Memo for parents about children's hygiene. On the conditions for observing personal hygiene by children in kindergartens What to wear on tender places

Hygiene of preschool children is dealt with by science, which studies the external factors that affect the child's body. Personal hygiene of preschool children requires compliance with basic and primary measures to create the necessary conditions for maintaining the health of the child. The main task of creating the right regime for the child is healthy sleep, timely food intake and the necessary rest at lunchtime and at night. If the required regimen is not observed, you may notice the child's poor health, lethargy, fatigue, and later psychological illnesses.

Hygiene of Preschool Children - Personal Hygiene Rules for Children

Hands should also be washed without fail when leaving the toilet. This is a prerequisite for personal hygiene, not only for the child. If you have pets in your home, make sure your little one also wash their hands after touching them. It is also very important to be able to wash your hands properly. Teach your child to not just rinse them without using soap, explain to take the soap, wash their hands, and then wipe dry with a paper towel. Your baby is most likely attending kindergarten. The same rules must be explained to the child so that in public places the child does not forget to follow the rules of hygiene.
Personal hygiene rules for children must be observed at a certain age of the baby. In the first years of your baby's life you must make sure that the child falls asleep every two hours. The child should be awake on average from five to seven hours a day. At a later age, devote less time to your baby's sleep. As your child gets a little older, have your child wash their hands every hour. Otherwise, there is a chance of catching a very serious illness.
Explain to your child that it is extremely undesirable to touch your nose often with your hands and you should not scratch your eyes with dirty hands. Thus, bacteria enter the mucous membrane of the nose and eyes and give the further development of the disease. Make sure that there is always a handkerchief in the pocket of a children's jacket. Thus, when sneezing or coughing, the baby will cover his mouth and the infection will not spread further through the air. Naturally, doctors say that the best way of personal hygiene for a child is frequent hand washing... This is the best way to keep infection out.

Personal hygiene rules for preschool children in pictures:

The pledge of the child's health is considered timely nail trimming... You must provide your child with personalized personal care products. The baby should have his own towel, toothbrush, soap, comb... Teach your child to take a shower on his own, at first, of course, it will be a very small stream of water, but this is only in the first attempts teach your baby to take care of himself on his own, without assistance. Make sure the water pressure is low, as your child may get scared and this will become the biggest fear for the child in future years. Choose a shampoo for a child that does not cause tears... Buy a bathrobe for your child. Individual slippers and washcloths are required. Give your baby a brightly colored Towel. Thus, your child will enjoy using it and get used to it faster.
Keep an eye on the health of your child, because the rules of hygiene must be observed by everyone, from small to great.
To kid it is necessary not only to lather your hands and wash off, you need to wash your hands for a minute, then rinse, only in this case it will be useful. Teach your child to brush their teeth correctly... This should be taught to a toddler at the age of two. Explain to your child that the brush needs to be washed before and after brushing. Explain to your child that teeth need to be cleaned Twice a day, after he has eaten, because the leftover food eats away at his milk teeth, which leads to the formation of tooth decay. If the child decides to have a snack somewhere, tell them to at least rinse the mouth. Teach your baby to comb, because this is also a hygienic norm for every person.

Cleanliness is a quality that should be instilled from childhood. The mother's task is to tell her daughter about the rules of personal hygiene. Sexual hygiene of girls from birth to adolescence is the key to the health of a growing woman, her reproductive system.

The rules of intimate hygiene of girls, girls, women are about the same. The only difference is that from adolescence, the need for intimate care increases.

Intimate hygiene of adolescent girls

1. For adolescent girls who do not have menstruation, washing the external genitals with running water should be done at least 1-2 times a day. It is better to wash under the shower. First, the external genitals are washed, then the skin of the thighs and, last of all, the anus. The linen should be changed daily.

2. For girls, girls, women, it is important to properly wash the genitals. This procedure is performed with clean hands with movements from top to bottom. This is done in order to avoid the introduction of possible pathogenic bacteria.

3. For intimate hygiene, every girl should have her own baby towel. After you have completed the procedure of intimate hygiene, it is important not to wipe off the moisture with effort, but simply to get wet.

4. For intimate hygiene, you should use special products. The genitals have a very delicate mucous membrane with an acidic environment, so alkaline soaps and shower gels can easily cope with its destruction.

5. It is necessary to use only special products for intimate hygiene, which are presented in a wide variety of pharmacies. These products are pH neutral and will not cause you any unpleasant discomfort after the "procedure".

6. Do not use sponges or washcloths for intimate hygiene, they will damage and cover the delicate surface of the genitals with micro-scratches. Water for washing must be warm. Neither hot nor cold water is allowed in this case.

7. Personal intimate hygiene during menstruation should be especially careful. The genitals should be cleaned 2-3 times a day. But excessively frequent intimate hygiene procedures can harm, disrupting the microflora of the mucous membrane, so it is better to adhere to the golden mean. The most common remedy used by teenagers on critical days is pads. Gaskets during critical days should be replaced with new ones as they fill, but at least every 4 hours during the day.

8. Panty liners are not recommended for girls until puberty. Allocations are still very scarce, so the use of pads is not advisable.

9. Do not douche to achieve maximum cleanliness. Any procedures of this nature should be prescribed by a doctor.

10. Cotton underwear should always be clean and changed daily.

According to gynecological specialists, the intimate hygiene of girls from birth to adulthood needs to be systematic. Inadequate sexual hygiene can cause many gynecological diseases.

Prepared by Mariana Chornovil

Great importance in the protection and strengthening of the child's health belongs to his hygienic training and education.

Hygienic education is part of general education, and hygienic skills are an integral part of cultural behavior.



Hygiene of preschool children

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Hygienic education and upbringing is of great importance in the protection and strengthening of the child's health.

Hygiene education is part of general education, and hygiene skills are an integral part of cultural behavior. Those who believe that communicating hygienic knowledge to children and instilling hygienic skills in them is the business of health workers are deeply wrong. This is a vital matter of parents, especially since the line separating the skills of hygienic behavior from the elementary rules of community life is so vague that it can be considered non-existent.

Coming to kindergarten or school with clean hands is hygienic or a general cultural rule? Cover your mouth with a handkerchief when coughing? Not going to kindergarten or school sick? All these rules and the knowledge justifying them must enter consciousnesschildren by instilling, systematic upbringing and this should be done in the first place by parents. Great value in prevention various diseases belongs personal hygiene. Personal hygiene - is taking care of your body and keeping it clean.

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Personal hygiene is a set of hygienic rules, the implementation of which contributes to the preservation and strengthening of health. Teaching hygiene to preschoolers is the task of parents and educators, therefore it is desirable to ensure full consistency of the requirements of the preschool educational institution and the child's family. It is important to develop general criteria for evaluating individual actions, both in the garden and at home, to clearly determine the location of things, toys, the order of their cleaning and storage. For children, the constancy of conditions, knowledge of the purpose and place of every thing he needs during the day is of particular importance. Preschoolers need to communicate basic knowledge about the rational rules of personal hygiene of children, disclose their meaning for everyone and for others, and educate an appropriate attitude to hygienic procedures. The main scientific and methodological teaching methods are visual, verbal, game and practical. While mastering a skill, a child usually seeks to perform a certain movement repeatedly. Gradually, he learns more and more independently and quickly to cope with the task. The adult only reminds or asks if the child has forgotten to do this or that task, and in the future provides him with greater independence. But it is necessary to check whether the child has completed everything correctly, whether he follows personal hygiene, throughout the entire preschool age.

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Hygiene of children: daily routine

The daily routine provides daily repetition of hygiene procedures at the same time, which contributes to the gradual formation of skills and habits of culture of behavior and personal hygiene. Slide number 5

The daily routine teaches the child's body to a certain rhythm, provides a change in activity, protecting the children's nervous system from overwork.

Washing is the first stage of hygiene for preschoolers

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Every morning, all children should wash up : wash your face, hands, neck, ears. You also need to wash after walks and in the evening. If the towel, after being wiped off, remains clean, then the child has washed well.

Childhood body care depends on the upbringing of the child. He must have worked out already independently. If at two years old, the baby is still learning how to wash hands, then at six years old, the child can wash them himself, rolling up his sleeves, soap wet hands, and thoroughly remove the soapy foam with dirt, then wipe them dry with a towel. Wash nails with a brush every day, and trim them once a week. Hygiene for preschool children should be almost in the first place, since during this period of development he walks and plays a lot in playgrounds, and there, accordingly

By the age of six, a child brought up according to the regime is already taking care of himself on his own, and he has a developed instinct for personal hygiene. He can easily wash his hands after using the toilet, after walking outside, after playing with animals, before eating and as he gets dirty.

Oral hygiene in preschoolers

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To prevent disease and tooth decay, children should be taught to rinse their mouths with warm water after dinner. At first it is difficult for small children, but, repeating the necessary movements for adults, they gradually get used to rinsing their mouths correctly. At the age of 2, we introduce the child to a toothbrush, in a playful way we teach to brush the teeth. At first, the child perceives this as a game, entertainment, but if this is done systematically, then the child gets used to it and feels the need for it. From 3-4 years of age, children must be taught to brush their teeth correctly, performing the necessary oral hygiene in preschoolers: upper teeth - from top to bottom, lower - from bottom to top from the outer and inner sides. Children should brush their teeth before bed and in the morning after bed. Children should be shown to the dentist at least twice a year.

Handkerchiefs are the basis of children's hygiene

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A preschooler should always have a clean handkerchief in his pocket. From the very beginning of the second year of life, you can accustom your child to the headscarf. If a baby regularly wipes a dirty nose, then after two years he will ask for it himself. With a runny nose, you should not force the child to blow his nose often: the inflamed mucous membrane from frequent blowing his nose becomes even more irritated. It is important to teach children how to blow their nose correctly by pinching one nostril, otherwise mucus, along with microbes, can penetrate into the tympanic cavity and cause inflammation of the middle ear. This must be taught carefully, without pinching the child's nose too hard. Unpleasant abrupt movements of adults during hygiene training that cause pain in the child are the main reason for the reluctance and even resistance of babies to join hygiene.

Bathing as an element of hygiene in preschool children

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The skin protects the human body from disease. When a child runs, jumps and gets hot, beads of sweat appear on his skin. In addition, there is a thin layer of fat, sebum on the skin. If the skin is not washed for a long time, then grease and sweat accumulate on it, on which dust particles are retained. From this, the skin becomes dirty, rough and no longer protects the body. Dirty skin can be harmful to health and, moreover, dirty, sloppy people are always unpleasant to everyone around them. Therefore, the skin must be washed and cared for.

Bathing and washing should be pleasant for the child. If soap gets into the eyes, and the water is poured in such a strong stream that it chokes, if the water is too cold or too hot, then it is not surprising that the child will resist bathing. When adults act carefully, bathing can cause nothing but pleasant sensations. Every evening it is customary to thoroughly wash the child: face, hands, feet, and wash thoroughly. If the child does not take a shower or bath every day, then he should be bathed twice a week. Feet should be washed before bedtime, and in summer and before daytime.

Hygiene of hair and nails in children

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Dust accumulates in the hair, mixing with sebum, it settles on the skin, which creates favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microbes. Therefore, preschool children need to cut their hair, wash them more often, comb their hair at least twice a day, performing the necessary hygiene of the children. For girls with long hair, you can tie it in small ponytails or braid it. Haveeach child should have their own comb. Combs should be brushed with soap and water on a weekly basis and stored in a designated location.

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At this age, preschoolers are not able to take care of their nails themselves. They are trimmed by adults, but the child can clean the dirt from under the nails with a brush.

Hygiene of children: training to cleanliness

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It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness and neatness of children's clothes and shoes. Already in the third year of life, this should become a matter of concern for the child himself. Even if he is not yet able to notice the disorder in clothes or shoes, he must get used to fix it - on his own or with the help of adults. A shirt or dress is dirty - you need to bring clean ones and help to change clothes, if your shoes get wet - you need to change your shoes. The button is unbuttoned, the lace is untied - you should ask the child to fasten or lace up. If, from an early age, the child's attention is drawn to untidiness, after a while he will begin to feel the need for cleanliness and will experience a kind of inconvenience until he puts himself in order - by himself or with the help of an adult.

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It is not difficult to educate a child in the habit of being clean and tidy. The main thing is to do it consistently. You also need to remember that at preschool age children are especially prone to imitation, therefore, the personal example of adults plays an important role in the formation of skills.

MBDOU Combat kindergarten

Speech at a parent meeting

What should be the conditions for maintaining personal hygiene by children in kindergartens?

Answering this frequently asked question, let us turn to the current sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations of SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the structure, maintenance and organization of the mode of operation of preschool educational organizations."

Space-planning solutions for the premises of preschool educational organizations should provide conditions for observing the principle of group isolation. For this purpose, group cells are provided in the building of the kindergarten. The group cell includes the necessary rooms: dressing room (reception) (for receiving children and storing outerwear), group (for playing games, classes and eating), bedroom, pantry (for preparing ready-made dishes for distribution and washing tableware), toilet (combined with a washroom). Under certain conditions, taking into account building projects, it is allowed to use a bedroom as a group bedroom and vice versa. A toilet with a washroom is a must in every group cell.

In previously constructed buildings of preschool educational organizations, it is allowed to use the toilet room in accordance with the project.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the fundamental points.

In the washrooms, hot and cold water is supplied to washbasins; water is supplied through a mixer. In the absence of centralized water supply in the settlement (cold and hot), the preschool educational organization provides water supply, including to the toilet of all group cells. The water must meet the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for drinking water.

Toilet facilities are divided into a wash area and a sanitary unit area. The wash area contains children's washbasins and a shower tray. Toilet bowls are located in the area of ​​sanitary facilities.

Toilet bowls are equipped with child seats or hygienic pads made of materials that are harmless to the health of children, allowing them to be treated with detergents and disinfectants.

In the toilet for young children, a wardrobe (rack) with cells for storing individual pots and a drain for processing them, a baby bath, and a utility closet are provided. The pots must be labeled.

Regardless of the epidemiological situation, the sanitary equipment in the toilet rooms must be disinfected daily by the responsible personnel of the kindergarten, for which: toilet seats, cistern handles and door handles must be washed daily with warm water and soap or other detergent that is harmless to human health; pots should be washed after each use with brushes or brushes and detergents; bathtubs, sinks, toilets should be cleaned twice a day with brushes or brushes using detergents and disinfectants.

Next to the washbasins or opposite them, there are racks for children's towels (separately for hands and feet) according to the list of children with the appropriate marking for the purpose of individual use of towels. Towels are changed as soon as they become dirty, but at least once a week. It is allowed to use disposable hand towels in children's toilet facilities.

It should be remembered that the quality and safety of personal hygiene products (soap, toilet paper, paper towels, etc.) used for children must be confirmed by appropriate documents.

For adults (kindergarten staff), a separate washbasin is provided in the toilet. Before entering the toilet, staff should take off their robe and wash their hands thoroughly with soap after leaving; employees are not allowed to use the children's toilet. For the staff of the preschool institution it is recommended to organize a separate sanitary room with a toilet and a washbasin.

When leaving a child in kindergarten, parents should be sure to leave them in a safe, hygienic environment.

Toddlers learn hygiene rules gradually, and the consolidation of the corresponding skills occurs throughout the entire period of preschool childhood.

With the help of a teacher, in a playful way, children learn what helps to maintain and strengthen their health.

From the younger group, children receive knowledge about the purpose of toilet items, about how how to wash properly, wash hands, learn to be neat and tidy. In the future, through multiple repetitions of a certain sequence of actions, this knowledge is consolidated, passing to the level of skills. This is achieved through visual, playful, verbal and practical methods.

The daily routine of the kindergarten contributes to the daily repetition of hygiene procedures, the formation and consolidation of cultural skills.

What do children learn in kindergarten?

1 ... Wash your hands correctly:

  • before eating
  • after using the toilet
  • after a walk
  • after using a handkerchief
  • whenever you notice dirt on your hands

They explain to the child that before the procedure begins, it is necessary to roll up the sleeves so that they do not get wet, they show how to properly soap their hands, what kind of towel to wipe.

Every child has individual towel, which is changed according to the schedule or as it gets dirty. During washing, the teacher can say, for example, the following: "The hands are clean, washed, all germs are removed." Information posters are often placed in the washroom to remind the child of the hygiene sequence.

2 ... Rinse your mouth after eating. This helps prevent tooth disease and decay. The teacher shows how to rinse your mouth, prompts.

3 ... Use a handkerchief, cover your mouth with your hand when sneezing or coughing.

4 ... Use a comb. Each child has his own comb, they explain to him that it is impossible to use someone else's comb and why.

5 ... Wash and wash your feet after walking in the summer.

So, gradually, children's hygiene becomes a skill, it is released under the control of the children themselves. The older the child, the more independence he has, but the task of the educator is to monitor compliance with all the rules, to remind if he has forgotten something, to prompt, to correct at the right time.

It should be noted that teaching children personal hygiene is not an easy task and adults should show maximum sensitivity so that the assimilation of the rules is easy, does not cause negative feelings. Then the child will automatically use the acquired skills in his life.