Jokes for friends choose a color. Color test. What girls love purple? The character of a woman by color

What do you need now? Choose a color and find out! Choose a blot in the picture and find out what exactly you are missing in life. Do not think for a long time, choose exactly the color that you liked in this moment. Have you chosen? Now read what it means:

1. Blue

You are now in a state of uncertainty. You need to set yourself a goal that you will long and hard achieve. It should be such that you can implement it. The process of achieving the goal will distract you from unnecessary thoughts, captivate and take some time.

2. White

You are full of strength and energy. You want to help others and be useful to society. Doing good is always nice, and there are always people who need help. Use your strength and energy for good.

3. Beige

You need care and home comfort. Make a bath with aromatic oils, turn on relaxing music and relax. To cheer up, watch a funny movie and cook your favorite dish. Enjoy and pamper yourself.

4. Red

You have accumulated a lot of aggression and negative energy. You need to urgently get rid of it and “let off steam”. Active sports or physical labor will help a lot with this.

5. Yellow

You feel lonely and need companionship. The routine dragged you down and you haven't met your friends for a long time. Invite them over. Gatherings and conversations will help you find peace of mind.

6. Green

You want changes and updates. You think that everything is too stagnant and you need changes. Try not to change anything drastically. Don't quit your job or end a relationship. Perhaps a simple change in hairstyle or image will be enough to get your life back on track.

7. Pink

You are tired of gray everyday life, and you want some changes. Take a vacation or a few days off and do what you have long wanted to do, but put off. Spend this time carefree and with pleasure. You need an emotional reset.

8. Orange

You lack attention. Entertainment in a big and noisy company - that's what you need now. Do beautiful hairstyle, put on your favorite outfit or create an outrageous look, and go to the party. There you will definitely not be left without attention, and maybe even find yourself in the very center!

9. Black

You are now in a state of deep fatigue. You need to have a good rest, sleep and isolate yourself from unnecessary information. If you do not restore strength, then this can lead to depression. Peace and sleep is what will save you from the current state.

10. Purple

You are tired of the opinions of others and constant communication with people. You need a breather. Be alone for a while and enjoy the silence. You depend on other people's opinions, so you need to learn not to pay attention to what other people say and think about you.

11. Raspberry

You want to fall in love. You are open to new relationships or ready for bright splashes in old ones. Try to direct your impulsiveness in the right direction. Perhaps right now you should have a pet that will love you endlessly and always wait at home. And you, in turn, give him your love and attention.

12. Gray

You are tired of the constant ups and downs. Right now you need a normal and peaceful life. Try to organize your life and plan your days. Keeping a strict schedule will help you normalize your life rhythm.

13. Blue

You are faced with a choice. You feel like you are not going there. Stop and look around. Weigh everything and think carefully about where you want to go next. The state of uncertainty is not always bad. Sometimes you need it to pause, rest and keep moving towards your goal.

14. Light green

You feel that your life has become insipid. You need a change of scenery or refresh your senses. In this situation, an interesting trip or an unusual activity for you will help: paintball, horseback riding, parachuting.

15. Brown

You are in a state of uncertainty. Right now you need support and support. Show your loved ones that you need them, and they will definitely help you. Try to start exploring a new field of activity. This will help you take your mind off the dreary mood.

Now you know what you need. This test shows what exactly you lack in life at the moment. Perhaps in a week or a month you would prefer a completely different blot, but now you need what the test showed!

Test results

You choosed Red color. This characterizes you as a passionate, ardent, energetic and strong nature. It is the color of majesty and leadership. One of the oldest associations associated with red is blood - the original, life-giving substance that is associated with birth, life energy, activity, creativity and strength. Decisiveness is inherent in you when placing in Komsomolskaya Pravda projects related to a non-standard approach.

The most favorable combination with colors: blue, white, orange.

You choosed Blue color. This characterizes you as a kind, constant, chaste, honest person, carrying good fame and fidelity. "Blue blood" speaks of a noble origin. It is the color of constancy and truth. This is the color of the sky. The blue color symbolizes the universe. Dark- Blue colour symbolizes the mind. This is the color of the dream of limitless possibilities. Very often, blue is used to protect against the forces of evil.

The most favorable combination with colors: white, red, orange.

For business success, it is recommended: to pay close attention to the quality of growth, focus and commitment to achieving the set results. Your advertising campaigns are always detailed. The quality is already at a very high level. Now it's time for growth. Especially for you, Komsomolskaya Pravda is published 5 times a week.

You choosed Orange color. This characterizes you as a sociable, cheerful, energetic person. The meaning of orange is inextricably linked to the feeling of radiant energy, warmth and the radiant presence of the setting sun. Combining red and yellow, orange carries the characteristics of both. Cold shades of orange simply do not exist. Everything connected with it becomes radiant and hot. It is the hottest of all colors in the spectrum. It is even hotter than red, because it takes its heat from two powerful sources at once - from red and yellow.

The most favorable combination with colors: red, blue, white.

For success in business, it is recommended: to succumb to feelings and positive emotions that favorably coexist with the leading features of your character. Always be in sight, because the attention of others will fill you with even greater strength. Special attention should be given to projects related to the Internet and the TV program, as the most dynamically developing in our time.

You choosed White color. This characterizes you as a pure person, with a spotless reputation, innocent, virtuous and joyful. It is associated with daylight and also with the productive force. Whiteness is associated with the idea of ​​the obvious, generally accepted, legal, true.

The most favorable combination with colors: blue, orange, red.

For success in business, it is recommended: To be as close as possible to those who occupy a leading position, who are bold and bright, because the ancient roots of this word mean "shine", "shine". This is exactly what is needed for complete success at the present time.

Any project of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper carefully protects your reputation, cares about the true brilliance of your awards and victories.

Each of us has our own preferences in terms of colors. If you have been buying things of the same color lately, you should think about it. Your favorite color will tell you everything about your character.

So, choose your favorite from the listed colors.

  1. Black
  2. White
  3. Grey
  4. Red
  5. Brown
  6. Orange
  7. Yellow
  8. Blue
  9. Blue
  10. Violet
  11. Green
  12. light green

Now let's find out what that means.

White color

If you choose White color, then you are a dreamy person. This color is associated with the beginning of a new stage in life. A person intuitively chooses this color at that moment in his life when he decides to start his life in a new way.

Black color

On the one hand, it is the color of denial and self-doubt. On the other hand, it is chosen by purposeful individuals who do not want to let strangers into their world.

Grey colour

Gray is preferred by those who want to remain in the shadows. These people do not want to be visible, they like to watch everything that happens from the side.

Red color

Red is the color vital energy, sexuality and passion. People who prefer this color are strong-willed and bright personalities who like to stand out from the crowd.

Brown color

This color is preferred by those people who honor family traditions. On the other hand, this color can be seen as selfishness and secrecy.

Orange color

This color is chosen by optimists and cheerful people. These people have a well-developed intuition. Such individuals know how to get a real buzz from life.


Yellow color is preferred by bold and adventurous people. You love communication and are ready to make contact with everyone. There is an opinion that yellow love dreamy people.

Blue color

Blue color is chosen by calm and fair individuals.


This color is relaxing and soothing. He is chosen by light and airy natures who know how to smooth out any conflict situations.


This color is chosen by spiritual people. If this color begins to predominate in a person’s life, then he needs support.

Green color

Green is the color of rebirth and life. If you choose him, you want to help people and are ready to make sacrifices.

light green color

Light green color is preferred by individuals who want to live at the expense of others.


In this interesting test, we offer you to answer just 10 simple questions.

All questions are related to colors and shades.

We will try to guess your character based on your answers, as well as list your strengths and weaknesses.

You are ready?

Let's start!

The effect of color on our emotions

We all know that the perception of color is individual. But despite this, psychologists were able to identify colors that can greatly influence people's emotions.

Here is a palette of colors, thanks to which you can identify those shades that most strongly affect the human psyche.

This palette has one dominant and several additional colors.

It is worth noting that the main colors cannot be excluded according to a simple principle: Red symbolizes aggression, which means it is excluded, and green is able to calm the human nervous system, which means it needs to be turned on.

Each color in the palette has shades that can affect a person in different ways, causing different emotions and moods.

Do not be surprised by the name of the flowers. If you are familiar with drawing, then these names will not seem new and strange to you. Here we will look at the palette of red and blue colors.

Kraplak red- is loud and defiant.

Cinnabar- the shade is spicy, like a Mexican sauce.

Brick is an earthy, friendly, and also robust shade.

Whitewashed brick- a friendly shade that does not cause a feeling of tension.

carrot is a shade of joy and good nature, as well as the color of femininity.

Pink is a cheerful color often seen in the food industry.

Highlighted pink- children's shade, gentle, often used for the background.

burgundy- a rather heavy shade that evokes a feeling of magnetism.

Wine- a shade that presses, a feeling of heaviness is caused; is also a shade of obscurity and unreliability.

Violet- this shade is capable of oppressing. Since it is transitional from red to blue, there is a trace of sadness in its former strength in it.

blue local– able to calm and even lower blood pressure. However, if you look at this color for a long time, it can cause a feeling of depression. It can also lower a person's emotional level.

Cobalt- lively shade, more related to sports.

Aquamarine– able to reduce muscle tension and breathing rhythm. It can also play the role of an antipyretic, since in humans it is associated with water and the sky (coolness and tranquility).

Grey-blue- a shade of winter that does not cause special emotions.

Grey-green- used as a background shade that does not evoke emotions.

Emerald- a strange, but piercing shade that can be perceived different people completely different.

Herbal- the color of something new, the color of life and nature.

As you can see, different shades of the same color can evoke a variety of emotions, which is why they are studied by psychologists and marketers. This list can be continued for a very long time, but we will stop there.

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Scheme No. 1. Complementary combination

Complementary, or additional, contrasting, are colors that are located on opposite sides of the Itten color wheel. Their combination looks very lively and energetic, especially with maximum color saturation.

Scheme number 2. Triad - a combination of 3 colors

The combination of 3 colors lying at the same distance from each other. Provides high contrast while maintaining harmony. Such a composition looks quite lively even when using pale and desaturated colors.

Scheme No. 3. A similar combination

A combination of 2 to 5 colors located next to each other on the color wheel (ideally 2-3 colors). Impression: calm, relaxing. An example of a combination of similar muted colors: yellow-orange, yellow, yellow-green, green, blue-green.

Scheme No. 4. Separate-complementary combination

A variant of a complementary combination of colors, only instead of the opposite color, the colors adjacent to it are used. The combination of the main color and two additional. This scheme looks almost as contrasting, but not so tense. If you are not sure that you can use complementary combinations correctly, use separate-complementary ones.

Scheme number 5. Tetrad - a combination of 4 colors

A color scheme where one color is the main one, two are complementary, and another highlights the accents. Example: blue-green, blue-violet, red-orange, yellow-orange.

Scheme number 6. Square

Combinations of individual colors

  • White: goes with everything. The best combination with blue, red and black.
  • Beige: with blue, brown, emerald, black, red, white.
  • Gray: with fuchsia, red, purple, pink, blue.
  • Pink: with brown, white, mint green, olive, gray, turquoise, baby blue.
  • Fuchsia (dark pink): with gray, tan, lime, mint green, brown.
  • Red: with yellow, white, brown, green, blue and black.
  • Tomato red: blue, mint green, sandy, creamy white, gray.
  • Cherry red: azure, gray, light orange, sandy, pale yellow, beige.
  • Raspberry red: white, black, damask rose.
  • Brown: bright blue, cream, pink, fawn, green, beige.
  • Light brown: pale yellow, creamy white, blue, green, purple, red.
  • Dark brown: lemon yellow, sky blue, mint green, purplish pink, lime.
  • Reddish brown: pink, dark brown, blue, green, purple.
  • Orange: blue, blue, purple, purple, white, black.
  • Light orange: gray, brown, olive.
  • Dark orange: pale yellow, olive, brown, cherry.
  • Yellow: blue, mauve, light blue, purple, grey, black.
  • Lemon yellow: cherry red, brown, blue, grey.
  • Pale yellow: fuchsia, gray, brown, shades of red, tan, blue, purple.
  • Golden yellow: gray, brown, azure, red, black.
  • Olive: orange, light brown, brown.
  • Green: golden brown, orange, lettuce, yellow, brown, grey, cream, black, creamy white.
  • Salad color: brown, yellowish brown, fawn, gray, dark blue, red, gray.
  • Turquoise: fuchsia, cherry red, yellow, brown, cream, dark purple.
  • Electrician is beautiful in combination with golden yellow, brown, light brown, gray or silver.
  • Blue: red, grey, brown, orange, pink, white, yellow.
  • Dark blue: light purple, sky blue, yellowish green, brown, gray, pale yellow, orange, green, red, white.
  • Lilac: orange, pink, dark purple, olive, grey, yellow, white.
  • Dark purple: golden brown, pale yellow, gray, turquoise, mint green, light orange.
  • Black is versatile, elegant, looks in all combinations, best with orange, pink, salad, white, red, lilac or yellow.