Personal experience. Wall newspaper for Victory Day. Personal experience Posters for May 9th

In the history of every country there are dates that cannot be forgotten, which will remain sacred through the years and through generations. For our country, these are the years of the Great Patriotic War. This continued for four long years war: 1418 days and nights. Great Victory! We are the heirs of this...

Wall newspaper for Victory Day. Victory Day the brightest and main holiday for us, for the residents of Russia. We must remember the horrors of the Great Patriotic War and the triumph Victory over the fascist invaders and must pass on this memory to future generations. I certainly don't...

Victory Day. Wall newspapers and posters for May 9 - Wall newspaper “Thank you for the Great Victory!” dedicated to the holiday of May 9, second junior group

Publication “Wall newspaper “Thank you for the Great Victory!” dedicated to the holiday of May 9...”
Wall newspaper "Thank you for the Great Victory!" Every year our country celebrates another peaceful spring, but time, front-line wounds and diseases are inexorable. Of every 100 winners, only two are alive today. And this sad statistics forces us, all those who were born after...

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To foster patriotism, respect, a sense of pride and gratitude for the great exploits of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. To develop artistic and creative abilities. May 9 – Victory Day is celebrated all over the world as a sign of gratitude to our people for their great feat. Our people...

Goal: to cultivate children’s desire to publish a newspaper for the Victory Day holiday. Objectives: develop children’s ability to roll balls from napkins, develop fine motor skills hands, make a star and the inscription May 9 by cutting, cultivate the desire of children to work in a team, cultivate pride...

Goal: To cultivate patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland, respect for the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Introduce the production of wall newspapers using the collage technique. Foster respect for veterans. Material: illustrations depicting the Victory Day holiday, a large sheet of whatman paper,...

Victory Day. Wall newspapers and posters for May 9 - Posters-congratulations to veterans for Victory Day

May 9 - our Great Country will celebrate Victory Day! This is a celebration with tears in our eyes! On the eve of this wonderful and beloved holiday, my preschoolers and I prepared 2 posters - congratulations for our veterans of the Great Patriotic War. First poster...

May 9 is approaching - the national holiday of the Victory of the Soviet people over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War. The path to victory was not easy. A lot of people died in this terrible war. Thanks to brave, strong soldiers, our country won. To fight the enemy...

Victory Day - this holiday occupies a special place in the life of every person. Our generation was born and raised in peacetime. We have never heard the howl of sirens announcing a military alarm, we have not seen houses destroyed by fascist bombs, we do not know what an unheated dwelling is and...

This article will help you design an original wall newspaper or poster for Victory Day. Tips that will help in this matter have already been published: you can learn ways to decorate a congratulatory poster.

The poster can be as standard rectangular shape, as well as any other, more creative one, for example, in the shape of a star, oval, flag. Also, instead of a single base, you can attach individual elements of a wall newspaper or poster to fabric (the same flag, Soviet brocade) or directly to the wall (cut out large letters and numbers “May 9”, “Victory”, “70 years of the Great Victory”).

The content of a congratulatory poster can be lyrical (poems, texts of war songs), prosaic (newspaper clippings about the war, excerpts from letters from WWII participants), informative (documentary historical facts relating to the Second World War).

Patriotic poems for Victory Day are widely presented on the Internet, your task is to choose what will touch the strings of your soul.
Let the days of war drag on for a very long time,
Let the peaceful years rush by quickly.
Victories near Moscow, near Kursk and on the Volga

History will remember forever.
May you now be fathers and grandfathers,
The whiskey was silvered with gray hair.
You will never forget the spring of Victory,

The day the war ended.
Even though many are out of action today,
We remember everything that happened then
And we promise our homeland

Save for business, peace and labor. Your wall newspaper can be very useful if you present little-known Interesting Facts
  • relating to the Second World War, for example:
  • 80 thousand Soviet officers during the Second World War were women;
  • Abroad, Victory Day is celebrated on May 8, since the act of surrender was signed in Central European time on May 8, 1945 at 22:43 (and in Moscow time on May 9 at 0:43).
The price of victory can be clearly reflected on the poster with wartime photographs. This may be enough to express your understanding and respect for the generation of WWII heroes. You can select photographs of both military scenes and modern ones from the parade, veterans wearing medals. Interesting idea for a class at school or a group in a kindergarten - take a photo of each child with one of the letters of congratulations or their own drawing.

You can design the poster in a retro style like a Soviet poster. You can find examples of real posters from those times by searching for “Soviet posters from the Great Patriotic War” in your browser’s search engine. The most popular are “For the Motherland!” and “Glory to the victorious warrior!”. A poster is usually done by one or a group of people, but what can be done so that everyone can contribute to the common cause? Instead of or together with a poster competition, the organizers can hold a competition for the best drawing on the asphalt for Victory Day. Then every child will be able to depict their attitude towards the Great Victory and join in the holiday. How wonderful it is that every year the Victory Day holiday events become larger and more interesting. Patriotic flash mobs, competitions

thematic works - this is a way to introduce the younger generation to the great joy and pride for our Motherland, to thank the participants in that terrible war for freedom, for the peaceful sky above their heads! In addition to postcards and crafts for Victory Day, they make posters that decorate the walls of the festive hall. Bright, beautiful and original poster on May 9, which depicts the symbols of the holiday, congratulations and words of memory are written? makes it clear to adults and children what the war was like and what place it occupies

spring holiday

in our life. DIY posters for May 9 Victory Day, Original beautiful poster

dedicated to the holiday

And this poster on the theme of May 9 is made in a retro style. It seems to take you back to distant war times. It's not difficult to make. The base is painted with watercolors, and an aged sheet with poems is pasted on top.

This wall newspaper is made very beautifully and original. The poster harmoniously combines a drawing and an applique of flowers and St. George's ribbon.

The following example is made from children's drawings and newspaper clippings pasted onto whatman paper.

A very original poster with flowers, stars and a poem written, dedicated to the deceased warrior, the grandfather of the author of the drawing.

Such hand-made posters for May 9th Victory Day are the most truthful and sincere. They contain the whole history of the Victory, its importance in the life of every child.

Poster templates for May 9, photo

When you don’t have the time or opportunity to draw and glue a poster for May 9, you can always cheat. Thanks to special computer programs, they create beautiful templates, which can be easily colored with paints, colored pencils, and felt-tip pens. You can paste applications and postcards onto these poster templates for May 9th. To design a poster, simply print out the finished drawing (on several A4 sheets), stick it on whatman paper and paint it beautifully. If you manage to find a color template, then you don’t even have to color it: just add poems, stick on a few applications or leaflets. Today we will look at ready-made templates, which you can use to create your own unique poster. There are two types of templates - black and white and color.

Black and white outline poster templates

The template depicts a soldier in military uniform holding a dove of peace.

A soldier is also depicted here, and next to him is a bouquet of spring flowers.

Carnations with St. George's ribbon.

A heartwarming template for a poster for May 9, in which a veteran grandfather holds a little boy in his arms.

Now let's look at color templates that do not need to be painted, but can be supplemented with three-dimensional elements.

Red background on which are drawn St. George Ribbon and a scarlet star. Here you can add a congratulation or stick flowers.

Lots of red stars placed in a circle on a white background allow you to add a little more color.

Another similar option. Such a poster would be great to complement with photographs or excerpts from soldiers’ letters.

To prevent the carnation from appearing too mournful on a black background, dilute the design bright colors and some positive card (for example, with white doves).

On such a template you need to paste a photo of dead soldiers - war heroes.

Posters for May 9 based on such templates look no less beautiful and festive than original ones.

Cool and beautiful do-it-yourself poster on the theme of May 9, video master class

This video describes in detail how to make a cool poster dedicated to the anniversary of the Great Victory. Making such a masterpiece with your own hands is quite simple.

Necessary materials

  • paper
  • paints or pencils
  • photographs of the war years (for the poster, make scanned copies of them)

It is likely that every family has several such photos in their home archive, because the war affected everyone. Such a cool and beautiful poster on the theme of May 9, Victory Day with unique retro photographs will not let you forget how important this holiday is not only for veterans, but for all humanity.

Thanks to the video master class, we learned how to make a poster for May 9th - large, colorful and unique. In the photo we showed how you can make such a masterpiece using a template or draw it yourself.

A wall newspaper for May 9 with your own hands is a good opportunity to add solemnity to the Victory Day. In this master class we will make a wall newspaper “a soldier’s diary”, with three-dimensional elements.

Necessary materials:

  • Whatman paper - 2 pieces in A1 and A2 formats;
  • colored paper or red cardboard - 2 sheets of A4;
  • gouache - 6 or more colors;
  • natural flat brushes (synthetics can also be used) - the largest available;
  • hard pencil;
  • grater;
  • 1-2 tea bags;
  • tea container;
  • acrylic glue with shimmer;
  • glue in a sticker for paper;
  • foil, preferably with a paper base on one side;
  • crepe (floral) paper - 1 meter each in green and red;
  • St. George's ribbon (not necessary, you can make it yourself);
  • pre-war photo of a girl (you can use a black and white printout);
  • old newspaper;
  • lighter;
  • clean cotton rag;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • stationery knife;
  • compass (not necessary, you can use improvised objects, for example, dish lids, etc.);
  • sponge;
  • blanks with military-themed poems or memoirs of WWII soldiers.

Step-by-step instruction

We need to start work by preparing the workplace: we will need a desk, if it is large enough for A1 Whatman paper format, or free space on the floor.

The first step will be to make aged paper to imitate excerpts from a soldier's diary. To do this, brew strong tea in the proportion of 300 ml per 2 tea bags. While the tea is cooling, you can begin marking out the main Whatman paper.

We will place our A1 sheet on the table or floor. To delineate the space for the diary from the area for creating inscriptions, let's attach whatman paper A2 to our “base” and draw borders.

With an indentation of 10-15 centimeters from the top edge, we mark the place along the inscription “Victory Day”.

When the tea leaves have cooled, you can begin to “aging” the Whatman paper. Having laid out the A2 sheet on the table, we evenly distribute the tea leaves over the area in any convenient way, starting with a brush and ending with a sponge.

Please note that for a greater “old” effect, the paper must first be wrinkled. Also, to enhance the effect of tea, you can simply dip the entire piece of paper into the container, but this must be done carefully so that when you remove the paper, it does not tear or soften. Therefore, in order not to overdo it, it is enough to apply a strong tea leaves on top of the sheet. When the sheet has softened, transfer it to dry on the balcony or any dry place for half an hour.

We mark the boundaries of the nine on colored paper using a compass or, as shown in the photo, using an ordinary saucer.

Using a utility knife, cut out the number 9 along the outlined outline.

Note: it is better to place a piece of plywood or any other solid base under the paper so as not to cut through the table.

Using scissors, we cut out a 7x20 cm base for the word “May” from the remaining sheet of red paper along the previously outlined contour.

We put all the preparations aside for now and return to the war diary, which by this time has dried out a little. To give it a finished look we use fire.

While the sheet is not yet completely dry, touching it with a lighter will add yellowness around the edges. To make it look even more realistic, you can tear off the edges a little before firing. This will make the wall newspaper look more voluminous. Result compared to white paper:

Now you can begin to create a symbol of peace - a clear sky. And for this we will use the blurring technique. Let's prepare blue and white gouache, a sponge, a cotton rag and clean water in the bank. Please note that it is more convenient to apply gouache to a large area with a small brush if it is first diluted to an almost liquid mushy state.

We apply paint to the Whatman paper from top to bottom, from left to right, to create a graduated color effect.

When the Whatman paper is completely covered with gouache, wait a few seconds for the paint to dry a little. Blurring is needed to make the color uniform, since gouache can often appear with characteristic dark stripes. So, let's use a wet rag, as shown in the video:

When the base for the sky is ready, apply white clouds with a sponge. Note: the sponge must be dry, the paint must not be diluted, and the paper base must be damp. This will make the clouds look more choppy and airy.

Apply the white color with light movements, distributing the clouds over the entire area of ​​the Whatman paper.

To complete the sky, let's make a few finishing touches. Using a sponge, use a circular motion to add curls (counterclockwise) as shown below.

While the base of the wall newspaper is drying, let's add a few entries to the soldier's diary. The page on the left symbolizes the beginning of the war - here we will place a poem or any other note from those times (you can use the memoirs of soldiers).

The right side symbolizes victory and the end of the war. After the entries are ready, we will paste a photo of the girl onto the diary. If a print is used, it can also be aged with tea. To do this, it is dipped for 2 seconds in a container with tea leaves, and then ironed for several seconds (first, you need to put the printout between two clean sheets or use a newspaper).

We glue the girl’s photo onto the diary using glue in a sticker.

In the previously designated places on the pages of the diary, we make two holes using a stationery knife. From a piece of foil measuring 5x5 cm, we twist an element for fastening the pages and thread it through, twisting the loops at the bottom so that the foil does not slip out.

We make a stencil for the medal of glory (you can also use a printout). By ready stencil cut out a star from foil measuring 7x7 cm with a stationery knife.

Use acrylic glue to glue the star onto the diary pages. Since the base has already dried, you can glue all the blanks.

It takes a long time to make a wall newspaper for May 9 with your own hands, so making tulips can be simplified by observing only external symbolism.

We will need: crepe paper of both colors, scissors, glue and newspaper.

The first stage is flower stems. Roll up the newspaper from the corner, as shown in the photo

Important: the stem must be thin, since being thick it loses flexibility. We glue the finished rolled newspaper along the edge.

Cut a thin strip of green crepe paper along a pattern 60 centimeters long. One strip is enough to wrap one stem. Apply glue to the beginning of the strip and glue it to the upper base of the stem.

Pull the strip around newspaper tube in a spiral, as shown in the video

By analogy, we do the rest of the stems. When this stage is completed, cut out leaves (5-6 pieces) 12-15 cm long and 4-6 cm wide. Glue them at the base of the stem.

Now let's move on to the petals. For one tulip you will need 6 petals - this is 9 strips of crepe paper 7x60 cm. Prepare the paper - cut 9 strips of 7x60 cm, fold them in a stack and cut in half - you get 18 sheets 7x30.

We form the petals as shown in the video.

We attach the finished petals with glue to the stems, 6 pieces for each, evenly distributing them around the perimeter. First, the first 3 are attached, then the rest, covering the joints between the previous petals.

When the tulips are ready, you can proceed to the final stage of our DIY wall newspaper.

The final part is writing the name of the holiday against the blue sky. So, let's draw the upper part, previously prepared for the inscription. In increments of 1.5 cm, draw letters with a pencil measuring 5 cm in length and 7.5 cm in height.

Note: to design the font in a characteristic pre-war style, you can use a stencil or regular printout. Here the letters were applied by hand, in the Cyrillic font Real Truth. (imitation of the wartime Pravda newspaper font).

After the gouache has dried, we proceed to gluing the main elements of the wall newspaper. For greater naturalness, you can add a kink or bend to the tulip stems - the twisted newspaper base is quite flexible.

For the finishing touches, add a few drops of silver glitter acrylic glue to the tulip petals.

Front-line veterans who fought on the front lines were often reluctant to remember and talk about combat operations. But memories of the happy day of May 9, 1945 always occupied a significant place in their stories. About the great joy, the desire to live, love, create, which then gripped all people; about the unprecedented universal positive energy of this bright day. We reflect particles of this energy today in special posters and wall newspapers for Victory Day.

Look at what design options for holiday wall newspapers your colleagues found, what wonderful drawings and collages they created. All publications in this section are illustrated with photographs.

Draw a holiday of great victory with MAAM!

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 546.
All sections | Victory Day. Wall newspapers and posters for May 9

Our great and beloved country is preparing for a wonderful and large-scale holiday, May 9! We all honor the exploits of our grandfathers! Telling children about the Great Ones Victories of our people over the fascist invaders. Every year a veteran of the Great Patriotic War comes to our children and...

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Victory Day. Wall newspapers and posters for May 9 - Photo report on the creation of the “Immortal Regiment” poster

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

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