Nail designs with flowers and dark French. How to make a beautiful colored French on short, medium, long and extended nails? Manicure colored French gel polish, shellac and regular polish

Beautiful, well-groomed nails are the calling card of a real lady. You won’t believe it, but the vast majority of men, when they first meet, always pay attention to a woman’s hands, including her manicure. That is why you should never, under any circumstances, allow yourself to walk around with peeling nail polish or an awkward manicure. Best option everyday nail art – classic french manicure. As they say, it will suit the feast, the world, and any outfit. And modern interpretations are so interesting and unusual that even ladies with extravagant taste will be able to find “their” unique and original French manicure.

So that you don’t waste your time looking for new ideas for French manicure, the editors of WomenSovetnik have prepared for you a cool selection with the most current interpretations of everyone’s favorite french manicure. So watch, be inspired and admire :)

White jacket is a classic that will always be in trend

The white French manicure has long been the standard of classic manicure; it looks great on long and short nails of any shape. If a regular French manicure with a white “smile” is too banal for you, decorate one or two nails on each hand with a pattern, stones, stamps, sparkles or rhinestones. Nail art will not lose its grace from such metamorphoses, but will acquire notes of individualism.

Secret: any manicure should be done only on healthy nails. If you have problems or disease of your nails, rush to the doctor, not to the manicurist!

Black French jacket - discreet and incredibly stylish

Black French manicure is the most popular interpretation of the classic French manicure. It is also universal in terms of combination with any style and style of clothing. The best black French manicure, photos confirm this fact, looks on short nails (up to 3-4 mm) oval or almond-shaped. It can also be decorated as your heart desires - with rhinestones, stones, sparkles or patterns, because the black base color allows you to experiment quite boldly.

Colored French - give free rein to your imagination!

If the two types of French manicure described above can be called restrained, then a colored French manicure implies absolute freedom in choosing a shade, both for “smiling” the nail and for “filling” the main area nail plate. There are no restrictions or frames for you (except for the harmony of the chosen shades), if your soul requires a riot of colors - realize your idea on your nails!

French manicure color is ideal for absolutely young girls and young women who are not afraid of experiments and whose dress code allows them to “wear” a colored jacket. 2017 can be called “the year of originality,” because stylists strongly recommend choosing absolutely unusual colors for a colored French manicure: orange, amber, all shades of green, purple, scarlet, candy pink. You can give one or two nails a matte finish and leave the rest glossy.

French with a pattern - what is depicted on your nails?

French manicure is an ideal “base” for creating nail designs. On a monochromatic surface, the curls and patterns that are familiar to us look too banal, but on French it looks more airy and light.

French with a pattern in 2017 should not be too “complex” and “pretentious”, that is, we abandon “paintings” in favor of minimalist motifs:

  1. stripes: horizontal, vertical, repeating the shape of a “smile”, multi-colored, or one color - it’s up to you;
  2. dots - “polka dots” on nails look very good in the spring-summer period, they add lightness and ease to any of your looks, emphasizing your individuality. You can decorate just one nail with a scattering of dots or place just one dot on each nail - in any case, you will get a very stylish manicure;
  3. geometric figures with a classic French jacket will also make friends;
  4. hearts are an ideal option for gentle, romantic natures.

Secret: French manicure with a pattern looks especially good on short nails (within 1-2 mm), which, by the way, are considered the most fashionable this season, but are too long nails have become a symbol of bad taste.

Moonlight jacket - beautiful, stylish, unusual

The emphasized “smile” of the nail and the hole at the base of the nail plate are new trend, which is called " moon jacket" This fashionable manicure is ideal for a business woman (if it is done in strict, restrained colors) and for a very young, mischievous girl who can use all the shades of the rainbow for her manicure. In the first days after application, it looks simply amazing, but if your nails grow quickly, be prepared for frequent, regular correction, because the emphasized lune draws attention to itself.

French manicure with stones is not an option for every day

We have already looked at all the latest trends in everyday French manicure, now let's turn our attention to its more festive interpretations.

French manicure with stones is considered one of the most chic nail designs of our time. For its implementation, large decorative stones are used different shapes(not to be confused with rhinestones, we’ll talk about them a little later), which are attached at the base of one or two nails on each hand. A French jacket with stones is an ideal solution for the bride or her bridesmaids, because on such a special day you need to be able to sparkle.

Stylists recommend decorating the nail plate with stones only if you have previously had a French manicure done in white or pastel colors, because a base that is too bright will distract attention from the stones, and the nail design will turn out sloppy, too colorful.

French manicure with rhinestones and sparkles is almost a classic

A weakness for the shine of rhinestones is probably inherent in women at the genetic level. Otherwise, it’s impossible to explain why we all love French manicure with rhinestones so much. And this season it remains at the peak of popularity, so you can safely make such a beautiful jacket, a photo of options for placing rhinestones on the nail plate is attached.

The only thing I would like to focus on again is the size of the rhinestones. Stylists recommend trying to use several rhinestones on one nail at once. different sizes, which need to be secured in a chaotic manner. You will get a unique jacket, photos of the most stylish options we have collected in this article.

French on short nails – nuances you need to know about!

French on short nails is the hottest trend this season. But not everyone, unfortunately, manages to do it carefully. To ensure that the result of the manicure pleases you. Use our recommendations:

  1. French nail design short nails should only be done using a stencil. This is the only way you will get beautiful “smiles” of the same size;
  2. A French jacket made using the ombre technique looks original on short nails. Please note that in order for the transition to be smooth, the manicure must be done very quickly so that the base does not have time to dry;
  3. Before applying the “smile”, the nail plate can be tinted not only with a nude or soft pink shade of varnish, but also with lilac, dusty turquoise, soft blue - you will get a very beautiful, unique manicure;
  4. For short nails in the spring-summer period, you can safely do a French manicure, in which each nail will be painted with different shades of varnish. Nature itself, with its riot of colors, pushes us towards such experiments :)
  5. a colorful picture on one nail will go perfectly with a classic plain jacket on the rest of the nail plates.

The drawing can be drawn by a master, made using the “” technique, or a sticker can be used.

In any case, short nails are the favorites of this season, and how to decorate them is up to you.

French manicure at home - is it really possible to do it well?

It’s not always possible to go to an appointment with a specialist to get a chic French manicure for your loved one. We recommend that you try to make it yourself.

French manicure looks simple and elegant - and this is the reason for its popularity. The combination of these factors makes it universal, suitable for almost any outfit. Thanks to its naturalness, it gives the hands a well-groomed look and the image completeness.

The classic French is close to the native color of the nail. The basis is gentle pastel shades, and the tip is covered with thick white varnish. However, modern tendencies welcome a wide variety of color combinations and “smile” shapes.

Today, manicures use gel polishes, which dry quickly and last well. A huge number of colors and additional accessories allow you to turn your nails into a real work of art. And most importantly, making a French jacket at home is not at all difficult.


French manicure appeared not in France, as the name suggests, but in the United States. Hollywood actresses of those years often faced the problem of a suitable manicure. During filming, they had to change clothes every now and then. It is clear that changing the color of nails every time is difficult both for the actress herself and for the entire filming process. This not only takes up valuable time, but also requires additional financial expenses for the stylist.

One director complained to a friend about this problem. A friend, being the founder of the ORLY company, promised to help him and kept his word. So in 1976 a new original type of manicure appeared. He needs rectangular shape nail with rounded edges. The main part was covered with varnish close to the color of the skin, and the tip was highlighted with a white stripe.

French models especially appreciated this nail design. He became a frequent guest at fashion shows. This is how the name “French manicure” stuck to it. Today, 41 years later, it is popular all over the world among women of any age and profession.


Modern French welcomes almost any combination of color, decor and nail shape. Look at the photo of French manicure: some ideas are amazing.


For a classic French manicure, you need two shades: light flesh and dense white. Therefore, it looks gentle and natural. Pairs equally well with a business suit, light dress and evening wear.


Bright, contrasting color combinations are the motto of this style. For example, a monochrome manicure with a white base and black tips. Other popular combinations are green and red, lilac and silver, blue and gold.


The tip is decorated with micropowder, glitter and accessories. It should not be transparent, so they must be applied in a dense layer.

Art French

Manicure with a pattern: the nail is decorated with original ornaments and patterns. For this, stencils and a thin brush are used.

Lunar, or French on the contrary

It is not the tip, but the base of the nail that stands out in a contrasting color (sometimes both). This is also quite convenient: as the nail grows, the strip is tinted, becoming wider.

Fan French

This technique allows the imagination to unfold: patterns, rhinestones, beads and feathers serve as decoration. This also applies to the shape of the “smile”: it can be straight, oblique or zigzag.

Lace jacket

Similar to lace graceful patterns performed with white varnish over a classic manicure. Additionally, the nail is decorated with rhinestones and sparkles. Ideal for a wedding dress.

New manicure 2017

Today's fashionable French manicure looks at the classics from a different angle.


This type of manicure will look great even on short nails. Nails decorated with rhinestones look luxurious and presentable.

Combinations of techniques

Today manicure is at the height of fashion, where each nail is made in its own style. For example, metallic shades combined with delicate classics look fresh and unusual.


Another trend is the wavy “smile” line. Experiment with colors: contrasting shades will look no worse than the classic range.

Unusual accessories

Kamifubuki, foil, mosaic – there are so many decorations that can be used in manicure.


The fashion for gold coating is gaining momentum: you can highlight only the tip with a bright shiny shade, or you can use it as the main coating.

French manicure at home

Anyone can do it themselves.

The first step is to remove the old coating. A cotton swab is soaked in nail polish remover and rubbed firmly across the nail. Some shades of varnish are difficult to wipe off and stain the skin. Then it makes sense to protect your fingers in advance. On sale today special varnishes, which are applied to the skin around the finger, and after finishing the manicure are removed in the form of a film.

Nails are given the desired length and shape using scissors and a file. If possible, you can take a special hand bath. This is not only pleasant, but also useful.

It's time to take care of the cuticles. After the bath, the skin is steamed and it will be much easier to remove it. Additionally, you can rub in oil or moisturizer.

The nails are lightly polished so as not to damage the plate. A fine-grained file is best for this. As an alternative, leveling fluid can be used. You can start manicure. Prepare varnishes, stencils and additional accessories.

There are several ways to achieve a neat finish. The first method is that the “smile” is drawn by hand. If you can’t immediately draw an even line, remove the excess using a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover.

Stores sell adhesive stencils for French hair, with which you can create a perfectly straight “smile” line. If you are doing French for the first time, it is better to use them. Then the border will be clear and neat. You need to remove the stencils before the varnish is completely dry.

Using a stencil strip, the tip is separated. It is glued so that the “smile” can be easily painted white (or another color). Excess varnish is removed. Make sure that the stripes on all fingers are the same shape and thickness. The stencils are removed, and the main varnish is applied to the nail in 1-2 layers.

The result is secured with a layer of transparent top, and the cuticles are lubricated with nourishing oil. The fixing layer will add shine to the manicure and extend its service life. French is ready!

Photo of French manicure

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My friend and I were talking about what a stylish French manicure 2018 should be like, and I decided to write a post following the discussion and show the French manicure 2018 in the photo.


What is a French manicure? This is a special nail design in which the free edge of the nail is highlighted with a different color. Initially, it was a classic beautiful French manicure, for which the nail was covered with beige or slightly pinkish varnish, and with the help of additional means the free edge was emphasized - the so-called smile.

For this purpose, special coatings, pencils and even spraying are used. Now craftsmen make the following types of French:

  • classic French (beige or soft pink with white);
  • colored jacket (combination of any shades);
  • “naked” French manicure, in which color is added only to the smile;
  • matte and glossy nail designs;
  • French manicure for short nails;
  • French manicure with rhinestones;
  • black jacket with a colorful smile.
For decoration the following are used:
  • rhinestones;
  • sculptural plastic;
  • sliders;
  • shimmers;
  • stamping.
Many craftsmen and hobbyists offer their own designs using various pigments, special foil, flock and velvet sand. Special threads and stickers, stencils and thermal film are used, as well as much more - you can see the various designs in the video.

Such a fashionable one may not be too pretentious - for example, a black jacket with a velvet design looks very beautiful.

Fashion trends

Have you already wondered what manicure fashion will be like in 2018? Fashion trends are constantly changing, but you can identify the main trends in advance.

Study the fashion trends of 2018 in the photo

Very beautiful manicure, which is fashionable this year - negative space and the already familiar candy chic. Negative space is a French polish with a pattern on a transparent base, and candy chic is a French gel polish using marmalade for nails.

A very interesting nail design is obtained using flock and velvet sand.

Look at the photo design and color schemes for the coating, and then choose the one that suits you.

By the way, on short nails, French looks very attractive and original.

If you don't know how to do modern manicure in french style then look short videos- you will be able to understand the technique and the main direction of this nail design and will be imbued with it.

Another fashion trend- a mixture of several styles, when each nail has its own design, but at the same time it looks very cute. So, for example, on one nail there can be a classic French manicure, on another - a French manicure with a pattern, on the third - a French manicure with rhinestones or with a rim. If everything is done in the same style, then it looks stylish and cool.

We do it ourselves

If you like to design your own nails and want to figure out how to do a French manicure at home, then watch the tutorial videos. The main stages of French manicure:
  1. hygiene procedures according to your usual order (hardware or trimming, removing cuticles, giving nails the same shape and length);
  2. base coat of the nail (special enamels are used for this, which are almost completely absorbed into the nail, leaving a thin film);
  3. decorative base coat (can be bright, white, colored or neutral);
  4. design of a smile and decor (headband, drawing, lunar design nails);
  5. topcoat and finish.

If you want to learn how to do a French manicure with a pattern, then it is best to purchase special varnishes for painting - they have a super-thin brush and a thinner consistency, which makes the lines smoother.

They also produce painting varnishes with a needle - a small metal hollow cannula allows you to squeeze out the varnish in small portions and create a design on the nail.

Video: “A few tricks to make French manicure easier”

It's better to start with the classic French design, which is made using light and beige colors. In stores you can buy sets of two varnishes and special stickers that help make your smile even and beautiful. And when you have experience, you can try to make a bright or black French jacket.

What is better to do in the salon

I’ll say right away that if you have a lot of experience working with manicure tools and good taste, then, of course, you can do whatever you want at home - my warnings apply to girls who want to try something new and do a French manicure on their own for the first time.

For example, you shouldn’t try to do a French manicure on short, imperfectly shaped nails with your own hands; the angle of view is very important here - no matter how much you want, it will be uncomfortable for you to look at your hand the way the master looks at it.

For short nails, it is generally better to use color combinations that are not too contrasting (for example, blue and white, mint and grassy) - this will visually lengthen the nails and fingers.

Bright colors at home should be used very carefully, because a red French manicure with any additional color other than closely related ones (pink and burgundy) will look like you carelessly opened the jam and got dirty.

Red tones for female image- classics, they attract a lot of looks, and therefore it is very important that the hands look perfect. Choose a beautiful nail design and trust the master, and then your red nails will be perfect.

It is just as difficult to make a black jacket; if it is done carelessly and even untidy, it will leave a painful impression. But if you like black French manicure so much, take some steps to make it better and neater.

For example, if you are making a French jacket with a pattern, ensure that the lines are impeccable. Or use stamping to hide an area of ​​your smile that is not quite straight. To make a simple jacket with a pattern, you can use special decorative tape or various films.

And, of course, you shouldn’t try to do a shellac French manicure at home if you don’t have an LED lamp - without it, the whole idea of ​​a durable coating loses its meaning. However, many manufacturers produce lamps for home use, so if you are serious, it makes sense to order a lamp.

A few nuances

Do you want to wear a fashionable French manicure for a long time? Make a long-lasting coating in the salon - the same shellac lasts for more than two weeks and does not need to be refreshed, it is not harmful to nails and looks very beautiful.

Do you doubt whether a French manicure will suit your nails? Check it out, there is nothing simpler - ask your master to apply this technique on one or two nails, and let the rest be in your usual style. Within a week you will understand whether you like it or not.

Do you prefer to get your nails done? Look original ideas fashionable French manicure with gel polish in the photo - you will find many interesting ideas for your own nails different lengths.

A selection of beautiful ideas

Beautiful and interesting ideas French manicure using the most different materials in photos and videos. You will find the perfect nail design and will be able to please yourself with a fresh design.

Interesting French manicure with gel polish using special plasticine for modeling - volumetric elements look cozy and cute.
To do an unusual French manicure, photos and videos are not necessary - sometimes you can simply act on inspiration, they say this is how masterpieces are made.

Do you want a red French manicure, but you absolutely don’t want to look like a vamp? Use winter or Scandinavian motifs, you can also combine red with other shades - in summer it can be soft green, and then your nails will resemble strawberries.

The most fashion ideas French manicure 2018 in the photo - negative space, candy chic and boho style.

By the way, manicure white french and a black jacket in combination with gold decor looks simply royal.

Choose a design to suit your taste and enjoy the perfection of your own nails!

Fashion is always on the move, and the beauty industry is no exception. It also has its own fashion trends, styles and trends. Despite the new items in nail art for the spring/summer 2017 season, the French or French manicure remains at the peak of popularity. And as usual, classic version, and a slightly modified version, painted in bright colors and new forms.

In any case, French manicure in each of its designs always looks elegant, organic and romantic. It is versatile, elegant and feminine, and speaks of the good taste of its owner. Thinking that French is boring has not been relevant for a long time. After all, fashion trends in manicure say just the opposite: French nails have become a real trend for summer 2017, and spring too.

It can be either classic and restrained, or bright, catchy and even shocking. You will see photos of new fashionable versions of this deservedly popular manicure in the article.

History of appearance

This manner of painting nails appeared in the seventies of the last century in Hollywood, despite its name, and not in one of the French cities. His appearance was spontaneous: the fact is that actresses often simply did not have time to change their manicure for each of the new looks and clothes, which they needed to quickly get into and change into. In order to look organic while filming in any outfit, a special series of neutral polishes was released.

To create such a universal manicure, the nails were shaped into a rounded square, painted pink or light beige, and the tip of the nail was covered with white. And this nail design got its name from fashion models, who loved it dearly for its versatility, because it goes perfectly with any clothes. And now for more than forty years, French manicure, or in other words, French, has been decorating the fingers of women all over the world.

Fashion trends 2017

Nail design 2017 suggests combining various techniques in one manicure, that is, the French manicure is used as a base, and various graphic images, sliders, stamps, rhinestones, sparkles, shimmers, etc. are added to it.The most important fashion trends are naturalness and naturalness.

They determine what shape and length the nails should be. fashionable manicure. After all, no matter how stylish and trendy nail art is, without properly designed, neat nails there will be no desired effect.

As for the length of nails, this season the trend is short nails, as well as ultra-short ones: the tip of the nail plate should extend beyond the edge of the fingertip by no more than 4 millimeters. This is enough to ensure that the nail does not look too short, but still looks quite long. The shape of the nails should be oval, almond-shaped or rounded square.

Pointed, cat-like claws are a thing of the past. So those who were worried about not being able to fit in fashion trends Because of their dislike for this shape of nails, they will probably be happy.

Trendy nail design with French manicure for the spring/summer 2017 season has the following distinctive features:

Current classics

Based on the main trend of this spring-summer season, namely naturalness, the classic Frenchwill continue to be popular. A manicure without a base coat at all, only with painted nail tips, will become relevant, in which it is necessary to pay special attention to high-quality cleaning: removing cuticles, hangnails, giving the same length and shape to all nail plates. Hands and nails should look as well-groomed as possible. This nail art looks natural and sophisticated.

Another version of the classic French jacket is a beige base and a white “smile” line. If this design seems a little boring, it can be diluted by combining moon manicure. Moreover, do it either on all fingers, or only on a pair. In addition to beige, you can also use a soft pink shade for the base. When combining French with lunar, you can highlight the base line of the nail with a slightly darker tone of the same shade as the edge of the nail.

Fashionable colors

The shape and length of the nails are the basis, but the materials used and, of course, the color scheme make the manicure bright and unusual. The summer 2017 trend will be pastel colors, namely: cream, beige, fawn, creamy, powdery, salmon, milky shades. All of them are good not only as a basis for a Hollywood-style manicure, but also as an independent coating.

But in addition to the classics, the spring/summer 2017 season also suggests paying attention to another trend : colored French First of all, it's hard to imagine fashionable image decorative manicure for such a hot season without bright summer colors. And secondly, the year fire rooster dictates its own rules, in particular regarding color preferences. So for a French manicure in bright colors you can freely choose:

  • red;
  • green;
  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • blue.

And, of course, all kinds of shades of these colors. But you shouldn’t do a manicure that is too flashy, because it will contradict the basic rule: naturalness. Remember the combination of feathers of the owner of the year according to the Chinese calendar; these are exactly the color combinations that nature dictates. Also, both matte and glossy coatings can be used simultaneously in one design.

Short nails and French manicure

Another big trend in 2017 is short nails, and all designs are created keeping this length in mind. This is due to the fact that for a classic French manicure, a nail with a protruding edge of about 2 millimeters will not be enough; a smile on such a nail plate will only make it visually shorter and wider, as a result of which the fingers will appear thicker. But this is not at all the effect that every girl wants to achieve: she wants a manicure to make her hands more graceful.

But there is a solution to this problem: a fashionable colored and non-standard French manicure. Owners of especially short nails should avoid overly contrasting color combinations, choosing to create such a jacket colors from one or a similar palette of shades that gently resonate with each other and do not create sharp transitions. For example, you can combine purple with lilac, blue with blue, and so on.

Gradient French

Another find for those with short nails is the ombre effect, which is fashionable this season. With its help you can create a spectacular gradient French manicure. For French, the gradient is performed in the vertical direction. Smooth transitions They allow you to make the nail visually narrower and even longer, the main thing is to avoid sharp and contrasting shades and transitions.

French with images

Nail designs for summer 2017 are a trendy technique for creating stylish nail art. But French manicure dictates its own rules, so images that are fashionable for other types of French nail design will not work; a special approach and flair are needed here.

Graceful curls, geometric shapes, and simple lines will look good. That is, minimalist designs that are not distracting, but rather focus attention on the Hollywood-style manicure.

Striped French manicure

Stripes are relevant in all nail designs of 2017, and French is no exception. The edge of the nail can be painted in a standard curved way, that is, with a smile line, or with a clear, even stripe. In addition, it is recommended to draw a vertical stripe on the nail plate, which will divide the nail into two different or identical parts.

This can be done in the same color as the edge of the nail or in a different color, but not too contrasting to it and the base. Or, for example, make a stripe with golden varnish, rhinestones, sparkles for special, festive occasions. In this case, you get a French style in the Hollywood style. If you are doing a French manicure with a stripe yourself, use a special adhesive tape that will allow the stripe to be perfectly even.

French manicure with dots

New for summer 2017 - designs and edges of the nail in a French style with dots. This season you can do anything with them: simply draw them in a chaotic order on the nail plate or arrange them in a specific pattern, make them plain or multi-colored, of the same or different sizes. You can draw lines with dots, geometric figures, floral ornaments.

Or draw a smile line, creating an unusual, original Hollywood manicure. In this case, the tip of the nail is shaped as a standard in the form of an arc or a square or triangle. You can do this with shiny dots, then you will get a festive jacket. On a color base, black, white or any bright, contrasting colors look most advantageous.

Current trend: frame

If all the previously listed trends have in one way or another been used in manicure before or come from past seasons, then designing a French manicure with frame graphics is an innovation in nail art. It is performed as follows: the edges of the nail are drawn very bright, saturated, dark color. As a result, the effect is created as if the nail is in a picture frame. This design looks impressive on a soft jacket, pastel shades. For a bright French manicure, the frame should be painted white.

French with slider

Sliders are a real salvation for those who do their own manicure, but at the same time like to follow fashion trends. You don’t have to know how to use dots or paint with a manicure brush to get the appearance on your nails. beautiful drawings. It is enough to make a classic French manicure and diversify it with a slider design.

If you are planning a party and creating a design appropriate for the occasion, then the stickers can be applied to all nails without exception. For Everyday life It is best to use sliders only on some, for example, on the ring fingers.

French manicure with gel polish

French gel polish is a salvation for those who have little time to regularly renew their manicure. After all, it’s no secret that ordinary varnish fades quite quickly, especially from contact with water or from mechanical damage, the coating is damaged and peels off. WITH gel polishes this problem is solved, because they retain shine, smoothness and durability for at least two weeks.

In addition, a manicure with gel polish helps hide defects in the nail plate, such as unevenness and cracks. It also protects nails from harmful influences, for example, dishwashing detergents, strengthens nails, due to which the manicure lasts longer.

Colored French manicure

For those who, although they like French, still find it somewhat boring, its colored counterpart is suitable. It looks bright, unusual and summery. The trend of 2017 will be the following color combinations:

  • nude, that is, almost flesh-colored background and bright rim;
  • the base and edge of the nail contrasting with each other;
  • a brightly highlighted hole and the tip of the nail of the same color, applied to a base of a contrasting shade;
  • a French jacket with a pastel-colored base and a bright straight line on the edge of the nail plate, with a vertical stripe drawn at the same time;
  • negative space, fashion design, which is also relevant for use in French manicure: the main part of the nail remains unpainted, and the edge is decorated in red, orange, black;
  • a combination of pastel shades with deep dark tones: blue, burgundy, purple, black, marsala;
  • French manicure a la vampire, when the background is made milky or black, and the edge of the nail is red;
  • festive option: a combination of black and gold, and their arrangement can be changed: use both colors both as a base and for a smile;
  • combination of matte and metallic chrome coating. The metal tip of the nail on a matte base, especially black, looks impressive. This French style is also relevant because gothic style is currently on the crest of a fashionable wave, and this nail design fits perfectly with it.

Whatever French manicure design you choose for a holiday or everyday look, it will definitely decorate your hands, highlight your taste and style.

It has long become a classic of nail art. It is preferred by both brides and businesswomen. But everything is changing and it has become fashionable unusual jacket- multi-colored, with patterns, using rhinestones and others decorative elements. You will learn more about its varieties later in the article, and the photo interesting manicures will demonstrate their beauty.

Simple change

To make an unusual jacket, you just need to abandon the usual shades - flesh or pink in combination with white.

Even bright, rich colors on the smile line along with a neutral nail base can look interesting, but at the same time be appropriate in everyday life. If you complement them with appropriate accents in makeup and clothing, the image will not be boring, but not too colorful.

And the fans bright colors may no longer suffer with the choice beautiful color for a manicure. To make an unusual French manicure, you just need to paint the entire nail with a neutral beige shade of varnish, and paint the tips of the nails as you wish.

Bright, pastel or neon - all colors are good. Their variegation will be balanced by a calm beige base.

If you have basic nail art skills, then decorate the smile line with white polka dots, which can be easily done with a special manicure tool with a round ball at the tip. Using a very thin brush, draw a line between different colors glitter polish to complement this unusual jacket. A photo of what you should get is presented below.

Special finger

You can very easily add a twist even to simple manicure, if you paint one or two nails differently than the rest.

The simplest, but very effective solution is to turn the jacket over on two fingers. It looks like below.

Another simple option is to paint one nail with the same color as the smile line. Nail polish with large glitter adds a special elegance to this nail art.

In anticipation winter holidays You can give preference to varnishes of bright, rich colors. Large sparkles and snowflakes will only emphasize the seasonal mood.

Fashion effect

The combination of regular varnish and varnish with a metallic sheen looks striking. For example, glossy burgundy color It harmonizes interestingly with silver.

Golden tips turn a simple manicure into a stylish and sophisticated one. They will look equally good with bright rich colors and neutral ones.

A combination of metal and mother-of-pearl or matte varnish is an easy way to create a fashionable, unusual French nail design. A photo of one of the options for this manicure is presented below.

Popular gradient

Smooth color transitions have become fashionable in everything - from clothing and interior design, to pumping up makeup and nail art. A standard French manicure requires clear lines, but an unusual French manicure may deviate from this rule. A slightly blurred contrasting tip of the nail and a smooth mixture of two different shades looks gentle and original.

But the gradient can be done not only within one nail, but also on all fingers of the hand at once. Below is an example of what this might look like.

This option is a little more complicated, because the gradient area is smaller and it must be very neat.

Elegant clarity

If you still prefer strict lines, then there are several options for how to diversify the jacket.

For example, you can make the “smile” strictly rectangular, and between two contrasting colors of varnish make a thin strip of a third color.

Or even “reverse” the manicure. For example, place a “smile” line at the base of the nail and on the side.

For real craftswomen

To make an unusual French nail design with a pattern, you need to have good nail art skills or go to a beauty salon. But the result is worth the effort.

Let's start from simple to complex. For example, these manicures look very neat, but at the same time flirty and playful.

And making them is not so difficult, since the bows are ready-made. Of course, you need to practice applying them, but after you learn this technique, doing a patterned manicure will be very simple.

White butterflies are made in the same way against a French background with red tips. Stickers can be replaced with a stamping plate.

Delicate floral patterns are wonderful companions for French manicure. These can be either individual flowers along the edges of the nail plate or small roses that form a “smile” line.

You can limit yourself to one large complex drawing on ring finger. And small thin patterns on the remaining nails will complete this unusual jacket. You can see the photo (this manicure also fits perfectly on short nails) below.

It can be difficult to choose a design that would look harmonious in a small area. But still there is a lot interesting options and for such a situation. For example, in this manicure, the “smile” line is formed by thin multi-colored lines, which look quite bright, but do not create the impression of being compressed and overloaded.

Small rhinestones only complement this beautiful abstract pattern.

The following example, although it seems simple, requires very careful and delicate work.

You need to try to make it blurry and not just a chaotic jumble of color spots. But if you do everything correctly, you will get a very delicate, unusual jacket with a slight echo of the gardens of Provence.