organization.

In order to obtain a one-time material assistance, the pensioner needs to write an appropriate statement to the employer (in free form) with a request to provide him with material assistance. The application must specify the cause of the demand for help. If the head accepts a positive decision on this application, then an order is published on his behalf on providing material support to the employee (no unified form, it is compiled in free form).

In accordance with Art. 270 Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of material support cannot be included in the costs when determining the tax base for the calculation of income tax, but there is no clear definition - which determination is suitable for this definition. If the form of material support for the organization to its employees is not related to its labor duties, but aimed at meeting the needs associated with severe life situations, then the amount of the amount may be included in the costs.

Insurance premiums are not charged on a sum of one-time material assistance, which turns out to be no more than once a year and the amount of not more than 4 thousand rubles, if:

It turns out to be facial disasters;

In the event of the death of a loved one;

In the case of birth (adoption) of the child.

In all other cases, the employer must pay insurance premiums with the amount of material assistance in the Federal Law No. 2112-FZ dated July 24, 2009 Recall that it is valid until the end of 2016. However, the new head of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation on insurance premiums is not much different from the principles of Law No. 2112-FZ.

The amount of one-time material assistance in the amount of no more than 4 thousand rubles, rendered by the employer who has retired an employee or a former worker who is retired by the employer who has retired an employee or an employee who is retired by the employer who is retired is retired by the employer who is retired is retired.

Social assistance is a way to support poor and needing segments of the population from federal and regional municipal organizations.

Pensioners are considered to be the most needy group of citizens in supporting support. The rules for the provision of state social assistance to pensioners are registered in federal legislation. Help retirees is carried out in financial or material form.

Social assistance is the type of support for the poor and especially those in need of the population from the federal and regional municipality.

Support can be provided not to all citizens of old age. Material assistance is laid only in accordance with the legislative requirements for providing similar benefits. Count for such compulsory support can:

  1. Single non-working pensioners, in which income does not correspond to a two-time subsistence minimum;
  2. Disabled people and non-working pensioners living together with relatives or spouse if income on each family member is not equal to the two-time size of the subsistence minimum;
  3. Disabled pensioners who are appointed departmental payments in the event of a document confirming the provision / non-appearance of material assistance.

Types of social support for pensioners

Federal legislation provides for three basic ways of social support for pensioners. The type of support can be both standard for all, and depend on the territory of living in need.

Method of supportSupport typeExplanations
Financial paymentsSocial benefitIt turns out from the budget funds of the state for free
SubsidyPartial / Full-size discounts and benefits for utilities, telephony, etc.
Monthly payoutAppointed by the Pension Fund of Russia
Monthly social surcharge to pensionFederalIt is allocated by the state if the pension is less than the subsistence minimum, it is equal to the average for the year in Russia.
RegionalIt is allocated by the local organ of social protection, equalizing cash payments to the subsistence minimum, if its magnitude is higher than the Russian subsistence minimum.
Social support in kindRegionalIt turns out in the form of clothing, the necessary medicines, coal, food, etc.

Do not forget that the accumulative part of maternal capital can be calculated in one-time social support or distributed evenly by months. To do this, when making a pension document, inform your desire to decorate this accumulative pension part of the IFC officer or the FIU, if you have this.

Monthly Social Pension is focused on an increase in pension to the size of the subsistence minimum of the territory in the needy

Types of material social assistance

The state provides for several basic types of material assistance:

State Address One-time Material Social Assistance

Address support is territorial social space. Designed to non-working single pensioners, if they live together with close relatives who have the status of the unemployed, the total income of the family does not exceed fifteen thousand.

This kind of help can be provided more often than once a year and only for certain purposes. For example, for expensive treatment, heating needs, repair of housing, in the event of an emergency. It costs to remember, to determine the cost of repairing housing and further assistance, you will need an act of inspection and assessment of real estate, the provision of estimates and confirming spending documents. It will be possible to obtain material assistance only in the presence of these documents and compliance with all requirements;

Material support for a former employee who has retired from the organization ahead of time in length of years or old age

Such a type of support is perhaps the most uncertain due to the fact that the decision on the appointment of additional pensions or the provision of matworks is regulated by the provisions of the collective employment contract of the enterprise, where a former employee worked. The assistance is put on pensioners for expensive treatment, on the occasion of retirement due to age / disability.

For assistance, it is necessary to provide a personal statement to the employer, indicating the cause of petition. With any decision, an order is published informing about the provision of financial assistance to pensioners or refusal with the obligatory indication of the cause.

This type of care is not subject to income tax, if the support is not related to the labor discipline and working conditions, but if it is allocated to solve a severe life situation, payment is recommended for expenses. Insurance deductions are also not provided for assistance not exceeding size in four thousand and apply to payments due to natural disasters, adoption / child's birth, the death of a close relative.

Target contracts.

This type of support is focused on adapting and assistance in the employment of retirees and disabled. With a pensioner / disabled person, social service, an educational institution is a tripartite agreement for training and patronage in the employment of such citizens. A social group of such persons is sent to retraining / learning for the specialties in demand in the labor market. Thus, organizing their leisure and providing further employment.

Comprehensive social assistance package: What includes and who relies

Comprehensive social assistance is focused on providing support for lonely and family retirees disabled, participants in combat operations.

Comprehensive social support is focused on providing support for lonely and family retirees to disabled people, participants in hostilities already receiving a pension.

Comprehensive social assistance includes:

  1. Medicines. Providing needy retirees expensive drugs that they cannot buy independently.
  2. Treatment in the sanatorium. On the recommendation of the doctor and in the presence of directions to the appropriate treatment. Given no more than once in the calendar year on the personal application of the applied.
  3. Payment of travel to the sanatorium and back. Preferential travel extends to travel by bus, train, air transport, as well as ferry crossing on river and sea transport.

Excellent from standard special conditions are relying a pensioner-disabled person of the first group: he shoulded a sanatorium treatment not alone, but twice a year, as well as compensation of the passage there and back not only to the applicant, but also one accompanying.

Social assistance procedure

A lot of questions and difficulties arise in the elderly, applying for social support of the state. It is not worth afraid of anything, everything that you should be happy to be appointed and paid. Often, the pensioners are difficult to understand the bureaucratic system: what matwork assumes, how to get material support, where and to whom you can go for help and advice? You need to go to the local social service or territorial MFC. Employees of government officials will provide you with detailed free consultation.

For assistance required:

  1. Write a personal statement in the territorial pension fund with a request to provide social support. In the document, it is necessary to specify the view of the desired benefits and the reason for the need.
  2. Provide copies:
  • pension certificate;
  • passports;
  • certificates of income of all family members living with a pensioner (if he is not lonely);
  • disability certificate (if a group of disability is established);
  • other documents.
  1. The application and copies of documents are provided in person or through the legal representative of an incapacitated citizen. The list of documents may differ depending on the territory and type of assistance provided;
  2. Wait ten working days until your petition is on consideration. It is possible that additional verification may be required for compliance with the stated request. In this case, you will be pre-notified about the date and time of the visit to you an authorized employee of the FIU. The application time for additional verification is regulated by legislative acts to thirty working days.

In case of refusal to assist or the desire to appeal against the decision on constitutional law, you can file a complaint to the same body within five days. With a repeated refusal and complete confidence that you are right, again to file a claim only to the territorial court.

Social security. All benefits for pensioners in 2016

At the federal level, the benefits that retirees can take advantage of, not so much remains. But it is useful to know about them because almost all the "bonuses" from the state can be obtained only if they appeal. There is a "applicant principle" - you will not ask, then you will not get. We are talking about some tax reliefs, reimbursement of expenses for travel to the rest of the retirees-northerners, as well as additional holidays for pensioners who continue to work. There are still privileges of the regional level, but we will talk about them next time. In the meantime, more on the guarantees provided by federal legislation.

1. "Zero" property tax

Read also

A large help of pensioners in our country - exemption from the payment of property tax.

Who should be

This benefit is provided and non-working retirees, and those who continue to work.

"The pensioner receiving a pension appointed in the manner prescribed by the pension legislation of the Russian Federation is exempt from the payment of property tax, if owns," said in the Tax Code (Article 401, paragraph. 10 of paragraph 1, paragraph 4 of Art. 407 Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

It is possible to issue a property tax deduction in the tax inspectorate at the place of residence.

Terms of provision

The tax is reset to the following types of real estate:

  • apartment or room;
  • house;
  • garage or machine-space in the general garage;
  • premises used as creative workshops, studios, studios, non-state museums, galleries, libraries;
  • economic structures whose area does not exceed 50 sq. M. m and which are located on land plots provided for personal subsidiary, cottage, individual housing construction.

Benefits are provided with respect to one object of taxation of each type.

Read also

If, for example, a pensioner in the property has an apartment, a house and a garage, it is exempt in full from the payment of tax on all this property. And if the pensioner has two apartments and the house, it has the right to benefit when paying tax for the house, as well as only for one of the apartments. The tax for the second apartment will need to pay.

Where to go and how to get

Application for the provision of tax benefits and a document giving the right to obtain it is necessary to personally submit to the tax inspectorate at the location of the property (paragraph 6 of Art. 407 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). A document confirming the right to benefit is a pension certificate.


If, as of December 31, 2014, benefits for property tax were granted in accordance with the Law of 09.12.1991 No. 2003-1, then you are entitled not to submit to the tax authority a statement and documents confirming the right to benefit (part 4 . 3 of the Law of 04.10.2014 No. 284-FZ).

If the pensioner is the owner of several objects of taxation of one species (for example, three apartments), it until November 1 calendar year, in which he received the right to benefit, should submit a statement into the tax inspectorate and indicate what kind of apartment should not be taxed. That is, the owner itself chooses an object of real estate to use his right to benefit. It is clear that it is beneficial to "free" from the tax the most expensive apartment, but there may be some other considerations.

Almost all the benefits are "applicable" character, this means that they need to contact them and write a statement.

True, if such a statement does not file owner, they themselves are obliged to "reset" the tax on the object, for which they had to pay the most (paragraph 7 of Art. 407 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

2. If real estate appeared

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This benefit is relevant, unfortunately, only for working pensioners who receive salary and, therefore, pay income tax (with pension payments such a tax in our country is not charged). But it will be able to take advantage of non-working pensioners who have retired recently, and had earnings (still worked) in previous years before the acquisition of real estate.

The benefit is that the pensioner has the right to transfer the balance of property deductions on personal income tax on previous tax periods.

Who should be

For example, the pensioner bought or built a house or other real estate. After registering the right of ownership, he can return a part of the money spent due to property tax deduction. If you just say, you will partially return the amount of income tax paid before the moment you have become the owner of the real estate.

Terms of provision

Property deduction can be obtained if:

  • built or purchased apartment building, apartment, room;
  • share (shares) in any of these types of real estate;
  • purchased land for individual housing construction;
  • purchased land plot on which the residential building is located (or a stake in it).

In addition, property deductions are applied not only to the costs associated with the purchase or construction of real estate, but also on the payment of interest on the relevant target loans (loans).

If the owner has a house, an apartment, and a garage, he is freed from property tax on all real estate objects

It is allowed to get a deduction for three tax periods (more simply, three years) preceding the period in which the transferred balance of property deductions was formed (paragraph 10 of Art. 220 Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

How much money will be returned

The size of the property deduction depends on the amount of expenses for the purchase (construction) of housing and the magnitude of the paid interest on the loan taken to purchase or construction. At the same time, the maximum amount of deduction may not exceed 2 million rubles, respectively. and 3 million rubles. (PP. 1 p. 3, paragraph 4 of Art. 220 Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Important detail: limitation of 3 million rubles. Property tax deductions for the payment of interest on the loan taken to acquire (construction) housing is applied to loans received from 01/01/2014 (clause 4 of article 2 of the Law of July 23, 2013 No. 212-FZ).

3. Exemption from income tax

From some revenues, the pensioner NDFL is not charged.

Not subject to taxation:

  • amounts of pension on state pension provision, insurance pensions, fixed payment for insurance pension (including its increase) and accumulative pension;
  • social surcharges to pensions paid in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (paragraph 2 of Art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • the amount of payment at the expense of their own funds to organize the cost of sanatorium vouchers, as well as the cost of treatment and medical care for former workers who retired disability or in old age (pp 9, 10 of Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • gifts, the amount of material assistance provided by employers to their former pension workers;
  • the amounts of payment (compensation) of the cost of drugs by employers to their former workers (retirees by age).

  • For each of these bases, the amount of non-taxable income is no more than 4,000 rubles. per calendar year (paragraph 28 of Art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

    4. Additional vacation

    Read also

    We are talking about unpaid holidays provided to working retirees.

    Who should be

    The employer must submit a vacation without salary preservation (Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

    • participants in the Great Patriotic War - up to 35 calendar days a year;
    • working pensioners in old age (by age) - up to 14 calendar days a year;
    • working pensioners disabled - up to 60 calendar days a year.

    5. If you need to go to rest

    Compensation of expenses for the cost of travel to the place of recreation and back

    Who should be

    According to the Federal Law on the guarantees of Northerners, compensation is provided to non-working pensioners who receive an inching retirement in old age or disability and live in the extreme north or equivalent territories (Article 34 of the Law of 02/19/1993 No. 4520-1).

    Terms of provision

    Travel is paid once every two years and only within the territory of Russia.

    Where to go and how to get

    Provides benefit from the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, so you need to contact your department of the FIU at the place of residence where your pension case is located.

    There are two options for receiving compensation: directly get tickets or first buy them independently, and then return the money spent (pp 2, 3, 6 rules for compensation for the cost of passing the passage of retirees, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.04.2005 No. 176) .

    You can also contact the Pension Fund through MFC.

    How to issue

    1. If you want to get travel tickets in advance, before departure, you will need to document the upcoming stay in the sanatorium, a holiday home, on the hurry or in another place of rest. Such a document can serve as a ticket, coursing, a residence agreement, etc.

    2. Monetary compensation can be obtained after rest. In this case, an air or railway tickets will be applied to the application for refunds for travel.

    There are no restrictions on carriers: it may be state and private transport companies. But only tickets are paid for travel within the territory of Russia, including Crimea (p. 7, 9 of the Rules No. 176; P.P. 13, 19 of the administrative regulations, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of 10/22/2012 No. 331n).

Despite the fact that pensioners receive a pension monthly, benefits and surcharges to the main payments, growing prices for food, utility services and non-food products do not allow them to live a worthy life. It often happens that the recipients of pensions turn out to be difficult life situations, therefore they need additional support for the state. For such cases, material assistance is provided for pensioners from social protection in 2020.

What is material assistance

Material assistance is called financial support from the state of low-income and especially needy layers of the Russian population.

Most often, payments accrued every month, subsidies and benefits for public utilities services are appointed as such financial assistance to citizens. There is also a one-time financial support, payments to the purchase of the most necessary objects of the goods - objects of clothing, minimal set of furniture, home appliances. Money is paid to improving housing conditions, if they do not meet housing standards (as a rule, we are talking about interest-free installments).

The social protection of the population is also authorized to issue assistance in natural form: food products, medicines, shoes and clothing objects.

State Pensioners Support Measures

Material support for pensioners depends on the category of recipients:

Disabled pensioners

Employed pensioners

Military pensioners have the right to claim benefits with regard to medical services, including wellness and medical procedures offered in sanatorium-resort institutions.

Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs receive an additional one-time allowance depending on the employment experience in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the presence of honorary title or awards of the federal significance.

Pensioners, the only income of which is a pension, can be issued a monthly payment at the discretion of regional authorities and in the amount acting in this municipality. For example, we take the Moscow region - here the monthly payment is entitled to receive pensioners after 70 years, the income of which is less than 2 sizes of the subsistence minimum on MO (the amount of the benefit - 700 rubles).

Pensioners who have an official place of work can count on additional payments if a pensioner one of the pensioner spouses has reached the age of 70. If the income of the family exceeds 33.6 thousand rubles, payments are canceled.

How financial assistance is issued by pensioners from social protection in 2020

In order to obtain material assistance from the state, it is necessary to act according to the following scheme:

  1. Fill out the application (in the Department of Social Security of the Population or Multifunction Center), in which to indicate, among other things, a preferred method of obtaining funds - through the CASSU of the SZN branch, postal transfer, translating on the personal account.
  2. To collect the necessary documents and attach their photocopies to the application, submitting an employee of the authorized body of the paper.

You can send a statement and documents with a valuable letter with the description of the investment or on the Internet through the official website of the State Service. You can give all the papers with the personal appearance of USN or MFC employee.

Where to seek material assistance

The provision of material assistance retirees are engaged:

  • Ministry of Social Policy.
  • The Department of Social Protection (in this case it is important that financial support is fixed in regional social programs).

What documents will need for issues of financial assistance to pensioners

In order for the material assistance to retirees from social protection in 2020, it is necessary to collect the following documents:


Where to get

Blank will be issued at the place of submission of documents
Passport of the Russian Federation (original and photocopy)

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Family Help

Housing Passport
Certificate of income of all family members (2-NDFL)


Pensioner's ID

Employment history

From the last job

Documents confirming the need of a pensioner in providing him with financial assistance (for example, an act of fire in an apartment that needs now in repair; certificate from a doctor about the need for dental prosthetics)

Petition of rural administration

An act of examination of the apartment - from the rural administration,

help on the need for dental prosthetics - from the attending physician ...

Dates of obtaining material assistance to pensioners

For consideration of applications and documents, social protection authorities take about 30 days from the date of the applicant's paper. If the material assistance is denied, the pensioner will receive a written notice indicating the reasons for refusal. If the request for payments will be satisfied, cash accruals will be made from the new month in the way that the applicant pointed out when the application is filling out. You need to handle applications to the 20th month.

Additional measures to support pensioners and veterans

The local authorities in individual regions of Russia have established other measures for the material support of pensioners and families in which there are people who receive a pension. If all members of the pensioner family are disabled, or the applicant is a lonely pensioner, addressing finance assistance can be allocated for the purchase of finishing materials and repairing an apartment.

To obtain such a payment, it is necessary to apply again to the social protection department of the population, where the act will be drawn up after the inspection of housing (this may also be an act of fire, flooding). The amount of benefits will not exceed 15,000 rubles - money can be paid at a time or as compensation for the payment of services for repair and construction organizations and presenting checks in SZN.

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, experiencing material need, can issue one-time assistance in the amount of up to 15,000 rubles for dental prosthetics, the acquisition of household appliances or substitute for plumbing. To obtain funds to pay for dentistry services, it is necessary to bring an extract from an outpatient card to the SZN bodies and a certificate from the attending physician about the need for prosthetics. For money on the purchase of plumbing and household appliances, it is necessary to prove the need for its purchase.

Legislative acts on the topic

Typical errors

Error: The pensioner received targeted material assistance to the prosthetics of the teeth, and after 5 months he turned into organs of social protection for the provision of material support in view of the need to buy a washing machine.

For certain categories of citizens, the state provides material assistance. Programs for which support is performed, quite a lot. Their implementation is engaged in both the bodies of social protection and employers.

A fairly wide range of people in the difficult situation may apply for help, so it is best to start collecting documents, contact social protection and clarify which program in 2019 you can apply. We will tell about the most popular programs of working with the population.

Target contracts

At the end of 2012, changes were made to laws on social assistance. There was a new type of support - the conclusion of contracts with the population. In 2018-2019, these amendments remain relevant. From the state, under the terms of this contract, social assistance is issued (including material), and the citizen undertakes to pass the adaptation program and perform one of the conditions:

  • job search;
  • passage of preparation for a certain profession;
  • passage of advanced training programs;
  • opening your own small business enterprise;
  • maintaining auxiliary farm.

First of all, the possibility of obtaining this type of support is available to needy families that are in a difficult situation. According to the data on the regions in which the project was implemented as a pilot, 50% of families were able to get out of a difficult life situation, and their revenues increased more than twice. At the moment, the program is valid throughout Russia. In 2019, its implementation goes with the help of specialists of social protection and employment center.

How to get help with large families

Large families may become applicants for helping from the state in 2019. Supporting them occurs in several ways - in the form of benefits, benefits and payments once a year. For example, in a number of regions, large families, before September 1, transfer funds to school fees. The prerequisite is the upbringing of all children in the family, and not in special children's institutions.

Federal law provides for subsidies to large families in the form of a decrease in monthly communal payments, children's benefits, mother payments (they are equal to working and can receive 1 minimum wage until the youngest child has been executed for 16 years). Also families in which 3 and more children can on preferential terms to obtain a land plot for the maintenance of auxiliary farm or the construction of a country house.

Regional payments are more diverse. First of all, regional maternity capital is appointed for the 3rd or 4th child (about 100,000 rubles, which can be directed to the same needs as federal). There are a number of payments that compensate for the cost of buying goods for newborns, products and clothing.

To find out the accurate list of benefits to which you can qualify, contact your local social protection branch. Increasingly, with the advent of the 3rd and subsequent children of the income of family members, there is not enough to ensure a worthy standard of living. In this case, pay attention to payments to the lowest.

Major support program

The calculation of the amount of money per family member is conducted on the basis of data on the income of all able-bodied adults in it consisting. It is necessary to submit to the authorities of references over the past three months. The amounts of income together develop, and then divided into all family members. If the amount obtained is lower than the subsistence minimum set in the region, the family gets a special status. It becomes poor.

Annually the subsistence minimum is indexed, in 2019 for each region has been established. You can find it in the administration of your area or in the social protection department. The average value of Russia in Russia this year is 8,200 rubles.

In some cases, help is not provided. For example, if there is one or more workable members in the family, but they do not want to lead care activities. The exception is only the following cases:

  • the need to care for children or elderly relatives;
  • loss of property for non-applicants independent to reasons;
  • maternity leave;
  • the impossibility of going to work due to severe illness.

However, it is increasingly more likely to provide only to those families in which all able-bodied members are registered on unemployment or employed (the earnings may be minimal). In this case, the composition of the family may be different, and often it is not only parents and children, but also grandparents with grandchildren.

In 2019, except for benefits for education, taxes and housing and communal services, other assistance is also provided. For example, the child is available to the following list of support measures:

  1. Food twice a day in the dining room for school students.
  2. Providing space in the lists of beneficiaries.
  3. Subsidies for the purchase or free issuance of school and sports form.
  4. Children under 6 years old for diseases are discharged free medicines.
  5. Once a year compensation 50% of the cost of traveling in the sanatorium (applies to one accompanying).

Parents in such families became possible to get:

  1. Preferential working conditions.
  2. Beginner entrepreneurs do not need to pay the fee for the opening of the PI.
  3. Reduced retirement age.
  4. Obtaining a garden area out of turn.
  5. Lower requirements and interest on mortgage lending.
  6. Tickets for visits to exhibitions and museum expositions (no more than once a month).
  7. Payment by the state of nanny services (this assistance is available only to residents of large cities, and it can be found in detail about it only in the department of social protection at the place of residence).

In addition, it is possible to pay material assistance in the form of benefits or disposable transfers, which is governed by regional laws.

Other types of state support in 2019

Next veterans of the Second World War can receive in 2019 a unite targeted assistance to 15,000 rubles for the purchase of necessary home appliances, replacement of sanitary equipment or dental prosthetics.

To do this, you need to collect basic documents, write a statement and prove the need to acquire equipment or prosthetics. The money for the payment of the dentist's services is made easier - for this it is enough to bring the corresponding references and an extract from the outpatient card.