How to make gel polish matte. Learn how to do a matte manicure at home How to make a matte polish

Matte nail polish has been breaking all popularity records lately! Technologists love it because with a matte finish you can implement very interesting design solutions. And we love matte nails because such a manicure perfectly hides all scratches and roughness.

First way

The most convenient way to make nail polish matte is to treat your nails with steam from boiling water. If you try, you can get a matte effect comparable to a professional manicure with matte nails. The main thing about this method is that you don’t need any additional costs, and it’s easy to make gel polish matte even at home.

In order to create matte manicure, you don't have to buy matte nail polish. Take your favorite glossy varnish For nails of the desired shade, fill a pan with water, prepare a nail file, cotton pads and nail polish remover.

  • First, remove any remaining polish from the surface of your nails and clean your nails completely.
  • Will need to be nailed beautiful shape and remove the cuticle.
  • Using glossy nail polish, carefully paint the nails to your liking on one hand.
  • Turn on the stove and heat a pan of water.
  • While the varnish is still wet, place your hand over the bowl, palm up, and hold it over the steam for about two minutes.

You need to hold your hand over the pan very carefully! Otherwise, you may get burned from the hot steam. Manicure - matte nails will be obtained if you move your fingers over the steam so that it completely envelops each nail, and the matte coating appears on each nail.

Repeat the procedure with the other hand. This way you will quickly and easily get a manicure with matte nails and can enjoy it without going to a beauty salon. As you can see, making matte varnish at home is quite simple and convenient.

Second way

Another way to make gel polish matte at home without harming your nails is to purchase a special fixing agent for manicure. It is the matte finish coat that will give a velvety feel to matte nails in a manicure, consolidate the result and help the nail polish to adhere well. With the help of a matte finish, you can make a matte shade of varnish from absolutely any manufacturer.
But keep in mind that a matte manicure, although it hides all scratches, perfectly emphasizes the slightest irregularities and defects nail plate. That is why you will first have to thoroughly polish your nails, and only then apply glossy and matte coatings.

How to make a lunar manicure and matte polish at home?

  • Paint your nails with regular glossy polish and wait until it dries completely.
  • Seal the tips of your nails with special strips to create a French manicure. If you don’t have such strips for a lunar manicure, you can use tape.
  • Paint over the exposed part of the nail with a matte finish and wait until it dries completely.
  • Remove the stripes to create a French manicure and you will get a manicure with matte nails with glossy tips.

Nail industry professionals advise choosing dark shades nail polish, since they look most impressive in a velvety design, when the task is to make the polish matte at home.

Advice: Matte nail polish and its matte finish last longer on the nails than glossy ones, but they eat into the nail plate more. If you don't want yours natural nails dyed instead of natural shade dark pigment varnish, then be sure to apply matte nails before a manicure - a base coat for varnish.

Expert opinion

Matte nail polish goes very well with gloss. You can alternate glossy and matte topcoats for different nails or combine both on one nail. In order to achieve a matte manicure, you need to use a special matte top coat. Many people want to make the varnish matte at home by adding regular starch, flour or baby powder to it. But it is not recommended to do this, because... You might just ruin your nail polish. “Homemade” components were not initially provided by the manufacturer to make the varnish matte. Most often this leads to thickening of the top coat. But even if this does not happen, then when applied to the nails, the color of the varnish will change and not for the better.

Do you want your hands to look amazing on a date, holiday party or just at work? We will tell you all the nuances of how to easily and quickly do a matte manicure with your own hands - main trend modern nail art. This manicure creates a velvet effect on your hands. He approaches like casual style, and for an evening romantic look. Overall it is quite versatile, but it all depends on what color polish you choose.

A set of necessary tools

Matte varnish is sold in stores, but a quality product is quite expensive - approximately 250 rubles per color. As they say, you can’t go far with one shade, so we’ll tell you how to create a matte effect on your nails at home using regular polish.

In order to achieve the velvet effect on your nails, in addition to your own curiosity and creativity, you will need:

  1. An honorable inhabitant of every self-respecting kitchen is an electric kettle. Or a small container in which you can boil water.
  2. Nail polish in the shade you like or several different shades - depending on whether you want to further decorate your nails.
  3. Nail polish remover with several cotton pads or hygienically and sticks.
  4. 10 nails that went through the preparation procedure.

That's all, actually.


In order for the polish to apply smoothly and the manicure to last longer, it is necessary to clean the nails, remove the previous coating, and degrease them using nail polish remover. There is no need to moisturize your hands with cream; this may affect the uniformity of the nail coating.

Any manicure and decor looks untidy on unkempt hands, and a matte manicure even more so, since it always draws attention to the hands. Therefore, you need to carefully file your nails, give them the same shape, and, if necessary, remove hangnails and cuticles - just as you usually do.

To do a matte manicure at home, you will need approximately 30 minutes. Please note that you cannot apply a quick-drying fixer, since in this case all the velvety will disappear. Therefore, make sure that nothing prevents you from waiting for the natural drying of the moisture and the coating on your nails.

Magic metamorphosis step by step

  1. Turn on the kettle and wait until the water gets very hot or boils - we need intense steam generation to occur.
  2. On the prepared nails we apply the usual varnish that you like. We must achieve a dense, uniform, rich color, so apply varnish in 2-3 layers without streaks or transitions.
  3. The nails should not dry out, so 10 seconds after application, when the varnish is evenly distributed, we expose the nails to steam. We hold our hand at a height of 10-15 centimeters, so as not to get burned.
  4. We hold the nails over the steam for 1-1.5 minutes.
  5. Do not wet your nails with anything; everything should dry naturally. As the water dries, a matte effect appears.
  6. After the matte varnish has dried, you can begin decorating your nails.

As you can see, it’s sleight of hand and no magic.

  1. Light colors do not look very expressive in this version of the manicure, so choose more saturated cool shades: gray blue, gray, gray-lilac, blue, ash, black, emerald, fuchsia.
  2. If the varnish contains glitter or pearl, the nails will look a little dirty, so choose plain varnishes.
  3. This manicure looks best on oval nails. On square ones it may look a little rough.
  4. For a more uniform and uniform result, do not apply polish to all nails at once. First, cover 2-3 nails, create a matte effect, then proceed to the next ones.
  5. If someone finds a solid matte manicure too restrained, you can add glossy accents. To do this, take a transparent or colored glossy varnish and apply it to the free edge of the nail to make a French manicure, put dots or draw any design. It will stand out textured against the background of velvet. Either the same shade or a regular clear varnish looks most impressive.
  6. don't use thick cream for hands. This neutralizes the velvety effect.

Video: 5 ways to get matte nails

Don’t be afraid to complement your image with interesting details, unusual solutions, and fashionable inventions.

Glossy nail polish is perceived as familiar. Therefore, fashionistas have a completely justified desire to diversify the design. Matte manicure is a concept that appeared not so long ago. Gradually, this nail design has gained popularity around the world. Now the shades can be purchased in almost any store. But it is not necessary to buy funds. To learn the intricacies of such a design, you just need to be interested in how to make a matte manicure at home. After that, all that remains is to use the tips.

Modern matte finish products

The first ones with a matte effect that appeared on sale did not look very attractive. Some fashionistas even compared them to gouache. After all, these varnishes differed from glossy coatings only in the lack of shine. Modern means are of higher quality. They are presented in a fairly diverse palette of shades. Cosmetics stores offer fashionistas polishes with the effect of suede, velor, and rubber. They look most bright in black, dark blue, and cherry. This design visually narrows the nails. As a result, the fingers look more graceful. That is, a matte manicure at home can be performed after purchasing the appropriate products.

Sand varnish coatings are popular. These products contain shimmer and glitter. Due to these components, nails acquire a characteristic appearance. Of course, the easiest way is to buy it already ready-made remedy with a matte effect.

Application Features

Special matting agents dry quickly and independently; drying treatment is not necessary in this case. They are easy to apply to the nail plate due to their liquid texture. But since you can make a matte manicure at home using improvised means, it is not necessary to purchase expensive special coatings.

It is noteworthy that a day after creating a manicure, the varnish may begin to crack and crumble. An undesirable feature is the appearance of shine. This occurs a few days after the coating is created. Unfortunately, the luxurious matte finish is prone to fading. In this case, you can use a top designed to create a velvet effect. It is also possible to cover the nails with a new layer of varnish on top of the existing one.

You should also thoroughly treat the nail plate. After all, after using matte varnish, any irregularities on it become noticeable. For this purpose, it is best to use a special polishing block. After this, apply the base in 2 layers. Each of them must be completely dry. If you apply varnish to a wet nail, the coating will look like sloppy stripes and bumps. Small inaccuracies need to be corrected. A brush soaked in solvent is best suited for this. After the transparent coating has completely dried, you can paint your nails with your chosen colored varnish. If you use these recommendations, you can do it at home. The photos demonstrate this step by step.

How is a manicure performed?

To create a beautiful matte design, you need completely ordinary objects. It’s easy for almost every girl to stock up on everything she needs. To perform a matte manicure, you need to use ordinary nail polish of your favorite shade, a small bowl filled with water, nail polish remover, a nail file, a switched on stove, and cotton pads.

To make a beautiful design, you need to carry out a number of actions:

This type of manicure allows you to save money, since the cost of real matte varnishes is several times higher than the price of glossy ones. Therefore, many girls are interested in how to make a matte manicure at home. As you can see, this is not difficult at all.

Another way

There is another method of performing manicure at home. In this case, you only need to purchase a special matting agent. To complete an original design, thin brushes, glitter, and stickers may be required. They are selected depending on the chosen design. In this case, you get a rather original matte manicure at home (photo below). The basic steps for decorating your nails look like this step by step:

  • Cover your nails with regular glossy varnish.
  • Wait for the layer to dry.
  • Apply a special velvet coating over the surface of the nail.
  • Allow the product to dry completely.
  • Create your favorite design using glitter ribbons and stickers.

That is, it is not difficult to perform such a manicure. It only takes a little time. If you are interested in how to make a matte manicure at home, we recommend using this method. This way you can make the shade of varnish from absolutely any manufacturer matte.

Original design

Any coating gradually gets boring, so you can diversify the design of your nails. To do this, just follow a number of simple steps:

  • Paint your nails using glossy varnish.
  • Wait for the coating to dry completely.
  • Seal the ends with special strips for making a jacket. You can also use tape.
  • Paint the exposed part of the nail plate with a matting agent.
  • Wait for the layer to dry.
  • Remove strips.

A “smile” on your nails also looks beautiful. To do this, create a glossy manicure using the varnish you like, then let the coating dry completely. You need to attach stickers to the base of the nail plate and apply a special velvet coating. And if you use it for this design, it will turn out “ moon manicure" Nails with a matte finish look beautiful, decorated with rhinestones, glitter, and foil.

Since it’s not at all difficult to make a matte manicure at home, you don’t have to purchase special remedy. You can use the existing gloss varnish. But if you want to create a finish with a suede or rubber effect, you should supplement your arsenal of home remedies with the appropriate nail polish.

One of fashion trends 2016 – matte manicure. More precisely, it came into fashion last year and, it seems, is not going to go out. The secret of its popularity is its simplicity of execution and the ability to combine it with a wide variety of textures. Matte nails are usually used in, and they themselves look very unusual. However, matte manicure also has its drawbacks.

Who is a matte manicure suitable for?. It suits everyone without exception, the only thing is how you apply it: you can just do matte monochromatic nails, or you can complement the manicure with a glossy texture, make stripes or drops of alternating textures, use different shades of gel polishes, patterns, glitter and rhinestones. But this depends on the occasion for which you are doing this manicure.

This time I wasn’t going to any events, so I chose discreet colors of gel polishes and a simple design, which, firstly, will suit any clothes and any situation, and secondly, should last at least three weeks, and so that it was not visible that it had grown, got dirty or worn out. Therefore, my choice is a manicure with holes, taupe matte, complemented by a dark burgundy gloss on the ring fingers.

IMPORTANT - about choosing the color of a matte manicure. The main thing to keep in mind is that matte manicure gets dirty! This is not gloss, from which everything that falls on it is immediately erased. Matte manicure has a rough surface on which dirt remains, like scuff marks on suede. The lighter your manicure, the more noticeable it will be. Therefore it is best to choose dark colors– from coral and darker (although coral can also rub off). Ideal - black, brown, maroon, etc.

Advice: if you really want pink, white, etc., then stock up on nail polish remover or alcohol, which you will have to carry with you. If you see that your matte nails are dirty, wipe them with a cotton pad or handkerchief soaked in one of these products. Yes, the smell will give you away, but your nails will look decent.

What you need for a matte manicure:

How to do a matte manicure with gel polish.

  1. We degrease the nails, clean the cuticles and slightly file the surface of the nail plate.
  2. Apply the base coat and dry it under the lamp for 2 minutes.
  3. Apply colored gel polishes and dry under a lamp. If the color is not intense enough, apply them in several layers.
  4. After drying, we apply finishing coats to the nails - matte and glossy, depending on the design. Dry under the lamp for 2 minutes.
  5. Remove from matte coating sticky layer liquid. This isn't always necessary, but my manicure used a matte finish with a tacky layer.

The photo below shows how matte nails are made: coating with colored gel polish, finishing with a finish, finishing after drying in a lamp for 2 minutes and finishing after removing the sticky layer (that is, the final result)

Here's what happened:

A soft, everyday matte manicure that is at the same time quite interesting and will last at least 3 weeks. It can be adjusted (apply top coats at the cuticle) and worn further until it grows out completely or gets boring.

Often the matte texture in manicure is not used completely on all nails, as a “highlight” of the manicure. Here are examples:

With matte texture

The coating on the nails with a matte effect looks elegant, gentle, and attracts the eye. You can get a matte manicure not only in a beauty salon, but also at home.

How to make a matte manicure at home

Gloss on nails - timeless classic. But you always want to add something new and unusual to your manicure. One of the types of coatings that dilute an already boring design is matte.

There are several ways:

  • use of a top coat with a matte effect;
  • using steam to remove gloss;
  • use of flour.

What these three options have in common is that the applied varnish must be completely dry to achieve the expected effect. Let's look at each method, highlighting the pros and cons.

Top coating

The easiest way is to cover your nails with matte varnish. This solution is available for both regular polishes and gel polishes. Manufacturers have long been presenting products in different price segments; even in an ordinary household store you can find varnish with a matting effect.

First you should apply the top coat, then cover your nails with one or two layers of polish.

For gel polish, you must first remove the sticky layer from the nail so that the coating is as matte as possible. If the top coat has residual stickiness, you should not remove it immediately; it is better to wait 3-5 minutes for the nails to cool completely, otherwise there is a risk of getting a cloudy coating.

  • available;
  • comfortable;
  • does not require time investment.

Steam application

The most inexpensive way is to use steam to create a matte finish. In this case, all you need is a pot of boiling water and patience.

Apply a base coat to your nails, then one thin coat of colored polish, wait until it dries before applying a second coat. The procedure must be performed one by one for each nail so that the polish does not dry out.

After applying the second coat, hold your nails over the steam so as not to burn yourself. You need to keep it on for about two minutes so that the coating has time to set and lose its gloss.

This manicure will take much more time than simply applying a top coat with a matte effect.

To obtain desired effect, nails should be held over steam for at least 2–3 minutes

  • can be made without the use of additional materials: only base and colored varnish;
  • looks almost the same as using a matte finish.
  • take a lot of time;
  • unsafe;
  • may look sloppy if you are not careful.

Using flour

To perform this method you will need flour, a sieve, a container and a soft makeup brush. This method allows you to make all your nails matte at once, so it will take less time than the previous method.

  1. Start by applying the color coat.
  2. Next, pour a little flour into a container and scoop up the product with a fluffy, soft brush, shaking off the excess.
  3. Run the brush over the nail, as if rubbing flour, but not too much, otherwise there is a risk of ruining the coating.
  4. After this, dip your nail in water to dissolve any lumps of flour. If they remain, gently brush them off, being careful not to damage the coating.
  5. Do not apply topcoat; it will make the finish glossy again.
  • no additional funds are needed, everything is necessary in every home;
  • safely;
  • simple enough.

The last two methods are only suitable for regular varnishes, since an ultraviolet lamp is required to dry the gel polish.

It is simpler and easier to purchase a matte finish: it is more convenient to work with, it copes with its task efficiently, additionally strengthens the nails, and makes the coating more durable.

Video bonus: how to create a matte effect

See also our selection of photos with matte manicure ideas:.