Shellac with a smile. Lunar manicure with gel polish and shellac at home. Beige moon design nude

In recent years, the nail industry has been developing like no other. All girls strive to be beautiful and attractive, so they resort not only to new cosmetics, but also to manicure products. After all, hands for the fair sex are the same expressive part of the body as the face. Flexible hands and delicate fingers make the girl truly feminine. Now it’s clear why they devote so much time, money and effort to manicure.

Fashion for "a la naturel"

Huge popularity in recent years has gained lunar shellac. It looks like a jacket, but only turned upside down, when not the tip of the nail is isolated, but its base.

It is worth considering why French manicure has not lost its relevance for decades. Yes, the classic jacket goes with everything, it is not intrusive, it gives tenderness to the hands, and girls with such a manicure carry themselves differently, more feminine.

The main reason is its similarity to a natural healthy nail. Even our great-grandmothers bleached their nails folk ways. And by the presence and color of the "crescent" you can determine the state of health of its owner.

Phased implementation

Fortunately, today we can draw ourselves moon manicure shellac, without even going to the salon. If you have one gel polish and a UV lamp - you are ready!

For this you need:

  • push back the cuticle, carefully trim it so that there are no torn edges and burrs;
  • remove the remnants of varnish and smooth the nail with a file with fine abrasiveness or a buff;
  • degrease nails with alcohol or nail polish remover;
  • apply a base for nails and fix in a UV lamp;
  • model the lunar design using one of the methods described below, fix it in a UV lamp for 2 minutes. Apply another layer and hold again for 2 minutes;
  • cover with top and fix for 2 minutes;
  • wipe nails with alcohol using a cotton pad to remove sticky layer.

About design techniques

If you are confident in your steady hand, you can make moon shellac as follows: paint over the nail with varnish, not reaching the base, then draw a border with a thin brush and even out the bumps. The hole itself remains unpainted in this case. This technique helps the manicure look fresh for a long time, regrown nails are not so noticeable. Do not paint over the base if you plan to wear your gel polish for a month or more.

The most neat manicure looks, which is drawn end-to-end. First, take, for example, White color and a thin brush, a hole is drawn and painted over. Since it has a "side", it is very easy to cover the remaining plate. If necessary, you can again use a thin brush.

If you are not a pro

If you are an amateur in matters of manicure, but fashion trend very interested, it is best to use special stickers for the hole. French stencils are also suitable. After applying the base, stick on your "crescent" protection and boldly cover the rest of the nail. Then remove the stencil and cover with a top coat. Ready! Important: you need to remove the stencil before the varnish dries!

There is another way for opponents of scrupulous manicure. It is enough to casually cover the base of the nail with a regular brush, let it dry. Then, as in the first method, we begin to paint the nail with a contrasting varnish, leaving a hole. We touch everything up with a thin brush. The main disadvantage of this method is that one or even two layers of the main varnish may not be enough. It will take longer to dry in a lamp and waste precious material.

If none of the above suits you, you can simply cover the entire nail with the main varnish, and then draw a hole on top with a thin brush. One layer is unlikely to be enough, so blend until the result is satisfying. The main drawback: if the nails grow quickly, then this technique will not work, because a thick layer of shellac at the base does not look very neat against the background of an overgrown nail.

Flight of fantasy

Lunar manicure, like French, has long gone beyond classical form and full of all sorts of variety. This is the combination of colors, the depth of the hole, the combination with other manicure techniques of the main part of the nail, as well as the thematic drawing of the base itself. You have probably seen a lot of photos of lunar shellac on the Internet. Some ideas are simply stunning in their beauty.

The great advantage of this design is that the "crescent" itself can not only be evenly painted over, but given a more interesting shape. For example, in winter, depict half a snowflake, in summer - half a fruit, in autumn - a leaf. Everything depends only on imagination and the ability to decorate your nails. Lunar shellac can be customized for any themed party, event or outfit.

For a retro-style party, a lace-shaped hole is suitable. This technique looks beautiful if you perform it on one finger.

Lunar manicure goes well with:

  • with a jacket, especially when the colors of the base and the edge of the nail match;
  • with gradient manicure;
  • with patterned plate coating.

Hole variety

You already know how to make a moon manicure with shellac. This design can have not only a semicircular shape. It looks spectacular when the nail plate is separated from the cavity by a straight line, decorated with decor.

Sometimes an inverted French manicure is called a moon manicure, when a snow-white line flaunts not at the tip of the nail, but along the cuticle and side ridges. In this case, it is better to paint over the entire nail with white varnish in one layer, and then apply the main color. A similar trick will make the top coat more saturated. The main thing is that everyone can master the technique of an inverted jacket. It is enough to apply the second varnish, retreating from the lower edge of the nail by a millimeter or two.

If you like rhinestones, bouillons, brooches and stones on your nails, then you can make a hole from these materials. In this case, a triangular shape will do. It is necessary to cover the nail with the desired gel polish and top without a sticky layer, model the desired pattern and dry it in a UV lamp. For better fixing, you need to walk around the perimeter of the pattern with the top again.

Advantages of shellac

The composition of the gel polish includes many components that nourish and strengthen the nail. In addition, it is hypoallergenic, so it will suit everyone. The main reason for the popularity of this type of coating is the "marketable" appearance, which lasts from 2 weeks to a month.

But if your nails grow quickly, then the coating has to be changed more often. Therefore, the owners of such claws resort to a moon manicure with an unpainted hole. It hides regrown areas and looks fresh for a long time.

You can make moon shellac not only with white and nude colors, but by choosing a palette to your taste. The painted base visually lengthens and corrects the nail. The most advantageous nail art looks exactly at the base of the plate.

Lunar nude shellac is perfect for office workers, doctors, teachers and other professions in which women are not allowed to sparkle bright manicure, and or the complete lack of coverage is rather tired.

Hole shapes are in the form of an arc, a semicircle, a corner or a flat strip.

The color solution should be based on a harmonious combination of the base shade and the color of the hole. These two colors should be contrasting, emphasizing the idea of ​​​​this nail art.

Lunar manicure can be done in combination with other techniques: French, floral print, sparkles, rhinestones.

To create a lunar design, you need the following materials:

  • 2 colored varnishes;
  • stickers;
  • thin brush;
  • base for manicure;
  • varnish - fixative.

How to do a moon manicure in a classic way:

  1. Choose the colors of the varnishes so that they organically complement each other. The base coat is better to take bright color, and the hole is muted.
  2. Make a hygienic manicure, carefully processing the cuticle. This element should be removed very carefully so that no burrs and torn edges remain. This is important because the focus is on the bottom of the nail.
  3. Apply a transparent base on which the decorative coating will lie evenly.
  4. Next, proceed to the technique itself. Cover the nail plate with the main decorative coating in two layers. This varnish should be matte, as the “smile” will look out of place on the mother-of-pearl texture.
  5. Stick the stickers so that only the moon cavity remains free.
  6. Apply a second varnish to the open hole.
  7. Immediately remove the stencils without waiting for the varnish to dry. If this is not done, then the dried varnish can be removed along with the stencils.
  8. Decors should be applied along the border of two varnishes. Applying decorative elements in the middle of the plate will spoil the whole idea of ​​​​a moon manicure.
  9. Finally, apply a strengthening clear varnish.

Benefits of moon nail art:

  • easy to do at home;
  • moon manicure on short nails looks great;
  • suitable for any style of clothing.

This technique can be performed without stencils. To do this, strips of the desired shape must be cut from the adhesive tape in order to apply the coating on them.

If the girl has excellent artistic skills, then the hole can be made independently, outlining it with a thin brush.

Making a moon manicure with gel polish

Lunar nail art, made with gel polish, not only lasts longer on the nails, but also looks especially solemn and elegant.

The following combinations are considered the most successful: black and gold, burgundy with black, cream with black.

Last option perfect for office work and business meetings. Colored manicure looks interesting, creating a spring mood on the nails.

For work you will need:

  • UV lamp, power not less than 36 watts;
  • a set of varnishes: base, finish and 2 color;
  • smooth wipes: do not use cotton wool, as it leaves villi on the nails;
  • degreaser;
  • nail polish remover;
  • stencils for making holes;
  • additional decors: rhinestones, sparkles, colored dust, foil.

How to make a moon manicure with gel polish:

  1. Make a hygienic manicure. To do this, push the cuticle back with an orange stick and remove the skin around the cuticle.
  2. File your nails with a nail file, giving them the desired shape. For moon nail art, an oval is most suitable. An important point: do not file wet nails, as this can lead to their delamination.
  3. Degrease the natural nail plate. This is necessary for a strong adhesion of the decorative coating to natural fabrics.
  4. Apply a base gel polish of a transparent color to the prepared surface and dry under the lamp for about 30 seconds.
  5. From above, cover the nails with the main color in one layer and dry.
  6. Apply a second layer of base color and dry again for 1.5 minutes.
  7. Stick stencils on the nails and apply the varnish of the second decorative coating on the hole. Dry the fingers under the lamp for 2 minutes.
  8. Apply a top coat to the platinum and dry again.
  9. Decorate nails decorative elements along the junction of two varnishes.
  10. Remove the sticky layer with a tissue.
  11. Treat cuticles with moisturizing oil.
  12. Manicure is ready!

There is another interesting method well selection by gluing foil. To do this, semicircular elements are cut out of this material and glued to the base of the nail using special glue. In this case, the base coat should already be present on the nails.

There is another moon manicure technology using transfer foil:

  1. Prepare pieces of foil for the hole so that they match the shape of natural nails. "Smile" can be both concave and everted. It depends on the desire of the client.
  2. Gently apply nail glue to the “smile” area and let it dry until it becomes transparent.
  3. Apply a piece of foil to the area of ​​the nail treated with glue and smooth the application with a spatula.
  4. Carefully remove the foil: it will leave the desired color in the form of a hole on the surface.
  5. If texture foil was used, then the nails may not be covered with a finishing layer.

The biggest advantage of gel polish is its durability. For at least 2 weeks, he will delight his mistress with a pristine bright look.

Making a moon manicure with shellac

Shellac is a popular tool for creating chic long nails long term: 3-4 weeks.

It is very important to choose the right color scheme: shades should be combined with each other and mutually complement each other. It would be appropriate to combine shellac of different textures: glossy with matte.

For work, you will need the same materials and tools as for the previous technology, only shellac will be used instead of gel polish.

How to make a moon manicure with shellac:

  1. Make an unedged manicure. To do this, push back the cuticle and carefully remove the skin at the bottom of the nail.
  2. Create an oval shape for the plates with an abrasive nail file. For girls who love experiments, you can make nails triangular shape. Only the hole in this case will also be triangular - with the tip up. But it should be noted that this technology is only suitable for long nails.
  3. Degrease the top surface of the nails.
  4. Apply the base on the plates and dry the fingers under a UV lamp.
  5. Remove the sticky layer with lint-free wipes.
  6. Cover the nails with the main color, preferably bright in 2 layers, each of which must be dried separately for 2 minutes.
  7. Stick on stencil stickers that provide moon shaped areas.
  8. Apply the first layer of smile and then remove the stickers. If uneven edges are obtained, then this must be corrected before drying under the lamp.
  9. Apply a second layer of "smile" and dry under the lamp for 2 minutes.
  10. Apply a top coat, sealing the edge of the nail.
  11. To highlight the "moon", you can draw a line of the third color along the border or sprinkle it with sparkles.

To remove shellac, you must:

  1. The top layer must first be cut with a nail file, the abrasiveness of which is 180 units.
  2. Then take a cotton swab dipped in shellac remover and wrap each finger with it. Leave for 15 minutes.
  3. After the time has elapsed, release the fingers from the cotton wool - the coating will come off by itself. If this does not happen, then the remnants of the product should be removed with an orange stick.

Advantages of shellac:

  • looks beautiful on both long and short nails;
  • strengthens thin and damaged plates;
  • the coating does not deteriorate under the influence of household chemicals;
  • provides a bright and shiny look to the nails;
  • the composition is not hazardous to health: shellac can be used by pregnant and lactating mothers;
  • can be easily removed without special tools.

Shellac Disadvantages:

  • high cost, which can be compared with building;
  • needs correction;
  • shellac is able to deform under the influence high temperatures: because of this, microcracks appear on the nails;
  • fungus may appear under the coating.

Lunar Manicure Nail Design

There are a lot of options for performing a fashionable moon manicure: you just have to turn on your imagination. The only condition is a competent combination of colors.

In this design, it is not necessary to use only contrasting shades.

You can paint brightly only the lunula, and cover the rest of the surface with a transparent varnish. You can do the opposite: leave the hole natural, and cover the rest of the plate with a bright varnish or pastel calm tone. In the latter version, there will be a natural effect.

So, let's look at the most popular moon nail art ideas.

Red moon manicure

The classics of moon nail art are red claws with a white (unpainted) lunula. You can make this vintage version like this:

  1. Make a hygienic manicure: shape the plates, process the cuticle.
  2. Degrease the surface of natural fabrics.
  3. Apply a clear base.
  4. If you plan to make a pure white lunula, then cover your nails with white varnish. If the “smile” is planned to be natural, then a transparent base will suffice.
  5. Stick stickers on the lunula area. The crescent can be made both concave and convex. Stencils will provide the desired shape.
  6. Cover the claws with red varnish.
  7. After 2 minutes, when the coating is dry, remove the stencils.
  8. Apply a finishing coat.

If there are no stencils, then a manicure can be done without problems in another way. To do this, repeat steps 1-4, and then cover the nails with solid red varnish. Next, take a thin brush and carefully draw a “smile” with white. The lunula area is painted white on top of the main red.

Red moon manicure tips:

  1. This design looks perfect on medium nails. If the claws are too short, then it is better to draw the lunula smaller, as it visually shortens the plates.
  2. To make the manicure bright and saturated, a bright coating should be applied in 2 layers.
  3. Decors do not need to be applied to all 10 fingers. It is enough to highlight a few fingers with rhinestones. It's original and stylish.
  4. In a red manicure, the lunula does not have to be white. It can be painted over with any other color that is combined with scarlet shades. For example, classic version there remains a red-black manicure, red-gold. The last option is a great solution for gala evenings.
  5. Lunula does not have to be oval, it can be made in the shape of other geometric shapes: triangle, square, letter "W".

An exquisite manicure will last a long time if it is created using modern high-quality materials: gel polishes.

The most sophisticated and expensive design of the moon manicure is black. However, this nail art requires special care and accuracy. Black nail art does not tolerate misses and uneven lines.

The most relevant ideas of black moon manicure:

  • black with silver;
  • black with gold;
  • black and white.

Lunar manicure can be done in the following ways:

  1. Classic. This is when the shape of the lunula is curved in the direction of nail growth.
  2. "Concave Moon". In this case, the “smile” frames the nail bed. This option is very beneficial "lengthens" short nails.
  3. Lunar French manicure. This option combines 2 techniques of French and moon manicure.
  4. Lunar foil design.
  5. Lunar nail art using decorative elements.

Lunar jacket technique:

  1. Treat the nail plates and cuticles, and then cover them with a transparent base.
  2. Cover the entire surface of the plate with black varnish with a graphite tint.
  3. Carefully circle the free edge of the nail with a red “smile” line. If there is no confidence in your artistic abilities, then it is better to use stencils.
  4. With the same red varnish, make a lunula at the base of the nail.
  5. After the decorative coatings have dried, apply the final coat.

Technique for performing black nail art with decors:

  1. Make hygienic treatment of claws and cover them with transparent varnish.
  2. Stick stickers in place of the hole.
  3. Cover the rest of the nail with a dark blue varnish.
  4. When the surface is slightly dry, the stencils should be removed.
  5. Paint the hole bright pink.
  6. Apply to the blue area a few peas of the same Pink colour. Rhinestones, sparkles, colored sand can serve as an alternative.
  7. Seal the manicure with a finishing layer.

White moon manicure

White color is considered universal, as it is combined with almost all existing pigments.

The most relevant ideas for a white moon manicure are a combination with a red or black coating.

Black and white moon design:

  1. Prepare in advance materials and tools for work.
  2. Pour warm water into a special bath and add a few drops of essential oils.
  3. Dip your fingers in water to soften the cuticles.
  4. After water procedures gently remove cuticles.
  5. Apply foundation on dry and treated nails.
  6. Cover the claws with the main color: black or white. It depends on the idea of ​​​​manicure.
  7. Glue the stencils on the nails, leaving the lunula area free.
  8. With a thin brush, cover the hole with the opposite shade. If the main color was white, then the lunula will be black and vice versa.
  9. Let the art dry.
  10. If desired, apply a few rhinestones to one of the phalanges of the hand.
  11. Cover the masterpiece with a fixing transparent varnish.

Making a moon manicure at home is not difficult. The main thing is to decide colors and execution technique. To do this, you can consult with a competent specialist or look at magazines with current ideas for lunar design.

The technique of performing a moon manicure is a combination of two colors of varnish, which differ from each other in contrast, the emphasis of which is on the lune of the nail. There are two types of manicure:

  • with a concave smile line at the base of the nail;
  • with a convex smile line at the base of the nail.

From history: Christian Dior opened the moon manicure to the general public in the 40s of the twentieth century. Over time, he acquired the name of the great designer and the name "manicure from Dior." You can also find a third name -.

Length and shape of nails

Manicure "in the likeness of the moon" looks great both on, which gives the image of prettiness, and on long ones, the performance on which visually shortens them. Oval or rounded nail shapes are the most suitable for manicure.

One of the advantages of this manicure is its versatility. It is he who is suitable for any event, whether it is a party, a gala reception, work or everyday life.

Colors of varnish for moon manicure

The main color that gives emphasis to the nails should be some shade of dark, while the lune of the nail should acquire a light shade. One of the most beautiful and fashionable combinations are such as black with, with silver, purple with white.

Mint shade with white looks great. Gothic fans will be interested in red and black.

How to make a moon manicure yourself

The most elementary technique for performing a Moon Manicure is to apply the color of the hole, and then carefully apply the second color, leaving a convex or concave line. It requires precise movements and some experience.

A thin brush will help the case - they draw an arc with it and then carefully draw the surrounding part, the rest can already be applied with a regular brush.

Another option: use only one color, the hole will be the natural color of the nail. Apply varnish to the entire surface of the nail, let it dry a little and make holes with a flat brush dipped in nail polish remover.

Lunar manicure with a stencil

  • means, tools for hygienic manicure;
  • two contrasting varnishes;
  • stencils designed for moon manicure or jacket;
  • base for varnish, fixative.


  1. we will carry out a hygienic manicure; let's give nice shape nails, degrease the nail plate;
  2. apply a base for varnish on the nails, after a while it will dry, wait. The properties of the base are significant. Thanks to its influence, varnishes have less effect on the nail plate, preserving the natural shine of the nail, helping to keep the manicure longer;
  3. cover nails more light shade varnish, wait for complete drying;
  4. near the nail hole, glue the stencil with the convex or concave side, while leaving a small open gap. Its size can be easily determined, and it will depend on the size of the hole and the length of the nails. You can start applying dark varnish, stepping a little on the stencil itself, so that you end up with a smooth line. If there was no stencil at hand, then an adhesive tape or a sticker can come to your aid;
  5. after the varnish has dried, cover the nails with a fixative, wait for complete drying. Voila, our manicure is ready.

Lunar manicure with foil

For execution we need:

  • tools and means for hygienic manicure;
  • foil;
  • scissors;
  • cotton buds;
  • dark varnish;
  • base for varnish, fixative.


  1. The first step will be carried out similarly to the above method;
  2. We cover the nails with a base for varnish, let it dry a little, about 20 seconds;
  3. Take a piece of foil, glue it to the nail from the base to the middle. Gently smooth along the edges for full adhesion with a Q-tip;
  4. Cut the foil around the edges with scissors, very carefully so that it follows the contour of the nail. Align the foil along the edges using a cotton swab;
  5. We cover the nail with dark varnish, leaving a piece of foil at the base unpainted. At the same time, we make the joint line as even as possible;
  6. Let's wait until the varnish dries. Let's apply a binder. High-quality varnish should adhere to the foil.

Lunar manicure, using foil, looks much brighter. It is not difficult to complete it, the main thing is diligence and patience.

Lunar manicure with shellac has gained great popularity in the art of nail art. In itself, the moon manicure is not a novelty and originates from the 20s, when fashionistas of those years did not paint over the base of the nail plates with varnish. Later, the famous couturier Dior revived the forgotten design at his show. Then the models took to the podium already with an improved moon nail art.

Among the fair sex, shellac manicure is in great demand. Shellac is a lacquer coating that stays on the nail plates for a long time. It is suitable for thin and brittle nails prone to splitting. This is a great option for those who value time. This hybrid of gel and varnish has a firming and shock-absorbing effect, protects nails from external factors.

Creating a moon manicure based on shellac

Shellac is a durable coating and has a wide color palette. It does not include harmful substances which makes it absolutely harmless to health.

Such a manicure is suitable even for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Now this technique is available not only in beauty salons, but also at home. The fantasy of colors here is limitless. You can choose 2 varnishes of any color to your taste, or you can get by with one, just leaving the space at the base unpainted.

To perform a moon manicure with shellac at home, you need:

  • gel drying lamp;
  • 1 or 2 shellacs of the chosen color;
  • thin brush;
  • stencil;
  • fixative;
  • nail file.

With a nail file we give our nails the intended shape. Apply base color gel polish on the nail surface and dry under a UV lamp for 2 minutes. If you use only one shade in your design, then before applying the base layer, put a stencil on the nail and paint over the nail plate. Lunula is left unpainted. If you want to make a two-color design, then apply the stencil on top of the base color and draw a smile with a brush. Confident in their abilities, you can do without a stencil, using only a brush.

Lunar manicure with shellac is a newfangled phenomenon that is increasingly liking modern fashionistas. Retro manicure has been on the pages of fashionable gloss for many seasons, beauty salons have successfully replicated the newfangled trend in their services, and we offer to figure out in detail how to make a moon manicure with shellac at home. Having mastered a simple technique, you can surprise others with a unique “Hollywood manicure” worthy of the red carpet.

Undoubtedly, in order to use shellac coating you will need to purchase special equipment. But believe that such an investment will pay off in a short time! After all, the design of a moon manicure with shellac retains its original appearance much longer, which will help you save on salon procedures.

Technology for performing moon manicure with shellac

To begin with, we need to put our pens in order. Believe me, not a single newfangled nail design will save sloppy and untidy hands. That is why step-by-step instruction provides for the following actions:

  1. We clean the nail plate from the remnants of the lacquer coating with a nail polish remover.
  2. Preparing a relaxing hand bath, in which you can add a few drops essential oil roses, jasmine and a pinch sea ​​salt. Such a healing cocktail will help to carefully care for your hands, nourishing the skin with useful microelements.
  3. Because Special attention attracts to the base of the nail (lunula), then we carefully work out the cuticle area with an emollient, and then gradually remove the excess with nail scissors or tongs.
  4. We cut or cut off the nails, giving them the desired shape. It should be noted right away that the lunar gel manicure looks especially impressive on the nails of a classic oval shape. All the bumps nail plate remove with a sanding file.
  5. Now we apply a moisturizer on our hands and do it.
  6. Before depicting a moon manicure with shellac, you must carefully degrease the nail plates.
  7. Now let's start coloring. Depending on the chosen design, we apply the color chosen for the lunula to the nail. It can be as a transparent base (creates the effect of an underpainted nail) or a contrasting color. We bake a layer of varnish for 2 minutes in a UV lamp.
  8. For those who cannot boast of drawings of perfectly even contours, we recommend using pre-prepared ones. Lunar manicure with shellac is allowed both in the standard and reverse stencil arrangement, which gives two opposite effects in the image of a smile. So, we place the stencil so that it covers the lunula area, and paint the free area with the main tone of the manicure.
  9. We remove the stencils and dry the nails in a UV lamp. When applying multiple coats of shellac, be sure to dry your nails after each coat.
  10. We cover the nails with a fixative, dry and enjoy the work done.

Lunar manicure with shellac allows for various: color painting, rhinestones, drawings, beads. The shape of the lunula can be a standard or reverse smile, triangular or rectangular shape, transparent or matte. The combination of metallic varnishes with a matte base looks especially impressive on the nails.

One of the novelties of this season is the combination of lunar and. Such a design moon jacket looks very impressive on the nails, especially made in contrasting colors. The scheme for applying such a nail design practically does not differ from that proposed above, and is absolutely doable with your own hands. Only in addition to staining the lunula, you will need to step by step paint over the tip of the nail with a contrasting shade. It can either coincide with the moon or be completely different - it all depends on your imagination. The only recommendation of stylists when doing such moon nail art on their own is: smiles on the nails should be done in one direction, that is, both are bent down. Just keep in mind that such a manicure visually shortens the nails, so it is recommended for execution on long nails.

Video: moon manicure with shellac