Class hour for February 23rd. Class hour on the topic “February 23. Wildlife lovers

February 23 for high school students. Scenario

Class hour"The Russian Army at all times..."

Class hour on the eve of February 23

Goals: introduce schoolchildren to the formation of the Russian and Russian armies, to the major victories of Russian weapons; to cultivate in students love for the Motherland, respect for its defenders, and the desire to serve the Fatherland.

Preliminary preparation: in addition to preparing paraphernalia for decorating the office, the teacher needs to select material that is included in the story and it is good if this material is demonstrated through a projector. Also, the class teacher will need the help of several students from the class.

Office decoration: The office is decorated in the colors of the Russian and St. Andrew's flags. The stands are beautifully decorated with the state emblem, flag and anthem of the Russian Federation.

Class progress

L. Agutin's song “Border” is playing.

Teacher. February 23... For more than eighty years, the strong half of humanity has been celebrating the holiday of strength, endurance, patriotism and goodness. To commemorate the victory over the German invaders near Narva and Pskov, on February 23, 1918, a decree was issued to celebrate the Red Army Day, which was later renamed the Soviet Army and Military Day. navy, and for several years now it has been celebrated as Defender of the Fatherland Day. For a long time in Russia, the military profession was one of the most respected and honorable. Serving the Fatherland means protecting the peaceful life of our people, preserving the honor and dignity of our Motherland.

Student 1. The formation and development of a state is closely related to its interaction with neighboring peoples. And this interaction is not always peaceful. Defending your borders or going to neighboring territories requires an army and a navy. So it was with Russia.

Student 2. The first military campaigns of the Russians are associated with the names of Russian princes, who solved the problem of protecting their lands from raids by their neighbors and conquering new territories. The first campaigns were carried out by squads of princes, and people's militia were used. Like any state, Kievan Rus went through a period of feudal fragmentation, which led to a weakening of the military power of the state. For Kievan Rus, this was reflected in the fact that it was unable to repel the Tatar-Mongol hordes and was under their rule for three long centuries, although the Russian people tried to resist.

Teacher. At the same time, the Novgorod princes had to repel the attack of the German-Swedish aggressors from the north-west, and here Alexander Nevsky showed his military talent. A century and a half after the start of the Mongol invasion, the Russian lands, united under the rule of Moscow in 1380, were able to inflict a crushing defeat on the Tatar-Mongol troops. Russian troops in this battle were led by Dmitry Donskoy. The final overthrow of the Mongol yoke occurred under Ivan III in 1480. Moreover, Ivan III made a number of changes to military affairs, in particular, the troops began to be led by the chief governor, and not the head of state.

Student 1. As a result, Rus' became one of the strongest states in the world, although until about the 16th century there was no regular army in Russia. The regular army began to take shape under Ivan IV. As a result of the military reforms of Ivan IV, localism was abolished during campaigns, a unified procedure for military service was determined, and regiments of a new system (streltsy) appeared.

Student 2. Until the 17th century, Russia faced three main tasks: finding access to the Baltic Sea, protecting its southern borders from the raids of the Crimean Khan, and returning previously lost territories. These problems were solved and with the help of wars Russia partially managed to solve these problems, although there were tangible defeats (during the oprichnina, the Time of Troubles).

Teacher. Russian people have always been characterized by a love for native land, to his homeland. From time immemorial, this love has been manifested in the readiness to defend, without sparing life, one’s Fatherland from enemies. G. Derzhavin, M. Lomonosov, A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, L. Tolstoy and others wrote about Russian military valor.

Student 1. We bring to your attention the military-historical quiz “From chain mail to uniform”, dedicated to the history of Russian military costume. The appearance of warrior uniforms dates back to ancient times and is associated with the need to distinguish one’s troops from the enemy’s. Uniforms were first used in Sparta. The Spartans chose red for their military clothing so that the blood flowing from their wounds would be less noticeable. In ancient Rome, legionnaires wore clothes white, one legion differed from another in the color of the feathers on the helmets of the warriors.

Student 2. But what was it like in Russia? Uniforms were worn by people whose name was “Defenders of the Fatherland.” And for them the uniform had a special meaning. That is why the history of the uniform is not only a story about collars, buttons, piping, buttonholes, but also a story about the beautiful and amazing history of Russia, its wonderful commanders, valiant soldiers and officers, exploits and campaigns committed for the glory of Russian weapons.

Teacher. The heroic past of our Motherland was reflected in oral folk art. The people remember their legendary guardian heroes: Ilya Muromets, Vasily Buslaev, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich.

Student 1. Ancient Russian warriors showed extraordinary courage and dedication when defending the western, eastern, northern and southern borders of the Russian state from unexpected strangers - the Pechenegs and Cumans, the Tatar-Mongols, and German knights.

Student 2. All the boys in our class will participate in today's quiz. Now we will give you answer sheets - you sign them and answer our questions. The winner will receive a prize.

Teacher. First question. This shirt was invented in ancient Assyria, but Russian soldiers especially loved it - it was worn from the 10th to the 17th century, and then it became useless. What kind of shirt is this?

Participants are given time to write their answer on their forms.

Student 1. This is chain mail - a shirt made of many iron rings.

Student 2. In ancient times, chain mail in Rus' was a favorite and widespread clothing. It was worn by both warriors and rural and urban residents who took up arms in special cases. To make chain mail required great skill. One piece of chain mail required at least 600 meters of wire.

Teacher. To make chain mail, wire with a cross-section of no more than 2 mm was required. To make it, they used the ancient method of drawing. It was called sutuzhnaya and consisted of pulling an iron rod through a series of gradually smaller holes in an iron board.

Student 1. A special structure was set up in the forge: two pillars were dug into the ground, an iron drawing board was attached to them, and a swing was hung from the ceiling opposite. The master sat on a swing, grabbed a piece of hot iron inserted into the first hole with pincers, pushed off the pillars with his feet and flew upward, dragging a luminous metal thread behind him. Then he released it, the swing returned down, the master grabbed the workpiece with pliers and again pushed off from the pillars.

Student 2. Second question. It serves to protect the owner's head from wounds in battle. To protect the face from lateral impacts, it has an iron strip - the “nose”. Sometimes instead of a “nose” it has a “mask” - an iron mask that covers the upper half of the face. What is this?

Time to answer.

Teacher. Helmet.

Student 1. Russian helmets existed in military equipment in the 13th-17th centuries. They were different shapes, because they protected from the blows of various weapons. The oldest is a metal helmet made at the beginning of the 13th century.

Student 2. Its history is as follows: in 1216, princes Konstantin and George, the sons of Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest, fought for the Vladimir grand-ducal table. Konstantin's ally in the battle was Mstislav Udaloy, and George's ally was Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. Constantine and his comrade-in-arms won, and the opponents shamefully abandoned their military weapons and fled from the battlefield... And at this place, almost 600 years later, the helmet of the defeated prince Yaroslav was found in a forest hole. And it was assumed that a hero would wear it. The helmet is forged from a sheet of iron and has a curved, pointed shape. Its surface is smoothly polished and decorated with applied silver chased plates.

Teacher. Third question. In the era of which tsar, a Russian soldier is dressed in German clothes - a caftan, a camisole, trousers, stockings with shoes, a triangular hat and a scarf belt?

Time to answer.

Student 1. During the era of Peter I.

Student 2. These clothes were supposed to be worn both in summer and winter. True, in bad weather and cold weather it was possible to throw a short cloak on top - an epancha. The trendsetters among officers were not bothered by the fact that winters in Europe and Russia are, to put it mildly, different, and what is great for a German is a runny nose for a Russian. But never mind, they wore it! Iron men served in the Russian army. It’s good that, unlike the European one, the Russian uniform was looser, and the soldier was not afraid once again take a deep breath.

Teacher. In Peter's times, the uniforms of soldiers and officers did not differ in color. The infantry was all earth-colored, the dragoons (cavalry) were blue, and the artillerymen were red. The officers, however, were a little shaded with gold - gilded buttons and gold braid on the hat, collar, cuffs and edges of the pockets. And the officer's scarf was especially good. It was made of red, blue and silver threads to match the colors of the new Russian flag and was worn over the right shoulder.

Student 1. Hussars appeared in the Russian army under Elizaveta Petrovna, and since the birthplace of this type of light cavalry was Hungary, the uniform was borrowed from there. The hussars wore leggings called chikchirs, a short jacket (dolman) and a cloth jacket trimmed with fur (mentik), which was usually worn on the left shoulder, secured (so that it would not fall off while galloping) with a special cord. And all this ammunition was completely embroidered with gold or silver cord and decorated with numerous gilded buttons.

Student 2. The hussars became famous for their heroism in the Patriotic War of 1812. And on the battlefield, in the smoke, at a great distance, one regiment could be distinguished from another by different colors Dolmanov and Mentikov.

Teacher. Fourth question. What were these shoulder badges called in the Russian army and navy?

Time to answer.

Student 1. Shoulder straps and epaulettes.

Student 2. At first, the shoulder straps were more of a decoration, since for a long time they could not decide how to indicate the difference in rank. They tried to correct the matter, and epaulets appeared. Now chief officers could be distinguished from staff officers, and even more so from generals.

Student 1. Until the end of the 17th century, there was no regular army in Russia, although there were regular regiments. The creation of a regular army is associated with the name of Peter I. All his reforms are associated with the transformation of Russia into a great power and, as a result, were aimed at a radical reorganization of the country's armed forces. His “amusing” regiments became the prototype of combat training for new formations. Streltsy regiments were disbanded in 1698 and regular regiments were created. When recruiting them, the practice of recruiting soldiers and dragoons, which developed by the end of the 17th century, was used. A recruitment system was established, according to which the soldiers were recruited from peasants and other classes, the officer corps from the nobles.

Student 2. To train soldiers and officers, various manuals and regulations, schools are created, and young nobles undergo internships abroad to learn military affairs. Along with the creation of a regular army, a navy is being built. The main efforts were aimed at creating the Baltic Fleet, which began to form in 1708, and 20 years later it became the Baltic fleet. Instructions were created for the training of naval officers; in 1715, the Naval Academy was created, and since 1716, training has been conducted through the midshipman school.

Teacher. The main event of the reign of Peter I can be considered the Northern War, which Russia waged with Sweden for access to the Baltic Sea. The start of the war was unsuccessful for Russia and was associated with heavy losses. Since 1703, Russian troops have been winning victories. The most significant victories were the Battle of Poltava (June 27, 1709) and the naval battle at Cape Gangut (Hanko, July 27, 1714). These victories placed Russia among the strongest states of the 18th century, which did not satisfy the countries of Europe. This manifested itself in a number of military clashes in the second half of the 18th century (the Seven Years' War of 1755-1762, the Russian-Turkish War of 1768-1774, in clashes with Sweden and France). In these wars, the military talent of Potemkin, Rumyantsev, Ushakov, and Suvorov manifests itself.

Student 1. In general, the word “army” comes from the Latin word agto - “I arm.” But the army is not only strong in weapons, it is strong in the tenacity and courage of its soldiers. About sixty years ago, our Soviet army defeated Hitler's troops and liberated Europe from the fascist invaders.

Student 2. And in peacetime, our army guards tens of thousands of kilometers of Russia’s land, air and water borders. And he is always guided by the best military traditions of our ancestors.

Presenter. The glorious victories of Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy, Kozma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, Alexander Suvorov and Mikhail Kutuzov, Georgy Zhukov and Konstantin Rokossovsky inspire the exploits of today's soldiers and teach love for the Motherland. In the wonderful film “Officers,” one of the main characters says: “There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland!”


Hero of the native land

And protector of the weak,

He won

In an evil bloody battle.

Nightingale the Robber

He forced me to serve.

He commits robbery and evil

Left him forever.

Student 1. Fifth question. What are the names of the three heroes depicted in Viktor Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes”?

Student 2. Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich.

Teacher. Six question. What does the rank of midshipman mean?

Student 1. Translated from French, “midshipman” means “naval guard,” that is, a midshipman is a person who graduated from the naval academy.

Student 2. This title was established by Peter I in 1716.

Teacher. Seventh question. Who are the grenadiers?

Student 1. Grenadiers are grenade-throwing soldiers who march in front of the column.

Student 2. Eighth question. “Checked, no mines.” Who makes such inscriptions? They also say about them that they make mistakes only once.


  • consolidate children's knowledge about the formation of the Russian army, its formation,
  • cultivate respect for Defenders of the Fatherland,
  • help raise the prestige of the army.

February 23... The holiday is over 80 years old. For more than eighty years, the strong half of humanity has been celebrating the holiday of strength, endurance, patriotism and goodness. To commemorate the victory over the German invaders near Narva and Pskov, a decree was issued on February 23 to celebrate Red Army Day, which was later renamed Soviet Army Day and Navy. Currently, for several years now it has been celebrated as Defender of the Fatherland Day. For a long time in Russia, the military profession was one of the most respected and honorable. To serve the Fatherland is to protect the peaceful life of our people, it is to preserve the honor and dignity of our Motherland.

Man! What does this word say? A man is courage, bravery and will!

It is not for nothing that the words “man” and “courage” are close and consonant.

Today's competitive program dedicated to men: fathers and boys.

It’s especially nice to see dads at our holiday, because they don’t often delight us with their presence!

The game involves two teams. On the board there is a playing field of several squares. Each square contains a task and has a corresponding name.

The team that makes the first move (by lot) chooses a square - a task. The task is performed by both teams: a sign is placed on the playing field for the team that will complete the task correctly and quickly (if both teams completed it correctly and at the same time, then the sign is given to the team that chose the task).

The team that places the signs in a row in any direction (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) wins.

1) Understand me:

Imagine this situation: on one bank of the river there is a scout who urgently needs to report valuable information to headquarters, and on the opposite bank there is his comrade with binoculars. That is, he sees everything, but hears nothing.

Two people from the team are called: the most artistic and the most quick-witted - these will be the scouts. There shouldn't be any sounds. The message is conveyed only through gestures and facial expressions.

A) The sentry is guarding Pepsi-Cola.
B) I have sour milk.

2) Sappers:

In the army, all specialties are equally important, but among them there are those that require increased attention and caution. One of them is a sapper. Agree, the sapper has no right to make a mistake. There is even a saying: “A sapper makes a mistake only once in his life.” You can make mistakes in our “sapper” competition, but keep in mind that a mistake will be the defeat of the team.

A sapper from each team is invited. Everyone will receive a bomb, and we will watch how the “sappers” cope with the task.

The competition requires several boxes of different sizes. Let's say there are five boxes. Each box has a piece of paper with a question on it. The boxes are then stacked one on top of the other. It turns out something like a nesting doll made from boxes. There should be two sets of such “matryoshka dolls”. So, a bomb for the first team...

The “sapper” comes out, receives a “bomb”, reads the question written on the box, answers it, opens the lid taped to it, and reads the correct answer on it. If the answer is correct, he takes another smaller box out of the box, reads the question written on it, answers it, etc. If the answer is incorrect, then the “sapper” was “blown up” and left the game. Now another “bomb for demining” is received by a “sapper” from another team.

Questions for “bombs”:

  1. How many stars does a senior lieutenant have in pursuit? ( Three.)
  2. “Where does the Motherland begin?” ( “From the picture in your primer.”)
  3. Which Russian prince won a major battle with the Swedes when he was only 20 years old? ( A. Nevsky.)
  4. How many years passed from the end of the Civil War to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War? ( 20 years, 1921–1941)
  5. Which of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War was the most famous commander? ( Marshal Zhukov G.K.)
  6. How many stars does the colonel have in pursuit? ( Three.)
  7. What did the dark-skinned woman collect in the garden in the song of the same name? ( Grape.)
  8. Which famous Russian military leader called his soldiers miracles - heroes? ( A.V. Suvorov.)
  9. In what year did the Second World War begin? ( In 1939.)
  10. The most famous Soviet intelligence officer who reported the exact date of Nazi Germany's attack on Soviet Union. (R. Sorge.)

3) Battle trophy:

In the Russian army of the 9th century, grenadiers were tall, physically strong soldiers specially trained to throw grenades. Now our grenadiers will demonstrate their accuracy.

To play you need a ball plastic bottle with water, two small bottles of gas water and cups according to the number of players. Two teams, having received a bottle of gas water, stand 3 meters from the target. The target is a bottle of water standing on a hill. A player tries to knock down a bottle with a ball. If he hits, he passes the ball to the next one and drinks a glass of gas water; if he misses, the ball goes to the other team. The team that drinks the gas water the fastest wins.

4) Spoon for dinner:

The players approach an inverted stool, each participant stands with his back to the leg of the stool, and is blindfolded. Participants have a tablespoon in their hands. At a signal, they take three steps forward, turn around and try to quickly place and place the spoon on “their” leg. The team that manages to do this first wins.

5) Black box:

There is a card in the black box. There is a word on the card. Players from each team take turns asking questions, and the host answers them “yes” or “no.” The team that guesses first wins.

(Helmet or Flask).

6) Question - answer:

  1. Which troops retired? ( Cavalry.)
  2. What are military shoulder badges called? ( Shoulder straps.)
  3. What year is considered the year of birth of the Red Army? ( 1918. )
  4. What do wood and a rifle have in common? ( Trunk.)
  5. What is a military equipment warehouse called? ( Arsenal.)
  6. Who is the creator of the Russian army? ( Peter I.)
  7. Complete calm. ( Calm.)

7) Encryption:

Decipher a code that contains an important intelligence report.


15, 1, 25, 1, 13, 16
1, 20, 1, 12, 10
15, 1, 9, 15, 1, 25, 6, 15, 16
15, 1
17, 16, 13, 5, 6, 15, 30.

(The start of the attack is scheduled for noon).

8) Crossword:


3. Weapons invented by Kalashnikov.
4. Advance with a shout of “Hurray!”
6. A sport that characterizes climbing mountain peaks.
7. Enemy.
8. The branch of the military is the “god” of war.


1. The basic law of the country.
2. Rifle with a short barrel.
3. An ancient Greek hero whose weak point was his heel.
5. Garage for airplanes.


Horizontally: 3. Automatic. 4. Attack. 6. Mountaineering. 7. Enemy. 8. Artillery.

Vertically: 1. Constitution. 2. Carbine. 3. Achilles. 5. Hangar.

9) Stars of Glory:

Here are portraits of six outstanding people of Russia who have done a lot to make us proud of our country, its people, and its army. You need to say their names.

(Nevsky, Peter I, Suvorov, Kutuzov, Zhukov, Gagarin).

10) Men without tears:

Peel the onion, chop it and don’t cry.

11) Sea knot:

Each team representative has a handkerchief. Tie a sea knot. Tied up? Now exchange nodes. The task is this: in 1 minute you must untie your opponent’s sea knot.

12) Mined field:

Walk blindfolded and not touch a single pin. The one who hits the most “mines” loses.

13) Whose ball is bigger?

Two participants from different teams receive balloon and on command they begin to inflate them. The winner is the one who:

A) will inflate the largest balloon.
B) inflates the balloon so that it bursts.

14). Remember everything:

Teams are given a piece of paper and a pencil. The presenter shows the items prepared in advance and asks the teams to remember everything that is on the table. 30 seconds are allotted for memorization. The objects are then covered and the teams write down what they saw. To play 1.5 minutes. The one who manages to remember wins large quantity objects seen.

(Alarm clock, toothbrush, button, three buttons, cotton wool, cube, pen, calendar, compass, eraser, chalk, comb, screw, watch, calculator,…)

15) Nail:

Team members take turns hammering a nail. Whoever hammers the last nail wins.

16) Intellectual warm-up:

What does the custom of taking off a glove when meeting to say hello mean?

(Show that your hands are as pure as your thoughts and there are no weapons).

Once Peter I visited the army and issued an order: to sew tin buttons on the cuffs of officers and soldiers. For what?

(To wean them from a characteristic bad habit, wipe their nose with their sleeve.).

Friends, today is a holiday, and this means that you, the heroes of the occasion, at any moment can find yourself in the center of the festive whirlwind or completely unexpectedly receive a wonderful prize. By the way, pay attention to the seats of your chairs, whether any of you have a special mark under the seat - “Happy Place”. You? Congratulations! Prize please!

February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day. This day is a day of respect for all generations of heroic warriors. And since from time immemorial men have been protectors, this is truly “Men’s Day”, on which all representatives of the stronger sex accept congratulations.

The ancient folk wisdom of the inhabitants of the Caucasus says: “A man’s hand is beautiful when it is with a weapon!” We cannot allow your hands to be ugly, so as a keepsake for you….

Dear defender! We all know that the army left an unforgettable mark on your life. We know that you remember the two years you spent in the army with special trepidation. Today, we want to take you back to the days of your glorious military youth, for which you are given a can of stew with pearl barley porridge.

There is such a military song: “Let’s smoke, one by one comrade...” We think that this is a song about a true friend who always has a twinkle. This is what we are giving to you. Take it as a sign that with such a friend we will go on reconnaissance right now.

At the end of our meeting, allow me, on behalf of all the girls present, to wish you boundless happiness, heroic health, and eternal love!


  • consolidate children's knowledge about the formation of the Russian army, its formation,
  • to cultivate respect for the Defenders of the Fatherland,
  • help raise the prestige of the army.

February 23... The holiday is over 80 years old. For more than eighty years, the strong half of humanity has been celebrating the holiday of strength, endurance, patriotism and goodness. To commemorate the victory over the German invaders near Narva and Pskov, a decree was issued on February 23 to celebrate Red Army Day, which was later renamed the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. Currently, for several years now it has been celebrated as Defender of the Fatherland Day. For a long time in Russia, the military profession was one of the most respected and honorable. To serve the Fatherland is to protect the peaceful life of our people, it is to preserve the honor and dignity of our Motherland.

Man! What does this word say? A man is courage, bravery and will!

It is not for nothing that the words “man” and “courage” are close and consonant.

Today's competition program is dedicated to men: fathers and young men.

It’s especially nice to see dads at our holiday, because they don’t often delight us with their presence!

The game involves two teams. On the board there is a playing field of several squares. Each square contains a task and has a corresponding name.

The team that makes the first move (by lot) chooses a square - a task. The task is performed by both teams: a sign is placed on the playing field for the team that will complete the task correctly and quickly (if both teams completed it correctly and at the same time, then the sign is given to the team that chose the task).

The team that places the signs in a row in any direction (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) wins.

1) Understand me:

Imagine this situation: on one bank of the river there is a scout who urgently needs to report valuable information to headquarters, and on the opposite bank there is his comrade with binoculars. That is, he sees everything, but hears nothing.

Two people from the team are called: the most artistic and the most quick-witted - these will be the scouts. There shouldn't be any sounds. The message is conveyed only through gestures and facial expressions.

A) The sentry is guarding Pepsi-Cola.
B) I have sour milk.

2) Sappers:

In the army, all specialties are equally important, but there are some among them that require increased attention and caution. One of them is a sapper. Agree, the sapper has no right to make a mistake. There is even a saying: “A sapper makes a mistake only once in his life.” You can make mistakes in our “sapper” competition, but keep in mind that a mistake will be the defeat of the team.

A sapper from each team is invited. Everyone will receive a bomb, and we will watch how the “sappers” cope with the task.

The competition requires several boxes of different sizes. Let's say there are five boxes. Each box has a piece of paper with a question on it. The boxes are then stacked one on top of the other. It turns out something like a nesting doll made from boxes. There should be two sets of such “matryoshka dolls”. So, a bomb for the first team...

The “sapper” comes out, receives a “bomb”, reads the question written on the box, answers it, opens the lid taped to it, and reads the correct answer on it. If the answer is correct, he takes another smaller box out of the box, reads the question written on it, answers it, etc. If the answer is incorrect, then the “sapper” was “blown up” and left the game. Now another “bomb for demining” is received by a “sapper” from another team.

Questions for “bombs”:

  1. How many stars does a senior lieutenant have in pursuit? ( Three.)
  2. “Where does the Motherland begin?” ( “From the picture in your primer.”)
  3. Which Russian prince won a major battle with the Swedes when he was only 20 years old? ( A. Nevsky.)
  4. How many years passed from the end of the Civil War to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War? ( 20 years, 1921–1941)
  5. Which of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War was the most famous commander? ( Marshal Zhukov G.K.)
  6. How many stars does the colonel have in pursuit? ( Three.)
  7. What did the dark-skinned woman collect in the garden in the song of the same name? ( Grape.)
  8. Which famous Russian military leader called his soldiers miracles - heroes? ( A.V. Suvorov.)
  9. In what year did the Second World War begin? ( In 1939.)
  10. The most famous Soviet intelligence officer who reported the exact date of Nazi Germany's attack on the Soviet Union. ( R. Sorge.)

3) Battle trophy:

In the Russian army of the 9th century, grenadiers were tall, physically strong soldiers specially trained to throw grenades. Now our grenadiers will demonstrate their accuracy.

To play you need a ball, a plastic bottle of water, two small bottles of gas water and cups according to the number of players. Two teams, having received a bottle of gas water, stand 3 meters from the target. The target is a bottle of water standing on a hill. A player tries to knock down a bottle with a ball. If he hits, he passes the ball to the next one and drinks a glass of gas water; if he misses, the ball goes to the other team. The team that drinks the gas water the fastest wins.

4) Spoon for dinner:

The players approach an inverted stool, each participant stands with his back to the leg of the stool, and is blindfolded. Participants have a tablespoon in their hands. At a signal, they take three steps forward, turn around and try to quickly place and place the spoon on “their” leg. The team that manages to do this first wins.

5) Black box:

There is a card in the black box. There is a word on the card. Players from each team take turns asking questions, and the host answers them “yes” or “no.” The team that guesses first wins.

(Helmet or Flask).

6) Question - answer:

  1. Which troops retired? ( Cavalry.)
  2. What are military shoulder badges called? ( Shoulder straps.)
  3. What year is considered the year of birth of the Red Army? ( 1918. )
  4. What do wood and a rifle have in common? ( Trunk.)
  5. What is a military equipment warehouse called? ( Arsenal.)
  6. Who is the creator of the Russian army? ( Peter I.)
  7. Complete calm. ( Calm.)

7) Encryption:

Decipher a code that contains an important intelligence report.


15, 1, 25, 1, 13, 16
1, 20, 1, 12, 10
15, 1, 9, 15, 1, 25, 6, 15, 16
15, 1
17, 16, 13, 5, 6, 15, 30.

(The start of the attack is scheduled for noon).

8) Crossword:


3. Weapons invented by Kalashnikov.
4. Advance with a shout of “Hurray!”
6. A sport that characterizes climbing mountain peaks.
7. Enemy.
8. The branch of the military is the “god” of war.


1. The basic law of the country.
2. Rifle with a short barrel.
3. An ancient Greek hero whose weak point was his heel.
5. Garage for airplanes.


Horizontally: 3. Automatic. 4. Attack. 6. Mountaineering. 7. Enemy. 8. Artillery.

Vertically: 1. Constitution. 2. Carbine. 3. Achilles. 5. Hangar.

9) Stars of Glory:

Here are portraits of six outstanding people of Russia who have done a lot to make us proud of our country, its people, and its army. You need to say their names.

(Nevsky, Peter I, Suvorov, Kutuzov, Zhukov, Gagarin).

10) Men without tears:

Peel the onion, chop it and don’t cry.

11) Sea knot:

Each team representative has a handkerchief. Tie a sea knot. Tied up? Now exchange nodes. The task is this: in 1 minute you must untie your opponent’s sea knot.

12) Mined field:

Walk blindfolded and not touch a single pin. The one who hits the most “mines” loses.

13) Whose ball is bigger?

Two participants from different teams receive a balloon and, on command, begin to inflate them. The winner is the one who:

A) will inflate the largest balloon.
B) inflates the balloon so that it bursts.

14). Remember everything:

Teams are given a piece of paper and a pencil. The presenter shows the items prepared in advance and asks the teams to remember everything that is on the table. 30 seconds are allotted for memorization. The objects are then covered and the teams write down what they saw. To play 1.5 minutes. The one who manages to remember the most objects seen wins.

(Alarm clock, toothbrush, button, three buttons, cotton wool, cube, pen, calendar, compass, eraser, chalk, comb, screw, watch, calculator,…)

15) Nail:

Team members take turns hammering a nail. Whoever hammers the last nail wins.

16) Intellectual warm-up:

What does the custom of taking off a glove when meeting to say hello mean?

(Show that your hands are as pure as your thoughts and there are no weapons).

Once Peter I visited the army and issued an order: to sew tin buttons on the cuffs of officers and soldiers. For what?

(To wean them from a characteristic bad habit, wipe their nose with their sleeve.).

Friends, today is a holiday, and this means that you, the heroes of the occasion, at any moment can find yourself in the center of the festive whirlwind or completely unexpectedly receive a wonderful prize. By the way, pay attention to the seats of your chairs, whether any of you have a special mark under the seat - “Happy Place”. You? Congratulations! Prize please!

February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day. This day is a day of respect for all generations of heroic warriors. And since from time immemorial men have been protectors, this is truly “Men’s Day”, on which all representatives of the stronger sex accept congratulations.

The ancient folk wisdom of the inhabitants of the Caucasus says: “A man’s hand is beautiful when it is with a weapon!” We cannot allow your hands to be ugly, so as a keepsake for you….

Dear defender! We all know that the army left an unforgettable mark on your life. We know that you remember the two years you spent in the army with special trepidation. Today, we want to take you back to the days of your glorious military youth, for which you are given a can of stew with pearl barley porridge.

There is such a military song: “Let’s smoke, one by one comrade...” We think that this is a song about a true friend who always has a twinkle. This is what we are giving to you. Take it as a sign that with such a friend we will go on reconnaissance right now.

At the end of our meeting, allow me, on behalf of all the girls present, to wish you boundless happiness, heroic health, and eternal love!

Prepared and conducted by: Amagzaeva Tamara Ivanovna

Topic: “Who are they, our defenders of the Fatherland?”

Epigraph (On the board) Happiness, joy and peace are on your shoulders,

Defense of a huge country.

Compose songs and write poems

About people in military uniform.

Thank you for the sun, for the rainbow of dreams,

For a clean, clear sky,

For the smell of frost, spring flowers

And the taste of baked bread.


Develop interest in the history of the Fatherland, observation, curiosity;

Foster a sense of patriotism, cohesion, and responsibility.

Progress of the class hour.

1.Organizational moment


We praise all those who did not cry from their pain,

But he didn’t hide his tears at the graves of his dead friends,

Those who were men not in words,

Who hasn't celebrated a coward while sitting in the bushes,

All the best sons of humanity,

Those who guard the Fatherland!

2. The teacher’s story about the origin of the holiday.

Guys! Today we celebrate a holiday calledDefender of the Fatherland Day.This holiday is dedicated to all soldiers, men and boys.

The holiday has been around for more than 90 years, during which the strong half of humanity celebrates the holiday of strength, endurance, patriotism and goodness.

If you think that February 23 - this is a holiday only for those military personnel who are this moment are guarding the Motherland, then you are deeply mistaken. Every man, whether he is an officer or a programmer, a businessman or a policeman, a scientist or a farmer, is a Protector. A man should always be strong, courageous, capable of protecting his family and Motherland, regardless of whether he is a military man or not. And what does it have to do with very little boys? It so happened that from the very moment the boy was born, he was destined for the fate of a protector, a warrior, a supporter of the weak half of humanity - girls, women. Therefore, on this day in our country we congratulate our boys.

When did the tradition of honoring the defenders of the Fatherland begin in our country?

At the beginning of 1918 , taking advantage of the difficult situation in which the country was, German troops launched an offensive against Soviet Russia. A real threat has arisen to the Russian capital Petrograd. A new army was created - the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA). She fought back the aggressor. The beginning of the widespread formation of detachments and units of the Red Army wasFebruary 23, 1918.This day was declared a holiday -Red Army Day.

In 1946 The Red Army was renamed the Soviet Army, and the holiday was named accordinglyDay of the Soviet Army and Navy
A February 10, 1995The State Duma of Russia adopted the federal law“On the Days of Military Glory of Russia,” in which this day is named"Defender of the Fatherland Day".(slide number 1)

The word "army" comes from the Latin word “armo” - “I arm.” Armed forces Russian Federation- a state military organization that forms the basis of the defense of the Russian Federation. But the army is not only strong in weapons, it is strong in the tenacity, courage and spirit of its soldiers.

Our Motherland in different time defended different people: They dressed differently, owned different weapons.
We will now take a short excursion through the historical timeline and remember the events that are associated with the defenders of our Motherland.
Epic heroes.(slide No. 2)
– Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich.

History of Ancient Rus'.(slide No. 3)
Great commander Alexander Nevsky.

Back in 1240, the Swedish military leader Birger led his army to the mouth of the Neva River and sent his ambassadors to the only city of Novgorod not destroyed by the Mongols to the young prince Alexander Yaroslavovich. “Fight if you can. I’m already on your land!” - the ambassadors reported Birger’s words. There was no time to gather strength. Alexander said to his squad: “There are not many of us, but the enemy is strong! But God is not in power, but in truth: follow your prince!” - and unexpectedly attacked the Swedes. The battle lasted from dawn until dark. Alexander himself fought with Birger and wounded him in the face. At one of the key moments of the battle, Savva’s warrior cut down the pole of Birger’s tent, and the tent fell. The Swedes wavered and ran to the ships, on which they hastily escaped. The news of the victory on the Neva spread throughout Rus'. Alexander was given the nickname Nevsky for this battle.

On April 5, 1242, a famous battle took place on Lake Peipus, which went down in history as the Battle of the Ice, in which Alexander Nevsky also won a brilliant victory over the enemy. Soon after the battle, the crusaders (as the invading warriors were called) sent their ambassadors to Novgorod to ask for peace. Alexander agreed to peace, but warned: “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword! These words are still very relevant today.

And Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich was only 20 years old! (slide No. 4)

History of the formation of the Moscow State: (slide number 5)
Great commander Dmitry Donskoy

In the 14th century, Rus' groaned from the invasion of the Mongol Tatars. At this time, the once powerful Golden Horde was in decline. Seeing her weakness, the Moscow prince Dmitry Ivanovich, who was at the helm of the principality at that time, stopped taking into account the will of the khan and sent him less and less tribute. The angry ruler of the Horde, Mamai, decided to teach the rebellious prince a lesson and equipped a huge army against him. In 1380, Prince Dmitry and his troops defeated the Horde yoke on the Kulikovo field, across the Don River. There is a legend that the battle began with a duel between two heroic warriors.) From the enemy ranks, standing one against the other, Mamai’s bodyguard, Chelubey, rode out on a mighty horse. Shaking his spear, with a thunderous voice he challenged any Russian warrior who was not afraid to measure his strength to a duel. The hero Peresvet accepted this challenge. The horsemen rushed at each other with spears at the ready and collided at full speed. Their horses barely survived, and both warriors struck each other to death. And immediately the Russian and Horde regiments clashed in a bloody battle.

As a result of the bloody battle, the Russian regiments won an unconditional victory. But the feeling of triumph and rejoicing was mixed with bitterness and sorrow for the dead. In memory of the victory on the Don, the people began to call the prince Dmitry Donskoy. And the prince was only 30 years old!

Patriots of Russia.
Commander Dmitry Pozharsky and city mayor of Nizhny Novgorod Kozma Minin(slide No. 6) created in 1612civil uprising, i.e. an army of ordinary people - townspeople and peasants - and expelled the Polish invaders from the Kremlin they occupied. Soon the entire Russian land was cleared of foreign invaders. This is how the Russian people saved the country from the enemy. “To Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky, grateful Russia” - these words are inscribed on the pedestal of the monument standing on Red Square in Moscow.

It is with this victory in the battle that the holiday of November 4 is associated -National Unity Day.

Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov(slide No. 7) - began his service as a soldier and rose to the highest military rank - generalissimo. He never lost a single battle in his entire life. Suvorov said: “They win not with their minds, but with their skill.”Suvorov educated troops in the spirit of offensive tactics, paid great attention to training soldiers in professional skills and constantly took care of the morale of the troops. Suvorov, according to Denis Davydov, “put his hand on the soldier’s heart and studied his beating,” it was not for nothing that the soldiers paid him with love, calling him “soldier-field marshal.” Suvorov devoted his entire life to serving Russia. He said: “I am proud that I am Russian!.. I ask my descendants to follow my example... to be faithful to the Fatherland until the end of their lives.”

His soldiers, who were called miracle heroes, stormed the impregnable Turkish fortress of Izmail, defeated the French in Italy, and won many other victories. He also led his army out of encirclement by fighting through the passes of the Alps.

Great commander - Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov(slide No. 8) became famous in the Great Patriotic War of 1812.

In those days, Napoleon Bonaparte, the French emperor, gathered 600 thousand troops from the peoples under his control and moved them towards Russia. (Slide No. 9)

“I’m going to Moscow,” he said, “and in one or two battles I’ll finish everything. Emperor Alexander will be on his knees to ask me for peace!” In fact, everything foreshadowed undoubted success for the French: the enormity of their forces, the genius of the commander, his luck and invincibility.

But neither Napoleon nor his countless troops took into account the main thing - the Russian spirit of the commanders and the common people, who repeated: it is better to die than to submit to the hated enemy. The Russian troops were led by M.I. Kutuzov. All the soldiers loved him, all of Russia hoped for him. On August 26, Kutuzov decided to give Napoleon a battle, despite the fact that there were 100 thousand Russians and more than 130 thousand French. The battle lasted 15 hours, both sides lost up to 50 thousand people each. And Kutuzov told Napoleon that, in his opinion, there was no real war yet, it was just beginning. Napoleon clearly saw his death and after 6 weeks he rushed back.
Great Patriotic War (1941 – 1945)(slide No. 10)
A special place in the history of our stateoccupied by the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.At dawn on June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union without declaring war.

The main commanders (slide number 11) who ensured the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War were:

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin;

Georgy Zhukov;

Konstantin Rokossovsky;

Ivan Konev;

Rodion Malinovsky;

Semyon Budyonny;

Kliment Voroshilov;

Alexander Vasilevsky.

Time passes. The hard years of the Second World War are long gone. A peaceful sky has been shining above the heads of Russians for a long time. But the enemy is not asleep. He is envious that Russia is blossoming more and more beautifully every year, its citizens live in prosperity and peace. Here and there he unties local wars(Afghanistan, Chechnya, North Ossetia) (slide No. 34), whose task is to weaken a great power, sow fear and horror in the hearts of people. But the state is tightly protected. Soldiers of the Russian Army stand guard over the peace of Russia (slide No. 35). And with such defenders for us, ordinary people, there is nothing to be afraid of!

Russia is great military power. The Russian army is the armed forces of our Motherland, which defend its independence and freedom.

The leadership of the Armed Forces is carried out byPresident of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.(slide No. 12)

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are controlled by Minister of Defense Shoigu, Sergei Kuzhugetovich (slide No. 13)

Currently, the Russian Armed Forces consist of three types of troops:

Ground troops

Air Force


Our class hour has come to an end.

I would like to emphasize once again that to be a defender of the Fatherland means to be brave, strong, dexterous and honest. And I would like to once again wish that you, boys, prepare yourselves for military service. Play sports, develop courage, perseverance, and, of course, study well. As Alexander Suvorov said“It’s hard to learn, easy to fight.” Happy holiday!

Target: Create a festive atmosphere in a competitive game.


1. Introduce children to the branches of the military.

2. Development of memory, attention, organization, independence, skills to coordinate interests in the process of overcoming certain age-appropriate difficulties.

3. Formation of a team, eliminating disunity boys and girls.

Preparing for class hour:

1. Learning poems and riddles for participants in the game on a military theme.

2. Design class(clouds cut out of colored paper and hand-made gliders made of white paper are pinned on the stand, preparing places for the competing teams boys, for the jury (girls).

3. Girls prepare congratulations boys. Formalized congratulations are placed on a closed board.

4. Preparation of insignia for teams, musical accompaniment (march, song “Border”, performed by L. Agutin or others, crayons, and other props.


1. Song “Cool you got into this Class"

2. red and green emblems;

3. Music. Accompaniment - the song “Border” performed by L. Agutin;

4. 5-7 buttons;

5. Use spoons to transfer water from one vessel to another;

6. sheet of newspaper;

7. artillery preparation - buckets;

8. saying;

9. saboteur route plans;

10. sheets of paper;

11. stripes of two colors with words from two proverbs;

The course of the holiday "A" come on, boys!"

Once a year, at the end of winter,

All men are an object of admiration!

And the reason for the big fuss is

Strength of spirit and glimpses of genius,

They become immediately visible

Once a year, on the threshold of spring.

Once a year, at the end of winter,

All men - both military and civilian -

From Rostov to Kolyma

Gifts, flowers and applause await.

You are on the crest of a wave today -

Like heroes of a great country!

On this day we congratulate military personnel, veterans, warriors, grandfathers, fathers, boys, all men. This day is celebrated in all branches of the military: land (infantry, sea (sailors, air (pilots). Our soldiers defend the expanses of the Motherland on land, at sea, and in the air. Today our girls congratulate you.

Girls' greetings:

1. Great, boys!

Today is a holiday - Men's Day

And we can’t hide it!

Let's hurry without further ado

We are opening our holiday!

2.We ask you: Do not be sad,

Sing, laugh and joke.

Let's sit in a tight circle

To open your hearts to you

true friends!

3. We will give you greetings,

And smiles and couplets,

And we’ll surprise you with a ditty,

And we will dedicate poems to you!

4. We dedicate our warmest and most sincere congratulations to you and only you.

5. We value you very much and want there to always be mutual understanding and friendship between us.

6. We dedicate these words to you, coming from the heart.

7. boys, boys,

You don't know for sure

You can't even imagine

What hopes do we have for you?

And we only dream of seeing you strong.

8. We only want to see you beautiful,

Healthy, strong, disciplined.

9. Strengthen yourself with hard work,

And in any business, just be YOUNG!

Be kind and brave, because this is so important,

To become a brave guy later in life!

10. We open our hearts to you,

And may there be no end to the congratulations!

Song “Cool you got into this Class"


Cool you got into this Class!

And more than once, and more than once

Let's sing for you today!

Cool you got into this Class!

And more than once, and more than once

Let's sing for you today!


It’s good that you came to our holiday at this hour.

We are ready to sing, dance and smile many times.

We'll tell you a secret, if you didn't already know -

It’s just cool, very cool that you got here!

We cannot imagine friendship without you. You, boys, Just Class!

We admit that we need you to live in harmony with us.

Smile and everything is fine! Childhood is the best time!

In the meantime, all of us girls wish you nothing but the best!


Cool you got into this Class!

And more than once, and more than once

Let's sing for you today!

Cool you got into this Class!

And more than once, and more than once

Let's sing for you today!

The girls take their seats. The competition program begins for boys.

Boys line up according to height, plan for one or two and organize two teams. They are awarded red and green emblems. Teams choose commanders.

Teacher: Victory is within the reach of the brave,

Great success awaits him

Who, without flinching, if necessary,

Will enter the battle one for all.

Let the jury decide the entire course of the battle

He will follow it without fail.

Who will be friendlier?

He will win in battle.

Time for business, time for fun.

Team first - to the right,

Here - become the second!

The competition has begun.

Teacher: Defenders of the Fatherland must be able to do everything, be organized. Are all of our future warriors ready for the challenges that may come their way? This is what we will see today.

The teacher introduces everyone to the jury members and explains the evaluation system.

Teacher: It’s no secret that a soldier must be able to quickly dress and get himself in order. We will test these skills.

(Music accompaniment - the song “Border” performed by L. Agutin).


Before you go on leave, you need to get your uniform in order.

Exercise: Participants sew 5-7 buttons in a row each at speed. Both speed and accuracy of execution are taken into account

Teacher: In the army, as in war, you cannot do without ingenuity. For example, a tank has empty tanks and urgently needs to be refueled. The soldier's task is to use a spoon to transfer water from one vessel to another. Who will do this faster and more accurately?

Competition 2. "Artillerymen"

Very often the outcome of a battle depends on the accuracy of the artillerymen. And we can’t do without them

The cannon suddenly ran out of shells. You need to make them yourself: a sheet of newspaper must be crumpled with one hand, and under no circumstances should you help with the other. Crumple it into a ball - this will be the projectile. One hand behind your back! Get ready, let's start!

Competition 3. "Accuracy"

And now - artillery preparation! Our artillerymen must hit the target with their own shells. Get ready, let's begin!

For each hit, teams receive a point.

5 competition: A soldier must have a very good memory. Each unit needs to remember as many words as possible from those that the signalmen will tell you


Two groups of players are seated in two parallel rows. At the signal from the leader, the signalmen begin to transmit the saying into the ear of the first, the first to the second, the second to the third, and so on until the last. The latter, having received the “telephonogram,” must stand up and pronounce the tongue twister loudly and clearly. The winner is the team that quickly transmits the tongue twister along the chain and whose representative pronounces it more accurately and better.

Tongue Twisters:

Tell me about your purchase. - Which purchase? About your purchase, about your purchase, about your purchase;

The forty-forty ate the cheese with a beautiful red crust, and the forty-forty quickly flew in and sat down under the hill;

Books and films about intelligence officers always excite the imagination. Everyone wants to be a little Stirlitz. Why don't we try: Let's hold a competition “Scouts.” You must decipher the message.

6 competition: ENCRYPTION Add up proverbs. Each team is given stripes of two colors with words from two proverbs. They need to be folded and read class and jury members.

1 team 2 team

Words in blue and red Words in yellow and green

The result should be the following proverbs::

1) A skillful fighter is well done everywhere. 1) An officer is an example of valor.

2) Military science is always useful to learn. 2) Disguise is cunning and dexterity.


We tie long threads to two machines, and pencils at their ends; players begin to wind threads around pencils. The winner is the one who winds the entire thread faster

Teacher:Commander Suvorov spoke: “In the army, the soldier is the first person!” Let us now check the intelligence coefficient of our “Soldiers” to find out whether we can count on their intelligence in Hard time. Well, friends, let's begin!

Teacher: Attention attention! Let's continue the competition. The next task is the simplest one. Ancient Russian game “Tug of War”.

8Tug of Rope competition

Two chairs are placed with their backs facing each other, and a rope is pulled under them. At the leader's command, two participants walk around their chairs. On command, they sit on their chair and pull the string out from under it. The game is played up to three times. Whoever wins twice gets a prize.

After each competition, the floor was given to members of the jury, who showed and recorded the scores for each team. At the end cool After an hour, the jury sums up the results and announces the winning team.

Teacher: But the solemn hour has come!

Very serious and important to you.

An hour of congratulations, jokes, success,

An hour of games, smiles and loud laughter!

Girl reads congratulations:

Expensive boys, men!

Congratulations on the Day of Defenders of the Motherland!

Happy holiday to you

Congratulations to the soldiers,

But we always want to see you

Only in civilian clothes!

And, if you’re already in shape, then only

In sports - for running,

Football and active life!

The girls take turns approaching the board, take their congratulations, read them out and hand them over cards and gifts for boys.


Expensive, boys! Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish:

Don't offend us

Don't upset your parents

Be obedient

It’s only good to create

Listen to teachers

To have many friends

Be beautiful

If it’s difficult, then don’t whine.

Today is a men's holiday,

There's no reason to argue

No matter how the maidens grow stronger,

There are no more reliable men.

You are heroes in spirit,

And if suddenly there is trouble,

She will protect you from any troubles

Defender's hand.

Even though you don't wear a uniform,

But we know that in difficult times

You are just like all soldiers,

Save the Motherland and us.