Senior group lesson space travel. Summary of classes in the senior group (cognitive, artistic and aesthetic development): “The cosmic adventure of Luntik. Preparing for perception

Educational tasks:

To fix a quantitative, ordinal account within 10;

Improve the ability to correctly answer the question "which counts";

Consolidate knowledge of volumetric and planar geometric shapes;

Improve the ability to call the next and previous number;

Strengthen the ability to answer the question "How much";

Improve the ability to navigate in space, on a piece of paper, in time;

Form the concept that a square can be divided into 4 equal parts.

Developmental tasks:

- develop geometric vigilance;

Develop creative imagination and imagination;

Develop attention and logical thinking;

Develop curiosity;

Develop an interest in the knowledge of outer space.

Educational tasks:

To foster interest and respect for people - the discoverers of space; to educate children to be proud of their country;

Foster friendly relationships between children; the habit of working together; belief in the value of teamwork to achieve a common goal;

To form qualities such as sympathy, responsiveness.


Magic flower, "meteor shower", magnets, stars, poster "Planets of the Solar System", encrypted fairy tales, a spacesuit, technical training aids.

Lesson plan:

1. Org. moment - 1 minute

2. Preparation for perception - 4 minutes

3. Rocket design. Flight. - 2 minutes

4. "On an unknown planet" - 15 minutes

5. Flight to planet Earth - 2 minutes

6. Lesson summary - 1 minute

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

The teacher brings the children to the music hall, the children sit on chairs.

2. Preparation for perception.

Hello children. I, Alf Alf, have come from a distant and unknown planet. Our planet is in danger. The evil wizard Asteroid bewitched her. The planet will be destroyed if we do not solve 7 difficult tasks.

I received a signal that on the planet Earth, in the city of Dubna, there is a kindergarten "Ryabinka", in which the most resourceful friendly and courageous children live! Are you ready to help us?

To become an astronaut,

To fly into the sky

There is a lot to know

You need to be able to do a lot.

And at the same time, and at the same time,

You will notice - kA,

Helps astronauts


What can you fly into space on? (starship, astrolet, rocket, flying saucer). Today I propose to fly on a rocket that you build yourself!

3. Designing a rocket from volumetric modules. Flight.

Attention! Stand in a line, to the right - one, two, to the left - one, two! Pay in order of numbers!

And now we are with you, children, flying away on a rocket!

(children enter the rocket)

Fasten seat belts!

Countdown: 10, 9, 8 ...

And the rocket flies up!

On the monitor is a map of our route. The beginning of the flight is the planet Earth. Determine the location of planet Earth on the space map.

(lower left corner)

We flew up to the red star. State its location on the map.

(top left corner)

Something flashed behind the windows of the rocket ?! This is a meteor shower. Name the shape of the meteorites (ball, cube, cylinder).

We are approaching a yellow star. Name its location on the map (upper right corner).

We are there. Unknown planet nearby. Name her location

(lower right corner).

4. "On an unknown planet"

Attention! Landing! Let's start saving the planet immediately!

For each correctly completed task, you will receive 1 star. You need to collect 7 stars to save the planet! We answer clearly, quickly, we don't interrupt each other! Forward!

(the teacher sums up after each task)

7 tasks of the evil wizard Asteroid:

1) The first task.

"Yes - no" (playing in a circle with a ball)

- Quickly answer questions: yes or no:

  • Is the earth round?
  • Today is monday?
  • Only 4 seasons?
  • Are there many stars in the sky?
  • 10 months in a year?
  • Is Earth the largest planet in the Solar System?
  • 6 is less than 3?
  • Was yesterday Saturday?
  • Will summer come after spring?
  • There are 7 days in a week?
  • Does the circle have corners?
  • Is the cube a stable figure?

You quickly and accurately coped with the task and get the first star!

2) Second task.

"Figures on the back" (playing in a circle):

Stand in a circle! You need to guess the geometric shape that I will draw on your back! (space music sounds)

7 correct answers is considered a completed task! The team gets the second star!

3) The third task.

"Magic flower" (children sit on chairs)

The next task is "Magic Flower". How many petals? We take a petal and name the neighbors of the given number.

Did a good job. Get your third star!

4) The fourth task.

- We solve tricky tasks:

  • How many ends does a stick have? Have two sticks? Two and a half? (6)
  • Three horses ran 5 km. How many kilometers did each horse run? (5 km each)
  • If the chicken is standing on one leg, then it weighs 2 kg. How much will a chicken weigh if it stands on two legs? (2 kg)
  • 3 fish flew over the forest, 2 landed. How many flew away?
  • 2 pots fell: an iron and an earthen one. What fragments will there be more?
  • 3 apples grew on a birch. 1 apple was picked. How much is left?
  • There are 4 carrots and 3 cucumbers on the table. How many fruits are on the table?

You were smart. Well done! Your fourth star!


Now let’s rest and perform a cosmic dance.

5) Fifth task (go to the table)

"What is superfluous"

Earth, Sun, spacesuit

Comet, meteorite, globe

Astrolet, starship, boat

Telescope, binoculars, TV

Planet, satellite, vacuum cleaner

Astronaut, astronaut, driver

Airplane, helicopter, rocket

Great! Did an excellent job! You get the fifth star!

6) The sixth task.

"Planets of the solar system" (go to the easel)

Planets revolve around the Sun. The sun and the planets are the solar system. How many planets revolve around the sun? (9 planets).

Where is Mercury? Earth? Venus? Mars? Uranus? Saturn? Jupiter? Neptune? Pluto?

We did a great job. Your sixth star!

7) Seventh task (children sit at tables)

"Mysterious square"

- Listen carefully : if you fold the square in half and again in half, how many equal parts are there? Let's check: fold in half, corners to corners, smooth the fold and again in half. How many parts did it make?

You quickly and clearly coped with the task and get the seventh star!

8) Eighth task.

"Name a fairy tale!"

- Take a close look at these diagrams and determine the name of the tale. The cherished seventh star is yours!

How many stars have you collected?


THANKS YOU CHILDREN. A star as a reward for everyone!

In gratitude, YOU ARE GIVEN the opportunity to GIVE HER A NAME !!!

Creative task "Come up with a name for the planet"

5. "Flight to Planet Earth"

Attention! From the space center of the planet Earth, a signal has been received to return home. Stand in a line! Pay in order of numbers! Crew, take your seats! Fasten seat belts! Countdown.

(imitation of flight to comic music)

6. Lesson summary

We are on planet Earth!

Thank you for your wit and kind hearts! Friendship helps you do miracles! In memory of space travel, I present the puzzle "Solar System" for exploring and discovering planets unknown to you. And it's time for me to go to space on my planet ....!

Galina Kirsanova
Open lesson for the senior group "Travel into space"

Educational institution: MBDOU number 117

Theme: Space travel

Educator: Kirsanova G.V.

Group: older

Educational-methodical security:

Program "Cognitive research activities of preschoolers"

Program "Acquaintance with nature in the d / s"

Program "Acquaintance with the subject and social environment"

Implementation time classes:30 minutes.

Target: consolidation of children's knowledge on the topic « Space» .


Educational: to consolidate the concepts on the topic, the development of preschoolers' ideas about the solar system;

Exercise in the formation of new words. Expansion of the thematic vocabulary: space, space, planet, astronomer, constellation, atmosphere, satellite, spacesuit, cosmodrome, planetary, planetarium, galaxy, comet, asteroid.


Development of attention, memory, thinking.


Fostering a sense of empathy, a tolerant attitude towards the outside world.

Type of classes: generalization and systematization of knowledge on subject: « Space» .

The form: Lesson - travel.


layout "Distant Planet", telescope, radiogram with text, headphones, walkie-talkie, signal flags, figurines of animals, birds, plants.

Course of the lesson:

Organizing time:

Alarming callsigns sound. The teacher in headphones, sitting at an impromptu walkie-talkie, takes callsigns.

Educator: Guys, the alarming callsigns of the inhabitants of the Distant Planet have just arrived. Listen message: “Children of the Earth! A huge grief has befallen our planet! A terrible tornado flew in and destroyed almost all life on it. Many plants, insects died, animals began to leave her in search of a better life. Please help us return our homeland to its original appearance! Inhabitants of the Distant Planet "

Educator: Well, guys, can we help? But how do we get to her?

I think I know.

Please listen to the riddle and answer - who will we ask advice: mystery


Educator: Right guys. And what is the name of the device in which the astronomer is looking? (telescope).

Educator: And so we set off on our way to the Distant Planet. We need to get there, as its inhabitants are expecting help from us, but you should know that we have a difficult and long path ahead of us.

Educator Guys, what will we fly (on a rocket)

What is the name of the transport on which we will fly? (Space)

What else can you call a rocket? (Spaceship) .

Educator: We need to put on some more special equipment.

What is the name of the suit astronaut? (Spacesuit).

Where do we start our journey? (WITH cosmodrome)

But we also forgot to take with us the seeds of plants, herbs, flowers. What else will we take? (Tree seedlings and shrubs, insects, birds, animals).

That's right, if on a distant planet all living things have died, we have to re-populate this planet with plants and animals.

So, everything is ready to fly. Starting the report T: ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one ... Start. (Sounds space music, the screen is projected "Starry sky").

Slide - 1 (space music) Universe

The universe is the whole immense world that is outside the Earth. Scientists - astronomers believe that it appeared as a result of the Big Bang. It happened 15 billion years ago. Galaxies come in many different sizes and shapes.

Slide - 2 Galaxy

A galaxy is a cluster of stars in outer space... They are visible through telescopes as light small hazy spots. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is spiral. If you look at it from above, then it will look like a huge stellar whirlpool.

Slide - 3 Solar System

The solar system is the celestial bodies that move around the sun. The solar system is a star system consisting of the sun and a planetary system that includes all natural space objects circling around Suns: 8 planets.

Educator: Guys, how many planets are in our solar system? Let's all remember together

Physical minute.

An astrologer lived on the moon - ( "Watching" through a telescope)

He kept records of the planets: (Point to the sky with your hand)

Mercury - one (Describe the circle with your hands)

Venus-two-s, (Cotton)

Three is earth, four is Mars, (Sit down)

Five is Jupiter, six is ​​Saturn, (Tilt right-left)

Seven is Uranus, eight is Neptune, (Bend forward, bend back)

Who does not see - get out! (Spread your arms to the sides)

Slide - 4 Space

Painted space in black, Pauline

Since there is no atmosphere,

There is no night, no day

There is no earthly blue

There the views are strange and strange:

And the stars are all visible at once

Both the Sun and the Moon.

Slide - 5 Sun

The Sun is the star closest to the Earth, a huge red-hot ball of gas. The sun is the strongest body in terms of attraction in the entire solar system, so the planets revolve around it. The sun is so much larger than the earth that if you think of it as a soccer ball, the earth would be the size of a grain of sand.

Slide - 6 Mercury

Educator: In honor of what god is the planet named?

Mercury (the first planet from the Sun) This planet is closest to the Sun, in the entire system it is considered the smallest. Mercury is the fastest planet. He manages to complete a complete revolution around the Sun in just 88 Earth days. (If we lived on Mercury, we would celebrate our birthday twice a day) The surface of Mercury is hard, rocky. During the day, the planet practically burns under the sun's rays, and freezes at night.

Slide 7 Venus

Educator: In honor of which goddess is the planet named ?. Right

The brightest planet in the sky. Named after the goddess of beauty. It is clearly visible in the sky without a telescope. The entire surface of Venus is a hot rocky desert. Venus is surrounded by a thick layer of clouds. And under this cloud cover there is unbearable heat.

Educator: What is the third planet?

Slide - 8 Earth Question: which one in a row (third planet from the Sun)

The earth is a huge solid ball. There is land and water on the surface of this ball. The earth is surrounded by an airy atmosphere. The atmosphere contains oxygen, which we breathe, and it also protects the planet from too hot rays of the Sun and saves the Earth from falling from space of stones and ice.

Slide - 9 Mars

This planet was named after the ancient Greek god of war. A planet similar to Earth, but smaller and colder. The surface of Mars is solid and covered with orange-red sand, which is why Mars is called "Red planet"... A year on Mars lasts “times longer than that of the earth.

Mars has the highest mountain in the solar system - Olympus. Its height is 27 thousand meters.

Mars has deep depressions, giant extinct volcanoes and vast deserts.

Slide - 10 Jupiter

Jupiter is larger than all the planets, Sasha S.

But there is no life on the planet.

Liquid hydrogen everywhere

And fierce cold all year round.

The largest planet in the solar system is 10 times the size of the Earth. It is so large that all other planets could fit on it. Around its axis, Jupiter rotates so rapidly that the clouds around it stretch into long stripes, giving the planet a striped appearance. Jupiter is not a solid planet. Jupiter's peculiarity is the Great Red Spot. This is a huge whirlwind.

Slide - 11 Saturn

Saturn is a light yellow giant planet. It rotates very quickly on its axis. It has a gaseous structure. Saturn has rings that other planets do not have, which are formed from dust, rocks and ice. They all revolve around the planet. Saturn is located far from the Sun, so its temperature is very low.

Slide - 12 Uranus (seventh from the Sun, refers to the giant planets)

Uranus is a giant planet. This is the first planet seen through a telescope. What makes it unique among other planets is that it rotates "lying on its side. It is called a recumbent planet. This planet also has rings, but it is much more difficult to see them, they appear only at certain times."

Slide - 13 Neptune (eighth planet from the sun)

Neptune belongs to the giant planets. In Roman mythology, the god of the seas.

Surface it out space looks blue... Storm spots are visible on Neptune. The largest storm looks like a large dark spot, along the edge of which there are white spots.

Slide - 14 Moon

Educator: Who will answer the question, does the earth have a satellite ....? (Moon)

The moon is a natural satellite of the Earth, its constant closest neighbor. It revolves around the Earth. The moon is four times smaller than the Earth. It does not shine by itself, but only as a mirror reflects the sun's rays falling on it. The surface of the moon is covered with the finest sand, moon dust. The entire surface of the Moon is covered with large and small depressions - craters. Lunar craters are traces of impacts of stones from space - meteroids... Dark spots on the moon are called seas, although there is no water on the moon.

Slide - 15 Starry sky, comets, constellations

Educator: Guys, take a close look at what we see in the window? (Comets, planets, constellations)... What's ahead? This is an unknown planet of ours ...

Educator: Our space the ship arrived on a distant planet.

But in order to land, we must pass tests, solve riddles

Riddles: making riddles

Educator: Well done, all the tests have passed, we are going to land….

Children come out of the rocket

Sounds space music... A model of the planet is being exhibited.


Guys, in order for us to populate the Distant Planet with birds, animals, plants, we must first clear the canals so that the lakes are filled with water. seas, oceans, let's do it.

(A planet is graphically drawn on a Whatman paper, the children take brushes and gouache, and decorate: seas, rivers, lakes - in blue; mountains - brown, forest - green, desert - yellow.


So the Distant Planet came to life and became very similar to our Earth. We will fly here sometimes.

There is now a planet-garden Sonya Sh.

In that cold space.

The forests are noisy there now

Birds, clicking, migratory.

And the flowers are blooming now - Katya B.

Lilies of the valley in the green grass,

And the dragonflies sing a song

They look into the river in surprise ...

Take care of your planet -

After all, there is no other, similar! together


So ours ended travel... You did a very good deed - you saved the Distant Planet from destruction. It's time to go home.

Abstract of an open lesson in the senior group number 5

"Space trip"

Software content:

Educational area "physical culture"goal: to teach to be active in different types of activities (organized and independent); teaches you to alternate mobile activities with less intense and rest.

Educational area "health"goal: to form and consolidate useful skills that contribute to good health, vigorous mood and the assimilation of a healthy lifestyle (do gymnastics, play outdoor games, enjoy hardening procedures); to acquaint with the available ways to improve health (compliance with the regime, the need for daily exercise, hardening, mastering different movements).

Educational area "socialization"goal: to foster a benevolent attitude towards peers; to foster diligence and responsibility (the desire to be included in joint labor actions with adults, in the common work of children, to bring the work started to the end); continue to form elementary ways of cooperation (negotiate, act in concert, help each other, take care of the timely completion of a joint task); to foster a sense of responsibility for the task entrusted, the result of which is important for others (adults and peers), the desire to bring the matter to the end.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, many guests came to us today. Let's say hello.

Attention! Attention! I hasten to inform the guys who love adventure and travel that mysterious and exciting events await us today. We are about to make a fantastic flight into space. Look at the pictures, what is shown on them? (Sky, space, spaceships, etc.)

Try to solve this riddle:

Kruglitsa, white-faced

Looks in all the mirrors (Moon)

That's right, it's the moon.

In the black sky until dawn

Lanterns shine dimly.

Flashlights - Flashlights

Smaller than mosquitoes.


That's right, you have guessed all the riddles.

Educator: Guys, do you like looking at the stars? And I want to tell you about how, on a clear and moonless night, the firmament is dotted with many stars. What is missing in the sky - nebulae, stars, constellations, planets, galaxies. Even in distant times, observing the night sky, people noticed that the stars are arranged in a certain order, and not chaotically, they can be combined into constellations. Constellations are bizarre shapes, as if formed by the brightest stars.(showing pictures or presentation)


Educator: Children, according to my instructions, spread the stars in the sky.

In the center - a red star, in the upper right corner - yellow, in the lower right corner - orange, in the upper left - silver, in the lower left - gold.

Well done, guys, look how beautiful it turned out! You have done an excellent job. But to go further on our journey, our fingers need a little rest.

Finger gymnastics

Stars shine in the dark sky

Astronaut flying in a rocket

Day flies and night flies

And looks down at the ground

Sees groves and fields

Sees rivers and seas

He sees the whole globe of the earth

The globe of the earth is our home

Guys, do you know what they call people who fly into space?

Children: (Astronauts, astronauts)

Do you know who was the first of the people who paved the way into space?

Children: (Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin)

When it was?

Educator: That's right, now we call this day the day of astronautics

Guys, would you like to go into space? (Yes)

Let's hurry up and start our preparation. They sent us assignments from the space center. How can you go into space on a rocket! Right on the rocket! And today we will build our rocket, each of our colored sticks! We look at the sample and start building!

Well done, everyone coped with the task. Now our apparatus is ready and we can go into space. In order for us to fly on our rocket, we must say the countdown :: 10, 9, 8 ... 1 - launch! Let's get up and see where we flew with you!

Educator: Look what beautiful planets we see! Let's call them! Oh, and here someone lives!(We meet the alien luntik)

Luntik: Hello! Who are you?

Educator: We are astronauts from kindergarten, we travel to different planets!

Luntik: And who are the astronauts?

Children: Astronauts are smart, healthy, agile, strong.

Luntik: What does it mean to be a healthy astronaut?

Children: this means that every day you need to do exercises, drink vitamins, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, observe the daily regimen, carry out hardening procedures, play sports, walk in the fresh air.

Luntik: Thank you for telling us what it means to be healthy.(sad)

Educator: Luntik, why are you so sad?

Luntik: The thing is, I don't knowwhat is good for your health and what is not.

Educator: Guys, let's help Luntik. You have cards on your tables depicting what is good for your health and what is not. Children lay out small cards on the tables. Girls are what is bad for health, and boys are what is good. And then they check with each other the correctness of the task.

Luntik : Wow, how great, I will definitely follow all your rules and become like you an astronaut.I liked it so much, but it's time for me to return to my planet.Thank you for flying in and telling me about the astronauts. Goodbye, guys.

Educator: Goodbye, Luntik.Well done, we did the job!They told Luntik how to be healthy.

Educator: Guys, we all worked hard, and now let's take a little rest and gain strength, because to become a real astronaut, you have to work hard, know a lot, be physically prepared.

Physical minute.

And now we are with you, children,

We fly on a rocket.

Get up on your toes

And then hands down.

One two three four-

Here is a rocket flying up!

Five, six - sit quietly

Seven, eight - let's discard laziness.

One - bend, unbend,

Two - bend over, reach out,

Three - three claps in your hands,

The head is three nods.

Four - arms wider

Five, six - sit down quietly.(As we fly on the floor, scatter meteor stones)... Well, now it's time to move on. And in order to find out which planet we will fly to, we need to guess the rebus.


3 2 4 1

Close your eyes, we are flying at great speed. We have a heavy head, arms, legs. Open your eyes.(Space music sounds)

Exercise for the eyes.

Look up - this is how high we are flying, and now look if the Earth is far from us - look down, once more up - down, and now we look to the right, to the left, how many stars, again to the right, to the left. We are flying high above the Earth, and we are a little scared - close your eyes, open them, the rocket picks up speed again - they closed their eyes again - the guys opened them, we look and often blink, everything flashes in front of us.

Educator: So we flew to the planet Mars! Guys, look how many small stones fell to the surface of the planet from outer space. These stones are called meteorites. What shape are the stones? Are they the same size? Pay attention to how different they are in shape. What geometric shapes do they look like? (into a triangle, square, oval, circle).

Educator: How can we help the planet Mars to get rid of this mess of meteorites?

Children Answers

Educator: That's right, let's collect all this rubbish, put things in order and help the planet get rid of stones. I suggest not just collecting the garbage, but putting it in the baskets. In one basket - round and oval stones, and in the other stones with corners.(children complete the task).

Educator: Well done! Cleared the planet Mars of meteorites! Guys, while we were cleaning the planet Mars! The inhabitants of this planet have prepared a task for us, look!(Pay attention to desks).

Before us are the Martian houses, the inhabitants of the planet are looking at us from the windows. Some of the windows are empty. Consider carefully the inhabitants in each window, compare them, think about which figure should live in a free window, and draw it. (Children draw a missing figure in an empty square).

Educator: Well done, they coped with the task, settled all the residents in their places.

(Sounds are heard from our planet. (The song "Grass at home" is played)

Guys, what planet are these sounds coming from?

Children's answers: (planet Earth)

Educator: But before we can go home, we need to find out our landing site. To do this, we lay out the numbers in the correct sequence, each number corresponds to a letter.

Connected, now let's turn the cards over and read our landing site.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

But, and this is not all, so that we do not get lost during the flight to earth, we still need to plot a route among the stars, so as not to collide with a comet on the way, and not to go off course.

(Graphic dictation at the tables)

Well, we have completed all the tasks and it is time for us to return home, our planet is waiting for us. Oh, look our Map is damaged! What could have happened?

Children's answers: (Mice started up, sparks hit, burned out and other answers)

Educator: We urgently need to restore the card! (The map of the starry sky is spread out on the carpet, the children sit around, pick up fragments of the map to the holes, discuss options)

Educator: That's how great, together you did it! Well done, we have done the last task! And now we can go back to our kindergarten! We close our eyes and start the countdown 10, 9 ...

We have landed.

Here we returned from flight

Our brave pilots.

Here we come from the road -

Let's summarize.

Guys, you are all good fellows, all coped with the task.

Where have we been with you today?

Did you enjoy traveling in space?

What did we do with you today?

Right. Today we have received a lot of knowledge about the Cosmos, performed a lot of tasks. And so that the memory of the journey remains for a long time, here you are, medallions, the same as our solar system. Don't forget to share your travel experience at home.

Abstract of an open lesson in the senior group of a preschool educational institution

Author: Borodina Tatyana Gennadievna, teacher of the senior group of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary School No. 289 (kindergarten No. 1867) of the city of Moscow.

Abstract of an open lesson on the development of speech in the senior group "Space travel".

Software content:

1. Formation of practical skills and abilities to use corrected (phonetically pure, lexically developed, grammatically correct) speech;
2. Replenishment, expansion, activation of the vocabulary of children;
3. Development of the lexical and grammatical basis of speech, through the selection of various didactic games.
1. Repetition and consolidation of the sound P;
2. Consolidation of correct sound pronunciation in words, proverbs and verses;
3. Development of dialogical speech;
4. Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech during word formation and inflection.
1. Formation of moral qualities: willingness to help, a sense of collectivism;
2. Education of the culture of verbal communication;
3. Raising attention to your own speech; interest in speech development classes.

Preliminary work:
1. Acquaintance with the sound "R" in the lesson on the development of speech;
2. Conversation with children on the topic: "Space" / who was the first astronaut, space planets /
3. Learning poetry with children;
4. Conducting drawing lessons, applications on the theme of "space", origami "rocket";
5. Reading stories from the book "Flying Stars" by A. Tkachenko;
6. Examination of pictures from the LB series. Deryagin "For preschoolers about the Russian conquerors of space"
pictures of planets,
toys: Luntik, ball, audio recording of space music,
laser flashlights to create the effect of the "starry sky",
colored stars are large for constellations and small for rewards.
Used Books:
1.L.B. Deryagin "To Preschoolers About Russian Space Explorers".
2. N.V. Labodina Complex lessons, senior group.

The course of the lesson.

Guys, let's go on a space journey with you today!
- And what are we going to fly into space? / children: - On a rocket! /
- What is the first sound in the word ROCKET?
- And what will we wear with you? / children: - a spacesuit! /.
- Is there a sound "R" in the word SCAFANDR?
- Where is it: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word?
We put on a spacesuit
To fly into space
We will learn a lot of new things
You just need to want!
- Our crew is ready for flight
Attention! Attention!
Let's fly!
- Look, guys, how many stars are around! The world of stars is diverse. On a cloudless clear evening, the sky is strewn with many stars. They seem small because they are far away. In fact, the stars are huge red-hot balls of gas, similar to the sun.
- Nine planets revolve around our sun.

- Listen carefully to the poem about the planets.
All planets in order
Any of us will call:
One is Mercury,
Two is Venus,
Three is the Earth,
Four is Mars.
Five is Jupiter
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is eighth in a row.
And after him already, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.
(Arkady Hayt)
- The first planet is Mercury. (showing a picture of the planet).
This planet is closest to the sun, it is the smallest. Let's say this word together and remember the name of the planet!
/ On every planet, children perform tasks. /
Assignment: Guess riddles.
1. What a bird, scarlet tail,
Flew into a flock of stars?
2. A telescope for hundreds of years
They study the life of the planets.
He will tell us about everything
Clever uncle ...
3. Not a month, not a moon, not a planet, not a star,
flies in the sky, overtakes aircraft.

- The second planet we flew to is called Venus. (showing a picture of the planet). It's very hot here. Let's say this word and remember it.
/ children pronounce the word Venus and find the sound "r" /
Assignment: "Say the opposite":
Day Night
Bright - ... dark
Sun moon
To fly away - ... to arrive
Landing on the moon - ... landing
- Well, guys, you have completed the task, it's time to move on.
/ Children fly to the next planet, imitating astronauts in space to space music /.
- Look through the windows, we are approaching a planet called Mars. The planet Mars appears red and is visible in the sky as a reddish star. Let's pronounce its name and remember it.
/ children pronounce the word MARS and find the sound "r" /
Space physical education
The sun shines in the clear sky,
The astronaut is flying in a rocket.
(Reach out - hands up).
And below the forest, the fields -
(Bend over).
The earth is spreading out.
(Hands spread apart).

Guys, let's go flying! Ahead of us is a meeting with other amazing planets.
- Do you know who was the first cosmonaut?
Yes, on April 12, 1961, on the Vostok spacecraft, Yuri Gagarin flew into space. Since then, every year on April 12, our country celebrates Cosmonautics Day ...

"Yuri Gagarin"
In a space rocket
Called "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.
Sings songs about it
Spring drops:
Will be together forever
Gagarin and April.
/ Children fly to another planet, imitating astronauts in space to space music, at this time my assistant directs laser flashlights to the ceiling and creates the effect of a "starry sky" /.
We are approaching the planet Jupiter, which is under threat, it needs to be helped to stay in the Universe! And for this you need to complete the task.
Assignment: "Make a proposal using a picture."
For example: "rocket" - The rocket flies into space.
"Moon" - The moon is shining in the sky.
"Constellations" - The stars in the sky form constellations.
- Guys, it's time for us to move on!

- Look through the windows - we are approaching the planet Saturn. (showing a picture of the planet). Pay attention - this planet is surrounded by rings, let's say the name of the planet and remember it.
/ children pronounce the word Saturn and find the sound "r" /.
Assignment: "Form the plural".
For example: rocket -… rockets;
comet - ... comets;
planet - ... planets;
cosmonaut- ... cosmonauts, with
constellation - ... constellations.
- Guys, what constellations do you know?
/ children's answers: big dipper, microscope, peacock, hounds, fly, cross, southern crown, compass, etc. /
Game "Collect the constellation"
/ Children are divided into teams and, according to the model, lay out their constellations from the stars. /
The game "Flies - does not fly"
If I say a word that flies, you raise your hands. What does not fly - you do not raise your hands. But be very careful, as I will confuse you.
- Is the plane flying? ... Flies.
- Does the moon rover fly? ... does not fly
- Does the astronaut fly? ... Flies.
- Does the satellite fly? ... Flies.
- Does the star fly? ... Doesn't fly.
- Does the helicopter fly? ... Flies.
- Does the rocket fly? ... Flies.
/ Children fly to another planet with space music /.
- We fly to the planet Uranus. It is the seventh planet in the distance from the sun. The guys are very cold and dry on it.
- Now Vanya will tell us a poem: "Gagarin"
Rocket flies, flies
Around the earthly light
And in it sits Gagarin-
Simple Russian guy!
/ Children fly to another planet with space music /.

Guys, we still have to fly to two planets of the solar system - this is Neptune and Pluto. These planets, like Uranus, are far from the sun and therefore it is very cold on them. In order not to freeze and not get sick, we need to complete one more task.
Assignment: "Name it affectionately."
For example: star -… asterisk;
cloud-… cloud;
the sun - ... the sun;
the sky is ... the sky;
airplane - ... airplane;
helicopter -… helicopter.
- Well done guys, they coped with the task.
- Guess which planet we are going to fly now?
This planet is our beloved home
We live on it from birth to death.
The planet is beautiful: seas, oceans.
Flowers and trees there, different countries,
And the sun shines from dawn to dusk, what a planet, tell me guys!

- Look through the windows, we are flying up to the most wonderful, to the most beautiful and beloved planet Earth.
- Guys, planet Earth has its own satellite.
- Listen to the riddle and guess which satellite the Earth has.
Only the stars are seen better
The sky is full ... (moon).

Guys, "Luntik" came to visit us from the Moon.
He wants to play with you.
Quiz game "Guess".
- The largest and hottest star in the universe (the Sun).
- A man who flies into space (astronaut).
- What is the name of the aircraft in which they fly into space? (Spaceship).
- What is the name of both the animal and the constellation? (Bear).
- Why is there day and night on earth? (The planet revolves around itself)
- Who was the first astronaut to fly into space? (Yuri Gagarin).
- Who else has been in space besides humans? (Belka and Strelka dogs, mice, rats, rabbits and even chimpanzees).
- What was the name of the spacecraft on which Gagarin made his first flight? ("East")
- What holiday does our country celebrate every year on April 12? (Cosmonautics Day).
- Guys, listen to a poem called:
"Yuri Gagarin"
"The ship is flying"
Flies into space
Steel ship
Around the Earth.
And even though its windows are small,
Everything is visible in them
As in the palm of your hand:
Steppe expanse,
Tidal bore,
and you and me!
(poem author - V. Orlov)

Guys! Our journey has come to an end. Did you enjoy traveling the planets? What do you remember the most?
- Now Luntik will distribute stars to all of you guys as a keepsake of our journey.

"Travel to space"



Expand the elementary ideas of children about space, outer space, planets, stars.

To acquaint children with the professions: astronaut, astronomer.


To develop in children the ability to draw independent conclusions through experimentation.

To develop in children the ability to fantasize, dream.

Enrich children's vocabulary with the words: planet, rocket, comet, star, constellation, astrologer, astronomer, solar system, etc.

To develop in children the ability to give detailed and complete answers.

Enrich children's play experience.

Develop memory, visual and auditory attention in children.


To bring up in children the desire to become brave, strong, enduring, educated.

Promote the upbringing of independence in children, the development of communication skills.

To bring up in children the desire to take care of the world around them, to animate and inanimate nature.


Improve children's physical qualities: balance, agility, speed, endurance.

Improve children's fine motor skills of hands and general motor skills.

Equipment: a multimedia projector with a presentation, a bowl of flour, stones of various sizes, a large umbrella, a mnemonic table, musical instruments (spoons, tambourines, rattles); handouts for each child: shells, pebbles, buttons, counting sticks, colored pencils according to the number of children, album sheets, hoops.

Course of the lesson: Children enter the hall and greet the guests.

Educator: Guys, do you know what space is?

Children's answers.

Educator: If we look at the sky, we will see thousands of stars. The largest and hottest emit a bluish light, while the smallest are white, yellow, orange and reddish. The closer a Star is to Earth, the brighter it is.

People began to study stars many, many years ago, but what was the name of the person who studied the stars and planets? (Astrologer)

Educator: And what is the name of a person who studies planets and stars now? (Astronomer)

What helps them to see the stars in the sky (Spyglass, telescope)

What is the difference?

Children's answers.

Educator: Would you like to become astrologers?

Let's go to the planetarium. Go to the tables. Put on your stargazer caps.

Look, you have stars on your sheets. Connect them with straight lines and you will have constellations. What do they look like? Get creative and name your constellation.

Children's answers.

Educator: The constellations were named by their resemblance to earthly objects or animals.

If we are stargazers, then we need a spyglass to look at the stars. And from what it can be made? (children make a telescope from a sheet of paper).

Dear Astrologers, take a telescope and look at the stars. Do you think the stars are better visible, with or without a tube? Why?

Children's answers.

Educator: We are very carried away, it's time for us to go on a space journey.

But what are we going to fly?

Children's Answers (Rocket)

Educator: But we don't have a rocket!

Let's go to the design office and build our rocket. Get creative and give it a name. (Children build from different proposed materials: counting sticks, buttons, pebbles, shells)

Look, we have another rocket that we made in the group.

Let's fly it.

Just first guess the riddle:

The rocket has a driver

Weightlessness lover.

In English "Astronaut",

And in Russian (Cosmonaut)

Educator: Astronauts explore space. They do their work in spacesuits. Why would an astronaut need a spacesuit?

Children's answers.

Educator: Before the flight, astronauts undergo difficult tests, so the most prepared can fly into space. Now we will also check your readiness.

Physical warm-up on fitballs.

Educator: Now you are ready to fly.

Take your seats in the capsule lift and we will move to the rocket. (Big umbrella)

Astronauts, take your seats in the rocket.

Fasten seat belts. The countdown begins: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Fly!

Educator: The first planet Mercury is the planet closest to the sun. It slowly revolves around the sun. Therefore, Mercury almost constantly heats up only one of its sides. So it turns out that on the one hand the planet is very hot, and on the other - completely cold. The entire surface is formed of hollows-craters, which were formed as a result of falling stones from the tail of comets.

Do you want to know how craters are formed?

Let's go to the laboratory.

Educator: Imagine (pointing to the flour in the basin that this is the surface of the planet. What is it like now? Smooth, even, ... Why do you think cavities form on the surface of the planets? (If a meteorite falls on a flat surface, a stone.) Imagine that you have meteorites in your hands and they fly to the surface of our planet (children release stones into flour) What happened?

Children's answers.

Educator: This is the most beautiful and brightest planet in the morning and night sky. It is shrouded in clouds, because water constantly evaporates from its surface, because the air temperature is 8 times higher than the highest temperature on Earth and reaches 400 degrees. What is it called? Let's guess the crossword puzzle and then we will find out.

I’ll ask you riddles now, and we will write down the answers in a crossword puzzle and in red cells we will read its name.

He is not a pilot, not a pilot,

He's not flying an airplane

A huge rocket.

Children who, say it (Astronaut)

To arm the eye

And be friends with the stars

See the milky way

Need a powerful (telescope)

A telescope for hundreds of years

They study the life of the planets.

He will tell us everything

Clever uncle (astronomer)

In space through the thickness of the years

Icy flying object.

His tail is a strip of light,

And the name of the object (comet)

Until the moon the bird cannot

Fly and land on the moon

But he can do it

Make it fast (rocket)

Illuminates the path at night

Keeps the stars awake.

Let everyone sleep, she has no time for sleep

In the sky shines for us (Moon)

Answer: Venus

Educator: Mars is the planet closest to Earth. In the sky, Mars appears as a bright orange fiery star. Until now, no one knows if there is life on Mars. But there is an assumption that life exists on this planet.

Imagine that you flew to Mars, let's send your callsigns to the planet, which should receive exactly the same answer. Educator with headphones: Earth, Earth, I am Mars. Communication is broken.

Let's go faster into the communications compartment and send a signal to Earth. (The teacher claps a rhythmic pattern, and the children repeat on musical instruments)

Educator: Jupiter. It is the largest planet in the solar system. Its mass is 2 times greater than the mass of other planets combined. There is no solid surface on the planet. It consists of poisonous gases, it is impossible to live there, so we add speed and fly past this planet.

Educator: Saturn. From the ground, it seems that there are 3 rings around this planet. But Saturn's ring consists of many large and small stones moving at great speed. Some of them could fit an entire country, while others are the size of cobblestones.

An outdoor game "Find your place".

For the game we need hoops. Don't they remind you of anything?

Fast rockets await us

To distant planets.

Whichever we want

We'll fly to this one.

But there is one secret in the game

There is no place for those who are late.

(Similar to the game "Homeless Hare")

Educator: Uranus is one of the farthest from the sun and therefore cold planets. It was discovered just 200 years ago, and it lies on its side because it once experienced a collision. The planet is shrouded in clouds and has several rings.

Now let's talk about this planet together. The game "On the contrary" will help us in this.

For example: black is white, sweet is bitter.

Planet: hot -

old -

close -

light -

small -

inhabited -

Educator: Neptune is a dark blue planet, on which winds from poisonous clouds always blow. The clouds are composed of ice crystals. Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun.

Educator: So we flew to the last planet. Let's name them in order.

Finger gymnastics "Planets"

All planets in order

Any of us will call:

One is Mercury,

Two is Venus

Three is the Earth,

Four is Mars.

Five is Jupiter

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

The eighth is Neptune.

Educator: There is an assumption that there are still planets in our solar system. Imagine how they might look: what size, color, shape they have.

Children are invited to take places on the carpet, dream up and draw their own planet.

Educator: Well, our fascinating journey has come to an end. Our spaceship is approaching the Earth.

Educator: Earth is a special planet. It is inhabited. Birds, fish, animals live on it. Why is there life only on our planet?

Children's answers.

Educator: What should all people do to keep our planet clean, green, healthy?

Look at the pictures, they will help you answer my question.

Children's answers.

Educator: Our ship has landed. Get into the capsule - the elevator and it will take us right to the door of the kindergarten.

Educator: And here is our kindergarten.

Children, did you enjoy our trip?

Say goodbye to the guests!