Who took what to the maternity hospital. What to take with you to the maternity hospital. Mandatory documents to take to the maternity hospital

Approximately in the middle of the third trimester of pregnancy, you need to decide what to take to the maternity hospital. This must be done in advance so that by 36-37 weeks the necessary things are collected. After all, labor may begin earlier than expected. And getting ready on the day of birth is fraught with the fact that you can forget many important and necessary things. Before you start packing, you can check with your maternity hospital about what you need to take with you and what is unacceptable.

Each maternity hospital has its own rules and recommended lists.

If you plan to give birth together with a relative, then we also prepare a duffel bag for him.

List of required documents

  • We take with us:
  • Identification document (passport).
  • Compulsory medical insurance (compulsory medical insurance) policy.
  • An exchange card issued at the antenatal clinic with all tests and examinations.
  • Birth certificate. It is issued by an obstetrician-gynecologist at the antenatal clinic at 30 weeks for a singleton pregnancy. If the pregnancy is multiple, the certificate is issued at 28 weeks.
  • Sick leave opened at the antenatal clinic. It is usually issued along with the birth certificate within the prescribed time frame.

Contract for paid management of childbirth and the postpartum period (if the contract was concluded on an individual basis).

Putting together the first package: what should you take with you to the birth?

This group includes things necessary for a woman during childbirth and for a child immediately after birth.

  • We take the following for ourselves:
  • Two pairs of warm socks (woolen ones are not allowed). Chills often occur during childbirth. They can also be useful after childbirth.
  • Washable flat shoes.
  • Pure drinking still water. Take 2 bottles of 0.5 ml. You can take a thermos with herbal tea, if this is not prohibited by the rules of the maternity hospital, as well as light food. But, as a rule, during childbirth there is no particular appetite.
  • Small towel (terry). Useful for wiping your face with cold water.
  • Hygienic lipstick. During childbirth, lips dry out very much, and lipstick will help avoid drying out and the formation of microcracks.
  • If your hair is long, don't forget to add an elastic band or hair clip.
  • Elastic stockings or bandages for the lower extremities. Especially if there is varicose veins veins in the legs.
  • Disposable toilet seat covers.

In the maternity room for the baby we take:

  • Diaper size NB (for children up to 5 kg).
  • A cap with ties or a thin cap.
  • Anti-scratch socks and mittens.
  • Flannel diaper.
  • Flannelette blanket.

Baby clothes are needed immediately after the baby is born. They must be washed and ironed on both sides, except the diaper.

If the birth is planned with a partner, then he needs to take the following:

  • Passport.
  • Conclusion of fluorographic examination. Other tests may be needed. This must be clarified in the maternity hospital in advance.
  • Clean clothes (light pants, T-shirt or surgical suit), change of shoes.
  • Disposable mask and cap.
  • Camera or video camera (optional).

We are collecting the second package: things for staying in the postpartum ward

2 hours after successful delivery, mother and newborn are transferred to the “mother and child” ward, where they stay for about 3 days. For this period you need to take with you the following:

What should I take with me for my child?

Some maternity hospitals prohibit bringing any supplies for a newborn, and only allow disposable diapers and creams. But many institutions do not prevent this, and even recommend bringing personal items for the child, even diapers.

Therefore, it is better to check with the maternity hospital in advance what you can take with you. If there are no special restrictions, then for a newborn we take the following:


  • hats or bonnets – 3–4 pcs;
  • anti-scratch mittens and socks - 2-3 pairs each;
  • thin and warm vests – 4 pcs each;
  • rompers or overalls (thin and warm) – 4 pieces each;
  • flannelette blanket.

All items for the baby must be washed and ironed on both sides.

If the expected weight of the child is between 3 and 3.7 kg, then size 56 can be taken. If the baby is expected to be large, then it is better to take things a size larger (62).

We collect the package for discharge

For a newborn we prepare:

Things for mom:

  • cosmetic bag with decorative cosmetics;
  • hair dryer or curling iron (according to preference);
  • unscented hair gel or spray;
  • hairpins, elastic bands, hair decorations;
  • We take clothes (preferably looser ones), shoes;
  • You should not take perfume or eau de toilette; they can cause allergies in a newborn.

It is imperative to take care of transporting the newborn from the maternity hospital home. Purchase in advance a child seat or a car seat for children from birth.

If you plan to transport a child by taxi, you need to notify the dispatcher about the need for a child seat.

When leaving the maternity hospital, do not forget to take all personal belongings, and most importantly, documents:

  • medical birth certificate for registering a newborn in the civil registry office;
  • discharge summary from the developmental history of the newborn for the local pediatrician;
  • extract from the birth history for the gynecologist from the antenatal clinic.

If labor begins unexpectedly and the packages have not yet been collected, then there is no need to panic. Many maternity hospitals provide women and newborns with everything they need. The main thing is to take necessary documents for admission to the maternity hospital. Relatives can collect the remaining things and bring them a little later.

The list of things below is universal; it contains almost everything that may be useful for several days after giving birth in the maternity hospital.
But, it should be taken into account that in state maternity hospitals there are different internal rules and, perhaps, most of what you consider necessary, you will not be allowed to take, for example, a robe or a breast pump. At the same time, the obligatory list of a maternity hospital may include: a cup, a plate and cutlery; in some state maternity hospitals there are not enough dishes for everyone.

Women who give birth in paid departments and commercial maternity hospitals, as a rule, are not limited in their personal belongings.

Prepare everything you need in advance. It is advisable that things be purchased and collected at least 2 weeks before the expected due date.

You are allowed to take to the birth block:
1. washable slippers;
2. mobile phone;
3. from decorations: wedding ring, cross, hair clip;
4. bottle of drinking water.

Things according to the list of the maternity hospital (approximate list, you must check in advance with the maternity hospital where you plan to give birth):
1. the same washable slippers, but you can take another one for the shower;
2. They usually give you a cotton robe; if you wish, you can take your own, but in some maternity hospitals any kind of robe is prohibited. home clothes, incl. robes;
3 hygiene items: toothpaste and a toothbrush, shampoo, comb, 2 baby soaps in a soap dish (one for hands, one for baby);
4. in some maternity hospitals they ask you to take your own utensils: a cup and a spoon;
5. disposable diapers, if you are going to use them, but the maternity hospital does not provide them.

The following things and accessories will also be useful (they will be given to you in the ward immediately after birth):
1. disposable panties (about 6 pieces);
2. super-absorbent pads (no more than 1 pack, since at first you will most likely use sterile cotton diapers);
3. 2 nursing bras (not underwire);
4. disposable bra pads;
5. postpartum bandage (if you are going to use it);
6. cream for stretch marks (the same one that was used during pregnancy);
7. rectal suppositories with glycerin (will help you go to the toilet on the first day after birth);
8. vitamins (the same ones taken during pregnancy);
9. to increase lactation: homeopathic medicines(for example, “Mlekoin”), instant tea for nursing mothers;
10. manicure scissors and nail file (scissors will be useful for cutting broken nails of a newborn);
11. if you use: wet sanitary napkins, cotton pads and cotton swabs, disposable handkerchiefs;
12. protective pads for breastfeeding;
13. breast pump;
14. pacifier;
15. Vitaon baby oil (for treating breasts and children) or any wound-healing agent for nipples, for example, Bepanthen cream;
16. You can take children's cosmetical tools, if you have small sample bottles, for example, liquid talc or diaper cream;
17. face cream, hygienic lipstick;
18. camera;
19. a magazine or book to read, a pen and a notepad for notes.

If the maternity hospital is cool, you may need:
1. socks for mother and child, for example terry;
2 knitted caps for a child (the caps that are given out in the maternity hospital are usually very big size).

On your first visit, let your relatives tell you:
1. drinking water (if you don’t want to drink boiled water from the tap);
2. tea bags (preferably green);
3. fructose (instead of sugar);
4. a sterilized bottle for the baby (needed, for example, to give a newborn a drink of water if he hiccups), because in state maternity hospitals, the nipples on the bottles are ordinary, large, round, with holes pierced in the old fashioned way with a needle, the liquid flows from them in a strong stream;
5. yeast-free bread or biscuit-type cookies;
6. milk or cream for tea, fermented baked milk, “homemade” cheese;
7. juice from green apples (preferably directly pressed) or fresh green apples;
8. dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots);
If you are not satisfied with the food in the maternity hospital, you may be given:
- boiled meat;
- vegetables that have undergone heat treatment (for example, stewed).

It’s rare, but sometimes mothers use baby things they brought with them in the maternity hospital.
You can make a list for your husband of the clothes that you need to bring for you and the child at discharge.

And, of course, you should always have documents at the ready: passport, insurance policy, exchange card with results necessary tests, birth certificate, if you are giving birth for a fee - an agreement for paid childbirth.

Preparing for the maternity hospital should begin a month or even two before the expected date of birth. Firstly, because in the vast majority of cases they occur approximately 2 weeks earlier than the PDR, that is, by , and by this time you should be completely ready for their start. Secondly, this is now facilitated by free time and relatively good health: you have already gone on maternity leave, and as the birth approaches, running around the shops will become increasingly problematic (fetal pressure on the bladder may appear, forcing you to run to the toilet every minute). And in general, you shouldn’t put everything off until the last day. You will be much calmer and feel better if things for the maternity hospital are prepared in advance.

For maximum convenience, we suggest you create three bags at once. One will contain things that you will need during childbirth and immediately after it. In the second, put everything you will need during your stay in the maternity hospital, and prepare the third for discharge. And in each of these bags there will be a separate package - for the child.

So, what will your baby need in the first days of his life?

In the “maternity” bag, collect the following necessary things for the baby:

  • disposable diaper;
  • diapers - 2 pieces (calico and flannelette);
  • bodysuit or vest;
  • sliders;
  • cap or thin cap;
  • socks.

You will take these things for the baby with you to the maternity hospital immediately when you go to give birth.

In the second bag, put things for the baby in the maternity hospital, which will be brought to you after the birth:

  • disposable diapers for newborns for 2-5 kg ​​- 1 pack;
  • cotton swabs and disks;
  • baby wipes;
  • diaper rash cream or powder;
  • liquid soap children's;
  • moisturizing cream for children;
  • brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, calendula tincture (for treating the navel);
  • Digital Thermometer;
  • manicure scissors with blunt ends;
  • diapers - 5 pieces each of cotton and flannelette (even if you are not going to swaddle the baby);
  • vests - 3 thin and warm pieces each;
  • anti-scratch mittens - 2 pairs;
  • socks - 2 pairs;
  • knitted hat or cap - light and warmer;
  • several replaceable sets of clothes top + bottom (rompers + blouse) or 2 diapers for each day;
  • bodysuit;
  • sleeping suit with buttons or a zipper on the front (according to the season);
  • disposable diapers or oilcloth for the crib;
  • a blanket with duvet cover or terry towel;
  • small towels or cloth napkins.

You may also need a bottle and pacifier. If you do not plan to feed or supplement your baby, or give him a pacifier, then you can do without them. But just in case, it might not hurt (and in some maternity hospitals a bottle is included in the list of required things) - then grab a brush.

Separately, prepare a bag with children's things that the baby will need for the baby - their relatives will bring you on the last day of your stay in the maternity hospital or on the eve of sending home:

  • disposable diapers - 2 pcs.;
  • cotton sleeping suit - with buttons or zipper on the front (according to the season);
  • thin cotton hat or bonnet;
  • socks (according to the season);
  • calico and flannelette diaper;
  • overalls-envelope with a solid bottom - terry or winter insulated (according to the season);
  • outdoor hat (according to the season);
  • bow or ribbon for “gift wrapping” (optional);
  • cloth napkin or scarf;
  • a car seat for newborns, or a carrying bag, or a cradle from a stroller (for transporting a baby in a car).

For convenience, put baby things in separate bags, place each of them in a separate bag with your “maternity” things, and label them so that you don’t get confused later in a hurry.

It should be said that each individual maternity hospital has its own internal rules and regulations. It is likely that on the first day you will not be allowed to bring any personal belongings with you: already at the hospital you and your newborn will be given sterile clothing and the necessary supplies. Or the maternity hospital has its own set list of things for the child - compare it with this and adjust it. The list may differ depending on whether your maternity hospital practices mother-newborn cohabitation or not.

All these questions should be clarified in advance if you already know where you will give birth. In any case, it’s better to prepare and think through everything in advance to the smallest detail than to then drive your stunned daddy around the shops and try to explain what you need. Moreover, all children's clothes must first be washed with a special children's hypoallergenic phosphate-free powder and ironed on both sides, dousing them with steam. Regarding the size of things from the first children's wardrobe, then take 56-62.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

It is important to decide in advance what to take with you to the maternity hospital, to collect an “alarm” package with all the clothes, hygiene items, diapers, nappies that will be needed during the prenatal and postpartum periods for mother and child. In order not to forget any of the things that you will need in the maternity hospital, you need to make a list in advance, buy and put everything in separate bags, which you place in a visible place so as not to forget in the chaos before going to the maternity hospital.

Usually, for pregnant women after 30-32 weeks, the doctor in consultation gives an approximate list of documents, things for the baby and mother that it is advisable to take for childbirth. But the maternity hospital can set its own rules, limit or expand this list. We offer you a reminder for those who are prudent - full list what to take with you to the hospital.

What things will a woman in labor definitely need?

Experienced mothers recommend that every expectant mother in labor decide in advance what to take with her, make her own list of what she needs for the maternity hospital, and purchase the necessary things for childbirth. This list can be divided into 3 parts:

  • documentation;
  • things and hygiene items for women in labor;
  • things and hygiene items for the child.

Mandatory documents to take to the maternity hospital

In a separate transparent folder with a button or lock, you need to put the documents that will definitely be needed for registration at the maternity hospital:

  • passport;
  • insurance policy;
  • medical card;
  • birth contract (if one was drawn up);
  • birth certificate (if you have it, you don’t have to take it in advance; in any case, it will be transferred to the maternity hospital);
  • in case of early hospitalization in pathology - a referral from a doctor at the antenatal clinic.

Things and hygiene items for mom

Different maternity hospitals set their own rules regarding items that the expectant mother can take into the room, so it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the rules of stay in the selected medical institution in advance. Some maternity hospitals welcome the mother and baby to be immediately dressed in household clothes, while other hospitals use exclusively their own sterile nightgowns, gowns, diapers, caps, and undershirts.

In any case, experienced mothers take with them to childbirth clothes for the delivery room and for the postpartum period:

  • several light cotton nightgowns, unbuttoned at the chest;
  • rubber or leather slippers that can be washed;
  • a bra for a nursing mother, usually with front clasps;
  • a set of special disposable mesh postpartum panties;
  • disposable diapers for the first days after childbirth;
  • a light or insulated robe (depending on the heating in the rooms);
  • a couple of pairs of warm or light socks;
  • face towel, bath towel, roll paper towels for hands;
  • usual personal hygiene products: a small tube of toothpaste, a brush, a comb, if necessary, hairpins, hair bands, postpartum pads, shower gel (small bottle), liquid baby soap, toilet paper(preferably soft);
  • special breast pads that are inserted into the bra;
  • cosmetics that the expectant mother usually uses;
  • mobile phone with charger;
  • personal cup and spoon;
  • a bag for dirty or no longer needed items;
  • water without gas;
  • a magazine or book to keep you occupied during the postpartum period;
  • on the recommendation of doctors, if necessary, a postpartum bandage.

If the father is planned to be present at the birth, it is also recommended to put together a package of necessary things for him in advance. Dad needs to take a T-shirt, pants, slippers, and socks to the maternity hospital. In addition, he must have with him a passport, the results of fluorography and certain tests taken before childbirth. You must definitely take them with you, otherwise you will have to return home and you may miss the most touching moment in the life of a married couple!

It is recommended to pack the nightgown in which the mother plans to give birth, slippers and things for the father in a separate bag, which can be quickly removed from the general “alarm” bag. You also need to pack separately a set of first clothes for the baby and the first diaper.

Baby essentials

The antenatal clinic can also give you an approximate list of things for a newborn baby that you need to take with you to the maternity hospital. Some hospitals provide only their own sterile diapers for newborns; “child-friendly” maternity hospitals welcome it if the baby is dressed in clothes prepared in advance by the parents from the first minutes of life. These questions need to be clarified during an introductory visit to the maternity hospital or on its website on the Internet.

  1. Clothes that will be put on the baby in the first minutes after birth: onesies, a vest, a blouse or slip, a hat. In maternity hospitals that promote the most natural childbirth, vernix lubrication is removed only 10-12 hours after birth, so the first set of clothes will be hopelessly spoiled by unwashable stains.
  2. Several sets of clothes for the baby: 2-3 light or insulated bodysuits, with closed sleeves, 3-4 slips with long sleeves, 2 light caps and 2 flannel ones, a couple of pairs of rompers, vests and blouses for changing if the baby spits up or the diaper leaks.
  3. 2 pairs of “scratches”.
  4. A couple of light ones and a couple of flannel diapers: you can cover your little one with them or put them under the baby.
  5. Personal hygiene products for a newborn: powder, baby milk, oil, diaper cream. It is best to take miniatures of this children's cosmetics to understand whether it is suitable for the baby and then either change the brand or buy larger bottles.
  6. Baby sanitary wet wipes.
  7. Diapers for newborns. Experienced parents recommend taking several diapers of a certain brand for the first days - if they suit the baby and do not cause allergies, then you can then buy a package.
  8. Digital Thermometer.

"3 packets" rule

Many people say that while pregnant, a woman’s brain “switches off” a little, so it’s better to write in advance a list of what to take with you to the maternity hospital, and check off items already purchased and put aside. You need to put them in plastic bags, since many maternity hospitals do not welcome cloth bags or suitcases.

  • 1 package - things for the mother, father and baby in the maternity room;
  • 2 package - things for mother and baby for the postpartum period;
  • Package 3 - things for mother and newborn for discharge.

You will need to take the first two packages with you immediately when contractions appear, because it is not known how long the birth will last; if it is fast, then postpartum things will be needed within a few hours after the birth of the baby. And happy relatives will be able to bring the third package to the baby’s official discharge.

Optional, but sometimes extremely necessary things for a woman in labor

There are things that are not included in any maternity hospital list, but sometimes without them it’s like being without hands. Many mothers claim that life in the maternity hospital has been made much easier for them:

  • electric kettle;
  • breast pump;
  • a bottle with a nipple for feeding the baby;
  • pillow for feeding;
  • nipple covers;
  • pacifier.

If the maternity hospital doctors are not against the presence of these things in the newborn’s room, then they can also be included in the list of necessary items, but purchased in addition and brought a little later, for example, on the second day of the mother and baby’s stay in the hospital.

In any case, every future mom She must make her own list of what she needs for the maternity hospital, decide what she will take and equip it to her liking.

What to take with you to the maternity hospital? This question is probably asked by every expectant mother.

My gynecologist said that the bag for the maternity hospital should be collected at 35 weeks, explaining that even if the pregnancy is going well, labor can begin at any time at 36-42 weeks. Unfortunately, I didn’t listen to her... During my first pregnancy, I put off packing my bag for the maternity hospital for a long time, buying a dowry for my daughter.

As a result, I had to pack my bag urgently just before leaving for the maternity hospital (I gave birth to Alice at exactly 38 weeks). It’s good that I already bought everything I needed. But even collecting all the things and putting them into bags took me a lot of time.
During my second pregnancy, my main bag was ready at 33 weeks, I didn’t want to risk it)

How to know what to take with you to the hospital

Surely, the maternity hospital you have chosen has an official website, where, as a rule, you can find a list of necessary things. Some maternity hospitals have a very general one, while some maternity hospitals provide a detailed list with recommendations and even requirements.

It will be great if you have the opportunity to go to the maternity hospital for reconnaissance. Usually, in the reception department there is always a list of necessary things, which you can photograph on your phone. Or, ask the nurse working in the emergency department for a list.

In general, rely on the list offered by your maternity hospital. But, of course, this does not mean that you cannot take something additional (what, in your opinion, you may still need in the maternity hospital).

In accordance with sanitary standards, it is prohibited to bring things into maternity hospitals in bags made of fabric, leather or other dense materials.
Therefore, as a rule, things are put in ordinary plastic bags with handles. It is recommended to sign the packages (for example, write on a piece of paper in large in block letters your full name and stick it to the bags with tape).
You shouldn’t take many packages, usually you take 2 packages. So, you can take one bag for the birth itself, and in the second you can put things that will be useful to you after the birth, in the ward.

Ideally, the packages (bags) for the maternity hospital will be transparent.
This way, all the contents of the bag will be visible and you won’t have to rummage around for a long time to find the right thing. You will definitely appreciate such a bag when you urgently need to get something from there during childbirth.
By the way, you can view and purchase transparent bags for the maternity hospital at a low price

My list (for example)
Package No. 1 (for childbirth):
  1. Documentation:

– passport (original + copy)
— compulsory medical insurance policy (original + copy)
— SNILS (original + copy)
— exchange card
- birth certificate
— Ultrasound, doctors’ reports

  1. Slippers (washable slippers)
  2. Bottle of drinking water without gas 0.5 l.
  3. Phone, charger
  4. Disposable absorbent diapers size 60x90 (10 pcs.)
Package No. 2 (after childbirth):

1. Clothes (robe, nightgown, nursing bra or top, socks)

The shirt should be such that you can easily free the breasts for feeding the baby. It is not at all necessary to buy a special nursing shirt; as a rule, they are very expensive. You can buy a regular cotton shirt with a wrap or with thin straps.

Nursing bra or top
I bought a special nursing bra, but, unfortunately, I didn’t get the right size and, even before giving birth, it turned out to be too small for me. It’s good that I tried on in advance and managed to buy a nursing top. More precisely, I wanted to order such a top in an online store, but, by a lucky coincidence, I remembered that I had seen a similar top in the Magnit-Cosmetics store in the underwear department. I bought a few of them there different color, because the price for them was five times lower than a special top for feeding. Later, in a maternity store, I looked at these nursing tops and saw no difference in quality with those I bought at Magnit.

Such tops provide good support for the breasts, do not compress them and are practically not felt on the body. And, what is very important, they stretch, i.e. you can easily choose your size and not worry that it will become too small for you later (after childbirth, your breasts can increase by a whole size, or even two). You can free your breasts for feeding in this top very quickly and easily.

I am attaching a photo of this top from Magnit Cosmetics:

2. Breast pads

What are they needed for.
After childbirth, almost all women face the problem of milk leaking from the breast. The reason for this is hot flashes during the period of lactation, because. A lot of milk is produced. Typically, hot flashes go away a month after the baby is born, when lactation is already beginning to improve and milk is produced as much as the baby needs.

Also, some people, including me, have a problem with reflex milk release - i.e. When a baby sucks on one breast, milk leaks from the other at the same time. Reflex milk secretion may persist throughout the entire period breastfeeding. With Alisa, my milk leaked until the end of breastfeeding (a year and a month). Faya is now 10 months old and I still use breast pads - they turned out to be a lifesaver for me.

There are disposable and reusable pads.
At first I bought disposable ones. And they were very expensive for me, for example, such pads of the Babyline brand (pack of 60 pieces) cost from 300 rubles. During the first month after giving birth, I needed 3-4 pairs a day, i.e. One package lasted me about a week.

Then I learned about the existence of reusable pads. And, since then, I have only used them.

3. Postpartum pads (2 packs) + regular night pads with maximum absorbency (2 packs)

Postpartum pads.
For the first birth I took postpartum pads “Hartmann Samu”, for the second I took “Peligrin” (review). Postpartum pads will come in handy immediately after childbirth, when there is very heavy discharge. They must be used with mesh panties.

Night pads.
I bought “Libresse goodnight”, two packages were enough for me. Then, at home, I already used the usual “Libresse Normal”.

Stock up on pads in advance that you usually use on menstrual days, because... After childbirth, discharge lasts for an average of 2-3 weeks.

4. Postpartum disposable mesh panties (5 pcs.) + regular cotton panties (2 pcs.)

Mesh panties are made of soft mesh fabric, due to which their “breathable effect” is manifested. Therefore, it is recommended to wear such panties in the first days after childbirth, especially after childbirth with complications (cesarean section, ruptures), because They don’t press or rub anywhere, we can say that they are not felt at all.
Both my first and second births went without complications, so after 2 days I was already using cotton panties and regular night pads.

5. Large towel (for shower) + small (for face)

6. For the shower(washing gel, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, balm, liquid baby soap with dispenser)

In order not to carry large bottles to the maternity hospital, I took 3 small bottles (I bought them at Fix Price for my trip to Turkey) and poured shampoo, conditioner and cleansing gel into them.

Also, to save space in my bag and ease of use, I took liquid baby soap with dispenser. I washed my hands with it and used it instead of shower gel.

7. Cosmetic bag(mirror, comb, hair elastic, day and night cream, pencil, mascara, foundation, lipstick, cotton swabs, nail file!

8. Dishes(cup, large + small spoon, fork, plate)

9. Drinking water 0.5 l.

10. Cookies 1 package. I took Maria cookies

11. Wet wipes

12. Paper towels

13. Toilet paper

What should you take to the maternity hospital for your baby?

It is necessary to note such an important point - in our maternity hospitals we still practice separate stays, i.e. The babies are kept separate from their mothers and are brought in only for feeding. Baby care is provided by nurses in the children's department.

We were asked to bring diapers (I took Huggies Elite Soft No. 1, pack of 27) and baby wipes (large pack). They may also be asked to bring a package of cotton swabs, baby soap, or something else to care for the child. The maternity hospital provided diapers for the babies.

If your maternity hospital practices sharing a stay with a child, then you need to take everything on the list from the maternity hospital to care for the newborn.

One more thing about getting ready for the maternity hospital

If your husband or relatives have the opportunity to quickly bring you something you need to the maternity hospital, you don’t need to take a lot of things with you.
But, nevertheless, it is better to buy in advance and store at home what you may need, for example, Bepanthen cream (may be required for breast care) and a breast pump.
If you are not so lucky, you will give birth 100 km away. from home (this also happens) - then, of course, you need to immediately take with you as much as possible all the things that may be useful in the maternity hospital.

Do I need a breast pump?

I bought a breast pump in advance and took it with me to the maternity hospital when I gave birth to Alice. As it turned out, it was not in vain - it was very useful to me both in the maternity hospital and after discharge, because... I had to pump frequently.
When I gave birth to Faya, I decided not to use a breast pump. In the maternity hospital I expressed by hand and I didn’t need it.

Whether you need it, you will find out only after giving birth.
But still, if possible, buy at least the most inexpensive one in advance. If your relatives have the opportunity to quickly bring it to you at the maternity hospital, leave it at home in the package (so you can sell it later if you don’t need it). Or don’t buy, but look at a pharmacy or store where they are always in stock. So that, in case you need it, your relatives or husband can buy the right model and bring it to you at the maternity hospital.

I bought a World of Childhood breast pump, I was completely satisfied with it:

Also, good feedback about breast pumps of the brands “Philips Avent”, “Pigeon”, “Canpol”. In principle, you can choose any of these brands.

Also, you need to collect a package of things at home in advance, which your relatives will bring to you on the day of discharge.

Package for discharge

- clothes for you + outerwear(if it's cold outside) + shoes!!!
- clothes for the baby for discharge
— a camera – you need to capture such an important moment!
- gifts for nurses/doctor - at your discretion.

Do I need to bring gifts for the nurses/doctor at discharge?

Usually, we bring small gifts upon discharge for the nurses who dress and carry the child. This is understandable - many want to thank the nurses in the children's department for caring for the babies.
We were no exception and brought small gifts to the nurses of the children's department upon discharge.

What can you give?
Nurses are often given flowers and sweets. I don't think nurses need flowers. If you want to thank them, it’s better to buy something that they will definitely need. For example, good tea or coffee.
You can give sweets in addition to coffee or tea, but it seems to me that they already have too much of this goodness) Better - good tasty cookies. Or cheese and delicious sausage - as we brought for our niece’s discharge - the nurses were very happy)

I repeat, whether to thank the maternity hospital staff or not is a personal matter (desire, capabilities) of everyone. After all, they don't work there for free. And if you don’t give anything, no one will blame you for it.