At what stage of pregnancy does the baby turn down. When the fruit should turn upside down. Obstetric reversal. What types of presentations exist

A newborn baby develops very quickly. It would seem that recently he just started to hold his head, and suddenly he is already turning over on his side, on his back and on his stomach.

This is truly a great event in the life of a baby!

Not all parents know when a child begins to roll over on his stomach or side. Most often, the baby is in the same position - lying on his back. This allows him to see only those objects that are located on top or on the sides.

Gradually, the newborn develops a desire to touch the toy or reach the mother. At this time, the baby begins to master the turns.

First attempts

So when does a baby start rolling from back to stomach and back again?

By 3 months, the baby should be able to:

  1. Make head turns while lying on your stomach. The baby reacts to the sound he is interested in: to the melody of a toy or phone, to his mother's voice, and so on.
  2. Raise, as well as fix the shoulders and head in one position. The baby does this, usually lying on his stomach and leaning on the arms bent at the elbows.
  3. Feel your body. During this period, the baby's movements become more coordinated.
  4. Perform flips on the stomach and on the side. Of course, from the outside it looks more like an attempt to slide.

After mastering coups, the baby will rarely lie on its back. A young mother will have to monitor how her child sleeps and in what position he plays.

A baby will learn how to really do a revolution after the muscles of the neck and back are sufficiently strong. This moment comes at 4-5 months.

First coups

After 3 months, the baby begins to examine the objects around him with interest. To see better, he tries to raise his head.

Most of all, a baby at this age is interested in legs. He tries to bend them at the knee joints and pull them to his chest. It is at this moment that the first opportunity appears to make a coup and change the position of your body.

Most often, the baby tries to move with his whole body. Gradually, he manages to make a flip on his side. These are the first attempts to master a new skill.

By the age of 5 months, the baby can already confidently hold his head, as well as rise on the arms bent at the elbows, while lying on his stomach. At this age, children try to arch their backs and sway.

Lying on his stomach, the baby can easily make several turns, pushing off with his legs.

At this age, many children are already doing a good roll from the abdomen to the back and vice versa. The main thing is not to leave the baby alone at such moments.

When the baby begins to roll over from the abdomen to the back, the muscles in the neck, back and arms are strengthened. This is necessary for mastering a new skill - sitting and crawling. This is an important moment in development. After the infant learns to do a good flip, he will try to sit up or crawl.

Help from parents

You can help the baby to learn how to do a coup. Experts recommend doing gymnastics with children. It is enough to start with simple exercises. Any lesson should be conducted in the form of a game.

If the baby is in a bad mood, and he is capricious, then you should not force him. During the game, you can attract the attention of your child with a bright and interesting toy, and then put it neatly on the side. The crumb will want to take it in his hand and try to make a coup.

In order for the classes to give a result, it is worth following a few rules. You can start gymnastics if:

  1. The baby holds the head well, being in the position on the stomach.
  2. The baby has a desire to play in this form with his mother.
  3. The baby has developed the skill of lying on his stomach. At the same time, he holds his head well and can rise on the handles.

Advice: If the baby does not want to lie on his tummy, then you can entertain him with a bright object. It is enough to put it in front of the baby. You can also swing your baby on a gymnastic ball.

Simple flip exercise

When the baby rolls over on its own, this is a real event for young parents. If desired, they can help their child. In order for the child to start doing coups, it is worth doing gymnastics with him. It is worth regularly performing the following exercises with him:

  1. The baby should be placed on its back.
  2. The right leg of the baby must be grasped with the right hand, and the other must be fixed so that it does not bend.
  3. The following movements should be performed carefully. The right leg of the child must be pulled down and in the direction of the turn. You should not make sudden movements and exert effort.
  4. The right leg should be over the left. In a state of rotation, the baby should stay for 10 - 15 seconds.
  5. After such a turn, the baby's hand may be under the body. Do not rush to get it. Let the child do it himself.

If your child begins to be capricious, then you can help the child a little. Such coups can be repeated up to 5 times during the day.

Attention! All movements should be smooth and careful. Otherwise, you can seriously harm the child.

Possible problems

What to do if the baby does not turn over on its stomach or on its side at 5 months?

First of all, parents shouldn't panic. Maybe your child's coups simply do not work. There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  1. Baby character. Some children are inactive by temperament.
  2. Lack of incentive. Perhaps there is simply no need for a baby to make coups on his stomach or on his back. If parents, on demand, fulfill all the desires of their child, then this reduces his physical activity. Try to grab your baby's attention with a colorful toy.
  3. Neurological diseases. Such ailments can greatly affect the activity of the child. One of these deviations is uneven muscle tone. This neurological disease manifests itself early, which makes it possible to identify the disease in time. This problem can be solved with the help of a special set of exercises and massage.
  4. Often, children have problems with coups due to physiological characteristics. During childbirth or during pregnancy, the baby could be injured.
  5. Problems can arise due to complications such as infection, hypoxia, or asphyxia. In such situations, a highly qualified pediatrician should deal with the therapy of the disease. Young parents will not be able to solve the problem on their own.

In the presence of neurological and other ailments, various medications may be prescribed. The choice of drug depends on the disorder. In some cases, children are prescribed massage and therapeutic exercises.

In conclusion

A newborn child learns a certain skill with each new day. Starting from the first month, the baby learns to hold the head. During this period, the baby can be spread on the stomach.

After his muscles get stronger, the baby can be laid out on the tummy. At this time, there is a desire to make a coup, reach for a toy or see where a funny melody is playing.

At 4-5 months, the child can already confidently change the position of his body. During this period, you cannot leave the baby unattended.


We keep things from the older children at the dacha. Whatever questions, the husband's dacha went to him from his father. Now we are expecting a third child. We went to check what could be useful to us, but it’s empty. It turned out that the mother-in-law gave everything to her young son. His wife , give birth two months before me. In terrible anger I called and demanded to return everything. Now the mother-in-law whines that we have put her in an awkward position. And in general, there is a young family and very bad money. The question is, what have I got to do with it?


Barbara says

My husband is too hard on his son (my stepson). The guy is 17 years old, goes to the gold medal, goes to Olympiads, competitions, wins prizes, every day he has additional classes in school subjects, also a choir, graduated from a music school, goes to church every Sunday. Always neat, tidy. Innocence itself. He won't say a word across to anyone, he won't get into fights. Does not swear, does not drink, does not smoke. The perfect child.
Everyone is happy, everyone admires: "what a boy you have!" And the guy is suffering. I saw that he was crying with bitter tears, asked what upset him so, and he replies that he was tired, he didn’t want to live like that, but he couldn’t upset dad, dad would scold him. The son is afraid of him. He is very tough with him, rude. I tried to intervene in the situation, to show that he was wrong, that the boy should not be kept tightly in hand, but all was in vain, to my great regret.
At the age of 17, being already, one might say, an adult man, he does not have permission to walk, surf the Internet as much as he wants, like all his peers, wear what he likes, homework is checked, like a mobile phone, he should be like a bayonet at home , at 20:00 and God forbid staying anywhere, even after school he goes and calls: "I'm going home." No friends. And where, in fact, do they come from?
But he is the best, most diligent and educated. As it is called, good boy. Only happiness from this ...



Who do you work and the city.
I remind you, just in case, that the question asked does not mean that it is you who need to answer it, the answer is voluntary, and if the question seems indecent to you, it is quite possible to pass it by (nothing terrible will happen in your life). question - thanks in advance)



There was a story this morning. A boy, about 10, enters the subway and looks around in search of free space, there are no seats.
A woman of 45-50 years old was sitting next to me and began to demand to give him a seat, I refused, what suddenly, he is not a baby, he does not look like a sick child, he can stand and hold on calmly. If she wants to, let her get up. In response, a bucket of flattering words poured out at me: what kind of young people, there are no children of their own, etc.
So I don’t understand why rather adult children should give in, I don’t understand when mothers are standing, and the child almost sits down with her height. And then they say that the generation is growing up ill-mannered, etc.



We keep things from the older children at the dacha. Whatever questions, the husband's dacha went to him from his father. Now we are expecting a third child. We went to check what could be useful to us, but it’s empty. It turned out that the mother-in-law gave everything to her young son. His wife , give birth two months before me. In terrible anger I called and demanded to return everything. Now the mother-in-law whines that we have put her in an awkward position. And in general, there is a young family and very bad money. The question is, what have I got to do with it?


Barbara says

My husband is too hard on his son (my stepson). The guy is 17 years old, goes to the gold medal, goes to Olympiads, competitions, wins prizes, every day he has additional classes in school subjects, also a choir, graduated from a music school, goes to church every Sunday. Always neat, tidy. Innocence itself. He won't say a word across to anyone, he won't get into fights. Does not swear, does not drink, does not smoke. The perfect child.
Everyone is happy, everyone admires: "what a boy you have!" And the guy is suffering. I saw that he was crying with bitter tears, asked what upset him so, and he replies that he was tired, he didn’t want to live like that, but he couldn’t upset dad, dad would scold him. The son is afraid of him. He is very tough with him, rude. I tried to intervene in the situation, to show that he was wrong, that the boy should not be kept tightly in hand, but all was in vain, to my great regret.
At the age of 17, being already, one might say, an adult man, he does not have permission to walk, surf the Internet as much as he wants, like all his peers, wear what he likes, homework is checked, like a mobile phone, he should be like a bayonet at home , at 20:00 and God forbid staying anywhere, even after school he goes and calls: "I'm going home." No friends. And where, in fact, do they come from?
But he is the best, most diligent and educated. As it is called, good boy. Only happiness from this ...



Who do you work and the city.
I remind you, just in case, that the question asked does not mean that it is you who need to answer it, the answer is voluntary, and if the question seems indecent to you, it is quite possible to pass it by (nothing terrible will happen in your life). question - thanks in advance)



There was a story this morning. A boy, about 10, enters the subway and looks around in search of free space, there are no seats.
A woman of 45-50 years old was sitting next to me and began to demand to give him a seat, I refused, what suddenly, he is not a baby, he does not look like a sick child, he can stand and hold on calmly. If she wants to, let her get up. In response, a bucket of flattering words poured out at me: what kind of young people, there are no children of their own, etc.
So I don’t understand why rather adult children should give in, I don’t understand when mothers are standing, and the child almost sits down with her height. And then they say that the generation is growing up ill-mannered, etc.


The position of the child in the womb will determine the action plan at the time of delivery. They came and the fetus is still in breech presentation. How to make a child turn head down? What actions need to be taken by a woman in labor and what to prepare for?

How long does the child turn upside down?

During the period of its development in the womb, the child is distinguished by active motor abilities. And if in the first few weeks the baby is practically motionless, then by the 25th week he often pushes and turns over.

By the beginning of labor activity, activity often goes down, since the baby has less and less free space in the uterus, and it is also minimized, accordingly, the child has practically nowhere to swim. During this period, every expectant mother has a question: "At what stage of pregnancy does the child turn upside down?" As a rule, after turning, the baby remains in this position until delivery. This often happens after the 30th week. But within the limits of the norm, the situation is when the child is in a different position before the onset of labor. When the fetus turns over in the womb, the mother's abdomen may change.

How to recognize the position of a child?

Correct in the uterus by the beginning of labor should be a head-down turn so that the back of the head turns to the inlet into the small pelvis. This is due to the so-called in which the baby lies: the cervical spine is bent, arms and legs are crossed and pressed against the body. The baby's face is located towards the mother's spine. In most cases, nature contributes to the fact that the child takes exactly this position in the womb on his own without the intervention of outsiders. But in practice, a variety of options have been recorded.

There is no unequivocal answer to the question of how long the child turns upside down, everything is individual. Based on statistics, 1 out of 5 babies turns their head down, but the face remains in the same position, turned towards the mother's stomach. Doctors jokingly speak of this fact, saying that the baby wants to be born facing the sun. Labor activity in connection with this feature becomes more complicated and lasts longer than normal childbirth.

Most often, expectant mothers may have a presentation called pelvic presentation. The name is general in nature, which suggests that the baby has not turned in the right direction, and at the base of the uterus his butt or legs are sticking out.

Finally, doctors also indicated a transverse position - across the uterus, sideways or back to the exit. Here it is the most difficult, and childbirth with this arrangement of the baby mainly occurs through a caesarean section. It is not so common and is often caused by far from subjective symptoms, for example, placenta previa, when the placenta is indicated below the fetus and blocks its exit. Of course, this is always an indication for operative delivery.

What types of presentations are there?

It has already been said about the correct, cephalic presentation, and this is exactly the position the fetus occupies in most expectant mothers who are wondering how long the child turns upside down.

Still, there is a certain percentage of "protesting" babies using other positions. For example, breech presentation, which, in turn, is also divided into continuous or mixed. With a pure breech presentation, only the buttocks are facing the opening in the small pelvis, and the legs are bent at the hip joints and extended along the body. In the second case, in addition to the buttocks, the legs, bent by the baby in the hip and knee joints, are also tightened.

The doctors also determined the knee presentation. It involves bending the knees. This type refers to the foot presentation. Experts define in this type a complete and incomplete presentation of the legs. In the first version, both legs are occupied, slightly bent at the joints. In incomplete only one, the second, is located higher.

Are there reasons for concern and frustration?

You should never panic, and every mother should know about it. Do not worry too much about how long the child turns upside down. He will decide this on his own, and starting to think about it before the 32nd week is a pointless waste of time and nerves. Medical statistics speak of the facts of such cases when the fetus unfolded in the right direction a few days before the start of the labor process.

What measures need to be taken?

If in the last month of pregnancy the child continues to take the wrong position, it is worthwhile to schedule a consultation with a specialist in charge of the pregnancy to discuss possible ways out of this situation. It is he who will help predict future delivery.

Some doctors, in order to avoid the risk to the health of the mother and baby during childbirth, suggest using some exercises after the 32nd week, since they believe that they are the ones who are able to further determine how long the baby should turn upside down. Classes should be conducted by qualified specialists, they will tell you in detail, and also show exercises that contribute to the overturn of the baby in the womb in the right direction.

What are the reasons why the child is in the wrong position?

A common occurrence can occur for the following reasons:

  • Repeated childbirth.
  • Polyhydramnios.
  • Pathology of the uterus.
  • Malformations that have arisen in the process of fetal development.
  • Low position or presentation of the placenta.

In order for the question of how long the child turns upside down not to torment the future mother, a reasonable solution would be to follow some recommendations:

  • Sit on a firm chair throughout the day. This method will help the baby to take the correct posture.
  • A good substitute for a chair will be a fitball, which, in addition to its main function, will help perform simple gymnastic exercises for a woman in position.
  • Swimming lessons.
  • Visit to a homeopathic doctor, osteopath and acupuncturist.

Daily gymnastic exercises can not only help the fetus turn in the right direction, but also contribute to the enrichment of blood with oxygen and improve blood circulation in the body.

However, you should not practice the set of exercises immediately after a meal or when you feel unwell. In everything it is worth adhering to harmony and the principle of "do no harm".

The child can be with the ass towards the exit from the uterus. Doctors call this breech presentation. Until 32 weeks, no corrective measures are needed to find the fetus, it can roll over by itself.

Only five percent of babies who are in breech presentation at 32 weeks of gestation remain in it until the most.

Also, babies can roll over right on the eve of childbirth. If the baby is small, weighs a little, then he can change position after 32 weeks of pregnancy. If the child does not want to roll over, then you need to do special exercises to correct the situation.
Breech presentation of the fetus is the norm for the fetus up to 32 weeks of gestation. While the size of the child is small, he takes advantage of the opportunity to change position. By the time of delivery, the baby should be in a head-down position.

The baby's head is larger than the pelvis, so it is necessary that he moves his head during childbirth. Smaller parts of the body do not dilate well the birth canal, cervix, and the head can get stuck when exiting. If the fetus is placed with the ass forward during childbirth, then this can lead to complications: infringement of the umbilical cord, prolapse of the leg from the uterus, premature rupture of amniotic fluid.

When the fetus turns over - what's in the way

When the fetus turns over - how to help

How can I help my child roll over? It depends on the cause causing the breech presentation. Do not do anything before 32 weeks. If the uterine cavity is of the correct shape, there are no deviations in it that prevent the child from taking the correct position, then he can engage in gymnastics specially designed for this. Swimming in the pool and doing aqua exercises also help.

If the child remains in breech position despite gymnastics, the doctor can manually help the child to get into the correct position. This is a special medical procedure that is performed in the antenatal clinic, as well as in the hospital of the maternity hospital.


The first exercise is Indian Bridge. Can be performed with. You need to lie down on the floor, raise your legs, put several pillows under the pelvis so that the pelvis is located 30-40 centimeters above the shoulders. Make sure that your shoulders, pelvis, knees should form a straight line. Many babies turn over after the first try. If the child is stubborn, then you need to do the exercise 2-3 times a day.

Another option for doing the exercise is to sit your husband in front of him, put your feet on his shoulders so that the popliteal fossa is on their shoulders.

Complex 2, which consists of two exercises. The first is the main one, which is performed while lying on the couch. It is necessary to lie on the side to which the back of the child is facing in breech presentation or opposite to the one to which the head is facing in transverse presentation. It is necessary to bend your knees, hip joints, lie quietly for 5 minutes. Then take a deep breath, turn over your back to the other side, lie down quietly again for 5 minutes.

After that, you need to straighten the leg, which is located on top, with a breech presentation, or the one on which you are lying, with a transverse presentation. Keep the other leg bent. Inhale deeply, again bend the straightened leg at the knee and hip joints, grasp the knee with your hands, take it towards the back with a breech presentation or towards the buttocks with a transverse presentation. Your torso should bend forward, the bent leg should be in a semicircle inward, touching the front wall of the abdomen. Take a deep breath, relax, straighten, lower your leg. Then take a deep breath again, repeat the exercise again.

This exercise must be done every day 5-6 times, go to the doctor every other day.

The second exercise is performed while lying on your back.

The legs must be bent at the knees, hip joints, feet shoulder-width apart must be resting on the floor, arms extended along the body. At first, take a breath, raise the pelvis, rest on the feet, shoulder girdle. On the count of two, the pelvis must be lowered, exhale. Then you need to straighten your legs, tighten the muscles of the buttocks, draw in the stomach, perineum, while taking a breath. Then relax your muscles and exhale. Repeat this exercise 7 times.

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