Children's drawings on my theme. Drawing at preschool educational institution: "My family." Drawing lesson in kindergarten on the topic "My family." Step-by-step instructions for beginners on drawing a family tree with a pencil

The topic “My Family” is on the list of mandatory ones in fine arts training programs in kindergartens and schools. According to psychologists, by drawing a portrait of a family, a child involuntarily reveals his inner world, experiences and emotions. By analyzing children's drawings, you can understand how small man perceives the family and himself in it, whether the child is comfortable, whether he trusts his parents, whether there are problems in the relationship. Possible interpretations of children's drawings on the theme "Family", as well as step-by-step instructions for drawing a family with pencil and paints, are in our article.

The psychological test “Draw a Family” is designed not so much to analyze the personal qualities of each family member and the child himself, but to assess intra-family relations in general, identifying hidden conflicts and troubles. The method is based on the child’s ability, in the process of creativity, to involuntarily, on a symbolic level, express his emotions and sensations.

For example, a child may suffer from a lack of parental attention and trust, feel unloved and unimportant to adults, or experience fear, resentment, or anger towards one of the family members. If for one reason or another he does not express his anxieties and emotions in words, then when drawing a family, he can do this subconsciously. Test results sometimes turn out to be unexpected even for those families that are considered prosperous in all respects.

How is the test performed? Children are given drawing supplies: a sketchbook sheet and a set of colored pencils - and are asked to depict a family. According to the method, pencils should be only 6 primary colors: blue, green, red, yellow, brown and black. The theme of the drawing “Family” is absolutely free, without a clear plot. That is, narrower topics: “Happy family”, “Friendly family”, “Family on vacation”, “ Family celebration" - are not so informative for this test.

It is advisable not to provide any additional explanations. Trying to help a little artist decide on a plot, correct some shortcomings in the drawing, make comments, give advice or ask questions is also not worth it. Let the child portray the family and himself in it, exactly as he imagines and feels.

Ideally, it is better to leave the child alone while he is drawing, without disturbing him. The freer and more relaxed he feels during the creative process, the more interesting, frank and informative the drawing will be. If the child himself asks questions (for example, “What to draw?” “How to draw?”), try to answer calmly and a little evasively (“Draw as you want, as you see, imagine...”).

When the drawing is ready, it is analyzed according to a list of criteria, which we will discuss below, in the section “Drawing on the topic “My Family”, explanations.” This can be done by both parents and a psychologist in kindergarten or school. If it is necessary to decipher the image in more detail, to find out certain details, they have a short conversation with the children and ask a series of clarifying questions. The test can be taken from 4-5 years of age.

Drawing on the theme my family, explanations

Professional psychologists analyze children's work on the topic of family in three directions at once: they study the general structure of the drawing, the features of the image of family members and inscriptions, and the actual process of drawing.

What do people pay attention to when interpreting children’s drawings “My Family”:

  • on the drawing sequence;
  • on the plot, additional theme of the drawing;
  • for the total color scheme, child's color preferences;
  • at moments of pauses in the drawing process, their duration;
  • on which figures the child erased or drew again;
  • the order of depiction of family members and oneself;
  • sizes and proportions of people’s figures, the distance between them;
  • features of drawing individual faces, figures, details of appearance;
  • the location of the child himself in the drawing, whether he drew himself;
  • on fictitious “family members” that do not exist in reality;
  • on which of the relatives the child deliberately or accidentally forgot to portray;
  • on the background of the picture, additional objects and objects depicted on it.

What clarifying (and additional) questions can you ask your child:

  • Tell me (sign) who you drew, who is it?
  • Why did you decide to draw us at the sea (at a holiday, at the dacha)?
  • What are we doing in the picture? Who came up with this? Who owns this item?
  • Are we having fun in your drawing or are we bored?
  • Did you draw yourself with a gift (ball, toy)? Whose gift is this?
  • Where are you in the picture (brother, mom, dad, grandma, etc.)?
  • Why did you decide not to draw your sister (grandfather, uncle, etc.)? Forgot or didn't want to?
  • Who is the most cheerful and happy in your drawing? Who's sad? Why?
  • Imagine that you have three tickets to the circus. Which one of us would you like to go to the show with?
  • Imagine that you are on a desert island. Which of us would you not be afraid to live there with?
  • They gave you a lotto. There are five people in our family, but only four can play. Who won't play?
  • You make an airplane out of a construction set and things don’t go well. Who would you like to call as your assistant?

Interpretation of a drawing of a family

Options for interpretation of children's drawings on the theme “Family”:

The family members in the picture are standing close to each other and holding hands. All characters are busy with a common task or game. There are smiles on their faces, their appearance features are drawn brightly and expressively. We can conclude that mutual understanding and common interests reign in the family. The child considers it united, strong and friendly. But perhaps in this way he only shows what he would like his family to be like.

Several figures are depicted close to each other, the rest are a little further away. This is probably how the young author of the drawing imagines family relationships. It is worth paying attention to which group the child drew himself in.

One of the family members is drawn at a distance from the others. It is obvious that in real life this person keeps to himself, distanced from family problems and the interests of the child himself. Moreover, if his facial features and other details of appearance are drawn in sufficient detail and clearly, we can assume that this person is significant for the child.

When signing the drawing, the child does not call one of the family members by name. When asked who is shown in the picture, the child calls his older brother, for example, Olezhka, and his sister simply younger sister. It is easy to understand that he is much friendlier to his brother than to his sister.

There are few people in the picture, but quite a lot of objects. This suggests the conclusion that the child’s attachment to the family is insufficient, that in his immediate environment, material values ​​prevail over spiritual ones. Not everything is so simple. Perhaps, in the mind of the little artist, the world of things still prevails over emotions. Or perhaps in this way he simply communicates his desires.

The child did not draw one or more family members. This indicates obvious or subconscious negative feelings that he experiences towards these people: fear, resentment, jealousy. For example, by “forgetting” to depict a brother or sister in the drawing, who, in the child’s opinion, receive more parental love and care, he seems to be denying their presence in the family.

The child himself is missing from the picture. Perhaps the author experiences difficulties with self-expression in his own family, does not feel emotional attachment, self-importance, does not fully feel parental care and love.

The young artist painted only himself. If the character is large, bright, and his facial features are clearly drawn, the drawing may indicate the child’s egocentrism and confidence in his own importance in the family. If the figure is small, depicted in dark or expressionless colors, this indicates that the author of the drawing feels loneliness, abandonment and rejection. Firstborns often experience such emotions soon after birth. younger brother or sisters.

Both children and adults in the picture are approximately the same height. At the same time, the child often portrays himself as superior to others. This is how a feeling of rivalry manifests itself, competition for parental (more often maternal) love with sisters, brothers, and another parent.

One of the characters is noticeably taller than the rest. This is how children portray the most powerful, significant and authoritative family members for them, usually one of the parents, grandparents. “Whoever is taller is in charge,” the child thinks something like this.

Brothers/sisters are depicted at a distance from the figure of the author of the drawing. They can also be drawn between other family members or delimited by objects. This is a signal of problematic, conflicting relationships between children and competition for parental attention.

The character is drawn with sharp strokes, intermittent contours, and with strong pressure. The image is dominated by gloomy, dark, expressionless tones. It can be assumed that this family member causes anxiety and negative emotions in the child, suppresses him, and shows aggression.

Drawing my family in pencil, step by step

What to prepare for a pencil drawing:

  • album sheet A4;
  • 2 simple pencils- medium hard and soft;
  • a small ruler;
  • eraser.

The sequence of drawing a family of three:

Stage 1. Using a medium-hard pencil, draw the schematic contours of the faces of the characters in the drawing. These will be ovals of appropriate sizes. The pressure on the pencil should be very light. First, let's draw the faces of mom and dad - large ovals. Between them we will leave a gap for the child’s face. Let's draw it in the form of a more rounded oval last.

Stage 2. Also schematically using geometric shapes- rectangles and circles - outline the outlines of the torsos, arms and legs of mother, father and child.

Stage 3. We detail the drawing. Using a soft pencil, following the proportions, carefully draw out the facial features. Let's draw the contours of the figures, hair and clothes of the characters. In order for the proportions of faces to be correct, you can use a ruler to make auxiliary markings - draw one vertical line in the center and two horizontal ones, which will divide the oval into approximately equal parts. Upon completion of work, the markings must be carefully erased.

Stage 4. Finish the drawing. We will outline the outlines of faces and torsos, the bends of arms and legs more clearly with a soft pencil. Let's easily shade the folds of clothing. Carefully blend the contours. To give the picture volume, we use shading of varying saturation to indicate shadows and penumbra. We will erase the extra strokes and lines with an eraser.

Drawing of a happy family, step by step with colors

  • album sheet A4;
  • ruler for marking the proportions of the drawing;
  • a set of watercolors or gouaches;
  • brush.

Sequence of work:

Step 1. Using a pencil, outline the main elements of the future drawing. We will use ovals to denote the contours of faces, and rectangles and straight lines to denote the torsos, arms and legs of all characters. We will draw a barely noticeable vertical line in the center of the ovals, and then divide it into three approximately equal parts with horizontal lines. Marking will help to depict facial features correctly and proportionally.

Step 2. We detail the picture. Let's draw the characters' hairstyles, eyebrows, eyes, noses, ears, lips. Let's draw the outlines of faces and figures more boldly and clearly, after which we'll slightly shade the lines. We will “dress” and “shoe” all the family members shown in the picture.

Step 3. If necessary, we will design the background and background of the drawing. Remove all unnecessary lines and markings with an eraser.

Step 4. Color the prepared sketch with watercolors, oil pastels or gouache.

Drawing of a friendly family through the eyes of children, photo

Drawing of a family in a garden, step by step with photos

Before your child starts drawing, it is advisable to spend a short time with him preparatory conversation. Offer to count how many people are in the family. Help decide on the theme of the picture: ask what the people in the picture will do, whether they will be cheerful, whether they will hold hands, what the weather will be like, etc.

What to prepare:

  • album sheet A4;
  • contour felt-tip pen or simple pencil;
  • a set of oil pastels, watercolors or gouache.

Main stages of drawing:

Step 1. Let's draw ovals - the contours of the faces of the characters in the picture. For convenience, you can cut out templates from thick cardboard. If there are four people in a family, we recommend depicting mom and dad in the center, and the children on either side of their parents. In a drawing of a family of three, we suggest drawing a child between the adult figures.

Step 2. Let's draw the torso and legs. Let's draw hands, let parents and children hold hands tightly. Let's detail the picture - draw eyes, noses, lips, hair, clothes and shoes for the characters in the picture.

First, let's depict mom and dad:

Then - brother and sister:

Step 3. Draw a wavy line under the characters’ feet to outline the contours of the grass. In the center of the sheet we will draw a large umbrella. Let's draw beautiful clouds at the top and a radiant sun in the corner.

Step 4. We invite the child to color the drawing with pastels or paints. We recommend making the umbrella bright, with multi-colored sectors; the grass is the color of lush green, the clouds are azure, the sun is bright yellow. This will make the picture colorful, cheerful and cheerful.

Children's drawing my family, step by step

We invite you to watch a short video tutorial that will give a visual representation of all the stages of creating a children's drawing on the theme “My Family.”

Family tree drawing for school

In “My Family” drawings, children usually depict their closest relatives. To work “Family Tree”, preliminary preparation will be required. Talk to your child, write down the names of all close, distant and departed members of your family. Try to find their photos, print them out, cut them out and paste them onto ellipses, circles or squares made of cardboard. Don't forget to write names under the photos.

What to prepare for drawing:

  • album sheet A4;
  • photos of family members printed on a printer;
  • a simple pencil of medium hardness;
  • a set of colored pencils or pastel crayons, watercolors, gouache;
  • eraser.

Steps for drawing a family tree:

Step 1. Prepare the background of the picture. For a family tree, blue is best. We apply it to paper with pastels, wax crayons or watercolors diluted in water. We will continue working after the paint has dried.

Step 2. Let's draw a tree with a pencil. First of all, let's draw a trunk. Let's draw the contours of the branches and roots. Let's denote the crown. We will make the trunk wide and massive. The crown is lush. They will symbolize the strength, strength and reliability of the family.

Step 3. Lightly blend the outlines of the family tree. Remove excess lines and strokes with an eraser. Let's color the drawing. We will paint the trunk and roots in brown tones, and make the crown emerald. We will draw the leaves with chaotic frequent strokes or rich zigzag shading. Let's add, if necessary, additional details to the drawing: grass, clouds, birds.

Step 4. When the paint on the drawing has dried, we will paste photographs of all family members with names onto the crown.

Let's do it as follows: at the bottom of the crown, on both sides of the central axis, are the older relatives, above are the next generations. On the right we will place a photo of relatives on the paternal side, on the left - on the maternal side.

Drawing competition my family, photo

We wish you success and inspiration in joint family creativity!

So, now we will try to learn how to organize drawing in a preschool educational institution correctly and interestingly. “My Family” is a favorite theme that not only helps a child learn to express his feelings towards his parents through drawings, but also plays an important role in his overall development. So that's what we'll do. True, you will have to try hard to make drawing in kindergarten on the theme “Family” fun and interesting. What might you need? How to conduct this event for kids different ages? Let's try to learn this.

Tasks and goals

Everyone has their own tasks and goals. They are important for the entire educational process. It’s not just that a drawing lesson on the topic “My Family” or “My Pet” is held. It all makes some sense. In addition to developing hand motor skills, of course.

In our case, this lesson will be held in order to summarize all the knowledge acquired about the family and its composition. It is advisable to conduct this kind of lessons with all kids. But special emphasis needs to be placed on the senior preparatory group.

In addition, drawing in a preschool educational institution on the topic “My Family” should teach the child to depict a person: proportions, facial features, differences between people.

Of course, there is a developmental element here too. The child learns to remember information, analyze it, and then express it in drawings. Plus, drawing in kindergarten (“My Family” is the chosen topic) should teach the child to treat his family with care and attention.


The whole process needs to start with its proper organization. The success of a lesson lies in planning. This also applies to activities such as drawing in preschool educational institutions. “My family” is a fascinating topic; a lesson dedicated to it should begin with a short dialogue between the teacher and the kids.

It is best to use various rhymes and short stories about the family as an introduction. This technique will attract the children to the topic and also interest them. In addition, use songs on the chosen topic. They also have a beneficial effect on the general atmosphere of the lesson.

Then it is advisable to conduct a dialogue with the kids on the topic of their family. Let each child tell who lives with him and who he loves. After all, it is not only drawing that is important in preschool education. “My Family” is a topic that will not only help develop children’s artistic abilities, but will also contribute to the development of speech.

The next stage, perhaps the most interesting, is the children’s direct depiction of their family. Offer them a variety of materials to implement their plans. If time allows, you can use more than just paper and pencils. How interesting is it to organize drawing in a preschool educational institution? “My family” is the topic of the planned lesson.

Paints and brush

For example, it is worth paying attention to standard drawing supplies. We are talking about brushes and paints. Perhaps this option for conducting a lesson is suitable for both intermediate and senior group. Very young children can also be entrusted with this kind of “inventory”. Only with great caution.

Let children paint their family using watercolor or gouache. It is also good to offer the guys an alternative to this method. Why? Maybe it will be more interesting for the child to draw and depict in some other way. The main thing in the lesson is the interest of the student and his involvement in the process. In addition, if all the children’s works are made from different “materials,” then it will even be possible to organize an exhibition at the end. She will definitely be remembered by her parents.


And we continue our drawing with you at the preschool educational institution. “My family” is a favorite and popular topic that should interest a child. If kids don’t really like brushes and paints, then offer them pencils.

Perhaps it is precisely this kind of technique that allows classes to be conducted in all groups. While the youngest pupils may not yet “make friends” with brushes and paints, everyone is familiar with colored pencils. So it is better that each child has a set with this “equipment” on the table.


The next option, which is suitable for older children, is to use appliqués to depict your family. For example, using colored paper, cardboard, glue and scissors. In truth, it is precisely this kind of “drawing” in a preschool educational institution (“My Family” is its theme) that causes great delight in children. After all, this is how a child not only learns to portray his family, but also develops fine motor skills hands

Make sure that glue, scissors, cardboard and colored paper Each child also had one. Maybe the kids will want to choose exactly this method of depicting reality. You shouldn't stop them from doing this. Yes, this is not direct drawing on paper, but this method also corresponds quite well to the goals and objectives set. The child will still portray his family, albeit in a somewhat non-standard form.


Perhaps the most interesting approach to conducting our lesson today will be the use of plasticine and cardboard. With the help of these “devices”, oddly enough, you can also draw.

How? Let your child draw a drawing of his family using a pencil on cardboard. But he will color it with plasticine heated in his hands. This kind of drawing in preschool educational institutions ("My Family" is the chosen topic) is often used in junior and middle groups. An interesting technique, but not all educators approve of it. And in vain.

The point is that this particular version of drawing can attract even the restless person. After all, a drawing painted with plasticine is so much fun! The child’s interest should be the main component of the lesson. Let the children choose how they want to draw. If there are any difficulties, help the students. But remember - they must create themselves. And color your drawings too.


You can finish drawing in a preschool educational institution on the topic “My Family” in any way you like. But the most the best option development of events is the organization of a specialized thematic exhibition that will be presented to parents. Let every child have the opportunity to show their family and talk about it.

By the way, before the exhibition, you can analyze the drawings of the students. Let each child show his creativity in front of the group, and then tell who is shown in the picture. This way children will be able to develop speech and imagination.

Don't forget to summarize the lesson. Emphasize that today you learned how to draw a family using the various materials provided. After the exhibition, sign the children's works and give them to their parents. Let them please the eye at home.

Topics and conversations

For older preparatory group In kindergarten, you can conduct several drawing classes on the topic “My Family.” With all this, it’s enough just to diversify the methodology proposed above a little to get interesting and useful activities.

For example, let the guys bring photographs and tell them who is depicted in them. After that, let them draw and depict the family in all available ways. Plus, organize activities like “I’m helping mom,” “I’m going for a walk with dad,” “Family vacation,” and so on. Let children develop their imagination and learn to depict reality.

By the way, don’t forget to hold a variety of thematic exhibitions at the end of each lesson. Sometimes you can invite them child psychologist. After all children's drawing family can say a lot about the atmosphere in it, as well as about the relationship with its members. This is very important for the faithful and proper development child. If you notice any obvious signs of anxiety in a student, which are expressed through a drawing, invite the parents to an individual conversation. In principle, it is generally better to spend after drawing on the topic “My family” parent meetings, in which you will explain why the child drew each specific family member in one way or another. All this will help the child's development. Drawing in kindergarten on the topic “My Family” is an important learning process that should not be skipped. Give it due attention.

Anastasia Gerasimova

In our children's the garden hosts all kinds of exhibitions of children's drawings, crafts, photo exhibitions. Pupils of all age groups take an active part in them.

Responsible for carrying out exhibitions of drawings"Me and my family“I happened to be with my partner E. Yu. Chuzhaikina.

In groups, teachers announced what they needed to draw drawing of your family. On the appointed day, a lot of work was collected. Active participation in exhibition was accepted by children and parents of the senior and preparatory groups. Our students did not stand aside either (1 (2) junior group).

Gorinov family 1(2) ml. group

Knyazev family 1(2) ml. group

Family Shikin senior group

Family Logvinykh senior group

Family The Barashkins will be prepared. group

Family The Gerasimovs will be prepared. group

And many other good and interesting works.

Publications on the topic:

Hello, guests of my page. I want to show you what beautiful carnations we have learned to make. Stripes corrugated paper fold.

Who is the best in the world? My mommy! Dear, dear, I love you! I’ll draw her a gift and give it to her for the holiday. Dear, dear, I love you.

Summer event. Exhibition of children's drawings "We love summer". In June this year we decided to organize an exhibition of children's drawings on the street..

Autumn has come. A charming time of year. Vibrant beauties of nature. The period of golden autumn is especially beautiful, when you especially want to emphasize sophistication.

“It is not only possible, but also necessary, to be proud of the glory of your ancestors; not to respect it is shameful cowardice.” A.S. Pushkin May 9, all of ours is huge.

Autumn time. Autumn is an amazing time of year. The trees dress in their colorful outfits. You go into the forest and a variety of things open up to you.

Regulations on the exhibition of drawings “If you want to be healthy” Regulations on the exhibition of children's drawings “If you want to be healthy” 1. General regulations. The exhibition is held in accordance with the annual plan.

Every home has a thick album of family photographs hidden, and every wise mother has a stack of cute children's drawings in her hiding place. Both of them contain a piece of memories and warm emotions. Especially if the drawings depict the whole family with a timid child’s hand: mother, father, son, daughter, grandmother, grandfather and even an old cat. In just a few years, viewing such illustrations will be able to set the tone for a warm holiday dinner, awaken nostalgia during joyful events, and raise morale during times of adversity. Do your children know how to draw a family with a pencil or paints?

If the answer is no, hurry to catch up. Use our step-by-step instructions for beginners to teach your child how to draw a “my family” picture, a family tree, and even a family crest. Take your finished works to the competition at school and to the kindergarten exhibition. Or, after admiring it enough, hide it in your own “mom’s” hiding place.

How to easily draw your family - “dad, mom, me”

How can a child create a family portrait with his own hands? Firstly, the smallest artists draw people schematically: stick-stick-cucumber. In this case, family members stand separately in a certain order or hold hands. Secondly, children’s drawings are often supplemented with significant details - a bow on mom’s head or a bag in dad’s hands. Unlike toddlers, children of older kindergarten age try to compose a composition and add background elements. For example: a house, trees, flowers and shrubs, the sea, etc. Read more about how to easily draw your family “dad, mom, me” in the first step-by-step master class.

Necessary materials for the drawing “Family - mom, dad, me”

  • sheet of white paper
  • hard pencil
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a picture “Family - mom, dad, me”

How to draw a family of 4 people step by step with a pencil (for a child in kindergarten)

It is difficult for a child of kindergarten age to independently draw a family of 4 people with a pencil, maintaining proportionality and conceptuality. In order for the finished illustration to turn out worthy of a thematic exhibition, parents will have to “have a hand” in creative process. But not to the detriment of children's enthusiasm, but to support it. How to draw a family of 4 people step by step with a pencil (for a child in kindergarten), see the next master class.

Necessary materials for step-by-step pencil drawing of a family of 4 people

  • sheet of white landscape paper A4 size
  • pencils of different hardness
  • eraser and sharpener
  • colored pencils or gouache paints

Step-by-step instructions for creating a bright pencil drawing “Family of 4” for a child for school

  1. Start your drawing with a silhouette of a father with a child on his shoulders. Draw heads in circles, torsos in rectangles. Use two straight lines to mark the length and direction of the lower limbs.
  2. Draw the father's head: outline the oval of the face, a little higher - the hair, on the sides - the ears. Draw your son's head in the same way.
  3. Proceed to the boy’s body: draw the neck, shoulders, arms and torso. Please note that the son is wearing a short-sleeved summer T-shirt.
  4. Then draw the boy's shorts, legs and shoes. Start drawing out the dad's body. His arms and hands are noticeably wider than his son’s limbs.
  5. Complete the outlines of the first two family members, then erase all the auxiliary lines. Draw the clothes of the father and son in more detail, noting all the buttons, pockets, collars, laces and even folds of fabric.
  6. It's time to finish drawing the faces of the man and the boy. Eyes, nose, eyebrows, eyelids, mouth, chin, dimples on the cheeks or chin. All details should be typical for your family members. At the same stage, sketch out the schematic outlines of the mother and daughter.
  7. Once you've completed your sketch, start detailing. Draw the ovals of faces, hairstyles, all the necessary facial features.
  8. Without pressing too hard on the pencil, draw out the hands of mother and daughter. “Give” the girl a backpack. Clearly draw all the zippers, pockets and straps on the briefcase.
  9. Dress the woman and girl in dresses, erase unnecessary lines. Watch the proportions: the daughter’s limbs should be thinner and shorter than her mother’s, and the outfit should be of a more primitive children’s cut.
  10. Draw the legs and shoes for the last characters. Delete the auxiliary contours.
  11. Examine the drawing carefully. At this stage there is the last opportunity to correct errors or add missing details. If you like the result, start coloring with paints or pencils.

How to draw a classic family of 3 - mom, dad and daughter: video lesson for schoolchildren

If your student would like to independently draw a classic family of 3 people (mom, dad and daughter), offer him minimal help: a family photo for sketching the plot or a step-by-step video lesson with clear instructions. Such options will not curb children's inspiration, but will help avoid typical mistakes beginning artists.

For more information on how to draw a classic family of 3 - mom, dad and daughter, watch the video lesson for schoolchildren:

How to draw a family tree with a pencil - instructions step by step for beginners

Studying ancestry has become very popular in recent years. Especially in preschool and secondary educational institutions, where important family values ​​are instilled in children. If your child has not yet been given homework- draw a family tree with a pencil step by step according to the instructions for beginners, this will certainly happen in the near future. Therefore, master this short but rather labor-intensive process in advance. See how to draw a family tree with a pencil, step by step instructions for beginners.

Necessary materials for creating a family tree in pencil according to instructions for beginners

  • white cardboard A4 size
  • regular and colored pencils
  • eraser
  • 3-4 sheets of white landscape paper
  • black gel pen
  • PVA glue
  • scissors
  • photos of relatives

Step-by-step instructions for beginners on drawing a family tree with a pencil

How to draw a family coat of arms for school step by step with pencil or paints

The family coat of arms is studied and drawn in pencil for school events as often as a family portrait or family tree. This unusual drawing is a symbol that displays the main information about its owner. A family coat of arms is always created according to certain rules, following important steps. Every nuance and every detail in it is a piece of the life of the whole family and the hobbies of each member. See how to correctly draw a family coat of arms for school step by step with a pencil or paints. And then put the acquired knowledge into practice.

Necessary materials for drawing a family coat of arms with a pencil or paints for a school exhibition

  • sheet of white cardboard
  • sheet of thick white paper
  • pencil
  • eraser
  • watercolor paints and palette
  • black pigment marker

Step-by-step instructions for schoolchildren on how to draw a family coat of arms with paints or a pencil

  1. Any personal or family coat of arms consists of several main parts: shield, motto, helmet, crest, mantle, etc. Explore their locations. Traditionally, the shield is the base, the motto ribbon is the family slogan, and the mantle is the elements characteristic of a particular family.
  2. The shape of the base shield can be geometric (square, diamond-shaped, trapezoidal, rectangular) and national - in the form of classic English, Italian, Polish and other shields. Choose the option that best describes your family.
  3. When creating a family coat of arms, it is important to choose the right color palette. Indeed, in heraldry, each individual color carries an informational message, characterizes the owner of the coat of arms and the qualities of his character.
  4. The necessary figures are applied on top of the shield, the placement options of which are shown in the figure below. These can be mythical creatures, natural phenomena, people and animals, silhouettes of weapons, etc. You should also select them carefully, having studied their symbolic meaning in advance. Thus, a lion means courage, a snake - wisdom, a dragon - power, olive branches - peace, a rooster - battle and confrontation, a torch - knowledge, etc.
  5. Having familiarized yourself with the basic knowledge, proceed to directly drawing the family coat of arms for school step by step with a pencil or paints. On a sheet of white cardboard, draw the outline of the shield in the shape you like.
  6. Add a ribbon for the motto on top of the base. Draw all the lines clearly so that the image is strict and not blurry. Create a family slogan.
  7. Use beautiful printed or calligraphic handwriting to write the motto on the ribbon. If there is none, draw the surname, making indents between the letters.
  8. On the shield, draw the initials of all family members, a story from life, or any symbolic object related to your family.
  9. Think about the interests and hobbies of different members of your family. On both sides of the shield, draw objects related to these hobbies or professions of your loved ones. Such elements will become a kind of outline.
  10. Bring the composition to its logical conclusion, clearly draw all the lines. Erase any unnecessary strokes.
  11. Dissolve the previously considered and previously selected watercolor colors on a plastic palette. Prepare thin and thick brushes.
  12. Attach a sheet of white tissue paper to the cardboard with the design. Then apply the resulting material to the window glass. This way you will be able to transfer the image onto the sheet with paints, avoiding pencil outlines.
  13. First, paint over the light elements of the picture, then the darker ones. Use a thin brush to draw contours and draw small details. Use black ink to write your initials or motto.
  14. Upon completion of the process, set aside the family coat of arms, drawn for school in stages with a pencil or paints, on a flat surface. Let the paint dry thoroughly and the paper will be level.

Perhaps you haven’t even thought about drawings on the theme “my family” before, or about creating a family coat of arms or family tree. But your child’s school assignment will one way or another make adjustments to your plans. Well, use our step-by-step master classes for beginners. See how to draw a family of 3 and 4 people with a pencil or paints. Your knowledge and skills will definitely help your child cope with a difficult task.

Children are the purest gold, the flowers of life, parental joy, and so on. At least when they don't act like they've never even heard of the existence of a limiting factor called the "daddy belt." However, beyond the obvious pranks, such as breaking grandma's Yugoslav vase, carefully painting a cat bright pink, or turning a room into an impromptu paintball range, there are a couple of aces hidden up their short sleeves.

Yes, we are talking about the fact that from time to time these innocent creatures with the body of dwarfs and the cunning of a sleep-deprived Doctor Evil, without any second thought, make parents choke in tears of laughter. And all because some children's drawings may seem ambiguous to seriously spoiled people.

(Total 20 photos)

Children at school were given the task of drawing what their parents did. “When I grow up, I want to be like my mother,” little Jessica wrote. Her mother sells snow shovels at a hardware store.

“My daughter drew a dolphinarium.”

"Eight-year-old cousin I drew this self-portrait in art class. He was wearing a Minions T-shirt."

The teacher gave the children in the second grade the task of drawing instructions on how to follow hygiene rules. "Wash your hands hot water with soap to get rid of germs."

“My dad is the best cock in the world.” It seems that the child still meant “cook”.

“I recently found this drawing that I created as a child. I'm a little embarrassed." Caption: “Please speak in a whisper.”

“This is my cat named Cosmo.”

The child simply drew a volcano.

Do you know what this is? This is a lighthouse.

Well, what a delight? These are scissors.

“My uncle is a fireman. One of the children he saved during the fire drew him this picture in gratitude.”

“One day I was listening to an old rap song, and my son, inspired by this, decided to draw a couple of vinyl records. It’s good that he didn’t draw a microphone too.”

“My daughter drew a fox running away from an alien.”

"Happy family of horses."

“My child drew me a card for Mother's Day. I'm cautiously guessing that it's a space rocket."

“My five-year-old son drew a picture of my husband and me on our wedding day.”

Dad says: “My son drew a picture of the teacher on his first day in kindergarten. I must say that he managed to portray her image.”

Don't be scared, it's just a giraffe.