Developmental exercises for 4 years old. The development of thinking in children of four to five years old. Planning and program

Through developmental activities with children 4-5 years old, you can master the alphabet and mathematics. The main thing is that homeschooling is fun for your baby.

Primary school teachers are well aware that young students come to school with completely different levels of training. And the better it is, the more confident the child feels in the classroom, the faster and easier the material is assimilated. However, preparing well for school will not work quickly. Even with the nursery, with the help of games, you need to develop the thinking processes of babies, and later, through developmental activities with children for 4-5 years, you can master the basics of literacy and mathematics.

Any parent can cope with the preparation of a future student, the main thing is to know what knowledge and skills to give at 4-5 years old, and how to turn education at home into a “system”.

Development program and planning

It's good when every game, every walk turns into an educational activity. However, in such a “spontaneous” teaching, something can be missed, so everyone, even a non-professional teacher, needs a clear-cut training program.

Planning is better for the week ahead. So the parent will be able to prepare some materials for the lessons in advance, and will understand which tasks the baby takes a lot of time, and which are too easy.

Thematic material:

As in kindergarten, daily activities with a child should be carried out in the following areas:

  • speech development and literacy training;
  • mathematics and logic;
  • creativity - modeling, drawing, designing, applique;
  • physical development (I mean a separate 20-40-minute lesson, dynamic pauses are present in each lesson every 15 minutes);
  • broadening one's horizons - ecology, rules of etiquette, safety, etc .;
  • fiction.

All these items need to be evenly distributed in the program for the week, depending on the capabilities of the child.

A preschooler is taught to read and write only when he is interested in it himself. For information on how to understand that the kid is ready to learn letters, read the article Teaching to read: where to start and how to teach how to add syllables.

The plan of developmental activities for children 4-5 years old at home can be something like this.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
speech development Description of the toy Drawing up a story from a picture Role-playing game with toys "Visit to the doctor"
literacy training The letter "A", its sound, graphic designation, words with this letter The letter "U", its sound, graphic designation, words with this letter The letter "O", its sound, graphic designation, words with this letter
mathematics and logic Sooner later Number and digit 4 Square
creation Application "Traffic light" Finger painting Salted dough modeling Paper construction Constructor games Schematic laying out of counting sticks according to the pattern and imagination
physical development Ball games Fitball exercises Pool (or visit to the sports) section Outdoor games Pool (or visit to the sports) section
broadening one's horizons Traffic Laws Signs of winter. Winter in the forest. Water properties. Ice games.
fiction Reading a folk tale Learning a nursery rhyme "Winter house of animals" fairy tale Acquaintance with the genre of story Nosov's stories

It is not for nothing that this planning includes daily physical education and creativity. It is extremely important for a growing body to release energy and develop coordination of movements. Well, creativity helps to develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination develops.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to include all items in one day. A 4-year-old still gets tired quickly and can do one activity for no more than 15-20 minutes.

The number of developmental activities in the program depends not only on the abilities of the kid, but also on whether he attends a kindergarten or a development center. If teachers are involved with the preschooler, parents can allocate only a little time for home lessons in the evenings and on weekends.

It is good to include in such lessons the material that the child studied in the institution. Repetition will strengthen the knowledge and skills gained.

What tasks are suitable for children 4-5 years old

In the article: "" has already been written about what a preschool child should know at 4 years old. Now you need to work on the same skills, deepening knowledge and complicating tasks. A small list of what the baby will learn in the fifth year:

  1. the use of prepositions;
  2. orientation in space (know left / right, etc.);
  3. understand where "more", "equally" or "less";
  4. use nouns by numbers;
  5. count up to 10, up to 5 - in reverse order.
  6. draw lines without lifting the pencil from the paper, etc.

If the preschool child already copes with this, do not stand still and deepen your knowledge. However, all classes should be interesting to him, otherwise the excessive load will only discourage the desire to study for a long time.

Educational aids 4+

Now about the tasks themselves. For children 4 years old, you can find many printed publications, the exercises of which will not only help fill the lessons themselves, but also tell you in which direction you need to move.

The most popular are a series of textbooks by O.N. Zemtsova "Clever Books", as well as publications of the "School of the Seven Dwarfs". In such textbooks there are tasks for the development of logical thinking, attention, plot pictures, games with stickers, and more. dr.

An example of an illustration with assignments in mathematics and logic from the "Gramoticka" series.

For children 4 years old, the first recipes are also suitable. By tracing simple patterns along the points, the children prepare their hand for writing. An example from the School of the Seven Dwarfs.

Alphabet reading and math textbooks

If the baby is eagerly engaged and is successful, the main subjects - literacy and mathematics - can be studied using real textbooks.

For teaching reading, one of the best is Zhukova's "Primer", which clearly shows how letters merge into syllables, and the technique itself corresponds to school curricula.

Thematic material:

The Buneevs' technique is also popular. At the age of four, the authors offer kids the manual "On the way to the ABC".

Also, teachers of primary grades highly appreciate textbooks on mathematics by L.G. Peterson. For preschoolers, there is a textbook “Play” adapted for age. With him, at the age of 4, the child will study all the necessary topics in a playful way.

Tasks in pictures

In addition to the tutorials in the classroom, you can use the printed exercise pictures.

Learning right and left

To make the baby more likely to remember which hand is right and which is left, you can use such a poster with palms.

Pictures in which you need to circle the images in the desired direction will also help.


Coloring will help to consolidate the knowledge of the number series, in which you need to connect the points in order.

And such mathematical material will teach you how to correlate the quantity with the figure.

Speech development

Based on the plot pictures, you can answer questions and make up short stories.


For the development of logical thinking, you can prepare the game "Find a Pair".

Or complete a logical series.

Pictures for classes about space

A home lesson can be thematic. After getting acquainted with the topic "Space", the child can be offered various games for the development of thought processes.

Exercises and games

At four years of age, all exercises should only be playful. Otherwise, the baby will quickly get tired and lose interest in learning.

For example, to develop memory, draw a grid with large cells on paper. Then, together with the crumbs, place several small toys in the squares-houses. When the child turns away, move the items to other cells. Invite the preschool child to return them to their places.

Exercise "Book detective" will help to consolidate the knowledge of letters and the ability to highlight the first sound in a word. Assignment: guess a letter, and ask you to find an object or picture in a book for a given letter. You can play speed with several children. You can complicate the exercise with a task, find words with two letters or with a letter at the end.

Another game for literacy lessons. Glue the letter cards to the objects in the room so that their names begin with that letter. The kid's task is to find which letters are attached incorrectly and fix it.

It is good when parents are seriously engaged in the development and training of their preschoolers. However, you should not turn homework into a duty for the child or routine work. The kid should enjoy the learning process and look forward to each lesson himself.

In this article:

Four to five years is one of the most interesting and important stages in a child's development. Preschoolers (and this is how they are already called) at this age are able to serve themselves independently, speak coherently using the parts of speech they know, listen and remember incoming information, and solve logical thinking problems.

Most children of this age have been attending kindergarten or early childhood education for at least a year. This means that the period of adaptation in preschool institutions has passed and the kids have already mastered the skills of communicating with peers and educators.

At 4-5 years of age, the development of a child is primarily associated with the improvement of mental activity. Children show an increased interest in the world around them, learn to recognize and show their own emotions. By this age, they are almost for the first time faced with new demands on themselves from adults, trying to justify their trust and prove themselves as adults and responsible - ready for school.

The main criteria for assessing the mental development of a child at 4-5 years old

Psychologists and teachers have compiled a list of basic skills that children 4-5 years old should have. Parents can independently test their child and determine how harmonious his development is and whether he will be ready to enter school in a year or two. So this is what a four- or five-year-old should be able to do.

To better assess the development of a child at 4-5 years old, you need to test him unobtrusively, in the form of a game. For example, you can check whether the baby remembers the names of friends in a simple way: by inviting him to compete to see who will name more friends. You can also playfully find out how well the child knows geometric shapes.

For example,
ask him to find a square in the picture, while pretending you don't know what he looks like and need help. The kid will be happy to prove himself and show that he is as knowledgeable in this matter as an adult.

Do not worry too much if the kid does not cope with all the tasks. It may not have received enough attention at earlier stages of development. It is not too late to make up for lost time and instill in the crumbs the necessary knowledge and skills. It will not be superfluous to contact a child psychologist who will help you draw up a lesson plan with such a baby.

Developmental activities: homeschooling for a start

If the child goes to kindergarten or early development school, then teachers will take over his development. Parents will only have to periodically push the baby to something new in their free time. For "home" children, things are a little different.

The extent to which their development will correspond to age largely depends on the parents, who must find time for homework.
We are talking about both the physical and psychological development of the baby in order to reveal his natural potential.

It is important for parents to understand the difference between the desire for the development of a child and the desire to turn him into a genius. The pressure faced by a preschooler from parents who dream of a child prodigy is detrimental to his mental and physical health.

Psychologists recommend developing a lesson plan with
a child, changing it as often as possible so that classes do not bother the baby. Naturally, the training and development of the crumbs should take place only in a playful way and by mutual desire. A preschooler should look forward to a new lesson and take part in the proposed games with pleasure - only in this case it will be possible to positively influence his development, without causing aversion to learning in the future.

It is best to form a lesson plan for each week on the basis of the plan for the previous week and after analyzing the achievements and failures. Boring or too complex (simple) games can be replaced with more interesting and useful ones.

In no case do not force the child to do what he cannot do. It is better to postpone this task for the next time when the crumb forgets about the failure.

Use logic puzzles and games according to various methods (for example, the Nikitin games) to stimulate the development of memory, figurative thinking and logic of the baby.

Approximate lesson plan

Taking into account the peculiarities of the development of a baby at the age of 4-5 years, make an optimal plan for practicing with him. As an example, you can take the option proposed below.

When planning physical development, parents must first decide on their goals. What are they trying to achieve? Prepare your baby for professional sports in the future, or just instill in him a love of exercise? One way or another, you need to start with the mandatory points, which include:

  • charger;
  • running and walking;
  • swimming;
  • outdoor games.

At the initial stages of training, it is important to show a sense of proportion, without insisting on the child performing absolutely adult exercises (push-ups, swinging the press, etc.). Even if parents dream of a career as a professional athlete for their child, 4-5 years old is not the age when serious loads are needed.

Physical training should take place in a playful way, arouse the child's interest and desire to move. If he already has priorities, then it is advisable to build a physical training program based on them. For example,
a preschooler who loves to run can come up with running exercises with competitive elements, and children with a developed sense of rhythm can be invited to try themselves in dancing.

An important stage of training is associated with the development of fine motor skills of the child's hands. Think of the so-called finger games for the baby. Offer him to put together the small parts of the designer, build a castle or mold cakes from kinetic sand, make an applique from shells or cereal grains. There are many such games - include in the plan the ones that will arouse the most interest in the baby.

Speaking of creative pursuits, you should pay special attention to the creation of crafts with your own hands. A kid at the age of 4-5 years can be taught to draw, glue, cut, lay out compositions, showing perseverance, patience and, of course, imagination. At this age, children are already quite confidently use a brush, scissors and glue, are able to think outside the box and copy pictures from the world around them.

You can train your memory and logic with the help of special educational games according to the Nikitin method. With their help, you can teach your child to more confidently navigate in colors, shapes and volumes. In addition, from time to time, you can entertain your baby with board games, for example, "for a wish" or "a prize for the winner".

The development of speech with the accompanying training in counting and reading by syllables is a mandatory item in terms of classes with a child of 4-5 years old. Remember that in a year or two the crumbs will need to go to school, and how good his performance will be will depend on the degree of his preparation. Use blocks with letters and pictures to teach your kid to read (play, form syllables and short words), learn numbers (you can use a magnetic board), learn funny and interesting songs and poems together.

Additional Plan Points for Diligent Parents

Particularly diligent and responsible parents, who by all means intend to accelerate the development of a baby at 4-5 years old, should think about etiquette lessons with a crumb. It is very important to gently lead the preschooler to offer his parents help with the housework, have his own responsibilities in the house, and behave correctly in the team and at the table.

If you have the time and desire, you can include in the kid's education plan a superficial acquaintance with the most interesting sciences, for example, with astronomy (tell your baby about space, stars, constellations), geography (you can study a world map or a children's atlas together), biology (show your baby the human structure using simple children's pictures, analyze the world of flora and fauna). Additionally, you can start learning units by putting your skills into practice.

In conclusion, we note that the development of a baby at 4-5 years old is a complex and important process. But this does not mean at all that one should turn it into a kind of cult of knowledge, demanding more and more from the baby. Develop together with the baby in a playful way, enjoy the new achievements of the child, and thanks to your efforts, by the time he enters the first grade, his craving for knowledge will only increase!

At the age of 4, children are very active, mobile, inquisitive, they love very much when they are given attention, so it's time to engage in developmental activities with them. Get the kid interested in interesting things, so you will attract him to knowledge, develop logic, thinking, speech in him. In this article, we present several types of developmental activities that you can offer.

Classes for children 4 years old:

1. ... Develops the child's spatial and creative thinking, imagination, taste... Make sure your baby is holding a pen or pencil correctly. You can draw with felt-tip pens, paints, pencils, wax crayons. Show the baby how the drawing techniques differ, what kind of picture he can get by choosing one of the tools. Come up with creative techniques: drawing with stencils, printing a picture. Try this method: apply a thick gouache of several colors to the glass, attach a sheet of paper to it, the paints will be printed - forming a unique color pattern. You can then dream up, come up with what you have done, you can finish painting some figures with just paints and a brush. At 4 years old, children are very fond of tracing a picture, this activity also prepares the child's hand for writing.

2. ... Develops fine motor skills of hands, and, as you know, speech and mental development of children is at their fingertips. You can sculpt from plasticine, clay, special mass for modeling, from salt dough. Offer your child topics for crafts: forest, New Year, a flower meadow, the underwater world, etc. Then compose a fairy tale for the resulting heroes. In crafts, in addition to mass for modeling, use buttons, natural material, toothpicks, beads, etc.

3. ... 4 years is the best time to start working with scissors and colored paper. Of course, we are not talking about thin cutting of pictures yet, but you can try original methods of application. Let the crumb cut small figures of colored paper, which will result from a simple "chikkik" with scissors (triangles, rectangles, etc.), now draw some figures on a piece of paper, smear them with glue and glue the cut pieces. You can try to make an applique, covering the pictures with colored sand (you can buy it in stationery stores), beads, bugles, semolina, buckwheat. For this purpose, you can even use illustrations cut from magazines and cover some parts of the drawing with loose material. Such an activity will also develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

4. Learning to read and write. 4 years is already a good age to learn to read... The method of teaching reading from Zaitsev's cubes or from warehouses works very well. If you cannot get these cubes, then you can try a more conservative, but the most popular method now - reading by syllables. It is according to this technique that the famous primer of Zhukova was written. Its essence lies in the fact that the child is taught to immediately compose a syllable of 2 letters, thus, reading occurs immediately in syllables: ta-ra, ra-ma, pa-na-ma. You can master one vowel and then study all consonants, memorizing all the syllables with this vowel at once. Having understood the essence of the formation of a syllable, the baby quickly learns to compose and read them with other vowels. At the same time, teach the baby to write letters, of course, they will still be clumsy, but the main thing is that the baby remembers how the letter is written and how a syllable or word is composed. If the baby does not want to write letters, then form words with him using a magnetic alphabet or cubes with letters. If the child does not want to read, it is better not to force him, so as not to discourage him from reading.

5. Learning to count. First, teach your child to count up to 10, then you can master the count to 20. Count everything that comes to hand: fruits, spoons in the kitchen, steps in the stairwell. Then study the numbers. To help you, there will be educational games with puzzles, which consist of two parts: on one number, and on the other items of the required amount. It would be nice to master the game of dominoes, lotto with numbers. Then you can start simple mathematical operations: addition and subtraction, the easiest way is to explain this topic on fingers or counting sticks.

6. Folding puzzles... This is a favorite and very useful activity for all children.

7. ... Develops the spatial and logical thinking of the child, awaken design skills in him. Now there are quite a few varieties of this popular toy on sale, you can assemble whole ships, castles, houses, using several types of constructor at once.

Whatever you do with a baby, the main thing for him is your attention... Do not force him to do some activities, if the child does not like something, he is capricious, postpone this business and just play with the baby those games that he likes the most.

When the child is in kindergarten, mothers have nothing to worry about. There he studies, and communicates with the same children, and plays according to the curriculum. A completely different environment at home. How to keep a 4-year-old child busy at home? This question is asked by parents who work, and on short weekends are forced to find time for household chores, rest and communication with children. The difficulty is also in the fact that the selected activities are:

  • useful for the development of crumbs;
  • gave the right direction in the formation of attitudes towards the world around us, towards ourselves, people;
  • so that they help create an atmosphere of trust and understanding between the adult and the child;
  • taught the kid to set goals, be active, independent.

How does a child develop at 4 years old?

So, in order to figure out what to do at home for children 4 years old, you need to know something about the features of this age. At 4 years old, a child:
  • the body is actively growing, flexibility, dexterity, coordination develops;
  • the stock of knowledge is growing every day, the horizons are expanding, which gives rise to asking new questions, looking for answers to them from parents, in the world around them;
  • vocabulary becomes larger, speech becomes clearer, more correct;
  • children's imagination, creativity is clearly manifested;
  • the child seeks communication with other children, tries to make friends, learns to interact with society.
What conclusion can be drawn? If you are looking for what to do with your child at 4 years old at home, be sure to consider:
  • his physical abilities;
  • character traits, psychology;
  • personal preferences and interests of the baby.

Affordable activities at home for children 4 years old

Children at the age of 4 enter a period when they greedily take knowledge from the world around them. And the parents are the basis of the children's universe. It is they who must organize the right activities that are useful for the general, physical and mental development of the baby. What you put into the little one now will become the basis for the development of his habits, life principles and individuality. A simple option for how to keep a 4-year-old child busy at home, how to attract his attention while mom is cooking or relaxing - turn on a cartoon, let him play on a tablet or phone. Disputes about the benefits of such an activity for children of 4 years old do not subside. Psychologists, on the other hand, confidently declare that a long session of computer games, programs on television, even a quiet operation of the TV as a background is harmful to young children. They lead to the problem of social adaptation, mental disorders, the development of "clip" (unstable) attention. The ideal way to keep a 4 year old child at home is to engage him in play. It is good if other children or adults also participate in the game. What tools do caring parents have in their arsenal?

1. Any kind of creativity:

  • modeling from plasticine, soft clay;
  • drawing with paints, pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens;
  • application from paper, cardboard, newspapers, natural materials;
  • needlework;
  • design.
Children's stores offer such a choice of materials and tools for creative pursuits for children 4 years old that their eyes run wide. With their help, you can keep your baby at home for at least a few hours if you alternate between different types of activities. By the way, try and take part in the creative process yourself. So it will be interesting for the child, and you will learn something new with him. You can play creativity with children even when you are busy. It is enough for parents to show interest - to ask what the baby is drawing, suggest ideas, help in choosing a color.

2. Cultural education:

  • love of books;
  • acquaintance with art;
  • musical development.
How to teach children to love reading? From the age of 4, reading interesting and useful books together should become your family tradition. There should be a lot of illustrations on the pages of the book so that the kid can imagine the characters, the atmosphere of a fairy tale. While reading, you can talk about the actions of the heroes, invent your own version of the denouement of the story. If there is no time for live reading, use audiobooks. They develop auditory memory, phonetic hearing. A kid can fall in love with music and art through positive emotions, through play. For example, what can you do for a 4-year-old child at home if not singing mischievous children's songs? By the way, this kind of entertainment is suitable both for a long trip and for a walk.

3. Physical development

This includes active games and exercises. Usually, children compensate for the need to move on the street. But if for some reason a walk is not possible, then you need to think about what energetic games to take children at 4 years old at home without consequences for the interior. Excellent options - dances, competitions with adults "who is more ..." (sit down, make bends).

What to do with the children at home while the parents are busy?

Combining adult activities and communication with children can be difficult at times. The wrong approach leads to the fact that both areas of life are affected, and parents feel guilty. But there is one unique tactic that will allow you to keep up with everything. It is offered by the well-known author, mother part-time, Anna Bykova in the book "Developmental activities of a" lazy mother ". In her opinion, there is no need to come up with complicated methods and spend a lot of time in order to occupy 4 years old children at home with something useful. It is enough just to show a little imagination, take an interest in the baby's games, and the most mundane things will turn into useful developmental activities. When you are cooking, your child will be happy to help. Trust him to wash vegetables or fruits in a bowl, stir salad in a large bowl, set the table with napkins, spoons, and other safe items. The kid will definitely like to roll the dough on the table and sculpt figures out of it while mom prepares dumplings or pies. You can take a crumb and things that are not related to yours. While you are at the stove, have your little one do the edible art next to you. He will be delighted with the opportunity to play with spaghetti, make an applique from pasta shells, coffee beans, and then paint it in bright colors. There is something to do for the crumbs and in the cleaning process. Children 4 years old can be entrusted with sorting laundry after washing, wiping off dust, cleaning toys. As you can see, if you have the desire and ingenuity, there is always something to keep children at home at 4 years old. And it is not difficult to get the kids interested - they are always happy to play something new. Read more:

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Children 6-7 years old usually come to the first grade in different ways. Someone has certain talents, while others are more difficult to develop developmental classes and they acquire all the knowledge necessary for the future directly at school.

However, you need to understand that school material will be assimilated much better and faster if the child feels confident in the classroom and is prepared in advance. But preparing for school is a long-term event, and you need to start working with children for two years in a playful way for the development of thought processes. And classes with children 4-5 years old will be directed already on mastering the basics of mathematics, grammar and other disciplines.

You do not need to be a qualified teacher to study at home. Today we will tell you about the recommended developmental activities for children 4 years of age and older and how to properly conduct them at home.

Planning and program

Starting from 2-3 years old, each game or walk can be turned into an educational activity. But for parents with this form of education, it is very important not to miss many aspects, therefore, all classes should be carried out according to the drawn up program.

It is recommended to plan training sessions with children 4-5 years old a week in advance. Thanks to this planning, you will be able to prepare the necessary materials for classes and understand what the child is more interested in, and which aspects are best to develop in the child.

As in the preschool exercise, regular classes with a baby should be carried out in such areas as:

  • logic and arithmetic;
  • development of speech and literacy;
  • drawing, modeling, applique and design;
  • physical exercises;
  • classes that help develop horizons;
  • literature.

Each of the items in the program must be evenly distributed throughout the week, depending on what is most interesting to the baby. For example, it is necessary to teach him literacy and letters only when the child himself is ready for this. And it doesn't have to be done at 4-5 years old perhaps earlier, and possibly later.

An approximate plan for developmental classes may look like this:

As you can see, such activity planning for children 4-5 years old includes daily creativity and physical labor. During the growth period, babies should maximize their coordination of movement and release their energy, as well as develop imagination and motor skills.

But it will be difficult to include all disciplines in one day. Children in 4-5 years old get very tired, and it is not worth overloading them with activities, even if they are interesting to them.

The number of developmental activities can be different, it depends not only on the inclinations of your child, but also on the schedule. So, after a kindergarten or a development center, it is not always possible to catch additional circles, and it is not always possible for kids to have the strength to do something at home. And the work of the parents also affects this, they usually conduct classes at home on weekends or evenings.

If the kid attends some specialized circles in certain disciplines, then at home you can devote time to the material that was studied there in order to consolidate the passed.

Practical tasks for children 4-5 years old

When the child is 4 years old, you need to work on his existing skills, as well as on deepening knowledge. Assignments must get harder all the time... The basic list of skills for a child by the age of five is as follows:

  • the ability to use prepositions correctly;
  • understand where is right, where is left, behind and in front;
  • distinguish between the concepts of "a lot" and "little", "more" and "less";
  • name nouns by numbers;
  • be able to count to 10;
  • have the skill of drawing lines with a pencil without tearing it off the paper.

When the baby knows how to perform the listed actions, you cannot stand still. It is important that the classes develop the baby and be interesting to him, otherwise, he may lose interest in learning.

Tutorials and examples

As for the practical tasks themselves, they can be found in large numbers in special manuals for children.

The special children's manual series contains the following:

  • plot visual materials;
  • games with stickers;
  • tasks for the development of the logical thinking of the baby;
  • tasks for the development of writing skills and much more.

Reading and writing

If you want your kid to learn to read and write before school, then take a specially designed primer for preschoolers, where there is visual material about the merging of letters into syllables, its methodology is quite consistent with school curricula.

Also use educational games... For example, so that the child memorizes letters and can highlight the first syllable in words, offer to guess any letter and look for objects starting with it in the alphabet book or in the picture. If the skills are already developed enough, you can play at speed, as well as complicate the task to find words with 2 letters or a specific letter at the end.

Another skill game is to glue letter cards onto household items, according to the letter they begin with. You can deliberately confuse the letters so that the child finds the error.

Cards and other visual materials

Regardless of what discipline you are studying with your baby, you can actively use cards with different exercises or pictures.

So, if you want to teach the kid where is "right" and where is "left", then you can use a special poster with drawn palms or pictures with outlined images in one direction or another.

And to strengthen your knowledge of numbers and counting skills, you can use coloring pages, where you need not only color the drawing, but also connect the dots in order to find out what is depicted.

Thanks to the plot pictures, the speech of the baby can also be developed. For example, ask questions about them or ask them to compose stories. With the help of paired cards, logical thinking develops well when you need to find another object for one object that is associated with it. For example, a picture of a foot is suitable for a picture with a foot, etc.

Thematic lessons and foreign languages

When the child has already mastered the basic skills for his age, then he can proceed to more serious activities. For example, you can conduct thematic classes that will help develop the baby's thought processes and horizons. Topics can be different:

  • space;
  • household;
  • sport;
  • toy store, etc.

If the baby's speech skills are already good enough, and he speaks well in his native language, then you can start learning a foreign language with him. This can be done both at home and in special circles, where training takes place in a playful way.

Physical activity for children 4-5 years old

At this age, be sure, along with intellectual and creative development, must be present and sports. And if the parents do not have the opportunity to send the baby to a sports club, then you need to do it at home. The following is recommended:

  • ball games (football, volleyball, etc.);
  • morning work-out;
  • gymnastics;
  • outdoor games;
  • dancing.

Naturally, each baby develops differently, do not scold the child if you see that something is not going according to plan. Best Suggest Those Games with the help of which the child will be able to develop certain skills.

Parents, of course, should be engaged in preschool development and education of the baby, this is very useful. However, it is categorically impossible to turn this process into a routine or labor service. Children should enjoy the lessons, and they should learn with pleasure and inspiration.