How to teach a guy a lesson: the right advice. Taming the Shrew: Which “buttons” should an undeservedly offended lady press? The guy is being punished for something

Has the young man treated you unworthily? Surely you have to decide whether to forgive the offense or take revenge. Rudes and boors, womanizers and liars - they all need someone who will besiege their ego. If you want to know what will help you teach your guy a hard lesson, read on.

Why is he acting this way?

To begin with, it is very important to know the reasons why a young man allows himself to behave inappropriately towards you.

First, make sure that you really didn’t do anything bad to him that you now regret. Try to think about the situation from the outside.

If he saw you in the company of other men, if you took his money and things without asking, if you disappear for an indefinite period of time or like to make him a laughing stock in the company of friends, then you provoked bad behavior yourself. So to speak, they deserve it, and now we need to restore trust, and not punish or take revenge at all.

If nothing like that happened, then it’s not about you, and you’ll have to continue searching for the answer. Internal problem young man may touch you only slightly or even be very distant. If you realize, for example, that a man is depressed, you may not want to take revenge, but, on the contrary, to support him.

On the other hand, difficult behavior may be the norm for a person. Think about whether you have met a pathological despot, a liar, a deceiver, a Don Juan or an antisocial type. Of course, you can take revenge, but we advise you to decide in advance whether you will continue your relationship with him.

For a young man it may be normal in a relationship:

  • check where your patience limits are;
  • desire to manipulate you;
  • bullying, desire to cause pain;
  • frustration, sadness, stress that he habitually dumps on you;
  • unwillingness to bear responsibility;
  • the desire to escape from a conflict in which he found himself in a weak position.

Be that as it may, it is possible and necessary to stop incorrect behavior. If you feel the strength to sort out this chaos of other people's emotions, then you will need some tips on how to teach a guy a lesson for offending him.

5 ways to show a guy your character

Surely you will agree that every woman has her own arsenal of tools that help fight back rudeness, insults and other unpleasant things.

Someone comes up with a cunning plan, involves their friends, and almost puts on a performance.

Someone demonstrates such “consequences” to the offender that the guy will not dare to throw out another trick for a long time, just to avoid having to deal with an angry girl. The disadvantage of the situation is that specific advice may not be suitable specifically for your couple, but will harm or confuse even more.

Therefore, we have prepared universal methods for you in this case, after studying and thinking about them, you can beat the situation according to your own rules.

Method No. 1 Boycott

Ignore, interrupt communication, erase from life. Every person knows how simple this advice is, but how difficult it is to actually apply it. The young man is deprived of your attention, your affection and support. Not to mention intimacy. What can be proven in this way?

That you do not accept behavior that is unpleasant to you, that you know your worth and are not going to lower the bar of your requirements. Whoever wants to be close - let him comply, especially since you are probably not asking for the impossible. If we are talking about how to teach your boyfriend a lesson for inattention, then the best way No.

Method number 2: Lie with exposure

How can you teach a guy who doesn’t understand the importance of trust and honesty a lesson for lying? Demonstrate the effect of moral principles using his own example. First, lie about something important to him, but don’t betray him.

Choose a hurtful but safe lie. Make sure that "The fish bit". After a while, say that you need to talk and reveal your lie, focusing on how it feels for the liar now that he is the victim. If a person is not mired in vice, this move will be enough for him to realize his guilt and stop doing so.

Method #3 Have a Great Time Without Him

An ironclad option on how to teach your boyfriend a lesson for rudeness and inattention.

The same can be done to a womanizer or a man who has cheated on you at least once. Firstly, you ignore him, and secondly, you are having fun in a company where there is probably someone to flirt with.

You can knock down a guy’s arrogance, slightly lower his sky-high self-esteem and deprive him of the confidence that you are not going anywhere.

The hardest thing is to be in good mood, don't have a heart-to-heart and make sure he knows about your success at the party.

Just don't go too far - have fun in moderation!

Method No. 4 Touch-me-not

How can you teach a womanizing guy a lesson? He can only receive a lesson for his behavior if he feels that he has met a girl who does not fall for his charms. When meeting with a real Don Juan, play hard to get, flirt, drive him crazy! And then end the relationship. The womanizer’s self-esteem will suffer a crushing blow, and you will become an unattainable dream for him, which he lost because of his frivolity.

Method number 5 No move

Do you dream of teaching a young man a lesson for treason? In this case, the tit-for-tat principle will not work, because the offender will know that you are doing this for the sake of revenge. Whether you plan to stay in the relationship or not, close off some areas of your life.

You can stop sincere communication, refuse to accompany him to events that are important to you, or prohibit him from appearing at your parents’ house. What will you teach the guy? The fact that for the right to be a part of your life you need to pay with loyalty. Having lost trust, the traitor must pay the bill and understand that being with you is a privilege for the faithful.

You managed to teach yourself a lesson, but what to do next?

When you find a way to teach a guy a lesson for such disrespect, and carry out your plan, you will most likely have to put an end to your romance with him. Keep this in mind and don't get sentimental when he asks for forgiveness.

A different scenario will develop if you are looking for a way to teach your ex-boyfriend a lesson.

There are two options before you:

  • take no prisoners! Take revenge, cut ties and never think about it again;
  • teach a lesson. Keep communication formal, discuss what happened, and make sure your ex has learned the science.

In fact, you no longer need anything from your ex, you don’t expect the romance to resume, and you don’t expect to remain friends. Exes are exes. Therefore, it is not a pity for a girl to treat a young man cruelly.

A lot can happen between two people: the guy can be wrong, and the girl can be wrong. This makes everything more tense. Eventually there will probably be an explosion. Need to do something.

There are several questions here and probably several answers. To begin with, it would be worth answering honestly: did the guy really offend you? Or maybe you were offended yourself?

If there was still an offense (the guy deceived, was rude, did not fulfill a promise, etc.), then it is worth taking a closer look to see if he realizes this. Maybe he thinks “these are the rules of the game,” as the song says. There are a lot of books of little value where guys are told tales about girls, and guys read, believe and act on the advice of would-be authors.

If a guy realizes his guilt, then he shouldn’t be punished; everyone has the right to make a mistake.

How can you punish a guy lovingly if he offended a girl and doesn’t realize it?

  1. It would be best to make it clear that this is not the way to do things. Simulate a mirror situation, but remember: guys perceive many things more painfully than girls, and many - on the contrary. If the guy himself went to a friend’s birthday party, and didn’t even warn the girl, then she needs to go somewhere without him. And also not to warn. And when he is indignant, feign surprise: “Are you offended? But why??? After all, you yourself always do this!” Just don’t say vindictively: “Aha! Now you understand how I feel..."
  2. Often girls choose jealousy as a weapon of revenge and provoke their loved one to become jealous. The main thing here is not to overdo it and arrange everything subtly, without vulgarity about open flirting with another.
  3. Men do not want to see an unhappy woman near them, so the image of a victim (apathy, eyes full of melancholy and resentment, etc.), tried on for a short time, can help the culprit admit his mistake and cause pangs of conscience in him.
  4. If the advice above did not help, then a good way to take revenge on a guy for an offense would be to completely ignore him. Don't answer the phone, don't answer messages, don't make contact at all. But at the same time, be in public more often and no matter how bad your soul is, pretend to be a woman beaming with happiness.
  5. Well, where can we go without the most common way of manipulating men? Tears, abundant and frequent, crying bitterly will not leave the offender indifferent. And even if it is not the understanding of his offense, then simply the desire not to see the girl’s sobs (which is not easy to withstand), will force the young man to return to his beloved’s favor by any means.

What if he offended intentionally? This means that the girl is not very dear to him, and instead of thinking about how to punish the guy he loves, it’s better to think about not

When a guy starts behaving inappropriately towards you, how can you allow this to happen! The problem is that in a normal situation it would be possible to part with such an unsuccessful option, but there are some conditions that are quite understandable for you and for every girl - you can’t order your heart. Where can you find a second such loved one?

What should you do if words no longer help?

We can forgive and let things take their course, but what do we get in the end? Will we be happy? Expecting that somehow everything will sort itself out and be resolved is extremely stupid. Punishing a guy for an offense may sound very harsh, but it’s still extremely useful.

Try to clearly prioritize your conversation. Constructive dialogue will save any confusion. If you felt some weaknesses in a conversation with your loved one, in which your boyfriend clearly always came out the winner, and you felt that you were missing something, then find these strengths in yourself, tell him what you were going to do anyway, as you wanted, then you, at a minimum, will introduce him into a state of incomprehensibility and shock. Your boyfriend will not expect such a turn of events, which means the first step towards our tactical plan has already been taken.

Men don't take hints!

Yes, I really don’t want to say directly and directly that you were offended, that it is unpleasant for you, because in this way we open up, expose our soul, but it is necessary! You need, without equivocation or metaphors, to say that you were offended. Your boyfriend hurt you. Accept it yourself and don’t justify it, and then say it to his face, because you are a living person, you have the right to feel, but you also have the right to be happy. This means that you need to dot all the E’s and whatever happens next. If the offense can be solved, then solve it, and if it can no longer be solved and is so deep that it is impossible to go back, decide how it will be better for you. Think about yourself first! After all, you have to live with this pain.

What is better not to do or what should not be punished?

Hysterics, breaking dishes and crying never led to anything good. According to gender designations, men always rely on the fact that a woman always behaves in a characteristic way, which means he will already obviously expect some kind of solution to events, and you need to punish him at least by not showing himself to be a grumpy woman, but a reasonable one and a wise woman who can and knows how to control herself. Don't tell his friends anything, not even your friends, so that nothing will reach his ears later. Don't drag other people in, using them to somehow annoy him or do something to him. The best thing you can do to punish him is to be happy! Smile, laugh, walk, communicate and start new romances and new guys who will not dare to offend you. This is the whole point - to punish the guy for his offense with the fact that you can survive it, that there is nothing in another person that would nail you to him, like a slave, forever. You - beautiful girl, you are the future blooming woman, which means you must always maintain your brand, as if you have at least one aristocratic vein flowing and no ordinary man can hurt you.

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Kiss my stomach, maybe lower, right there! 121

A hungry girl in her territory is looking for an active, brave and ready to experiment guy! 100

As soon as I drink Pepsi, I immediately think about sex. Well, by the way, I love Pepsi day and night! 197

I kiss his ear and navel, then him. and between your legs! 341

I want you in the bed, on the floor and on the table. You can even do it in water, because you can do it carefully in nature too! 144

The night has come, the sun has set, not having you in my bed is not good 😉 82

A highly artistic erotic message to your beloved:

writes you this SMS;) 130

Why are you looking at me, take off your clothes, I'm yours! 167

I want to be with you! Fall asleep with you, enjoying love, and wake up with the desire to love you again! 193

May you and I live a great life, so that we don’t want to change our lives. Falling in love is a reason for temptation, let's seduce each other? 😉 92

Tonight be with me my beloved

Tonight hold me tight

Tonight I want to forget all my problems

Tonight I want to love you. YOU! 105

I'm going crazy, wanting only you. My love, save me! 80

My heart beats faster, I want you more, but it’s a pity that you are far from me now! 189 (4)

I want to put you quietly to bed, but don’t get your hopes up - you won’t sleep! 170

Caress my body with your sliding lips, kiss me boldly - I am only yours, and in the world of fantasy we will be alone, feel free to take me with you! 98

Popular dirty SMS for a guy:

I am a windy butterfly from magical dreams! I could have sat on the pestle! 62

My dear, this morning

You forgot about the Kama Sutra.

Tomorrow don't be lazy anymore

Get busy studying! 133

Wet hair, wet blouse, I'm wearing only panties. you want me? 90

Cool poems, my husband replied that today he will rush home like in a helicopter)))) reply

Are you going to the football? Bowling with friends? With a neighbor for billiards? Imagine what I could do with a cue? How to look naked with a ball? And what is visible when I bend over while bowling?

I kiss your lips, neck, shoulders,

I whisper in your ear: “I love you!”

And I feel goosebumps on my forearm.

Oh God, how I want you!

Sleep sweetly, kitten, I’ll climb into your bed and have a sweet, sweet treat with you :)

I want to repeat with you everything that I have fantasized about.

Love me passionately and tightly

Come deep into my flesh

Until I understand I'm in ecstasy -

I don't need anyone anymore. (1)

I inhale your hair and feel your breath.

Your gentle look. he drives me crazy.. Your voice turns me on so much..

I think I know what heaven is.

Heaven is when two halves find each other and merge into one once and for all.

You tease, caress, I’m all trembling. If you don’t come in immediately, I’ll take revenge on you! I’ll run my tongue over your elastic body, you’re captive of my lips, heated to the limit. I'll drive you into drunken madness, will you explode now? Just be patient a little. I give all of myself to you without reserve, hug me tenderly, kiss me sweetly.

Come to me, little bunny, we’ll drink tea with you

Buns with jam or butter - take your pick

But why lie and hide behind an excuse?

I say directly - Come! I want to make love)

If you don’t have a personal life, then stop being decent.

  • I’m watching a movie, There are heroes in bed: Pillows, feather beds, And sighs, hugs. And somehow my body becomes sad, And I would like to do the same with you.

    Dirty questions for a guy

    Girls will agree that communicating with guys often requires attentiveness, patience and self-control. And guys don’t characterize “female logic” very positively with suspiciousness and emotionality. The fact is that physiological characteristics representatives of both sexes are different, which explains the difference in worldview. Take the human eye. A woman is able to distinguish up to 3 thousand shades of colors and does not suffer from color blindness; red for a man remains red (and not pink or burgundy). This applies to hearing, attentiveness, and thinking.

    Guys think practically and share emotions, relationships and information. And the girl is able to generalize these areas. Women's manner of communicating with hints and subtexts is alien to men. In a dialogue with a guy, it is better to adhere to maximum simplicity, transparency and straightforwardness.

    List of dirty questions for guys

    When asking vulgar and personal questions to a guy with a trick, consider the degree of intimacy and emancipation, and what nuances interest you.

  • Does he have sexual experience? Men talk about this topic with pleasure and passion. The number of girls is directly proportional to a man's pride. The larger the number, the higher he is in his eyes. Dreamers are easily identified by their overly vivid stories.
  • What size is his dignity? You can’t speed up much here, but suddenly he’ll check. But throwing on a centimeter or two is not prohibited.
  • Questions about hygiene: He often changes his underwear or bathes. Many Don Juans are not scrupulous about this, and who will admit it?
  • Does he shave his pubic area? It depends on the regularity of sex. Or preference for naturalness.
  • Does he watch explicit films between men and women and how often? There are more lovers of self-satisfaction and explicit cinema than it seems. But only an honest and frank guy admits to addiction.
  • He would have engaged in intimate threesome relationships. Certainly! He's a polygamous male!
  • If the topic of intimacy is open, then it is permissible to ask in a varied and inventive way: in what positions, how many times, mature or young, etc.

    What kind of vulgar question can you ask a guy, and which one can’t?

    Representatives of the stronger sex are vulnerable when it comes to sex. When asking guys provocative questions of a vulgar nature, think about whether curiosity will harm self-esteem and whether the value of the information received justifies the loss of goodwill, sympathy and budding relationships.

    1. A man must be sure that he is in control. Confused and not understanding what is happening, the guy loses part of his masculine essence and feels discomfort. Don't shake your faith in your abilities.
    2. Everything related to “manhood,” a source of pride that gives a guy confidence, should not be affected by questions like: “Why small?”
    3. It’s better not to ask about incompetence in bed - you’ll undermine faith in your own capabilities. Moreover, he can go looking for someone who likes it.
    4. Questions “How many women have you had?” or “How is she in bed?” boring and uninteresting. Would you like to tell details of your personal life from the past?
    5. The main thing is that he feels complete and omnipotent. You can ask about intimate preferences and hobbies, sexual stimulants, erotic fantasies, intimate toys. About everything that can help to get to know each other better and will not harm the relationship.

      Dirty questions for a guy on VKontakte when correspondence

      With on-line correspondence, there is undoubtedly a feeling of greater liberation, openness and simplicity than with face-to-face communication. Tricky questions on different topics easier to ask. Can be found interesting guy VKontakte and bring them into a conversation of a vulgar nature, if you don’t dare do it one-on-one. You should ask any questions that interest you. The percentage of reliability of answers increases, the space relaxes, gives confidence and courage. It is better to take into account the fact that if you ask incorrect questions, you can also hear unpleasant, repulsive answers.

      What to ask a guy in a dirty way, with a trick, in order to get to know him better?

      All people, including men, carefully hide some aspects of life and do not discuss them. If you want to know something delicate, you need to ask the right questions. What a guy answers doesn’t always match his thoughts and reality. The answer will be veiled, and the information will be easier to recognize by excuses. Ask tricky questions, and the faster you get an answer, the more truthful the information is. And the longer you think about it, the greater the likelihood of hearing not the truth, but what sounds better.

      A simple example: “How many times have you cheated?” There was a hesitation (he was selecting an answer), and he said “Not a single one” - he was lying.

      Honesty and frankness in answers is an indicator of attitude towards the girl and decency. Mutual sincerity and goodwill can help build relationships and increase the degree of trust between partners.

      How to punish a guy lovingly?

      A lot can happen between two people: the guy can be wrong, and the girl can be wrong. All this makes the relationship more strained. Eventually there will probably be an explosion. Need to do something.

      There are several questions here and probably several answers. To begin with, it would be worth answering honestly: did the guy really offend you? Or maybe you were offended yourself?

      If there was still an offense (the guy deceived, was rude, did not fulfill a promise, etc.), then it is worth taking a closer look to see if he realizes this. Maybe he thinks “these are the rules of the game,” as the song says. There are a lot of books of little value where guys are told tales about girls, and guys read, believe and act on the advice of would-be authors.

      If a guy realizes his guilt, then he shouldn’t be punished; everyone has the right to make a mistake.

      How can you punish a guy lovingly if he offended a girl and doesn’t realize it?

    6. It would be best to make it clear that this is not the way to do things. Simulate a mirror situation, but remember: guys perceive many things more painfully than girls, and many - on the contrary. If the guy himself went to a friend’s birthday party, and didn’t even warn the girl, then she needs to go somewhere without him. And also not to warn. And when he is indignant, act surprised: “Are you offended? But why. After all, you yourself always do this!” Just don’t say vindictively: “Aha! Now you understand how I feel. »
    7. Often girls choose jealousy as a weapon of revenge and provoke their loved one to become jealous. The main thing here is not to overdo it and arrange everything subtly, without vulgarity about open flirting with another.
    8. Men do not want to see an unhappy woman near them, so the image of a victim (apathy, eyes full of melancholy and resentment, etc.), tried on for a short time, can help the culprit admit his mistake and cause pangs of conscience in him.
    9. If the advice above did not help, then a good way to take revenge on a guy for an offense would be to completely ignore him. Don't answer the phone, don't answer messages, don't make contact at all. But at the same time, be in public more often and no matter how bad your soul is, pretend to be a woman beaming with happiness.
    10. Well, where can we go without the most common way of manipulating men? Tears, abundant and frequent, crying bitterly will not leave the offender indifferent. And even if it is not the understanding of his offense, then simply the desire not to see the girl’s sobs (which is not easy to withstand), will force the young man to return to his beloved’s favor by any means.
    11. What if he offended intentionally? This means that the girl is not very dear to him, and instead of thinking about how to punish the guy he loves, it’s better to think about whether to break up with him before he ruins his life?

      15 effective ways to punish a man

      Revenge is not a very noble activity, but sometimes a person must receive at least a small punishment for his behavior in order to correct it or at least think about it. If your loved one is okay with humor, you can sometimes practice the following tips:

      1. If your man constantly throws things around, “forget” your underwear, a set of cosmetics and a bath towel on his desk after taking a shower.
      2. If your loved one cannot tear himself away from the TV screen, at this time you may “suddenly” be inflamed with a passion for a vacuum cleaner, hair dryer or other household appliance that provides loud sound.
      3. If your betrothed prefers computer games to intimate conversations, you may prefer pleasant chatting to cooking dinner.
      4. If your loved one forgets the most important dates, on such days you can set his alarm clock for 6 am: perhaps he will begin to struggle with his forgetfulness.
      5. If your beloved stares at your friends, you can praise his physique close friend or speculate about the high mental abilities of his successful colleague.
      6. If your man can't live without fishing, you'll always have an excuse to go on a fun bachelorette party!
      7. If your significant other thinks that you spend a lot on yourself, buy him an expensive pedicure set with his own money and prove that you can spend money on him too.
      8. If your loved one thinks that you talk a lot with your girlfriends, assign their role in your life to him.
      9. If your man makes fun of you for being childish, give him a toy remote control helicopter...
      10. If your lover starts coming home from work later, try leaving the house after he arrives for several days in a row.
      11. If your man views intimacy as a way to relieve stress after a hard day, for which he needs exactly a few minutes, offer him undercooked borscht or half-raw meat cutlets for lunch.
      12. If your loved one began to carefully hide his phone number from you, pages in in social networks and change passwords, change the lock on the front door.
      13. If your betrothed is not satisfied with your culinary skills, take him to the most expensive restaurant and order dishes that are marked with impressive numbers on the menu.
      14. If your loved one completely ignores romance, spend all the money from your joint budget on luxurious roses and expensive wine for dinner: ignore common sense!
      15. If your man mocks your addiction to love melodramas and television series, start watching documentaries in his presence about the life of African tribes or programs about modern trends in painting.

      But everything is good in moderation, so you shouldn’t get used to it and revel in new ideas of revenge: it can become a habit. And before you move on to such pranks, talk to your loved one directly at least one more time.

      What kind of wish can you make for a guy: tips to help confused girls

      Young people have fun in different ways, inventing more and more new fun. A very interesting game is when teenagers make various tasks and wishes for each other, trying to come up with something unusual and original.

      The actual question of what kind of wish can be made for a guy may be at the moment when a couple meets, and the man wants to please his girlfriend on a holiday, giving her the opportunity to make any of her wishes. What can a girl come up with in such a situation? One thing is clear: you should not test your boyfriend and wish him something impossible. If you want to receive some special gift, you should correctly calculate the guy’s material resources so as not to confuse him.

      But the most interesting may be the reasoning about what kind of wish you can make to a guy on a bet when he has lost. Here you need to use your imagination and not limit its flight.

      When choosing what kind of wish you can make for a guy, it is worth considering an option that concerns the sphere of relationships with a young man. If a couple is dating, you can ask the guy for a foot massage, a dance in a thong (very interesting), or an erotic massage. You can ask your man to fulfill some erotic fantasy. It all depends on how close the couple is and whether they can afford such close contact.

      If the couple is not dating yet, and the girl likes the young man who lost the argument, you can ask him to go to the cinema, to the skating rink, or to eat ice cream together. Theoretically, this will not be a date, but already in an hour of such time together you can get close enough, learn something new about each other and, perhaps, even start a relationship.

      What wish can you make for a guy if he is just a friend? There can also be a lot of options here. You can make him take a swim in the local fountain, shout something stupid throughout the street, order him to build a huge snowman out of snow or a mermaid out of sand. You can also test his creative talents and ask him to sing a song out loud or dance some unusual dance. Another option is to paint the guy’s toenails with multi-colored polish and force him not to wash it off for a couple of days; you can also give the young man makeup and ask him to walk down the street like that.

      Couple relationship

      If the couple has been dating for some time, there are also options for what kind of wish you can make for the guy. You can ask him to spend the whole weekend together, without getting out of bed, watching movies and eating popcorn, you can drag him into the cinema to watch your favorite romantic melodrama and make him sit through everything until the end. And if a young man who has a stable financial income loses, you can beg him for a romantic weekend trip, dinner in a good restaurant or a flight to hot-air balloon. There are still a huge number of ideas regarding what kind of wishes you can make, you just need to turn on your imagination and figure out what you really want to get from the losing young man.

      What wish can you make for a guy?

      A game of desire, one of the favorite pastimes of young people. Over the years, it has not lost its relevance, and even our grandmothers can boast that they once gave some orders to their male friends. But on the other hand, the question of what desires a guy can come up with has also not lost its relevance. And many girls, having agreed to such a game, begin to puzzle over how to puzzle their friend. Let’s try to think about this topic and come up with what to wish for a guy, depending on our plans for this person.

      The guy bet his wish - what should he make?

      Let's start with the fact that since the girl agreed to play at will, it means that she still has certain expectations from the young man. This is female nature - we will not communicate with those who are not interesting to us. This means that the very reason to make a wish for a guy should be beneficial for us. On the other hand, desire can become a great occasion take revenge on someone you don't really like. Simply put, there are a great many options and situations. Therefore, a list of specific wishes for a guy should be made depending on your attitude towards him and your intentions. Let's try to figure them out.

      1. If you like a guy and you wouldn’t mind continuing closer communication with him, your wish options could be the following:

    12. ask him to write you a letter on his own behalf on the entire A4 sheet. This will let you know what your chances are of being in a relationship with this guy and how he feels about you. Even if your relationship does not work out in the future, you will have a wonderful memory of this moment;
    13. let him ask you out on a date. This might be a good step to get you closer;
    14. ask him to kiss you. This option is for those who really can’t stand it;
    15. ask for a gift for yourself with all your heart. Same good way check how he treats you.
    16. 2. What can you wish for a guy who is a close friend of yours?

    • you can save your desire until you need this person’s help (for example, to take you if you are late or to help you out in a difficult situation);
    • if you like one of your mutual acquaintances, wish that the friend who lost the argument would talk to this acquaintance about you, or invite him to take a walk with you;
    • if you don’t have a significant other, ask the bettor to introduce you to someone;
    • you can come up with a comic wish that is warm and friendly. For example, make you eat a lemon without sugar, confess your love to a local old lady, sing some pop song in the middle of the square, or go to the store in your underwear;
    • Another option that concerns friends is the desire for the bettor to surprise you with something. Sometimes this works well, given that the friend knows you well.

    3. What wish should you make for the guy your friend likes? In this case, thoughts should go in only one direction. For example:

  • agree to go for a walk with this friend;
  • if a friend is sitting next to you or such a moment is expected, this guy should kiss her on a dare, or spend time with her. Perhaps something will come of this.
  • 4. There are often situations when a bet is lost by an unfamiliar person who is indifferent to you, or you simply don’t know him well. What wish can you make for such a guy?

  • ask him to write or talk about himself;
  • You don’t have to worry about it and just wish him to give you a pleasant surprise. In the end, you have nothing to lose;
  • Another great option is mocking desire. Like crowing from a balcony, swimming in a local fountain, walking down the street in women's dress and so on.
  • When thinking about what wish to make for a guy, try to proceed from your own interests. Perhaps you have a secret urge that you have been hiding from this person for so long. In this case, desire is almost your only chance to correct the situation. And remember, what you wish for should not be humiliating for a person. No matter how you feel about it, such games and any disputes are usually of a comic nature and do not lead to anything special. If your desire is not an attempt to get closer to a young man, transfer it to the category of original jokes. And let your imagination help you!

    The guy's punishment is vulgar

    A book about the imperial fleet in Russia before the revolution. Lush descriptions, beautiful style.

    Viper, tick, vole, lizard and a bunch of flying insects

    Em. Well, yes. I was so interested in this world that I once started clipping something on it.

    To a greater extent, it is needed in order to somehow promote your fanfic related to “Prince.”

    O:-)- https://avatanplus.- - com/list/stickers

    investments from 10 rubles + bonus codes: -O- :-O- :-O-

    give me some music so I can write a book:3

    Let's go to the stingy..) (or in PM for the last minute)

    ps, wish Good night, Please. Nowadays I'm alone at home, there's no one to wish...

    thank you for adding me to the list again without my knowledge, I appreciate every monetary contribution you make

    which underwater rocks when living in your own apartment? Well, the place for trash is in the trash heap And you have to pay for it.

    I want to listen to someone

    the tremblin fear is more than i can take when im up against the echo in the mirror

    - - “Shchedryk” is a Ukrainian Christmas folk song that has gained worldwide popularity in the musical arrangement of Nikolai Leontovych. On English language known by the name.

    Start something. It’s so simple, sit on an oak tree, greedily inhaling its sweet smell, fight off insects, listen to birds, see off the sun, whistle on a whistle (well, I can afford to finish playing mine.

    If the guy himself went to a friend’s birthday party, and didn’t even warn the girl, then she needs to go somewhere without him. And also not to warn. If the advice above did not help, then a good way to take revenge on a guy for an offense would be to completely ignore him. Don't answer the phone, don't answer messages, don't make contact at all. And even if it is not the understanding of his offense, then simply the desire not to see the girl’s sobs (which is not easy to withstand), will force the young man to return to his beloved’s favor by any means. To become the best lover for your man, you just need to love him and try to make him feel good.

    It's best not to ask why she didn't respond to your message (at least until you can claim she's your girlfriend). I even know several examples where a guy always punished a girl for something like that, and then ignored the disrespectful conversation. You ask these questions for a reason. You should either get an apology from her or just see by her facial expression that she has realized her mistakes. If the argument is completely simple, then just joke with the girl and don’t try to punish. After this, she is unlikely to repeat her mistake, or at least try to understand what she did wrong. Especially when you are trying to punish them. Did you lose it or what? Take this scum and throw it away! A woman can be forgiven for everything, but not for betrayal. Getting hooked on good attitude, a smart girl is afraid to lose this guy.

    How to punish a loved one?

    Our support cannot catch this problem in any way, so it would be great if everyone who experiences this problem would write in this thread the error they encountered and the time when it happened. Example? Well, the simplest thing is that my MCH somehow re-educated me “using the Lancer method” for my offense. Is it possible to come up with something similar, but a little more interesting and frank? P.S. Once again I ask all those who use insults and educational conversations as re-education - do not write here. Eh! Actually, I came myself to give me ideas, to suggest more options, and you…. Or are pickup artists having trouble with creativity? 4) sex with a blindfold (especially if the girl does not know where she is, where she was taken, and what they will do with her... a crazy feeling - a mixture of simultaneous fear and burning excitement. You cannot forgive a person just because it is not for you - pick-up artist.

    If a person betrayed you, no one can give you a guarantee that this will not happen again. Even if you love very much, “quiet aggression” may lurk in your soul, which will make itself felt at the most inopportune moment. Think hundreds of times whether it is worth forgiving a person for such a low and offensive act towards you. Sincerely loving man doesn’t want to see anyone next to him except his woman. Leaving a person in the dark is the best and noblest revenge, which hits much more painfully than another scandal. A woman who punishes her man with a calm departure also punishes him with the realization that he was nothing valuable to her. Even if he does not have high feelings for you, your cold-blooded departure will greatly touch his masculine pride.

    There is a way, or rather a sequence of actions, that will allow you to punish a girl with the most powerful effect for her. This will make her think seriously, realize that she did something unacceptable. Thus, they may implicitly make it clear that punishment can provoke separation. Also, women often try to expose an attempt at punishment as selfishness on the part of a man. This is how a girl behaves if she doesn't like you. This means you need to act more radically than copy her behavior, otherwise, when copying, YOU may never get along with this person. I spent the first date according to your course and according to your advice - damn, the girl herself began to seduce me!!!

    If your loved one forgets the most important dates, on such days you can set his alarm clock for 6 am: perhaps he will begin to struggle with his forgetfulness. If your beloved is staring at your girlfriends, you can praise the physique of his close friend or speculate about the high mental abilities of his successful colleague. But everything is good in moderation, so you shouldn’t get used to it and revel in new ideas of revenge: it can become a habit.