What to do with a 7 month old baby. Educational games for children aged seven months. Games for the development and understanding of speech

Develop your baby's skills stable actions with objects. Forming such subject activity, You help your baby better navigate and control his actions with toys, explore their properties.

An example of an educational game:

Practice the simplest joint actions with your child: for example, you string the rings of a pyramid, and the child takes them off, or collect balls in a bowl - the child arranges them, etc. In this way, you will enrich the child’s emotional activity in the process of “business” communication, encouraging his initiative. You will also encourage the child to demonstrate imitative actions that repeat the movements of an adult.

The richer your baby’s experience in playing with toys with you, the faster he will begin to recognize them, even if they are partially covered by something. However, a child is unlikely to look for a toy if it is completely closed! This can be explained, firstly, by the fact that the baby still does not realize that the object lying nearby continues to exist, even if it is not visible or if it has rolled somewhere. Secondly, the baby does not know that things may not be visible if they are hidden inside another object, covered or obscured by something.

Debunk this myth for your little one with this game:

Game "In which hand?"

Hide a small, interesting toy in your hand. Open your palm, show it to the baby and immediately close it back. Let him look for the hidden toy. Clap your hands cheerfully and congratulate him if he finds what is missing. Start the game over again, and if it is difficult for your baby to find the toy on his own, show it again.

There are certain developmental standards, but at the age of 7 months, children's abilities can differ significantly. If one baby already sits well, easily rolls over from back to tummy and actively crawls, then the other can only begin to attempt these actions. As a rule, differences are due to temperament and do not indicate deviations. Therefore, when working with your baby, start from his level of development. You will find ideas for educational games in our material.

As mentioned above, all children are different. And every seven-month-old baby has its own characteristics and is at a certain stage of its development. When conducting classes, be sure to adapt them to your situation. Don't try to speed up the process, act gradually and smoothly.

If you started conducting developmental activities earlier, then continue to practice them. The baby gets used to repeated events, so you shouldn’t change games often. It is better to gradually complicate the usual and systematically introduce something new.

Answering the question of how to develop a child at 7 months, we can advise, first of all, to introduce an element of educational play into everyday life. Allow your baby to explore and explore under your supervision. the world. Tell him about everything new that happens in his life. Do everyday things together, this will make everyday tasks no longer monotonous and boring.

Provide your baby with full development. Conduct activities and games that strengthen physical fitness, develop hearing, speech, vision, motor skills and tactile sensations. You can purchase toys and devices for this at children's goods stores. But if you want to save money and have a penchant for handicrafts, then it will be easy to make them yourself from scrap items. Often it is even preferable to give up unnecessary purchases, because the baby is interested in many things that are familiar to you, and they are a great help in development.

How to develop a baby at 7 months: strengthen the child physically, engage in sensory development, improve speech, play and communicate

Educational games and exercises for a 7-month-old baby

Many mothers and fathers are interested in how to develop a child at 7 months, so we give a few useful recommendations for them. First of all, continue with the classes you started earlier and try to stick to a certain routine. At the same time, bring in something new. Replace one with the other if necessary. Choose the games that your little one will most like. Remember that only by doing it with pleasure will he receive maximum benefit.

Development of physical fitness

At seven months of age, you should continue to massage and do gymnastics, and swim in a large bath. At the same time, play active games with your baby as often as possible. Place the main emphasis on crawling - it develops all the muscles of the body and helps the baby start walking as soon as possible.

Crawl race

Crawl with your baby. You can arrange different games. For example, put down a toy and race to get to it. Crawl behind the child, trying to catch him, or let him catch up with you. Come up with something of your own to have fun and usefully spend time.

Overcoming the obstacle course

For a seven-month-old baby, you can play a game called “obstacle course.” At the age of 6 months it can also be carried out, but now it’s time to complicate the task by introducing inclined planes. Place one end on a low roller (20 - 30 cm) of an ironing board or other hard, flat surface, wrapping it in a blanket. You will get a slide. Place a toy on top of it that will definitely interest the baby, and ask him to crawl to it. Always insure the baby, and during the first attempts, help him overcome the obstacle. When the child gets to the top, praise him and take him down, since moving down the slope is too difficult for him.

Games for sensory development

Development of hearing and sense of rhythm

A great way to develop hearing and a sense of rhythm, and at the same time help the baby explore the world, is to give him a wooden spoon and several different pots, plates and other objects. First, show your baby what to do, and soon he will become interested in this activity, and you can go about your business.

Development of speech skills

There are many professional audio programs for speech development. You can use them, but at the same time be sure to work with your child yourself. There is nothing complicated about it. Just communicate more with your baby, pronouncing words clearly and clearly, stretching out the vowels. It will not be long before he begins to speak meaningfully, but such simple activities will contribute to the accumulation of a passive vocabulary and easy learning of speech in the future.

Games for vision development

To develop visual perception, use large colored toys and objects. So you can make garages for cars or baskets for toys from bright, plain boxes.

A game whose essence is to find a picture works well for the development of vision and logic. It needs to be placed on one of the faces of the colored cube, turned away from the baby and asked where what is depicted on it is. First, find it yourself by showing your child your actions, and then give the cube in his hands so he can try it himself.

Pay enough attention to your baby. Convert daily life play, finding interesting things in the ordinary, and you will be able to develop your child without any effort special effort. Remember safety too. If you are using small toys or objects that can injure you in one way or another, be sure to monitor all manipulations during the game.

When the baby's age exceeds the first half of the year, he already knows a lot, knows and continues to actively explore the world around him. Attentive and caring parents strive to create optimal conditions for the child’s comfortable growth and try to help him in his development.

Therefore, many mothers and fathers are interested in what games they can play with a 7-month-old baby, how to engage him, and what activities to devote his waking hours to.

To figure out what to play with a seven-month-old baby, it is important to understand the characteristics of this age and the child’s capabilities.

From the variety of games and toys you need to choose those that will be useful and interesting. little explorer the world around you.

It is important to remember that the attention and participation of parents is much more important for a child than the best toys.

Another important point in the development of a child is the ability to listen to him, understand his needs and individually approach games with the baby. Advice from other mothers or grandmothers, modern techniques education, books and articles can only generally suggest how to play and how to develop a baby. But only the parents themselves know the best answers to these questions.

Stimulating the physical development of a child at 7 months

By the age of seven months, most babies sit confidently. This is a significant achievement, since the baby himself takes the position he wants in this moment. In addition, many babies are actively learning to crawl, making significant progress. Some children even try to crawl up the stairs if they live in a cottage or multi-story apartment.

Physical and mental activity at this age are closely intertwined, the baby learns:

  • consciously control your body;
  • change position;
  • move in the direction he needs.

Some children at the age of 7 months stand on their own with the help of support (for example, a bed rail or playpen) and stand for a minute or two, looking at the surrounding space.

These new possibilities incredibly delight the child himself, so he actively tries to do something else, reaches out with his hands wherever he can reach, takes in his hands and mouth everything that is available to him. Exploring the world by taste and touch is an entertaining process that a 7-month-old baby will do as long as he has enough strength.

To develop a child’s physical activity at 7 months and help its further development, you can use games, activities and exercises.


An important skill for this age is crawling. To help your baby strengthen this skill or learn, if he is not yet trying to move on all fours, you can stimulate him with interest in the toy.

To do this, the child should be placed on his stomach on a flat, hard surface, and a bright toy should be placed in front of him at a short distance. For the first forward movements, parents can create support for the baby's feet, this will help him move forward.

Having reached the toy, the baby will be delighted with his own skill and achievement of the goal. Next time the distance between it and the object can be increased. Regular training will definitely give the desired result.

Hide and seek

Hide and seek can be done using a toy. To begin with, you should hide it behind a pillow or behind a chair so that the baby can see where it was placed. The child will try to get to the toy and open its “shelter”. Another time, you can hide it unnoticed, but leave visible some part of the object that will be recognizable to the child. Further complicating the game involves real hide and seek.

Marina, 35 years old, mother of one-year-old Danil: “At six months old, my Danya learned to sit confidently, but has not yet tried to crawl. I thought I could wait until he was ready to crawl and just watched him. And then the pediatrician recommended helping him. I spread a large cotton blanket on the floor, laid it on his stomach and placed a few of his favorite toys around it. We crawled together, every day further and more confidently, and already at 7 months he crawled so fast that sometimes I couldn’t keep up with him. Crawling became his favorite way to move around the entire apartment.”


Most babies sit well and confidently by the age of seven months, but the process of changing the position from lying down is different for each child. Training the ability to sit down from a lying position is aimed at strengthening the abdominal and arm muscles. To do this, when the child is lying down, you need to place the fingers of an adult in his hands and encourage him to pull himself up and then sit up. Each time, reduce the force with which you pull the baby, encouraging him to rise on his own.

Don't forget to praise your child for his successes - this is the best incentive for any achievements.

Ability to maintain balance

This game is liked by all kids without exception. Place the child facing you on your lap, securing him on the sides with your hands. Slowly rock your baby from side to side, encouraging you to maintain balance. Read the poem:

We drove, we drove
To the city for nuts
Over the bumps, over the bumps,
Yes, into the hole - bang!

We try to get up

You will need high chair with backrest. Tilt it so that the baby, standing on all fours, grabs the backrest. Pull the chair towards you so that the child first stands on his knees and then on his feet. You may have to press your baby's feet to the floor at first.

Even if everything doesn’t work out right away, don’t despair. By engaging your child, you can maintain his interest for a long time.

Games and activities for the emotional development of a child at 7 months

An important feature emotional development By the age of seven months, a baby becomes attached to close people. Usually it is aimed at one person - most often the mother, who spends most of the time with the baby. Although the child already recognizes other family members, reacting to their appearance with a smile and joyful hum.

Attachment to the mother can be expressed by positive emotions when he looks at her and even tries to “communicate”, and by negative manifestations when the baby cries or resists even a short separation.

At the age of 7 months, the baby is actively exploring the world around him, he has favorite objects, toys, activities, and his own preferences. This can be seen by his reaction to this or that thing. For example, if the mother begins to pack the baby for a walk, he reacts violently to getting dressed - he joyfully anticipates going out, or vice versa, he screams, not wanting to get dressed.


To distract your baby from getting dressed, smile so he can see your friendly face. While dressing, say:

« Give me a pen. Give me another one.
And now a leg - one and the other!
Let's put socks on our feet,
on the head - a cap.
Like this!".

When you dress your baby, hug and kiss him and say: “That's it, we're dressed!” Perhaps the process of dressing will become easier and more enjoyable.

In addition, the child reacts sensitively to the adult’s mood, repeating facial expressions and facial expressions. A 7-month-old baby distinguishes the intonations of an adult, especially responding to praise and affectionate words. And even learn to provoke a response from mom or dad, starting to cry or, conversely, smiling and babbling.

Educational games for 7-month-old children, aimed at stimulating the emotional component, should be carried out constantly and regularly. Over time, the child will develop favorite activities that he will do with special pleasure.


One of these games is “Polyagushechki”. When waking up after a night's sleep, play with your baby, reading poems and repeating the actions described in them:

Stretching exercises,
They came off the pad.
Legs lifted
They chatted.
Hands raised
Mom was hugged.
Smiled and twirled
And they fell back!

The most common and favorite games for a 7-month-old baby are “Magpie-Crow”, “Ladushki” and “Peek-a-boo”. All children, without exception, love to play the latter, watching their mother hide behind with my own hands or a handkerchief, and then appears from there. Over time, the child will also begin to hide his face in his hands and exclaim “peek-a-boo” as he puts them away.

Elena, 29 years old, mother of Nastya, 9 months: “What my daughter and I love most is playing Ladushki.” From the age of six months, I sat her on my lap and began to say a rhyme, repeating with her hands all the movements I spoke about. It became a great joy for me when Nastyusha, at 7 months old, began to clap her hands, and after some time she repeated all the movements herself. We still play this game, it remains her favorite.”

Games and activities for developing intelligence

Understanding the world around us has been and remains the main direction of a child’s development; he is interested in everything and needs to try everything. And with the development of physical activity, the baby will already try to reach or reach the object that interests him.

Therefore, it is important to secure the space in which the child is located and remove all unnecessary or potentially harmful objects.

An important feature of this age of a child is the knowledge of the properties of objects, that is, he will try to roll balls on the hard surface of a table or floor, try to place cubes one on top of the other, and put smaller objects inside the bucket. This is an important skill that can be used in games and help reinforce it.

At seven months, the baby understands much of what adults say. This is reflected in games, when the baby can do what the mother asks, or look in the direction of the object she is talking about. This is also evident in nursery rhymes about magpie-crow or darlings: the child repeats actions that correspond to the words in these rhymes. The more often you conduct such classes with him, the better he will learn the necessary movements.

The most popular and interesting games for a 7-month-old baby:

"Find a toy"

Among 3-4 objects familiar to the baby, you can ask him to find a ball or a cube. It is important to encourage the child and be sure to praise him for the correct answer.

"Third Toy"

An entertaining educational game in which the baby is given small toys in both hands, and then another one is offered. The child is forced to choose which of two toys to keep in order to take the third. This is a great exercise to develop your thinking.

Collecting small items

To do this, you need to take a bucket and 8-10 walnuts, clothespins or small balls. All small objects are laid out around the child, and the adult asks the child to collect them in a bucket and shows how this is done.


Drawing finger paints and plasticine modeling are great activities for fine motor skills. It is important to choose materials that are safe for your child and ensure that he does not put them in his mouth.

Puppet or finger theater

It’s worth purchasing just a few toys that fit on an adult’s hand or fingers, and you can open a whole new world talking characters.

Playing with a 7-month-old child can be done with the help of improvised objects, which will be no less interesting for the baby than toys bought in a store. Presence is important for the baby loving parents and their active participation in his games.

Games for the development and understanding of speech

To the question “Where?” At 7 months, the baby can look for objects that are constantly in the same place. It is important to expand the child’s vocabulary by naming and showing as many objects from the surrounding space as possible.


Any wall clock is suitable for the game. Bring the baby closer to the clock, saying:

Listen, look,
How does my watch go?
The clock goes like this:
Tick ​​tock, tick tock.
Where, where is my watch?
Here it is, my watch!
The clock goes like this:
Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

In order for the baby to begin to understand speech, you need to actively show and pronounce all the movements. Rhymes are very suitable for this; kids like their tact.

"The Ghouls Have Arrived"

Place your baby on your lap. Take the child’s hands in yours and depict the actions:

Ay, lyuli, lyuli,
The ghouls have arrived(wave the baby’s arms like wings)
Arrived, arrived
sat on the head(place your hands on the child’s head).
You are my baby,
Wave your hand(we wave our palm)
Shoo, hoo, hoo!
Shoo, shoo, shoo!

Educational toys for a 7 month old baby

A large number of toys will distract the baby and lose value, but a few of the most interesting, favorite and captivating ones will help the child’s development. Therefore, you should not buy new toys every week.

As the writer Esther Selsdon once noted: “If you want to raise good children, spend half as much money and twice as much time on them.”

A variety of children's products allows you to choose any toys for a seven-month-old baby according to the wishes and capabilities of the parents. The most useful and common educational toys from 7 months are:


It can be soft, plastic or wood. The child will be happy to look at the bright details of the pyramid and learn to form their correct sequence.

Sorter toy

The sorter can be a regular box with holes for different shapes, or it can be made in the form of a musical machine with different functions. What exactly to choose is up to the parents to decide.

Tumbler dolls

Tumblers will arouse great interest in a 7 month old baby, especially if they make sounds or melodies when rolling.


It fascinates children, even if they are not yet able to start it on their own.


Books with bright pictures and thick pages. Joint reading with the mother should begin from the very birth of the child, and during the formation of the speech apparatus it is of particular importance.

Thus, games and toys for a child aged 7 months represent a vast field of activity and exploration of the surrounding world. By using imagination and regularly devoting time to their baby, parents can significantly influence his development and perception of objects.


Games with a 7-month-old child should be versatile and aimed at developing auditory, visual perception, speech and emotional components. We must not forget about the physical development of the baby. Having mastered the characteristics of this age and understood the variety of activities, the parent will be able to give the child maximum benefit.

Video on the topic

After six months, parents expect new achievements from the child: first words, active crawling, first steps. Every month, if not every day, the baby will master and improve these skills. But at the same time he needs the help of his parents. So, how to develop a child at 7 months? What is important to pay attention to?

Age skills

Now the baby is actively exploring the world around him, interested in people - not only his family, but also everyone who is around. At this age, both the right toys and live communication are important to him.

A 7-month-old baby is becoming more and more like a “real person”: his motor skills are becoming more diverse:

  • the child is able to sit without support;
  • he can (or learns) to sit up from a lying position;
  • crawls in all directions on its stomach (and the most active kids already crawling on all fours, climbing small steps),
  • reaches for a toy with one hand supported by the other;
  • knows how to transfer objects from hand to hand;
  • flips through a cardboard book, looking at the pictures;
  • plays with a ball;
  • holds the bottle independently, and if it falls, can pick it up;
  • can change position: from lying down - sit down, from sitting - lie down or get on all fours;
  • with support under the armpits, the baby can step with his legs;
  • Some fidgets have learned to stand on a support and are learning to take steps independently with its help.

Progress is also noticeable in intellectual development.

  • The baby is already able to recognize objects at different distances, even if he is shown them from different angles.
  • He explores a new subject in all ways available to him now.
  • Can play with a variety of objects while using both hands.
  • Learns the direct and reverse order of actions (takes off and puts on, closes and opens, takes out and puts back, throws and picks up).
  • Acts with toys in accordance with their purpose (rolls or throws a ball, puts cubes on top of one another or knocks one against the other, opens boxes, pushes rolling toys).
  • Large toys or objects are grabbed with the whole hand, small ones - with a pinch.
  • To the question “where?” can point his finger at the desired object, even if it has been moved from place to place. Can choose the desired item among several offered.
  • Can find and show something familiar not in life, but in a picture - in a planar image.

Significant changes have also occurred in the child’s psycho-emotional sphere by this age:

  • he already understands many words, understands when his name is called;
  • can express his emotions with intonation, gestures, facial expressions;
  • distinguishes the emotional state of parents;
  • can contact other people, but not yet on his own initiative;
  • can repeat the learned movements that accompany nursery rhymes when mother says them;
  • fulfills simple requests (sit down, give, lift, drink);
  • speech is in the stage of active babbling: the baby babbles for a long time, loudly and clearly, repeats syllables similar to future words (ma, ba, pa) after adults.

At this age, it is important for a child to understand why he is being praised, and not just hear that he is good and well done. Therefore, always explain to him what the praise is for: he found a toy, gave his mother an object, closed the box, took a step, etc. This way he will learn to correlate praise with correct actions, and will begin to see his mother as an interlocutor and a collaborator in his actions, which is extremely important now and at later stages.

What can you teach a child?

First of all, you need to proceed from the skills and needs of each individual child, teaching simple skills appropriate to his age:

  • point at objects not with your eyes or hand, but with your finger;
  • fulfill simple requests: bring, give, pick up, find;
  • wave your hand “bye”, extend it as a sign of greeting;
  • climb on leg support;
  • eat from a spoon, drink from a cup from mother’s hands;
  • go to bed at a certain time.

But one of the most important activities with a child at 7 months is teaching the baby subject activity. This will help him manage his actions, understand the possibilities of these actions and anticipate their consequences.

  • Take 2 toys, tell about each of them - who it is or what it is, what it is for, what color, size, etc. Then ask the child to give one of the toys. The baby must learn to navigate your requests.
  • Show what actions can be performed with different toys and objects and what the result will be. For example, how to play with a nesting doll, a sorter, a pyramid, a tumbler, insert toys, and cubes.
  • Teach your child to correlate two toys (you can put cubes in a box, roll a doll in a car, or knock on objects with a hammer).

Showing the child new toys, after brief description and demonstrations, give him the opportunity to touch and explore the new object himself. As soon as he exhausts the arsenal of cognitive actions, start showing him various simple stories: The bunny can jump, hide, fall, eat, cry, sleep, sing or dance.

In such activities, what is important, first of all, is the positive attitude of the adult and the child. You should also remember about changing types of activities: the game should not last more than 5 minutes. After that, you can do something else. For example, learn to crawl or stand up.

Buy or sew a glove doll. She can become a true friend and helper: help feed or bathe the baby, calm him down or tell him bedtime stories, give him a massage, or become a character in his first puppet theater. This is a lot of positive emotions that are so important for the baby now.

What to play with your baby?

Educational games for children aged 7 months can be easily organized using available materials. Here are some examples.

  • What's in the box?

For this game you will need a box, basket or container with a hinged lid. You need to put a small object inside, shake it and give it to the child, asking what is that rattling inside. Let him try to open the container himself and find the object, and then study it.

In addition, it is useful to simply fill such containers with different items and invite the baby to put them out and put them back together. Such games at this age can keep a child occupied for quite a long time. After all, he will learn to take objects different shapes, sizes, properties, thereby developing fine motor skills, tactile sensations, coordination. You can also use household items as “fillers”: bottle caps, spoons, plates, champagne corks, mirrors, washed coins, squeaky toys, beans, curly pasta, nuts, etc.

  • "Thimble".

Everyone knows this game. You can play with your baby using 2 cups and, for example, a piece of fruit or vegetable that he has already tried in complementary foods. Before his eyes, the piece is covered with a glass, the second glass is also turned over and placed next to it. You need to move the cups a little and invite the child to show where the food is hidden. This game helps develop logic, attention, and intelligence.

  • "Drummer".

Games with your baby to develop hearing and a sense of rhythm can also be done “in between”, with the objects that are at hand. Let him drum on different pots, pans, bowls with a wooden spoon (or a plastic pyramid rod). You can give two different “drumsticks” at once. While mom is preparing dinner, the child will entertain mom and himself with such a “concert.”

Mom can make useful development tools herself, it’s not difficult. For example, you can take a small box and stick a bright picture on one of its sides. The child needs to show the picture and then turn the box over to the other side. If the baby himself does not understand how to look for the picture, the mother shows him by turning the box in different directions. This game also trains attention, logic, and coordination.

Traffic - green light

A child's physical activity is extremely important for his physical development, in particular for the timely development of walking skills. Therefore, it is imperative to develop a child physically at 7 months.

For example, now it is important to encourage him to sit down on his own: help him from a position lying on his back, first turn on his side, and then sit down while leaning on one arm. The “squatting” exercise is useful for this. First, the child is taught to rise by pulling him by the arms. Then the exercise is made more difficult. With one hand, the adult holds the baby’s legs, and with the other, he moves and pulls the child’s arm to the side. The baby will begin to sit up using the free handle. Therefore, it is important to do the exercise with both hands in turn, stimulating the child with an attractive toy.

The following exercises will help you practice crawling.

  • Find a toy. It is good if the toy is musical, because, without seeing it, the child will want to find a sounding object. A toy (or several different ones) is hidden under a handkerchief or napkin at a distance from the baby. Then it is turned on without opening it. The baby will become interested, crawl up and open the toy. Let him play with her.
  • Race. The mother “competes” with the child. You can crawl after a toy (who will get it faster?), run away from the baby, or catch up with him by tickling his heels. Of course, the winner should be the baby, who will have a lot of fun during the game and crawls with all his heart.
  • Obstacle race. For this exercise you will need a special children's massage track (you can buy it or sew it yourself). This is a textile rug onto which elements of various shapes and textures are sewn (bags with different cereals, soft and rough sponges, wooden rings or sticks, buttons, all kinds of cords, plastic lattices, etc.). Along the way, the baby will not only overcome these obstacles, but also touch, simultaneously developing fine motor skills. It is important that at the end of the child’s journey there is a desired reward (a treat, a bright toy or a mother’s kiss).

Developing speech

This is one of the most important skills to focus on at any age. How to stimulate a baby in terms of speech was described in the previous article. Here we will dwell on a few more points.

  • Use onomatopoeia. This is the first stage on the path to speaking real words. Imitate the sounds of animals, nature, household appliances when you see them, look at them in pictures, or simply play imitation. Articulate clearly so that the baby can see the movements of the lips (and perhaps he will begin to feel them - this is also useful).
  • Use a mirror. Bring your baby to the mirror so that he can see you and himself and check whether he is repeating after you correctly. Despite all the stereotypes, a mirror is a very useful object in terms of speech development.
  • Positive attitude, jokes, joyful emotions will contribute to the rapid development of speech. Whereas constant stressful situations can become a real brake on this path.

Positive emotions help develop not only speech, but also all other baby skills. By evoking positive emotions in the child, surrounding him with affection and love, parents do much more for his development than when they fall asleep from head to toe expensive toys.

The first six months of your baby’s life have flown by in a flash. Your child’s successes make you happy more and more often, and development work becomes more noticeable and effective.Today we will talk about what activities are suitable for a 7 month old baby.

The baby's conservative principles are becoming more and more obvious to the mother - the child shows reluctance to eat from a new plate, listen to a different lullaby than the usual mother's lullaby before bed, or begins to protest against fixing the toy on the other side of the stroller. Repeat and consolidate completed exercises and games more often, sing your favorite songs and nursery rhymes - this will create a favorable atmosphere for introducing new types of activities that await him this month.

At 7-8 months, the baby’s character is actively developing - the mother may notice that the child becomes attached to his toys and things, and may resist some changes in diet or games

Different but wonderful kids

It is worth clarifying and recalling that not all seven-month-old babies develop in the same way. Some at this age are actively trying to stand up with support and are already sitting on their own, while others are still happy with the lying position. Don’t worry - it’s all about the temperament of each child, and not at all about the level physical training and speed of development. Curious children, who initially show great activity and mobility, master new skills earlier than their peers: they learn to roll over, crawl, sit up, and walk (we recommend reading:).

Your child’s lack of desire to sit down should not bother you - continue to do the exercises regularly and very soon you will see the invaluable benefits of such exercises. By 8 months or a little later, the child must learn to sit up on his own. To be calm and remove all suspicions, just visit a neurologist for an unscheduled examination.

Development of motor activity

  • Buy for your child rubber toys so that he has the opportunity to chew and gnaw on them. You can buy such toys at any pharmacy.
  • Feel free to send your child to explore the apartment. Don’t worry about possible dirt: developing your own immunity is an important condition for a full life.
  • Place your baby on his stomach more often, if he does not show dissatisfaction. Strengthen your baby's legs more often by placing him on the floor or on your lap, holding him by the armpits.

Stimulate the desire to crawl by using bright toys, and if attempts to crawl are unsuccessful, create support for the legs from behind with your hands so that the child can push off with his legs and move forward (we recommend reading:). The optimal distance to remove the toy is an outstretched child's hand, but so that only the tips of the fingers reach the toy. Continue the exercise until the child reaches the toy.

Object manipulation

It’s good to put together a special box with items and toys for your baby. The child will be happy to explore the contents of the box, laying out objects, and over time he will learn to put everything back. Such a box will interest the baby for 1-2 years. Here are some examples of what should be put in a magic box:

  • Household and household items. It will be interesting for a child to touch, sort through and sort spoons, cups and plates made of wood, plastic or metal. Knocking and throwing, performing various manipulations - all this is very necessary and useful for the child.
  • Wind-up toys. Such toys will be doubly interesting to the baby if additional functions are added to their mechanical winding: sound, light. For example, a dog turns its head, and a duckling quacks.
  • Mirror. Of course, the mirror must be plastic and safe. With its help, the child will be able to “find himself” in this world.
  • Rubber squeak toys. With their help, the baby will develop and strengthen his fingers by pressing on toys and making them make sounds.
  • Toys on a string. Small wheeled gurneys can be pulled by a string and watched as they move forward. Show your child how to play with a car or train - he will definitely love it.
  • Developmental centers. Large play centers with large buttons and keys are needed to teach your baby simple but useful actions: hitting, pulling, shaking.
  • Mobiles.
  • Show your child how the performance of one action “pulls” the following: for example, they pull one object, and another is set in motion. You can attach various toys to such mobiles. Learning the effectiveness of one's actions occurs by attracting or grasping objects. The simplest rattles will help develop the sense of touch. Encourage your child to take the rattle and hold it in his hand for about 2-3 minutes. Make sure that the operation of the cam is accompanied by the correct placement of the fingers: thumb
  • is opposed to the others, and the toy touches the palm. Toys and items with different surface will develop tactile sensitivity of the child's palm. Toys with various physical properties

form orientation and research activities. You can use sensory kits that are made from improvised materials - cereals, nuts, pebbles. Allow your baby to explore new things and objects more often.

You can come up with a variety of toys from household items - everything is limited only by the parents’ imagination. There are also similar kits on sale - for example, a sensory garden

Formation of the skill of coordinating sounds and objects

Try to call your baby by name more often, using different intonations. Help him learn to distinguish not only the intonation color of the voice, but also listen to the speech itself to distinguish individual sounds and words, in order to teach him to connect words and objects together.

  • You can play the following games with your baby:
  • “Where is mom?” – such a game will help teach a child to look for dad, mom or grandma based on an adult’s word.“Where is Lala?”
  • – simple and interesting game will teach you to find an object that mom moves to a new place every time. For example, a Lala doll can be placed on a shelf or fixed on a crib or playpen. Let the child find it with his eyes, then bring the baby to the doll. You can accompany your actions with the words: “Where is our doll? Ah, here she is Lala. We found our Lala doll."
  • “Where is the light?”

- find the light in game form will be more joyful about playing with cars, and a girl’s girl will be delighted with animal figurines and elegant dolls.

Developing active speech

Approaching the end of our conversation about the development of children at the age of 7 months, let us mention that long before the baby consciously begins to speak, his vocal apparatus is already in the stage of active formation. Brain activity is also aimed at preparing for speech skills.

Until 5-6 months of age, a child can be told absolutely any thing, and only intonation, affectionate and emotionally charged, has a significant effect in order to achieve animation on the part of the baby. From the age of 6 months, the adult’s task is to pronounce as many different sounds and words as possible, repeating them many times in order to achieve not only active listening, but also imitation.

  1. It is recommended to talk to your baby more often and allow him to touch your mouth while speaking if necessary. It is worth using in short phrases, name and describe everything that comes his way.
  2. Sounds and onomatopoeic structures are exactly what should be actively used at this age. They will become one of the first words and conscious sounds of your child. When reading books about animals, playing little animals and birds, do not forget to repeat more often who says what, for example: “The dog barks: woof-woof. The piglet grunts: oink-oink, etc.”

Onomatopoeia can be used not only for animals and birds; actively vocalize all objects surrounding the baby. For example, a clock is ticking “tick-tock”, a bunny is jumping “jump-jump”, a drum is knocking “bam-bam”, a doll has fallen “thump”. The more often you repeat such sounds, the faster the baby will master the initial forms of speech and say his first word.

The child’s independent development can be organized at a more professional level. If you don’t know what to teach your baby at this age, seek help from specialists. A lot of video lessons, as well as detailed articles with photo exercises will help make your home exercises useful and very interesting.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychology