1 ml g abstract entertainment toys. Entertainment in the first junior group for children and parents “Favorite toys. Children brush the horse with a comb

Elena Kosareva

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the works of A. L. Barto

Tasks: develop children's activity, expressiveness of speech, memory, artistry, to develop in children a sense of self-confidence, aesthetic feelings, love of poetry, to bring joy to children.

develop speech activity, coherent speech of children, develop memory, attention, thinking; cultivate interest in literary works.

Educator: In our the group is waiting for new toys for the children,

Dolls and animals sit side by side.

We are glad new toys, let's make friends with them.

Let's take a walk, play, and put it back in place.

Educator: Guys, what about you? love toys? Certainly, love. And today I invite you to visit them. Our We will tell poems to our favorite toys, and they will play with us.

Children and their teacher go to visit.

Suitable for children first toy(The bear is lying on the floor).

Educator: “What happened here?”

Dropped the teddy bear on the floor

They tore off the bear's paw

I still won't leave him,

Because he's good.

The teacher takes toy in your arms and asks:

1. Why did the bear cry?

2. Is it possible to do this with toys?

3. What needs to be done to make the bear feel better and more fun (Treat)

The teacher invites the children to anoint and bandage the bear's paw.

Educator: Our bear is completely healthy

Our bear smiled and was ready to play.

Our bear is very loves in the forest to collect cones, let's help him with this.

A game "Collect the cones".

Educator: Well, we visited the bear, and now we’re going to continue traveling around the country « toys» .

Educator Guys, look what we met on the way? (Horse)

Educator: And now I’ll tell you about the horse poem:

I love my horse

I'll comb her fur smoothly,

I will smooth the tail with a comb.

And I’ll go on horseback to visit.

Educator: Children, who wants to brush the horse's hair?

Children comb the horse with a comb.

Educator: The horse has become beautiful and fast. Who wants to ride a horse?

A game "Horses"

Children: Bunny.

Educator: Is he sad? Children, tell me what happened to the bunny

(Children recite a poem about a bunny together)

The owner abandoned the bunny, -

A bunny was left in the rain.

I couldn't get off the bench,

I was completely wet.

Educator: Guys, do you leave yours? outdoor toys, under rain? Let's take pity on this bunny and pet it.

Presenter: Dear bunny, don’t be sad

Better fool around with us.

Ved. Guys, tell the bunny what will help him hide from the rain?

Children. Umbrella.

Educator. Let's play game “Sunshine and Rain”

Game “Sunshine and Rain”

Educator: Well, our bunny is cheerful, and we’ll move on.

Guys, do you hear someone crying? (This is a doll)

Educator: Yes guys, her name is Tanya.

What is our Tanya doing? (crying loudly)

Why is she crying? (Dropped a ball into the river.)

Let's calm Tanya down, let's say: “Hush, Tanya, don’t cry. The ball will not drown in the river".

(Invite the children to recite a poem about Tanya and the ball.)

Look, does the ball float, or does it sink? (He is swimming)

Let's get him. (Catches the ball with a net.)

What was Tanya's ball doing in the water? (He was swimming.)

What's dripping from the ball? (Water droplets.)

How does the ball feel to the touch? (Wet.)

Why is he wet? (Swimmed in the water.)

What do you think needs to be done to make the ball dry? (Wipe it off.)

(The teacher wipes the ball with a towel)

How does the ball feel now? (Dry.)

Now we'll play

Let's throw the ball to each other.

Ira with the ball.

Educator: Guys, it’s time for us to return home. Our journey has now ended. -Who did you meet on the way? (horse, bunny, bear, doll). - Guys, did you like it? (Yes). Let's all make friends together round dance: The round dance was mischievous,

So we formed a circle,

Hand clap and foot stomp.

Publications on the topic:

Lesson summary “My favorite toys”“My favorite toys” Program objectives: Educational: expand children’s vocabulary, develop coherent speech. Strengthen skills.

Calendar-thematic plan “Favorite toys” in the first junior group Topic: Favorite toys Integration of educational areas: Cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development.

Summary of educational activities for children with disabilities “My favorite toys” Goal: Enriching children's knowledge about toys and their purpose. Activation of the dictionary. Tasks: Repetition of poems by A. Barto from the “Toys” cycle.

Summary of educational activities “My favorite toys” on speech development in the first junior group Educational area: " Speech development" Integration: “Socio-communicative development.” Program content: Purpose: Create conditions.

Summary of educational activities in the second junior group “My favorite toys” TOPIC: “My favorite toys” GOAL: To teach children to be careful about their own and other people’s toys, the rules for handling toys TASKS: 1. Intensify.

Natalya Otpuschennikova


1. Introduce children with toys located in group.

2. Learn to answer children to questions from the teacher.

3. Develop cognitive activity, curiosity of students

4. Stimulate an emotional response to the game situation.

5. Foster caring attitude and love for toys, politeness, friendliness.

Progress of entertainment:

The teacher plants children on the chairs in a semicircle, then draws the pupils’ attention to the unusual house (from the screen and the designer).

Guys, whose house do you think this is? Who lives in it?

(Answers children) .

Educator: I'll help you, but you have to guess riddle:

In summer he walks without a road

Near the pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a den,

Hides your nose from the frost.


(Answers children) .

Educator: That's right guys, this is a bear, and in our house there is a bear cub, his name is Mishutka, this is mine favorite toy, I like looking after him. My Mishutka can sing songs, let's listen.

(Listening to a song).

Educator: And also, I know about Mishutka poem:

Teddy Bear loves honey,

Sugar, jam

Scoop it up with your paw and into your mouth!

Simply delicious!

Educator: Guys, let’s show Mishutka your favorite toys, which are in group. Let each of you bring me one of the most favorite toy with whom you love playing in a group.

The children get up and take toys, bring them to the teacher.

The teacher asks everyone: “What is this toy, does yours have a name? toys why are you her you love

If children do not know how to speak and are silent, then the teacher helps the children answer, For example: “This is a bunny... he’s so soft and fluffy, I even know about him poem:

We read A. L. Barto’s poems from the cycle with children « Toys»

“The mistress abandoned the bunny,

a bunny was left in the rain,

I couldn’t get off the bench,

I’m all wet to the skin.”

Dropped the teddy bear on the floor

They tore off the bear's paw

I still won't leave him,

Because he's good"

Mo is a cheerful ringing ball,

where did you start galloping:

yellow, red, blue,

can't keep up with you.

Educator: “Guys, my Mishutka has been living with me for a long, long time, and all because I take care of him, I’ll tell you the secret of how to make your toys were in our group for as long as possible, didn’t break or get lost.”

which are in group, accompanying the words with a show actions:

Took it toy, put it back after the game.

(The teacher takes toy and puts it on the shelf)

Throw and throw on the floor toy - NOT allowed.

Tear and break toys - NOT allowed.

Educator: “You guys understand me, how to handle toys

Children: "Yes"

Educator: “Well, now, each of you, in turn, will plant your toy in big truck, and we'll ride ours together toys by group».

Children plant toys in the truck, then everyone takes turns rolling the car with favorite toys in the group room.

There's a song playing "Song of Friends" based on poems by S. Mikhalkov.

The teacher guides the skating process toys for children.

Educator: “Well done guys, you told me a lot about toys, I found out what Do you have your favorite toys in the group?, and now you can with yours play with toys».

List of used literature:

1. Internet resources: littlhuman.ru: Poems about animals

2. Emotional child development. O. A. Eyrich. 2011

Target: accumulate knowledge gained during the “Toys” project.

Equipment: Toy - bear, toy - bull, rattles, audio recording (CD "nursery" - "dance with rattles"), toy - airplane, ball, toy - hare, audio recording "Lullaby".

Progress of the event: The hall is designed like a toy store.

Educator: Children, do you know where all the toys live? Where do mom and dad buy them for us?

Children: Children's answers.

Educator: Right in the store! Now you and I will go buy toys to a magic store. And it’s magical because they sell toys there for reading a poem. Do you know poems about toys?

Children: Children's answers.

Educator: Then, they closed their eyes, tightly, tightly. Sit down. We got up. We open our eyes. And so we found ourselves in a toy store!

Children choose a toy of their choice and recite a poem.

Dropped the teddy bear on the floor
They tore off the bear's paw
I still won't leave him -
Because he's good.

Game "Fingers and Teddy Bear"
This is how your fingers dance
(Fingers “dance”)
For girls and boys.
A bear came up to us
Teddy Bear,
Touch your fingers
The kids want it.
(The teacher with a toy approaches the children and tries to touch their fingers)
And we hid our fingers,
They hid it, they hid it.
(Children hide their fingers behind their backs)
You won’t touch me with your paw,
With a furry paw.
(They threaten the bear with their finger)

The bull is walking, swaying,
Sighs as he walks:
- Oh, the board ends,
Now I'm going to fall.

Educator: If you don't fall, little bull, we'll catch you. Guys, let's cheer up the bull: let's play rattles for him.

Dance with rattles.

We'll build the plane ourselves
Let's fly over the forests,
Let's fly over the forests,
And then we'll go back to mom.

Educator: Let's turn into airplanes and fly for a walk.

Children, with their arms spread out to the sides, run on their tiptoes after the teacher to any audio recording.

Educator: Now let's go back to the store, there are more toys waiting for us.

Our Tanya cries loudly:
She dropped a ball into the river.
- Hush, Tanechka, don’t cry:
The ball will not drown in the river.

Exercise "Balls"
One, two jump, ball.
(The teacher hits the ball off the floor)
One, two and we'll jump.
Girls and boys
They bounce like balls.
(Children, placing their hands on their belts, jump on two legs)
These are the balls
Girls and boys.

The owner abandoned the bunny.
A bunny was left in the rain.
I couldn't get off the bench.
I was completely wet.

Game "Gray Bunny"
The gray bunny washes himself,
(Children stroke their cheeks with their palms)
Apparently he's going to visit.
I washed my nose.
(“Wash” the nose)
I washed my mouth.
(“Wash” the mouth)
I washed my ear
(“Wash” the ear)
Wiped it dry.
(“Wipe” another)
The gray bunny washes himself,
(Stroke the breast.)
Apparently he's going to visit.

Children sit on the carpet, resting. A lullaby sounds.

Educator: The store is closing. Buyers are returning home. We close our eyes. We open our eyes. So we returned back to our kindergarten.

At the end, you can ask the children where they were, what they saw and did, and whether they liked the trip.

Teachers: Iudova A.S., Smirnova O.N..
MADOU " Kindergarten» Pes village

Fun in the first younger group"My toys".

Target: creating conditions for an emotionally positive climate in the group

Tasks: - clarify the idea of ​​what toys are needed for, develop attention, memory, imagination, speech,

Learn to compare familiar objects by identity, group by method of use,

Promote the development of speech as a means of communication,

Activate the attention of pupils to perform simple actions to the music.

Preliminary work: exhibition of books dedicated to pets, reading of poems by A.V. Barto, drawing toys.

Leading. Hello guys, do you all like to play with toys? What toys does ... like to play with?

You know that toys come to life and can talk and play with us.

We play with toys

We call toys

Tumbler, bear, gnome,

Pyramid. Cube, house.

The Cat appears.

Cat. Hello guys, meow - meow, kittens. We will play with toys and have fun like little animals.

Game "Hush, Mice"

Quieter than a mouse, don't make noise

Don't wake up Vaska the cat,

When Vaska wakes up, the cat will break up the whole dance

Leading. What do guys and kittens like to play? Of course, into the ball.

Let's play pussy ball.

Physical exercise. Girls and boys,

Clap, clap, clap,

They bounce like balls

Jump, jump, jump!

They stomp their feet:

Top, top, top.

They laugh merrily:

Ha, ha, ha!

Cat. Guys, I see that you really like to play with toys, but do you know how to dance with them?

Leading. Of course, the cat, guys, know how to play with toys.

Children dancing with toys. Music An. Alexandrova, lyrics Frinkel "Who is good with us"

Cat. Guys, you are so great! Let's play hide and seek with my little cat brother.Takes a toy kitten out of his pocket

Game "Hide and Seek". The cat hides the toy, and the children look for it.

Cat. Guys, we had a fun time, played with toys, danced. And now it's time to say goodbye.

Leading. Goodbye, Kitty, come play with us again. We will be waiting for you!