DIY dresses for a 6 month old girl. How to sew a children's ball gown. Summer dress with pockets

For the lesson we have prepared several models of summer dresses. To make a pattern for each of them you will need one created according to individual measurements taken from your inch figurine. You can, of course, create the base pattern yourself. by any method. We suggest using our generator, just enter your body measurements into the form and the program will create a pattern in a matter of minutes. All you have to do is print the pattern on a printer of any format. The cost of such a basic pattern is small, but the value is enormous. You can use it many times. And today we will show you how. Let's start the lesson.

Summer dress with pockets

The first dress is sewn according to baby dress practically unchanged.

Basically, we just need to place a pocket on the front part. Our pocket is not simple, but figured, with two entrances. The upper part of the pocket is finished with contrasting trim and piping. Connected to the dress with buttons.

1 step modeling. Let's adapt the neck, make it a little wider and deeper.

Step 2. Draw the top line of the pocket onto the dress front pattern piece. According to the model, the top cut of the pocket falls directly along the waistline of the dress.

Step 3. Parallel to the top line of the pocket, mark the binding of the desired width.

Dress with bow

A dress for a baby with a counter pleat from the neckline and a bow looks very cute and stylish. Try sewing it for your daughter, because the pattern is very easy to model!

1 step– slightly widen and deepen the neck

Step 2– mark ½ of the depth of the counter fold along the center line of the shelf.

Step 3. Cut out a strip for the bow

Waist cut dress

This is a cute summer dress for girls, made in a nautical theme. Model it with a detachable skirt, short sleeve And sailor collar– guy, modeled also on the basis of our basic pattern.

1 step. Raise your waistline by 3-4 cm. Check its girth by comparing it with your measurements.

Step 2. Shorten the sleeve to the desired length. Check the sleeve width and arm circumference.

Step 3. The collar pattern is constructed using the details of the back and front. This way you can easily navigate its size and proportions. Trust the sketch and your taste. The picture shows how to mark the lines of the collar and then match the shoulder line to make it seamless.

Step 4. We recommend cutting out the skirt for the dress in the form of a rectangle, this will make it easier to trim the bottom of the skirt with a wide hem, and it will puff up nicely. Don't forget to decorate the bottom of the dress, the bottom of the sleeves, and the collar with contrasting braid!

Step 5. The belt consists of two rectangular parts, approximately 0.5-0.7 meters long, depending on the size of the dress itself, 6-8 cm wide finished form. It can also be decorated with braid. Insert belt parts into side seams when sewing bodice parts.

Elegant dress

The next model is an elegant children's dress. Seam just above the waist, wide gathered skirt. It is a little similar to the previous one, but there are some differences. The bodice of the dress has raised seams from the shoulder to the waistline, into which a wide frill is inserted - a wing. The shelf is finished in the form of horizontal folds and tucks. Zip fastening at the back. There is a bow belt on the back along the waistline.

1 step. After we have determined the new location of the waist line, raising it a little (according to the model), we will begin drawing relief lines. The reliefs on the front and back begin at the point dividing the shoulder section in half and end perpendicular to the new waistline.

Step 2. The middle part of the shelf must be folded and stitched to their depth. Direct the folds of the folds downwards. We recommend preparing this front part with larger allowances, and when the folds are processed, stitched and ironed, correct the part by applying the pattern.

Step 3. The pattern of wing frills is a rectangle 10-15 cm wide (depending on the size of the dress) and a length equal to the length of the front and back relief and increased by 1.5-2 times.

Step 4. The bow belt is also cut rectangular. 15-20 cm wide. Consists of two parts, 0.5-0.8 cm long, and is sewn into the stitching seam of the reliefs with the main parts of the bodice.

Step 5. As in the previous dress, we recommend making the skirt rectangular, in one piece. Its width is equal to 1.5-2 times the length of the waist line according to the bodice pattern! Fastening in the middle back seam.

Summer sundress with ties at the back

The pattern for a summer sundress for a girl is also modeled on a children's dress.

1 step. Let's mark the cutting line of the bodice from the skirt.

Step 2. According to the sketch, we will outline the width of the bodice yoke. Along the back, the yoke goes into a tie belt of arbitrary length (the width is equal to the width of the yoke along the back).

Step 3. The strap is cut in one piece and is equal to the distance from the front yoke to the top of the back yoke, over the shoulder. Strap width approx. Equal to 1/3 of the length of the shoulder.

Step 4 The skirt can be cut in the form of a rectangle. As in the previous case of the dress. We show in the figure another way to model a skirt.

Sundress for girls

1 step. First you need to get rid of the shoulder dart on the back. Let's just ignore it, in this model it can be done without fear, it will not affect the final result in any way.

Step 2. Let's outline the raglan lines along which we will cut off the shoulder part of the front and back. Let's focus on the sketch.

Step 3. Let's mark cut lines along the parts, with the help of which we will move the pattern apart to form an assembly.

Step 4. Cut out the tie in the form of a ribbon of arbitrary length. Its width is 4-5 cm, depending on the plasticity and thickness of the fabric. The tie is threaded into a drawstring formed by a wide hem allowance along the top of the front and back neckline. The degree of tying of the ribbon will determine the width of the neck of the dress and the depth of the armhole. Very successful model summer sundress, which can grow with your child (you can also make a hem at the bottom with a margin)!

We hope our lesson today will be useful to you! Thank you for being with us.

Hello, friends!

Lately I have been receiving the following letters:

“Elena, help! Need to sew urgently ball gown for a New Year's ball for a 12-year-old girl, thin, slender... Help with the pattern and calculation of the fabric, please. I want to long skirt lush, probably lined with nylon for volume. I also need advice - how best to make a yoke? Thank you in advance. Elena.

"Hello, Elena.
I really want to sew for my daughter New Year's party dress, but I don’t know how to sew on flounces correctly. Does the top of the shuttlecock need to be treated? How to apply it in order to sew it on? I am attaching a photo of the dress to the letter. Please tell me how to sew it.
Best regards, Alla.”

“Elena, hello! I really ask you for help. My daughter asked for such a dress for the holiday, but I don’t know how to sew a skirt. Maybe you can tell me. Thank you in advance, Ekaterina”

In anticipation holiday matinees, I think the topic of sewing a children's ball gown is relevant for many. Letters like this only confirm this.

I decided to shed some light on the topic in this publication by answering questions from Elena, Alla, Ekaterina and many other mothers who are concerned about sewing a children’s ball gown.

Let's start with the dress that Elena liked.

I’ll immediately make a reservation about the pattern. I don’t have ready-made dress patterns, but now there are a lot of resources online that provide the ability to download and print patterns.

Any search engine will return several options.

For my part, I planned to make a video on how to build the basic base of a dress for girls aged 6 -10 years. Using this basis, you can easily model different versions of dresses. Follow the releases on the blog.

By the way, you can see how to build a drawing of a dress for a younger girl.

If you don’t want to build or search on search engines and print out patterns, just buy a magazine with ready-made patterns.

I’ve already told you how easy it is to remake such patterns, I’ll just repeat this video:

Let me also remind you that I have a master class on sewing dresses for girls, which includes a basic drawing, ready-made patterns from 80 to 122 sizes (according to height) and options for modeling dresses. Take a look.

I recorded a short video on how to calculate the fabric consumption for a children's dress.

If you have any questions, ask in the comments.
Lots of books on sewing - CLICK

Regarding the coquette, Elena and I sorted it out.

This model does not have a yoke. There is a bodice that is stitched to the skirt panel.

In the article I talked about how to sew a yoke to a product with gathering. In the same way, you can sew the bodice of a dress to the skirt.

One of the dress assembly options:

  • Stitch the side and shoulder sections of the back and front, overcast the sections (leave the middle seam of the back unstitched for now, for fastening);
  • Stitch and overcast the side seams on the skirt;
  • Sew the middle seam along the back panel of the skirt, leaving the zipper area open for approx. 15cm.
  • Stitch sleeve sections, overcast;
  • Process the flounce cuts;
  • Connect the flounces to the sleeves;
  • Sew in the sleeves, overcast the cut;
  • Connect the bodice and skirt, matching the notches (center, side sections, middle seam);
  • Sew in the zipper;
  • Finish the neck with a facing;
  • Process the bottom edge of the dress.

The petticoat can be sewn separately and worn with dresses. In my opinion, this is more practical - you can use one skirt for different dresses.

The fuller you want your skirt, the more layers it should have.

If you don't want to sew petticoat separately, then it will need to be prepared at the stage between stitching the bodice to the skirt, and then at the same time connected to the bodice along with the main skirt.

I repeat that this is an approximate diagram for assembling the dress.

Depending on the selected technological treatment, it may vary.

The second dress looks like this:

The main difficulty of this model is cutting and sewing the flounces.

This topic has already been covered in a series of articles on cutting and processing shuttlecocks; I will repeat the links to publications:

In this version of the dress, the upper flounce is inserted between the details of the bodice and skirt, which are stitched together. You can stitch the upper flounce, in which case the upper cut of the flounce needs to be processed, for example, overcast and folded.

Important: It is better to start sewing shuttlecocks from the bottom up, that is, first the lower shuttlecock - the first level, then the second level, the third... and finally the upper one.

You can make such a skirt in different ways.

For example, first cut out and assemble the base for the skirt, and then sew flounces on it successively.

Or sew a skirt from the same fabric as the flounces and sew the rest of the flounces onto it.

In my opinion, the first option is more practical and economical, especially if the fabric for the flounces is not very cheap. The choice is yours.

According to the assembly sequence, the dress is similar to the first one, with the exception of the sleeves.

Third dress.

I talked about how to sew such a skirt in this video:

For the dress, you will need to cut out a long base skirt and sew on it “feathers” of tulle of various lengths. And then sew the prepared skirt to the bodice.

This dress uses a bodice as a bodice and the dress is most likely lined.

First, the details of the bodice are assembled (for rigidity, you can insert bones or regillin into the seam allowances), then the skirt, then everything is connected together.

The upper section of the bodice can first be finished with a facing, and then the lining can be stitched to it. You can immediately treat the cut with lining fabric or edge it.

Which treatment to use is up to you.

By the way, if you sew a dress from a magazine, then most often the entire sewing sequence is written there, which is very convenient.

This turned out to be a voluminous publication on how to sew a ball gown.

I understand that those who plan to sew dresses for girls with their own hands still have many questions, but I hope that you have found answers to at least some of them today.

And as always, several models of children's dresses for inspiration.

For little princesses!

This blue dress I liked it very much!

It seems like it’s not a very complicated style, but how beautifully the image is put together and the details are chosen, it’s simply a sight to behold!

For the hardworking - a bright light burns through life, for the lazy - a dim candle

Children's dresses - sew them yourself quickly and easily! Part 1

Hello, dear mothers, I’m starting a series of articles on sewing children's dresses. The motto of these articles will be “Down with complex drawings and intricate calculations of patterns”.

Many people are put off by complex patterns, taking measurements, and various mathematical calculations, especially if you weren’t very familiar with geometry and drawing at school.

My goal is to explain everything in such a way that even mothers who do not have a mathematical mind can sew clothes for their children.

I will show you how to sew beautiful children's dresses yourself - I will tell you everything in as much detail and in an accessible language as possible, without resorting to abstruse tailoring terms.

For each dress, I will draw picture diagrams on which I will try to show step by step the sewing of a children's dress, starting from creating a pattern to working with fabric. Even those who do not have sewing skills and sewing machine, will be able to please their daughter with a new thing, sewn by her mother’s loving hands.

So let's get started!

A simple one-piece dress is the basis of all dresses

Let's start simple one piece dress. I will tell you and show you how to make a pattern for a one-piece children's dress, and then use this one pattern to sew all these dresses.

Yes, yes, having just one pattern, we will sew in the future many different beautiful models of children's dresses. Let's get started...

Drawing a pattern

As I promised, there won’t be anything super complicated. Open the closet with your baby's clothes and find a T-shirt that fits her just right(that is, not tight or large, but more or less in size).

This T-shirt will serve as our assistant when creating a pattern for a future dress.

We also need a sheet of paper of such a size that the pattern of our future dress will fit on it - for this I use a tube of unnecessary old wallpaper (if you don’t have old ones, buy a tube of the cheapest wallpaper in the store - this roll will be enough for you to make many patterns, like a child , and to yourself).

We unfold a sheet of wallpaper on the floor with the wrong side up (so that the pattern does not distract from the pattern), press the edges with something, so that he doesn’t bend over and crawl on the floor(I press my husband with dumbbells or thick books). We place a straightened (pre-ironed) T-shirt on top and trace the outline of the T-shirt with a pencil. They circled it - that’s it, we don’t need the T-shirt anymore.

Note! If you don't have a sleeveless T-shirt, but there is only a T-shirt with sleeves, don’t worry, it will also fit. When you trace the T-shirt, use a pin to trace the armholes through the sleeve of the T-shirt. Along the entire armhole seam, make pin holes through the T-shirt and the underlying paper. For this purpose, it is better to spread the paper not on a hard surface, but on the carpet - this will make it easier to pierce holes. And then, along this holey line, draw the outline of the armholes with a marker (the armholes are the opening for the arms).

And now on top of these T-shirt outlines we will draw our pattern

The contours of the drawn T-shirt will greatly facilitate the creation of the pattern. They will help us depict a proportional silhouette of the dress, where we do not need to calculate the length of the shoulder, the width under the bust, the length of the armhole (the armhole is a hole for the arm) - all this will already be on the drawn T-shirt. We look at the picture above. We outlined the T-shirt (Fig. 1), and drew a dress along the contour of the T-shirt (Fig. 2).

Please note 3 points:

  1. The shoulders of the dress should be slightly sloping
  2. the bottom of the dress is not a straight line, but rounded
  3. the lateral lines from the armpits downwards slightly diverge to the sides (like a trapezoid)

There's another one here important note:

For those who doubt whether a pattern drawn in this way will suit your child, there is a simple tailoring way to check. This method will also allow you to draw any shape of armholes (arm holes) on your dress. The contours of the armhole and neckline do not have to be the same in shape as the T-shirt. You can choose any shape and depth of armholes and neckline. There is only 2 rules, subject to which the drawn pattern will ideally suit your child.

The dress has 2 important parameters, which determine whether the dress will fit to your child. They are shown in the picture below:

1st parameter is the width of the dress along the axillary line (value A)

The 2nd parameter is the size of the armhole from the axillary line to the shoulder (value B)

To do this, you only need to take one measurement - half-circumference of baby's chest - take a centimeter and wrap it around it chest on its most convex part and remember the number (this will be the value girth chest), and now divide this figure by 2 (this will be the value half-girth chest).

Now look at the picture - it says how to calculate quantities A and B

For example, girth the chest of my two-year-old daughter (height 85 cm, weight 11 kg) - 50 cm. So to get half girth– 50 divided in half = 25 cm.

Dimension A = 25 cm + 6 cm = 31 cm.

That is, the dress I drew should have a width from armpit to armpit of 31 cm. Then it will fit in size - it will not be tight - since these additional 6 cm are added precisely for the loose fit of the dress.

And if you want a dress to grow a little, then add not 6 cm, but 7-8 cm. Size B = 25 cm: 4 + 7 = 6 cm2 mm + 7 = 13 cm2 mm(these millimeters can be safely ignored). That is, if the height of the drawn armhole is 13 cm, this armhole will be perfect for my baby.

That's all, following these 2 simple rules, we will always have a dress pattern that is the right size for our baby. And no complicated drawings.

So, we drew the outlines of our future dress. Now make seam allowances— we stepped back 2 cm from the contours of the dress and drew it again with a thick, bright marker (Fig. 3 in the first diagram). These will be the final contours of the dress with allowances for the side and shoulder seams, at the bottom an allowance for the hem and an allowance for finishing the armholes and neckline.

(By the way, there are tailoring standards here: an allowance of 1.5-2 cm for the side and shoulder seams, 1-1.5 cm for the armhole and neckline, 4-6 cm for the hem). But I’m just looking at the fabric - if it frays a lot on the cut, then it’s better to make a larger allowance, otherwise while you’re sewing and trying on, half of the allowance will turn into fringe.

And also, when you draw a dress, don’t be upset if yours is a little crooked- one shoulder is more sloped than the other or the left armhole is not shaped like the right. This is not important, since we will transfer to fabric only one half drawn pattern (left or right - whichever one came out more beautiful) - and when cutting, the dress detail will turn out to be absolutely symmetrical.

Now you will understand everything...

Divide the pattern in half to get one shelf

So that the dress detail ends up being symmetrical (that is, left and Right side the details are the same), we only need one half of the resulting pattern.

To do this, fold the cut out pattern in half - approximately shoulder to shoulder, armpit to armpit (approximately, because if you drew it crookedly, then the shoulders and armpits of the left and right halves may not completely coincide when folded).

Added and received fold line(Fig. 2), which runs right through the middle of the dress, and along this line you need to cut the pattern in order to end up with only one half of it (the shelf - as tailors call it - left or right, whichever one you have is more beautiful and even) - Fig. 3.

The pattern is ready. It would seem that everything is simple, and so it is.

Transfer the pattern to fabric and sew

We have in our hands a pattern for one shelf (left or right) and now we need to transfer it to fabric and cut out the detail of the back and dress.

The resulting shelf pattern was first placed on one side of the fabric - outlined in chalk (Fig. 4), then turned over in mirror image with the other side (moving the central midline of the shelf to the similar line just drawn in chalk) (Fig. 5) - and also outlined. And the result is an absolutely symmetrical finished part of the front or back of the future dress.

By the way, if you don’t have a chalk, you can use a colored pencil or sharpen a regular piece of soap with a knife (light soap draws well on colored fabric); it’s great to draw on white fabric with children’s colored wax crayons.

We cut out exactly the same part for the back. Yes, many dresses (especially summer ones) have exactly the same front and back details. But you can draw a back pattern that is different from the front pattern, it will take you 2 minutes. Read below

Back pattern and its differences

Usually, classic pattern of the front and back of the product differ from each other in the depth of the neckline and armholes(armholes are holes for the arms).

As you can see in the picture above, the armholes and front neckline are more curved inward, that is, deeper (blue outline), and at the back they are less deep(red outline).

And if you look at the photographs of the dresses at the beginning of the article, you will notice the difference in the neckline and armholes of the front and back.

Having examined many ready-made children's dresses in the store, I came to the conclusion that few dresses have a difference in the cut of the back and front armholes. That is, the armholes of the back and front coincide for the most part sleeveless dresses. And dresses with sleeves The back armholes are less deep than the front armholes - as in our diagram above). As a rule, there is a difference in the depth of the neck, but not always.

Conclusion: For children's summer dresses without sleeves, identical armholes and identical necklines at the front and back are absolutely acceptable. For children's dresses with sleeves, we make the back armholes less deep.

You are your own creators and artists of the future dress. As you draw, so it will be - in any case, you will succeed Nice dress, do not worry.

Sew the front and back together

Now (Fig. 6) we place both parts on top of each other with the front sides inward and manually connect the side and shoulder seams with coarse stitches.

We try it on and, if everything is good, we sew these seams on a machine, after which we pull out this rough thread (for those who do not have a machine, you can simply go to a clothing repair center or an atelier; sewing a couple of seams will cost you $1).

We bend the edge of the hem and either sew it on a machine or hand-baste it with hidden stitches (ask your mother or grandmother - she will show you how).

Now you need tidy up the neckline and armholes(Fig. 7). You can simply fold the edges inward and stitch. Or you can buy braid or bias tape and use it to cover the neckline - this is done in most children's dresses.

In any children's store you will find a lot of dresses for little fashionistas, be it festive or knitted. Leading fashion houses also do not deprive their youngest clients of attention. But quite often, children's things cost so much that the mother will think three hundred times before taking out her wallet. Do you want to dress up a child or teenager, but finances don’t allow it? You can do a lot yourself if you try hard enough. Where can I get patterns for children's dresses for beginners? Making simple patterns with your own hands is not difficult at all and is free; we will now talk about some of the methods.

Not everyone knows about this, but to sew a dress for a girl, a pattern is not at all necessary! Without a pattern you can sew:

  • folk style outfit;
  • ball gown;
  • summer sundress.

Are you wondering where to start? Let's do the sundress then - it's the easiest thing. But first you need to take some measurements - it's best to write them down if you are not going to limit yourself to just one product.


  • the growth of your little daughter;
  • chest girth;
  • waist circumference;
  • hip girth;
  • shoulder length;
  • sleeve length (you won’t need it for a sundress, but if you’ve already taken measurements, it’s useful to do everything at once);
  • expected length of the product.

Important! For a sundress with straps, measure the length of the product from the armpit to the expected hemline.

Choosing fabric

In general, sewing for small children is a pleasure. The seams are short, little fabric is needed, no darts or complex details. The simpler the style, the better. Just choose beautiful fabric, and even the most basic, but neatly sewn dress will look like on a princess.

Important! You can also use scraps left over from your mother’s new dress, or alter something of your own for your daughter – good, but already boring.

If you are choosing a material for a summer sundress, it is better to choose one that drapes well:

  • crepe de Chine;
  • chiffon;
  • thin chintz;
  • satin;
  • poplin;
  • gauze.

Important! Chintz fits just perfectly - inexpensive, very hygienic, bright, suitable for New Year's dress. And it’s okay that it fades quickly - anyway, by next summer my daughter will outgrow this dress.

Also, to sew a light children's dress with your own hands, you need:

  • linen elastic;
  • braid to match the fabric - for straps and edging.

We sew a sundress

Perhaps this model with elastic and straps is the simplest DIY dress for a girl. If you are sewing it from an opaque fabric, it will be a single layer. It is better to fold the gauze in two layers or make a cover. Below are photo sketches.

Operating procedure:

  1. Spread the fabric in one layer with the wrong side up.
  2. Draw a top line perpendicular to the edges.
  3. From this line, set down the length of the product, plus allowances for the drawstring at the top and for processing the bottom - you can immediately mark the lines of the drawstring.
  4. Through this mark, draw another perpendicular to the edges.
  5. Along the line that runs along the lobar, set aside a segment equal to the circumference of the chest, multiplied by 1.5 or 2 (depending on how well the fabric drapes: if it is gauze, it is better to make lush gathers, if chintz or satin - more modest ).
  6. Cut out the part.

Assembling a sundress

How to sew a children's dress with your own hands? Very simple. This model has only one seam, plus bottom processing, plus a drawstring:

  1. Start with the drawstring - iron the top edge to the wrong side, then bend the fold 0.5 cm and stitch it all together (it’s better to make a decorative stitch on the front side).
  2. Sew the back seam along the wrong side, leaving the area near the drawstring unsealed so that you can insert the elastic.
  3. Insert the rubber band.
  4. Try the blank on your daughter.
  5. Mark the places for the straps.
  6. Cut 2 pieces of braid and sew on the straps.
  7. Hem the bottom - hand hem or topstitch.
  8. Along the hem you can sew the same braid from which the straps are made.

Important! The straps of this sundress can be tied.

Sundress on a yoke

If you need a dress for a girl, you can sew it yourself from two different fabrics. For example, take satin for the yoke, and crepe de chine for the bottom. But nothing prevents you from constructing a similar thing from the same material.

This summer dress with a yoke is also made like a sundress, only the straps are better made wide and from the same fabric as the yoke, and this model does not have a drawstring.

Important! It is better to cut out the yoke first on paper - it looks like a strip 5-6 cm wide and a length equal to the half-circumference of the chest. There will be 4 parts - two for the front and two for the back. Like these ones simple patterns children's dresses for beginners can be used.

Operating procedure:

  1. Lay out the fabric lengthwise (you can use two layers at once).
  2. Cut out 4 strips of the specified size from it (do not forget to add allowances for all cuts) - the grain thread coincides with the short side.
  3. Cut out the hem - to do this, subtract the width of the yoke from the total length of the product (like the previous model, it is measured from the armpit to the bottom).
  4. Cut out 2 straps - these are also strips 5-6 cm wide, but, unlike the yoke, when cutting, the grain thread coincides with the long side.


Start assembling this model by preparing the straps:

  1. Fold the strips in half with right sides facing out.
  2. Place the long seam allowances inside.
  3. Iron them.
  4. Topstitch the seam and topstitch the straps around the entire perimeter.


To quickly sew a baby dress with your own hands, connect the yoke with the straps, and then sew on the bottom:

  1. We sweep the strips in pairs: one for the outside, the other for the inside.
  2. We sweep each one into a ring.
  3. Let's try one of them on a model.
  4. We mark out places for the straps - both on the part of the yoke that will be on the outside and on the part on the inside.
  5. Carefully rip apart the basting and straighten the rings.
  6. We fold the strips intended for the front part with the right sides facing each other.
  7. We put straps between them.
  8. Sew together the top seam.
  9. We turn the yoke inside out so that the long parts of the straps should be on the front side.
  10. Iron the seam.
  11. We do the same with the back parts - after you stitch them, the straps should be sewn in.
  12. We sew together the side seams of the yoke - the allowances should be on the inside.

Assembling a summer dress

Your yoke with straps is ready. All that remains is to stitch the hem, but first you need to prepare it:

  1. Sew the back seam.
  2. Press the seam allowances to the sides.
  3. Sew along the line of stitching to the yoke with a basting stitch and make gathers.
  4. Place the top edge of the main part between the yoke pieces and baste.
  5. Sew the main part to the yoke.

The dress is almost ready, all that remains is to trim the bottom.

Dress according to pattern

You can sew a children's dress with your own hands using a pattern. Clothing for small children is also good because many things can be sewn using the same patterns. For example, on a T-shirt or tank top. To do this, it is not at all necessary to rip the thing apart - you can simply circle it. It's better to do this on paper first so you can model the cutout:

  1. Trace the shirt.
  2. For the back of a straight dress, simply extend the side lines down to the desired length.
  3. For the shelf, also continue the lines down to the same length.
  4. Find the middle of the cutout.
  5. Draw a line down from this point.
  6. Set aside 2 cm.
  7. Connect this new point to the beginning of the shoulder seams.
  1. Cut out 2 parts - front and back.
  2. Cut out facings for the neckline and armholes - just trace them first along the contour of the pattern, and then make a parallel outline at a distance of 2.5-3 cm (you need to outline by aligning the front side of the part with the back of the facing).
  3. Sew the shoulder and side seams of the main parts, pressing the allowances to the sides.
  4. Sew the neck pieces along the shoulder seams.
  5. Press seam allowances.
  6. Turn the main dress inside out.
  7. Baste the facings so that their right sides are on the wrong side of the dress.
  8. Sew facings along the cutouts.
  9. Fold the free edges by 0.5 cm and stitch - preferably with a finishing stitch from the front side.
  10. After that, all you have to do is trim the bottom.

DIY elegant dress for a girl

Are you thinking about how to dress up a princess for a matinee, but you have almost no time left? Nothing complicated. Now we will talk about how to sew a children's dress with full skirt- This the best option, and you can do it in a couple of hours.

You will need:

  • upper material (if available) beautiful swimsuit or a bodysuit, it will be very good - the upper part can be made from these items);
  • tulle or guipure for a skirt;
  • wide elastic band for the belt;
  • large compass;
  • long ruler.


The top is made in the same way as for simple dress sleeveless - that is, a T-shirt is outlined, but only to the waist. The cutout is modeled.

If you are sewing a dress from a swimsuit, simply cut off the bottom part or turn the swimsuit into a bodysuit by cutting it between the legs and sewing an inconspicuous button there. Why do you need a clasp? Then, so that your little princess does not feel any inconvenience and does not rack her brains over what to do if the need arises to go to the toilet.

We start assembling from the top - we simply sew the parts together in the same way as when making any other clothing. You can immediately process the top and armholes, unless, of course, you are going to sew in a zipper.

Making a skirt

A circle skirt looks just perfect on a little girl. It can be floor-length or very short, in the style of a dude. You only need two measurements - waist circumference and the length of the skirt itself.

Important! What to sew from? A brilliant invention of designers - tulle. Keeps its shape perfectly - no need to starch. You can cut it however you like; it costs nothing to cut out several layers at once.

It’s better to make a template in advance:

  1. Calculate the construction, the radius of the notch - divide the waist circumference by 6.28.
  2. Draw a circle with this radius on a piece of paper.
  3. Add the length of the product to the radius.
  4. Draw a second circle from the same center - you will get a ring.
  5. Cut out several layers of tulle - they can be the same, but you can make ruffles of different lengths.

Your next steps depend on what the top is made of:

  • Materials such as supplex or jersey have excellent stretch, so you can simply sew the skirt first to the elastic, and then the entire structure. - to the bodice.
  • If the material does not stretch so well, you cannot do without a zipper. It is best to sew it in the middle of the back, from the top to the skirt. In this case, the neckline is processed after the zipper takes its place.

Video material

In short, there are plenty of models for little girls from 2 months old, and many can be sewn using the most primitive patterns. The most important thing is to carefully handle all the details. The slightest carelessness on children's clothing is visible much more clearly than on adult clothing, and can significantly ruin the look.

Some special event or even just a birthday.

I want a holiday and guests.

What if this holiday is intended for a little girl?
I want a double holiday!
I want everything to be perfect and flawless.
I want to organize an event on a grand scale.
Or not even on a grand scale, but you just want to give your child a holiday.
But what to do when the prices for elegant dresses are just off the charts?
I suggest making your own festive elegant dress for girl.
It will be better than any store-bought dresses!
If you know how to sew or you have a great desire to learn, then you can do it!
Sewing such a dress is very easy and quick, especially since the pattern is provided free of charge.

Dress pattern:

Using this pattern you can sew not just one festive dress for a girl, but three of them:

True, in order to cut out models No. 1 and 2, you need to model the pattern a little.
Model No. 1
This dress can be combined from two fabrics - checkered and striped. The skirt is flared, with a yoke. The bodice consists of two parts. This dress has a bob neckline. Puff sleeve with a narrow cuff at the bottom.
Model No. 2
This summer dress for a girl is made of patterned fabric and trimmed with lace and plain fabric. There are small pleats at the front. The dress will look very good with a belt.
Model No. 3
The highlight of this dress are the wings sewn into the relief line. The dress fastens at the front with buttons. There are tuck folds on the shelf. The skirt is flared at the bottom, the top of which is gathered. This dress looks very good with a belt.
The pattern of this dress is designed for size 34, with a height of 134 cm (without seam allowances).
Fabric consumption for a dress: 1 m 55 cm, with a fabric width of 106 cm.
When choosing the style of a children's dress, you need to remember that you can choose the simplest model, but put all the emphasis on the choice of details (braid, lace, fabric, bows, etc.).