Why does hair not dry well? Does your hair and skin dry out during the heating season? There are five SOS solutions for the cold season. What to do with dry and burnt

Have you bleached your hair and are unhappy with its quality? Are you already regretting what you did and looking towards the scissors? Do not hurry! We'll fix everything! I’m talking about my experience and the results of restorative procedures.

Good afternoon, dear girls!

Many have already noticed that I changed the shade of my hair. Exactly a month has passed since my first experiments with color, when, with the help of lightening powder and professional dyes, I decided to remove the basma-black color from my head.

Over the past month, I have been faced with the question several times: “How to lighten your hair so that it retains a decent appearance, smoothness and shine? How did you manage?”

I'll be honest - Miracles don't happen!
I was unable to maintain the original quality of my hair, its softness, elasticity and problem-free quality.
Lightening is a rather aggressive procedure. And 2 consecutive ones - even more so.
But I try very hard not to let my hair deteriorate completely. Therefore, perhaps, I will break the chronology of events - the sequence of my posts will be different. First, I will share my experience in taking emergency measures to care for damaged hair. And I will dedicate the next post to a detailed story about the way out of black after using a natural dye - basma.

I hope it will be interesting and useful!

To better understand the situation, I will describe the type and condition of my hair:

Originally my hair normal type, With oily skin heads. Straight in structure, medium density, thin, soft, silky. Before all the experiments with color, even in a natural light brown shade, they were severely split and broken. This problem was solved by the use of natural dyes - henna and basma. For 10 years I was red, and for the last almost 4 years I was black.
The hair with henna and basma was of excellent quality: dense, thick, thick, elastic and shiny. I did not know any particular problems with the selection of care, since it had already been clearly formed through years of research.

Then there was a strong desire to change my hair color to a lighter and warmer one. It was a pity for the hair, given the complexity of the procedure. I didn't have any guarantees. A natural dyes very persistent and unpredictable. But I made up my mind. AND as a result of 2 consecutive lightenings I got this:

After 2 times, I tinted my hair with professional dye of different shades, which made it possible to revive and soften it a little, as well as even out the spotty texture (after henna and basma it is difficult to achieve uniformity). The photo shows 2 tinting results - 2 different shades.

But the quality of the hair, naturally, has changed a lot.
From previously soft and elastic hair that easily accepted most cosmetics (and quite light ones at that), my hair turned into a dry, matte and porous mass with an incomprehensible, constantly washed off, unstable color.
The first few days I was in a depressed mood. No not like this! The mood changed from joyful: "Hooray! I'm not black anymore! And it’s not even green!”)))(more on this later) Before: "God! How disgusting my hair is! How hard, prickly and matte they are! What have I done!”(((

Each washing procedure made me feel the difference and compare the new, already forgotten sensations of hard, burnt hair with its previous softness.
As I lathered the shampoo into my hair, I felt how much it reminded me of the heads of children’s dolls - artificial, synthetic tow.
Balms, masks... not everyone saved the situation. Here I am washing the slippery substance out of my hair. Hair is soft! Finally! I can hardly comb it anymore. 2 hours pass. The hair is dry and... hard, frizzy and nasty again!

What I encountered after lightening my hair:

1. The hair has lost a significant part of its pigment and has become light and thin.
2. The hair was exposed to aggressive influence and its structure was damaged.
3. The elasticity, softness and shine of the hair have disappeared. Stiffness and brittleness appeared.
4. The tint became unstable and quickly faded away. Porous hair did not retain artificial pigments for long.
5. Along with the color, again, softness and shine were lost.

It was decided to change the entire care and gradually saturate the hair with pigment.

I replaced most shampoos with nourishing and soft ones for damaged and brittle hair, leaving a couple of regular ones for periodic quality cleansing. I returned masks and balms with proteins and keratin. I again acquired moisturizing sprays, stronger thermal protection, and am still using silicone-based tip fluids.

But, remembering the past experience of going blonde, I didn’t forget about natural oils. I have a lot of them. Over the past few years, I have been quite active in using oils to take care of my hair. And these were mostly batters - solid types of natural vegetable oils. They wonderfully nourish hair length, soften it and allow you to effectively combat fragility. But washing off the batters is labor-intensive. And for significantly damaged hair may not be safe.

That’s why I chose light oil options that perfectly nourish, but can be easily washed off with shampoo in 1-2 soaps:

1. Aroma-Zone Avocado Oil
2. 100% Natural Golden Siberian wild Altai sea buckthorn oil (this is a mix of cedar, sea buckthorn, burdock root, peptides and vitamin E oils)

Avocado oil is also a butter. In cool conditions it hardens. And at room temperature it is in the liquid phase. But according to my impressions, it is lighter than my favorite Shea, Mango or Cocoa butter. It is easier to wash off from the hair, especially in combination with liquid oils such as burdock, olive, and almond.

I made a series of masks from pure oils. Such masks have an excellent nourishing effect on damaged hair. But you should be careful, as they strongly wash out the pigment of the paint during subsequent washing and provoke increased activity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp. Hair begins to lose freshness faster. Hence the washing again and again the loss of pigment along with softness.

I solved the problem by using a simple, light hair mask together with oils, which alone works like a charm.

Since on this moment My hair is porous, not every mask can bring it back to its former state of smoothness, and even soften the length acceptable.
But by adding a few drops of oils to a stupid mask, you can significantly modify it, improve its properties and effect on the hair after exposure. With the help of a mask, oils are better distributed throughout the hair.

In addition, again, due to the porosity of the hair, it is not necessary to wash off such a mask with shampoo. My hair, for example, is not at all greasy after rinsing with water and drying. I simply wash it with shampoo, lightly squeeze out excess water, pat dry with a towel and apply the prepared mixture to damp hair, spacing 10-12 cm from the roots.

I leave it on my hair under a plastic cap for 40 minutes to an hour and rinse it off with water. Then I style it using brushing and a hairdryer (with thermal protection, of course).
The final stage of care is the application of silicone fluid along the length to protect against splitting and brittleness when combing the hair.

I made masks like this one over the past month. a large number of.
Yes, this is a certain strain on the hair. And normal and oily hair types most likely simply don’t need it. But today we are talking about tired, damaged and dry hair.
Porous hair is several times more in need of nutrition, hydration and reasonable weighting. And this method of using vegetable oils together with industrial cosmetics was very suitable for me, giving very good results, in my opinion. (pictured is hair with styling after using: nourishing shampoo, mask with added oils, thermal protection and silicone fluid for shine).

There are many ways to improve the condition of damaged hair. And this is not the only one that I will put into practice. But for me it is one of the most effective and fastest. I hope it will be just as good for your hair!

Thank you very much for your visit and attention! As always I wish Have a good mood And healthy hair! ;)

Good afternoon, beauties, today I would like to talk to you about the topic of hair porosity.

First of all, I would like to define this concept.

Hair porosity- this is the ability of hair to absorb moisture and the degree of damage to the outer layer of hair (cuticle), if we are talking about acquired hair porosity.

If the cuticle (the top layer of the hair) is in good condition, the plate-shaped cells overlap each other tightly, like tiles. The hair is elastic, shiny, alive, and there is no question of porosity.
But, if the cuticle is damaged, the edges of the plate-shaped cells are unfolded, like empty cedar cones, then such hair is called porous

Acquired porosity- from chemical exposure to hair, in the form of dyeing or bleaching, as well as from exposure to hot styling tools and the scorching sun.
It is possible to change the condition of your hair, but it all depends on the degree of hair damage. Why damage? Yes, because acquired porosity = damaged hair. And in order to get rid of it, you need to cut off part of it, since hair lost in the trash cannot be restored, and part of it will have to be treated for a long time and tediously.

Innate porosity- the structure of the hair that was passed on to you at the genetic level. It is almost impossible to change such porosity, but it can be made less noticeable, that is, it can still be hidden. I'll tell you about this.

Healthy, smooth, shiny curls look well-groomed, attractive and beautiful. However, not everyone can boast of them - many girls have porous hair with a damaged scaly structure. Such strands look dull, dry and lifeless, do not fit well into the hairstyle, and quickly become dirty. To restore their structure, special care and treatment is required nourishing masks, choosing a suitable haircut.
Porous hair looks dull and brittle.

Porous hair- This is hair in which, in other words, the pores are open, into which dust, dirt, styling products, remnants of care products and even excess moisture constantly enter.

Such hair looks dull, dry and lifeless, it lacks shine and shine.
To the touch, such hair is hard, dry and most often crispy.
Porous hair is hard to find mutual language, such hair cannot be styled; at the slightest humidity, such hair begins to “take on a life of its own” and begins to bristle in different directions, increasing in volume due to the moisture it absorbs.
Porous hair does not hold dye well, and if it does, the dye most often applies unevenly; you have probably noticed how the roots can differ greatly from the color at the ends.
Porous hair, why does it become like that?
Often, any straight hair can easily and simply become porous if you neglect the rules of hair care, coloring and protection.
But according to a survey I conducted, people are born with porous hair, but even if you were born with such hair and it is not externally damaged, you should not neglect the rules of caring for such hair, so as not to aggravate the situation.

But still, what causes healthy hair to become porous?
Frequent drying with hot air, under no circumstances should you dry your hair with hot air, even if it is warm or even cool air.
Hair drying 100%, I think everyone here knows that if you dry your hair with a hairdryer, then under no circumstances should you dry your hair 100%, for this you need to dry, for example, thoroughly the roots of the hair, and the length until the hair is wet. Then let your hair dry naturally.
Hard water causes the hair cuticle to become fluffy, the hair becomes dry and begins to tangle. And the washing up hot water .
Wrong care, choose care for your hair type, I would highly recommend not washing your hair with harsh shampoos, but opting for moisturizing ones.
Regular painting with cheap high oxide paints
Weather in the form of strong winds and frosts, scorching sun, salty sea water, etc. I wrote a separate post about how to protect your hair.
Using hot hair styling products daily, without using thermal protection.

Signs of Porous Hair

Porous hair differs from healthy curls in the following signs, visible even to the naked eye:
they are dry, lifeless, dull, hard to the touch;
hairs often break and split ends;
dust and moisture quickly enter the open pores of the scaly structure; particles of street pollen, remnants of cosmetics, and shampoos get stuck in them, causing the strands to quickly become dirty;
the appearance of the hair is unkempt, strands can curl, stick out in different directions, and become fluffy;
fashionable haircuts with thinning they look ugly, the curls are difficult to comb and curl;
styling is quite difficult to do; perfect smoothness with such curls is difficult to achieve;
when painting, the paint applies unevenly, is quickly washed off, and its color turns dull;
the hairstyle quickly loses its shape, becomes sleek and disheveled.
  • proper washing. This means that you don't need to rub or pull your hair too hard. It is important to wash them with water at the right temperature, ideally cool;
  • choosing the right shampoo. It is better to use organic cosmetics that do not contain aggressive detergents. Be sure to use conditioner or balm after shampoo - these products will moisturize your hair, make combing easier and “glue” the scales together;
  • regularly make masks for porous hair.
  • mandatory protection from harmful environmental factors. If you want to restore your hair, be sure to protect it from the sun and wind, wear hats according to the season;
  • avoid hair dryer, ironing, etc. Ideally, it is better to completely abandon them, at least for the duration of treatment. If you absolutely cannot do without styling tools, use heat protectants. The same applies to styling products: foams, varnishes, mousses, gels cause no less damage if used regularly;
  • correct coloring. You will do the right thing if you give up painting at least for the duration of the restoration. But it is clear that for most women this is simply impossible. In this case, it is absolutely necessary not to use aggressive paints or choose radical colors;
  • proper combing. Very important rule– do not comb wet hair, be sure to start from the ends, gradually rising to the roots.
Hair porosity can also be due to hormonal changes in the body; before the age of 30, you had perfectly straight hair, and after 30 it suddenly became porous and fluffy, remember the example of Irene Vladi.
Also, the cause of hair porosity can be an excessive love for organic matter, in particular oils.
Oils tend to dry out my hair, and it’s good if this doesn’t happen to you, but I often heard complaints that the oil dried out my hair, and my hair started to get frizzy after the oil. It happens that oils are not suitable for your hair.
Oil nourishes the hair, many people forget that you can’t go far on nutrition alone, an integrated approach is important for healthy hair, for this your hair needs:


If you're happy with oils for two years, that's already good, but your hair tends to get used to it and you may soon find that your hair starts to break and dry out terribly. That's how it was for me.
Fortunately, I was put on the right path, and now I can say that my porous hair has become smooth and manageable.
Let's see for clarity what happened to my hair before?

Here my hair is undyed, but I used an iron and a hairdryer every day.
The hair crunched when touched and was hard and dry.

As soon as I went outside, my hair increased in volume, short strands from the cascade and the ladder near my face began to curl and spoil the already terrible haircut. At that time, I did not try to deal with the problem of hair porosity, I only aggravated the situation by using a hair straightener, of course, without thermal protection. To smooth these dry and fluffy hair. I think you understand that the effect did not last long; after straightening it in the morning, before school, I understood that when I went for a walk outside in the evening, I would have to straighten my hair again. This is how I lived.
When I began to comprehensively treat and grow my hair, the first thing I did was give up hot appliances, a hair dryer and straightening iron, completely.
Now I understand that you can straighten your hair and still have healthy hair, but the main thing here is to choose good thermal protection, from which the result will be. Which? If you run a hot iron over a strand of hair, it will remain cold, but straightened.
I started treatment with oils, but now I understand that oils subsequently give the opposite reaction.
I can even give you recipes that, by the way, helped me get rid of hair porosity.

2 tsp argan oil
1 tsp jojoba
1 tsp wheat germ oil
2 drops em ylang-ylang
2 drops ef-lime.
2 capsules fish oil in capsules
Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the entire length, paying Special attention tips. Wrap it in a bun and walk like this for 1-2 hours

-2 tsp argan oil
-1 tbsp olive oil
-10 drops essential oil ylang-ylang
-1 egg yolk
Mix everything thoroughly, apply to the hair roots and distribute to the lengths and ends. Put on the bag and insulate the top with a scarf or towel. For best result After applying the mask, you should warm it up with a hairdryer through a scarf for 15 minutes. Leave it for 1-5 hours. Rinse with warm (not hot water, otherwise you will end up with scrambled eggs, because the egg yolk will curdle).

Mask for hair growth and nutrition No. 2
-1 tbsp peach pits
-1 tsp argan oil
-1 tsp wheat germ
-2 tsp avocado
-15 drops of vitamin E
-10 drops of vitamin A
-5 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil
-6 drops of Bay essential oil (for roots)
Heat all base oils in a water bath, add ylang-ylang essential oil and distribute the oil along the entire length and ends. Add Bay essential oil to the remaining oil, mix (with a plastic or wooden spoon) and apply to the roots. Wrap your hair in a scarf and walk like this for 1 to 5 hours.

Mask for hair growth with dimexide + softness and hair restoration
-1 tbsp peach seed oil
-1 tbsp wheat germ oil
-1 tbsp avocado oil
- half a teaspoon of dimexide (seen in the photo)
-5 drops of Bay essential oil
5 drops ylang-ylang essential oil
Mix all ingredients thoroughly with a plastic or wooden spoon (as metals oxidize oils). Apply along the partings, massage the scalp, apply the remaining oil to the lengths and ends. Wrap it in a bun and put on a bag, wrap it with a scarf or towel on top. Walk with a mask for 1-2 hours.

MASK ANTI-POROUS HAIR, FOR RESTORE DRY AND DAMAGED HAIR, gives softness, elasticity and shine to hair
1 teaspoon hemp oil
1 teaspoon avocado oil
1 teaspoon wheat germ oil
1 teaspoon broccoli seed oil
1 teaspoon argan oil
5 drops buriti oil
5 drops of ylang-ylang or lavender oil.
Mix everything thoroughly and apply both to the roots and lengths, walk for as long as possible, preferably even leave it overnight. Do the mask 2 times a week for a month, then take a break for 2-3 weeks and repeat the course again.

There are many recipes, the main thing is to make masks, mix, combine, find what is right for your hair.
My dears, the main thing in growing and restoring is PATIENCE. And remember that everything takes time. And I want to remind you that I managed to restore and improve the structure of my hair in almost 2 years.

I wrote this at the beginning of 2015.
Now I understand that the oils did not restore my hair, since I cut off all the damaged hair, and what you see now is new hair grown with oils, from scratch, one might say.
It is healthy, smooth, but still there is porosity in the structure of my hair.

It took me 2 years of constant oil care to grow new hair. 2 years,How many liters of oil did I pour on myself? I'm scared to imagine.
For those who are ready to drench themselves in oils, you can use my recipes that I gave above.
Now I would never smear myself with oils and walk with them for 5-8 hours, as I did before. Why? Yes, because I realized that there are products for this that will help heal your hair in a shorter period and give it the “hair-to-hair” look that everyone is striving for, with which you can achieve good results in 30 minutes a day, not immediately, but over 3-6 months, but that’s not 2 years.
Now I will touch on the topic of hair restoration, which will be relevant to those who have acquired hair porosity due to improper care, the use of hot devices without thermal protection, frequent ammonia dyeing, bleaching with a large percentage of oxide 9, 12%
and even after unsuccessful use of henna.

I would like you to pay attention to this picture.

You see how coloring negatively affects hair, and let’s say, due to bleaching, the hair cortex becomes empty, which is why bleached hair breaks from any impact.
Colored hair requires care, with an emphasis on hair restoration, nutrition and maximum hair protection, but you should not forget about moisturizing.
To restore hair, completely different components are needed, such as:
hydrolyzed protein
oils (but it’s better if these are components in masks, ampoules)
soy protein, wheat
silk proteins

There are other lesser-known components for hair restoration, but here it’s up to the company to come up with something of its own.
You shouldn’t buy these products separately and add them to purchased masks, I know many people think, I’d rather add a jar of proteins to my favorite supposedly organic mask than buy an expensive professional mask.
There is no need to do it on your own; manufacturers trusted by many have already done everything for you.
Masks that contain restorative components in their composition will gradually clog your “empty” hair, thereby causing hair restoration. And yes, don’t expect instant hair restoration, this doesn’t happen with any product, and perhaps your tactile sensations in your hair will change, but the first time you take a photo before and after the mask, you won’t see much of a difference. You didn’t kill your hair all at once, so it takes time to bring it back to life.
From 3 to 9 months.
The voids or, in other words, damage will be gradually filled with active components:

Many girls, having ruined their hair, run to get keratin hair straightening, without thinking that the effect of such a procedure is temporary.
Better to spend money on good masks and ampoules that you will use for six months/year and then. that will really get your hair in order.
If your hair is in this condition, and you are not ready to cut your hair bald, then only in this case can you do keratin straightening to grow healthy hair and gradually cut off all the dead hair, but remember, keratin is washed out and a cruel reality awaits you again.

Burnt hair must be cut off and dry icicles should not be saved!

Do you see this photo? The hair on the left is trashed; such hair only needs to be cut off. And the fact that on the right is completely different hair.
No procedure can turn dead hair, devoid of all substances in the form (lipids, amino acids, keratin, etc.) into a healthy tissue.

Often, such pictures attract gullible girls to keratin straightening, lamination and other procedures.
These procedures only hide all the damage behind a dense layer of film-forming components, and the slipperiness of the hair is due to silicones.
In a month or three, all this will be washed off and your hair will be damaged again. Therefore, you should not resort to these procedures if you expect restoration from them, besides, they are quite expensive and in order for you to always have the illusion of healthy hair, you need to sit on this procedure, like on a needle, constantly, otherwise breakage will begin , i.e. brittleness and dryness.
If you are not going to grow out your hair color, then you can simply choose a treatment that will restore your hair and create the effect of smooth and healthy hair.

Here is a photo for clarity. I think the essence of these procedures is well understood, how the composition envelops the hair and it looks shiny and healthy.
Let's talk about truly restorative products:
To restore your hair, I could recommend the following products to you:
Ampoule care:
If you have severely damaged hair that is difficult to comb, I would advise you to take a course of ampoules
Using them 2-3 times a week.


I would advise you to prefer heavy, thick and dense consistencies.
So that the composition contains useful components, and the consistency of the mask is silicone, in my opinion, these are the masks that work best on porous hair.
To give your hair softness and density, I would recommend you a mask from Estel for severely damaged hair; you should not use it often, it is purely for the visual effect.

If you really want to restore your hair, I can advise you night mask from lundenylone 3 in 1
She works wonders on hair.

I could also recommend you two masks that are similar in action:

They soften the hair very cool, making the hair very dense and heavy.
With constant use for a month or two, you can notice how the hair has improved in quality, brittleness and porosity of the hair goes away.
Here I would definitely recommend moisturizing shampoos, they delicately cleanse your hair and do not dry out the length.
After I switched to such shampoos, I saw a difference in the quality of my hair, although I was skeptical about shampoos before.
My favorite is Kiin Moisturizing Shampoo with Menthol.

Shampoo from angel their spa series.
Lundenilone moisturizing shampoo

If you color your hair and want to extend the durability of the color, I would definitely recommend you shampoos with an acidic ph; KAARAL has such a line, AAA series

Cosmetics for colored hair contain an acidic pH

Due to this, the hair cuticle becomes smooth, the hair scales are as close to each other as possible.
I would recommend conditioners and balms that are silicone-based as much as possible, so that they smooth out the scales of porous hair, thereby giving the hair smoothness and shine.
Leave-in products:
If you have porous hair, you 100% cannot do without leave-in products. I would strongly recommend purchasing hair sprays; it is best to give preference to moisturizing ones that do not weigh down your hair.
Such sprays can be used an unlimited number of times a day.
Of the budget and perhaps most favorite sprays, I had and still have the Libriderm spray.

I would also like to point out that porous hair needs heavier textures.
I chose two products for my hair: oil and cream.
Tache Keratin Gold oil is a favorite this summer, it thickens the hair so dramatically, creating the effect of a single silk sheet of hair. All the protruding lengths are instantly smoothed out, this is probably the first and I hope the last leave-in product that I buy for the second time.

The second product that greatly thickens and weighs down hair is the cocochoco leave-in cream.
I’ll repeat it too, I probably have half of it left.

Additional care:
And if you decide to grow out your hair color, but before that you have been dyeing your hair for many years, you will have to either cut off all the dyed hair or constantly tint it in order to constantly fill the empty hair pigment. Now there is colorless hair tinting, which simply covers the hair with a colorless film.
There is also glazing, shielding, all these procedures can be done by yourself at home.

With these treatments your hair will look vibrant and shiny.
If your hair is not damaged, but is just porous from birth, I would recommend the following care:
A series of shampoo and conditioner with an emphasis on moisturizing. I would also recommend you a series with an acidic ph, there are some for colored hair.
I would also recommend a hair mask that will thicken your hair.
And be sure to use oil for the ends of your hair, I would recommend Tache, it is better for porous hair.
And due to the fact that our hair is porous, it quickly accumulates dust, dirt, styling products, oils and other care products in its structure, so such hair needs more frequent use of deep-cleansing shampoo.
Since our hair already suffers from dryness and brittleness, I would recommend a mild shampoo, like the one from the Angel brand.

I use it once every 3-4 weeks, it doesn’t dry out my hair at all and gently cleanses. If I didn’t feel the lightness of my hair after washing, I would never have said that it was a deep cleanser.
And yes, if your hair is healthy and not as long as mine, then you can get by with products from a more budget segment.
I still love to use, sometimes I borrow from my mother, a mask from Nature Siberica:
Natura Siberica Sea buckthorn mask for dry and normal hair

The mask from Planet Organics is also good:

Instead of conditioner, I would recommend you a mask from the organic shop Coconut Paradise, its abundance of silicones in its composition makes your hair feel like silk, although it dries out my hair like a mask. But if you use it for a minute, like an air conditioner, the effect will not leave you indifferent.

1. Hair conditioner from Nivea luxury for long hair
An excellent silicone conditioner that smoothes hair well.
2. Leave-in cream from Constant Deline 12 in 1
A good hair cream, it does not weigh down the hair, but softens it perfectly.
3. I would also like to note the spray conditioner from Libriderm, its wonderful moisturizing properties and availability will simply not leave you a chance to pass by.

Let's summarize everything that I wrote to you above.
So, Hair porosity can be acquired, due to improper care, painting with a high percentage of oxide, cheap ammonia paints, bleaching, washes, as well as the use of hot devices without thermal protection, sunbathing without sun protection, etc. Such hair porosity most often, in addition to open hair scales, also has damage, so a double action is necessary in the form of restorative masks (which should contain hydrolyzed keratin, protein, lipids, etc.), ampoules, washing with soft and moisturizing shampoos, rinsing hair with conditioner with an acidic ph.
And congenital, when your hair has been “fluffy” since birth, possibly hard and dry, due to the fact that moisture quickly evaporates from porous hair.
What to do in this case? To do this, you need to make sure that the hair scales are tightly attached to each other, cosmetics with an acidic ph level will help you with this, this is usually found in lines for chemically treated hair, that is, dyed, weighting silicone oil for the ends of the hair or a cream with dense texture. Use masks with a restorative composition; such masks greatly thicken the hair, thereby making the hair texture heavier and straighter.
And yes, I almost forgot to tell you about one of the important criteria - comb. For porous hair that needs a smooth finish, I would highly recommend a combination or natural boar bristle brush.

Combs such as a straightening iron straighten your hair, making it very smooth by smoothing the hair scales.
I personally use this brush to give my hair that final polished look.
I comb my hair with a plastic comb from Janeke (an analogue from a fixed price), its long bristles simply comb the hair perfectly and do not tug at the hair at all.

That's all I wanted to tell you about porous hair and the principle of caring for it.

I think now you know how to care for porous hair to achieve maximum smoothness and healthy looking hair.
If I missed something, write about it in the comments, after all, the topic is vast, you can’t tell about everything.
Thank you all for your attention to my post, I tried to be as informative as possible, Masha was with you, see you soon!
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Finally turned on the heating, but now your hair and skin are drying out? Calmly!

Today there are many shampoos for dry hair to suit every taste and budget!

By the way, how you wash your hair is also important. Check if you are doing everything carefully and correctly, as it should?

By the way, even more video tutorials with hair care tips and styling ideas can be found at ATH YouTube channel.

Not only does your hair dry out, but another seasonal misfortune comes -! How to deal with it without drying out your scalp and moisturizing your hair at the same time?

Editor's tip: for example, try and . Their formula with hyaluronic acid helps saturate strands with moisture, and also fight dandruff or prevent its occurrence.

2. Are your hair and skin dry? Don't forget to moisturize and nourish them

After cleansing, you just need to moisturize your skin. It doesn't matter whether you apply several steps of care or a regular moisturizer. As a rule, in winter the skin likes thicker textures with big amount nutritional and protective components.

By the way, contrary to fears, it is not harmful to apply moisturizer before going outside in cold weather. As a rule, modern manufacturers do not use ingredients that harden in the cold and harm the skin.

The same applies to hair if it becomes dry. Use every time after washing. Try to do it once a week.

3. Use a heat protectant for your hair.

Perhaps, during the heating season, curls suffer even more than skin. Not only does hair dry on its own, but it also loses moisture from blow-drying and heat styling. This will not work. Moreover, today they are sold everywhere at very affordable prices.

Editor's tip: for example, it is recommended to apply not after, but before styling. Its formula with calendula extract allows you to protect strands from overheating during styling and shape your hairstyle. A great budget helper if your hair gets dry.

4. If your hair and skin are dry, consider buying a humidifier.

An air humidifier is a fairly simple and affordable device that will help you if your hair and skin are very dry. Typically, such devices operate from the mains: you pour water into them, and they spray small particles into the air. scarf. This will not only protect your curls from temperature changes and wind, but will also help you avoid catching a cold.

Wrap yourself up and protect yourself from wind and cold if your hair and skin get dry. Credit: Rex by Shutterstock

When your face gets cold and chapped, try using thicker foundations in the fall-winter period. Of course, don't forget about seasonal must-haves - nourishing lip balm, hand cream and cuticle oil.

Hair lightening occurs due to the oxidation of pigment with oxygen., color is lost, voids appear in the hair, keratin chains are destroyed.

Bleaching products lift the cuticle, penetrate the middle layers and remove pigment. It is impossible to lighten your hair without causing the slightest harm to it. Once damaged, the cuticle will never regain its original appearance.

Damage can be as low as the hair being drier and rougher to the touch, moderate as the hair becomes porous, or severe as hair breakage, hair loss and scalp burns.

If the clarification was carried out incorrectly, Negative consequences This procedure will immediately appear in the form of dryness, fragility and even partial loss of curls.

Can damage be prevented before the procedure?

In order for the lightening to be gentle, you need to follow several rules:

Is it possible to restore strands?

To restore bleached hair, you need to take the following measures::

  1. enjoy by special means for this hair type.
  2. Once a week, deeply moisturize your hair and apply nourishing masks.
  3. Trim the ends every month.
  4. Use a hairdryer, straightener, curling iron and hot rollers as little as possible.
  5. Use masks from the collection folk recipes based on natural ingredients.

What to do with dry and burnt ones?

Reference. Professional shampoos and masks for burned hair are absolutely not suitable for healthy hair.

With the help of the tools given below you will not be able to do this without it. good hair“a little better” will only make them heavier. But for curls damaged by bleaching, these products will become a real panacea, smoothing them out and intensely moisturizing them.


  • Damage Hair Repair from Kiehls.
  • Therapiste by Kerastase.
  • Expert restoration from Hair-X.


  • Dercos from VICHY.
  • Restorative Mask from Moroccanoil.
  • Repair from System Professional.


  • Coconut – makes strands incredibly shiny and shiny.
  • Flaxseed – deeply moisturizes and nourishes.
  • Peach – heals damaged and split ends.

Traditional methods

Mixture based on colorless henna

Will be required:

  • Colorless henna – 1 tsp.
  • Raw egg yolk – 1 pc.
  • Burdock oil (can be replaced with olive or flaxseed) – 1 tbsp.

All components must be thoroughly mixed, then applied to the strands and covered with a towel. Leave for forty minutes, rinse with warm water and apply balm.

Nourishing with avocado

Need to take:

  • Avocado – 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice – 2 tbsp.
  • Olive oil – 2 tbsp.

Mix the ingredients into a homogeneous mass, after crushing the avocado into a paste. Apply the composition to the curls and insulate. Leave for an hour, rinse with water and rinse with chamomile infusion.

Nourishing with egg


  • Olive oil – 2 tbsp.
  • Castor oil – 2 tbsp.
  • Egg yolk – 1 pc.

Mix the oils and heat a little in a water bath. The composition must be homogeneous. Distribute the mask over your curls, lightly massaging the root area and applying a large amount to the ends. Keep for an hour.

What should you do if your hair falls out after bleaching?

Let's consider what products are needed if the strands fall off after lightening and bleaching.

When choosing products to solve the problem of hair loss, you need to choose those that will help strengthen the hair roots.


  • Revitalizing shampoo from Ollin Professional.
  • Cleance & Condition by Repair Four Reasons.
  • Pro-Keratin Refil from L Oreal Professional.


  • Nourishing care from Dove.
  • Regeneration with coffee extract from Sweet Hair.
  • Mask from Thalasso Therapie Marine.


  • Almond – restores the structure of even very dry hair, has a beneficial effect on hair follicles.
  • Castor oil – protects against hair loss.
  • Burdock – intensively moisturizes hair.

How to revive it at home?

Onion-garlic mixture

Will be needed:

All of the listed ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the hair. Gently rub the mixture into the scalp.

The mask must be left on the hair for at least 30, and preferably 50 minutes., then rinse with warm water.


The composition consists of honey and honey taken in equal parts. Burr oil, mixed and slightly warmed. For an effective effect, apply to the entire length of the hair, as well as to the scalp and leave for an hour and a half.



  • Cognac – 50 ml.
  • Burdock oil – 1 tsp.
  • Lemon juice – 1 tsp.
  • Egg yolk – 1 pc.

Apply the components converted into a homogeneous composition to the hair and scalp and insulate. After fifty minutes, you can wash off with the obligatory subsequent application of balm.

Treatment if they break and tear

Hair fragility can be avoided if you intensively nourish and moisturize it. The following tools will help you cope with this task.


  • Intensive recovery from Pantene Pro-V.
  • Regenerating shampoo from La Petit Marseillais.
  • Shampoo for severely damaged hair from Tony Moly.


  • Cream mask from Struttura.
  • Instant Moistre by Paul Mitcell.
  • Bonacure Moisture by Schwarzkopf.


  • Jojoba - prevents breakage.
  • Avocado oil – nourishes hair as much as possible, restoring its elasticity.
  • Olive – deeply nourishes and moisturizes.

Self-prepared products

Yeast wrap

This is a simple but very effective procedure.


  • Dry yeast – 50 g.
  • Boiled water – 1 tsp.
  • Egg white – 1 pc.

Mix water with yeast, add protein. Distribute the composition along the entire length of the strands.

After application, you should wrap your head with film and insulate it on top, for example, terry towel. You can wash off the mask after an hour.

Gelatin based

  • Gelatin – 1 tbsp.
  • Water – 3 tbsp.
  • Any hair balm – 1 tbsp.
  • Egg – 1 pc.

Mix gelatin with water and leave for a couple of hours to swell. Add balm and egg. Active exposure time is 1 hour.

Product with vitamins

Mix grape and burdock oil in a ratio of 1:3. Add two capsules of vitamin E and apply to hair. After an hour, wash off.

Express recovery

To quickly cope with the consequences of lightening, you can use the following methods:

  1. Contact a hair specialist at the salon.
  2. Apply professional deeply nourishing and regenerating masks at home, but no more than three times a week.
  3. Regularly apply moisturizing serum to your ends.

Important! Instant recovery after hair bleaching is impossible, but to speed up the results you need to use an integrated approach. In addition to applying medicinal products on your hair, take internally the vitamins necessary for the health of your curls.

Salon treatments

  • Biolamination– a procedure that involves applying a special composition that protects hair from damage.
  • Glazing– each hair is coated with a mixture of special glaze and ceramides. As a result, the hair gains volume, shine and smoothness.
  • Shielding– is a comprehensive treatment method using a special nutritional composition.
  • Cysteine ​​reduction– is based on cysteine, which is part of keratin. After the procedure, the hair regains its natural elasticity. The effect lasts for a month.

How long does it take to be treated?

The duration of the restoration of damaged hair depends on the chosen method. Salon treatments will improve your curls as quickly as possible. The visual effect will be achieved immediately and will last for 1-3 months.

Traditional restoration methods have a cumulative effect and hair improvement will occur gradually. The process can take from 6 months to a year.

In what cases is it better to prune?

If minimal or moderate damage was caused to the hair during lightening, you can do without radical measures, but if the damage is serious, haircut is a necessary measure. If nothing is done, the strands will continue to split and break off.

A situation in which, instead of beautiful light curls, after bleaching, you end up with lifeless, dry hair, which occurs very often. Having information about how you can prevent the negative consequences of lightening and how to cope with its unsuccessful results helps you not to be disappointed in the procedure and become the owner of a beautiful, well-groomed blonde.

Video on the topic of the article

We invite you to watch a video on how to restore hair after bleaching: