Cognitively entertaining activities for children. Holidays scenarios. Entertainment, leisure, matinees. Types of holiday scenarios

Author's scripts of the holidays, which will help teachers and educators prepare and conduct children's matinees, theme nights and get-togethers, entertainment in kindergarten. All materials were written by members of the Maaam project, many articles contain photographs from the holidays.

Types of holiday scenarios

The works are sorted by categories (sports, music, themed ...), by public holidays, by the seasons. Seasonal activities include events such as seeing off winter or meeting summer, bird day, and autumn fairs.

Autumn holidays

Winter holidays

Off-season holidays

Spring Holidays

Summer Holidays

There are original works in our library that are difficult to categorize. For example, "Scenario of the holiday of magic porridge" or "Day of the onion tear", such works are in the section "Interesting holidays".

Published scripts

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Folk, folklore holidays. Scripts, entertainment
  • Scripts. Sports holidays, physical education, fun starts
  • Ecological holidays, scenarios, quizzes. Nature, planet Earth.
  • Holidays for educators and teachers. Scenarios of events for preschool educational institutions and teachers
  • Performance scenarios. Theatrical performances, performances
  • Fire safety. Scenarios of events, leisure activities, quiz on life safety
  • Traffic rules, traffic lights, road signs. Holiday and entertainment scenarios
By groups:

Showing publications 1-10 of 126,154.
All sections | Holidays scenarios. Entertainment, leisure, matinees

Scenario of the New Year's holiday for the senior group of the kindergarten "Snow Queen" New Year holiday script for the senior group of the kindergarten "Snow Queen" Scenario of a New Year's fairy tale"The Snow Queen" For older preschool age Based on the fairy tale by H. K. Andersen SLIDE 1 Music von SLIDE 2 (Children enter the hall and dance Entrance to the music of the introduction ...

Scenario of a New Year's holiday for children of primary preschool age "Merry holiday New Year" Compiled by: music director R.E. Kozinets Target: Development and enrichment of the musical and intellectual level of children. Tasks: 1. Expand the horizons and stimulate the cognitive activity of children. Form and improve motor skills. Learn to navigate ...

Holidays scenarios. Entertainment, leisure, matinees - Scenario of the quest "In search of the Christmas tree"

Publication "Scenario of the quest" In search of ... "
Scenario of the quest "In search of a Christmas tree" (on the street) Prepared and conducted by: Korkina OL Group: preparatory Purpose: Strengthening the health of preschool children through exercises and games, relay races. Tasks: 1. To consolidate the skills and abilities acquired in physical education classes ....

Library of images "MAAM-pictures"

Scenario of the New Year's party in the senior group "New Year's confusion with Dunno" Children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle in front of the Christmas tree. Presenter: New Year, New Year! Glorious holiday at the gate! A tree came to the kindergarten to us, invited friends to visit! New Year is coming! Children: Hello, tree! Presenter: We will get drunk today. Children: Ringing! Presenter: Let's go around the Christmas tree ...

Sports entertainment for children older - preparatory group "Doctor Aibolit is in a hurry to help ..." Purpose: To create conditions for physical activity of children. Objectives: To contribute to the formation of the need to engage in physical culture and sports, to please children ...

Holiday scenario for senior preschool children "New Year serpentine" Compiled by: musical director R.E. Kozinets. Purpose: Development and enrichment of the musical and intellectual level of children. Tasks: 1. Expand the horizons and stimulate the cognitive activity of children. Form and improve motor skills. Learn to navigate ...

Holidays scenarios. Entertainment, leisure, matinees - Scenario of a festive concert for grandmothers and mothers "Your own director"

Entrance of boys with flowers, girls with colored handkerchiefs. Dance composition (remain in the center of the hall. Vedas: Today is a special day. How many smiles, Gifts and bouquets, and affectionate "thanks" in it! Whose day is it? Answer me? Well, guess yourself. Spring day on the calendar, ...

Physical culture leisure "Ah and Oh visiting the guys" Middle group Physical culture leisure Middle group "Ah and Oh visiting children" Purpose: creating conditions for physical activity of children. Objectives: - to create a positive emotional mood, familiarizing children with a healthy lifestyle; - to form a desire to participate in games and relay races on ...

Scenario of a New Year's party for the younger group "How the Fox stole the lights from the Christmas tree" Children enter the hall in a round dance to the music, form a large circle around the Christmas tree. Host: Here, guys, a Christmas tree came to our kindergarten for a holiday. How many lights, toys! How beautiful her outfit is! Happy New Year, let the fun come to us! We wish everyone happiness, joy ...

Scenario of the holiday "National Unity Day" A holiday in the senior and preparatory group "National Unity Day". Purpose: Formation in preschool children of a sense of tolerance, interest and respect for other national cultures. Fostering a sense of community, friendship and unity with people of different nationalities, ...

Ideas for events

Here you can find a lot of ideas for holding any holiday - ecological, sports, musical and many others. Moreover, here you will find not only step-by-step instructions for the implementation of the event, but you can also get ideas for decorating a room for a themed party and even choose suitable costumes for yourself.

Events may not be timed to any particular holiday, but simply seasonal. For example, such a funny and funny "potato holiday". Both children and parents should actively participate in it. Previously, in groups, educators read stories and excerpts from books about the seasons to the kids, and will hold numerous conversations about fruits, vegetables, berries, their shape and color. You can even choose postcards or pictures with gifts of autumn, or purchase dummies. I think the kids will be happy to take part in making crafts from potatoes, as well as share their experience in cooking dishes from potatoes.

The material is replenished daily. Not all materials have been categorized yet, but the work will be completed in the near future.

Scenario of an educational and entertainment event: "Secrets of the Autumn Garden"

Kornienko Alexey Nikolaevich, teacher of additional education, MOU DOD "Station of young naturalists of the city of Balashov, Saratov region."
Work description: educational and entertaining event "Secrets of the Autumn Garden" is intended for children 9 - 12 years of age and is aimed at identifying and expanding existing knowledge on the biology and ecology of traditional fruit and berry plants of the garden, about the features of rational care for them in the autumn period. The development material may be of interest to teachers of additional education, organizing circle activities of biological, ecological, agricultural orientation, teachers of biology, ecology, natural history for extracurricular activities, teachers of the extended day group.
Target: to draw the attention of pupils to the peculiarities of the biology and ecology of fruit and berry plants in the autumn period.
Educational: to identify and expand the existing knowledge on the biology and ecology of fruit and berry plants, on the features of rational care for them in the autumn.
Developing: promote the development of attentiveness, memory, thinking, creative activity (the ability to improvise), dexterity.
Educational: to cultivate a respect for the nature of the garden.
The form: quiz and competitive.
Equipment. Illustrations (photographs): fallen leaves in the garden, traditional fruit and berry plants of the garden, autumn leaves of fruit and berry plants, autumn (dark red) raspberry stalks, raspberry bushes tied for the winter, illustration of a fruit tree on Whatman paper.
Schemes of leaf fall and the method of harvesting with a fruit picker.
Two identical sets of different fruits in opaque bags, two fruit plates, "fruits" on nylon threads, an improvised fruit picker, cards with tasks, paper autumn leaves with quiz questions on the back, tokens.
The course of the event.
Leading:- Hello guys and girls! I am glad to welcome you to today's festive event: "Secrets of the Autumn Garden". "Secrets" are at first glance imperceptible phenomena that occur with fruit and berry plants in the garden in the fall, as well as the features of rational care of the autumn garden. Our event is dedicated to the disclosure of these "secrets".
Today you will find exciting contests interspersed with interesting quiz questions, and at the end of all there will be an award.
To participate, you need to organize 2 teams of 5 people. To become team members, you need to guess riddles about what fruit and berry plants are in our makeshift garden. (A hint is displayed in front of the audience in the form of an image of the traditional fruit and berry plants of the garden. Image 1: "Traditional Garden Plants")
This fruit is fragrant
Ruddy, golden,
Like a ball hanging on a branch
Hands are pulling children to him. (Apple on apple)
Fruits hang on a tree
They are like light bulbs.
They also have a main plus -
Aroma and delicate taste. (Pear)
On a spring tree -
Little white corollas
And on a summer tree -
Red bells. (Cherry)
The fruit is there - the first grade:
He's all in a haze of blue
But it's hard in the heart
Like a goose's beak. (Plum)
There are three sisters - they live in harmony,
All three are gardeners:
One of them is a white woman,
Another sister is blush
The latter is a dark-skinned woman. (White, red, black currant)
In the forest was born -
It came in handy in the garden:
Small grass
And the scarlet berry. (Strawberry)
The bush has been growing for many years
Only there are no old branches:
One-year-olds and two-year-olds,
No branch is older! (Raspberries)
Long ago praised in the garden
Vitamin champion.
With a black side
With red juice. (Black currant)
On a branch - sweets
With honey filling,
And the skin on the branch
Hedgehog breeds. (Gooseberry)
Red, sweet, fragrant,
Grows low, close to the ground. (Strawberry)
Teams coming up with names for themselves (or assigning names to teams).
Draw for teams to the right of the first move.
Leading:- Let's start testing teams with quiz questions "Connoisseurs".
Exercise. The teams will take turns to answer 2 questions. Time for discussion is 30 seconds. The correct answer is 1 token. If the teams find it difficult to answer, then the spectators participate.
1 question. Why do raspberry stems turn reddish in autumn? How does it help raspberries? (Photo 1: "Autumn Colored Raspberry Stem")

(Answer. In autumn, at low positive air temperatures, raspberries undergo natural hardening and special substances are produced in it that help to survive frosts. These substances give the stems a reddish color.)
2 question. Why are raspberry stalks bent to the ground and tied up in the fall? (Figure 1: "Autumn Raspberry Garter")

(Answer. Raspberry shoots do not have a dense protective layer of bark and in severe frosts (below -30 ° C) they often freeze to the level of snow. Tied in a bent state, raspberry shoots are better covered with snow, which reliably protects the fruit buds from freezing.)
Leading:- The next test is a competition "Fruits".
Exercise. Each team has an opaque fruit bag and a plate in front of them. To begin with, one participant is required from the teams. Each participant gently pushes his hand into the bag, gropes for one piece of fruit (Photo 2: "Defining Fruit"),

identifies it within 3-5 seconds, names it, shows it to everyone and puts it on a plate. Then the rest of the team members participate in the same order. For each correctly guessed fruit, the team receives a token.
Leading:- Let's go back to our quiz. Teams and spectators prepare for questions.
1 question. Why is it not recommended to shake the fruits from fruit trees when harvesting?
(Answer. When shaken off, the fruits hit the ground. In places of beating, the fruits begin to rot and cannot be stored. In addition, when shaking off, branches with fruit buds break, as a result, future harvest is lost.)
2 question. What grows in fruit trees during the leaf fall? How can this be taken into account in dry autumn?
(Answer. It turns out that during the period of leaf fall, trees actively grow roots, and if at this time the dry weather lasts for a long time, then it is necessary to water the plants.)
Leading:- We continue testing. The next competition is "Leaves".
Different fruit and berry plants have a peculiar form of leaves and not only, in addition, in the fall, many of them change color.
Exercise. Each team from a set of photos will receive the same photo of autumn leaves (Photo 3 - 10: "Autumn Leaves of Traditional Garden Plants").

In 20 seconds, you need to determine which fruit and berry plant the leaves belong to. (Leaves in one photo belong to the same plant species, respectively, in different photos - to different species. Photos of leaves for identification are given in turn.) For each correct identification - 1 token. If the teams find it difficult to answer, then the spectators participate.
Leading:- Now let's switch back to the quiz questions.
1 question. How can one explain that many fruit plants during the period of leaf fall, the leaves can fall off even in calm weather?
(Answer. Scientists believe that leaf fall is preceded by a long biological preparation of the plant. It is known that by autumn a special separating (cork) layer forms between the leaf petiole and the parent plant. (Figure 2: "Scheme of falling leaves").

The cells of this layer have smooth walls and are easily separated from each other. Often a light gust of wind is enough for the leaf to separate and fall; sometimes the leaves fall off even in completely calm weather from sudden temperature fluctuations, freezing or thawing, or directly under the influence of the gravity of the leaf blade, weighed down by settled dew.)
2 question. Why is it not recommended to remove fallen leaves from the trunks of fruit plants in the fall? (Photo 11: "Autumn foliage on tree trunks")

Answer. Fallen leaves will protect the root system from severe frosts. In addition, by the beginning of summer, earthworms and soil microorganisms will process it, and the plant will receive good organic feeding. Note! Nature does not remove fallen leaves and the remains of annual plants, and the soil under them not only does not become scarce, it increases fertility.)
Leading:- We continue our event, and the next competition - "Harvest"... Look, in front of you is an impromptu tree with "fruits" (for example, apples) of a late ripening period (photo 12: "Improvised tree with fruits").

We already know that you cannot shake off the fruits from the trees, so I propose to remove them with the help of a fruit picker (an improvised spear picker is shown). A fruit picker must be able to work correctly. The fruit is picked up by the picker from below (photo 13: "Picking up the fruit with the picker"),

Raises slightly and detaches with a sideways motion (Figure 3: "Fruit picker. Scheme of removing the fruit").

Exercise. In 30 seconds, the teams will have to fill their plates with as much fruit as possible. This will need to be done as follows: one of the teams is lined up in front of the "tree" so that the faces of its participants are visible to the other team and the audience. The first participant, standing in front of the tree, is handed a fruit picker, the last one - a fruit plate. The first picker removes the fruit, the second takes it with his hands, then the fruit is passed along the chain to the last in a plate. The fruits that will be on the plate after the expiration of time will be counted. For each fruit - 1 token. The teams compete in turns. (Before the start of this competition, teams are given training time.)
Leading:- I propose to complete our quiz and answer two more questions.
1 question. How does late autumn watering (if the drought lasts for a long time) save fruit trees from freezing?
(Answer. Deeply moistened soil better conducts heat to the roots from the lower layers of the Earth, thereby "heating" the roots and saving them from winter freezing.)
2 question. Why during late autumn watering of fruit trees it is impossible to allow waterlogging of the soil?
(Answer. With an excess of moisture, oxygen is displaced from the soil and carbon dioxide accumulates. This leads to depression and death of the root system.)
Leading:- We still have one more competition - "Scene"... In this competition, teams will have to demonstrate their ability to improvise.
Exercise. In 1 minute, the teams will have to think over how to beat the scene proposed on the card, and then (after the expiration of time) show it to the audience. The accuracy and originality of the improvisation, as well as the number of participants in the scene, will be assessed. Each participant will receive 1 token, plus 2 tokens - to the team for the accuracy and originality of the improvisation. The audience will have to guess what the scene is about. For correct guessing - 1 token.
Tasks on cards.
One team: depict the autumn bending of raspberry bushes to the ground and tying them up.
To another team: depict late fall watering of trees and shrubs in the garden.
Host - to viewers:- While the teams are thinking over the fulfillment of their tasks, guys, tell us what interesting phenomena have you observed in the life of fruit and berry plants in the fall? I wonder if the experience of your observations was useful to you in caring for garden plants? How?
Leading:- So, the quiz-competitive part of our event "Secrets of the Autumn Garden" has come to an end. Before summing up the results of today's participation and making a conclusion, let us look again at the illustrations, photographs, diagrams and say which of the "secrets" of the autumn garden that sounded today were new for you, discovered for the first time. (Answers of the guys.) What does the disclosure of the "secrets" of the autumn garden give to people personally? (Answers guys.)
- Thus, revealing for yourself the "secrets" of the autumn garden, you guys will learn to better understand your fruit and berry pets, take good care of them, and in response to your attention and care they will certainly please you with a generous and good harvest.
Counting of tokens for teams, determination of the winner.
Definition of active viewers.
Leading:- Thank you all for your attention, for participating in today's event "Secrets of the Autumn Garden"! Until next time!
At the end of the article. Educational and entertainment event: "Secrets of the Autumn Garden" was repeatedly held for children from different environmental associations (so called circles), in school classes as an extracurricular event, extended day groups, as a city mass event for children during vacation time. The scenario of the event was repeatedly changed and refined. For the quiz, questions were selected and selected that were, if possible, more practical. Competitions were improved and adapted to the theme of the event, tasks and equipment were thought out. So, in the competition "Fruits" real fruits were used, in the competition "Leaves" - photographs of real autumn leaves taken from the garden of the station of young naturalists, the competition "Harvest" provided for conditions that were relatively close to reality for the correct removal of fruits from the tree, tasks for the competition "Scene" assumed imitation of real actions for the care of the autumn garden. Conducting contests in such an original manner aroused genuine interest in the children and stimulated the manifestation of their mental (including cognitive, creative) and motor activities.
Competitions take into account both individual and team participation of children. The event is based on the alternation of quiz questions with contests, which, when changing mental and motor activities, contributes to less fatigue of children, rational use of their strength, attention, and also time during the holiday.
The development of "Secrets of the Autumn Garden" describes in detail how to conduct contests. In reality, during the event, all tasks are communicated to the children briefly, but succinctly and clearly enough.
During the event, the active role of the audience was taken into account. They can supplement or give full answers to the quiz questions, participate in determining the autumn leaves in case of difficulty of the main participants (teams). In the "Scene" competition, viewers are obligatory participants, guess and name the performances presented by the teams.
In its final part, the event contains such important components as an element of reflection and conclusion. In the reflexive part, the children themselves determine what they have discovered new for themselves at this event and what practical significance it can have in their lives.

Tkachuk Kristina Sergeevna
Educational institution: GKKP "Higher Pedagogical College, the city of Shchuchinsk"
Brief description of work: Objectives: Educational: enlightenment, propaganda and formation of anti-corruption worldview among students; facilitating interaction with government authorities, with individuals and legal entities on the implementation of anti-corruption policy. Developing: to promote the development of legal consciousness, citizenship, the ability to draw conclusions based on the data obtained. Educational: instilling in young people a positive attitude to moral norms that form the basis of the personality, increasing the level of their legal consciousness and legal culture; an activity-based approach to anti-corruption programs

Elena A. Remezova
Educational institution:
Brief description of work: Knowledge Day is one of the long-awaited holidays for children after a long summer vacation. Someone is looking forward to this day, but someone really does not want September 1 to come so quickly. A well-thought-out scenario for holding this holiday will help each child understand why it is necessary to gain knowledge, what benefits they bring them, what you need to be able to in order to go to school.

Elena A. Remezova
Educational institution: MBOU DOD "Palace of Creativity of Children and Youth named after V.M.Komarov"
Brief description of work: With the approach of Spring, the winter cold is replaced by the first thaws ... But Winter does not want to leave at all, and the beautiful Vesna wants to quickly come into its own. A dispute flares up between them, which is resolved through games, fun and entertainment. We celebrate Spring with fun!