What is Nail-art and how did it develop. Nail art. History of nail art. Types of nail designs Nail art in our time

) is much more than just a manicure with nail polish. Currently, nail art includes many techniques for highly artistic nail decoration using rhinestones, sparkles, colored sand, lace and a number of other materials, including the most unexpected, such as dried flowers. Real masters nail art They also create filigree miniature images on their nails, which can only be called works of art.

Nail art in ancient times

Today nail art available to almost every woman, it all depends on her taste preferences. But don’t think that nail art is an invention of our time. It existed already in ancient times: for example, in Ancient India, five thousand years BC, not only unusually complex and beautiful drawings on the body, but also painted the tips of the nails with it.

IN Ancient Egypt nail art served as a kind of marker of a person’s social position on the hierarchical ladder: the higher the position, the more saturated and bright the color of the nails. At the court of the pharaoh there were even special “custodians and nail masters” who performed this sacred procedure. How important this post was considered is evidenced by the rich tomb of such “guardians” discovered by archaeologists.

Nail design played a similar role in Ancient China. If in India and Egypt henna was used as a means for coloring nails, then in Ancient China it was a complex mixture of many ingredients: gelatin, wax, egg white, coloring elements - plant-based dyes - and crushed rose petals.

Another interesting fact from the history of nail art in Ancient China. According to ancient Chinese beliefs, the longer your nails, the longer your life. Therefore, at the court of Chinese emperors, mandarins (dignitaries) grew their nails to incredible lengths (25 cm or more), and to prevent them from breaking, huzhi were made for them - original cases that were real masterpieces of jewelry art. Long nails served as an indicator of high status and the fact that this person does not have to work with his hands, since he is rich.

How the history of modern nail design began

In the time of our grandmothers, such a concept did not exist, and not all women did manicures regularly. Compared to manicure, nail art is aerobatics, requiring the master to have subtle taste and refined technique, and the arsenal of tools for it is constantly expanding.

With the development of mass automobile production, car paints served as a prototype for nail polish, to which pigment was later added instead of paint. Nail extensions in various ways have opened up wide scope for nail design. The range of colors has also expanded - the pink-red palette has been replaced by all the richness of the rainbow and even black, especially popular in youth subcultures (punks, goths, etc.). Today, nail design can rightfully be considered nail art - the art of decorating nails.

First, a short excursion into history:


The longer the better, acrylic is at the height of fashion, and there is really only one rule: fingernails and toenails must be exactly the same shade. Bright. The nails were carefully grown and then filed at the edges, forming a pointed center.

Early 1990s



Nails with a stained glass design, lots of sparkles, rhinestones and nail “earrings”: at the beginning of the last decade of the 20th century, fashionistas seemed to be making up for all those long years when nail polish was only red. At the peak are mother-of-pearl and “acid” shades. The “acute” form gets the beautiful name “almond-shaped” and has practically no alternatives.



This year stands apart in the history of manicure, because it was in 1996 that the CND Nails company took part in Fashion Week, and all the critics burst out with articles that manicure is also part of a fashionable image, and the designer’s approach to it is very justified. In fact, this is the beginning of a new era: manicure has turned from a purely philistine procedure into an art object. For the first time, nails are filed, leaving corners: the “square” on long nails turned them into small spatulas, but it was fresh! Original! Daring!



From bright colors and provocative combinations, the pendulum swung sharply into reverse side: French reigned. The neutral shade on the plate and the white rim along the edge symbolized (well, should have symbolized) the owner’s disdain for ostentatious luxury and desire for everything natural. The shape has also changed: a “soft square”, when the outer line follows the shape of the nail bed, is still considered the most successful for a harmonious image. “French” in salons still costs more than the standard coating, but it rather shows a certain isolation from the world of fashion.



Civilization! Robots work hard, not people! Down with kitchen slavery! Nail stickers have entered the market. With or without patterns, long-lasting or one-day use, they almost replaced painting with varnish, since you didn’t have to try to apply them evenly, they didn’t peel off, were easily removed if necessary, and made you feel like a designer. At the same time, a nail printer appears: even print a portrait of your beloved grandmother! Thanks to the victory of technology, nails began to grow again: it’s easier than ever to apply a sticker!



The fashion for long nails: now cool - cut to the very root and coated with a dark glossy varnish. Black, dark blue, purple are absolute hits. In contrast, Chanel declares fashion on the catwalk pale pink shades And short nails, and no one can resist the queen of fashion: already on next year coming...

2013 - 2014


...The nude era. Beige, nude, cream, milky, ivory, neutral, natural: whatever definitions were given to the new color trend. French lovers breathed a sigh of relief and continued to paint a white stripe along the edge, while the most advanced divas limited themselves to a shiny coating on top of the base. Long nails are completely ostracized; they are “allowed” to grow 1-2 mm, no more.



And this fadedness soon got boring for everyone. Nail art is experiencing a real heyday, a golden era: sophisticated, aristocratic, minimalist design is in fashion: a thin strip in the middle of the white coating, a small color accent in the corner. It’s not boring anymore, it’s not boring yet: perhaps it’s time to ask to stop for a moment. But it won’t stop: new trends are on the way...

Since ancient times, women have strived to appear before male half humanity in the most favorable light. They dressed in the most beautiful outfits, did unusual hairstyles, applied bright makeup. But, perhaps, women paid the greatest attention to their hands, which were not only decorated with jewelry, but also subjected to special cosmetic procedures, which are now called manicure. After all, from the very first minutes of their acquaintance, the gentleman communicated with the lady through her hands.

And these were not only light squeezes or gallant kisses. After all, hands, like eyes, are capable of expressing a storm of feelings and emotions. That's why caring about appearance hands have always rightfully been considered an integral element of caring for female beauty.

There are many conflicting positions regarding the origins of manicure and nail design. But most professionals are inclined to believe that the prerequisite for the emergence of this procedure was ordinary nail painting, which was practiced oriental beauties, since ancient times. For this, bright paints made from natural ingredients were used, which included various plants, henna and even egg whites. The color scheme was very diverse: from fiery red to searing black shades. But, as you know, oriental women prone not only to bright colors, but also to shiny jewelry. It is known that Chinese women lengthened their nails with gold and silver tips.

Nail design, in its modern sense, originated in Japan, where fragile geishas skillfully painted their sharp nails with watercolors, depicting all kinds of floral compositions or enchanting sketches on them.

Then came varnishes. And their invention produced a truly revolutionary revolution in fashion. Now not a single lady appeared in society with natural nails. The nails had to look perfect and well-groomed, shine brightly and shimmer in different colors.

As the years passed, the quality of varnishes improved significantly, the color palette changed and expanded. Famous manufacturers decorative cosmetics competed with each other, improving their range and attracting the attention of potential customers to their products.

Today to support beauty and grace female hands A completely new approach to nail care helps - this is artificial nail extension. With its help, you can not only lengthen your nails and give them an ideal shape, but also hide various flaws and imperfections.

Today, masters can give nails any shape, for example, square, almond or peak, extend nails on paper forms or tips, make a design using colored acrylics, organza, dried flowers, lace, foil or rhinestones. It all depends on the imagination, creativity and skill of the author.
Of particular interest are nails with voluminous designs. A three-dimensional image is applied to the acrylic base or various accessories are placed, which are then filled with a gel layer. An aquarium effect is created, that is, a three-dimensional image.

The design can not be applied to all nails, but you can choose, for example, ring finger, which will stand out effectively and harmonize with the light pattern applied special varnishes for drawing, on all other fingers.

Nails with a gel coating that has a holographic effect look quite elegant. Such gels are intended not only for use in extensions, but also for strengthening natural nail. In the latter case, they perform the function of varnish.

Each modern woman should take good care of your nails. After all, if your hands and hair are always in order, you have nothing to be afraid of impromptu: at any moment you are ready both to participate in business meetings and work meetings, and to go to a party in the most sophisticated restaurant.

From simple polish to insanely complex nail designs, manicures are becoming an equal part of the fashion industry: Trends are set, timeless designs are set, and options to avoid are set - basically all the rules are followed fashion trends. The word “manicure” itself comes from the Latin words “manus” (hand) and “cura” (care, care). Even judging by this fact, the art of manicure has an ancient history. Today, manicure is a way of caring for the skin of hands and nails, including medical procedures, applying varnish or creating nail art. But what was the development of what we have now? Each era had its own heroes and its own styles, which were preferred more than others. Let's take a look together!

A Brief History of Manicure

3500 BC In Ancient Babylon, men took care of their nails and painted them using a special powder ( different colors signified belonging to a certain class). The higher echelons used black, while the lower echelons used green. It was there that the first and most luxurious manicure set was invented - nothing more than gold was used to make tools!

1300 BC Cleopatra and Nefertiti became the progenitors of the modern art of nail care - they cared for their hands with expensive oils and used henna to paint their nails. Of course, it was believed that such procedures personified wealth, and bright color became an adornment of powerful power - red was the most popular shade.

1368-1644 The Ming Dynasty at one time paid a little more attention to manicure: all Chinese rulers before them did not neglect hand care procedures, but it was the Ming representatives who came up with the idea of ​​mixing together egg whites, wax, vegetable dyes and some other ingredients to get a special paint different shades.

1500s Do you think nail art is an invention of recent years? It turns out that the Incas began this wonderful tradition of drawings on nails; at that time they depicted eagles on theirs.

1900s Porcelain false nails were introduced around this time. They were specially made by hand according to the size of the client’s nails, they could be used several times, but they were not cheap - $600.

1920 – 1930 With the prosperity of the automobile industry, manicure also received a new round of development - women began to paint their nails with car paint. In 1932, Revlon released a revolutionary product - varnish, which was made using pigments instead of paint, and could be bought at the pharmacy.

1940-1950s In the early 40s, women painted their nails both at home and visited special manicure salons, where a new product also appeared - acrylic false nails. By the way, before they became a component female beauty, they were used for medical purposes by dentists to prevent patients from biting their nails. With the transition to color television, popular actresses became trendsetters for red nails.

1960-1970s At this time, attachments to bright colors came to naught, and they were replaced by soft ones. pastel shades. This includes French manicure, which was invented in 1976 by, attention... American Jeff Pink!

1980-1990s It was in the 80s, with the motto “more is better”, that nail art was born - the best time to try it different combinations prints and decorations. By the way, Madonna introduced neon yellow nail polish into fashion. But in the 90s, with the advent of grunge culture, everyone rushed to paint their nails dark shades(purple and black).

2000s Over the past two decades, many new techniques, trends, salons and artists have emerged who can work miracles with nails. So, we can say that the possibilities of manicure these days are endless. At least we recently told you that manicure coating techniques are becoming increasingly simpler. There are no limits to imagination in everything related to fashion. For example, at a recent New York week fashion models of the Libertines brand showed, in addition to clothes, very unusual nail art - the girls’ nails were decorated with fur!

Look for your own type of hand care and nail decoration - women today feel complete freedom in this.

Types of manicure

By visiting a master or arranging home salon beauty, fashionistas, before the procedure itself, try to choose a style and, most importantly, a method by which they will get the very desired manicure. Some prefer a simple manicure with varnish (of which, by the way, there are many types, but more on that below), while some choose more complicated paths, but in the end everyone comes to a satisfactory result. To make it easier for you to decide, let's understand all types of manicure.

Basic manicure

If you are new to this issue, then start with this type of manicure. There are no frills here, simple classic care for hands and nails, plus varnish of any color. In the salon, the master first rubs cream, oil or lotion onto the cuticle, can soak it in warm water, deals with it, and then you decide what shape and length of the nails you would like (we will also talk about the shape of the nails below). We have resolved this issue - let's start covering. First a base layer, then two layers of varnish of the chosen shade and a final layer of fixative. The nails are left to dry!

French manicure

Now this type has already become classic; two shades of varnish are used - colorless or light pink for nail plate and white for the tip of the nail. Ideally, the nail shape is square.

Option french manicure on the contrary, it also looks great - a contrasting crescent-shaped stripe will be placed at the base of the nail.

If you are not at all conservative, then choose bright colors and your French jacket will become much more interesting!

Gel manicure

Gel polish is different from regular topics that to secure it you need to place your nails under ultraviolet lamp. This manicure will last much longer, but you need to take proper care of it.

Paraffin manicure

This manicure is especially necessary for those who have dry or very tired hands. After the paraffin treatment, the skin becomes soft and looks well-groomed. Treating cuticles becomes much easier.

Manicure using hot stones

Take care of your hands - get a massage to relax your hands and soften the skin.

Choosing the shape for your nails

In fact, choosing a nail shape is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. If you thought that there were only round and square nails, then we are telling you right now that there are actually seven basic shapes. Learn a little more about manicure so that you can experiment and give your hands a new and always beautiful and unusual look!


Square the shape will fit for any length (there is still a minimum, since a beautiful square should be visible above your finger), but only if the nail bed of your nails is narrow.

Rounded square (squoval: square + oval)

Universal shape for any length.

Round shape (rounded)

This shape is ideal for short nails and will visually make the nail plate a little narrower.

Oval shape (oval)

Perfectly lengthens your fingers, do it on long nails.


Do you need to visually make your fingers thinner? This shape will help you, grow your nails longer and more glamorous. oval shape your nails are guaranteed.


The shape resembles pointe shoes, although in English there is another name - coffin (coffin). This shape requires long nails and a narrow nail bed.


Sharp as stiletto heels, such nails are not always comfortable, but no less beautiful for that. Another plus is that they make your fingers visually longer. But, unfortunately, it will not be possible to give such a shape to natural nails (the maximum is almond-shaped), so you will have to visit a salon if you want the same “dangerous” look.

What should those who have eternal problems with their nails do, or if you cut them too short, but after reading the previous few paragraphs, you wanted such beauty for yourself? Of course, the easiest way is to extend your nails, but you can also provide your hands with beautiful manicure. Here are some tips:

1. Apply cuticle oil every night. If your nails are sufficiently moisturized, they will grow faster.

2. You can grow your ideal shape yourself from scratch! From the very beginning, file your nails to the desired shape or ask your nail technician to do this.

3. Use gel coating. Gel manicure helps natural nails grow because it strengthens them and makes them less likely to break. Touch up every two weeks and do not attempt to remove the coating yourself.

Nail art and everything you need to know about it

We have already discussed the main types of manicure, now it’s time to talk directly about nail decorations. Nail art today is part of aesthetic cosmetology and a striking example of body art, which is used both in Everyday life, and on the catwalks, for example. Together with makeup, nail art helps women highlight their beauty and hide imperfections. And with the help of it you can introduce a piece of art into your life, because painting on nails is becoming more and more luxurious. Nails grow quickly (on average 3 mm per month), so you need to constantly care for them and constantly come up with something new to make your hands beautiful - this is where nail art helps, when every fashionista can clearly show her individuality. There are many techniques for creating decorative nail decorations - applying several layers of polish or gel polish, using false nails or applying extensions.

Nowadays you can find many types of nail polishes in stores with different textures that can be used to create certain effects. Initially, nail polish consists of an organic polymer with the addition of various plasticizers and pigments. There are a number of effects that can be created using varnish:

Creme– opaque “base” coating, matte or glossy, the shade is soft and without glitter.

Duo-chrome– “chameleon” effect, the color shimmers in different shades depending on the incident light.

Frost– shimmering effect, as if the varnish was applied in strokes. With a pearlescent tint, it is considered vintage.

Glitter– coating with big amount glitter, which can be of different sizes. A beautiful iridescent effect is created.

Holographic– creates a holographic effect of rainbow shimmer.

Matte– coating with a velvety effect, no shine.

Shimmer– coating with the addition of shimmering particles.

Jelly– translucent coating, may shine.

Metallic– metallic effect coating.

Sheer– translucent coating, can be pink or beige, “office” option. Also widely used to create French manicure.

You can also make a stylish “caviar” manicure (caviar) yourself at home, consisting of small beads of the same or different colors. You can buy a special set with broths and experiment! In addition to round beads, various stones and other decorations are used in manicure.

Secrets of nail art at home:

1) Use gel pens - this is the easiest way to apply a design to your nail. Apply the polish, let it dry and then create! If you are using multiple shades of pens, be sure to let each layer dry.

2) For both simple and sophisticated nail art, you can use regular tape! Choose which strips are thin or wide (for the first, we take thin adhesive tape accordingly), what pattern you need, and practice!

3) If you are afraid that you won’t be able to draw a straight line the first time, then draw it point by point.

4) Original marble art can be easily made using ordinary cling film. See for yourself:

If you want to make streaks of a different shade from the base, then apply it to the film itself before starting work. Alternatively, you can apply a second shade to the base one, before it has time to dry, and then make streaks using crumpled polyethylene.

The word "manicure" comes from two Latin "manus" to care and "cure" hands, toh yes, this is hand care.

A manicure can say a lot about its owner: beautiful and well-groomed hands are a sign of grace, neatness and good taste. It serves as an important addition to creating a holistic individual image, helps you express yourself and be special.

A common thing for every woman is to get a manicure, modern technologies nail art (“nails” nails and “art” art) allow you to have not only a standard nail polish coating, but also wear a whole work of art on your hands.

Manicure can say a lot about a woman

Where it all began. History of manicure

Manicure has been around for over 3,000 years – it is one of the oldest ways of self-care. The oldest manicure accessories date back to 3200 BC! And in 1964, as a result of excavations, mummies of the court manicurists of Pharaoh Nuser, who ruled 2400 BC, were found.

In Egypt in the 1st century BC, painting nails in different colors showed a person’s attitude to a particular class. Nobles and priests could cover their nails in different shades of red, but the poor were only allowed to use light shades. It is known that Cleopatra tinted her nails with henna, which was the main means of care until the Middle Ages.

Among Assyrian warriors, it was customary to perform a ritual before battle: cutting your hair, putting on lipstick and painting your nails.

In ancient China, nails were painted using egg whites, wax, and gelatin. The main colors were silver and gold. Around the 14th century, nails began to be covered with black and red colors. Following this, it became fashionable to wear gold or silver tips: the older the tip, the more it distinguished the girl from the rest. In general, long and colored nails in Ancient China were a symbol of wisdom, so everyone tried to grow them and monitor the presence of paint on their nails.

In Europe, attention was paid to nails in the 16th century during the time of Catherine de Medici. It was fashionable to have short nails without color coating.

In the Middle Ages it was fashionable to wear short nails

The peak of manicure popularity

Progenitor modern manicure King Louis Philippe is considered, and the year of origin is 1830, France. The reason for this was an inflamed hangnail on the king's finger. The court doctor not only cured the royal finger, but also developed an entire nail care system. The doctor passed this system on to his niece, who popularized such care not only among royal circles, but also among ordinary people.

At the beginning of the 20th century, nail care became an entire industry: every store sold manicure sets, which were used by both men and women equally. This set included the famous orange stick, nail file, powder, and hand ointment. The first varnishes looked like a paste that was smoothed onto the nails and then polished.

In Europe, the cost of a manicure was quite expensive. A woman with well-groomed hands immediately stood out from the rest, showing the good financial condition of their owner.

Gradually, elongated nails gained popularity; their shape could be completely different. In 1932, the first nail polish appeared, giving rise to the fashion for colored nails.

In 1925, red varnish was released, its creators were inspired by car paint.

In 1925, red varnish was created

Since 1932, the parent of modern varnishes based not on paint, but on pigment, appeared on the shelves. It was created by the Revson brothers, who a little later opened the Revlon company. Now nails could be painted in almost any color. Largely thanks to the huge sales volumes of varnishes, the company became one of the richest.

The idea of ​​creation artificial nails belongs to the dentist Maxwell Lappe, he hardly thought about nail design: the nails were intended for ladies who had bad habit chew them. And in 1955 another dentist created acrylic nails, which are still most often used in extensions.

The emergence of nail art

For a long time, the art of nail decoration did not arouse public interest, since it was the prerogative of the poorest African-American women. However, in the 20th century, nail decoration ideas began to be actively used: rhinestones for nails, feathers, gold and silver items appeared, gems to decorate nails, later they began to add velvet, glass, and leather.

This trend was actively developing in the early 90s, and nail art competitions were held all over the world. ANDThe nail care industry is huge: a large number of companies that produce a variety of accessories for creating a real work of art on your nails.

Today we can say with confidence that a whole art has been formed in aesthetic cosmetology.

In beauty salons, clients most often order nail decoration - nail art.

Nail art directions

Of the existing many options for decorating nails, a number of areas enjoy the greatest love and popularity:

  • The classic direction is implemented using several varnishes of different colors. The design is absolutely any, applied with a special thin brush

  • Nail decorations with rhinestones - rhinestones, different sizes and flowers are applied to nail polish

  • French design is one of the most favorite types of design. The most romantic and natural

  • Acrylic modeling - appropriate for special celebrations, very difficult to perform.

  • Chinese painting - using Chinese themes on nails

  • Piercing - so that the jewelry does not interfere with the conversation active image life, it is better to hang it on the little finger or ring finger. Hanging the decoration is quite simple: use a drill to make a hole on the artificial nail plate, where the decoration is inserted

Nail piercing

  • Wedding nail art - first the nail is painted, then a piece of lace fabric is attached to it

Wedding nail art

  • “Layer cake” - several layers of multi-colored varnish are placed on the nail, then a piece of silk fabric is passed over the last fresh layer of varnish. This is how a drawing is created

  • Fabric - a piece of fabric is attached to the nail, then a clear varnish is applied
  • Gel pen – varnish is applied, dries, then the desired picture is drawn on it with a gel pen

  • Scotch tape - varnish is applied, then a stencil with a pattern is applied, another layer of varnish of a different color is applied on top

  • Eye of a needle - replaces a brush. Can be painted over liquid or dry varnish

  • Louise Hollis has the longest toenails - 2.20 cm

Why does a person need nails? Movie