Using discs for crafts. Useful DIY crafts from CDs. Three-dimensional figures from CDs

Evgenia Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist


If you have a couple dozen old CDs lying around the house, use them for decorative purposes. Shiny iridescent circles have a hundred uses, and you can take note of any of them. Crafts made from CDs will diversify the interior and add a bit of originality to the home atmosphere. Handicraft lovers share ideas born in the process of creative reflection. Listen to them to make your life a little more interesting. Simple tips will tell you how to turn unnecessary information media into original material for decoration.

What can you make from old disks with your own hands?

Throwing away unique decorative material is extremely inappropriate. Using unwanted CDs, you can do whatever your imagination allows. Such crafts are suitable for home decoration. They will be appropriate for ordinary holidays and themed celebrations. In addition, there are many ideas for making unusual household items from CDs. Check them out, add your creativity and realize original ideas with my own hands to make life brighter!


If your old chandelier has become unusable, or you simply realized that it is too outdated and therefore spoils the interior, replace it with an unusual lamp made from old disks. To make it at home, you don’t need anything special, just a set simple materials and a little perseverance. Write down step-by-step instructions so you don't forget:

  • We prepare 12 CD/DVDs, 30 metal staples or paper clips, a drill of minimum diameter (2 mm) and a socket with a lamp.
  • Using a protractor, we divide one disk, which will later be used as a stencil, into 5 segments. The angle between the lines separating the segments is 72°.
  • Drill 5 holes at a distance of 3-4 mm from the edge.
  • We put the stencil in the box with the other 11 disks and drill them at the same time, along the intended holes. To prevent them from moving relative to each other, we insert solid rods into the finished holes. They will act as guides. Pieces of ballpoint pen paste are suitable for these purposes.
  • We install a cartridge in one of the disks. There is no need to adjust the hole; it already fits perfectly.
  • The main part of the lamp is ready. Using paper clips/brackets we attach the remaining disks to it.
  • Before installing the latter, screw a lamp with a power of up to 25 watts into the socket.


Some people will be taken aback by imagining a dress made from CDs, but this is quite real. Computer disks that are perceived as useless by the modern generation waste material, suitable for creating an extravagant outfit. Decorating a dress with fragments of CDs is not at all complicated. With a minimum of effort, you will become the happy owner of an original outfit.

Making a mirror pattern on a dress from CDs:

  • Using large tailor's scissors, cut the discs into small pieces triangular shape.
  • Polishing rough edges sandpaper small fraction. Apply clear nail polish to them.
  • We attach a pin to each fragment on one side using construction glue.
  • We attach decorative elements to the dress.

Disco ball

There is nothing easier than making a disco ball with your own hands. For this you will need a large balloon round shape, a couple of unnecessary newspapers, water, paste and a couple of dozen CDs. Stock up on everything you need, free up 3-4 hours for needlework and get started. Step-by-step instructions for making a disco ball are given below:

  • Inflate the balloon to its maximum size. Place newspaper soaked in water on the rubber surface. The pieces should be small so that there are no unevenness.
  • When the paper dries a little, apply a second layer of newspaper soaked in paste on it. Repeat this procedure several times to ensure a strong shell.
  • Leave the ball in a warm place until completely dry. After an hour it will become hard.
  • Punch the ball with a needle and pull a strong thread or fishing line through it. This is necessary in order to subsequently hang the finished product from the ceiling.
  • Having finished preparing the frame, we move on to the main part. Cut several CDs into square pieces measuring 1x1 cm. Treat the edges of the fragments with clear varnish so that the magnetic surface does not peel off.
  • Cover the ball with mirror pieces in a circle, making sure that the puncture point, from which the pre-inserted fishing line peeks out, is on top. The lower part of the sphere must be pasted over especially carefully. For the upper half, which will be under the ceiling, you can use irregularly shaped pieces, where they will not be visible to the eye.

Crafts for kindergarten

Using used DVDs, you can decorate your holiday in kindergarten. Original crafts will be appropriate for Christmas, March 8th, Mother's Day and more. Make your own a themed decor item for a specific celebration or a simple decoration that will please the eye on weekdays. Let's look at some CD crafts for kids.


To make an original fancy owl, you will need the following set of materials and tools:

  • CD disk – 12 pcs.;
  • foil – 20 cm2;
  • narrow tape – 30 cm;
  • glue “Moment” - 20 g;
  • black cardboard – 1 sheet of A4 format;
  • yellow cardboard – 1 sheet of A4 format;
  • ballpoint pen dark blue- 1 PC.;
  • simple pencil – 1 pc.;
  • scissors – 1 pc.

Making an owl:

  1. Using scissors, cut a “fringe” at the edges of the eight discs.
  2. On yellow cardboard we draw eyes - two circles with a diameter of 5-6 cm. Cut out along the contour.
  3. From black cardboard we cut out the pupils - circles with a diameter of 20-25 mm.
  4. Glue the pupils to the eyes. The location relative to the centers of the yellow circles should be the same.
  5. From one disk we cut out a beak - a piece in the shape of a drop of water.
  6. We use the remains of the cut media to make the edges. Sharp triangles of the same size will do for these purposes.
  7. We take another disk and cut out the legs from it.
  8. We give the small pieces remaining from the two cut disks the shape of leaves. We draw veins on them using a pencil.
  9. We glue the cardboard eyes to two fringed disks, and then glue them together overlapping each other. On the back side of the first part of the craft, glue another disk, exactly in the middle.
  10. We attach the beak at the front. The owl's head is ready!
  11. Wrap the pencil in foil. You will get a twig. We attach the leaves to it using tape or glue.
  12. We make the body from five disks with chopped fringe. We connect two disks so that the total width is greater than the eyes. We attach three more disks connected in a row to them.
  13. We connect the torso with the head. Glue the legs.
  14. We attach a twig with leaves to the finished owl. The craft is ready!


If you are wondering how you can use old disks, make beautiful DIY flower crafts out of them. This task is not difficult at all. For props you will need CDs, pliers, scissors, a candle and paints. Making one flower will take no more than 5 minutes. In the process, you will have to melt the disk over the candles, so it is better to sit on the balcony or go out into the yard.

Let's turn the disk into a beautiful rose:

  • Cut the disc along the entire length of the radius.
  • Heat one edge of the cut over a candle.
  • When the plastic begins to melt, use pliers to twist it to the side.
  • As you slowly turn the dial over the candle flame, continue to rotate the pliers.
  • After a full revolution of the disk, the flower bud will be ready.
  • Paint it any color you like. Attach the leg if necessary. For beauty, you can decorate the petals with sparkles.

New Year's

Every child dreams of something wonderful happening in the New Year, and you can organize it. Original children's crafts for the New Year will decorate the kindergarten festive matinee and give the kids a magical festive mood. Crafts from CDs, which you can make with your own hands at home, will help create a festive atmosphere.


Due to the fact that the year of the monkey is coming soon, a craft in the form of this animal will be very relevant. It can be done by those who know how to knit. In addition to thread and knitting needles, you will need one unnecessary CD, and nothing more. Knit a round monkey face according to the size of the disc, make a beautiful back part from any material and connect them along the edge with a thread. The disk will act as a frame on which the flat craft will be supported. Ready product can be used as a stand for a mug or hang from the ceiling, decorating the interior.


Another interesting option DIY crafts for the home for the New Year. The Christmas tree is a symbol winter holidays, so once you do it, you definitely won’t go wrong. To make such a decoration you will need a sheet of thick A3 cardboard, Moment glue, half a dozen unnecessary CDs and a small New Year's ball. Step-by-step instructions for making the craft are given below.

  1. Make a cone with a wide base out of cardboard.
  2. Cut the discs into sharp triangles up to 2 cm long.
  3. Cover the cone with pieces of disks, starting from the bottom.
  4. Place a New Year's ball on top to hide the edges of the disk fragments and decorate the product.


An original craft made from computer disks, which will be relevant during the New Year holidays. You can hang the snowman in a prominent place in the guest room or use it as a decoration for the Christmas tree. To make a holiday snowman, you will need two discarded CDs or DVDs, white fabric, a few buttons and 2 hours of free time.

Making a snowman:

  • Using a compass, draw a circle with a diameter of 90 mm on the disk and cut it out with a stationery knife. Make sure both parts remain intact. From these you will make the body.
  • From the second disk, cut out a head - a circle with a diameter of 60 cm.
  • Cover the circles with white fabric and connect them with glue.
  • Use a red button for the nose. Make the eyes from black buttons.
  • You can draw a smile using a regular felt-tip pen.
  • Sew several buttons onto the body Brown. They will represent the fasteners of a fur coat.

Find out from plastic cups.

Surely many people have dozens of unnecessary old disks at home. Don't rush to throw them away, as this is an excellent material for bringing to life many DIY craft ideas. The mirror surfaces of CDs will perfectly decorate and diversify the interior of a house or apartment.

You don’t know what kind of crafts you can make from disks with your own hands? In our article we will talk about some of them.

Variety of ideas

You shouldn’t immediately get rid of old discs that are not suitable for use, because in essence, you will throw away excellent decorative material that can easily be transformed into an original design masterpiece.

Crafts from disks can be made for special occasions, children's parties, themed parties, or for use at home. Enough to study detailed instructions, how to make a craft from disks, and bring your plans to life.

Chandelier made of discs

To replace an unusable chandelier, saving cash, or make your interior creative, build a lamp with your own hands from old CDs at home. In this case, you will need a minimum of available materials, a little time and a lot of desire.

To create a chandelier you will need the following materials: 12 unused disks, 30 paper clips (staples), a 2 mm drill, a socket and a light bulb.

The work process consists of simple steps:

  • take the disk, divide it into 5 equal parts,
  • step back 4 mm from the edge and drill a hole. The template for the remaining parts is ready,
  • lay it on top of the remaining eleven discs and also drill holes. To prevent the elements from moving, it is necessary to insert rods, for example, from a ballpoint pen, into the finished holes,
  • Install a cartridge into one of the disks, its hole will fit perfectly, you won’t have to adjust anything. The base of the chandelier is ready, you can proceed to attaching the remaining disks,
  • using paper clips (staples), secure the disks, but leave one,
  • screw the light bulb into the socket,
  • secure the last disc.

The best ideas for making lamps made from disks can be found on the corresponding websites.

Dress made of discs

Many will probably be surprised, but it is really possible. If you are a fairly creative person and like to shock everyone, then such an extravagant outfit is definitely for you.

In addition, the process of its implementation is quite simple and does not require special investments or a long time. A minimum of effort and everyone will envy such an original design solution.

The photo shows some options for crafts made from disks for dresses.

Decorating a dress with mirror applique is quite simple:

  • cut the disk into triangles of various sizes with scissors,
  • polish the uneven edges with fine sandpaper,
  • cover them with colorless manicure varnish,
  • secure a pin to each mirror piece using construction adhesive,
  • attach the resulting decor to the dress.

Making a disco ball

Everyone who has ever seen a disco ball on a dance floor certainly wanted to have the same one at home. Now you have the opportunity to make a copy of it.

Making a ball is very simple. To do this, you need to prepare the following materials: round balloon, two newspapers, about 25 discs, paste and water.

The work will take you almost 4 hours, be prepared for this so as not to be distracted during the creative process.

The procedure for creating a disco ball is as follows:

  • inflate the balloon to the maximum,
  • completely cover it on top with wet newspaper scraps,
  • let them dry slightly
  • Soak the next newspaper scraps in the paste and place them on top of the first, repeat the action,
  • place the creation in a warm place, let it dry thoroughly and become tough,
  • pierce the balloon with a needle and thread the fishing line to hang the product,
  • Cut several disks into 1x1cm squares,
  • cover the edges of the squares with colorless varnish,
  • using glue, fix the squares with the mirror surface up on the prepared hard ball along the entire circumference so that the fishing line is on top,
  • carefully paste over bottom part products, non-format pieces can be glued at the top, since this part is not visible from below,
  • hang a disco ball from the ceiling.

Ideas for children's creativity

DIY crafts made from DVDs and CDs will also come in handy at children's parties. After all, such crafts can be made on any theme and for any holiday: March 8, February 23, Mother’s Day, New Year or Christmas. Although even on weekdays, fancy crafts will perfectly decorate the interior of a kindergarten.

Owl from CD

For a craft in the form of a fancy-shaped owl, prepare: 12 CDs, some foil measuring 4x5 cm, 30 cm of narrow tape, quick-acting glue, black cardboard and yellow color, pen, pencil and scissors.

Step by step creative process looks like this:

  • take 8 disks and cut the edges with scissors in the form of a fringe,
  • draw two circles (eyes) with a diameter of 6 cm on yellow cardboard,
  • cut out two circles (25 mm in diameter) from black cardboard - these are the pupils,
  • stick the black pupils on the yellow eyes in the center,
  • cut out a drop-shaped figure from the disk - a beak, and from the remains of a triangle - eyebrows,
  • make paws from the next disk,
  • cut out leaves from the trimmed remains, draw veins on them with a pencil,
  • glue the eyes onto two fringed discs and overlap them,
  • Glue another disk in the back center,
  • fix the beak in front, and you have an owl’s head,
  • cover the pencil with foil - this will be a twig, and glue leaves to it,
  • take 5 fringe discs to make the body,
  • fasten two disks so that their width is wider than the eyes, and attach 3 more disks in a line,
  • attach the head to the body, attach the paws and a branch.
  • the work is finished, the owl is ready.

In addition, together with your children you can watch or attend a master class on making crafts from CDs. New Year's holidays, prepare and make a Christmas tree or a snowman, indispensable attributes of the New Year. You can create a bouquet of magnificent flowers for March 8 or a star for February 23.

As you can see, imagination and creative thinking will help you radically change unnecessary old things and give them a second chance to exist, but in a new way. We wish you creative success and inspiration!

Photos of crafts made from disks

And now it's time to show best crafts from computer disks. You can make really cool things from this material with your own hands, and you will see for yourself by studying the ideas presented below.

DIY CD crafts

Why has this material become so popular for making various crafts? In fact, everything is very simple, the fact is that the disk has a fairly solid base, and is also obviously presented in the form of a clear circle that does not need to be cut out. The moment with cutting out a circle is actually very important; anyone who has ever tried to cut a circle out of thick thick cardboard will understand, let alone more durable materials that definitely cannot be processed correctly at home. And here is a completely ready-made, even base from which you can make unusual and useful things for everyday life.

Bracelet on the arm

First, you need to cut the disc into small components with scissors or a stationery knife, then glue all the parts with instant glue or PVA to the prepared bracelet.


Pieces of the disk are also placed on vases using glue, and the resulting seams are rubbed with decoupage paste if desired.


This hanger is very convenient for hanging scarves and scarves.

Guitar decor

This is how you can revive the end part of the guitar. Bright and impressive.

Glass decor on the door

Why not transform the old glass on the door, which may have cracked, with pieces of discs. The result is very interesting.

Detachable collar addition

This is how you can spice up plain white detachable collar.

Clutch decor

Even a handbag can be supplemented with pieces from discs, which will allow the product to turn from strict into more glamorous.

Festive wreath

By connecting the disks in a circle, you can end up with a wonderful decorative New Year's wreath, or a basis for further transformation.

Disco ball

It’s easy to do, but it looks beyond all praise.

Christmas ball

Here's another great idea for adding disk fragments to the ball, only this time the ball will be hung on a Christmas tree.

Mirror frame

Even a mirror frame can be decorated with pieces from disks.


And what beautiful pictures you can make it, it’s a sight for sore eyes!

Flowerbed from the bath

An unexpected use case for disks, don't you agree? It looks very fresh.

Kitchen apron

This is how you can decorate the area near the kitchen sink and stove on a budget.

Fridge magnets

Very beautiful products are obtained by using disks and using decoupage techniques. After the transformation, all you have to do is stick a magnet on the back and you can hang the product on the refrigerator.

New Year's lamp

What do you think of this idea of ​​using disks? The lights of the garland are reflected in the mirror surface of the disks and bright reflections run around the room.

Office organizer

The finished product turns out to be very comfortable and airy, without visually weighing down the entire structure.


These are the original hanging interior decorations that can be made from this material.

Hanging organizer

An amazingly convenient thing, it takes up very little space, and it’s so roomy.


For decoration, you can use glass interior stones, and install an electronic candle inside.

Jewelry holder

This is how you can finally organize your jewelry.

Disc stand

It’s also a very convenient thing, and it’s quite easy to do.

Curtain tieback

This beauty can be made from seemingly useless discs. But on sale, such curtain tiebacks are quite expensive.

Hot stand

The upper part can be supplemented with felt, foamiran, fabric or pebbles.

Pond decor

This original idea for decorating a pond can be used on your site.

Garden figurines

Even in the garden there is a use for discs. You can use them to make ladybugs, fish, put colored snails on stones, and so on.


To make such a lamp you will need many disks, as well as slats for the stand and a long fluorescent lamp.


Just look at this beauty, at first glance you will never say that these objects are made from sections of disks.

Table top addition

This is how you can decorate your dining table top.

Bag of discs

But you can make cute women's handbags based on discs.

Addition for flower pot

Well, how can you ignore the decor of a flower pot?

Flower pot made from CD boxes

And this is how you can make a pot from CD boxes. An orchid will take root well in such a transparent pot.


You can find a watch mechanism on sale, for example, on Chinese sites they cost about 60 rubles, and the disk will serve as the very basis in which the mechanism will be fixed.


Even a window curtain can be made from disks.


And this is how you can complement a frame for a picture or photo. Well, the seams are covered with stained glass paints, which are sold in departments for creativity.

DIY vase made of disks (video)

A few ideas for cute crafts (video)

Cool ideas for using disks (video)

Well, we have shared ideas with you on the topic of what to make from disks with your own hands, we really hope that the ideas presented on this page will inspire you to create some bright objects of your own. Happy DIY!

Nowadays, information carriers such as CDs are gradually fading into the background. Don’t rush to throw away iridescent circles that have become unnecessary; they can become an excellent material for creativity.

Second life for discs?

There are many ways to give a second life to old CDs, in this article you will see some of them. Crafts made from CDs can be an excellent solution for the interior and garden, or simply help you have an interesting time while developing creative thinking.

Creative people have long invented a huge number of options beautiful crafts from discs for children and adults, you just have to reproduce their ideas, and maybe come up with your own.

Throwing away such wonderful and interesting material is a huge mistake. Using CDs you can make unique interior items, original and stylish gifts, decorations for your dacha and garden: whatever your heart desires and whatever your imagination and perseverance is enough for.

Check out some ideas for creative uses for old computer disks and create some wonderful new things with your own hands!

LED lamp

If you urgently need a new original lighting device, old disks will come to the rescue. This craft can be used both in the home interior and in the country.

You don’t need any special materials for this work: the main condition is just to use a little imagination and patience.

Be sure to follow our detailed step-by-step instructions:

You will need 12 scrap disks, a protractor, metal staples or paper clips, a lamp socket and a thin drill bit.

First, we divide one of the disks into five identical segments. For these purposes, use a protractor: the angle between the segments should be approximately 72 degrees. This disk will serve as a stencil for the rest.

On the segment line, approximately 3-4 millimeters from the edge, drill five small holes. Next step: put the remaining disks in a stack and using the first disk (placing it at the very top of the stack) make exactly the same holes in the others.

In order for the craft to be strong and hold well, you will need support rods. Rods from ballpoint pens: into the holes we just made we insert the rods necessary to act as guides.

If you used a really thin, proper drill bit, you won't even need to fix the holes: they'll fit perfectly.

The lamp is almost ready, now we attach the remaining disks to the structure with brackets.

Now all that remains is to work with the light: the last step is to screw the desired lamp into the socket.


If you've been sorting out old boxes at your dacha and found a lot of unnecessary discs, there is a great way to use them to benefit the beauty of your yard. Crafts made from disks for the garden look very original and interesting, in addition, they are incredibly easy to make.

In this mini-lesson, I suggest making small flowers from discs to decorate a garden, vegetable garden or yard at the dacha.


The tools for this craft do not require anything unusual: the right number of disks (it all depends on how many flowers you are going to make), a candle, scissors and paints to make the flowers more vibrant.

The manufacturing process does not require special skills, it is very fast, but at the same time it will captivate you from the first second.

All you need to do is carefully melt the disks over a candle (remember safety precautions: it is best to do this indoors and have some water nearby to put out the fire in case of danger) so that the plastic goes into beautiful waves, similar to flower petals.

I offer step-by-step manufacturing instructions beautiful rose from disks:

  • First you need to cut the disk evenly along the entire length of the radius and heat one edge of the cut over a candle.
  • Once the plastic is warm and soft, take a pair of pliers and use them to turn the edge slightly to the side.
  • Slowly turn the disc over the flame and continue bending the molten fragments.
  • At the end you should get a small spiral, which will become a rosebud.
  • You can paint it any color, attach a wire stem, cut leaves from other leaves and form a whole flower bed! It all depends on your imagination.

So today you learned how to do a few simple crafts from old disks. I hope you found this lesson useful and learned a lot from it.


Photos of crafts made from disks


Most people have accumulations at home a large number of unwanted or unusable CDs.

You can simply throw them away. But it’s better to use them to create various crafts and interesting things. In this article we will tell you what fakes you can make from disks with your own hands.

Roof covering

If you have a lot of CDs, they can be used as an original sparkling roofing covering. To do this, first the disks are attached to plywood sheets, and they, in turn, are attached to the roof. Approximately a hundred discs are needed for 1 m² of coverage.

They need to be attached as follows: 1st row - end-to-end, subsequent ones - in a checkerboard pattern, overlapping the disk holes of the 1st row. Small nails or screws can be used as fasteners.

Come up with a drawing, following which you will begin to make the roof. If you don’t have enough material, then you can only lay out the visor with it.

Fake discs for the garden

British artist B. Monroe, known all over the world for his light installations, decorated his garden area with stylized water lilies from CDs.

It took him 65 thousand CDs to create this work of art. You can take Monroe's idea as a basis and make these miniature lilies to decorate your own garden.

The discs can be used for the tail of a homemade peacock. They are attached to the metal frame of the tail using wire.

The disks can also make cute fish. To make one piece, you only need a couple of disks and multi-colored cardboard or a sheet of plastic.

The latter are used to make fins, tail and fish mouth. The cut out elements should be placed between the discs and carefully glued.

The disc caterpillar looks unusual and interesting. It will require several disks fastened together with screws. The legs can be made of rubber, plastic, plywood, and threads can be used for the mouth, eyes and hair. This craft is attached to the fence with wire.

Another option for using disks is the creation of street lighting fixtures.

Crafts from disks for children

Interesting ideas for children's crafts made from CDs will be useful for educators and teachers. primary school, moms and dads.

The disk can be used to create beautiful postcard in the form of a fish. This craft can be done even by three-year-olds. They can easily cope with it under the supervision of their parents. In addition to the disk, you will need PVA glue, scissors, plasticine, markers and multi-colored cardboard.

Fins, a tail, and a mouth cut out of cardboard must be carefully glued onto a CD, onto which plasticine must then be applied using the indentation technique. The next step is to make the eyes.

For this we use cardboard. After you have attached the eyes to the fish, you can make eyelashes from plasticine. The tail and fins are used to write congratulations.

From damaged CDs, using glue, multi-colored cardboard and colored paper, you can make Smeshariki, the popular heroes of the cartoon of the same name.

For beauty, the contours of figures, eyes, and mouth can be outlined with a marker. Such decorations are easily attached to a wall or cabinet using glue or double-sided adhesive tape.

From discs you can create original curtains that do not require washing. The following materials are needed: disks, paper clips, drill.

Small holes are drilled into the edges of the disks with a drill, and paper clips are used to connect them to each other. The number of discs, size and shape of the curtain depend on your imagination.

Curtain holders in the bathroom made from unnecessary disks will look great.

The discs can also be used to create unusual and interesting kanzashi-shaped curtain ties. And you can secure them with Chinese chopsticks.

To make a pick-up, you need to cut a circle of smaller diameter from the disk. Wrap the resulting ring with satin or silk ribbons. You can use flowers made from ribbons as decoration; below are photos of crafts made from discs.

Disks can be used to make candlesticks, boxes, stands, needle cases and much more. Therefore, you should not rush to get rid of outdated CDs. With their help, you can sometimes create truly unique things.