The child depends largely. Correspondent: Einstein's upbringing. The child's intellect largely depends on the diet in the earlier childhood. They develop relationships with their children

The child's intelligence largely depends on the diet in the very early childhood, found out scientists. Thoughtful parents should protect the baby from sweets, chips and soda, giving preference to vegetables, fruits and milk, - writes Alexey Bondarev in the number 36 of the magazine Correspondent of September 14, 2012.

Sergey Medvedev, a former Kievistan, and now a resident of New York, believes that the excessive concern of modern Americans the problem of proper nutrition is often becoming the boundaries of common sense. Everyone is passionate about diet, he says, from skinny emigrants from Korea to the replete Mexican cashiers in supermarkets. And in most cases without a special effect.

"Healthy food in America is noticeably more expensive than all sorts of snacks and fast food," explains Medvedev. - Hamburgers, pizza, french fries and chips will hit your pocket much less than a normal dinner with soup, decently cooked low-fat meat, vegetable salad, fruit dessert. "

According to Medvedev, he, like most US residents, had never thought about the fact that all these conversations about proper nutrition directly concern not only adults, most of which are already affected by extra kilograms, but also children. And very small. And the worst thing, he notes that in the case of young children, it is not only about excess weight.

Hamburgers, pizza, french fries and chips will hit your pocket much less than a normal dinner with soup, decently cooked low-fat meat, vegetable salad, fruit dessert

In the past few months, the results of research are actively discussed in American media, according to which children's nutrition in the first year or two after birth is significantly affected by their mental development. In particular, such an effect is confirmed by IQ tests conducted at the age of eight-nine years.

Medvedev says he could never know about it, because it usually scrolls the page with science and health in his beloved newspaper to get to the section of the sport.

With the latest achievements in nutrition, he introduced a school teacher when he discussed the successes of his daughters and was surprised at the difference in the results of IQ tests from the senior and younger.

The teacher suggested that his eldest daughter had a slightly higher performance, in infancy ate more fruits and less chips. And he suggested a puzzled father to read an article in a local newspaper, which described the study explaining the relationship between the intellectual development of the child and the use of the so-called Junk Food in early childhood.

This term means everything that is in principle is not worth it, but everyone eats, because it is easier to live, Medvedev explains. Chips and french fries, frozen pizza, ready-made sandwiches, street hamburgers, chocolate bars, supposedly dietary carbonated drinks - here is not full list Products that have become the basis of the power of a modern person.

"And, as not regrettable, we will often feed these" magical "delicacies of our little children," Medvedev complains.

Food of children in the first year or two after birth significantly affects their mental development.

It turns out that the price of such an error may be much higher than the damaged figure of the child. This is evidenced by the results of a study conducted by the University of Australian scientists from the University of AdelaID. They found out that children who held a healthy diet from early ageAlready the eight-nine years have on average higher IQ rates than their peers who eat Junk as a basis for their research Australian scientists took a fairly simple formula. They watched more than 7 thousand children, fixing their nutrition regime at the age of six months, one and a half, two years old and then the level of their IQ at the age of eight years.

According to Professor Lisa, the Smithers, who headed the experiment, the nutrition of children, followed by scientists, can be divided into several groups - breast-feeding, Traditional and modern kitchen, ready-made meals for children and Junk Food. Most parents somehow combine two or more groups of their child's nutrition.

Scientists have long known that food that we eat is able to influence the work of the brain. "From the diet depends on the organism of nutrients necessary for the development of brain tissues in the first two years of the child's life," says Smasters. - And the purpose of our study was to determine what influence it affects the IQ of children. "

It seems to be obvious that the useful food should stimulate the brain development, and harmful - lead to the opposite effect, but the results surprised even scientists.

"We found out that the children who first fed the breasts and then kept on a healthy diet with the predominance of foods such as cheeses, legumes, fruits and vegetables, at the age of two years, already to the eight-year-old age had an average of two points above than the average for this age, "says Smasters.

Children who adhere to a healthy diet from the very early age already to eight-nine years have on average higher IQ performance than their peers who eat Junk

At the same time, the specialist notes, children who at the age of two received biscuits, chocolate, sweet drinks, chips, potatoes fries, etc., to eight years most of them had an IQ indicators for two points below average for this age.

The conclusions of scientists regarding the finished baby food were not so unambiguous. "We found that such products have a negative impact on children if they are used at the age of about six months," explains the smasser. - At the same time, the same products at the age of one and a half years have no such negative influence. "

At first glance, the difference in a couple of points on the tests IQ is not critical, says the smaser, but the obtained data obtained is very eloquent. It treats the results of the study is quite definitely. Of course, the intellectual abilities of the child are determined by its genetic heritage. However, a period of up to two years, when it gradually takes away from a bottle and mother breast and gets used to eating a common table, also plays a significant role in the formation of mental abilities, so parents must provide the child with the correct diet, concludes a smasser.

Reasonable alternative

Smasher and her colleagues are not nutritionists and do not take the courage to call the perfect diet to educate little Einsteins. But the materials of their work allow you to identify key points that do not forget when forming a diet for a child under the age of two years.

According to the American Medica Fred Larson, this is the first large-scale work, which has given the actual evidence of the previously specular connection between the child's nutrition and its intellectual growth. This makes it possible to "cement" some key concepts about the right child nuts, notes the doctor.

The little Einstein's diet still has to be developed in detail, but some postulates are already obvious.

Children eat in many me once a day, and at least five meals must include fresh vegetables and fruits.

Children eat in many ways a day, and at least five food meals should include fresh vegetables and fruits. Thus, the child will receive the necessary carbohydrates. The source of proteins should be lean meat, eggs and nuts that the child will eat daily during at least one of the meals.

Food for a child should not fry. Preferably prepare it for a couple or cook. Instead of shopping juices and carbonated drinks with high sugar, you need to pour baby with simple water or milk.

And most importantly, the smaser notes, turn on as little as possible Junk Food into your child's diet. The latest recommendation applies to the number most difficult. Fast food and snacks are popular not only as a result of their availability and low cost, but also due to the fact that their taste is designed to be addictive.

Scientists believe that parents can resort to some techniques that allow you to protect the child from the influence of Junk Food.

For example, it is better to start to plant a child as early as possible for a shared table so that he saw that the parents eat, and ate with them. It should be as possible, to avoid pressure on the child.

"When you force the baby to have a baby there is something, let it even be very useful, you simultaneously instill with the dislike for this meal," says Larson. "After that, he will still love chocolate and hot dogs."

Instead of shopping juices and carbonated drinks with high sugar, you need to pour baby with simple water or milk.

It is very important that the parents themselves eating their healthy food, states medic. "It's hard to teach a child there are vegetables with a lean chop and drink them with water without gas, while parents eat a fat steak with fried potatoes and wash it with sweet soda," explains Larson.

Psychologist Yen Stil also advises to respect certain frequency in feeding a child, and between meals not give him anything except for water. Thus, the baby has time to get drunk, and it is easier to incline it to eat a more useful, but less impressive food for taste.

But in life there are often situations when there is no opportunity to sit down at the table and eat dinner of two or three dishes. In such cases (for walks, on trips), no snacks do not do. And here parents need to be especially attentive.

It is possible to introduce such harmful products into a common diet, but only in the complex with useful in order not to expose the child in temptation.

Instead of imposing useful food to the child (it often leads to the fact that it refuses it to eat), it is better to give him a choice of several dishes, each of which will be useful.

A very effective method, according to psychologists, is the creation of artificial diversity. Instead of imposing useful food to the child (it often leads to the fact that it refuses it to eat), it is better to give him a choice of several dishes, each of which will be useful. Thus, he will be able to decide what to eat, and will not feel pressure, and therefore, and resist.

Alternative to traditional harmful products, according to scientists, find easy. Instead of shopping juices, which are so loved by children and who are stuck with sugar and various chemical additives, it is better to prepare fruit juice poultry.

Instead of donuts and sweets, you can buy crackers from solid wheat and smear their peanut butter. Most sweets can be successfully replaced with fresh or dried fruit. An excellent substitute for harmful snacks can be a natural yogurt with low fat and fresh fruit.

"The problem of a child's healthy nutrition is little associated with the psychology and preferences of the child himself," stylists. - After all, all this at the age of two or three years is still formed. The main problem is the psychology of parents and their unwillingness to complicate their lives, inventing how to feed the baby to healthy food. "

This material was published in №36 of the magazine correspondent of September 14, 2012. Reprint of publications of the magazine correspondent is in full prohibited. With the rules for using the Materials of the Correspondent Magazine, published on the website, can be found .

The child's intellect largely depends on the diet in the early childhood, found out scientists. Thoughtful parents should protect the baby from sweets, chips and soda, giving preference to vegetables, fruits and milk, - writes Alexey Bondarev in the number 36 of the magazine Correspondent of September 14, 2012.

Sergey Medvedev, a former Kievistan, and now a resident of New York, believes that the excessive concern of modern Americans the problem of proper nutrition is often becoming the boundaries of common sense. Everyone is passionate about diet, he says, from skinny emigrants from Korea to the replete Mexican cashiers in supermarkets. And in most cases without a special effect.

"Healthy food in America is noticeably more expensive than all sorts of snacks and fast food," explains Medvedev. - Hamburgers, pizza, french fries and chips will hit your pocket much less than a normal dinner with soup, decently cooked low-fat meat, vegetable salad, fruit dessert. "

According to Medvedev, he, like most US residents, had never thought about the fact that all these conversations about proper nutrition directly concern not only adults, most of which are already affected by extra kilograms, but also children. And very small. And the worst thing, he notes that in the case of young children, it is not only about excess weight.

Hamburgers, pizza, french fries and chips will hit your pocket much less than a normal dinner with soup, decently cooked low-fat meat, vegetable salad, fruit dessert

In the past few months, the results of research are actively discussed in American media, according to which children's nutrition in the first year or two after birth is significantly affected by their mental development. In particular, such an effect is confirmed by IQ tests conducted at the age of eight-nine years.

Medvedev says he could never know about it, because it usually scrolls the page with science and health in his beloved newspaper to get to the section of the sport.

With the latest achievements in nutrition, he introduced a school teacher when he discussed the successes of his daughters and was surprised at the difference in the results of IQ tests from the senior and younger.

The teacher suggested that his eldest daughter had a slightly higher performance, in infancy ate more fruits and less chips. And he suggested a puzzled father to read an article in a local newspaper, which described the study explaining the relationship between the intellectual development of the child and the use of the so-called Junk Food in early childhood.

This term means everything that is in principle is not worth it, but everyone eats, because it is easier to live, Medvedev explains. Chips and french fries, frozen pizza, ready-made sandwiches, street hamburgers, chocolate bars, allegedly dietary carbonated drinks - this is not a complete list of products that have become the basis of the power of a modern person.

"And, as not regrettable, we will often feed these" magical "delicacies of our little children," Medvedev complains.

Food of children in the first year or two after birth significantly affects their mental development.

It turns out that the price of such an error may be much higher than the damaged figure of the child. This is evidenced by the results of a study conducted by the University of Australian scientists from the University of AdelaID. They found out that children who adhere to a healthy diet from the very early age already to the eight-nine years have an average of higher IQ indicators than their peers who eat Junk as a basis for their research Australian scientists took a fairly simple formula. They watched more than 7 thousand children, fixing their nutrition regime at the age of six months, one and a half, two years old and then the level of their IQ at the age of eight years.

According to Professor Lisa, the Smithers, who headed the experiment, the nutrition of children, followed by scientists, can be divided into several groups - breastfeeding, traditional and modern kitchen, ready-made food for children and Junk Food. Most parents somehow combine two or more groups of their child's nutrition.

Scientists have long known that food that we eat is able to influence the work of the brain. "From the diet depends on the organism of nutrients necessary for the development of brain tissues in the first two years of the child's life," says Smasters. - And the purpose of our study was to determine what influence it affects the IQ of children. "

It seems to be obvious that the useful food should stimulate the brain development, and harmful - lead to the opposite effect, but the results surprised even scientists.

"We found out that the children who first fed the breasts and then kept on a healthy diet with the predominance of foods such as cheeses, legumes, fruits and vegetables, at the age of two years, already to the eight-year-old age had an average of two points above than the average for this age, "says Smasters.

Children who adhere to a healthy diet from the very early age already to eight-nine years have on average higher IQ performance than their peers who eat Junk

At the same time, the specialist notes, children who at the age of two received biscuits, chocolate, sweet drinks, chips, potatoes fries, etc., to eight years most of them had an IQ indicators for two points below average for this age.

The conclusions of scientists regarding the finished baby food were not so unambiguous. "We found that such products have a negative impact on children if they are used at the age of about six months," explains the smasser. - At the same time, the same products at the age of one and a half years have no such negative influence. "

At first glance, the difference in a couple of points on the tests IQ is not critical, says the smaser, but the obtained data obtained is very eloquent. It treats the results of the study is quite definitely. Of course, the intellectual abilities of the child are determined by its genetic heritage. However, a period of up to two years, when it gradually takes away from a bottle and mother breast and gets used to eating a common table, also plays a significant role in the formation of mental abilities, so parents must provide the child with the correct diet, concludes a smasser.

Reasonable alternative

Smasher and her colleagues are not nutritionists and do not take the courage to call the perfect diet to educate little Einsteins. But the materials of their work allow you to identify key points that do not forget when forming a diet for a child under the age of two years.

According to the American Medica Fred Larson, this is the first large-scale work, which has given the actual evidence of the previously specular connection between the child's nutrition and its intellectual growth. This makes it possible to "cement" some key concepts about the right baby nutrition, the doctor states.

The little Einstein's diet still has to be developed in detail, but some postulates are already obvious.

Children eat in many me once a day, and at least five meals must include fresh vegetables and fruits.

Children eat in many ways a day, and at least five food meals should include fresh vegetables and fruits. Thus, the child will receive the necessary carbohydrates. The source of proteins should be lean meat, eggs and nuts that the child will eat daily during at least one of the meals.

Food for a child should not fry. Preferably prepare it for a couple or cook. Instead of shopping juices and carbonated drinks with high sugar, you need to pour baby with simple water or milk.

And most importantly, the smaser notes, turn on as little as possible Junk Food into your child's diet. The latest recommendation applies to the number most difficult. Fast food and snacks are popular not only as a result of their availability and low cost, but also due to the fact that their taste is designed to be addictive.

Scientists believe that parents can resort to some techniques that allow you to protect the child from the influence of Junk Food.

For example, it is better to start to plant a child as early as possible for a shared table so that he saw that the parents eat, and ate with them. It should be as possible, to avoid pressure on the child.

"When you force the baby to have a baby there is something, let it even be very useful, you simultaneously instill with the dislike for this meal," says Larson. "After that, he will still love chocolate and hot dogs."

Instead of shopping juices and carbonated drinks with high sugar, you need to pour baby with simple water or milk.

It is very important that the parents themselves eating their healthy food, states medic. "It's hard to teach a child there are vegetables with a lean chop and drink them with water without gas, while parents eat a fat steak with fried potatoes and wash it with sweet soda," explains Larson.

Psychologist Yen Stil also advises to respect certain frequency in feeding a child, and between meals not give him anything except for water. Thus, the baby has time to get drunk, and it is easier to incline it to eat a more useful, but less impressive food for taste.

But in life there are often situations when there is no opportunity to sit down at the table and eat dinner of two or three dishes. In such cases (for walks, on trips), no snacks do not do. And here parents need to be especially attentive.

It is possible to introduce such harmful products into a common diet, but only in the complex with useful in order not to expose the child in temptation.

Instead of imposing useful food to the child (it often leads to the fact that it refuses it to eat), it is better to give him a choice of several dishes, each of which will be useful.

A very effective method, according to psychologists, is the creation of artificial diversity. Instead of imposing useful food to the child (it often leads to the fact that it refuses it to eat), it is better to give him a choice of several dishes, each of which will be useful. Thus, he will be able to decide what to eat, and will not feel pressure, and therefore, and resist.

Alternative to traditional harmful products, according to scientists, find easy. Instead of shopping juices, which are so loved by children and who are stuck with sugar and various chemical additives, it is better to prepare fruit juice poultry.

Instead of donuts and sweets, you can buy crackers from solid wheat and smear their peanut butter. Most sweets can be successfully replaced with fresh or dried fruit. An excellent substitute for harmful snacks can be a natural yogurt with low fat and fresh fruit.

"The problem of a child's healthy nutrition is little associated with the psychology and preferences of the child himself," stylists. - After all, all this at the age of two or three years is still formed. The main problem is the psychology of parents and their unwillingness to complicate their lives, inventing how to feed the baby to healthy food. "

Often, parents allow mistakes in relation to the "bad" behavior of their children - some completely ignore aggressive behavior, believing that with the age "it will pass by", others, on the contrary, apply unreasonably strict punishments. How to react to aggression? What if your "perfect" kid suddenly began to beat the cat, offend other children, bite and not obey?

As the child grows, the causes of its aggressive behavior are changing. Therefore, parents need to take into account the age characteristics of their children and respond to them in accordance with them. However, there are some general provisions applicable to all age groups. So, how to correctly react to the aggressive attacks of the kid to help him cope with negative emotions?

Primarily, control your behavior. Avoid conflicts, coarse spins and even more so do not apply physical strength under any circumstances. If you yourself scream yourself, beat the dishes, kick a cat and spank a child, then be prepared for the fact that the baby will behave in the same way towards you, peers, pet pets, etc.

The system of requirements for the child must be clear, clear, consistent. It is incorrect to evaluate the same act depending on your mood (for example, yesterday you strictly punished the baby for hitting the dog, and today they did not pay attention to it). The internal stability of the baby depends on the sequence of your claims, the formation of its painting of the world.

The word "impossible" should sound in exceptional cases when the behavior of the child threatens his life and health (for example, he touches the wires, stretches to the hot frying pan, climbs on the windowsill, takes a knife, etc.). In this case, the hardness and speed of the reaction should be shown. Loud and clearly utilize "No!" or "it is impossible!" And stop the baby. If you need, hold his hand or take on your arms and firmly press to yourself. Only in this case the child will rise this word and will respond to it, even if expressing discontent. If the prohibitions sound every minute for any reason and without, then the baby, on the one hand, ceases to "hear" them, and on the other, it is constantly annoyed and angry at you, since you always hinder the achievement of its goals.

In no case do not respond to aggressive toddles in the same (If he bit or hit you, and you will repeat his action to show how it is unpleasant to you, in fact, you will surely confirm that you can do this and only fasten this way of behavior in it). If he offended you - go away from him, for some time you deprive him of communication (but for a while). If he hit the baby on the site - fight him home. Thus, the child will be guarded that it is deprived of interesting activities and communicate, if he does, bite, etc. and gradually refuses such a manifestation of aggression.

Punishment for the aggressive act must follow immediately.At the same time, you should not read lectures and morals (the child simply will not hear and will not perceive). It will also be incorrect for a long time to deprive his attention, communication or games, the more should not fail the punishment (for example, a fight occurred on the fault of the kid, and you cried it at home after 3 hours), since the children quickly forget, because of what It all happened, and perceive punishment as injustice.

Provide a child the possibility of intensive output of his physical activity: let him run, jump, sing loudly, clap your hands, beat the drum, etc. It is known, for example, that run, team and competitive games contribute to the greatest exit of aggression.

Encourage the cognitive activity of the child - Restrictions on independence and initiatives provoke aggressive reactions in the child.

Leave the child enough time for games, walks, communication.A big load (mugs, sections, all kinds of classes) leads to the overturning of the nervous system, serves soil for protest aggressive behavior.

Warning in advance situations that can pour out, bring you out and your loved ones. If you know that the husband values \u200b\u200bwith a new radio device, you should not give the child to play with the remote control and headphones. Put the limiters on all boxes and doors, if the "Mountain" of all sorts of things and items in the middle of the room causes you horror and indignation t. D.

If you are annoyed, you can easily withdraw from equilibrium joint Games with baby.Give yourself a time to calm down a little and come to yourself. Do not take a child in your hands in such a state - the children are easily "infected" with the emotional state of their parents.

If you are tired, disappeared, upset - share your condition with your child.Tell him: "I need to calm down a little", "I am very tired at work, I will soon come to my senses and we will play." If you are silent to worry and nervous, the child may think that you are angry at it (children are taking a lot to their account). If you feel that you are angry and upset, give yourself a time to recover, do what you will get pleasure - drink tea, take a warm bath, listen to your favorite music, etc. Remember that your child's condition depends on your state .

Try to prevent situations in advance in which the child can show aggression. For example, if you know that after your long absence during the day, the baby welcomes you with fists, screams and whims, prepare it in advance to your care. To help the child cope with fear and anxiety related to parting and your absence, warn it that you will soon go, tell me where and why you will do there and when you return. It will calm the baby. If you have a trip to the doctor, in kindergarten, prepare a child to these events: tell me about what will happen there, play with him "in the doctor" (let him "hold" you, "will make the injection", "check the teeth" ) or the "tutor" ("Feed" of all bears and dolls lunch, put them sleep, read the book, "Play" with them), etc.
Thus, it is always important to remember that the behavior and emotional well-being of the child largely depends on internal state Parents, their reactions to its actions, systems of requirements and punishment, sequences and stability in the approach to education. Make yourself about it every time your baby behaves aggressively!

Text: Our partner, information portal for present and future mothers

Parents who raise happy and capable children have a lot in common.

Paul L Dineen /

They teach children socialization skills

Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Duke watched more than 700 children from all over America for 20 years to find a connection between the development of social skills in childhood and the success in the 25th age.

A long study showed that those children who can cooperate with their peers understand their feelings, are ready to help another and solve problems independently, more often finish training, receive a diploma and are arranged for a permanent job.

Those who, in childhood, hardly established contact with others, in adulthood, much more often went into unpleasant situations, in general, there were higher chances of being arrested and could not boast of high social status.

"This study shows that parents should help children develop social skills and emotional intelligence. This is one of the most important skills that the child needs to be prepared for the future, "Kristin Schubert, Kristin Schubert, Software Director of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, who financed research. "From an early age, these skills determine whether a child will learn or go into prison, whether he will receive work or get into drug dependencies."

They expect a lot from the child

Using the national survey of 6,600 children born in 2001, Professor Neil Halfon (Neal Halfon) and his colleagues from the University of California in Los Angeles were able to discover: the expectations of parents have a huge impact on what their children have achieved in the future.

"Parents who expected that in the future their child will learn from the university, it seems to be summarized it to this goal, regardless of family income and other factors," said Professor.

This is confirmed by the so-called effect of Pygmalion described by the American psychologist Rosenthale. His essence is that a person who is firmly convinced of any fact unconsciously acts in such a way as to obtain a real confirmation of his confidence. In the case of children, they unconsciously try to justify the expectations of the parents.

Mothers work

Psychologists have found that the daughters of working mothers go to school already having experience of independent life. In the future, such children earn an average of 23% more than their peers who have grown in families where moms have not worked and have given home and family all the time.

Sons of working mothers brighter showed a tendency to take care of children and housework: the study showed that they spend 7.5 hours a week more caressing for children and helping the farm.

"The situation modeling is a way to serve a signal: you show that it is relevant in terms of how you behave, what do you do, who helps," says the lead author of the research, Professor Harvard Business School Kathleen McGinn (Kathleen McGinn).

They have a higher socio-economic status

The higher the income of the parents, the higher the assessment of their children is the general pattern. These data can seal us, because many families are not able to boast greater income and wide opportunities. Well, psychologists say: such a situation really limits the potential of the child.

Sean Reerdon (Sean Reardon), a researcher from Stanford University, indicates that the statistical difference in the success of children from rich and poor families is only increasing. If we compare those who were born in 1990, and those who were born in 2001, then it can be seen that this gap rose from 30% to 40%.

If you do not take into account complex expensive measures, the socio-economic status of the family motivates children to achieve greater in study.

They got higher education

The study showed that children born by mothers in adolescence, with a smaller probability, finish school and come to the university.

A study conducted in 2014 under the leadership of the psychologist Sandra Tang (Sandra Tang) found that the mother who graduated from school and the institute would most likely grow a child, which will also receive a higher education.

Responsibility for the aspiration of the child at least partially lies on the shoulders of the parents.

Psychologist Eric Dubov (Eric Dubow) found that the level of parental education at the time when their child was 8 years old, is decisive for the next 40 years. This means that the success of a child in the future largely depends on him.

They teach their children mathematics from an early age

Analysis of the behavior of 35,000 preschoolers from the USA, Canada and England, conducted in 2007, showed: early development Mathematical abilities becomes a huge advantage for the child in the future. Why so, not very clear, but the fact remains a fact. Children who have been dealt with the numbers and simplest mathematical concepts from the small years, read faster.

They develop relationships with their children

Sarah G /

A study conducted in 2014 showed that the children who were treated with understanding and respect in the first three years of life, not only better show themselves in study, but also able to establish healthy relationships with others. By 30 years most of them are more successful and educated people.

Parents who are sensitive and carefully relate to their child give him a sense of security needed to develop further and explore the world around him.

They are less susceptible to stress

Scientific research says: the amount of time that mothers are spent alone with their children aged 3 to 11 years have a slight value for their development. But active, intensive and obsessive maternity may have devastating consequences.

When the mother is in stressful state due to attempts to balance between work and family, it does not affect their children. The fact is that there is a psychological phenomenon of "infection" of emotions. People are able to catch each other's feelings like how the cold is infected. Therefore, when one of the parents is morally depleted or sealing, it is a gloomy feeling and a child.

They value efforts, and not the fear of failure

For decades, Carol Dwek, a psychologist from Stanford University, conducted research, during which they found: children (and adults) are able to evaluate success in two ways.

The first one is called fixed thinking. People who think so are evaluating their abilities, intelligence and talents as a given, as something that can no longer change. Accordingly, success is measured only by this magnitude and all forces they are thrown to not only achieve the goal, but also avoid errors in any way.

There is now perspective thinkingaimed at taking a call. Failure for such a person is a "springboard" for further growth and work on its own abilities.

Therefore, if you say the child that he successfully passed the test because he always had good with mathematics, "you teach it to fixed thinking. And if you say that it happened because he put all the strength, the kid will understand: he can develop his abilities, and every next effort will bring a new result.

Do you often argue with your spouse in the presence of a child? Noisy quarrels of neighbors constantly disturb the world and harmony in your home? If something similar happens in your family, you should know that the environment has a strong influence on the development of the child.

Do you know that the behavior of the child and his performance in school also largely depends on the environment? Consider in more detail how it happens and how to create a favorable environment for the development of the child.

Factors affecting the development of the child

The child learns not only what you tell him. His environment and what he sees in everyday lifeAlso form his concepts about the world around the world from early childhood. These include furnishings in the house and in children's garden, neighbors and in any other places where the child spends time.

Especially on the development of the child are influenced by such environmental factors:

Emotional connection with the child

The first and nearest environment of a child is his family. From the very birth, the emotional atmosphere in the family is strongly influenced by:

  • Emotional relationship with parents helps the child learn how to cope with their fears and show love.
  • She teaches the kid to communicate with close people. Close connection with you gives the child a sense of security.
  • Close relationships with parents develop the identity of the child. He feels valuable and important.
  • Make sure you often show love for the child. Keep it by the hand and always be close when it will need your support.

Your equality with spouse

Your relationship with the spouse also strongly affect emotional development Child:

  • You and your spouse are the closest people for the child and the first married couple he knows.
  • Loving and respectful relations with the spouse teach a child to appreciate other people.
  • Looking at you, the child understands the importance of close relationships and learns to respect other people.
  • It is necessary to demonstrate their love for the spouse in the presence of a child. Keep your spouse by hand, hug it - it will teach the baby to the natural ways of manifestation of love.

Financial state of your family

  • Finance influence the environment in which your family lives, to the school, in which he will go, on his and your circle of communication.
  • In some cases, the child sees what you spend money, and compares the wealth of your family with families of friends, neighbors. It can affect his self-esteem.
  • It is important to talk with a child about finance and that there are things in life, more valuable than money.

Life in Tesne

  • If you live in tight or in a very noisy setting, it adversely affects the development of the child.
  • When too many family members live in the same apartment, parents have less time to pay a child. In turn, the baby is emotionally distancing from you from an early age.
  • In such conditions, the child can strengthen the power of will to cope with an unfavorable environment. If the child is an introvert, he can clicter even more in himself.
  • Take care to spend enough time with your child. If it is difficult to do at home, go with the baby for a walk or play games in which two people participate.

Surroundings for harmonious learning

  • You are the first teacher in your child's life, so it is important to create a situation that will maximally contribute to its development.
  • A positive atmosphere in the house will help concentrate on learning and will contribute to better performance.
  • Together with the spouse, create conditions for the baby investigating the world around.
  • Always encourage the child to ask questions and looking for answers on your own. It will help him receive new knowledge.

Parents are responsible for creating a favorable situation for a child. The environment significantly affects the development of his personality, the performance and behavior of the child. Although the ideal situation is impossible to create a child, do everything in your power. Create houses a positive, warm atmosphere. Cut the time with the child and, demonstrating it a good example, instill its values.