Do breasts grow with age. What factors contribute to female breast enlargement

Women's breasts are able to change the fate of their owners, not to mention their self-esteem and self-confidence. The dimensions of this organ are practically not subject to adjustment by conservative methods. Because of this, many young girls want to know how old their breasts are growing, hoping that they will still increase to the desired size. However, breast growth factors are not as predictable as we would like.

What makes breasts grow?

The female mammary glands consist of glandular and adipose tissue, so their growth directly depends on the dynamics of development and the structure of these components. With the predominance of adipose tissue, breast parameters will strongly correlate with body weight, and with a large number of glandular structures, their volume will be strongly influenced by the level of estrogens.

Breast growth largely depends on:

  1. Genetic background.
  2. Hormonal background.
  3. Body mass index. An additional 7-10 kg of weight can increase the volume of the chest by 1 size.
  4. The development of the circulatory system in the chest area.
  5. General strengthening procedures that increase blood flow to the surface chest: contrasting water procedures, breast masks, regular intimacy and others.

Breast volume and shape are significantly affected by pregnancy and breastfeeding. Moreover, the size of the mammary glands can become after pregnancy both smaller than the original ones and larger than them.

At what age do breasts begin to grow in girls?

The dynamics of breast growth in most girls is the same, but the timing of the start of this process can vary greatly.

Breasts can begin to grow at the age of 9 and at 15, this does not affect their final shape. The onset of growth of undeveloped mammary glands is influenced by:

  1. The production of hormones by the pituitary gland that stimulate puberty.
  2. Body mass. Excess adipose tissue is able to secrete a certain amount of estrogens into the bloodstream, stimulating breast growth.
  3. genetic factor. In 46% of girls, the formation of the mammary glands is initiated at the same time as in mothers.
  4. National affiliation. In southern races, puberty often begins earlier than in northern peoples.
  5. Nutrition. shifts the timing of puberty to a later period.

If the breasts did not begin to grow at the age of fifteen and there are no periods, then this is an occasion to visit a gynecologist and an endocrinologist.

Good afternoon Can you clarify at what age girls' breasts begin to grow, and does the loss of virginity at 13 affect this? Anya, 15 years old.

Hello! Anya, breasts in girls can begin to grow at the age of 10, and at 15. It all depends on the individual hormonal background and external factors. And the loss of virginity in such early age does not affect the growth of the mammary glands.

How to understand that the breast is growing in a child?

Breast growth in girls is accompanied by a number of signs that parents should pay attention to. The task of the mother is to explain to the child the naturalness of these processes and remove the fears associated with unusual sensations. Breast growth begins with the milk line - a thin strip located below the nipples. It is also formed in boys, but in them during puberty the line completely disappears.

The first signs of the beginning growth of the girl's breasts are:

  1. Slight redness around the areola.
  2. Swelling of the milk line below the nipple.
  3. Pain in the chest, especially when pressed.
  4. An increase in the amount of adipose tissue around the nipples.

Harbingers of breast growth are also signs of additional doses of estrogens entering the blood: increased sweating under the armpits, rashes on the face, and an increase in oily skin. A girl's breasts may begin to grow imperceptibly. In such cases, its increased size will come as a surprise to everyone.

Good afternoon And what should be the chest at 15 years old? I started growing at the age of 12, and when my period started at 13, my breasts practically stopped growing. Alina, 15 years old.

Hello Alina! If the menstrual cycle is stable and you do not have any other problems associated with puberty, then the suspension of breast growth may be associated with the individual characteristics of the body. By the age of 15, the breast takes on an individual shape, there are no clear criteria for its size. If you are very worried, then consult an endocrinologist.

Why are breasts growing slowly?

Rarely due to diseases or factors that the girl can influence. The growth rate of glandular and adipose tissue depends mainly on the level of estradiol and progesterone in the blood. They determine the intensity of the formation of new ducts of the mammary gland and the proliferation of their cells.

The level of estrogen, in turn, can decrease under the influence of the following factors:

  1. Malfunction of the pituitary gland.
  2. Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  3. Wrong nutrition.
  4. stressful situations.
  5. Lack of physical activity.
  6. Inflammation of the ovaries.
  7. Hormonal disorders after an abortion.
  8. Taking hormonal drugs.

With small breast volumes in mothers and grandmothers, hope for size 3 in the daughter with normal weight not worth it, because genetics plays an important role in the development of secondary sexual characteristics. If the breast does not grow, then you can ask what foods should be consumed to stimulate its growth.

If the slow development of the breast greatly worries the girl, then you can consult a doctor to rule out serious pathologies that may limit the development of breast tissue. Self-administration of hormonal drugs under the age of 18 to accelerate breast growth is unacceptable, as it can lead to permanent disorders of the endocrine system.

Hello! Tell me, please, what should be the chest at 11 years old? My daughter has almost no breasts when she grows up? Irina, 31 years old.

Hello Irina! The absence of a pronounced breast in an 11-year-old girl is a variant of the norm. Wait a bit and it will definitely grow.

Reasons for rapid breast growth

Rapid breast enlargement is only desirable up to a certain threshold. The rapid growth of adipose and glandular tissue may not keep up with the development of connective fibers and partitions that maintain a beautiful shape of the breast. Large mammary glands at 14-15 years old can also lead to posture disorders.

The following factors can contribute to rapid breast growth:

  1. Hormonal "storms" accompanied unnaturally increased level estradiol and progesterone in the blood.
  2. Diseases of the pituitary and hypothalamus.
  3. Unrecognized pregnancy.
  4. Ovarian cysts or tumors, germ cell tumors.

Breast enlargement is not always a natural process. Rapid breast growth is a reason to see a doctor in such cases:

  • there is soreness of the chest;
  • palpation reveals unevenly located seals, including diffuse ones;
  • girls under 10 years of age;
  • regular swelling of the breast in the postmenstrual period.

The resumed growth of the breast against the background of the start of taking contraceptives is also considered abnormal. These drugs can disrupt the hormonal background, as well as lead to edema, which simulate a real increase in the organ.

For any discomfort and discomfort during the growth of the mammary glands, it is better once again consult a mammologist.

Good afternoon At the age of 18 I have the third breast size and it does not stop growing. Can the chest hurt when it grows, because I have it somewhat painful when I feel it? What can I do to keep her from getting sick? Anna, 18 years old.

Hello! Soreness of the breast in your case may be caused by mastopathy. To find out the exact cause, an appeal to a mammologist will help.

What should be the chest at 12 years old?

At 10-11 years old, most girls begin the process of breast growth. By the age of 12, the mammary glands include underdeveloped glandular tissue, which is in the phase of active growth. Due to the tightness of the skin in the chest area, the mammary glands remain elastic and compacted. The limited space leads to the formation of an equally convex organ shape in all adolescents.

In children with obesity, the mammary glands can acquire an elongated shape in a horizontal plane, which can initially form a connective tissue membrane of an irregular configuration. Because of this, already adult breasts may not form the shape that a woman would like to have.

Good afternoon Doctor, can you give advice on how to grow breasts at 12? I really want to have a beautiful bust! Christina, 12 years old.

Good afternoon Christina! There are no natural ways to quickly increase the mammary glands. It is important to eat right, in no case do not start early sexual activity and be physically active. active image life.

What should be the chest at 14 years old?

From 12 to 14 years old, adolescents begin to actively increase breast mass, and the mammary glands acquire individual features. The shape of the breasts becomes conical with a top in the form of a compacted nipple. The color of the areola becomes darker.

After the appearance of menstruation and the stabilization of the cycle, the breasts can increase dramatically. With the rapid growth of glandular tissue in given age itching and discomfort on the skin may be observed.

Good afternoon My daughter is very worried about lagging behind the size of her breasts from her peers. What can cause this and how to accelerate breast growth in a teenager? Daughter 14 years old. Inna

Hello Inna! Breasts in teenage girls do not grow immediately, this process can last 5-8 years. This process can be accelerated only by proper nutrition and age-appropriate physical activity on the muscles of the thoracic region.

By the age of 14, the breasts become softer, the amount of adipose tissue begins to increase in it. To save beautiful shape during this period, it is necessary to monitor the right choice bra and a timely change in its size, respectively, increasing breasts.

Hello, Doctor! Why isn't my daughter's breasts growing at 14? What could be causing this? Vegetation, where necessary, grew six months ago. Valentina, 40 years old.

Hello Valentine! In your case, you should contact an endocrinologist for an examination. Although if the growth of pubic and armpit hair has begun recently, then the delay in breast growth may be caused by a late onset of puberty.

How often do you visit a gynecologist (not during pregnancy)?

Please choose 1 correct answer

Once a year

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I don't remember when was the last time

Total score

Size matters? For many girls, this is important and they are wondering how old breasts grow. The answer to this depends on many factors. Among them are heredity, the quality of nutrition during the period adolescent development, features of physique and figure.

The female breast is a very complex organ. Its development depends on individual characteristics. If a girl recognizes the fact that she is unique and her attractiveness does not depend at all on the size of her breasts, the complexes will disappear, and the lady will begin to sincerely rejoice in her beauty and remain a satisfied figure. Stereotypes will remain in the past.

A lot depends on physiology.

At what age do breasts grow? In some girls, it begins its development a couple of years before the onset of the first menstruation, in others - the day before, in others, the mammary glands completely obey incomprehensible physiological laws. They either grow very slowly, or develop too intensively.

The mammary gland consists of adipose tissue, so the size of the breast determines the amount of subcutaneous fat in the chest area.

The average age of a girl who shows signs of breast development is 10-12 years. But about how many years the bust grows, doctors argue until they do. Most of them claim that the developmental period ends by the age of 20, others - by 16. Still others believe that much depends on the age at which it began. sex life, pregnancy has occurred, since the ability of the breast to increase is affected by the hormonal background that is present in the body during the period of the above processes.

"Heroes of the occasion" - female hormones estrogens. Depending on their level:

  • stability of the menstrual cycle;
  • development of the female reproductive system;
  • breast growth.

Most endocrinologists say that you can determine the time when the breast stops growing on your own. To do this, it is enough to carry out simple calculations: add 3-4 years to the period of the appearance of the first menstruation. So, if menstruation came at the age of 11-12, the breast will complete its systematic development by the age of 15-16. At the same time, in each subsequent year, the mammary glands can change.

Influencing characteristics include:

  • birth of children;
  • feeding.

Many notice that after pregnancy the bust becomes larger, but there are cases when it decreases. It all depends on the processes occurring in the body, and the factors influencing them. Scientists agree that not only the above characteristics affect the size of the female bust and the intensity of its growth.

Among other indicators:

  • weight, tendency to be overweight or thin;
  • region of residence;
  • Availability chronic diseases;
  • deviations in the work of the endocrine system;
  • the nature of the food.

Doctors even refer to nationality as a characteristic that affects breast size. This is the idea of ​​heredity. So, southerners are more portly, but northerners can be classified as graceful ladies. The climate is affecting.

What affects breast development?

Scoliosis and poor posture, the habit of hunching strongly affect the process of breast development, slowing it down. So say gynecologists and endocrinologists. In the same number, a sedentary lifestyle, lack of adequate physical activity.

Inadequate and malnutrition becomes an obstacle to the growth of the mammary glands. Often the breasts even stop growing. A young girl should receive a complete set of necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements. Lack of food, dieting does not contribute to the establishment of estrogen levels.

Genetics is of great importance. If the girl's relatives had a small bust, you should not expect it to become 3-4 sizes in her. In this case, the nature of nutrition and the amount of vitamins received do not affect the state of the mammary glands, or they affect indirectly and very weakly.

It is necessary to pay attention to the complexion of the girl. Skinny people with small chests won't wear bras. large sizes. The intensive growth of the mammary glands in a fragile lady should alert. This is considered a deviation. It is worth contacting an endocrinologist. Inconsistency in body composition can be the result of serious endocrine diseases.

Women with curvaceous busts are often large. It is even called "milk". But not always the amount of milk during the feeding period will be sufficient for owners of large breasts. It all depends on the work of the hormonal system during lactation. So, the owners of small glands of milk after childbirth can have quite a lot.

What can I do to make my breasts grow?

The breast changes in the course of life. Often significantly, and no matter how old a lady is, one can hope that the bust will always be toned and beautiful. But this requires some effort. Of course, the mammary glands should stop developing, but you can make sure that they form correctly.

The approach needs to be holistic. Be sure to wear a bra. important and special treatment to nutrition. It is desirable to include in the diet:

  • milk;
  • red fish;
  • legumes (beans, lentils, peas);
  • meat;
  • liver;
  • cheese (especially tofu);
  • flax seeds;
  • walnuts;
  • pumpkin.

A special role in the attractiveness of the chest is played by the correct posture. It must be formed in early childhood. But also in adulthood it's not too late to do it. It is worth accustoming yourself to constantly stay in an even position, not only while sitting, but also while walking.

Muscle tone will give back massage, swimming. This will help keep your back straight and bust tight. More attention is paid to the royal posture, excellent bearing, head held high than to the size of the bust. The girl looks untidy, to whom nature gave a large bust, but she stoops. Back wheel and big size Breasts are a terrible combination, our grandmothers used to say.

An increase in body weight does not guarantee an increase in the bust. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful with the diet and it is advisable to become an adherent healthy eating. It is important to exclude harmful foods as soon as possible: fast food, fried, overly salty, spicy, smoked meats, canned foods, sausage.

Eat more vegetables fresh or baked. Contrary to popular belief about the development of breasts when eating cabbage, doctors refute this hypothesis. Useful fruits. No diets. You should also be careful with sweets, using them as little as possible.

Some more truth and myths

Cabbage does not affect breast growth, but scientists have proven that its use does not leave any chances for the occurrence of malignant tumors of the mammary glands, mastitis.

It is important to establish blood circulation in the bust area. In no case should you wear underwear that crushes. It is necessary to periodically conduct a professional breast massage.

It is believed that breasts grow from sex. How more woman im engaged, the better the bust. But scientists argue that this is only partly true. To really get the breasts to develop, you first need a long period of abstinence, and only after intense lovemaking.

Another point is the use of contraceptives. Doctors are sure: this definitely causes an intensive increase in the bust. But not all girls who use oral contraceptives notice such a process. In about a third of cases, the breast remains unchanged. To notice the effect, you should be protected for a long period. As a result, the bust is able to grow even a couple of sizes.

If this happens, you can state a violation of the hormonal background. Therefore, you should not prescribe these pills to yourself. Only a doctor after the tests can tell you what is needed in specific case.

So, breast size is an individual value. You can't really influence him. You can only improve the shape and make the bust more toned. Until what age do breasts grow? In most cases, the mammary glands complete their formation by the age of 18-20.

The formation of mammary glands is a complex five-stage process that raises many questions: when does breast growth begin, and what exactly is its catalyst? Why do some girls develop mammary glands earlier and others later? How to care for growing breasts, when to buy underwear, and what changes are the norm, and which ones are a reason to see a doctor?

When do breasts start to grow?

In girls with African American and Caucasian roots, puberty begins at 6–7 years, and in European and Slavic adolescents, 2–3 years later. Breast formation is one of the first signs of transition during puberty.

The process is associated with the "awakening" of the reproductive system. First, the girl's ovaries are activated and the production of estrogen starts. The hormone causes the connective tissue of the mammary glands to accumulate fat. Milk ducts are formed, nipples and areolas change.

Doctors think that optimal age for the development of the mammary glands - 11-12 years. In some girls, puberty begins later, so breasts appear at 13-14 years old, and this is also the norm.

Sometimes mammary glands are formed at 8-10 years. It is associated with early puberty. Doctors do not know the exact cause of the premature transition to puberty, but they believe that such girls have a 20% higher risk of developing breast cancer.

At what age does breast growth stop?

The mammary glands actively develop from the age of 13 to 14–15. During the period of active growth, the shape and final size of the breast is determined. At 16–18 years old, the mammary glands continue to grow, but very slowly and almost imperceptibly. Breast development stops around 18–20 years of age.

breast growth stages

The female breast is formed and matures for 5-10 years. A girl goes through 5 stages of breast development.

Stage 1

The first stage begins at birth and lasts up to 7-10 years. The chest remains flat and invisible. Areoles resemble small brown spots of a round or oval shape. The nipples do not protrude above the surface of the skin and practically merge with the areolas.

Stage 2

The second stage begins after the awakening of the ovaries, at 9–12 years of age. The mammary glands become more visible and prominent. The areolas increase in size, and the nipples protrude slightly above the surface of the chest.

In the second stage, the rudiments of the mammary glands appear. Small tubercles are soft, but dense. They are made up of connective and adipose tissue. In the second stage, the milk ducts develop. The process is accompanied by mild discomfort and pain.

Stage 3

The third stage coincides with the onset of menstruation at 12–14 years of age. The amount of connective and adipose tissue increases. The chest is rounded, acquires a more pronounced conical shape and shape. The color of the areolas becomes darker and richer, but the contours of the nipples may remain blurry.

In the third stage, thoracic veins form in girls. They can show through the skin, and this is normal. Also, girls in the third stage sometimes have swelling in the areola area, and the sensitivity of the nipples increases.

Pain and discomfort may increase. Especially during menstruation, when estrogen levels rise.

Stage 4

After the first menstruation, the girl's body begins to produce progesterone. The hormone does not affect the size of the mammary glands, but makes them more dense and elastic. In the fourth stage, the chest is rounded. Areola and nipples protrude above the surface of the mammary glands. Their contours become clearer and more visible.

In the fourth stage, the skin is stretched due to active breast growth, so some girls develop pink or white lines - the so-called stretch marks. Small bands are not abnormal and do not require intervention. Stretch marks disappear by the age of 18–20, when the girl's hormonal background normalizes and the development of the mammary glands stops.

Stage 5

The fifth stage begins after puberty, at 17–19 years of age. The development of the mammary glands slows down and stops. The breast takes on its final shape and size. The nipples may deepen and become less protruding, and white dots form on the areolas - Montgomery's glands.

Some girls have small seals in the mammary glands. If they disappear after 2-3 menstrual cycles so there is no reason to worry. The fifth stage also reduces chest pain. Uncomfortable sensations appear only before menstruation. Girls also lose stretch marks, and connective tissue gradually replaced by fat.

Factors affecting the growth of the mammary glands

The size of the mammary glands is most often determined by genes. If mom and grandmother have large breasts, then there is a high probability that the girl will also have a size C or even D.

Heredity is one of the main factors, but not the only one. The shape and size of the mammary glands also depend on nutrition, stress, daily routine and physical activity.


Teenage girls are contraindicated in diets and starvation. Severe food restrictions lead to hormonal imbalance. The production of estrogen and progesterone is suppressed, menstruation disappears, the accumulation of adipose tissue and the growth of the mammary glands slow down.

stressful situations

Scientists from the University of Edinburgh found that stress affects breast size. In stressful situations, the production of progesterone is suppressed and the concentration of estrogen increases. The hormonal balance is disturbed, due to which there are problems with the development and growth of the breast.


Gonadotropin, which is also called growth hormone, is also involved in the formation of the mammary glands. The hormone stimulates the ovaries and causes them to produce enough estrogens.

The body produces gonadotropin during sleep. Regular lack of sleep reduces the concentration of growth hormone, and the development of the mammary glands slows down. Gonadotropin levels also decrease in girls who go to bed after midnight.

The optimal time for rest is 10-11 am. During this period, the pituitary gland is activated, which produces gonadotropin.

Growth hormone affects breast size only in adolescence. The mammary glands and ovaries of an adult woman do not respond to gonadotropin.

Physical exercise

Teenage girls benefit from sports. Moderate exercise stimulates gonadotropin production, protects against obesity, and lowers cortisol, a stress hormone that inhibits breast growth.

Girls with low weight, which help to gain weight. Cardio loads are also useful, but no more than 30 minutes a day. Excessive passion for sports prevents the accumulation of fat in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands, so the chest remains small. On the other hand, physical activity increases the tone of the skin and muscles, makes the chest elastic and toned.

Breast size in adult women

In adult women, the shape and size of the mammary glands can be influenced not only by nutrition and daily routine, but also by other factors:

  • pregnancy;
  • oral contraceptives;
  • lactation;
  • smoking;
  • drinking alcohol and caffeine;
  • age.

During the period of bearing and feeding a child, the body produces prolactin. The hormone stimulates milk production and increases breast size. Oral contraceptives have similar properties.

Smoking, on the contrary, impairs blood circulation in the mammary glands, reduces the concentration of oxygen and leads to early aging of the breast. Alcohol has diuretic properties and removes water from the body, so the skin becomes dry and the mammary glands lose their elasticity.

During menopause, the concentration of estrogen decreases, and the connective tissue is replaced by adipose tissue. The breast during menopause not only sags, but also slightly “dries out”, changing its size and shape.

When to buy your first bra

It is worth buying underwear at the third or fourth stage of development of the mammary glands, that is, at 11–13 years old. For girls whose breasts are not too noticeable, soft pitted tops or special T-shirts are suitable.

If the breasts are large enough, you can buy a bra with wide straps and thin foam cups, and for sports, buy a sports top. Underwear does not affect the size of the mammary glands, but protects the skin from stretch marks.

The main task of the girl or her parents is to choose the right size bra. Too narrow and tight underwear will squeeze the skin, cause chest sweating and discomfort. Large and loose tops rub, increase the sensitivity of the nipples and do not allow you to exercise normally.

Why breasts do not grow

Breast development stops due to heredity, hormonal imbalance and serious diseases.


Genes determine not only the color of the skin or hair, but also the size of the mammary glands. When the size of the breast reaches the programmed limit, the brain stops the production of hormones responsible for its development.

Hormonal imbalance

Some girls begin puberty later than their peers. A delay of 2-3 years is considered normal. If, after 15, the girl does not grow breasts and pubic hair, menstruation does not go, you should consult a doctor.

Lack of menstruation and developmental delay may indicate a hormonal imbalance. It is called:

  • obesity;
  • insufficiency of vitamins of group B;
  • liver problems and slow metabolism;
  • diets and anorexia;
  • some medications.

The doctor will determine the exact cause of the imbalance, recommend a diet, and, if necessary, select hormone replacement therapy.


Breast growth stops with severe arthritis, cancer and growth hormone deficiency. The production of growth hormone is disrupted by inflammation of the large intestine, head injuries, infectious diseases, thyroid or adrenal insufficiency, and also due to genetic pathology.

Sometimes breast growth stops due to regular stress, caffeine and sugar abuse, as well as a lack of proteins, proper fats and an unbalanced diet.

Myths about breast growth

Young girls who do not know about the characteristics of their body often fall prey to common myths about the growth of the mammary glands.

Massage enlarges the breast

Massage with vegetable oils, special creams or gels does not increase the breast. It improves blood circulation, tones the skin and slows down aging, but no more.

Food with phytoestrogens increases breasts

Natural and synthetic hormones increase breasts for a while. As soon as the girl stops taking COCs or reduces the amount of soy in the diet, the mammary glands return to their original size.

The chest should be symmetrical

In adolescents, one mammary gland may be larger than the other. This is fine. The chest becomes symmetrical by the age of 16-18. If the asymmetry persists, and one breast differs significantly from the other by 2-3 sizes, the girl is offered plastic surgery.

How to stimulate breast growth

Creams, herbal preparations and exercises do not stimulate the growth of the mammary glands. There are only a few working methods that accelerate breast development:

  1. A balanced diet that is high in protein, good fats and complex carbohydrates.
  2. Avoid tea, coffee, chocolate and other caffeinated foods.
  3. Use clean water in large quantities.
  4. Good sleep and moderate physical activity.
  5. Stop smoking, alcohol and energy drinks.

A healthy lifestyle has a positive effect on the hormonal background of a girl and creates conditions for breast growth, but even the right habits cannot resist genes. If a woman “inherited” small mammary glands from her mother, then she can increase their size only with the help of a plastic surgeon and silicone implants.

Many girls during puberty begin to worry about breast growth. It's no secret that a beautiful bust is perceived as one of the main advantages female figure. Here one should take into account the psychological significance of this factor for a teenager, since girls at this age are characterized by heightened spiritual sensitivity.

Due to the decline in women's health in recent decades, mothers need to carefully monitor how girls' breasts grow. This will prevent possible violations of the endocrine or reproductive sphere of future women. At what age does the breast begin to grow, and how does the female breast develop, we will try to answer in the article below.

Breast growth as a stage of puberty

During puberty, the teenage body undergoes significant changes associated with hormonal changes. Women's sex hormones - estrogens - begin to be produced, thanks to which the growth of the mammary and endocrine glands begins. And how can a young woman understand that her breasts are growing?

Stages of development

The mammary glands develop in parallel with the hormonal balance, and since it has individual values ​​for each woman, it is difficult to determine how many years women's breasts grow. In its formation, this body goes through several stages. Consider how the breast grows.

Period from birth to 10 years

In newborn boys and girls, the breasts are not at all different. Only in the chest area are barely visible traces of the milk line located in the lower part of the nipple. Subsequently, breasts will begin to form from this zone. Some newborn girls may have discharge from the nipple for the first few days, which is not a pathology. Later, in girls, the milk line can be seen, and in boys it falls off.

During this period of time, the glandular tissue is not yet developed, only the nipple becomes a little coarser.

Stage of onset of puberty, from 12 to 13 years

At this age, due to hormonal changes, the girl's breasts begin to change.

Characteristic signs of breast growth:

  • the nipple is enlarged;
  • the area around the nipple has swelling;
  • the chest becomes softer;
  • glandular tissue is palpable under the areola;
  • dark areola.

Puberty (13-14.5)

In this phase, there is a rapid growth rate of the mammary gland. Symptoms of breast growth - it takes the form of a cone, and the nipple is rounded. The hormonal background is stabilizing, although the monthly schedule may have some fluctuations.

The final period of puberty (15-16 years)

At this stage, girls enter reproductive age. The ducts in the mammary gland are actively growing, the surface tissues of the chest zone are stretched and thinned. Blood vessels are visible through them. Such rapid development leads to painful sensations, such as itching, "squeezing" in the area around the nipple.

By the end of this phase, the breasts of girls are rounded, formed as in adult women. The nipple and the circumference around it acquire darker pigmentation and clear lines. The proportions of the breasts no longer change and remain so until pregnancy and childbirth.

Beginning and end of breast growth

Since the mammary gland is in close relationship with the endocrine gland and reproductive organs, it is subject to changes throughout life.

To indicate the thresholds at what age the mammary glands begin to grow and when they complete their growth should be based on individual differences in the hormonal set in the body.

  1. Start. It is impossible to unequivocally answer at what time the breast begins to grow. Some girls are sexually mature by age 9, while others may reach this phase at 12 years of age. Here the main role is played by the physiological factor.
  2. Completion. The end of puberty is considered the extreme threshold for the completion of the development of the mammary glands in girls. This period, on average, occurs by 16 years. But also indicators in the range of 17-20 years are not considered a strong deviation from the norm.
    Doctors offer to calculate how many years a female breast grows, according to the formula: the beginning of menstruation + 3 or 4 years.

What other changes occur during this period

When breasts begin to grow, girls show signs of puberty:

  • armpit and pubic hair;
  • pronounced characteristic sweating;
  • the beginning of menstruation;
  • enlargement of the pelvis and hips.

During this period, when the mammary glands begin to grow in girls, the body of the future woman is preparing for reproductive functions. It is important that the endocrine system is closely connected with these processes and influences their course. Therefore, a consultation with a specialist endocrinologist is needed, since some violations may not be noticed with the “simple eye”.

What factors affect breast growth

Bust sizes for women are not the same and several factors contribute to this:


The shape and volume of the breasts in representatives of the same genus are usually repeated. If a girl's mother and grandmother have small breasts, it is more likely that she will have the same.

Hormonal background

Due to differences in physiology, each girl's hormones fluctuate in percentage terms. If there is not enough female hormones in the blood, the breasts may stop growing.


A balanced diet also affects breast growth. In too thin girls, due to a lack of adipose tissue, the breasts cannot grow to the desired size. At the same time, excess weight interferes with the normal development of the milk ducts, which in the future may interfere with natural feeding.

Additional factors

There are additional factors that affect the formation of the breast:

  • Factors such as race and place of residence should also be taken into account. Girls of southern latitudes develop sexually much earlier than their peers from the northern regions.
  • Undoubtedly, moderate sports training and physical activity of a teenager keep the muscles in good shape and affect the elasticity of the bust. In girls involved in sports, along with correct posture, chest tightness is also achieved.
  • The course of sexual development of the organism can also be adversely affected by environmental pollution. Many diseases of an endocrine nature (disturbance of the thyroid gland) begin on the basis of an environmental factor.

What to do if the breast does not grow

When there are visible deviations in puberty, the breast stops growing. This is due to the lack of estrogen in the body.

If breast growth in girls has slowed down and this is suspicious, you should not postpone a visit to an endocrinologist, since hormonal imbalance in the body affects the entire future life of a woman as a mother. Perhaps a specialist will prescribe a hormone in injections.

When to start wearing a bra

A bra is necessary if the signs of breast growth in girls are sufficiently pronounced, and discomfort occurs during movements. This period occurs in each girl in different ways, but more often - at 12-13 years old.

The first linen should be made of natural cotton, without cups, bones and decorative elements. It is selected according to the shape of the bust, so as not to interfere with the lymph flow and the normal development of the mammary glands. If the bra does not squeeze and does not hang, but supports well mammary glands It means he's got it right.

How to help breast growth

The shape and size of the bust, first of all, depend on hereditary and national factors, so not everyone can become owners of magnificent forms. Since breasts are considered more beautiful not so much voluminous, but elastic and toned, breast formation in girls can still be somehow influenced.


Proper nutrition does not contribute to a noticeable increase in the bust, but helps its proper development.

Nutritionists advise including in the diet of girls:

  • foods containing folic acid, which helps cell renewal: legumes, cereals, cabbage;
  • fruits and vegetables with red and orange skins;
  • walnuts, flax seeds, pumpkin, parsley, soybeans, which have phytohormones;
  • a lot of liquid.


Active training at the stage of breast growth in girls, in general, should be aimed at strengthening the muscles in the bust area.

Sports activities that help maintain the tone of the pectoral muscles:

  • push-ups from the floor or from the sofa,
  • ball squeeze exercise
  • jump rope exercises.

Is it possible to definitely answer how many years a girl's breasts grow? Breast growth in a girl can be affected by fullness, early pregnancy and childbirth. But after 15-16 years there will be no noticeable growth. When answering the question, up to what age the breast grows, these average figures are taken.

What not to do

It is a mistake to believe that hormonal drugs in the form of birth control pills increase the size of the bust. Under their influence, adipose tissue is deposited around other parts of the body, such as: hips, waist.

However, this effect ends immediately after the drug is discontinued. Gynecologists and mammologists prohibit self-intervention in the hormonal background during breast development in girls, in order to prevent pathologies reproductive functions up to cancer.

Some teenagers are painfully aware of their seemingly imperfect proportions, comparing themselves to movie stars. But at this wonderful age, psychologists recommend that girls lead an active lifestyle and engage in their favorite hobbies so as not to get hung up on appearance.


In our video you will find a set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the chest.

When does it begin to form and up to what age does the breast grow? These questions often arise in girls 12-13 years old. What factors can influence the development of the breast and what should be done to grow a magnificent bust? These and many similar questions torment many young women who dream of beautiful and magnificent forms. Let's look into these issues.

Human development is a purely individual process. The growth of the human body begins at birth and ends at an average of 25 years. However, the intensity of body formation can vary significantly among representatives of the same age and gender. This is primarily due to genetic predisposition and hormonal levels.

The development of the human body has peaks of intensive growth. How old do men grow and how long do women grow? As a rule, in girls, the most pronounced development is observed at the age of 13-15, and in boys - at 14-16 years. The next peak of development, less intense, is observed in girls at 19-20 years old, and in boys - at 21-22 years old. It is so inherent in nature that the formation of the body in girls begins and ends faster than in boys.

Breast development in girls

The mammary glands are laid in the body of girls even during the prenatal formation of the fetus. So why does the bust begin to grow not from the moment of birth? What makes breasts grow? The breast grows under the influence of the female sex hormone - estrogen. It is this substance and its amount in the female body that is responsible for the intensity of bust growth. In girls, especially active production of estrogen is observed during the onset of the first menstruation (the so-called menarche). Usually, this phenomenon occurs at 11-13 years old, but there are exceptions (14-15 years old). During this period, the bust grows especially rapidly. The most intensive development is observed at 14-15 years.

Until what age does the bust grow?

This question worries many girls and young women, especially when the process is almost completed. As practice shows, the mammary glands grow in girls according to an individual growth pattern. For some, the bust begins to form at the age of 12, for someone at the age of 14. The time for completion of breast growth is also different for all girls. So, sometimes the breast stops growing at the age of 20, sometimes it continues to develop until the age of 25, and possibly even up to 30. Features of the growth of the bust and the duration of the period of its development may be due to genetic characteristics. Various environmental factors can play an important role in breast formation in girls and women.

What causes breast growth during pregnancy? Breast augmentation during pregnancy is influenced by hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin (to some extent). At various stages of intrauterine development of the fetus, a woman's body during pregnancy has a different ratio of female hormones. It is believed that it is during pregnancy that the mammary glands are fully formed, by the end of this period the breast is ready to perform its main function - feeding the baby.

Since the breast increases dramatically during pregnancy by 1-2 sizes, this time can be dangerous for the appearance of stretch marks. That is why it is important to do regular massages with oil or any other cosmetic product allowed during pregnancy in women.

What can I do to make my breasts grow?

How to make mammary glands grow? What needs to be done to form a large and beautiful breasts? It is important to understand exactly what factors affect the growth of the bust in women. Is it possible to influence the main growth factors of the mammary glands in order to increase the size of the bust? Let's see what can be done to increase the size of the mammary glands.

Women's hormones from the pharmacy for breast growth

The formation of secondary sexual characteristics depends on the hormonal background, both in girls and boys. However, the number and set of sex hormones in the male and female bodies are different. Girls are dominated by estrogen and boys by testosterone.

Thus, the main influence on the growth of the mammary glands in adolescence (12-15 years) is estrogen. This substance is produced constantly in the body of a woman of fertile (childbearing) age. However, the intensity and amount of the hormone produced may differ depending on different periods life of a woman: the period of sexual development, pregnancy, menopause.

Many women decide to increase the size of the bust with the help of hormonal drugs. However, is it as safe as it seems? Of course, you can make your breasts grow from pills. However, you need to understand that this should be done correctly and only after consulting a gynecologist-endocrinologist. Why? Incorrectly selected dosages of hormones can lead to negative effects on the body: hormonal disorders, ovarian pathologies, the formation of tumor neoplasms and other side effects.

How can nutrition and a healthy lifestyle affect bust growth?

It is believed that the growth of the female bust is also influenced by the diet. From a scientific point of view, this is due to the fact that a number of products contain phytoestrogens. These substances act on the body like estrogen. For the full development of the breast (especially from 12-13 years to 14-15), it is important for the body to receive nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Girls and women are encouraged to consume more dairy products, vegetables, seafood, fruits. By consuming these products, you can make your breasts grow as beautiful and elastic as possible.

Scientists have proven that ecology and living conditions have a certain influence on the growth of the female bust, as well as the body as a whole. No wonder the owners of magnificent forms are most often found in rural areas, and residents of dusty cities have no big breasts.

What else affects the growth of the bust?

It has been proven that genetic predisposition also significantly affects breast growth. Thus, if in the family all women have breasts of 2-3 sizes, then it is foolish to hope for a 5-6 bust size and try to do something for this (except for surgery, of course). However, if you eat right at 12-15 years old, constantly take care of your breasts, do regular massages and contrast showers, and also choose the right underwear, you can achieve your genetic maximum in bust volume. By the way, it depends on genetics to what age a woman's breasts grow.

It has also been noted that the size of the mammary glands in women from the eastern and southern regions is larger than that of women from the north and west. Unfortunately, this factor cannot be influenced.

Big breasts - a necessity or a whim?

Does being beautiful really mean having big breasts? According to sociologists, a large bust is not always considered a sign of beauty. It is important to have beautiful and fit forms, and the size does not matter at all. Straightened shoulders, feminine gait, regular self-care and good mood will help to be irresistible even with small breasts. Love yourself and be loved!

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