Additional activities for children 4 5 years old. The development of thinking in children of four to five years old. Learning right and left

Through developmental activities with children 4-5 years old, you can master the alphabet and mathematics. The main thing is that homeschooling is fun for your baby.

Primary school teachers are well aware that young students come to school with completely different levels of training. And the better it is, the more confident the child feels in the classroom, the faster and easier the material is assimilated. However, preparing well for school will not work quickly. Even with the nursery, with the help of games, you need to develop the thinking processes of babies, and later, through developmental activities with children for 4-5 years, you can master the basics of literacy and mathematics.

Any parent can cope with the preparation of a future student, the main thing is to know what knowledge and skills to give at 4-5 years old, and how to turn education at home into a “system”.

Development program and planning

It's good when every game, every walk turns into an educational activity. However, in such a “spontaneous” teaching, something can be missed, so everyone, even a non-professional teacher, needs a clear-cut training program.

Planning is better for the week ahead. So the parent will be able to prepare some materials for the lessons in advance, and will understand which tasks the baby takes a lot of time, and which are too easy.

Thematic material:

As in kindergarten, daily activities with a child should be carried out in the following areas:

  • speech development and literacy training;
  • mathematics and logic;
  • creativity - modeling, drawing, designing, applique;
  • physical development (I mean a separate 20-40-minute lesson, dynamic pauses are present in each lesson every 15 minutes);
  • broadening one's horizons - ecology, rules of etiquette, safety, etc .;
  • fiction.

All these items need to be evenly distributed in the program for the week, depending on the capabilities of the child.

A preschooler is taught to read and write only when he is interested in it himself. For information on how to understand that the kid is ready to learn letters, read the article Teaching to read: where to start and how to teach how to add syllables.

The plan of developmental activities for children 4-5 years old at home can be something like this.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
speech development Description of the toy Drawing up a story from a picture Role-playing game with toys "Visit to the doctor"
literacy training The letter "A", its sound, graphic designation, words with this letter The letter "U", its sound, graphic designation, words with this letter The letter "O", its sound, graphic designation, words with this letter
mathematics and logic Sooner later Number and digit 4 Square
creation Application "Traffic light" Finger painting Salted dough modeling Paper construction Constructor games Schematic laying out of counting sticks according to the pattern and imagination
physical development Ball games Fitball exercises Pool (or visit to the sports) section Outdoor games Pool (or visit to the sports) section
broadening one's horizons Traffic Laws Signs of winter. Winter in the forest. Water properties. Ice games.
fiction Reading a folk tale Learning a nursery rhyme "Winter house of animals" fairy tale Acquaintance with the genre of story Nosov's stories

It is not for nothing that this planning includes daily physical education and creativity. It is extremely important for a growing body to release energy and develop coordination of movements. Well, creativity helps to develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination develops.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to include all items in one day. A 4-year-old still gets tired quickly and can do one activity for no more than 15-20 minutes.

The number of developmental activities in the program depends not only on the abilities of the kid, but also on whether he attends a kindergarten or a development center. If teachers are involved with the preschooler, parents can allocate only a little time for home lessons in the evenings and on weekends.

It is good to include in such lessons the material that the child studied in the institution. Repetition will strengthen the knowledge and skills gained.

What tasks are suitable for children 4-5 years old

In the article: "" has already been written about what a preschool child should know at 4 years old. Now you need to work on the same skills, deepening knowledge and complicating tasks. A small list of what the baby will learn in the fifth year:

  1. the use of prepositions;
  2. orientation in space (know left / right, etc.);
  3. understand where "more", "equally" or "less";
  4. use nouns by numbers;
  5. count up to 10, up to 5 - in reverse order.
  6. draw lines without lifting the pencil from the paper, etc.

If the preschool child already copes with this, do not stand still and deepen your knowledge. However, all classes should be interesting to him, otherwise the excessive load will only discourage the desire to study for a long time.

Educational aids 4+

Now about the tasks themselves. For children 4 years old, you can find many printed publications, the exercises of which will not only help fill the lessons themselves, but also tell you in which direction you need to move.

The most popular are a series of textbooks by O.N. Zemtsova "Clever Books", as well as publications of the "School of the Seven Dwarfs". In such textbooks there are tasks for the development of logical thinking, attention, plot pictures, games with stickers, and more. dr.

An example of an illustration with assignments in mathematics and logic from the "Gramoticka" series.

For children 4 years old, the first recipes are also suitable. By tracing simple patterns along the points, the children prepare their hand for writing. An example from the School of the Seven Dwarfs.

Alphabet reading and math textbooks

If the baby is eagerly engaged and is successful, the main subjects - literacy and mathematics - can be studied using real textbooks.

For teaching reading, one of the best is Zhukova's "Primer", which clearly shows how letters merge into syllables, and the technique itself corresponds to school curricula.

Thematic material:

The Buneevs' technique is also popular. At the age of four, the authors offer kids the manual "On the way to the ABC".

Also, teachers of primary grades highly appreciate textbooks on mathematics by L.G. Peterson. For preschoolers, there is a textbook “Play” adapted for age. With him, at the age of 4, the child will study all the necessary topics in a playful way.

Tasks in pictures

In addition to the tutorials in the classroom, you can use the printed exercise pictures.

Learning right and left

To make the baby more likely to remember which hand is right and which is left, you can use such a poster with palms.

Pictures in which you need to circle the images in the desired direction will also help.


Coloring will help to consolidate the knowledge of the number series, in which you need to connect the points in order.

And such mathematical material will teach you how to correlate the quantity with the figure.

Speech development

Based on the plot pictures, you can answer questions and make up short stories.


For the development of logical thinking, you can prepare the game "Find a Pair".

Or complete a logical series.

Pictures for classes about space

A home lesson can be thematic. After getting acquainted with the topic "Space", the child can be offered various games for the development of thought processes.

Exercises and games

At four years of age, all exercises should only be playful. Otherwise, the baby will quickly get tired and lose interest in learning.

For example, to develop memory, draw a grid with large cells on paper. Then, together with the crumbs, place several small toys in the squares-houses. When the child turns away, move the items to other cells. Invite the preschool child to return them to their places.

Exercise "Book detective" will help to consolidate the knowledge of letters and the ability to highlight the first sound in a word. Assignment: guess a letter, and ask you to find an object or picture in a book for a given letter. You can play speed with several children. You can complicate the exercise with a task, find words with two letters or with a letter at the end.

Another game for literacy lessons. Glue the letter cards to the objects in the room so that their names begin with that letter. The kid's task is to find which letters are attached incorrectly and fix it.

It is good when parents are seriously engaged in the development and training of their preschoolers. However, you should not turn homework into a duty for the child or routine work. The kid should enjoy the learning process and look forward to each lesson himself.

The development of children 4-5 years old is determined by many factors, including what knowledge, skills and abilities the child has received by this age.

As a rule, these are:

  1. physical development,
  2. skills in counting,
  3. reading,
  4. understanding reality.

What should a 4-5-year-old child know and be able to do?


Teaching orientation in space and basic numeracy skills should include the following:

  1. A child of 4-5 years of age can count from 1 to 10, while this skill must be present both in forward and reverse order.
  2. It is important for children to be able to find the missing number in a series of numbers.
  3. Children 4-5 years of age can write and recognize numbers, they know the composition of a number, that is, they decompose it into composite numbers.
  4. The child understands the meanings of mathematical actions more, less, equally, and their designations in writing.
  5. Children compare large and small objects, know and determine the differences in length, width, height and thickness of objects.
  6. The child equalizes the number of objects in the groups.
  7. Children know the mathematical operations of addition and subtraction, solve simple examples.
  8. The child uses numbers correctly in speech.
  9. Knows the simplest geometric shapes and recognizes them.
  10. Knows how to distribute space on a sheet of paper, to define the concept left, right, up and down.

Free materials on our site will help you develop mathematics skills in children of this age:

  1. - video (memorize numbers from 0 to 30)
  2. - detailed assignments about each digit from 0 to 10
  3. We learn the concepts: ""

In addition, I also advise you to supplement the games with classes based on the books of Peteron Lyudmila Georgievna.

Speech development

A good level of development of the baby also determines the level of development of his speech. The speech skills development program assumes the following features:

  1. For children 4-5 years of age, it is important to be able to pronounce all sounds, speak with expression.
  2. Children can name the objects around them, people, animals, distribute them into groups according to meaning, call them a generalizing word.
  3. For children, it is necessary to use singular and plural nouns in speech.
  4. A child easily finds an object by describing its shape, color, purpose.
  5. Children 4-5 years old determine the meanings of prepositions, select synonyms.
  6. For children, it is necessary to know the names of the holidays, asks and answers questions, knows several poems, riddles, nursery rhymes.
  7. The child composes a story based on the proposed picture from several simple sentences, can retell a fairy tale, come up with an ending to the story.

Various free themed activities, flashcards and games will help expand your child's vocabulary:

  1. for girls with thematic tasks
  2. with tasks for boys
  3. study and
  4. study
  5. - a selection of interesting materials
  6. - a selection of tasks with games

The development of a child's speech at 4-5 years of age, the peculiarities of his thinking are inextricably linked by psychologists with teaching to read. It is possible to teach reading during this period in several stages. Reading is preceded by the following skills:

  1. Child knows the alphabet
  2. The child highlights the first and last syllables in a word.

Learning to read involves dividing a word into syllables, so developing this skill by ear is extremely important.

For children 4-5 years old, it is important to know and correctly names sounds and letters, knows the alphabet. If the child is not yet able to read short words, learning to read should be conducted as follows:

Acquaintance with sounds and their letter designation (alphabet) will subsequently help correct and free reading.

For children, sound games can be offered, where any sound is highlighted in the word. At the second stage, learning to read takes place as a definition of the sound composition of a word.

At the third stage, learning to read involves sound analysis of a word and its comparison with the letter composition (remember the alphabet).

At the fourth stage, learning to read focuses on the letter composition of the word: here they use

  1. alphabet,
  2. cubes,
  3. writing letters.

And finally, at the fifth stage, learning to read involves merging syllables into a word. The section on our website, which contains the alphabet, will help teach your child to read quickly:

Development of logic and thinking

Features of the development of logical thinking in children at the age of 4-5 years provides for the formation of such skills:

Children 4-5 years of age find differences and inconsistencies in the pictures. The child is able to arrange several pictures in the desired sequence. Developing activities will help to form this skill.

Children are able to find a match for the proposed subject and explain their connection. It is important for children to be able to explain the purpose of some objects, places of visit.

Children can choose from 3 offered items.

Children know the names of colors, their shades, determine the time of day, year, know what country they live in, who their parents work with.

A child 4-5 years old knows the basic rules of behavior on the street.

Free games for the development of logic and thinking:

  1. We build
  2. - games according to the Shichida method
  3. - the game
  4. - playing with a magnifying glass
  5. - game for attention, etc.

Fine motor skills

The development of a 5-year-old child also provides for a certain level of graphic skills: The child knows how to use various means for drawing (crayons, felt-tip pens, pencils). Children should be able to draw lines, circles, simple objects, outline, paint. Free materials on our website for the development of fine motor skills in a child.

Educational tasks for children aged 4-5 years

In the tasks for children 4-5 years old, elements of the game must be present. The kid cannot sit in one place for more than 20 minutes, therefore, a little time should be allocated for the exercises, making them varied and exciting.

Cognitive tasks for children 4-5 years old

1. "Domestic and wild animals"... Prepare cards with various animals: wolf, hare, mouse, fox, cow, elk, mole, cat, raccoon, deer, dog and others. Offer the child to divide the animals into two groups: domestic and wild. It's good to have these games after going to the zoo. Such tasks develop outlook and understanding of the world around them, as well as speech (if you ask questions and talk about animals correctly, for this you can focus on the speech therapy cards below).

Theme: Pets

2. "Professions"... Print pictures depicting people of various professions: cook, ship captain, driver, salesman, teacher, gardener, doctor, judge, firefighter and others. In order for the baby to be able to look for generalizing properties and name them, it is necessary to prepare separately objects (or pictures): a ladle, a pointer, a steering wheel, a mantle, a hose and others. The child chooses a picture with a person's profession and looks for a suitable subject for him.

3. "Spring"... At 4 years old, the baby already knows the basic colors and shapes, therefore, in continuation of the development of this theme, you can organize a game with lids from baby food "Fruto-nanny". The caps are perfectly connected to each other and have a variety of colors. Putting them together is easy enough to create interesting objects. On the album sheet, you can draw a circle, square, flower, cloud. From the covers, collect figures of the same shape so that you can attach them to a sheet of paper.

Games for the development of attention in children 4-5 years old

At 4-5 years of age, logical thinking is actively formed, it is required to be able to focus on a specific task. In the future, this helps to develop perseverance.

1. Draw various objects on the album sheet: a flower, a balloon, a car, the sun. Ask your child to trace only the balloons with a pencil.

2. Cross out the letter "H". On the album sheet, print randomly the letters of the alphabet and ask the baby to cross out the letter "H" with a red pencil, all the letters "A" with a green pencil, and so on.

3. "Leaf fall". You need to find identical pieces of paper on a sheet of paper. Ask the child to connect the same leaves with a pencil and color them. The game teaches to determine the similarity of objects, develops spatial thinking.

Math cycle tasks

1. Purchase magnets of different colors at any stationery store. With their help, it is convenient for the baby to deal with numbers and concepts - more and less. Assignment: how many kittens does the cat have, and how many puppies does the dog have? Who has more children?

2. On a piece of paper, draw 5 stars in the sky. Invite the child to count and draw the same number of stars. How much should you get?

3. In the picture, depict snails, flowers. Give the task to circle the flowers with a green pencil, count the snails and draw a line to the flower (which snail likes which flower, do you think?). How many extra flowers are left?

4. Print the fly agaric on the album sheet. Give the kid the task of counting the spots on the hat. Draw as many points next to it as there are spots on the fly agaric. How many circles did you get?

5. Connect the points from 1 to 15 in order. You should get a drawing. Such tasks are very popular with children and develop fine motor skills of the hand and teach the rules of counting.

6. Connect a group of three flowers with lines. Flowers are drawn on the sheet in a chaotic manner.
It is required to be careful and distribute all the flowers into groups.

Learning tasks with words

1. On the sheet in the center are written the words in block letters: sea, flower, sun, snail. Relate the word and picture, draw a line.

2. Different words are written on the sheet: mom, cat, dog, dad, summer, spring, tree, flower. It is necessary to cross out the letter A. The crumb learns perseverance and attentiveness.

3. Circles and triangles are drawn on the album sheet. The child is given the task to draw in each circle the letter M, and in each triangle the letter C.

4. “On the contrary”. An adult calls any word, and the baby must find the opposite in meaning. For example: an adult calls "hot", a child answers "cold", and so on.

5. "Affectionate word". Name the object, and the baby picks up an affectionate word to designate it. For example: a ball is a ball, a house is a house, a leg is a leg.

6. "Fruits and vegetables". Lay out various pictures with fruits and vegetables in front of the child. There are many options for games: ask a young student to put fruits in a basket. Ask them to choose the vegetables from which mom makes a salad for lunch.

7. "Find the superfluous." Tell the baby a set of words in which the words belong to the same group, but one word is superfluous. The child must determine the superfluous by ear. For example: tree, grass, flower, snail. A superfluous word is a snail. The child must explain why this particular word is superfluous.

Tasks for the development of creative thinking

1. Creation of your own magazine or book. To complete this task, you will need colored paper, clippings from various glossy magazines, colored cardboard, glue, scotch tape. Words for the book can also be cut from magazines. It turns out a joint work.

2. Theater. Offer to play a real puppet show. Make costumes, pick up props, prepare invitations for household members. You can choose any Russian folk tale, attract older brothers and sisters.

3. "An interesting sequel." The task is useful for children 5 years old, as it teaches to build sentences, think logically and develops thinking. You should come up with a story on a specific topic. The adult says the first sentence, the toddler continues with the next sentence. Then the adult comes up with a proposal again. You should get a coherent text. In conclusion, we ask the child to retell.

Tasks for children 4-5 years old should be complex and develop logic, thinking, speech, fine motor skills. Thematic lessons can be adapted to the age characteristics of babies, diversified with games and taught to compare, analyze, think in a fun way. If you work with your child every day, then he will like to get acquainted with the basics of mathematics, reading and other subjects.

Video educational tasks for children 4-5 years old

By the age of 4-5, children enter a new period. Now they are no longer toddlers, but younger preschoolers. The development of thinking, attention and memory allows for more serious learning than before.

At this age, the child's intellectual abilities significantly increase, he prepares to master numbers and letters. The development of speech proceeds at an active pace, perseverance is formed, the ability to do a certain thing for a long time. Your child will soon become a schoolboy.

What a 4-5 year old child should be able to do

  1. Know basic geometric shapes and colors.
  2. Distinguish the position of an object in space - left, right, above, below.
  3. To be able to separate the concepts of “more”, “less” and “equally”.
  4. See the differences between two objects or pictures.
  5. Collect the pyramid on your own.
  6. Pick up opposite words (hot-cold, high-low).
  7. Combine objects into groups, highlighting the main feature, know the names of generalizing groups (dishes, domestic or wild animals, tools, etc.)
  8. Know the names of the seasons, be able to say your first and last name, age, names of parents.
  9. Use up to 1000 words in the active dictionary, build sentences of more than 3-4 words.
  10. Retell the bright events of the day, favorite tales and poems.

How to deal with children at this age?

  1. Despite the fact that the child has already “grown up” significantly, both intellectually and emotionally, play is still the main leading activity for him. So an entertaining form of classes should be maintained until the very beginning of school.
  2. At the same time, children are happy to perceive learning from various manuals and didactic materials.
  3. The child can already be engaged in about 20 minutes in the same thing, but you should not "force things", even if your child is very assiduous. Activities should be changed to avoid fatigue and to maintain focus and interest.
  4. And don't forget to praise and support your child! Even minor success should be celebrated. It is important - compare your achievements not with your neighbor's son Kolya, who “already reads, writes and counts”, but with what your child knew how to do before. Now he has learned something new, he is a fine fellow!

Examples of activities with children 4-5 years old

Still don't forget to stimulate fine motor skills:

  1. If your child loves to color pictures - great! In addition, you can learn to shade them with lines inclined to one side or the other. You can also trace outlines drawn with a dotted line.
  2. Have you already taught your son or daughter how to tie shoelaces? It's about time! And unbutton and button up.
  3. Girls are very fond of making jewelry out of beads. You can give bright bracelets or beads to your girlfriends or dress up yourself. But boys should not be on the sidelines either - let them make jewelry for their mother.
  4. Teach your child to tie and untie the knots. Only a real sea wolf can untie the sea knot!

Speech development is very important:

  1. Ask your child to arrange the cards in the correct order and create a story based on them. Help with leading questions - Who is in the picture? What happened to the heroes? What happened in the beginning and what then?
  2. For the clarity of pronunciation of sounds, tongue twisters are well suited.
  3. It's a lot of fun to tell them with the whole family - who is faster and more understandable?
  4. Read more and ask to retell the text.
  5. Memorize children's poems.
  6. Teach your child to change words using suffixes. For example, using the game "Make it big or small": a hare - a bunny, a house - a house, a hare - a hare, a house - a house.

Logic puzzles are becoming more and more complex. Invite your child to collect a geometric figure or any other pattern from sticks or matches. Show the figure for a few seconds and then shuffle. You need to collect only from memory.

Game "What has changed?" also develops memory well. Place some toys or figurines on the table or draw on paper. After a few seconds, ask the child to turn away or close their eyes and remove one of the objects or rearrange them. You have to guess what happened. Increase the number of items gradually.

Don't forget about creative pursuits.... Offer your child various options for applications, non-standard drawing (with fingers, threads, blowing paint from a tube, creating drawings from blots and much more, which will allow him to develop creative thinking).

I would also like to note the preparation for school... Many parents mean by developing activities exclusively the study of letters, numbers, teaching to read. At 4-5 years old, it is quite possible to gradually teach children the alphabet and counting, but you should not overload them with information. Everything has its time and its own approach. It is too early to study "like in school". But you can just play! Letters and numbers can be sculpted, painted, addition and subtraction can be mastered by treating your favorite toys with sweets and pies.

Do not forget - it is during the game that the child learns the world. But this game must be led by a wise adult.

In order to fully prepare a child for school, it is necessary to pay special attention to the formation of higher mental processes almost from his very birth. One of them is attention. This is a selective, conscious focus of perception on a specific object for some time. And if babies do not yet have it as such (at least, it is very insignificant), then the development of attention in children 3-4 years old, and even more so at 5 years old, is almost by leaps and bounds. And this aspect of raising a child needs to be given a lot of time.

In order for the development of attention in children 4-5 years old to correspond to the norm, parents need to know the basic properties of this mental process. This will allow you to correctly place accents during education. At this age, the child must learn to select the information he needs and discard the unnecessary. His little brain receives a huge amount of signals every second. And if a child at 3-4 years old does not begin to form attention, which acts as a kind of filter, his brain will not avoid overload, which will subsequently negatively affect his success in learning. This function has certain properties. If their development does not correspond to age, this will lead to deviations in the child's activities.

  1. Volume. If he is small, it is impossible to simultaneously concentrate on several objects, and even more so - to keep them in mind.
  2. Concentration and stability. If they are insufficient, it is impossible to maintain attention for a long time without weakening it and without being distracted.
  3. Selectivity. Without the development of this property, children cannot concentrate on the necessary part of the material necessary to solve a particular problem assigned to them.
  4. Switchability. If it is poorly developed, it is difficult to move from one type of any activity to another.
  5. Distribution. Without it, the child will not be able to do several things at the same time.
  6. Arbitrariness. Without its development, it is difficult for children to focus their attention if required of it.

In order for the development of a child's attention in the period from 3 to 5 years to correspond to it, it is necessary to purposefully work on all the above properties of this mental function. There are special techniques, games, exercises for this. If a precious moment was missed, and something did not form in accordance with the norms, you will have to carry out specially organized work, involving specialists. So that it doesn't come to this, it is useful for parents to know about the age-related characteristics of the development of attention in children 3-4-5 years old.


Immediately before school, the development of attention in a 5-year-old child should be such that he will pass the test in grade 1, where there will certainly be tasks for the formation of all these properties. The age characteristics of this higher mental function for children 3-4-5 years old are as follows.


  • The ability to control attention is extremely low;
  • it is difficult to direct it to the subject through verbal instructions;
  • to switch, you need to repeat the instruction over and over again;
  • the volume includes no more than 5 objects;
  • retention is possible for only 7-8 minutes;
  • is involuntary;
  • stability depends primarily on the nature of the activity: it is negatively affected by the impulsiveness of the baby, the capricious and unrestrained desire to immediately get the object he needs, to do something, to answer.

3 years

  • The initial form of voluntary attention is developing;
  • distribution between 2 objects or actions is practically inaccessible;
  • the baby cannot yet be attentive as such;
  • Attention at this age is manifested only in specific mental processes: the child peers, listens attentively, wants to guess the riddle, tries to read the "primer", plays, draws with enthusiasm.

4 years

  • Finally, there appears a full-fledged ability to direct one's own attention to a specific object or activity at the direction of an adult, according to his instructions;
  • accordingly, the development of all the above properties begins.

5 years

  • The most original, elementary form of full-fledged voluntary attention arises;
  • willingly and successfully plays games for attention and memory for children of 5 years old, completing all tasks;
  • is able to compose the simplest self-instruction for his own attention and follow it;
  • stability is formed in vigorous activity, manipulation of objects, in games, while performing various actions.

This is the pace at which the attention of children 4-5 years old is developing. At the age of 3, it is still difficult to speak about the formation of this mental function, but after 2 years it must already meet fairly high criteria. In order to check if everything is in order in this area with your baby, you can give him a few simple tasks for attention.


Diagnostics of the development of attention in children 4-5 years old is carried out by specialists, as well as upon admission to grade 1. At home, parents can independently give him several tasks and see how quickly and efficiently he cope with them.

  1. Find identical objects in the picture, name their color.
  2. Draw 2 houses, 2 bunnies. Draw a path from each animal to a separate house so that they intersect. To trace the path of each bunny to his personal house with his eyes. Show where who lives. Is it difficult to do it visually? It is allowed to run your finger along the path.
  3. Colorize geometric and irregular figures according to the pattern.
  4. Draw the outlines of several (about 3-4) different objects so that they overlap each other. Find what items are shown.
  5. Find differences in the picture. In case of difficulty, leading questions are resolved.

If the preschooler found it difficult to complete any of the tasks, then more time should be devoted to this aspect. And for this there are specially designed games for the development of attention in children 4-5 years old, which will be both useful and interesting to him at the same time.

Development techniques

Games for attention and memory are inextricably linked for children 4 years old (+/- 1 year old), since these two higher mental functions are interconnected. Such game activities will entertain the baby, and along the way will teach you to pay attention to something interesting and new around, which may be useful in the future.

  • Interesting walk

When walking, describe all the small details that come your way. For example, what bright green leaves on the trees, what a beautiful mannequin in the window, how merrily the dog wags its tail. Talk to the baby more.