A toy egg from which a chicken hatches. Hatchimals are interactive pets that hatch from eggs! What it is

Which appeared on our market relatively recently. This review is dedicated to this interactive pet. Therefore, if you want to know in more detail what kind of toy this is and how to play with it, read this article to the end.

What kind of toy is this

The Big Hatchimals Egg is a surprise toy manufactured by Spin Master. Before purchasing, there is no way to know in advance who will end up inside the egg. The eggs may contain penguins or dragons of different colors. These interactive toys are an innovation on the market: for the first time, a child can trace the entire development cycle of his pet - from hatching from an egg to full formation"personality" of the pet. At the same time, as it goes through all the stages of formation and development, the toy will not change in appearance - the changes will only affect the pet’s capabilities.

These chicks go through several stages in their development, each of which is different from the others:

How to open an egg

Many people are interested in how to open a Hatchimals egg to quickly see what kind of pet is inside. The answer is simple: the more attention a penguin or dragon receives, the more you play with it, the more actively it will develop and, accordingly, the faster it will hatch from the egg. To speed up the process, stroke the egg at the bottom - the pet will begin to knock on the shell with its beak, thereby breaking the egg. When most of the shell is broken, remove the top of the egg and pick up the pet.

Toy options

Small Hatchimals eggs can hide inside one of two characters - a baby dragon or a penguin. Moreover, each type of animal can have 4 different colors. When purchasing a toy in an egg, you cannot know in advance what color pet you got.

Here are the options included in the package:

  • Penguin - pink color, white belly and crest;
  • Penguin - red, yellow belly, blue crest;
  • Penguin - lilac, green belly, purple crest;
  • Penguin - green, crest and belly yellow;
  • Dragon - blue, blue belly;
  • Dragon - green, belly light green;
  • Dragon - dark blue, lilac belly;
  • Dragon - purple, belly white.

Dragons and penguins are slightly different in their personalities. So, the baby penguin is very energetic, brave and at the same time modest and funny. Penguins are best suited as a gift for a girl. The baby dragon is a kind, naive and very friendly pet. Dragons are good for boys.

Benefits of Hatchimals

The Hatchimals egg will become a good gift for children who love surprises and enjoy taking care of small pets. Your child will be able to play with this toy himself, trigger its transformations and actions, which it will perform in a playful and very interesting manner.

This toy is also good because your baby, while playing with Hatchimals, will be able to understand that small pets need to be cared for and loved. From this game he will gain invaluable experience that will help him in real life treat all living beings correctly and with care.

Each stage of development of the Hatchimals toy is interesting in its own way. But if you need to, you can reset the settings to initial stage development - the stage of “chick that has just emerged from the egg.” To do this, just press the “Reset” button, which is located at the bottom of the pet.


We gave this toy to our daughter. She really enjoyed watching the penguin chick hatch from its egg and make its way into the Big world. The games included in the toy are also interesting. A penguin in an egg hatchimals toy is a great gift option for young children.

Hatchimals toy in egg - interesting option gift for a child. We gave this egg to our son; he was interested in working with it, especially when the baby dragon came out of the shell. In principle, it’s not a bad toy, but its price, in my opinion, is a bit high. And for that kind of money, more functions could have been included. In addition, older children (from 5 years old) will no longer be interested in such Hatchimals pets, so they should be given only to the youngest children.

Now you know how to hatch and open a small Hatchimals egg, how to play with it, and general information about this interactive pet. We hope our review helped you decide whether to buy such a gift for your child or not. Also read reviews on our website about other toys for children.

You can buy it in children's stores toy eggs that open up in water. They hatch into toys of animals, birds, dinosaurs or even small children. As a rule, they are all quite cute and attractive. But in this story, the egg was purchased from a thrift store. What eventually hatched from it shocked not only children, but also adults.

Original toy egg

The egg, purchased from a thrift store, was produced in the 90s. This is what attracted people who decided to see what kind of toys were being produced at that time. But they could not imagine how much the result would surprise them. The manufacturer promised that the egg should hatch into a figurine of a small child. The buyers decided to film the hatching process of the rare toy and did not regret it.

First, they placed the egg in water and left it for several hours so that the shell could soak and become softer.

As expected, they left the egg in warm water for 15 hours. During this time, the toy should not only hatch, but also significantly increase in size. After just 9 hours, a significant crack appeared on the egg. The family and their child continued to watch the toy hatch. When the shell began to crack even more, the baby's head emerged from the egg. In its structure, it did not at all resemble an ordinary toy.

What it is?

The family was truly shocked when they saw a baby's head emerge from the cracked egg. Its structure looked unnatural and looked more like a piece of bread or fried breadcrumbs. But this only increased their curiosity. They had to leave the figurine for a few more hours so that it could fully hatch.

The shell never fully opened, so the parents had to independently remove the figurine from a glass of water. And what they saw really shocked them. They admit that at first they didn’t believe their eyes.

The toy did not look like a small child, as the manufacturer promised, but like some kind of alien monster. His entire body was made of a strange material that had a rather loose structure. The child himself looked scary. “This is a real nightmare,” the woman who bought the egg commented on the photo. “We expected to see a rare children's toy released in the 90s, but did not think that it could change so much.”

But that is not all

The surprises didn't end there. When the parents completely cleared the figurine of its shell, they were able to fully examine the unusual mutant. And they noticed that the baby had grown two large breasts.

All parts of the toy's body were abnormally deformed and greatly enlarged. The face was so disfigured that one could barely see the eyes. The arms and legs had different shapes and size. The couple rushed to photograph the toy from all angles, and then posted a photo of their unusual purchase on social networks.

“The toy looks just as terrible from the back as it does from the front,” a customer commented on one of the photos. She said that she would not dare give this figurine to her child, because the material from which it is made could be dangerous to his body. She also fears that the appearance will greatly frighten and shock the baby.

Internet users reacted strongly to this strange discovery. They started joking that the figurine was their appearance resembles an alien, a piece of bread and even a figurine little buddha. Other users advised its owners to get rid of this monster immediately. And one of them even offered to buy her.

It is unknown what influenced such a nightmarish transformation of the egg figurine. Perhaps it really has expired. The packaging did not even indicate the date of its manufacture, so buyers could not determine the exact year of its manufacture. The materials from which the toy is made may have deteriorated. That is why she was so strangely transformed under the influence of water. Or the egg was originally defective. It is now impossible to determine the exact cause of such changes.

From all this we can conclude that even modern toy eggs can be unsafe for small children. Parents must carefully monitor all hatching processes. And if there is a defective toy in the egg, then it is best to get rid of it so that it cannot harm the child.

Did you like this story? What do you think a damaged toy looks like?

Нatchimals is an original educational and entertaining surprise toy. The name Hatchimals combines two words - “hatch” and “animal”, which perfectly convey the method of its creation: this is a little animal that emerges from an egg.

The child will go through several stages of development with his friend, from an egg to a talking pet, and will be able to play games with him and communicate. The surprise is that the baby will not know what his new friend will be like until hatching.

The interactive Hatchimals toy features big egg with a figurine inside, which is activated during the warming process in the child’s hands. After hatching, the chick will go through several stages of development, acquiring new abilities at each of them. Thanks to a recording device, microphone and special touch sensors, it responds to the child's voice and touch.

The toy sings songs and tells poems, fairy tales and tongue twisters, can participate in dialogue, can express its emotions, moves and even dances. He may get scared, get sick, freeze, start hiccupping, sneezing and coughing. New skills and functions are added with each new stage of the chick's development.

The toy is safe. The figures are made of plastic and soft fabric, which does not interfere, does not cause allergic reactions. The shell is made of soft plastic, which is difficult to injure. All small parts are securely attached and will not fall off without the child's efforts.

What games can you play with your pet?

The toy plays the following interactive games:

  1. "Funny sounds." Press the button until the green indicator lights flash. After this, the chick will begin to play funny melodies, which the baby will need to repeat, clapping his hands as accurately as possible. To win the game you need to accurately reproduce 10 melodies. This game trains attention, develops hearing and a sense of rhythm.
  2. "Salki." After the flashing red light appears, the pet will begin to jump and its eyes will change color. Every time they turn red, you need to lightly slap him on the head. To win, you need to hit red 15 times. The game develops attention and dexterity.
  3. "We carry out commands." The indicator lights should flash blue. The toy will give instructions to the little player, changing the color of the eyes: red - pat on the head, pink - press on the tummy, blue - turn upside down. The speed of color change will increase as the game progresses. To win, you need to complete the commands correctly 15 times in a row. The game trains attention, reaction speed, and dexterity.
  4. "Predictions". The chick's eyes will flash orange. He is asked questions that can be answered with “yes,” “no,” or “I don’t know.”

Who will like it

The Hatchimals toy is suitable for boys and girls from 5 to 12 years old. At this age, children are interested in plot-related role-playing games and toys that will help them realize this interest.

Children younger age may swallow small items included in the kit.

How to open: instructions

Pet Hatchimals is carefully and securely packaged so as not to damage the shell ahead of time and not spoil the surprise for the baby. The unpacking instructions are extremely simple:

  1. First, you need to cut off the top of the package sticky tape.
  2. Filming plastic cover from the box.
  3. We place the opaque box on its side.
  4. Carefully remove the inner packaging.
  5. Cut the adhesive tape on the inner packaging.
  6. Remove the blister with the egg.
  7. Remove the plastic clips.

Once removed from the package, the egg begins to live.

Steps of hatching from egg and growth

So, after removing it from the package for activation, you need to place the egg on the palm of your hand with the wide part and warm it with the warmth of your hands. After this, the child will be able to go through 5 stages of pet development.

1 egg

While the toy is in the egg, it will require a lot of attention. The baby will have to warm the shell with his palms, stroke it, talk to it, and listen to its heartbeat. The process is somewhat reminiscent of “hatching” chickens.

You can rock the egg like a baby, lightly tapping the shell with your fingers. The animal will respond to this by tapping back. During this time, the child becomes acquainted with new toy, gets used to it.

The chick in the egg will babble, and will also express its emotions and communicate its condition using eyes with light indicators that will be visible through the shell. Eye color has the following meanings:

  1. Red indicates the baby's dissatisfaction. To fix this, you can pet him at the bottom, rock him, talk to him.
  2. Orange indicates that the chick is vomiting. To help him burp, the egg needs to be tilted head down.
  3. Flashing orange lights are a sign that your baby has hiccups, and to help him, you need to knock on the shell.
  4. Green eye color indicates that the pet is not feeling well. It needs to be tilted, stroked and rubbed from below.
  5. Blue signals that the baby is afraid. To calm him down, you need to rock the egg, stroke it, and talk to him. If you clap your hands, he will be even more scared.

In order to activate the hatching process, you need to rub the heart located at the top of the shell. After this, the toy’s eyes will change color to pink, and her heartbeat will be heard. Often 30 minutes is enough for a child to play with a whole egg.

2 hatching

A Hatchimals chick can only hatch once. The pet will indicate its readiness for this child by the iridescent glow of its eyes. Without the help of its little owner, the chick cannot be born.

To help it hatch, the egg is rubbed from below. After this, the chick will begin to peck at the shell, like a living chicken. The harder the baby rubs the shell, the faster the release of the toy from it will end.

If the process slows down or stops, the egg needs to be picked up again and warmed. Hatching lasts no longer than 30 minutes. The chick itself will split the top of the egg shell in a circle. In analogues, he can be helped with a special hammer. Then the “lid” will need to be removed, the toy removed from the egg and the protective film removed from the wings.

If you press on the toy's tummy, it will sing the "Happy Birthday" song. The same action activates the 3rd stage of chick development.

3 baby

At this stage, the toy will require care, much like a newborn baby. If you pet her, she will coo and say “I love you.” If you shake it and turn it upside down, shout “Weeee”. If you tickle her tummy, she will laugh. She can also hiccup, mutter and flap her wings.

Once again, his eyes will help you understand what your pet needs:

  1. The purple color shows that the baby is hungry and it’s time to feed him. To do this, tilt the toy forward. In response, she will slurp.
  2. Orange color indicates overeating. The pet will hiccup. To help him, you need to clap your hands.
  3. If the chick's eyes turn yellow, you need to play with it.
  4. Blue eyes are a sign that the baby is cold and needs to be warmed in your palms.
  5. The eyes will turn dark blue if the chick is scared. In this case, you need to stroke it and warm it in your hands.
  6. The color red signals dissatisfaction or sadness. To calm your pet and cheer him up, you can pet him, rock him or tickle his tummy.
  7. Green eyes indicate that the Hatchimals animal is not feeling well and that it requires treatment. To do this you need to stroke it. If you tilt the toy, it will sneeze. If you press on his tummy, he coughs.
  8. If the eyes turn white, the baby is tired and needs rest. Let the child put him to bed.

4 baby

When the next stage of development is reached, the pet will again sing the birthday song, and its eyes will again begin to shimmer in different colors. Now you can teach him to talk. The control button is located on the toy's stomach.

After one short press, the chick will sing songs, after one long press, the pet's eyes will turn turquoise, he will say hello and the speech recording will begin. The child can say any phrase, the toy will remember it and repeat it after a short press on the tummy.

At this age, the chick will already be able to walk. To do this, you need to press the button until the toy’s eyes begin to blink white. Then the child will have to help the pet: after each clap, the chicken will take a step, after two, it will turn. A lot of hand clapping will make the animal spin around its axis. If you turn on the music, he will dance.

5 chick

At the next stage, you can activate 4 interactive games. The list is scrolled through using the same button on the tummy. In addition, all other functions and capabilities of the toy available at previous levels are retained. If desired, you can return your pet to the “baby” level. To do this, you need to restart it using a special button located at the bottom of the toy.

Assortment and types

There are several types of Hatchimals eggs.


The classic Hatchimals toy is represented by only 2 types of animals:

  1. Pengualas, or koala penguins, are sold throughout the world. It has wings and a crest.
  2. Draggles are a mix between a dragon and an eagle.

Each species has 4 color options for chicks and two for eggshells.

The animal figurine is placed in an opaque colored egg. The surprise is that the coloring can only be recognized after the chick hatches. Each character has its own character. If the penguin is cheerful and gentle, then the dragon is restless, a little clumsy and energetic. The toy expresses its emotions and desires using eyes equipped with LED indicators.

The standard set consists of a large box (25x20x15 cm), an egg with a toy (their total weight is 860 g), detailed instructions in Russian and two spare AA LR6 batteries. Hatchimals are 20 cm high and have a base width of 15 cm.

The figure is equipped with a speaker and microphone, and touch sensors. She reacts to claps or other sounds and touches, can reproduce spoken words, and coos.

Basic twins

Since October 2017, basic Hatchimals twins have gone on sale in 6 varieties:

Two figures are placed in one large egg. There are also rare models that are sold only in branded stores: blue or lilac Burtles - winged butterfly turtles (sold only in Walmart stores), rhinoceros owls with horns Owlicorns (can only be purchased at Toys R Us) and black or white bear cubs - Bearakeet parrots (sold at Target stores).


Collectible figures are released in small eggs. They are many times smaller than the classic ones, made of plastic and non-interactive. Each purple-speckled egg has a heart. After it is rubbed, it changes color. This means that the animal is ready to hatch.

Collectible animals cannot peck through the shell themselves—the child will have to break it with his own hands. The first release consists of 72 figures (yellow-green snails, pink hedgehogs, yellow tiger cubs and elephants, blue hippos, blue-white pandas and others), divided into 13 categories (Forest, Farm, etc.) of varying degrees of rarity and one limited edition ( Cloud Bay), consisting of 6 animals. The series can be identified by the color of the shell and the spots on it.


Collectible toys are sold in sets of 2, 4, 8 or 12 pieces. Any of 72 figures can hatch from the egg. Each collectible set comes with a memo describing all the animals in the series, a nest or egg tray and a map of the fairy-tale world.

Pros and cons of Khachimals

Hatchimals is a toy that develops children's attention, imagination, observation, spatial thinking, fine motor skills hands, reaction speed, dexterity, intelligence. The toy pet does not depend on other gadgets and applications. The child can play with it either independently or in the company of parents or friends. The toy is bright and pleasant to the touch, made of safe and high-quality materials,

The main disadvantage of Hatchimals is high price(about $60). Another disadvantage is the difficulty of care.

Still, the toy is designed for preschool and younger children school age, which means that she will be regularly dirty, fed with edibles, etc. It cannot be washed because of the interactive filling; you can only clean it with wet wipes.

Some buyers complain about the low charge of the batteries included in the set. Sometimes their charge is not enough for the chick to crack the shell.

Psychological aspect of Hatchimals

Story-based and role-playing games are important for children. Trying on the role of “mom” or “dad”, forming his relationship with the pet, the child will learn to build relationships with others.

Hatchimals will teach your baby to take care not only of his little friend, but also of the people around him and his family. He learns what responsibility is, because a toy, almost like a pet, needs care. The child will go through all stages of development with his new friend, putting his own efforts into this.

The interactive toy Hatchimals (a funny plush pet that hatches from an egg) is an undeniable success of the Canadian company Spin Master; The innovative development first became a nominee for the most prestigious “toy” award “Toy of the Year 2016” at the New York exhibition “Toy Fair 2016”, then found itself in the ranking of the most popular and desired children’s gifts for Christmas and New Year.

What are Hatchimals toys?

Hatchimals toys are sold in an egg, from which they “hatch” on their own if you warm and stroke the shell with your hands (according to the instructions). If you want a faithful dragon or your own little penguin, grow from an egg! And it will be yours and only yours little dragon or penguin, raised, nurtured, educated and trained with your own hands.

Main parameters of the toy:

  • egg height is about 30 cm;
  • the hatched dragon or penguin measures 25 x 20 x 15 cm, the plush pet weighs about 100 g;
  • Hatchimals toys run on two AA batteries; they are included in the sales package (these batteries are enough for the “hatching” and “hatching” process).

The Hatchimals interactive toy has several color options: Hatchimals Penguin - pink with white/yellow, purple and green; Hatchimals Dragon - blue, purple, cyan and green. Since it is impossible to see the future pet when purchasing (it is completely hidden in the egg), its color can only be judged by the multi-colored specks on the shell.

Hatchimals Penguin and Hatchimals Dragon differ not only in appearance, they have different characters. A touching little penguin can be kind, naive, fidgety, a little clumsy and very cute; the baby dragon, for all its charming funnyness, is more active, bold and restless - as befits stern but gentle dragons. Adult and well-mannered Hatchimals toys can talk, walk, sing, eat the food offered (growling and saying “yum-yum-yum”), and dance. And, of course, they truly and devotedly love their master, although they can be capricious: what can you do, even the kindest-hearted dragon sometimes wants to be mischievous, be stubborn and show real dragon character.

How to play

After the egg is unpacked, you need to remove two pins from its bottom to start the “hatching” process. The egg should be stroked, rocked in your hands, warmed by holding it close to you, and lightly tapped on the shell. If you really can’t wait to meet your baby penguin dragon, you can speed up the “hatching of the egg” by slightly blowing on it from a warm (but not hot!) hairdryer. All this time the baby will mutter something, sigh, hum, and if you listen closely, you can even hear the beating of his heart. In short, the waiting stage is incredibly exciting and intriguing; it will require maximum attention and care. The chick's eyes will glow (this can be seen even through the shell) different colors. Attention! Eye color changes: red, green, blue, and each shade means something (details in the instructions), for example, turquoise- this is the signal “Stroke me!”

“Hatching” can take from 30 minutes to a day, depending on how active the owner of the egg is. At the final stage, the chick independently breaks the shell from the inside with its beak (by the way, the thin plastic is really very similar to the real thing) eggshells), and when it completely “hatches”, it sings a song similar to “Happy Birthday to You”, but only in its own, special, Hatchimal way. It is the chick’s performance of “Happy Birthday Hatchimals” that indicates the completion of the process: now your pet has finally hatched, you can remove the protective films from it and begin to get acquainted and play.

However, if the owner of a freshly hatched dragon or penguin thinks that this is the end of the matter and that his further participation in the fate of the pet is not required, then he is mistaken. The baby is still small, he doesn’t know how to do anything, and for now he is helpless and defenseless. The owner of the Hatchimals toy will have to go through three stages of raising his ward:

The first stage, the time of infancy: a little dragon or penguin needs to be warmed, fed, stroked on the belly, scratched on the forelock, and looked after in every possible way (the color of the eyes will tell you what exactly he wants). The chick, like any baby, can only babble something incomprehensible and is frightened by loud bangs. He also can’t walk yet, he just spins in a circle.

The second stage, preschool child: the pet learns to walk (the direction of movement is set by the sound of a clap), speaks not very well yet, but is already able to convey the rhythm of speech.

Stage three, hooray! The pet has grown up: he not only makes his own sounds, but also knows how to repeat the words of his beloved owner! He dances and sings with pleasure and plays the proposed games.

If suddenly the owner of the Hatchimals toy wants to go through all the stages of education again and tinker with the charming baby, this will not be a problem: the dragons and penguins have a restart button.

Who will love the interactive Hatchimals toy?

Hatchimals toys are intended for children from three (five) to twelve years old; Moreover, it was initially assumed that pink and yellow-pink Hatchimals Penguins would appeal more to girls, and blue and green Hatchimals Dragons would appeal to boys. However, true dragon experts and penguin lovers know no barriers, so the choice of a Hatchimals toy depends only on the personal preferences of its future owner.

About the pros and cons

An undoubted plus (besides their extraordinary cuteness, friendliness and fun) is, of course, that Hatchimals penguins and dragons do NOT require the mandatory use of mom and dad’s smartphones and tablets, unlike many other modern interactive toys. Our children already spend too much time on different displays, so the Spin Master developers specifically did not use applications for gadgets, for which special thanks to them. Again, parents’ smartphones and tablets will be safer.

A decent price for a toy 25 cm tall: the price ranges from 4000 to 6000 rubles, depending on the seller (the stated pre-order price from the manufacturers was $59.99).

A dragon or penguin fed with chocolate, applesauce and cherry jelly, unfortunately, cannot be washed in washing machine. It cannot be washed at all; only gentle cleaning with wet wipes is recommended.

Good day to all readers! Today we will tell you about a wonderful toy - the interactive pet Hatchimals, which hatches from an egg! But first things first. Not long ago my daughter won a gift voucher for children's store. And so, having chosen the time, we decided to go to this store so that she could choose something for herself as a gift. It didn’t take long to choose - my daughter immediately drew attention to the large egg that stood on the display case. The seller explained to us that this is an interactive pet that is in an egg. She told me that first you need to take care of the egg, then a pet will hatch and you have to raise it! Needless to say, this egg immediately became the limit of all my daughter’s desires! True, it was not cheap - 5300 rubles. We had to add some more (?) money from our wallet to our coupon.

Arriving home, we first went online to find out more about the miracle pet! Having learned what and how, we decided to “hatch” the egg and “raise” the pet. So here's what we got. The egg is placed in a box on which a pet is drawn (a penguin or a dragon), we chose a penguin. Also on the box are two color options for the future pet, but which pet will hatch is unknown in advance. So our whole family opened a betting shop and bet with candy.

As soon as you take the egg out of the box, the hatching process begins. The egg “comes to life” and you can communicate with it.

It needs to be warmed, stroked, you can also hear the chick inside the egg babbling, hiccupping, sneezing. If you stroke the bottom of the egg, you can hear the pet's heartbeat. And if you gently knock on the egg, the pet will answer you by tapping.

After about 20 minutes of active manipulation with the egg, the first tapping sounds were heard from inside - our pet was ready to hatch from the egg!

It spins around inside the egg and taps the shell with its beak, trying to break through it.

During this time, he also needs to be actively helped - encouraged by stroking the egg.

This stage also lasts about 20 minutes. In the end, the pet breaks through the shell so that you can remove the top part of the egg and help the little penguin get out.

It takes some effort as it sits there quite tightly. The newborn chick sings a song, and now it needs to be taken care of.

At the first stage, caring for a chick is not much different from caring for an egg. He also needs to be warmed, stroked, and calmed down.

Soon the pet sings the song again and moves on to a new stage of development. This is where it gets much more interesting - you need to teach the little penguin to walk, talk and dance. Learning to speak is very simple - you press a button and say anything, release the button and your pet repeats after you! He then randomly pronounces the last entry during the game, this often happens at unexpected moments, which makes the toy even more fun! You can teach a baby penguin to walk by clapping your hands - one clap - go forward, two clap - turn around. Also, when your pet's eyes glow blinking purple, he is ready to dance. One of the melodies turns on, and the pet begins to dance funny, and you can make the sound of drums in time with the melody, simply by lightly patting the pet on the head. Soon the pet sings the song again, this time in a matured voice, which means that he has reached the last stage of growing up. At this stage, four interesting games are unlocked.

A game for attention - the pet taps out a melody and the child needs to repeat as the pet did; if everything is done correctly, cheerful music and applause will sound. The second game is tag. The pet's eyes light up in different colors, you need to slap its head when you see the red color. Fifteen correct times will give you victory, but three mistakes and you lose. Another reaction game - blinking different colors the chick gives the commands “pat”, “press”, “turn over”. Each team has its own color. If everything is done correctly, then victory is yours! A pet can also be a predictor; you just need to ask it a question that can be answered “yes” or “no” and the pet will give you its answer. So we raised our pet! Now let's summarize. Is the toy interesting? YES! Definitely interesting! We bought it for our daughter, the whole family plays, even my teenage son watched with interest! The toy also develops memory, attention, and reaction, so it can also be called useful. Of the minuses - the first and most important minus is the price! It's way overpriced! For comparison, my son has a very interesting interactive robot, and its price is an order of magnitude lower. BUT on the other hand, what is money compared to the happy eyes of your child! The second disadvantage is the rapid growth of the chick. You can raise a pet from an egg to an adult chick in an hour! I'm afraid the child's interest may fade quickly because... there is no more intrigue. It would be good if at least 24 hours were allocated for each stage, so the child could watch the egg longer and wait for the chick to grow up. Of course, the chick’s settings can be reset to the baby stage, but the egg stage cannot be repeated, and we didn’t have time to enjoy it enough. However, those who are impatient will like it. Do I recommend the toy? Of course I recommend it! (if only the price were lower) Both girls and boys will definitely like it