Program for a bachelorette party in nature. Bachelorette party competitions. Game "Affectionate Nickname"

Every bride thinks through not only her wedding, but also her bachelorette party. Of course - this is the last breath of bachelor life, which must be remembered forever.

Bachelorette party - traditions of different countries

Each culture has its own ideas for a bachelorette party, which remain unchanged over time: for some it is a fun party, for others it is a religious ceremony. One way or another, each country has its own customs:

  • In Rus', bachelorette parties were completely different from today: instead of a noisy and joyful farewell to single life, the bride and her friends began to sing sad songs and burst into bitter tears. And the more of the latter, the happier the future marriage was considered. This ritual took place in a bathhouse. The newlywed also treated her girlfriends to mash and pies so that they would not be jealous or angry with her.
  • The American vision of a bachelorette party is crazy and noisy parties, accompanied by daring outfits, bars, discos and strippers. It is this version of the celebration that is most widespread throughout the world today.
  • In Israel, future spouses say goodbye to a free life together - both the groom and the bride, and this ritual is called “Jewish china”. Friends and relatives accompany them on this holiday, that is, it turns out to be a kind of rehearsal for the wedding itself.
  • On the eve of the wedding, Muslim women gather in the women's part of the house and have a celebration there: they sing songs, eat sweets, and the culmination of the evening is painting the body with henna. The bride's hands and feet are covered with various patterns.

Whatever ideas for a bachelorette party before the wedding are chosen, the main thing is to organize this event correctly.

Organizational aspects

Usually, all problems associated with organizing and holding a bachelorette party are resolved by the bridesmaid. And so that everything goes according to plan and no incidents arise, it is worth considering the following points:

  • A few weeks before the planned event, you need to write down the names and phone numbers of all participants. Perhaps some of them will also want to participate in the preparation.
  • Make a plan: where and when the bachelorette party will take place. At this stage, you need to take into account the tastes and preferences of the bride (music, dishes, colors, entertainment, etc.) in order to please her.
  • Having chosen what style the party will be held in, you need to notify the participants about the dress code so that, for example, one of your friends does not come to the sauna in an evening dress.
  • Prepare gifts for the bride and for competitions. For example, these could be nail polishes, samples of perfumes and cosmetics, and sweets.
  • Having selected ideas for a bachelorette party, you need to agree on what the treat will be. If the party will be held at home or outdoors, this point should be given special attention.

Selecting a menu

Sometimes brides try to prepare their bachelorette party on their own, especially when it comes to cooking. But if you don’t calculate your capabilities, your cheerful and festive-minded friends will be met by a bride collapsing from fatigue. That’s why you should follow a few rules to feel cheerful and have fun until you drop:

  1. The easiest option is to order the main dishes a few hours before the celebration. Pizza, sushi, sandwiches and canapés - light treats that everyone will enjoy.
  2. You should not organize a “belly festival” and load the table with heavy hot dishes, otherwise a festive evening with cheerful communication will turn into sleepy gatherings over food.
  3. Desserts are the best thing at a bachelorette party: cakes and pastries in unusual, sometimes even savory forms harmoniously complement such a delicious event. Such a miracle can be baked not only in a pastry shop; you can try to make it yourself.
  4. The main part of the table is drinks: water, juices, soft and alcoholic drinks. Most of all, girls love various cocktails, so this is an ideal option for a bachelorette party. Moreover, preparing them is not so difficult.

Celebrating at home

For an unforgettable holiday, you should choose a place and ideas for a bachelorette party. At home is the best option because it will be easy to decorate the room, prepare snacks and, if necessary, accommodate overnight guests. Most often, pajama parties are held at home: lots of sweets, favorite movies, fortune telling and relaxed communication - everything you need for have a great holiday on the eve of the wedding.


Those who love the outdoors will love a bachelorette party in nature. Ideas for the holiday should be chosen on the basis that not all of the invited girls will like to walk up the mountain for half a day, pitch a tent and feed mosquitoes.

Therefore, a simpler option is suitable - in the park, or even better - in the country. The main advantage is that there will be more space here than at home, so it will be possible to hold not only competitions, but also outdoor games.

You definitely need to take care of the place where you will sit: it can be an ordinary folding table or a lot of spread blankets so that you can lie down and relax a little. The only drawback is that your holiday can hardly be considered valid if the weather turns bad. Therefore, for insurance, think over a retreat plan where you can go in the event of natural disasters.

In sauna

A few words about how to spend a bachelorette party in a sauna. Ideas in this case can be very diverse: from a noisy party in swimsuits to a relaxing spa in terry robes. The main rule is not to lean heavily on alcohol.


In the city

You can have a cool bachelorette party right on the streets of the city. Putting on bright suits with funny inscriptions, go for a walk and take pictures wherever your feet can reach: monuments, parks, embankments and squares - let the whole city know about your upcoming wedding. It must be taken into account that in in public places You can’t drink, so think about which cafe you can stop at along the way to relax, have a snack and celebrate.

In club

Those who love grandiose parties are unlikely to like the previous ideas for a bachelorette party. There is only one option - to go to night club: loud music, alcohol and fun - all in the best traditions of the American bachelorette party. The main thing is not to forget to make your company stand out from the crowd with bright and outrageous outfits, so as not to lose each other later. The main disadvantage is that such a bachelorette party will require a lot of money: separate areas are not cheap, and often in clubs prices for drinks and food are 2 times more expensive.

What color will the bachelorette party be?

If you don’t want to pick any stylistic ideas for a bachelorette party, then it’s enough to add color to your holiday. Can be issued in the chosen color scheme the room where the celebration will take place, or the outfits of the participants. The main advantage is that all the photos will turn out to be very original, and if you decide to go to a crowded place (for example, a club), you definitely won’t lose each other in the crowd. The most common colors used for bachelorette parties are:

Competitions, or How not to get bored

What should accompany a good bachelorette party? Ideas, competitions and fun that should not let everyone get bored.

  1. A letter to the future is an unusual way to leave a memory of this day. To do this, you only need the Internet - on special websites, each participant writes wishes to herself or the bride, which she will receive, for example, in 5 years.
  2. Kissing a man on the lips seems like nothing complicated. But if it is drawn, and you have a blindfold on your eyes, it turns out very fun and funny.
  3. "Chicken" is a simple and fun competition. All participants are given a piece of paper and a pen: they need to write the word chicken with their foot. Whoever is first wins.
  4. Farewell to a “free” life will be symbolic if you launch lanterns into the sky. Or float a woven wreath of flowers down the river.
  5. "I never" - very fun competition. Everyone takes turns saying one fact from their own life, for example: “I have never eaten foie gras.” Then everyone who has eaten must drink. This is repeated with everyone in a circle, but at the same time you need to tell the truth and you cannot not drink. In fact, no one wins such a competition, but it is a great way to relax and defuse the situation.
  6. "Crocodile" is a game that will be appropriate for any holiday. A leader is selected, and the rest are divided into two teams. One person from the group comes out and in 1 minute tries to portray what the presenter wished for him, and the team guesses. The riddle options can be the most incredible - a book, a table, a cat, and so on. The group that solves the most puzzles wins.

The coolest bachelorette party is the one that the bride had nothing to do with the organization. Therefore, her friends will give her a great gift if they arrange an unforgettable celebration on the eve of the wedding.

Dear my readers!

The site provides only informational information for creating an original and beautiful wedding celebration. I'm not selling anything ;)

Where to buy? You can find and purchase the celebration accessories described in the articles at Special online stores where is delivery throughout Russia

Sets, games for hen party

Prepare 2 certificates in advance:

To marital status suitable
To marital status not suitable
The decision is made by the bridesmaids based on the results of a general vote after the bride has passed the tests.

Read more about the bachelorette party before the wedding and options for holding it in the articles:

If the bride has the smallest number of entries, the task will not be completed.

2. If your husband...

  • pouch;
  • funny entries.

Comic competition. A test is carried out to determine the bride's readiness to accept her husband's negative character traits. The bridesmaids prepare comic notes in advance on pieces of paper, put them in a bag, the bride must draw out 10 pieces and answer:
Will the bride be ready for her husband to be there after the wedding?
  • NERD

3. How well the bride knows the groom

  • pieces of paper;
  • pen;
  • groom's answers.

The bridesmaids ask the groom in advance about different topics(in the form of a quick survey) and prepare questions for the bride.
The bride answers and the girls check whether the answers are correct or not.

4. How well the bride and groom suit each other.

  • pieces of paper with questions;
  • pen;
  • groom's answers.

The bridesmaids prepare questions in advance and interview the groom. At the bachelorette party, the bride answers these questions. The more answers matched, the better.

Examples of questions:

  • 1. How do you want to spend your honeymoon?
  • 2. What will be the first joint purchase after marriage?
  • 3. How many children do you want?
  • 4. How will you spend your vacation together?
  • 5. Who will you visit first after the wedding?
  • 6. What color scheme do you dream of decorating your bedroom in?
  • 7. What is your ideal romantic evening?
  • 8. Who will do the cooking/cleaning at home?
  • 9. What time will you go to bed?
  • 10. What films will you watch together?
  • 11. How will you celebrate your wedding anniversary?
  • 12. What is your favorite dish together?
  • 13. What kind of pet will you get?
  • 14. Who will water the flowers?
  • 15. How will you spend your evenings at home?
  • 16. What New Year's Eve is ideal for you?
  • 17. Who will go grocery shopping?
  • 18. Who will manage the family budget?
  • 19. Would you like to live in a house or apartment, in the city or outside the city?
  • 20. Who will help teach the children lessons?
  • 21. Who will raise the children?
  • 22. What will be your hobbies (everyone)?
  • 23. What can you teach each other?
  • 24. What is the first thing you usually say to your partner when you wake up in the morning?
  • 25. What is your ideal married life?
  • 26. What is the most important thing for you? family life?
  • 27. Why did you decide to get married?

5. Guess the word

  • leaves inscription on paper.

The bridesmaids write down a word on a piece of paper that is associated with family life and stick it on the bride’s forehead. The bride must use various questions to find out what the word is written on the sheet. Girlfriends should only answer “yes” or “no” to questions.

6. Past, present and future...

The task is that the bride must find her past, present and future among passers-by on the street.

The past is who she used to be. This may be due to former profession or the status of a bride. For example, an unmarried girl, a student, etc.

The present is what the bride has. You need to find a guy whose name is the same as the future husband of the bride.

The future is what awaits the bride. Need to find happy family with kids.

7. Original declaration of love to the groom

The girlfriends come up with several completely unrelated words. The bride needs to compose an original declaration of love from these words and send it via SMS to her future husband.

For example, words bun, dye, doctor's, constitution.

Declaration of love:

I don't need to write doctorate dissertation,
And study legal norms Constitution,
To tell you words of declaration of love,
My lovely bun With dye!

My dear readers!

Since there are a lot of requests for really interesting competitions, in the complete absence of any on the Internet, I decided to compile my own, select the best and arrange everything in a convenient book format.

I hope my works will help you have an unforgettable holiday that you will remember for a long time.

Nowadays, it has become a “fashionable feature” to hold a bachelorette party on the eve of the wedding. No, it's not at all new tradition- as a ritual, many tens, or even hundreds of years old. But this ritual has become a fashionable tradition only recently.

What girls can’t come up with to say goodbye to their friends in an original way before getting married! What places they don’t go to, what cafes and bars they don’t visit, what outfits they don’t buy! Every bride tries to surprise with a scenario, an extraordinary decision, an unconventional execution. They come up with party favors, no matter the cost.

Sometimes even the costs of bachelorette parties are almost equal to the costs of a wedding, and they drag on so much that they smoothly “flow” into the general celebration. But let’s not count the newlyweds’ money now. Let's not talk about bachelorette party ideas. And we won’t lecture anyone either.

We will offer our own scenario, which is not similar to the classic one. He is economical, extraordinary and cheerful. Here, the bridesmaids, and the bride herself, will fulfill not only a women’s mission. Even, let’s say, completely unfeminine.

For reasons that a wife is a reliable friend to her husband, We offer to “taste” men’s hobbies, hobbies, and pastimes right at the bachelorette party. Let the man then try to say that the woman does not understand him and does not share his interests!


Location: Beer bar, pub, billiards, bowling, recreation center, etc. (where men usually like to relax)

Decor: Several posters like “Bathhouse, sauna and beer - we will be beautiful friends!” live beautifully!”, “Dedicated to football fans...”, “Sport is our trump card!”, “Living together is more fun,” “Guys, we are with you, we are like you!”, “We have a dress code: dresses and skirts are prohibited!”, “Feel cheerful: have fun until you drop!!!”

Cloth: jeans, T-shirts, plaid shirt on top, boots (sneakers)


A month before the wedding, you tell your friends that you are going to have a cool bachelorette party. The funny thing is that all the girls will be in the role of boys. (That you are going to a men’s club, that you will wear men’s clothes and play men’s games).

1. Find out who wants to participate in the preparation of the script. Make a plan (music, dishes, colors, decoration, entertainment, etc.).

2. Hand out invitations to event participants. You can make a postcard with your photo with a wink and a hand indicating “okay” (after all, you are planning something unusual, but very interesting). You need to invite trusted girlfriends to such a bachelorette party. Those who will be able to truly “have a blast” at a bachelorette party. If you invite “glamorous” girls, they will die of boredom and will not appreciate your efforts.

3. Write the number on the card (then you will draw gifts in the lottery). You can also indicate your call sign and password in the postcard: I AM A MACHO! SKIP! Answer: WE ARE RELAXING TOGETHER TODAY, COME IN!” Or come up with your own call sign.

4. On the appointed day and hour, all the friends gather at the appointed place. The girl who comes says the password, the presenter answers everyone.

Details - gifts for girls: corkscrew, bottle of beer, set of tennis rackets, family panties big size, beer mug, triple cologne, shoehorn, toy car, hammer, suitcase - guidebook (old suitcase), task cards, cards, dominoes.

Medals with ribbons of different contents:

  • “The most competent MACHO”;
  • “The Strongest MACHO”;
  • “The Most Gambling MACHO”;
  • "Lucky MACHO";
  • "The Neediest MACHO";
  • “MACHO is the winner of the CROCODILE!”;
  • “The most famous MACHO!”;
  • "The most prepared MACHO."

The table is set (manly style): plastic plates, disposable tableware, themed napkins.

Among the treats: fried sausages, uncut tomatoes (or cut into large slices), shish kebab, beer (non-alcoholic), crackers, chips. There are flags on the tables with the inscription “WE RULE!”

Leads the holiday ( best friend brides)


“Friends, today is an unusual meeting. Today is a magical day. We will prove to men that women know how to relax! That you can go anywhere with women! What's interesting about women! I invite each of you to come up with a name for yourself. Today we are different! After all, our best friend is getting married. We need to prepare her perfectly for family life. So, today call me Natash (Natasha). (Girls call themselves either male names, or come up with derivatives from their own name. For example: Olya - Oleg, Sveta - Sveton, Masha - Magnit, Polya - Polen, Nastya - Nats, Anya - Anton, Zhenya - Zhenek, Sasha - Sashok, etc. .d.
I suggest you start having fun. In order to get started, we need a magic suitcase - a guide. And the hero of our holiday will choose” (opens the suitcase, takes out the task).

Task No. 1 “Letter”

Every girl refers to herself (as a girl) after five years. We write from ourselves as a boy. We imagine how your life might turn out over a period of time. You can write to each other. Then we seal it well and give it to the person most responsible for safekeeping, so that after five years the letters can be opened and read aloud.

Task No. 2 “Playing chicken”

For this game, everyone takes off their shoes and takes turns writing the word “chicken” with their feet (taking the pen in their toes). After this, the bride must guess where and whose entry is. The girl who made the most beautiful recording receives the medal “The Most Competent MACHO”

Task No. 3 Game "Arm Racing"

Who said that girls are the weaker sex? Let's check. Everyone splits into two people. The girls measure their hand strength. The losers step aside. The winners compete again. A medal for the strongest player. "The Strongest MACHO"

Task No. 4 Playing cards

The game takes place for real. You can lose once, or you can lose several. The most important “sharpster” is revealed and the “Most Gambling MACHO” medal is awarded

Task No. 5 Game “Never”

Everyone sits around. The bride begins. Girls must admit to each other that they have never seen, eaten, heard, smelled, done, felt, thought, spoken, worn, etc. The most original answer receives the “Most Needy MACHO” medal

Task No. 6 Play “Crocodile”

Two presenters are selected. One leaves the room. The other girl stays with everyone. The remaining friends think of a word (necessarily related to men). The task of one girl is to show this word with facial expressions, gestures and body movements. The other girl’s task is to guess the word.
Based on the results, the medal “MACHO – winner of the CROCODILE!” is awarded.

Task No. 7 Game “Real Men”

Each player has a plaque with the name or title of the male hero attached to his back.
These are the heroes:
Leonardo de Caprio, Pinocchio, Batman, Terminator, Spider-Man, RoboCop, Sherlock Holmes, Nikolai Baskov. The presenter calls the names of the playing characters. Girls must find out who she is while listening to the music in 2 minutes. The presenter interviews the players. The winner is revealed. He is awarded the medal “The Most Famous MACHO!”

Task No. 8 “Test for the Bride”


“Today we have to test how our best friend is ready for marriage and give her friendly advice. Test one: Say the name of your future husband. Now name the tender words with which you will greet your loved one every day from work. Each word begins with the letter that makes up the name." (the girls advise along the way)


“You passed the first test. Let's move on to the second:
-What do you do in some everyday situations?
Situation 1. You went to bed. Tired after work. My husband does not come home alone. With tipsy colleagues. The husband asks to set the table for his friends. Your actions.
Situation 2. Your husband is going bowling with friends. Leaves you at home. Your actions.
Situation No. 3 You want romance. My husband will never understand this. How to direct it in the right direction.
Situation No. 4: You were about to have a “crazy night.” When you went to get ready for the bath, your husband fell fast asleep. Your actions?"


“You passed the second test. Third.
To prevent your husband from going to his friends, you must come up with erotic names for the dishes that you will serve him. Let's practice coming up with names. Drinks first. Now the first courses, the second. Desserts.
And the last test. Tell me what hobbies of your husband you can share between the two of you. Where will you go together? (The bride completes all the tasks, gives answers to questions. The girls give her advice from themselves.


“You passed the tests with dignity, we present you with the medal “Most Prepared MACHO”
It's time for some real fun. Girlfriend, accept a gift from us!” (a pole dancer performs his lap dance. Or a stripper)

At the end of the evening, the bride thanks her friends and plays a festive lottery.

1. Corkscrew (The necessary thing, which is never there at the moment of need)
2. A bottle of beer. (One of the most useful and desirable gifts for a man the morning after a fun holiday)
3. A set of tennis rackets. (Great item for meeting men)
4. Family underpants (garage for a man's most prized possession)
5. Beer mug (a real friend for you, you can always offer it to your boyfriend)
6. Triple cologne (a product for external use on the chest and more...)
7. Shoehorn. (A spoon with which to eat is not recommended)
8. Children's car (the dream miniature of any normal man)
9. Hammer (a tool for testing men. If he knows what to do with it, then you can pay attention to the man).

We end the bachelorette party with a handshake or a general song about friendship.
Don't forget about the photo shoot. And although men don’t particularly like to be photographed, they can still be promoted for “this.” Moreover, you are real friends with men, which means they will be friends with you. The stronger sex also sometimes likes to do women's things, remember this. Good luck!

If the bride decides to hold a bachelorette party at home before the wedding, then she needs to prepare the event program in advance so that her girlfriends do not get bored. For such an event, you can choose a general theme that can easily be matched with competitions, films and music. The scenario for a bachelorette party at home should satisfy not only the bride’s own interests, but also the tastes of everyone present, so that every girl enjoys this event.


Increasingly, gatherings with friends began to take place in a certain style - it is fun, interesting and memorable for pleasant moments. anyone can be at home. You can hold the event in accordance with a specific theme, which may be the same as the wedding or different from it. Various options are popular.

Hawaiian party

Pirate holiday

After the popularization of the pirate theme in films, many people want to try on this image. It’s easy to choose clothes for this style - just wear leggings, a vest and a bandana on your head. For entertainment, you can arrange a treasure hunt on the map or a quiz on a pirate theme. At the end of the evening, you can watch all parts of the film “Pirates of the Caribbean” or the old cartoon “Treasure Island”. Think about what to cook for a bachelorette party at home, organized in a pirate style.

pajama party

Such a bachelorette party assumes that the bridesmaids, at least most of them, will stay overnight with the bride. All participants in the celebration must bring pajamas or home clothes, in which it is convenient. After changing clothes, girls can watch romantic films, fantasize and have heart-to-heart conversations. If you don’t know what to cook for a bachelorette party at home, your friends can suggest recipes, and everyone can bring them to life together. Such a party is a great occasion to remember your childhood and play with soft toys. .

Retro style

Many girls dream of attending - trying on elegant outfits and hairstyles, listening to music through the gramophone and seeing their favorite musicians and actors live. At such a party, you can watch old romantic films, dressed up in the appropriate way. Ideas for a bachelorette party at home can be gleaned from films with relevant themes.

SPA salon

At home, you can arrange an impromptu SPA; for this you only need to stock up on suitable products or ingredients to prepare them yourself. Girls can help each other do masks, scrubs, hairstyles, manicures and pedicures, while having a heart-to-heart talk. It is necessary to approach the organization of any stylized event extremely responsibly; it is better to carefully think through the scenario of a bachelorette party before the wedding at home down to the smallest detail.

The bride is recommended to independently search for suitable outfits if one of her friends does not have suitable things. In addition, it is necessary to select appropriate prizes for games and competitions and create a typical playlist.

What to cook

Gatherings with girlfriends would be incomplete without some purchased or home-cooked goodies. If there is alcohol at the event, then there should be more snacks so that each girl feels comfortable. The bride can select recipes in advance that match the chosen wedding theme and bring them to life.

If you wish, you can do some cooking with your friends, and then go straight to celebrating the bachelorette party. In this case, the process will take less time, and during the cooking time all the girls will be able to get to know each other, and by the beginning of the main part of the holiday they will no longer be shy. You need to pick up at home in advance in order to have time to purchase the necessary products.

Wedding planner

The bride may not waste time on cooking, but buy the necessary snacks in the store or order ready-made food. At bachelorette parties you can often find pizza, sushi, Chinese noodles and other popular dishes. Before choosing this option, you need to make sure that all your girlfriends like this type of food.

Elena Sokolova


As a main dish, you can make meat steaks or bake chicken in the oven. Potatoes, rice or vegetable stew are suitable as a side dish, and for an Italian-style celebration, pasta with seafood or ratatouille would be appropriate.


If vegetarians will be present at the bachelorette party, you should prepare a separate dish for them, for example, stewed beans with mushrooms or fried corn.

Additionally, you should take care of salads. You can make 2-3 different dishes with different ingredients. For example, in one salad the main ingredient will be fried mushrooms, in another - crab sticks, in the third - ham. When choosing a dressing, you should take into account the tastes of your girlfriends and whether they follow any diet.

For dessert, you can prepare one large or several small muffins, pancakes or pancakes. The bride can make a sweet pie or cake with berries and fruits, and in summer and autumn, when fresh fruits ripen, she can make healthy jelly or mousse. For drinks, you can purchase juice or brew fruit tea.

Fun activities

Holding a bachelorette party at home involves creating a certain atmosphere. It’s not enough to choose a theme for the holiday and prepare appropriate dishes; you also need to think about cool entertainment for a bachelorette party at home. If games and competitions are chosen for this purpose, you need to think about prizes and penalties. The first group includes sweets, original commemorative figurines, little things that will be useful around the house, etc.

Fines are what a girl who loses a competition will have to do as compensation. This could be some kind of task, for example, to depict an animal with gestures, tell your secret, describe your shortcoming and a way to deal with it in the spirit of the Alcoholics Anonymous club, etc. Competitions for a bachelorette party at home should be such as not to offend those present.

Cinematic non-stop

If the girls plan to stay with the bride all night, she can pre-select several films, which in total will last 10-12 hours. These could be romantic films, comedies or even a popular TV series. If this particular entertainment is chosen, then you need to prepare pillows and blankets so that everyone is comfortable.

To watch films, it is advisable to stock up on edible accompaniments, and, if desired, alcoholic drinks. Girlfriends will probably not mind eating popcorn, candy, marmalade, nuts or fresh berries non-stop.

Don't forget about the main dishes, since many people will already get hungry in the middle of the night. If you don’t know how to hold a bachelorette party at home, a scenario thought out in advance will allow you to organize the event correctly.

Dance party

If girls love to dance, then the idea of ​​how to hold a bachelorette party at home is already clear. In order for everyone to have fun, it is not necessary to hold the event in a nightclub - you can organize it right at home. To do this, just select a suitable playlist and warn your neighbors about possible noise from the apartment. To create an atmosphere similar to a club, you can prepare cocktails in advance and set up an impromptu bar. If you wish, you can invite a professional choreography coach to the event.

He can teach the bride and her bridesmaids the dances they choose - for example, oriental, street, folk, ballroom, etc. They can be useful to girls at the wedding itself, if it is organized in a certain style. Such entertainment at a bachelorette party at home will allow you to have fun and usefully spend time.

Karaoke evening

Girls who love to sing can demonstrate their skills in public, but you will also need to warn your neighbors about this. In this case, it is not necessary to look for the appropriate equipment and microphones - you can find videos with karaoke songs on the Internet and perform them in a normal voice. In this case, you won’t have to think through the bachelorette party scenario before the wedding at home.

This option for holding an event is suitable even in cases where girls do not have good hearing, but still love to sing. In this case, you will get an even more relaxed and light atmosphere.

The only exception is when there are shy girls in the company - they will feel uncomfortable. When thinking about how to have a fun bachelorette party at home, ask about your friends' preferences.

Fortune telling

Fortune telling has been an integral part of get-togethers with girlfriends since ancient times. Even though they rarely come true, it is still interesting entertainment, which can unite girls and leave pleasant memories in their memory. For a bachelorette party before the wedding, you can choose the following fortune telling.

  • Each girl writes on a small strip of paper a pleasant event that can happen in the bride’s life after the wedding. All predictions are laid out at the same distance from each other along the edge of a deep plate filled with water, and they should not get wet. Then into the shell from walnut a small lighted candle is placed and set to float. Whichever leaf lights up first, the prediction will come true.
  • Cereals, for example millet, are poured into a deep container. It holds small items such as coins, lipstick, pacifier, etc. Each girl takes turns taking out a thing, and everyone together tries to predict what exactly it points to.
  • If there are unmarried girls in the company, then you can bake pancakes and go out with them. Those bridesmaids who are not in a relationship take turns offering pancakes to passing men and asking the names of those who will accept such unusual gift. It is believed that the girl's future husband will have the same name.

Fortune telling for a bachelorette party may be suitable if the bride and her bridesmaids believe in the possible veracity of the predictions. Otherwise, such entertainment will be an uninteresting formality.

Games and competitions

At a bachelorette party, they most often organize cool entertainment that involves completing some tasks. This pastime allows girls to get to know each other better and get positive emotions captured in photographs. Games for a bachelorette party at home can be selected in advance.

One of the popular options is the game “Crocodile”. In it, each participant in turn must show the animal that the presenter whispers to her. The point is that the girl should not utter characteristic sounds, you can only use gestures or facial expressions, and the rest will guess what exactly is being shown to them.

Another popular game is “His last words" Beforehand, the bride asks her lover about the peculiarities of his daily routine, tastes and interests and writes down the proposals received. It is important that they are ambiguous. For example, you can make up the following phrases:

  • When I wake up, the first thing I do is...;
  • The main thing I love about you is...;
  • When I get home, I like you to do...;
  • The first thing I do in the shower is...;
  • When I'm alone at home, then...

Each participant receives a piece of paper and a pen. The bride reads the composed phrases out loud, keeping silent about the correct answers and giving her friends the opportunity to figure out the ending. When the questions are over, the girls take turns voicing the resulting combinations, and at the end the bride can say the correct answers. This is a great option for throwing a bachelorette party at home for girls.

The next game is called “Get to know me better.” First, you will need to distribute pre-compiled questionnaires and pens to the girls. The questions can be simple or tricky, for example, “The name of the guy who received your first kiss,” “Your most piquant secret,” “How will you spend your free weekend,” etc. The forms are not signed, but rather stacked and shuffled among themselves. Then the presenter reads out the answers from each sheet, and the rest try to guess who wrote it.

At hen parties you can often find the game “Guess Who”. Photographs with individual body parts of famous men - actors, musicians, athletes or dancers - are prepared in advance for her. All the cards are shuffled, and each girl takes out one of them in turn, trying to guess who is depicted on it. It is advisable to choose not only easily recognizable parts of the body, but also difficult ones to recognize, for example, the navel or ear.

Simple ones can also be used as entertainment. Board games. It could be Monopoly, Jenga, Mafia, Slovodel or even Lotto. Girls can play Twister or put together a puzzle. You can also find table games that involve completing tasks using alcohol.
When planning a bachelorette party scenario, the bride should take into account the individuality and temperament of all her friends in order to choose suitable entertainment.

It is not necessary to do something large-scale and unusual - even simple games from childhood can bring unforgettable impressions. The main thing is that everyone present has fun and feels comfortable. Therefore, think carefully about how to hold a bachelorette party before the wedding at home and listen to our advice.

Svetlana Rumyantseva

Gone are the days when brides-to-be shed tears at bridal showers, fearfully imagining their future lives. Today this event is filled with . For many, it becomes the last breath of freedom before marriage. Organizational advice will help you enjoy your bachelorette party to the fullest, and creative ideas with an extraordinary scenario will turn the event into an exciting adventure.

7 rules for an unforgettable bachelorette party

It is best to hold the event 5-7 days before the wedding. If a bachelorette party is held on the eve of the wedding, wild fun and a sleepless night will not have the best effect on appearance brides on a special day.
Invite only close friends. At bachelorette parties, deep secrets are revealed that outsiders should not know about.
Voice any wishes regarding the dress code in advance. Print out the invitation cards and hand them out to your friends personally.
Decide in advance how much money you are willing to spend on your bachelorette party.
Determine who will become the organizer of the bachelorette party: you, your beloved friend, the future bridesmaid, or an invited person from the agency.
Stock up on small symbolic gifts for your friends.
Clearly indicate the theme of the event: a quest, a photo shoot, a picnic, a vacation outside the city or a visit to entertainment venues, so that guests are prepared for the upcoming fun.


The choice of location depends on the amount of money that the future bride is willing to spend on the bachelorette party, as well as on the preferences and wishes of the girl and her friends.

The most economical option will be a home party, but this does not mean that the quality of the fun will deteriorate. Fantasy and warm company will make the evening unforgettable anywhere.
The classic choice is going to a club. This is not surprising. Night parties with my husband are no longer so exciting. In the last days of your free life, you need to have a blast to the fullest so that it lasts for the rest of your life.
Restaurant, bar, karaoke occupies one of the leading positions as a venue for a bachelorette party. There is food, conversations, and competitions.
A trip to the spa will be a wonderful way to relax, talk with friends and get unforgettable pleasure in the hands of a nice massage therapist. This is a rather unconventional choice for a bachelorette party, which has been gaining popularity in recent years.
A water park is a place where fun and a sea of ​​positive emotions are guaranteed for both the bride and her friends.
A trip outside the city in the warm season will bring a lot of pleasure. Renting a small cozy cottage for a couple of days to spend with friends is a great idea. You will gain strength before the wedding bustle and calmly say goodbye to your free girl life, remembering past adventures and crazy actions with your friends.

The choice of location also affects the bachelorette party program.


Friendly competitions are a universal way to have fun and remember the comical stories of your unmarried years. Tired of playing spin the bottle? Then you'll like it original competitions for a bachelorette party, presented below.

Magic kiss

What should a girl have time to do before the wedding? Kiss a handsome stranger. But here’s the problem: the future husband is jealous, and he doesn’t have the courage to give a kiss to a stranger. This competition will solve the problem. Ask your friends to bring photographs of attractive men: your favorite actors, singers, businessmen, politicians. Choose one for yourself. After stretching the rope at face level, hang the photographs on it, attaching them to clothespins, apply brighter lipstick and get down to business. Cast lots and take turns, blindfolding each other, and go to meet the man of your dreams. Task: find and kiss your handsome man. Swap the photos for each participant. The first one to find the selected photo will win.

Options for comic tasks

During the quest, girls can take breaks with exciting competitions.

Best Bride

Bridesmaids, using available materials, create wedding images in 10 minutes. The bride chooses the winner and gives her a veil. Suitable materials for the outfit are paper, including toilet paper, holiday wrappers, ribbons, lace, shawls, scarves and other accessories. It’s worth taking care of scissors and pins in advance.

The most extravagant hairstyle

Task: create unusual hairstyle in 15 minutes. Materials: hair dryer, combs, varnish, styling products. The use of hairpins, crabs, elastic bands, ribbons, and scarves is encouraged. Creativity is doubly valued: to create a hairstyle, you can use sushi sticks, foil, and even a small vase along with herbarium elements. The prize is a hair styling product.

The sexiest makeup

The ladies have a cosmetic bag and 5 minutes at their disposal. During this time, you need to create the image of a fatal temptress. The winner will receive lipstick.

Miss seduction

This is a dance competition. The girls write the names of the songs on pieces of paper, and then draw lots, taking turns going onto the impromptu stage. For the most seductive dance, the girl receives sexy stockings as a gift.

It will be a special pleasure to photograph each other in competition outfits. Photos will remind you of unforgettable evening and will take their rightful place in the album.

Street quest “Love story”

Carrying out a street quest will require traveling long distances. Use a machine for this public transport or their own legs - it’s up to the participants in the game to decide.

To complete the quest, find out:

Where and when did the newlyweds meet?
Where did the first kiss take place?
What places do the couple's happy memories relate to?
How and where did the bride and groom spend...

The number of questions depends on the walk scenario. The more points, the longer the quest will last. For long searches, consider routes that include cafes and recreational areas: public gardens and parks with comfortable benches. A picnic can fit into the bachelorette party program if one of the destinations is a green park or other picturesque place.

The point of departure is the place of acquaintance. The bride needs to find a small envelope containing a clue: a poem about the first kiss, a card with three marked addresses and a drawing of a balloon. Having chosen the desired direction from those proposed, the bride sets off on further searches.
After arriving at the place where the first kiss happened, the girl needs to find balloon. Seeing him on a tree branch, the top of a fence, or tied to the bars of a second-story window, she must figure out a way to reach her desired target. A note with a hint inside the ball. It is enough to burst it to get the key to the next task. The paper contains the name of the cafe where the future newlyweds had their first date.
Having reached her destination, the bride looks for a new clue. This time the search will end when she remembers at which table she sat with her gentleman. The purpose of the search is the groom's first love verse attached to back side countertops. Another possible variant- a box with a gift from a loved one. You can put it in soft toy, decoration or other item and hide it on a chair or under a table. On the insert write: “Where am I from?” The girl’s task is to remember where she received this gift and go there.
On the spot, she will encounter numbers written on the asphalt or wall indicating the date. On this day, the groom proposed his hand and heart to his beloved. Having deciphered the riddle, the future wife will go for the long-awaited gift.

The bridesmaids actively help the bride during the quest. A team of participants can wear identical dresses. If you use a car to get around the city, show your imagination and decorate it with identification marks. And don't forget about the photos!

Reward gift ideas

You can break the tradition with matching gifts for spouses if you prefer manual labor to purchased gifts.

Handmade photo album.

Find joint photos bride and groom, get rare shots from the family archive and arrange them in an original way on the pages homemade gift. Future newlyweds will appreciate your efforts.

Decorative jar with wishes.

Place 365 wishes for the newlyweds into a vessel decorated with decorative paintings: one for each day of the first year of marriage.

A homemade book with comic recipes for family happiness.

On the pages of the book, in a humorous form, the friends write the responsibilities of the bride and groom, recipes for creating coziness, and tips for raising children. Collective creativity will turn out to be similar to Auster’s “Bad Advice,” which can be re-read on dull rainy evenings.

When choosing a scenario for a bachelorette party, do not chase fashion. Decide what your soul is drawn to: a quiet evening with friends or a crazy quest - the main thing is to leave a bright memory of the past time of free life.

12 April 2014, 14:45