Comic greetings with men's anniversary gifts. Comic greetings with gifts for anniversary Men Congratulations on the day of the 60th anniversary man comic

Sixty, quite a few in the past
Have something to remember, tell
You're father, do not think
There is something to show you.
And I'm with an anniversary
Congratulations to the whole soul
We need you who will
Groans to dig in the spring.
So the fight, he just started
There will be a lot in front
On a well-deserved
You still do not leave.
I wish you remember
On this holiday, anniversary
You are my best dad,
So quickly do not old.

You congratulate you today
We wish much different things.
In the anniversary you shout
And from the holiday sticky.
In sixty, only smile,
And life, very enjoy.
Happy anniversary will congratulate you
And wonders will send a little.
You most inspire
And have fun, always try.
And then wonders will come
And luck will find.

Who did not reach the sixty years old
He thinks these six dozen -
Solid cargo. Error, guys!
We only open the light at this age.
Together with the pension freedom comes:
No need to go to work,
Head to try to please ...
Rose from the morning - and immediately in nature.
And there - ozone, grass, trees row,
Life seems to be careless light paradise,
Who wish you
Extremely sixty years old!

My anniversary with you at rush to congratulate you today,
You are sixty - this is the best time!
Let fate all in the places of speed immediately
Stay so beautiful and young always!
Let your happiness swim in your river
Let the money suprate from the sky on you,
Slip all your misfortune urgently,
And with all the envious to close the eye cloth!

60 - a lot, 60 - a little,
In 60, the road is open to wisdom.
Not trouble that flashes the year
And the hair is sad.
There would be a young soul
And the souls are not aging.

Comic congratulations on the anniversary of 60 years

Such people, brothers:
The year is not running - fly.
I put in bed - eighteen
You wake up in the morning - sixty.
On the jubilee, unnoticed
What lived six decades.
Probably spent somewhere
He is eternal youth secret.
His special breed
Not different and blind fells.
And, in everything, see the road
He did not forget the hearts to female.
He is not deprived of health,
With sports and work familiar.
And he will cut any word,
And if necessary - a fist.
Do not even doubt -
Only for other years fly.
We wake up in the morning - sixty,
And he wakes up - eighteen.

Sixty - this is just the beginning!
Sixty - still ahead!
And back, do not look too early,
The result is to bring your way.
Sixty - this is an experience and youth together,
Sixty - this is the wisdom and strength of the hands,
Let me wish you light happiness,
And children and grandchildren - grow and bloom!

Anniversary - it always matured
This is the experience of great labor
This age is very small
Never old you are soul!

Wishes we all do not consider
So why do they divide them
If they are all
Placed in the word "happiness"!

We are on a wonderful anniversary to you soon,
After all, sixty is such a great date,
We are from the soul to you happiness to wish
Well, also, we want to devour your salads.
After all, you are in cooking pro, real speakers,
And in general you are all in the world, in my opinion, you know how
Bloom and smells, your humor you are more often balusted us,
We love you, respect, congratulations on the anniversary!

Cool congratulations on the anniversary of 60 years with humor

They say that in 60
Man is happy
Age to open back
Only youth is not treasure.

There is an apartment in 60,
Not one in the cabinet outfit
There are money, there is also a Blot
Everyone is happy with you.

True, there is one difference,
Stupid to indecency.
In his youth, all your teeth are intact
And now another thing.

But we do not scare
If only it were, what to chew.
With pleasure we will help:
We refuse, add to the plate.

Well, know, radiculitis -
It's not when it hurts
And when to work too lazy.
In the 60s you are flint!

Congratulations on the soul.
Well, the jubilee, wool!
Not loose by year
Be cheerful you always.

Anniversary in six dozen - quite not yet years,
After all, you and the body, and the soul, and we are still young.
Can only give wisdom, well, and gray,
But you, our devil, is even going!
I just congratulate you from heart today
And a happy woman to be you
So that the spouse loved and never changed,
So that on the hands wearing, the bald and respected.

Time flies fast,
Age is only an experience.
Behind your no years -
Wisdom of human luggage.

Your age is very solid,
Just know, it is impossible to sad.
Waiting for you more victory
Life surprises is full.

Congratulations on the anniversary
And I wish you
Young to be in motion
Thank you to be fate!

Strong will be health
Friendly - your whole family.
Let care and love
Surround all of you!

Suggests wishes and sound beautiful toasts,
For sixty! Ring, crystay glasses.
But let's not talk about age today
Do you have a young soul - is it not enough?
I wish you health, love and great happiness,
And many bright and warm life of years
In order not to be sad and disappeared,
Let's have fun we note your fine anniversary!

Happy anniversary Congratulations
And sincerely wish
Re-assemble these guys
Years so after sixty.

Long years old, bright days,
Loyal, sincere friends.
Near you have a shoulder,
So love hotly.

Let him be seen
But the wisdom is full!
60 After all, no forecast -
In 60 there are hundreds of dreams.

How many new things are behind!
You raised children
Gradually grasts
And now you do not bored.

You like strong wine.
Misfortunes let the bottom,
Happiness let you illuminate
And the wine is still playing!

Account 6: 0. Victory is yours
Our favorite jubilee!
All, finished battle,
Get rewards as a gift.

Here, friends you are reliable
And caring children
Grandchildren and grandchildren coming
Respect for guests.

Wish we want health
Forces to create, love, dream,
So that and on all who are near
Positive charge.

Have fun, today your holiday,
Just look, who came today,
You are your guests, long-awaited and cool,
Mostly sat down for a festive table.
And even for the "sixty" they will come off immediately,
And they say their wonderful toasts,
Today, you have an anniversary - a birthday,
Again twenty and a little tail.

I want to congratulate you on the anniversary -
You were going on today 60!
Although we, alas, not at all young,
But we ask old age!
We have disliked, underwent,
We misunderstood with you ...
So let the possibility of life will give you
Feel yourself again young!

Sixty - what date!
Congratulations on the anniversary,
Relax early -
You can only become an adult.

Let the eyes burn ryorn
And the tail in the wind flies:
Smile noble -
The world belongs to you.

You can safely for champagne
And without a passport walk -
The main thing is to wanted
Good and long live!

Let the glorious age - sixty
Give new opportunities!
Create, over the world
Let in the summer there are difficulty!
Let the sun pours rays into the window
And the stars fall into the river.
Life is more interesting than the movie -
Let Bodrit and please!

Man experienced and wise -
And the ladies are all at your feet.
Such people love not hard -
In the eyes, because the mind and light.

Be sick, we wish to be sad
And young - not to give up!
Handsome to be, as before, fresh,
In all matters to succeed.

In the family find the souls to repel,
Watch with delight, boldly away.
For happiness, it's a little need -
Only life to love and drive sadness!

60 - only a lot of passport,
And in life it is not difficult at all.
60 is the same way
But calm, even more.

Let the seeds in the temples coast
Let the decent knock on the edge,
You can smear the smell of ate
What would be fresh like in the morning!

To make his full breasts day.
What would a smile met the sunset.
That B "You" was always with the goal,
More and more ducat.

"Sh is thereby" sounds weight,
You are a man at least where.
You glisten like a new ruble,
Do not take you of the year.

Take care of your health,
You are still not at all old.
Load the speeds of
Our dear jubilee.

Take gifts from us,
Toasts speak loving.
Let it be hot today
Happy Birthday to You!

To congratulate the jubilee
All guests lined up in a row.
And he has the right to
He is sixty!

Beautiful, static and welcome,
Loves, balovd fate.
The owner in the house is the most important,
In battle will not surrender without struggle.

We wish you happiness and lucky
Love, health, bright days,
Cloudless mood
In your long-awaited anniversary!

Congratulations to you heartily
With your anniversary!
Time is rapidly,
It does not know how to stand.

Sixty - a wonderful holiday,
Wise and exemplary
Age - he is such a pamper
But you are smarter.

After all, a beautiful father,
Grandfather and her husband
Loves all your family -
You really need them.

So wish to be reliable
Courageous, strong,
To stay for birth
The best rear!

What is sixty,
This is experience and anxiety,
What is sixty,
These are difficult roads.

What is sixty,
Anniversary of course it is
According to a serious life somewhere,

Let these sixty,
You will have health
Let them sound for you
Wishes of verbs.

Let this anniversary
Experience not heavy cargo,
Will be the joy of yours
And with the thinner of your union.

You are husband and dad, grandfather,
And the light in the eyes is still stronger.
You "young boy" still in the shower
Not everyone understands it.

Be as always, you are strong and beautiful
As smart, charming, loved ones.
With a smile, let the dawn meet you,
Well, fate always protects.

Look, well, well,
Who copes sixty?
Your children, your grandchildren
" Happy Birthday!" shout.

Let fate not judge strictly
Let him see sometimes
How did you achieve a lot
Over the past year.

Early think about peace.
Nothing that went -
In the future before you
Many more different things.

Sixth dozen - so solid
Prestigious, even pretty,
Let over the years - a lot of strength,
Excellent goals and measure,
Beautiful people to around
So that my friendly circle was,
So that it was for what to try
To be found in love with
So that the smile was wider
So that everything is in this world!

Sixty to you today
Grand Anniversary
In the customs excellent
Take the words of friends.

Let the soul play the waltza
And sings delighted feelings
Live easily and smile
Wish you want!

60 - as if the stars are shining,
60 - like bright lights,
This is an experience, life understanding,
These are days victories, success days!

In this life you have reached a lot
Congratulations! Be always so!
And so that the sun is joying,
Be lucky and love people!

You are sixty today
Today is the anniversary.
You do not miss this holiday
Go ahead scold.

Let your life be light,
Dreams come true,
Soul, as before, young,
And you all happy.

You still have many years old
Not sad never
Not knowing the sorrow and trouble.
And always happy.

Day is unusual today
Guests at the door in the morning are knocking.
Gate gifts, congratulations,
With a date important - 60!
In this figure, wisdom is hidden,
Life big experience.
Will, man power,
With an accidental soul.
Every day, let him be in joy,
I wish you from the soul,
Goals of new plan to make up
And worthy to pass them.

60 - not yet reason
All wrinkles count.
Those who are always young in the heart
Not a reason to grieve!
Happy anniversary Congratulations
The whole family is big.
There will be happiness - I know exactly
There will be joy and peace.
Keyword - "Will"!
And do not try to live last
And let his health arrive
So that enough strength to love!

You just 60,
You are still small karapuz.
Belly hangs to the knees,
As if swallowed watermelon.
Sedy small mustache,
By chance you are not Santa Claus?
And in the anniversary, your dear,
Gifts brought himself.
No, I seriously congratulate
For years not at all look.
Beautiful Become for times, two, three!

You certainly lucky
After all, you called a passport
Young and energetic
The ladies are very pretty.
Well, and Erunda passport,
Light a piece of paper.
Age is measured by love
Force, courage, health
And mental beauty
In this you are so cool
And on the envy of the young
You give odds to them.
Let champagne play,
Your pad does not fade away
Let the glasses be squeezed
You today - sixty!

In the anniversary birthday
We wish you patience,
Chuma mood
And total luck.

You wish you in the anniversary
Bright festive lights,
The most sincere friends
And good news.

Let your sixty
Give cheerful charge
You will be awarded with health,
Life will be enriched with happiness.

Not consider your all achievements
And all friends do not count.
Sixtieth birthday
We will vividly celebrate
So that you remember this holiday,
Your sparkle anniversary
Warm native of their warmed
And wishes guests.
Let luck and luck
Your life is accompanied.
He also means health
Be a lot - many years in the ranks.
Everything will be so, I know for sure
After all, wishes from the heart
All guests congratulate you
With a soul pure, like babies.

Man in 60 so imposplane,
Tacticity and wisdom is pleasant.
No stupidity and youthful sleeve,
He is much more interesting for women.
Our jubilee, everything is harmonious in you
I wish you happiness in the life of personal
And many years of rich events,
Happy revelations and discoveries.
Let the Lord gives energy and strength
Let life be active and beautiful
Put goals and easily try
And people are widespread all smile.

No, it does not happen in the world of men,
So that so good without any reasons!
Probably the source you opened somewhere,
And I forgot about him about him.
Zador and fun in your 60
Believe me, there is quite talking about a lot.
And we wish you
Be the happiest on this earth.

Cool congratulations to a man for 60 years

Man experienced and wise -
And the ladies are all at your feet.
Such people love not hard -
In the eyes, because the mind and light.
Be sick, we wish to be sad
And young - not to give up!
Handsome to be, as before, fresh,
In all matters to succeed.
In the family find the souls to repel,
Watch with delight, boldly away.
For happiness, it's a little need -
Only life to love and drive sadness!

Traveling in life,
Through summer go ahead
And today we celebrate
Your sixtieth year.
Impressive and successful
With a noble gray
Let the fate of her gifts
Generously shares with you.
Let health breathe color,
Beats energy key
All come true hopes
An hour for an hour, day after day.

From the heart to congratulate you want happy birthday,
I wish you discoveries, accomplishments, good!
After all, so much more in front of aspirations,
Bonfires, kebabs and under the sun heat.
Sixty this is only the second maturity,
And what is the date ... so important, light,
Let the new one in life arrive,
And let the dreams be happening the cherished.
I wish you health, smiles, wealth,
Machines, house-cottage, and better palace.
So that there was not a drop of gloating in life,
So that full was happiness casket.
I wish the endless fields and expanses,
Extended pattern in the plexus of streams.
Countless stars, immense and gaze,
In dawn so as not even the edges!

Six dozen rustle
Like wings behind his back.
Only you and sixty,
As before, young.
Raised children and grandchildren,
You have been looking for an eagle.
Gathered today guests
All at the festive table.
Congratulations on the anniversary
Words are good not regret.

Well, see how good you are
Literally from the inside you shine,
Cleverly, with his face
And your muscles are playing.
Norful relatives and guests
Congratulate all of you want
Here wishes and toasts,
You are sixty today.
So getting better with years
And in any other way
Love, dare, sing more in the shower,
Be as a sophisticated brandy!

Today, feet want to go to the dance,
After all, in our house - holiday, 60th anniversary!
Ah, dad, you have, of course, strict,
But there is no more relative and mile!
You were raised in the spirit of communism,
Therefore, you always see ahead,
Family of His - Support and Protection
And the faithful husband is __ year!
Perfectly raised daughter and son.
In the automotive business knowing,
Drove Kamaz - a harsh car,
Now you are mineral waters of an expert.
It all succeeded, and children older than steel,
It's time to live for yourself!
For this and we will raise glasses
And shout our friendly "Hurray! "

We waited for this day for a long time.
Since the time when they found out
What the anniversary you have so soon!
At the head of the saint!
We are the whole company big
Come on the holiday to your home,
Ile in the restaurant on the feast
We walk on the attribution!
We will congratulate you,
We will swing on the hands.
We will toast to say
For your health to drink!

Sixty - the date is great
Congratulate you want the first
Many cool impressions
And finance revenues
Be able to be a tiger,
And love bright games
So that healthy was and strong,
In the goal, everything got aptive,
Life let the river flowing
All friends will be with you!

Husband! You already 60!
This is an anniversary! All slogans say!
Pir, fun - through the edge!
Dance with me, come on!
In this dance - your youth!
As I love and movement I am!
They are smooth and tender such!
Never be able to so others!
Let us have concerns!
But this dance will remember for a long time!
Vivat! - Today, the jubilee
Scream and old, and young! Guitar!

Congratulations to the jubilee,
Let's say right we are no wonder
These lives live
At horse you were always.
Eliminate all the interference
Success went to success,
All got his work
There is a car, cottage, house ...
Old age will not touches you
And neshemom fatigue.
You are healthy and full strength
And still beautiful.
I know that you are right
Deserved recognition, fame,
Tamada, brandy rushing,
We drink together for the anniversary!

Mature my naughty
I am in life dear.
From me congratulations,
And happily lived so much.
My favorite jubilee
I have so necessary in life.
I wish not to give up
And so that they are not afraid.
Sixty times noted
And your success is notice.
Know what I always with you
Though in the summer and winter.

Sixty - this is a round date,
Do not note such it is impossible!
This is the time when with you
Only reliable people, friends.

You are a male solid and important
And do not love lyrical words,
But let your anniversary respect your
Wish you happiness in everything

Comic poems on the anniversary of a man of 60 years with humor

Let the youth gone - but it's not a trouble,
After all, 60 is a wonderful time,
To live and enjoy, just relax,
Love your family and your grandchildren.

I wish you want to live quietly,
Friends do not forget, and continue to be friends.
I wish my health strong want,
You know that I love you very much.

Your long-awaited jubilee
Very many collected people:
Closest and friends
Those who are important in your life!
Want to wish smiles
For age, it is not raped,
Pelling to be sixty
Ugly away to drive!

Sixty - not a holiday old age
Let not feel the heart of fatigue
This is maturity in everything and always
This is the experience of great work.
This age is very small,
Only if you do not age the soul.
Happiness you full bowl
For work and responsiveness your.

You still have a soul - so it's for sure!
Do not defeat all trivia.
After all, 60 is not 90,
And a lot of time will still have to you.

I wish never cry, - have fun
And rejoice in the happiness that you are inside.
And if something is wrong - do not be angry at all,
Good still left ahead!

We wish you a grand dattern,
Good health and fiery love
Successes in business, big wealth,
And loving, caring and faithful relatives.
Today we wish you a wake-up fun
And congratulations on the birthday anniversary,
Let's get the guests, make a cake
And you are a jubique - sixty candles extinguish!

Sixty - this is not a golden autumn,
More impressions of your bright soul asks
Your heart beats hard and fun,
It over the age of the body laughs!
Maybe your heart should be trusted,
And the time is insane current failure,
And dream, burn, inspire and create,
Smile sincerely and your life love!

Sixth dozen - so solid
Prestigious, even pretty,
Let over the years - a lot of strength,
Excellent goals and measure,
Beautiful people to around
So that my friendly circle was,
So that it was for what to try
To be found in love with
So that the smile was wider
So that everything is in this world!

Happy birthday you congratulate you
They knocked at the door sixty.
These years an honorary medal,
Your breast is bright bright.

Sixty for a man - no joke,
I hurry under your festive stamp.
And please - get a minute,
So that I wished you all kinds.

Long years, a boiled spirit,
More joys, smaller bed.
In the ear of old age - give a fell
And man so that completely without wrinkles.

I wish you always to be in prosperity,
Pampering all the grandchildren of karapusov,
To six dozens experienced
Never for you were not a cargo.

And how the famous song goes
(Yes you remember probably)
I wish: let them only in wealth
Turn to your years!

Jubilee does not drink?
You will not forgive your colleagues!
In life only once happens
This date is sixty!
And do not think about the liver,
Although you have one!
She is not worse and not easier
From good wine!
Forget about diet,
The promise and the jam!
Mark all the prohibitions,
Take a Congratulations!

Is it really sixty?!
But with the mind and you will not say.
Grandchildren side sit down
They will not refuse them.
Congratulations take.
Life let give a pleasure.
And pink
Does not grow up the way up pressure!
Let them increase pension
So that the road remembers.
Let everyone love, respect,
Let the heart be infarction!

Sixty - not so much
Sixty - completely trifle!
Let the road running
Birthday is a sign ...
Sign that very love grandchildren
What friends have a complete house.
And around the fun sounds,
So later rest!

Cheerful toasts with 60th anniversary man at the table

Usually people at sixty years look old and sick. But this does not apply to our respected jubilee. Look at him - he is like a fire! He shines and burns and it is impossible to put out!
I suggest a drink for the jubilee and for the fact that his flames of life does not go out, but only more and more with a new force!

What can I compare our jubilee? With new bill? Yes - because he glitters, like a new ruble! With a new fast car? Yes - because it is the same stylish, fast and high-quality! With a bar snickers? Still - after all, he is always on a positive and all charges positive energy!
I suggest raising a glass for our jubilee, which is best of all better!

The solid date of all we collected us.
Today I see friends here is not enough.
All relatives hurry to congratulate you
And on the day of the sixtieth, they want to wish:
Do not think about old age, forward only to watch,
Bitterness, sorrow completely erased.
Let everything get very easily.
We drink to you are lucky!

Today you celebrate a solid number,
So sixty years to you have already come.
In my life, let everything be wonderful
And so that you were healthy, it would be desirable.
Let the glasses ring in your house.
Let all Vivat scream in your honor.
Let all your dreams be performed.
Let you be the happiest you!

You are not a boy - you are a man.
You're just good, celebrate the anniversary.
Let in life every day
You have fun!
We will drink and the alarms will all disappear.
Thoughts are welcome.
Let them hurt you.
Be always under the lucky star!

You are an interesting man
And in their circles known.
Life you live wonderful
And think about everything you carefully.
And let this sixtieth year
It will be wonderful and without adversity.
Let ease in the body are not lost,
And all your dreams come true!

Happy anniversary Congratulations
And with love you wish you:
Happiness, joy, patience
And huge lucky
Respects and heat
In the house of all kind.
We raise glasses,
Congratulations to the jubilee.
Let him happily live,
Meat eats and drinked.

Congratulations on a serious date - sixty years! You are a man with a generous soul, good eyes, a sincere smile and with a large reserve of energy. Let happiness are always present, the feeling of youth does not leave, health is not reduced, and money is added. We raise the fuzhier for the anniversary!

You are 60, and I think you are, you can call yourself a happy person with pride. After all, you have everything for this: a happy big family, a loyal wife, loving grandchildren and children. Enjoy all the moments taken next to them. They love you very much, so I wish you to please them with great health, and excellent well-being!

Let's drink for our respected jubilee. For what would be his life to be full of lively key! For what else more than once and not two, we could meet about his anniversary! What would he have enough not only health, but also the desire to celebrate and have fun! Let those surrounding relatives and relatives bring only joy and help to overcome the troubles!

We steal you on an hour from everyone,
There, where you will meet friends ringing laughter
We raise the glass, you are already sixty
And these years are better than any awards!

Please accept wishes from us:
Health and Forces, on this holiday hour!
Let the sea of \u200b\u200bideas and events flow
Support fate by making a new round!

Cool greetings happy birthday man 60 years

2 times 30 today,
Congratulate you i'm hurried
With solid such anniversary
I want to wish all the best!

Health to you and smiles
I drink for you I'm up to the bottom,
Be strong, rich,
Let people respect you!

The birthday name is our nice!
60 You won't give you!
You always looked always
Even if there was a subject!
What do we want to wish?
Mastery do not lose
Stay "on horse"
And do not let your wife!

You congratulate you with 60s!
There were a lot of roads,
And a little bit, perhaps you are tired,
Rest needed for tired legs.
Let, return after long wanderings,
You will find in the life of a positive,
And your native home in your arms
I will take you comforter award!

Congratulations take!
Your blood 60 -
Although count, even though not count
All do not turn back ...
But no need to lose heart
A lot of things are waiting ahead
You need to meet joy
Anniversaries all their own !!!

You are 60 today,
Good age, just grace,
Watch how your children rise,
And how they know how to win.
For you, people pay for advice,
And the wisdom is the word every one carries.
Let it always be done with you,
Let the joy of the huge come to you!

Sixty, all guests assembled!
And jubique all under the parade
You are a pussy now health,
And all guests are crazy!

With a fantasy now is not very),
Tables are covered, super-disassemble,
So I want to eat, no urine!
You were born for happiness were,
And the chance used powerfully!
You love everything in the world,

Sixty - this is the date!
Is it a lot or not?
We wish you today
To Caucasian birth to the years.
And not to reach,
And so that the hawk is to rescide
So that in the year already gray
You are tops to take cool
Stay all this -
Forever vigorous, young!
We will not judge the age
By number of recruitments
If you are still full of vigor -
So there is no old age place!
Let the face illuminate a smile
Even if gray as snow.
Age is her god, mistake,
If you are young a soul!

Shahmish again went a little,
And however, why not?
When you can "chat" you can
Giving life a squeaky answer!
Serious, strict you are,
But it will pass it quickly!
The smile of the eye passersby give
And phrases inconceivable flight!
Keep your love for so long
And mom give only her!
You have a sense of duty,
Severe keep it warm!

In the anniversary, I wish for 60 years
Health strong as tea.
And huge love
To envy you could.
Fasters you and muscular,
Middle Night throw the whistle,
And respond to that hour
Music maiden from us.
In general, I will wish
In this life, only a miracle
To be in life happiness,
This is right, so beautiful.

Anniversary came, all guests assembled!
And jubique all under the parade
You are a pussy now health,
And all guests are crazy!
Gifts (most in envelope,
With a fantasy now is not very),
Tables are covered, super-disassemble,
So I want to eat, no urine!
You were born for happiness were,
And the chance used powerfully!
You love everything in the world,
After all, to be like you - so hard!

Sixty years is a wonderful time
And its beauty exists at any age
Over the shoulders of the experience and knowledge of the whole mountain,
I wish you a patience, health and vigor.
And today guests are having fun, because we are glad,
Welcome and congratulate one of you
Let in sixty - your inner power will be Otrada,
Happy anniversary! Accept congratulations, friend from me!

Anniversary - sixty for you today turned out
And only now your life has been filled with a special meaning,
You know what is truly important, to spend a lot with the family,
So I wish you today, to be cheerful and live for a very long time!
I wish you fulfill all the desires
Let all your dreams become the virus material!
Happy anniversary, dear friend, I congratulate you,
You are a good family and friend perfect!

Congratulations on this bright day, with an anniversary,
You today marks sixty,
But you, as in youth the same stayed - started,
You are not only money, you are rich in your soul.
I wish you all what you want to achieve,
And in the career and in the work of large heights,
And also that he got married on a beautiful module,
And so that the sandbroke with caviar jumped into the mouth.

Today it turned sixty,
What you can't tell the off town, in the view,
You are fresh, cheerful, you are all fashionable,
And suddenly the sixty-year-old anniversary!
You with you people happiness and good carry
In the company, family and even at work,
Because there is a spark in you from God,
Will get all attention and heat.

With a friend together more fun
Brighter life weekdays
And more pleasant in doubly
Far path, difficult,
Sixty I want you
Wish health
Family prosperity
Joy huge!

On your sixty-one's day
Accept our friend, this festive sonnet.
We wish you many of us summer
Live without trouble, live for another hundred years.
Let the house be your forever full bowl,
So that you could meet and take friends.
Let the life of your light and more
Live with beauty and light - fun.

Sixty - what your years,
How much else can you see.
Do not regret the sorrows, adversity,
- Rainbow without a storm will not be.

Look back to friends, close
All of them at the festive table.
And even if you are uniform in thoughts,
This day does not need to be bad!

Modest accept congratulations
100 Wishes wish one.
On this 60th birthday,
Meet a guide star.

Your best holiday, birthday,
Will erase sadness from light brow.
Let 60 be discarding all the doubts,
And if it will be, I was not!

In the mind of the year, like rosary, do not consider
Ungrateful to take for myself.
About the intimate with trembling dream,
As in childhood, this life is love.

We will give you to this glorious holiday,
Its warm from noble bodies.
Let us take you a calendar-prank,
In the cherished world of sweet, good dreams.

You congratulate you today
We wish much different things.
In the anniversary you shout
And from the holiday sticky.
In sixty, only smile,
And life, very enjoy.
Happy anniversary will congratulate you
And wonders will send a little.
You most inspire
And have fun, always try.
And then wonders will come
And luck will find.

Who did not reach the sixty years old
He thinks these six dozen -
Solid cargo. Error, guys!
We only open the light at this age.
Together with the pension freedom comes:
No need to go to work,
Head to try to please ...
Rose from the morning - and immediately in nature.
And there - ozone, grass, trees row,
Life seems to be careless light paradise,
Who wish you
Extremely sixty years old!

My anniversary with you at rush to congratulate you today,
You are sixty - this is the best time!
Let fate all in the places of speed immediately
Stay so beautiful and young always!
Let your happiness swim in your river
Let the money suprate from the sky on you,
Slip all your misfortune urgently,
And with all the envious to close the eye cloth!

60 - a lot, 60 - a little,
In 60, the road is open to wisdom.
Not trouble that flashes the year
And the hair is sad.
There would be a young soul
And the souls are not aging.

Your anniversary today celebrate
What a trifle, because only sixty.
At the holiday, I do not miss the fun
Filing polka, Krakowak.

We raise glasses for you,
Shouting: "Long live our glorious jubique!".
With myself responsibility, we thus remove
For the coating invigorating harassment.

And honestly, you wish you from the heart:
Wait for gods, and to the space to fly.
We consider the whole team together
What are you worthy of honor to have everything!

On the chamomile we wondered
Who is the jubique today?!
Heads are broken,
Opening an extra-gift.

Did not comprehend this secret
- Today it is best to all!
The questions gave answers,
Sixty - always success!

We tried and ran out,
Go from all sides
Well, so-so decided -
Sixty as sweet sleep!

Our friend, grandfather, father,
Happy Birthday, finally!
Your anniversary today
So meet soon guests!

Cake will not eat a lot
Medovukhoy will ask.
We will be for a long time,
"Happy Birthday!" shout.

And let's take gifts
Handbook, and do the charmings.
60 happy years
Here is the fun, there is no dispute!

Stay cheerful, simple,
Do not stand for a long time in bed!
You can ask you to set young.

You just 60,
Women will confirm everything -
You are an interesting man,
Nobility of everyone known.
We want to wish you
Never lose heart
New interesting meetings
Luck and sale dreams,
Happiness, good health,
Days filled with love
Positive and patience,
Chuma mood!

The age of the anniversary you have my friend
Time to look around and summarize -
Successes achievements and many merit
Passed the path is not small in life,
And on the anniversary of sixty and
All of you to congratulate you sincerely ready.
For you (name patronymic or name) I'm insanely happy
And you success I wish new
New impressions, joyful events,
Live care not knowing five more dozen years,
Whether on the planet of this happiest
Give us a positive and happiness good light.

Head gray, but young soul -
The young people of the unknown is this paradox.
You can, even need, live so years to one hundred years,
But in the soul you are the former young guy.
On the table, let it be vodka and wine
And the table will cover the table,
Let him kill your happiness and warmth,
Sixty just aide toast to raise for a friend
Therefore, life is a fuss fuss
And we forget we sometimes say to friends thanks
I wish you success and victories
I wish you live long and beautifully!

Six dozen rustle
Like wings behind his back.
Only you and sixty,
As before, young.
Raised children and grandchildren,
You have been looking for an eagle.
Gathered today guests
All at the festive table.
Congratulations on the anniversary
Words are good not regret.

Congratulations to you heartily
With your anniversary!
Time is rapidly,
It does not know how to stand.
Sixty - a wonderful holiday,
Wise and exemplary
Age - he is such a pamper
But you are smarter.
After all, a beautiful father,
Grandfather and her husband
Loves all your family -
You really need them.
So wish to be reliable
Courageous, strong,
To stay for birth
The best rear!

Sixth dozen - so solid
Prestigious, even pretty,
Let over the years - a lot of strength,
Excellent goals and measure,
Beautiful people to around
So that my friendly circle was,
So that it was for what to try
To be found in love with
So that the smile was wider
So that everything is in this world!

Sixty - good reason
Feel what is young again!
Career and experience already in baggage,
No, except that the eggs Faberge!
Smile as first shiny, and voice
We are praying that I am not ready to harm on the brake!
And in the future I am glad of loved ones,
Let millions of ideas be real!

In your years, you can already be old
You can become hopelessly sick.
You can deal with tedious and sluggish.
You can easily poison the rest.
You can close at home from the light,
TV turn on and sad.
Well, but you can - get married again
And friends on the banquet invite.
You can not heal feelings
Stay cheerful, simple,
Do not stand for a long time in bed!
You can go to ask young!

As a solid "agent 007"
Our jubilee, handsome man.
And at all is not a simple anniversary
He notes bright, beautiful.

You are your 60 today
In the circle of the best friends celebrate.
We wish you not to lose
We wish you happiness with your freshness.

Let the health smaller shall
And their relatives respect,
So as you did not know the problems and offense.
Happy anniversary you congratulate you.

On the day of the anniversary of the nice
Celebrations guilty chief
We wish health and strength.
And everything that would be asked himself.

Sixty are an important milestone.
At a solid man
There are still a long way ahead,
Well, the time is to have a break.

Let life prevent awards
Let the beloved will be all around
Let the success please children
Let passing always blowing the wind!

In the anniversary birthday
We wish you patience,
Chuma mood
And total luck.

You wish you in the anniversary
Bright festive lights,
The most sincere friends
And good news.

Let your sixty
Give cheerful charge
You will be awarded with health,
Life will be enriched with happiness.

Not consider your all achievements
And all friends do not count.
Sixtieth birthday
We will vividly celebrate
So that you remember this holiday,
Your sparkle anniversary
Warm native of their warmed
And wishes guests.
Let luck and luck
Your life is accompanied.
He also means health
Be a lot - many years in the ranks.
Everything will be so, I know for sure
After all, wishes from the heart
All guests congratulate you
With a soul pure, like babies.

Sixty - wonderful reason,
Feel what is young again!
Career and experience already in baggage,
No, except that the eggs Faberge!
Smile as first shiny, and voice
We are praying that I am not ready to harm on the brake!
And in the future I am glad of loved ones,
Let millions of ideas be real!

With the 60th anniversary, we congratulate you,
We wish you happiness and health from the soul.
Wisdom, patience, strength, inspiration,
To be bright every moment.
Let him warm the sun light rays,
Let their relatives come with good words.
Let the ladder of gold wise years,
And the old age does not rule over you.

Dear our jubilee,
At this joyful moment.
You wish you from the soul
Good, health, long years.
In the work of success, achievements,
In the family comfort and warm
Let every day brings joy,
And brightly shine let the moon.

60 - Wonderful age
And the brilliant anniversary!
Let not leave the vigor,
Heart beats cheerful!

Let health fails
Year after year, day after day!
And, as before, let them come
Joy and luck in the house!

Years and long, and beautiful!
Dream performance!
And, of course, a lot of happiness
And spiritual warmth!

Happy Anniversary Congratulations!
Happiness and health!
Long years we wish
With warmth, with love!

You are a star for us for all -
Bright light image!
On a space scale
60 - not age !!!

It happens at sixty:
Buty, cough, grilltatt,
And the name is sick,
Poisoning life to others.

Whether it's a jubilee
In 60 it is like a fire -
Gives all the warmth of the smile,
Having funny, not grumbling!

Our jubilee in 60
It's cheerful charge
Duma and the experience of the crown,
Optimism Sample!

Cheerful look, eagle look,
Far still sunset
How do we, friends do not drink
For such sixty!

Today you are 60!
And you will not say so in the view:
Bodr and fresh, and all fashionable -
And so suddenly the anniversary!

Congratulations from the soul!
Be forever good,
Best of all in business and song,
It is easier for us easier.

You want to work with you
Sing, laugh, having fun
I want to dream with you
And no hours not to notice.

Happiness you carry
Although in a walk, at least in work.
There are spark in you in you,
Gets all heat

Light extinguish, cake carry,
Sixty candles lit!
Happiness, joy, fun!
Congratulations on Birthday!

Such people, brothers:
The year is not running - fly.
I put in bed - eighteen
You wake up in the morning - fifty (sixty).

On the jubilee, unnoticed
That has lived five (six) decades.
Probably spent somewhere
He is eternal youth secret.

His special breed
Not different and blind fells.
And, in everything, see the road
He did not forget the hearts to female.

He is not deprived of health,
With sports and work familiar.
And he will cut any word,
And if necessary - a fist.

Do not even doubt -
Only for other years fly.
Wake up in the morning - (fifty) sixty,
And he wakes up - eighteen.

Round date, 60 years old
Century wish to live you without trouble
Inexorable years stop not in our power,
But it will always be with you,
The more years, the more happiness,
So that the children of finance were more given,
And with a pension so that there was no sadness,
By TV, so as not to inform you the Duma,
More often arrange with kum,
So that in life did not end in the bang,
So that the blockage did not happen in your family!

Roses, Astra, Georgina
Packing rustle.
Not ordinary name days -
You are sixty!

You wish that b banknotes
Never ended never.
What would have flown by the aircraft
Forget about the train!

What would you love
On Canar island!
Well, we would send there
Happy Birthday of the National!

Jubilee dear! You are the richest
And the most spiritual of all people!
And about Tom tells the milestones of memory - dates
And the words of those friends, that with you the whole century!
Thank you for the good heart we we
And for the fact that the victories of anyone are happy!
Sixty - not the limit and not a problem:
You are waiting for millions of awards in your life!

Anniversary, anniversary,
No dates round.
Pull the fun
Belly do not regret.
Jubilee of all miles
And Small, and kind!
Do not look at us so
Give us, guests!
We wish you
Tychy joyful days !!!
Let him live easily
And look more fun.
Open, dear
We came in the anniversary.
You pour us wines -
Will be merges!

Cease at least so though
There will be only a digit five!
Well on white light
I do not notice my years!
We wish many new
Failing hobbies.
Forces of life ready
You have a lot of nature.
Sit brought
From distant countries Jasmine.
Stay in love!
You are always needed by others.

You, already, anniversary!
All champagne pour -
In the ceiling all the traffic jams,
Well, vodka - in the stacks!
The one for the toast among friends!
Well, we still see!
For you, native,
You need to drink again!
No boring eye!
Drink with us, friend, now!
Well, come on, with a run -
For your half a century!
Let everyone go,
So that life has flowed fun,
So that you were mighty
And Greob Money - Heaps!

Anniversary is not a joke,
Honestly, I want to say.
Here you imagine for a moment
What turned time to reverse.
Our jubilee is still a teenager,
And at school studies at five
Oh, it would be not easy for us
His notebook check!
Alas, my friend, so in life there is no
But I know, you always have a young man!
Let's congratulate the birthday woman
And for his health, you will finally drink!

Such a date - in life once!
When to congratulate everyone wish
And sincerely respect you,
And happiness wish to want!
Not just this is the birthday,
And your personal lucky
That in this kind, quiet hour, -
Beautiful anniversary with you!
And I congratulate from the heart,
Let happiness come to you more than once!

We meet us as guests
Himself the culprit of the celebration.
Congratulations to all words
Forgotten in the same hour
How we looked at you!
Who will believe: fifty
Did you turn out? Shalyat
Apparently we have eyes!
So much can not be given!
Stay like this
How today, young!

Well, who, tell me, is to blame
In melkanya affairs, worries and dates?
Well, anniversary, despite
As 30 years ago
Always beautiful and easy.
The advantages of all do not count ...
Stay like here
Before us in 50 appeared.
And remember that there is a miracle:
Follow, what dreamed about!

In sixty you wish
Health strong as tea.
And huge love
To envy you could.
Fasters you and muscular,
Middle Night throw the whistle,
And respond to that hour
Music maiden from us.
In general, I will wish
In this life, only a miracle
To be in life happiness,
This is right, so beautiful.

Sixty - not so much!
Behind lies the road -
Nice way.
Life is always a little miracle,
It is worth saying to her: "I'll be!" -
And she will answer: "Be!"
Intonate Westa not read,
But it is known that from the century
Better lead no than news
About the birth of man.

Of course you are not ideal,
Not knight young and brave
But sixty years have changed
You are not a trifle. It is important.
You did not betray a woman
All these years, that's for sure.
She was helped by the household
And there was a union family durable.
With friends, gentle was always
In Holy Friendship firmly believed,
And no matter how shaking troubles,
Good luck to this measure Meril.
Always honest before
And knew the rail price
When I could not, drbyl "Fub"
And in vain did not beat his forehead about the wall.
Blocked trouble and fear
And tied the family with perseverance and steel,
Centrally holding in their hands
All threads are basic upbringing.
Let this gift do not run out,
Long live our glorious jubique!

Anniversary you celebrate 60 years old
We came to you for lunch,
Wish you more happiness
In love so that there was a lot of passion,
So that Fortuna smiles daily,
And so that everywhere to be first,
Health was five,
And oligarch to become
To have fun on banquets,
They wrote about you in newspapers,
Will not know your losses
And to be powerful as a beast!

Sixty shuck you on this day
Do not think that old you are that stump,
I wish you to be forever "Oh-go"!
So that it was always and remember everything
From the burning glance let Babonki glue,
In your stories, let their ears believe,
In the wallet of grandmothers it would be broken,
Always and everywhere it was all "hurt"!
So that you distinguished bull'im health,
And your heart was full love!