Expressions on the topic of friendship and enmity. Aphorisms about friendship and about friends. Friendship and enmity. Basic essay

If you know more about a person than he would like, you are no longer his friend. (Veselin Georgiev)

Do not give everyone your right hand; do not hug everyone; do not hold anyone to your heart! What will remain for the most worthy and amiable, and who will trust the signs of your friendship; who will give them their due value if you waste them indiscriminately. (Adolph von Knigge)

Leave three times as much for your friends as for yourself. For yourself, keep at least a grain of the primordial purity of your heart. (Hong Zicheng)

It is easy to turn a friend into an enemy, it is difficult to turn an enemy into a friend. (Baurzhan Toyhibekov)

A wise friend will not abandon his friend, despite all the hardships. (Shota Rustaveli)

Friendship takes time, but love takes place. (Konstantin Melikhan)

When those who called themselves your friends thrust a poisoned dagger into the back, when those whom you believed, under the guise of care, inflict a mortal wound in the soul, look around - maybe those whom you considered enemies are your real and close friends. ()

You can test a friend with thirst, hunger, separation and love. But don't do this more than once. (Abu Muin Nasir Khosrow)

Take care of your friend to protect yourself. (Proverb)

I can make new friends and teach them how to be crazy to make them wise. I will tell them not to live according to textbooks of good taste, but to discover their own life, their own desires, adventures - and live! (Paulo Coelho)

A FRIEND is a person with whom I can be sincere. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

The enemy is usually made of a friend. (Kapiev Effendi Mansurovich)

Your enemy can become your friend, and your friend is partly your enemy ... ()

Do not rudely interrupt the thread of friendship, for if you have to tie it again, there will be a knot. (Indian proverb)

Without true friendship, life is nothing. (Mark Tullius Cicero)

One enemy is many, but a thousand friends are few. (Abu Abdallah Jafar Rudaki)

Friendship can only unite worthy people. Friendship penetrates into the life of all people, but in order to preserve it, sometimes you have to endure grievances. (Mark Tullius Cicero)

It is better to sort out a dispute between your enemies than between friends, because after that one of your friends will obviously become your enemy, and one of your enemies will become your friend. (Byant)

A true friend is someone who, holding your hand, will feel your heart. (Gabriel García Márquez)

Two must be feared: one is a strong enemy, and the other is an insidious friend. (Unsur Al-Maali (Kay Qaboos))

People are usually brought together by the similarity of views on third parties and share the difference in views of their own person. (Zbigniew Zemetsky)

Happiness makes friends, but only misfortune can tell you which one is your true friend. (Baurzhan Toyhibekov)

You have found a devoted friend, if, having ascended, he did not get to know you. (Jean de La Bruyere)

One should know the measure in everything, everywhere.
It is necessary to know the measure in friendship and enmity. (Muslihaddin Saadi)

Friendship is a delicate flower. One careless touch - and the flower wilted. (Sun Li)
Friendship is love without wings. (J. Byron)
Enmity is what makes the most spacious house cramped. (Irma Drucker)
A friend is one soul in two bodies. (Aristotle)
A friend is, first of all, one who does not undertake to judge. (Saint-Exupery)
No one gives such immensity to the globe as the friends we have at various points; they serve as true degrees of latitude and longitude for us. (G. Toro)
There are no bonds holier than comradeship! The father loves his child, the mother loves her child, the child loves the father and mother. But that's not it, brothers: the beast also loves its child. But only one person can become related by kinship by soul, and not by blood. (N.V. Gogol)
People are born to help each other, as the hand helps the arm, the leg helps the leg, and the upper jaw of the lower jaw. (Marcus Aurelius)
You are blind, and I am deaf and dumb, so let's join hands and try to understand each other. (Gibran)
Live for the body - and you are alone among strangers. Live for the soul - and you are all relatives. (Leo Tolstoy)
In order to make it easy to live with each person, think about what connects you, and not about what separates you from him. (Leo Tolstoy)
If you want to test whether a person can be trusted and whether he can keep his word, take a closer look, whether he yearns for his native place, reaches out to his beloved friends and cries for times gone by. (Ibn Abd Rabbihi)
If someone is alone, this does not mean that he is thus alone, just as if someone is in a crowd, it does not mean that he is not alone. (Epictetus)
To get to know people, you need to deal with them. To love them, you need to do good to them. To respect them, you need to avoid them. (M. Safir)
People are quicker to judge a person than a play; in a play, they at least wait for the end before expressing their judgment. (M. Safir)
Loneliness often makes a person feel less lonely. (Byron)
He who leads an extensive acquaintance is as if he is trading in trifles, from which there is a lot of fuss, but little profit. (Adolph von Knigge)
Noble people live in harmony with other people, but do not follow other people, low people follow other people, but do not live in harmony with them. (Confucius)
Friendship should be a solid thing, capable of surviving all the changes and temperatures and all the shocks of that bumpy road along which sensible and decent people make their life journey. (D.I.Pisarev)
Love for one's neighbor is the only door leading to freedom from the prison of one's own<я>... (George McDonald)
In what ways are women like travelers around the world? When you talk to them, they always return to the very place from which they began their speech. (M. Safir)
The man looks at the conversation as if it were a wagon: he loads it with heavy objects to such an extent that she can only move with difficulty. The woman, on the other hand, looks at the conversation like a balloon. (M. Safir)
Only in one case we have nothing to be afraid of offending a friend - when it comes to telling him the truth and thus proving our loyalty to him. (Cicero)
With some people we build relationships on the truth, with some on lies; and these latter are no less durable. (A. Camus)
To be understood is to be revealed and exposed. (Oscar Wilde)
The price of wealth is known when they gain, and the price of a friend when they lose. (Georgian proverb)
The friendship that ended never really started. (Publius Cyrus)
Let's part while the good ones. (Fazil Iskander?)
I am interested in everyone to whom I am curious. (Krainov-Rytov)
A promise is a thread from person to person with hooks at both ends. (Victor Krotov)
Conversation is a common boat, in which everyone has their own oar and their own fishing rod. (Victor Krotov)
They all have one flaw: they are not you. (A. Vampilov)
There are too many screws, wheels and valves in each of us to be able to judge each other by the first impression or by two or three external signs. (A.P. Chekhov)
No one disappoints us as quickly as those who fascinated us. (A.M. Kashpirovsky)
Opponents: it is noticeable that you really want to become noticeable, and this is the only thing that is noticeable in you. (A.M. Kashpirovsky)
I have no true enemies, for there are no truly understanding. (A.M. Kashpirovsky)
The fly can be driven away from the face by hand, but not convinced that it does not fly around the face. So it is with some people. (A.M. Kashpirovsky)
Anyone who is determined to help people, first of all, must tune in to the fact that they will interfere with this. (A.M. Kashpirovsky)
By touching your hand, you can touch your heart. (A.M. Kashpirovsky)
Advice never helps, a kind word always. (Jan Rainis)
Tact is the ability to give a person an indication without making him an enemy. (Howard Newton)
A person differs from people in that he understands them, but they do not. (Andrey Galyamin)
Wash away the resentment received not in blood, but in Lethe, the river of oblivion. (Pythagoras)
If a dog barks at you, that doesn't mean you should bark at the dog. (N. Vekshin)
Chickens live in peace and harmony under one roof, and two roosters can never get along in one chicken coop - such is their nature. (Leonardo da Vinci)
To respond with an offense to an offense is like throwing wood into a fire. (Leo Tolstoy)
Write down grievances in the sand, cut out good deeds on marble. (P. Bouast)
It takes two to quarrel; never be one of them. (John Lebbock)
Friendship usually serves as a transition from simple acquaintance to enmity. (V.O.Klyuchevsky)
I conquer my enemies by making them friends. (A. Lincoln)
Enemies make life meaningful and interesting. (A.Zinoviev)
We don't have cannibals, but they can easily eat them. (B. Krutier)
And we hate, and we love by chance,
Sacrificing nothing for malice or love,
And a secret cold reigns in the soul,
When the fire boils in blood (M.Yu. Lermontov)
It is not so difficult to die for a friend as it is to find a friend who is worth dying for. (E. Bulwer)
Everyone can empathize with the suffering of a friend, but success is only an unusually subtle nature. (Oscar Wilde)
He who is so deaf that he does not even want to hear the truth from a friend is hopeless. (Cicero)
Friendship ends where mistrust begins. (Seneca)
Do not feed with words instead of bread. (Aristophanes)
The queue is like a scorpion. All the poison is in her tail. (M.I.Turovsky)
Rolling down from a mountain height,
An oak lay on the ashes, broken by the Peruns,
And with him and flexible ivy, entwined around him ...
Friendship, it's you! (V.A. Zhukovsky)
Talking badly about people harms three at once: the one about whom they speak badly, the one who is said bad, but most of all - the one who speaks badly about people. (Basil the Great)
When this man scolded you, and you were silent, - said Mohammed, - I saw ten angels around you, and the angels answered him. But when you began to answer him with abuse, the angels left you, - I also walked away. (Muslim saying)
He who does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words either. (E. Hubbard)
It is good to agree with a friend about stopping each other, as soon as one or the other of us begins to condemn our neighbor. And if there is no such friend, then agree about the same with yourself. (Leo Tolstoy)
People always talk longer than they are listened to. (G. Matyushov)
The speaker can hear either only himself or only the interlocutor - depending on whether he is looking for a reason to offend or be offended. (I.F. Yuzanov)
Sometimes the easiest way to interrupt the speaker is silence. (A. Botvinnikov)
When the language is not constrained by anything, everyone is constrained. (J.Ru)
The most necessary art at court is not to speak well, but to be able to remain silent. (Voltaire)
We ourselves make friends, we ourselves create enemies, and only our neighbors are from God. (Chesterton)
When you are alone, think about your sins; when in society - forget strangers. (Chinese proverb)
The less a person has a chance to repay for the humiliation inflicted on him, the faster he forgets about them. (Z. Fatkudinov)
The advantage of hatred over other feelings is only in one thing - it is always sincere. (Z. Fatkudinov)
In the bitter advice that a friend gives us,
Outside - bitterness, in the core - honey. (Nasir Khosrov)
It's good when the dog is a friend. But it's bad when your friend is a dog. (Unknown author)
The Marquis de Cherville, who was very fond of animals, composed the following epitaph for one of his dogs:<Здесь покоится единственный друг, который ни разу не укусил меня>... (Unknown author)
No more annoying when your own mongrel barks at you. (Russian proverb)
In enmity, a friend is no different from an enemy. (Menander)
Anything unpleasant that your worst enemy can say in your face is nothing compared to what your best friends say about you behind your back. (A. Musset)
Be hard on yourself and condescending to others, and you will have no enemies. (Chinese saying)
Only the utmost insignificance can not have enemies; so I do not advise anyone to brag about it. (A. Buzhar)
Rather than wish your enemy death, you better wish yourself a long life. (Turkmen proverb)
Love your enemies, and you will have no enemies. (<Учение 12 апостолов>)
The Bible teaches us to love our neighbors; it also teaches us to love our enemies; maybe because they are usually the same people. (Chesterton)
The real way to take revenge on an enemy is not to be like him. (Marcus Aurelius)
Do not rejoice at the death of the enemy, for all people are mortal and their house of eternity awaits. If you have an enemy, do not pray to God for his death, for when he dies, he will slip away from all earthly evils. Pray that he will become poor, stay alive and moan with grief all his life. (Menander)
Love God in your adversary, even when you defeat him; and then hell will not be the lot of any of you. (S. Aurobindo)
People talk about enemies; but where are they? In the great arena of the universe, I see only fighters playing for this or that team. (S. Aurobindo)
There is nothing easier than loving those you love; but you need to love a little and those you don't love. (P.Ya. Chaadaev)
The one you call master will call you his slave. (Abkhaz proverb)
The lackeys do not respect those who respect them. (L. Lagin)
A friend is a person to whom we forgive his merits for the fact that he forgives our shortcomings. (C. Melamed)
Friendship is not a service, no thanks are given for it. (G.R.Derzhavin)
Resentment is undigested ingestion. (Gennady Malkin)
It is better to be the enemy of a good person than a friend of a bad person. (Japanese proverb)
It is better to have a weak person as your enemy than as a friend. (Henry Shaw)
Good people in one summer become matchmakers, bad people in one summer become enemies. (Kyrgyz proverb)
The closest kinship is kinship at a distance. (Tamil proverb)
Absence is the touchstone of true affection. (J. Lacoder)
The best of things is new; best friend is old. (Arabic proverb)
There is no tasty pilaf - let there be a sweet word. (Turkmen proverb)
When dividing the rice, they fought, and when they divided, they invited each other to visit. (Vietnamese proverb)
Be attentive to the guest, let him be your enemy. Even a lumberjack with an ax, the tree does not refuse to shade. (Old Indian saying)
I got a footboard, another: you see, I learned to fly. (Vladimir Lebedev)
Do not skimp on promises, but keep only a few of them, and you will triumph over your enemies. (Dante)
To anyone you stretch out your hand - be sure you will stretch it out to a drowning man. (A.Kruglov)
Live so that your friends will get bored when you die. (Julian Tuwim)
Trying to live in harmony with everyone, you end up at odds with yourself. (Gilbert Sesbronne)
Loneliness befits only Allah. (Turkish proverb)
Solitude must be sought in big cities. (Descartes)
Oh, how pleasant solitude is! However, we need a creature similar to ourselves in order to be able to utter this exclamation in front of him. (Unknown author)
Relationships between people are rarely human. (A. Underwater)
Find a place among people and sit so that no one says:<Подвинься!>... (Ossetian proverb)
Home decoration is a child, table decoration is a guest. (Azerbaijani proverb)
Don't be so sweet to be swallowed and so bitter to spit. (Armenian proverb)
What you can't get with a saber, you get it with a kind word. (Lak proverb)
Useful friends are a direct friend, a sincere friend and a friend who has heard a lot. Harmful friends are a hypocritical friend, an insincere friend, and a talkative friend. (Confucius)
Not everyone who laughs is a friend; not everyone who is angry is an enemy. (Mongolian proverb)
You never know who is more to blame for the conflict - who hurt or who reacted. (A.Kruglov)
In a conflict, neither side looks good, especially the one with less composure. People are inclined to judge rightness precisely aesthetically. (A.Kruglov)
In relationship therapy, lying, like a poison in medicine, is one of the first remedies. As in medicine, of course, poison remains poison. (A.Kruglov)
Give up the hope of reaching out to the ideological soul - it is outside of itself, ... it is not at home. (A.Kruglov)
Do not take a person's time talking about how smart your children are, because he wants to tell you about how smart his children are. (E. Howe)
Fish are caught with a fishing rod, and a person - with a word. (Armenian proverb)
Talk<халва>I can do it too. (Turkish proverb)
The best drink in the world is when a person has an evil word in his mouth, and he has not released it, but swallowed it. (Mahomet)
Conversation is a collaborative building. (A. Maurois)
When leaving, leave your ear: what will you not hear! (Armenian proverb)
The hair is combed from the end, the conversation begins with the essence. (Korean proverb)
Do not scold the weather: nine-tenths of humanity could not start a single conversation if the weather did not change. (K. Hubbard)
In most fights, the blame falls on both sides. In general, a quarrel can be compared to a spark that cannot be caused without the help of flint and flint. (K. Colton)
If you shout into a jug, then the jug will shout at you. (Abkhaz proverb)
If shouting could do anything, the donkey would build seven houses every day. (Lak proverb)
Weakness on both sides is, as you know, a feature of all quarrels. (Voltaire)
If you don't answer to the one who hits you, he will never know if you have hands. (Adyghe proverb)
<Он оскорбил меня, он ударил меня, он одержал верх надо мной, он обобрал меня!..>... Those who harbor such thoughts do not stop their hatred. For never in this world does hatred stop with hatred, but it stops with the absence of hatred. (Buddha)
He who cannot tolerate one unpleasant word will hear a lot of them. (Al-Ahnaf)
First see who is listening to you, and then start your speech. (Abkhaz proverb)
Who, after talking with you, is satisfied with himself and his mind, he is completely satisfied with you. (La Bruyere)
We seldom regret that we have said little, but very often that we have said too much; this is a hackneyed and vulgar truth, everyone knows it, but no one applies it in practice. (La Bruyere)
Life is longer with a short tongue. (Turkmen proverb)
I sing a hymn to laconicism.
I am for pauses in the conversation.
Only he wins in a dispute
Who silently feels his righteousness. (Andrey Krylatov)
I say to my eyes:<глядите>, ears -<слушайте>, and I say to my mouth -<молчать!>... (Bengali proverb)
The difference between compliments and medicines is that the former can be released without any danger in an increased dose; even the weakest patients take large doses of them and never complain. (P. Bovey)
The snake is motley on the outside, the man is on the inside. (Georgian proverb)
If you want to be loved, learn a sense of proportion. (R. Emerson)
The golden rule: to judge a person not by his opinions, but by what these opinions make of him. (Lichtenberg)
It flows from the same lips
Once poison, once honey. (Kazakh proverb)
One cup does not ring, two cups -<дин-дин>... (Chinese proverb)
You can't go nuts with one cup. (Chinese proverb)
Alone, only to fight with porridge. (Karelian proverb)
To a lonely traveler, a song is a friend. (Mongolian proverb)
It is better to give up a sharp word than a friend. (Quintilian)
And a blind man will be offended if you tell him that he does not see well. (Korean proverb)
If you happen to hear a bad word, bury it seven cubits deep in the ground. (Ahikar)
A friendship that cannot withstand the touch of naked truth is not worth regretting. That's where she goes. (D.I.Pisarev)
Acquaintance can start with a kick. (Japanese proverb)
Whoever suddenly became a hot friend suddenly cools down. (F. Rückert)
Go down the step to get married; climb the step to be friends. (<<Талмуд>>)
Conjugal love multiplies the human race; friendly love improves it. (F. Bacon)
What is friendship? A word, an illusion that enchants us, a shadow that follows happiness and disappears in hours of misery! (O. Goldsmith)
False friends, like a shadow, follow us as we walk in the sun, and immediately leave us as soon as we step into the shadow. (P. Bovey)
If you go with a good one, you will reach the goal; if you go with bad things, you will come to shame. (Turkish proverb)
A little you make friends with someone, you look - a friend is already in need and strives to borrow some money. (Schopenhauer)
Do not count your friends as friends, for they are your friends, not your friends. (Qaboos)
Under tyranny, friendship is an unreliable business. One quarter of your friends choose<благоразумие>and migrates into the ranks of your enemies, another quarter is afraid to stop and talk to you on the street, the third is killed, and you die with her. But the last, blessed quarter gives you the strength to live. (S. Lewis)
When a friendship begins to weaken and cool, it always resorts to heightened politeness. (Shakespeare)
Service and friendship are two parallel lines: they do not converge. (A.V.Suvorov)
The one who holds the chain is almost no freer than the one who wears it. (P. Bouast)
The Lord gave us relatives, but we, thank God, are free to choose friends ourselves. (Ethel Mumford)
Only those should we rely on,
Who is able to resist us. (A.Z. Kravtsov)
Do not be intrusive so that they do not push you away, and do not move too far away so that they do not forget about you. (<Библия>)
A lonely person only half exists. (P. Bouast)
You should not be offended by a person who, being little acquainted with us, nevertheless speaks badly of us: his attacks do not refer to us, but to a ghost created by his imagination. (La Bruyere)
Anyone can become an enemy, but not everyone is a friend. (Gracian)
You have found yourself a devoted friend, if, having ascended, he did not get to know you. (La Bruyere)
If you want to rise, make enemies for yourself. (S. Talleyrand)
By gentleness you will not make the enemy a friend, but only increase his ambitions. (Saadi)
Find yourself a true friend; having it, you can do without the gods. (Pythagoras)
I am not averse to laughing at the people I meet, believing that they too, if they want, can laugh at me. (Montesquieu)
The most exquisite pleasure is to please others. (La Bruyere)
If you cannot have a true friend, be your own friend. (Pythagoras)
This is amazing: every person can easily say how many sheep he has, but not everyone can name how many friends he has - so much they are not in value. (Socrates)
How absurd we are with our desire to find support in our own kind! As insignificant, as powerless as we are, they will not help us. In his hour of death, man is alone. It means that he needs to live as if he were alone in the world. But will he then begin to build himself luxurious chambers, etc.? No, he will immediately go deep into the search for truth. (Pascal)
You need to behave with the audience as with women: they can only say what they themselves want to hear. (Goethe)
Do not neglect your enemies: they are the first to notice your mistakes. (Antisthenes)
You should never demand for granted what can be asked for as a favor. (Collins)
Compassion is the ability to see your own misfortunes in others; it is a foreboding of calamities that may befall us. We help people so that they, in turn, help us. Thus, our services are reduced simply to benefits that we provide ourselves ahead of time. (La Rochefoucauld)
I am no longer capable of living compassion when I meet with any of the countless people eking out a ruined life. And I try even less to justify them when I see how easily they find justification for themselves, when I observe how highly they are lifted up in their own opinion, forgiven and justified by themselves, and furiously blame the mysterious fate that allegedly deprived them and whose innocent victim they were themselves present. (T. Wilder)
If you want to have enemies, then try to surpass your friends; but if you want to have friends, then let your friends surpass you. (La Rochefoucauld)
It is better to sort out a dispute between your enemies than between friends, because after that one of your friends will obviously become your enemy, and one of your enemies will become your friend. (Byant)
Do not resist evil. But whoever hits you on the right cheek, turn to him the other. (Bible, Matthew)
I prefer my enemies to envy me, not I to them. (Plautus)
Everyone sees what you seem to be, but few people feel who you are. (Machiavelli)
If there is no mutual love between people, then mutual hatred will certainly appear. (Mo-tzu)
Do not light up the furnace too much for your enemies, otherwise you will burn yourself in it. (Shakespeare)
He who does not love anyone, let him know that he does not use anyone's love. (Epictetus)
The opinion of our enemies is much closer to the truth about us than our own opinions. (La Rochefoucauld)
When Epictetus was asked how to take revenge on his enemy, he replied: "Try to do him as much good as possible." (Epictetus)
You will find many lovely comrades drinking and eating.
You start an important business - where are they? There is nobody! (Theognides)
With friends like that, enemies are not needed. (Laurence Peter)
Keep the door open for your enemies, you will know everything about your friends. (Jimmy Hoffa)
For many, the smartest will think: "I won't change it, so I will try to use it." (Schopenhauer)
It is not the eyes that see, but the man; it is not the ear that hears, but the soul. (Russian proverb)
If you said yes, don't sigh afterwards, "ooh." (Buryat proverb)
If you said "a", don't be "b". (Russian proverb)
People find it most difficult to forgive us the bad things they said about us. (A. Maurois)
Attention is a fishing rod with which you catch yours. (Victor Krotov)
Insults met with contemptuous silence are silenced; to be irritated about them means in part to recognize their significance. (Tacitus)
Look at the sun before you hit. (Eastern proverb)
An arrow is not fired at the smiling face. (Japanese proverb)
Less words - the end of the quarrel. (Burmese proverb)
If the donkey yells at you, don't yell at the donkey. (English proverb)
Even the ridicule of comedians must be accepted; if they serve it right, it will fix us; if not, it doesn't concern us. (Socrates)
Better to be a feared tiger than a loved one. (Vietnamese proverb)
The neighbor is the one whom we are prescribed to love more than ourselves and who does everything he can to make us disobey. (Ambrose Bierce)
Loneliness is a test of yourself. (Victor Krotov)
I do not hope to overcome my loneliness alone. The stone cannot be transformed into something else. But, when combined with other stones, it turns into a temple. (Saint-Exupery)
Loneliness. The poison is in this word. (Hugo)
The tree of the world bears two fruits sweeter than water - the source of life. One is poetry, the other is friendship. (Indian wisdom)
Smile at your sorrows - the bitterness will disappear. Smile at your opponent - his anger will disappear. Smile and over your anger - it will not be. (J. Rainis)
Oh, the man who is offended by the city! Who knows about you in town? (Somali proverb)
A bad person is one who no longer has the strength to justify. (A.Kruglov)
Contempt is indifference instead of hate. (A.Kruglov)
By treating others the way they deserve, we only make them worse. By treating them as if they are better than what they really represent, we make them become better. (Goethe)
Based on first impressions, we try to label the unfamiliar person with either a “good” label or a “bad” label. But over time, overwhelmed by this or that feeling, we change the label several times. It would be wiser to stick both labels initially at once. Then we would not be upset by the need to change our minds. (N. Vekshin)
Some people divide others into good and bad, while others divide everyone into those who share and those who do not. (N. Vekshin)
"All people are curmudgeons!" - you repeat angrily,
We overcome with evil greed.
Be generous yourself, become kind and open,
And people will be generous with you. (Rudaki)
Better a promise than nothing at all. (Ossetian proverb)
As long as you keep your promise, the donkey's tail will grow to the ground. (Armenian proverb)
Tact is the art of convincing people that they know more than you do. (Raymond Mortimer)
Beat is the unspoken part of what you think. (Henry Van Dyck)
Tact is a rare ability to remain silent when two friends are arguing and you know they are both wrong. (Hugh Allen)
Tact is when we know too well that we might go too far. (Jean Cocteau)
Tact is the ability to understand without exposing. (Victor Krotov)
The rival is a scoundrel who wants the same thing as me. (Unknown author)
Flattery is a gilded grappling hook used by the pirates of human relations. (Victor Krotov)
Selfishness is cotton wool in the ears from a human groan. (Henryk Sienkiewicz)
Selfishness is the assessment of one's life above the patience of others. (G. Malkin)
Selfishness is a solitary chamber of desires. (Victor Krotov)
Egocentrism is a funnel that drags you into the personal nowhere. (Victor Krotov)
Who counts on someone else's stew runs the risk of being left with his good appetite. (French proverb)
"Daughter-in-law, your mother-in-law is complaining about you!" - "What is this witch saying?" - "What are you calling a witch!" (Georgian folklore)
Where a hundred soldiers can fit, a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law cannot fit together. (Estonian proverb)
Seven axes lie together and two spinning wheels apart. (Russian proverb)
The buffalo is tied with a rope, the person is knitted with words. (Indonesian proverb)
The bull is knitted by the horns, and the man by the tongue. (Serbian proverb)
It is a double pleasure to deceive the deceiver. (French proverb)
A quarrel is like an apple tree: just shake it, it will fall on your head. (Afghan proverb)
He came, brought, sat down, ate. (Georgian proverb)
Services should be required from people according to their capabilities, and not according to our desire. (Lichtenberg)
I don't want your honey or your sting. (Libyan proverb)
Do not judge a person by what views he holds, but judge by what he has achieved with their help. (Lichtenberg)
Some of your friends blame you, and some praise you; draw near to those who criticize and move away from those who praise. (<<Талмуд>>)
When you are at the royal court, then whatever you hear, let it die in you, so that you yourself do not have to die prematurely. (Aesop)
If anyone has offended you, take revenge with courage. Remain calm - and this will be the beginning of your vengeance, then forgive - this will be the end of it. (Old aphorism)
A friend is one who, knowing you, did not become an enemy. (G.E. Malkin)
A good honest man is a brother, and a scoundrel, although a brother is a scoundrel. (N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky)
Everyone is a blind door to himself,
His own criminal and judge
Himself and Mozart and Salieri,
Himself an acorn and a pig. (I.M. Guberman)
I say this not to many, but to you, because we are a sufficient audience for each other. (Epicurus)
The sea does not repel a single river. (T. Fuller)
The drop began to cry that it parted with the sea.
The sea laughed at the naive grief. (Omar Khayyam)
A wise person demands everything only from himself, while an insignificant person demands everything from others. (Chinese wisdom)
To lead people, follow them. (Lao Tzu)
Some say no sounds nicer than others; gilded refusal is easier to swallow than dry consent. (Gracian)
No one is able to praise the Lord or love a neighbor on an empty stomach. (Thomas Wilson)
If no one loves you, rest assured it is your fault. (F. Dodridge)
The absent will always have some kind of fault; like those present - some kind of excuse. (Franklin)
The position of a flea in a lion's mane is tempting. A humiliated lion feels how this small, insignificant creature bites him, and a flea can say: "Lion's blood flows in me." (Hugo)
Consider all people honest, but live with them as if they were swindlers. (G. Mazarin)
An oath is a guarantee, useless with honest people and deceitful with others. (Paul Decursel)
Prudence in conversation is more important than eloquence. (Gracian)
Slander from some gentlemen is as good a recommendation as praise from others. (G. Fielding)
When speaking, they rarely express the qualities they possess; rather, they give out those that are lacking. (G. Lessing)
Most often they pay with words, they do the impossible; in the higher spheres there is a trade in air, and one breath from the highest mouth is pretty inspiring. (Gracian)
One should speak with kings either as little as possible, or as sweetly as possible. (Aesop)
Everyone wants to have a friend, but no one wants to be a friend. (A. Carr)
Oh my friends! There are no friends in the world! (Aristotle)
Scripture says that we should forgive our enemies, but nowhere does it say that we should forgive our friends. (F. Bacon)
We are religious enough to hate each other, but not religious enough to love each other. (J. Swift)
Instead of worrying about ingratitude, be prepared for it. Remember that Jesus healed ten lepers in one day and only one of them thanked him. Why do you expect more gratitude than Christ received? (Dale Carnegie)
The only sincere and lasting friendship is between a man and a woman, because it is the only attachment that is free of all rivalry. (O. Cont)
Neither looking up nor forward
I'm sitting with my sloven friends
And we don't give a damn who it takes
In the struggle of scoundrels with scoundrels. (Igor Guberman)
Do not let the monarch's smile intoxicate you: the lion's teeth show through his mouth. (Turkish saying)
Many value attention to their request almost as much as the fulfillment of that request. (J.Lebbock)
Whoever begins by believing in everyone, ends up by thinking that everyone is a cheat. (K.-F.Gebbel)
To argue argue, but to scold is a sin. (Russian proverb)
Before you start a joke, you need to know the limit of patience of the person you want to play a trick on. (Gracian)
What is the noise and there is no fight? (Russian proverb)
Never fight someone who has nothing to lose: this is an unequal fight. (Gracian)
With a holy fist and on the cursed neck. (Russian proverb)
A decent man is in no hurry to fight: he has something to lose. (Gracian)
The cow roars, the bear roars, and who is fighting whom, the devil himself will not understand. (Russian proverb)
Everybody has a beat, and a bit about the stove, unless the stove is a bit. (Russian proverb)
Whoever wants to beat a dog will find a stick. (N. Bailey)
The dog barks, the wind carries. (Russian proverb)
The mare put up with the wolf, but did not return home. (Russian proverb)
And the villain who thrust a dagger into your chest at night has his reasons! And he, of course, would be pleased if you listened to them and, completely forgiving him, even said goodbye to him, exchanging handshakes. (K.-F.Gebbel)
That which the higher man strives for is in himself, and that which the lower man seeks is in others. (Confucius)
The beginning of a dispute is righteousness, its food is stubbornness, and the end is anger. (A.Oksensherna)
Eagles fly lonely, sheep graze in herds. (F. Sydney)
If we do not always have the power to keep our promise, then it is always in our will not to give it. (P. Bouast)
You endure injustice; you will be comforted: the real misfortune is rather in causing them. (Seneca)
Mockery is often a sign of a poor mind: it comes to the rescue when good reason is lacking. (La Rochefoucauld)
Whoever he laughed at, he has already forgiven him, he is even ready to love him. (Turgenev)
Only laughter harmlessly punishes evil and strengthens good relations, without drooling. (Bernard Show)
The more unjust our hatred, the more persistent it is. (Seneca)
To demand the impossible is to prepare a refusal for oneself. (Publius Cyrus)
When leaving, think about why you came. (V.M.Borisov)
In the provinces and rain entertainment. (E. and J. Goncourt)
You will serve God, you will never serve people. (Russian proverb)
Our Kasyan looks at anything, everything fades. (Russian proverb)
A fly, sir, may bite - and even hurt - a large horse, but even then the fly will remain a fly, and the horse will remain a horse. (Samuel Johnson)
Apart from himself, there is absolutely no one to have a word with. (Oscar Wilde)
The only real luxury is the luxury of human communication. (Saint-Exupery)
My friend, it is impossible to love people as they are. And yet it should. And therefore, do them good, holding your feelings together, pinching your nose and closing your eyes. (F.M.Dostoevsky)
When people stop getting to know each other, it means that they have already gotten to know each other. (Unknown author)
A great way to ruin a relationship with a person is to say, "No, that's not how you tell this anecdote." Then tell it in your own way. (Mark Twain)
The surest way to ruin a relationship is to start sorting it out. (N. Vekshin; P. Taranov?)
People usually fight because they don't know how to argue. (Chesterton)
I will not quarrel with my bread and butter. (Swift)
What do you scream like a polar bear in warm weather? (I. Ilf)
Of the twenty people who talk about us, nineteen say bad things; the twentieth says good, but does it bad. (Rivarol)
Anyone who wants to accuse has no right to rush. (J. Moliere)
It is easy to give a perverse meaning
Anything by malicious interpretation. (Terence)
It is not easy to appreciate a person the way he wants. (Vauvenargue)
Cursing a person is not for long, but there is little benefit from it. (D.I. Pisarev)
The one who correctly points out my mistakes is my teacher; the one who correctly marks my right actions is my friend; the one who flatters me is my enemy. (Xun Tzu)
Don't judge a person by their friends. Remember that Judas's friends were impeccable. (E. Hemingway)
I don't like cold cynicism
I don't believe in enthusiasm, and yet -
When a stranger reads my letters,
Looking over my shoulder. (V. Vysotsky)
The most unforgivable sin towards one's neighbor is not hatred, but indifference. Indifference is the essence of inhumanity. (Bernard Show)
Indifference is the highest cruelty. (M. Wilson)
In the end, our relationship deteriorated to the point that there was only one thing to do: agree that we highly respect each other. (Bernard Show)
The ability to endure the imperfection of others is a sign of the highest dignity. (G. Winkler)
Suppressing one's duty and not recognizing obligations, while demanding at the same time all rights for oneself, is only disgusting. (F.M.Dostoevsky)
Let them hate, if only they agree. (Tiberlite)
The more a person shows love, the more people love him. And the more he is loved, the easier it is for him to love others. (Leo Tolstoy)
All our criticism boils down to reproaching our neighbor for not possessing the virtues that we ascribe to ourselves. (J. Renard)
A bad person is someone who treats me badly. (Anatoly Seldeshov)
If a crocodile ate your enemy, this does not mean that he has become your friend. (A. Furstenberg)
Long-term friendship is possible only if each of the friends respects his friend so much that he does not demand anything from him. (Cyril Connolly)
The meaning of true friendship is that it doubles joy and halves suffering. (Joseph Addison)
It is sometimes said about people living in solitude: "They do not like society." In many cases, this is like saying about someone: "He does not like to walk" - on the sole reason that a person is not inclined to wander at night on robber nativity scenes. (Shamphor)
If I say good about another person, and they want to refute my opinion, they keep repeating to me: “It's clear, he is your friend!” ... Why not assume otherwise: he is my friend, because he is worthy of praise? (Shamphor)
The difference between a wicked wit and a noble, benevolent wit is the same difference as between a hired killer and a socialite with a good command of the sword. (Shamphor)
Everything is alien in it. Mouth full
False teeth, other people's jokes. (E. Meek)
Wit is the salt of the conversation, not food. (William Hazlitt)
Give in on big issues if you feel that both you and your interlocutor are right in your own way; and give in on smaller things, even knowing for certain that only you are right. (A. Lincoln)
Throw away your opinion - and they will immediately agree with you. (T. Ber)
To talk - it essentially means to yield to the interlocutor in one issue, so that he would yield to us in another. (Otto Ernst)
A smarter agricultural approach is to create a good climate, provide adequate nutrition, and let people grow on their own. Then they will surprise you. (McGregor)
Most people are not evil at all. People do wrong and incur guilt because they speak and act without realizing the consequences of their words and actions. They are sleepwalkers, not villains. (Franz Kafka)
If you are angry, count to ten before you speak; if you are very angry, count to a hundred. (T. Jefferson)
He who fancies the flames of a quarrel and rolls a brand-name should not complain if sparks hit his face. (Franklin)
Be kind to the people you meet on your way up, because you will meet them as you go down. (Mizner)
With a gentleman, I always try to be one and a half times as big a gentleman, and with a swindler, I try to be one and a half times as big as a fraud. (Bismarck)
A gentleman is a person with whom you feel like a gentleman. (Bertrand Russell)
I can forgive, but I cannot forget. (Beecher)
You should never say, "You did not understand me." Better to say: "I poorly expressed my thought ...". (M-A. Rober)
If you pick up a hungry dog ​​and give it a luxurious life, it will never bite you. This is the main difference between a dog and a person. (Mark Twain)
If it were better to understand what the other is talking about, there would be less disagreement; if one could better understand oneself, there would be almost none of them left. (A.Kruglov)
If you want a person to be devoted to you, it is very important to let him know that you think he is such; the one who suspects me of a possible deception gives me a kind of right to really deceive him. (Seneca)
The gratitude of most people is nothing more than a hidden expectation of even greater benefits. (La Rochefoucauld)
We are never as grateful for anything as gratitude. (Maria Eschenbach)
The benefits of the majority are nothing more than long-term loans. (A.Kruglov)
Decent people respect us for our dignity, the crowd - for the favor of fate. (La Rochefoucauld)
Good out of a living feeling and good out of a sense of duty are so different: as living and inanimate. I do not argue that the former has all the disadvantages of the living, as the latter - all the advantages of the mechanical. (A.Kruglov)
A good deed is a gift, not a loan: if you cannot give, leave it for yourself. (A.Kruglov)
There are three ways to answer questions: say what is needed, respond with friendliness, and say too much. (Plutarch)
If there is agreement, small deeds grow; if there is disagreement, great deeds collapse. (Sallust)
Life has always been monotonous, and at all times people have bothered each other. (A.France)
Everyone wants to live among people, but without neighbors. (V.Konyakhin)
Coal will not stain soot. (G. Bebel)
"Be mutually beneficial!" (Andrey Knyshev)
Human relationships are sometimes so complex that we replace them with others, simpler ones. (Andrey Knyshev)
The apartments are so cramped that you can either fight or hug each other. (J. Renard)
Stay away from me so I can respect you. (J. Renard)
What do you say to that, physics? In relationships between people, friction leads to cooling. (S.E. Lets)
In their self-interest, people are adamant:
They devour each other like scorpions. (Yusuf khas Hajib Balasangunsky)
Live with people so that your friends do not become enemies, and enemies become friends. (Pythagoras)
Wagging its tail, the dog gets its own food, and barking gets only beating. (Eastern wisdom)
Dogs are loved because they do not want to become owners. (G.E. Malkin)
It is wise to water the wheel of friendship with the oil of delicate politeness. (G. Colette)
We resemble hearts; he is as if I am different:
I share sorrow with him, he - joys with me. (A.S. Pushkin)

Direction "Friendship and enmity" of the final essay 2016-2017 on literature: examples, samples, analysis of works

Examples of writing essays on literature in the direction of "Friendship and enmity". Statistics are provided for each essay. Some essays are for school, and it is not recommended to use them as ready-made samples in the final essay.

These works can be used to prepare for the final essay. They are designed to form the students' understanding of the full or partial disclosure of the topic of the final essay. We recommend using them as an additional source of ideas when forming your own understanding of the disclosure of the topic.

Probably, each of us thought about what a real friend should be. And whatever the outcome of our reflections, we all agree that true friendship can only be called relationships full of sincerity, trust, emotional closeness, willingness to help in difficult times ... The one who has found such a loyal comrade in the person of another person and he himself corresponds to the high rank of a friend, he can safely call himself a lucky one.

But, unfortunately, the one or the one who was called our friends is not always them. Opening our innermost thoughts or extending a helping hand to another person, we always take risks, since "someone else's soul is darkness." And the enemy, skillfully hiding under a friendly guise, is, of course, the most dangerous, because he knows a lot about you.

Russian writers have repeatedly turned to plots where yesterday's friend turned out to be the most terrible enemy, causing suffering to the hero. Let's remember "The Captain's Daughter" by A.S. Pushkin. The insidious Shvabrin, who at first seemed to Pyotr Grinev as a friend, more than once commits meanness in relation to a young nobleman. Alexey Ivanovich, having slandered Masha Mironova, forces Grinev to defend the honor of the girl in a duel. But even in a duel, Shvabrin behaves far from noble. Taking advantage of the fact that Peter was distracted for a second by Savelich hurrying to them, he inflicts a serious wound on Grinev. Throughout the entire work, we see how Shvabrin, who recently pretended to be a friend not only of Peter, but also of the Mironov family, easily renounces them, the honor of the nobility, the empress ...

In the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" we get acquainted with another character who only simulates a friendly disposition. Pechorin is unable to be a friend, but in order to play with human destinies, he pretends to be an attentive comrade of Grushnitsky, and also passionately in love with Princess Mary. Having convinced the naive young man that the girl is in love with him, Grigory Aleksandrovich weaves a web of intrigues, into which the inexperienced Mary, who fell in love with Pechorin, as well as the narcissistic Grushnitsky, stung by the princess's cooling to him because of Grigory Alexandrovich, falls into it. To dispel boredom, Pechorin becomes the director of a bloody performance, the denouement of which will be the broken heart of a young girl and the death of the unfortunate Grushnitsky, who really loved Mary ... Lermontov well understood what the meanness of an imaginary friend was and left the descendants with a transcription of the wise lines of Abdurrahman Jami:

What do you want to hide from enemies
Friends shouldn't tell.

Yes, an enemy is a very dangerous person, but an enemy who has put on a friend's mask is a hundred times worse. Faced with such a hypocrite who ruined life, a person can stop trusting people for many years and decades and remain lonely. But still, no matter how great the risk of being betrayed, the happiness of having sincere friends is much greater.

(387 words)

Material N.A. Zubovoy

"A friend is known in trouble" is the popular saying, but I do not quite agree with it. A true friend is known not only in trouble, but also in joy. And many writers have proven this.
In the novel “Two Captains” by Veniamin Aleksandrovich Kaverin, he shows us two friends, Sasha Grigoriev and Misha Romashov. Their friendship ends in an instant, since Misha could not calmly look at the close relationship between Katya Tatarinova and Sashka Grigoriev, because Romashka himself was in love with her. Misha is capable of betraying his friend, during the war he left the wounded Sasha to die.

This shows that Romashov did not need friends at all, and whether he was capable of falling in love with such a person. After all, people like Misha are not able to help a person in difficult times, and you cannot share joy with him.

And Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy in his epic novel “War and Peace” shows us real friendship on the example of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov.

Pierre tries to help Andrey cope with the loss of his wife and condolences to him. And when Bolkonsky falls in love with Natasha, Bezukhov sincerely rejoices in the happiness of his friend. These episodes show Pierre's relationship to friendship, he values ​​his friendship with Andrei. Pierre Bezukhov is ready to sacrifice his happiness for his friend. This can be seen because he zealously tries to reconcile Andrei with Natasha, although he himself is in love with her. Only a true friend is able to come to the rescue in difficult times, he does not know how to envy and hurt his close friend. Only death can share such friends.
Thus, a friend can be called a real one if he helps in grief and rejoices with you in joy.

(252 words)

When talking about important people in our life, we often arrange them in this order - parents, close relatives, friends, acquaintances. Parents and relatives are not chosen, acquaintances are not allowed too deeply into life. And only a true friend is a person whose relationship is based on reciprocity, benevolence, sincerity and sympathy. This is how it happens - two strangers meet and, under certain conditions, become irreplaceable for each other.

Life is incomplete without friendship. But only if we are talking about real friendship - not empty communication, using each other for personal gain. On the contrary, it does not bring us anything good. Why do you need a friend who is with you only because he has nothing else to do, and he will easily disappear for a long time, without even warning? Or a friend who says one thing to you, and gossips about you with your back? Or someone who only communicates with you when he needs something? Or an envious person? Do such “friends” make life full?

And best of all, the true essence of friendship, as for me, is revealed in the fairy tale "The Little Prince" by A. de Saint-Exupery. There, in a conversation between the Fox and the Little Prince, it is said that in order to become close, you need to get to know each other. You need to let a person into your heart, thoughts, life. And enter it yourself. This is trust, and it is this that is sacred. And this is real happiness - to be frank with someone and to know that you will be accepted and not betrayed. And this is a necessity in the life of each of us.

(318 words)

"In the house of human happiness, friendship brings down walls, and love forms a dome." In these words K. Prutkov figuratively defined role of friendship in human relations. Nowadays, when time runs extremely fast, when the rhythm of life acquires a frantic pace, when there is not enough time for communication, and television often replaces it, how to understand what real friendship is? Isn't this relationship confused with superficial friendships that are based on community of work and relaxation? Friendship ennobles life, it was appreciated and exalted by the thinkers of antiquity. Friendship, according to Aristotle, is the most necessary for life: after all, no one wants to live without friends, even if he had all the other riches.

He further explained: “Friendship is not only invaluable, but also beautiful - we glorify the one who loves his friends, has many friends - this is wonderful, and some even think that being a good person and a friend is the same thing. Friendship in Ukrainian culture is highly appreciated. Revealing the great power of friendship, Grigory Skovoroda quotes Plutarch's words: “Friendship, accompanying life, not only adds joy and charm to its bright sides, but also reduces suffering, and God, adding friendship to life, made everything joyful, pleasant and sweet when a friend is near and together with you is comforted. And no matter how the flatterer forges disaster, using pleasures and pleasures, one must know that he does not bring anything joyful into friendship. " Frying pan taught to be careful in choosing friends. Of course, time makes its own adjustments, but concepts such as friendship, love will always remain the highest values.

They represent some kind of mysterious process that cannot be programmed; they fill life with the joy of communication, mutual understanding, and emotionally enrich it. In psychology, the concept of "friendship" is defined as persistent personal-selective interpersonal relationships that characterize the mutual benevolence of their participants, mutual expectations of the corresponding feelings and the return of advantage. The development of friendship involves adherence to its unwritten "code", which affirms the need for mutual understanding, frankness and sincerity. It provides for gullibility, active mutual assistance, mutual interest in the affairs and experiences of another, sincerity and disinterestedness of feelings.

Serious violations of the "code of friendship" lead to its termination, or to superficial friendships, or even to the transformation of friendship into its opposite - hostility. Friendship reaches its greatest intensity in adolescence and early adulthood, when the exceptional importance of relationships with friends, the highest frequency of meetings and the greatest amount of time spent together are noted. At the same time, relationships between friends are filled with deep emotional content and often persist throughout life. Friendship is sometimes a kind of psychotherapy. She allows you to express innermost feelings that overwhelm a person, and find support from those who share her thoughts.

Friends are of great importance to me. These are the most dear people after their parents.

With them, I can always be frank. Together with my friends, I quickly find a solution to any problem, it is easier to do any work with them, to spend my free time more joyfully. I appreciate my friends, I try not to quarrel with them and help them whenever the need arises. So, in fact, as the proverb says, a man without friends is like a tree without roots.

(467 words)

Friendship and enmity - these antipodes are increasingly common in the 21st century. Friendship is a relationship based on trust, mutual help and support. And enmity is the opposition to friendship. People do not value each other, friendship between each other. Having quarreled, you can never return friendship. To prove my reasoning, I want to turn to examples from fiction.

Alexander Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" tells about two comrades - Onegin and Lensky. Their friendship was so strong, but the enmity allowed this friendship to be destroyed. At Tatyana Larina's birthday party, Eugene Onegin invited Lensky's beloved Olga Larina to dance. It was from Eugene’s side, as it were, revenge. But this revenge greatly offended Lensky, after which he invited Eugene to a duel. The duel ended in a very tragic death of Lensky. At first, Eugene did not want to kill Lensky, but he also did not want to look like a coward in society. After Lensky's death, Yevgeny simply did not understand the meaning of life, because he had lost a loved one.

Also, as proof of my thoughts, I can cite the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov's "A Hero of Our Time", where the main characters are Pechorin and Grushnitsky. Grushnitsky slandered his friend Pechorin, because he considered himself a leader, assuming that the two of them had no place. After all this heinous slander, Pechorin challenged Grushnitsky to a duel. He believed that he had nothing else to do except her. In Grushnitsky's shallow soul, magnanimity did not awaken. And he shot an unarmed man. Fortunately, the bullet only scratched the opponent's knee. Contempt and anger seized Pechorin at the thought that this man could kill him with such ease.

- Topics of the final essay 2016-2017 in all directions
final essay writing procedure (presentation)
- approved criteria for assessing graduation essay;
for schools .
- Criteria for evaluating the final final essay for universities .

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

1 slide

Slide Description:

Final essay in the thematic area "Friendship and enmity" Prepared by: Shevchuk A.P., teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU "Secondary School No. 1", Bratsk

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Themes-quotes and other materials for the direction "Friendship and enmity" "The direction aims at reasoning about the value of human friendship, about ways to achieve mutual understanding between individuals, their communities and even entire nations, as well as about the origins and consequences of enmity between them. The content of many literary works is associated with the warmth of human relations or the hostility of people, with the development of friendship into enmity, or vice versa, with the image of a person who is or is not able to value friendship, who knows how to overcome conflicts or sow enmity. "

3 slide

Slide Description:

Let's imagine this direction from different angles. There were five of them. We select in accordance with them quotes (sayings of the greats, proverbs). Some of them can be presented as the titles of the themes of the essays, some can be taken as an epigraph. Friendship is a great strength A tree is held by its roots, and a person is held by friends. (Proverb) A man without friends is like a falcon without wings. (Proverb) To drag out your days without a friend is the worst of troubles. The soul is worthy of pity, which has no friend. Nizami (Persian poet)

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And you need to know how to be friends "You can't shake hands with clenched fists." Indira Gandhi “One should know the measure in everything, everywhere. It is necessary to know the measure in friendship and enmity. " Saadi "Abuse of friendship is discord with wisdom." Shota Rustaveli "Friendship ends where mistrust begins." Seneca

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A friend is known in misfortune "A good friend should appear for fun when called, but when a friend is in distress, he must come without a call." Democritus (ancient Greek philosopher) "Do not avoid a friend who is in trouble." Menander (ancient Greek playwright, comedian) "At the height of greatness, do not forget that your friend is in trouble." Friedrich Schiller (German poet) Knew a friend in joy, do not leave in sorrow (proverb).

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Sometimes there is only a step between friendship and enmity ... Both our friends and enemies are our own creations. "Our disposition and enmity always depend on ourselves." Bhasa (one of the first ancient Indian playwrights, III-IV centuries) "Misunderstanding makes enemies out of friends." Lyon Feuchtwanger (German writer) There are no stronger friends than former enemies, there are no worse enemies than former friends (folk wisdom) "Of all enemies, the enemy who pretends to be a friend is the most dangerous." Shota Rustaveli (12th century Georgian poet) What is sweeter than halva? Friendship after enmity. (Arabic proverb) "Enemies can be defeated by turning them into friends." Salvador Dali (Spanish painter)

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"The best way to recognize and destroy an enemy is to become his friend." Paulo Coelho It is not difficult to unearth the ax of war - it is more difficult to light the pipe of peace (Indian wisdom). "Who became friends with you to gain benefits, is not your reliable friend, but your most terrible enemy." Abu Shukur (Persian-Tajik poet of the 10th century) "I could not understand those people who darken the wonderful life on earth, which is given to everyone for a short time, by unnecessary hostility, in vain anger." Rasul Gamzatov "A cowardly friend is more terrible than an enemy, for you fear the enemy, but you hope for a friend." L.N. Tolstoy. Better water from a friend than honey from an enemy. (Russian proverb) A frowning friend is better than a smiling enemy. (English proverb)

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"Lessons" of enemies "If I had not had enemies, I would not have become what I have become. But, thank God, there were enough enemies. " Salvador Dali "I love smart enemies." Salvador Dali "An adversary who reveals your mistakes is much more useful than a friend who hides them." Leonardo da Vinci "Everyone in the world is my allies, and I open my arms to my enemies, so that they strengthen me and elevate me." A. de Saint-Exupery. "Citadel".

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Everyone will be able to choose works for the topics of this direction according to their taste. The first thing that naturally comes to mind is "War and Peace" by L.N. Tolstoy is a novel, as they say, for all occasions. "Two Captains" V. Kaverin. - Here, too, there is friendship and enmity. The Little Prince by A. de Saint-Exupery. "A Conversation about a Friend" A. de Saint-Exupery. "The Avenger" by V. Soloukhin. "The Tale of Friendship and Dislike" by the Strugatskys ...

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A small selection of poems about friendship and enmity. TAKE CARE OF FRIENDS Know, my friend, the price of enmity and friendship And do not sin in a hasty judgment. Anger at a friend, maybe instant, Pour out as long as you do not rush. Maybe your friend hurried himself And he offended you by chance. A friend was guilty and obeyed - You do not remember his sin. People, we are aging and decaying, And over the course of our years and days It is easier for us to lose our friends, It is much more difficult to find them. If a faithful horse, injuring his leg, Suddenly stumbled, and then again, Do not blame him - blame the road And do not rush to change the horse. People, I ask you, for God's sake, Do not be shy about your kindness. There are not many friends on earth: Beware of losing friends. I adhered to some rules, Seeing evil in weakness. How many friends have I left in my life, How many friends have left me. After that there was a lot of things. And it used to be on steep paths How I repented, how I lacked my lost friends! And now I yearn to see you all, Those who once loved me, I have not forgiven me once Or who have not forgiven me. Rasul Gamzatov

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*** I am rich in enemies and friends, Consequently, and enmity is not a problem, But the trouble is that it is strong and loud, And the hostilities swept away. And naive friendship is ready to wish me both money and fame, But it is timid, ticklish and loves, Silently compassionate to me, to sigh. And I really don't know which is better - This friendship or this enmity? Involuntarily, envious of strength, I am proud of enemies sometimes. Yakov Polonsky

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Friendship has its own laws ... Friendship has its own laws, And enmity has its own law - An enemy can become a friend, And a friend can become an enemy. Such is the eternal circle of life, There is no more evil enemy than a former friend. Genrikh Akulov

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*** Both with a friend and with an enemy, you must be good! Who is good by nature, in that you will not find malice. If you offend a friend, you will make an enemy; if you embrace the enemy, you will find a friend. Omar Khayyam

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*** My boy, by hurting, what do the enemies care about? So that you do not crawl out unfinished, having run into their fists. My boy, but - loyal and strict - what do friends care about? So that you do not find the way to them, carrying your worries. And yet, scientist people, long before the gray hairs, you will tear your shirt doomedly, as soon as you are left alone. And then, lonely, as in the permafrost zone, you will understand that everyone is like you, two-legged, and everyone is wounded, like you. Bulat Okudzhava

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*** Rivals in the art of battle, Do not know the world among themselves; Bring tribute to the gloomy glory And revel in enmity! Let the world freeze before you, Marveling at the formidable celebrations. Nobody will regret you, Nobody will bother you. A.S. Pushkin

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DO YOU NEED TO CALL A FRIEND Do you really need to call a friend, When it's dark on the way, When you don't recognize the road And you don't have the strength to go? When trouble is on all sides, When the sun is at night, But won't he see, Will he not rush to help? After all, he will not be able to eat and sleep, When this is suddenly! But ... if a friend needs to be called, - It is hardly a friend ... Valentina Kosheleva

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*** About friendship and enmity I thought - there is no friend in the world More reliable than a shadow But the shadow only hides from the solar circle Here thunder has struck, and it is gone all day.

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When he ripped off the castle of enmity, your friend said to you: "Come in!" Mukhtar Gusengadzhiev

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Friendship and enmity. Basic essay This essay is basic in this direction, since specific topics of the FINAL essay will be known in all regions only 15 minutes before the start of work. One specific topic will be given for each direction. There will be 5 topics in total. Preparing for this work, the graduate must train and write 3-4 essays on each thematic area. And then everything will work out!

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1. Introduction to the composition Friendship and enmity ... What is it? These are the constant companions of a person in life. Each of us, adult or child, needs a friend. True friendship is a rare and precious reward. Friendship is a disinterested personal relationship between people based on complete trust, sincerity, mutual sympathy, common interests and hobbies. FRIENDSHIP IS ENEMY

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Main part. Revealing the theme of the essay In the world of fiction, including in Russian, you can find many examples that reveal the theme "Friendship-enmity". So, in the novel by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Dubrovsky" we see two old friends - Kirila Petrovich Troekurov and Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky. They were once comrades in the service. Dubrovsky was distinguished by pride and decisiveness of character. For this he was respected by Troekurov. Andrei Gavrilovich was an interesting conversationalist, and in his absence Troyekurov was bored.

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Main part. We reveal the topic. The author explained their friendship by the fact that both of them were the same age, received the same upbringing, were early widowed and raised one child each. All the neighbors were jealous of their agreement. But in their relationship there came a time of discord, enmity, when Paramoshka, Troekurov's servant, insulted Dubrovsky while inspecting the kennel, "an accident upset and changed everything." Leaving Pokrovskoe, Andrei Gavrilovich demanded a servant for his trial. But the wayward Troekurov decided to humiliate his friend. Why did the landowners' friendship turn out to be fragile?

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Main part. Disclosure of the topic. Troekurov began to pour out insults. Satisfied with his thirst for revenge, Troekurov realizes what he has done. He goes to Dubrovsky, whom he drove to madness. As we read the novel, we understand that real friends don't do that. The death of Dubrovsky makes us think about the most important issues. What is the value of human friendship? One should know when to stop in friendship and enmity. Reading Pushkin's novel, we are once again convinced that enmity does no good.

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Main part. Disclosure of the topic In the novel by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" we also see an example of friendship-enmity in the relationship between Pechorin and Grushnitsky. They are peers, colleagues. Pechorin declares: "In friendship, one is the slave of another." In their hearts, the heroes do not have a warm relationship to each other. Pechorin in relation to Grushnitsky is ruthless, does not know how to forgive weakness. Grigory Alexandrovich is a confident, reasonable, selfish, sarcastic man. He sees right through Grushnitsky and laughs at him. "I understood him, and he doesn't love me for that, although outwardly we are on the friendliest basis." And Grushnitsky is a completely different person: enthusiastic, verbose, soft-bodied, does not have bright character traits. Envious, spiteful, vain. "He speaks quickly and pretentiously." Grushnitsky is a cadet, he is twenty-one years old. What can we think about when reading the pages of Lermontov's work showing the relationship of these two heroes? How can we call this relationship? This is a very interesting question! They meet like old friends. The author shows their opposition in the chapter "Princess Mary".

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Main part. Disclosure of the topic. When did the relationship between the characters crack? When Princess Mary is carried away by Pechorin, the chasm in the relations of friends becomes wider, the situation becomes very tense, hostile relations grow ... The duel is the denouement of the relationship. Pechorin kills his former friend and leaves. The death of a former friend does not cause any feelings or emotions in him. Did Pechorin understand the friendship correctly? In my opinion, of course, it is wrong. What was stopping him? There can be no slavish relationship in friendship! Friendship exists only on trust and understanding. The main thing in friendship is support, sincerity, the desire to help, and not a slave relationship. What hindered him, first of all, was his peculiar attitude towards people. Reading Lermontov's novel, we come to the conclusion that a person himself should be ready to be a friend, that friendship should be appreciated, that only warm human relations can strengthen friendship, and not turn it into enmity. And Pechorin does not have this, therefore he did not have real and devoted friends.

as well as about comrades, brothers-in-arms, friends, sidekicks, kunaks, acquaintances and enemies.

Friendship is a disinterested personal relationship between people based on trust, sincerity, mutual sympathy, common interests and hobbies. Mandatory signs of friendship are mutual respect for the opinion of a friend, trust and patience. People connected by friendship are called friends.

Friends should be distinguished from comrades, confreres, associates, partners, companions, colleagues, drinking companions, and other sidekicks. After reviewing the above statements, the differences will become clearer.

The concept of "enemy" ("enmity") is also expressed:
1. representations of anti-: antipode, anti-Soviet, anti-Semite, anti-fascist, and counter-: counterweight, antidote, gas mask, contraceptive.
2.Phobe extension: Anglophobe, Judophobe, Russophobe, Psinophobe.

Without friendship, no communication between people has value. (Socrates)

Without true friendship, life is nothing. (Cicero)

No happiness pleases without a comrade. (Seneca)

Mad is he who forgets a friend in wealth. (G. Bogoslov)

Beware of the one who did not respond to your blow. (D.B.Shaw)

Selfless friendship is only possible between people with the same income. (Paul Getty)

Blessed are the poor, for they can have disinterested friends. (Mark Sauvageon)

Looking for rich friends is just a waste of time. (Tetcorax)

Fear the friendship of an evil person as much as you fear the hate of an honest person. (Francois Fenelon)

A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is always a brother. (B. Franklin)

It is dangerous to be an enemy of the United States, but to be a friend of the United States is suicide. (G. Kissinger)

Perhaps, in order to fully appreciate friendship, one must first experience love. (Nicola Shamfort)

Important friends are for important things. Therefore, having important friends and being able to save them is more important than having money. (Balthazar Gracian)

You need friends who don't care about your title and rank, but what matters is that you are the kind of person they want to be with. (Barbara Jordan)

Your friends must believe that you are completely sincere with them; but your friendship requires that you not be completely sincere with them. (Minion McLaughlin)

In trouble you get to know a friend. (Petronius)

In poverty and other life's misfortunes, true friends are a safe haven. (Aristotle)

In conversations with each other, women imitate a spirit of comradely solidarity and that confidential frankness that they do not allow themselves with men. But behind this semblance of friendship - how much vigilant mistrust, and how it is, admittedly, justified. (André Maurois)

In face-to-face conversations between close friends, the wisest people very often express very weak judgments, because talking with a friend is the same as thinking out loud. (Joseph Addison)

On the road and in prison, friendship is always born and a person's abilities are manifested brighter. (Lope de Vega)

In friendship and love, we are often more happy with what we do not know than with what we know. (La Rochefoucauld)

There are no debtors or benefactors in friendship. (R. Rolland)

In friendship, there are no calculations and considerations, except for itself.
(M. Montaigne)

In friendship, as in love, people are happy because they do not know the truth about a loved one. (D.B.Shaw)

There is a big difference between friendly advice and a friendly outstretched hand. ("Pshekruj")

A great common hatred creates a strong friendship. (Tacitus)

The greatest good in life is friendship, and I have achieved it. (Hubert Humphrey)

The greatest feat of friendship is not to show a friend our shortcomings, but to open his eyes to his own. (F. La Rochefoucauld)

A faithful friend is known in a wrong deed. (Annius Quint)

A loyal friend is a rare bird. (Plautus)

The treacherous friend is the most dangerous enemy. (Henry Fielding)

Selfless love is more common in life than true friendship. (La Bruyere)

In the building of human happiness, friendship builds walls and love forms a dome. (Kozma Prutkov)

In true friendship lies a charm incomprehensible to ordinary people. (La Bruyere)

In the end, we get tired of friendship, and love, and life. (Tetcorax)

In the circle of friends you feel limited, alone with yourself - closed. (V. Sumbatov)

In love, as in friendship, it is always time to settle scores. (D.B.Shaw)

There is little friendship in the world - least of all among equals. (Francis Bacon)

In public relations, avoid making enemies out of friends; try, on the contrary, to turn your enemies into friends. (Pythagoras)

Perhaps only friends of that generation who can no longer become our rivals fit into the category of reliable friends. (Igor Stravinsky)

Renewed friendships require more care and attention than friendships that have never been interrupted. (La Rochefoucauld)

War experiences a brave man, anger - a sage, need - a friend. (Arabic post.)

Here's a coin for you - call all your friends. (American post.)

In relationships with friends, advise them to do only what they are able to do, and lead them to good, without violating decency, but do not try to act where there is no hope of success. Don't put yourself in a humiliating position. (Confucius)

Enemies always tell the truth, friends never. (Cicero)

Enemies are divided into three categories: enemy, enemy of a friend, friend of an enemy. (Persian post.)

Enemies are closer to us than friends - we find friends by accident, and we create enemies with our own hands. (Stas Yankovsky)

Enemies like ourselves are the most dangerous enemies. (Tetcorax)

Enemies you should have only those whom you would hate, and not such that you despise them. You must be proud of your enemies, then the successes of your enemy will also be your successes. (Nietzsche)

Enemies are the shadow of a person. And the length of this shadow can measure the significance of a person's deeds. (Unsur al Maali)

The enemy cannot betray. A traitor is always one who was a friend yesterday. Do not rush to share the most intimate with your friends. Always leave a locked pantry in your house full of guests, into which no one but you has access. Always leave yourself a door that no one but you knows about, and through which you can escape from your home at any time. (Tacitus)

The enemy is not the one who hurts, but the one who does it deliberately. (Democritus)

Enemies should be forgiven, but not before they hang out on the gallows. (Heine)

Anyone can become an enemy, but not everyone is a friend. (Balthazar Gracian)

The enemy is the kind of person who hates your virtues. A friend is the kind of person who doesn't look at your flaws. (Wanted author)

In joy, friends recognize us, in misfortune we recognize them. (John Collins)

Time strengthens friendship and weakens love. (La Bruyere)

In light of ours, we have three kinds of friends: some love us, others hate us, others simply do not remember. (Shamphor)

We all experience doubly bliss when we can share it with friends. (Aristotle)

All the trouble your worst enemy can put to your face is nothing compared to what your best friends say about you behind your back. (Alfred Musset)

Everything should be shared between friends. (Euripides)

In the hustle and bustle of this world, friendship is the only thing that matters in personal life. (Karl Marx)

Choose a friend slowly, even less hurry to change him.
(B. Franklin)

Choose your friends more carefully, enemies will choose you themselves. (Robert Asprin)

You have found a devoted friend, if, having ascended, he did not get to know you. (La Bruyere)

You will make more friends in two months by being interested in other people than you would have made them in two years by trying to get other people interested in you. (Dale Carnegie)

Time will reveal a friend, like gold - fire. (Menander)

In this unfaithful world, don't be a fool:
Do not try to rely on those around.
Take a look at your closest friend with a sober eye -
The friend may prove to be the worst enemy. (Omar Khayyam)

Where things are shaken, there are friends at the door. (Petronius)

Where friendship weakens, ceremonial politeness intensifies. (Shakespeare)

The main disadvantage of most of our friends is their friends. (Tadeusz Kotarbinski)

The eyes of friendship are rarely wrong. (Voltaire)

Foolishness and wisdom are transmitted as easily as infectious diseases. Therefore, choose your comrades. (Shakespeare)

Foolish friends are not friends for long, and clever enemies are enemies. (B. Toyhibekov)

The Lord gave us relatives, but we, thank God, are free to choose friends ourselves. (Ethel Mumford)

Even sorrow has its own charm, and happy is the one who can cry on the chest of a friend, in whom these tears will cause sympathy and compassion. (Pliny the Younger)

May your friendship not be blinded by your friend's faults, nor hatred by your enemy's good qualities. (Confucius)

Two must be feared: one is a strong enemy, and the other is an insidious friend. (Unsur al Maali)

Money is the last friend, faithful to the end. (Samuel Butler)

Ten friends will make your life comfortable, one enemy interesting. (N. Vekshin)

For high friendship, one condition is necessary - the ability to do without it. (Ralph Emerson)

For a friend, our thoughts are correct in general, but not finalized in particular. For a potential enemy, amusing in particular, but disgusting in general. (E. Ermolova)

Goodwill, harmony and practical kindness are not enough for friendship, for friends do not live simply in harmony, as some believe, but in melody. (Henry Thoreau)

Too much can never be done for a devoted friend. (Henrik Ibsen)

In order to live long, get an old wine and an old friend for yourself. (Pythagoras)

A good friend is a great treasure. (Unsur al Maali)

Long-term friendship is possible only if each of the friends respects his friend so much that he does not demand anything from him. (Cyril Connolly)

There is no friend without flaw; if you look for a flaw, you will be left without a friend. (Chinese post.)

A friend hurrying to us in an hour of trouble is worth a crowd of friends hurrying to us in an hour of joy. (B. Toyhibekov)

A friend is the one who knows about it whenever you need him. (J. Renard)

A friend in power is a lost friend. (Henry Adams)

A friend is a person who knows everything about you, and yet loves you. (John Auler)

A friend is one soul living in two bodies. (Aristotle)

A friend is a person who will sell you for more than others. (Wanted author)

The friendship of two women is always a conspiracy against the third. (Alphonse Carr)

Friendship is equality. (Pythagoras, also, Latin post.)

Friendship between women is just a non-aggression pact. (Henri de Montherland)

Friendship ends where mistrust begins. (Seneca)

Friendship between a man and a woman is an impossible thing; between them there can be passion, enmity, adoration, love, but not friendship. (O. Wald)

Friendship is not a service. No thanks for her. (M. Derzhavin)

Friendship usually serves as a transition from simple acquaintance to enmity. (V. Klyuchevsky)

Friendship unites people much more than love. (Marlene Dietrich)

Friendship based on business is better than business based on friendship. (John Rockefeller)

Friendships built on profit are never lasting. (Chinese post.)

Friendship is the most necessary for life, since no one will wish for himself a life without friends, even if he had all the other benefits. (Aristotle)

Friendship is such a sacred, sweet, lasting and permanent feeling that it can be preserved for a lifetime, if only you do not try to ask for a loan. (Mark Twain)

Keep your friends close, and your enemies even closer. (N. Machiavelli)
(But at what distance to keep his wife, this thinker did not say anything)

Acquire friends slowly, but do not reject acquired ones. (Solon)

Do not count your friends as friends, for they are your friends, not your friends. (Unsur al Maali)

Friends are thieves of time. (Latin post.)

Friends are like watermelons: it happens that you can't choose a single good out of ten. ("Pshekruj")

A friend in need is a friend indeed. (Guy Petronius)

Friends help us live and interfere with our work. (Tadeusz Kotarbinski)

Friends who come to us in misfortune are our friends, and those who come to us in happiness are friends of our happiness.
(B. Toyhibekov)

Friends are our acquaintances with whom we have not yet had time to quarrel. (Aron Vigushin)

Friends are those who want to be friends with you for their pleasure. (Aron Vigushin)

The only thing safer than magic is your friends. (Shakespeare, Macbeth)

If camaraderie were a good thing, then God would have taken a companion for himself. (Persian post.)

If you help a friend in trouble, he will certainly remember you when he gets into it again. (Arthur Bloch, Murphy's Laws)

If you pay more attention to enemies than friends, then you will always have more enemies than friends. (Unknown author)

If you want to have enemies, then surpass your friends; but if you want to have friends, then let your friends surpass you. (La Rochefoucauld)

If a friend takes your mistress away from you, you should not quarrel with him completely in order to meet with him when you feel grateful to him for it. (A. Guinon)

If a friend reproaches you for any flaw, think that he has not said everything yet. (Fuller)

If the friendship is over, then it never happened. (Mark Twain)

If friendship knows no boundaries, it is already expansion. (L. Leonidov)

If you make new friends, don't forget about old ones.
(E. Rotterdam)

If a man enters into a friendship with a woman, then it seems to her that he is doing this because he is not able to achieve more. (Nietzsche)

If you don't know what your children are like, look at their friends. (Xun Tzu)

If your partner says that he doesn't need anything from you, it means that he planned to rip you off like sticky. (Tetcorax)

If you consider yourself tired, then consider your friend dead. (Persian post.)

If you are a slave, you cannot be a friend; if you are a tyrant, you cannot have friends. (Nietzsche)

If you want to have friends, don't be vindictive. (Unsur al Maali)

If you want to make enemies, try to change something. (Woodrow Wilson)

If you want to make enemies, surpass others; if you want to make friends, let others surpass you. (C. Colton)

If you want to get rid of an annoying friend, lend him money. (Worldly wisdom)

Women for the most part are so indifferent to friendship that it seems insipid to them in comparison with love. (La Rochefoucauld)

Women only give to friendship what they borrow from love. (Shamphor)

Live with people so that your friends do not become enemies, and enemies become friends. (Pythagoras)

A wife should not make friends of her own. Enough with her and her husband's friends. (Plutarch)

Throughout my life, I have become convinced that conversations with friends are the most and most imperceptible time consuming; friends are great time robbers. (Petrarch)

Know that people, while they are alive, cannot do without friends, for it is better for a person to be without a brother than without friends. (Unsur al Maali)

An acquaintance is someone we know well enough to borrow money from him but not well enough to lend to him. (A. Bierce)

And in friendship and in love, sooner or later, the time for settling accounts comes. (D.B.Shaw)

Choose your friend; you cannot be happy alone: ​​happiness is a matter of two. (Pythagoras)

Of all that wisdom brings you for the happiness of your whole life, the most important thing is the possession of friendship. (Epicurus)

Cheating on a friend is much more painful than cheating on a loved one, because you expect it less from him. (Etienne Rey)

Cheating on a friend is a crime
No excuse, no forgiveness. (Lope de Vega)

It is not so scary to have enemies, it is worse not to have friends. (Veselin Georgiev)

Sometimes you need to make people laugh to distract them from wanting to hang you. (D.B.Shaw)

And let the righteous wife be the first who will benefit you in this world after a righteous friend. (Lukman Hakim)

True friendship is one of those things that, like giant sea snakes, are unknown, whether they are fictional or exist somewhere. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

Only those people who know how to forgive each other's minor flaws can be associated with true friendship. (La Brewer)

And the oyster has enemies! (K. Prutkov)

Every smart person must find a true friend who will always go first. Either to check the strength of the ice, or to find a way through the swamp, or to make sure that the water in the well is not poisoned. (Tetcorax)

Everyone wants to have a friend, but no one wants to be a friend. (Alphonse Carr)

As rare as true love is, true friendship is even rarer. (La Rochefoucauld)

How often those who have not found a place in my heart settle in my head. (S. Lec)

Do not go to your friend more often, so that, fed up with you, he does not hate you. (Solon)

When a friendship suddenly arises between a dog and a cat, it is nothing more than an alliance against the cook. (S. Zweig)

When you go up, friends will know who you are. When you fall, you find out who friends are. (Mike Tyson)

The wine ends - the conversation ends; money runs out - friends leave; health ends - wife leaves. (Serbo-Croatian post.)
(Everyone is mercantile. Therefore, stop idle chatter with friends, do not waste your health on your wife - and live on your own)

They bond tightly when they bond with difficulty.
(J. Buffon)

The collapse of all hopes of a person is pleasant to both his friends and foes. (La Rochefoucauld)

Those who show pity for the enemy are ruthless to themselves. (Francis Bacon)

He who is a good friend himself has many good friends.
(N. Machiavelli)

He who does not seek friends for himself is his own enemy. (Shota Rustaveli)

Only the devotion of friends is the treasure of the masters,
It is more beautiful than all the riches of the world. (Pierre de Ronsard)

He who wants to have a friend without flaws is left without friends. (Bias)

It is better to sort out a dispute between your enemies than between friends, because after that one of your friends will obviously become your enemy, and one of your enemies will become your friend. (Bias, one of the seven Greek sages, judge)

Love your enemies and you will not have them. (Paul Richard)

Love for money is called prostitution, and friendship for money is called business. (Alexander Sadovsky)

Love and friendship are mutually exclusive. (La Brewer)

People are usually brought together by the similarity of views on third parties and share the difference in views of their own person. (Zbigniew Zemetsky)

People for the most part regard friendly relations only from the point of view of benefits. (Ovid)

People are sincerely grateful to you for not wiping your feet on them. Well, and any of the most restrained manifestation of friendliness does wonders. (Max Fry, "The Crow on the Bridge")

People can drink together, they can live under the same roof, they can make love, but only joint activities of idiocy indicate real spiritual and mental closeness.
(Eva Rapoport)

There are no small enemies. (Benjamin Franklin)

There are few things that bring people together so much as the difficulties they endured together. (Tetcorax)

We are looking for new friends after old ones get to know us too well. (Pierre Bouast)

We are not friends with those who do not have eternal friends and eternal enemies. We are friends with those who are always our friends: both in sorrow and in joy. (Tetcorax)

We do not so much need the help of friends as in the confidence that we will receive it. (Democritus)

We value our friends not for their ability to amaze us, but for our ability to amaze them. (Evelyn Waugh)

The wise one chooses a cheerful and accommodating friend. (Epicurus)

A wise friend will not abandon his friend, despite all the hardships. (Shota Rustaveli)

We should treat our friends as we would like friends to treat us. (Aristotle)

True friendship does not know envy, and true love is flirtatious. (La Rochefoucauld)

True friendship is love, only without a bed. (A.S. Erberg)

A true friend is always with you, even when you are wrong. When you are right, everyone will be for you. (Mark Twain)

A true friend is not a mattress, but you can rely on him.

A true friend is someone who will hold your hand and feel your heart. (G. Marquez)

True friends are known in the trouble they don't let you get into. (B. Toyhibekov)

Our real enemies are silent. (P. Valerie)

A small amount lent makes the debtor a friend, a large one an enemy. (Seneca)

A small debt makes you a debtor, and a big debt makes you an enemy. (Latin post.)

Don't tell your friend what your enemy shouldn't know. (Schopenhauer)

Not trusting friends is more shameful than being deceived by them. (La Rochefoucauld)

It is not bad if friendship begins with laughter, and best of all if it ends with it. (O. Wald)

Not noticing the cooling of friends means little to value their friendship. (La Rochefoucauld)

Not having a single friend is a misfortune, but one who does not have a friend will not make an enemy either. (J. Halifax)

Some lick before biting. (Wanted author)

It's not easy to make a friend. It is even more difficult to lose the enemy. (Naruto, cartoon character)

There can be no friendship between master and slave. (Quintus Curtius Rufus)

Do not neglect your enemies: they are the first to notice your mistakes. (Antisthenes)

Do not rudely interrupt the thread of friendship, for if you have to tie it again, then a knot will remain. (Indian post.)

You should not get to know your friends before fame comes to them. (Jules Renard)
(This is a universal consideration. You can successfully substitute "wealth", "power", etc.)

Don't judge a person by their friends. Judas had them flawless. (Paul Valerie)
(For this statement, see the post)

The unhappy have no friends. (Dryden)

There is no harder trouble than despising enemies. (Lao Tzu)

There is nothing more dangerous than a poor enemy. (Wanted author)

He is not smart who can completely get rid of the enemy and hesitates with this. (Juan Manuel)

Never forget about your friends in the hour of joy. Especially about those who were by your side in your hour of trouble. (B. Toyhibekov)

Never exaggerate the stupidity of enemies and the loyalty of friends. (Wanted author)

Happiness has never put a person to such a height that he does not need a friend. (Seneca)

One must be afraid of enemies when they are far away, so as not to be afraid of them when they are close. (Jacques Bossuet)

To offend friends is to please enemies. (Persian post.)

Discussing the weaknesses and quirks of our mutual friends is a great pleasure and a cement of friendship. (W. Hazlitt)

There is no point in making excuses: your friends don't need it, and your enemies won't believe it anyway. (Elbert Hubbard)

Leave your enemy. Take care, warn your friend. And do not interfere with what does not concern you. (Lukman Hakim)

Outright dislike is always suspicious and betrays a secret kinship of souls. (Hazlitt)

It's bad that we have more enemies than friends. But it's good that our enemies have the same situation. (Stas Yankovsky)

A friend in trouble is a real scourge. (Robert Asprin, "The Gray Mouser")

As long as there are enemies, you will not be alone. (Tetcorax)

We truly live only when we give ourselves to others. (Ethel Andrews)

Understanding is the beginning of agreement. (Spinoza)

They buy a friend, the enemy gets free. (Jewish epistle)

The benefits of opponents are undeniable: they affirm us in the belief that without them we would have realized our ideals. (Jean Rostand)

Remember not what you did good to your friend, but what you did wrong. (A. Sinyakov)

To surpass is to make an enemy. (Ambrose Bierce)

Devotion and friendship are as illusory as a reflection in a deceiving mirror. (Aeschylus)

Selling friends is not a sign of bankruptcy, but a sign of a career. (Leopold Novak)

People become relatives gradually, strangers - instantly.
(E.M. Remarque)

The worst crowd imaginable would have consisted of only acquaintances. (Elias Canetti)

The most outrageous crime is abuse of a friend's trust. (Henrik Ibsen)

The most implacable opponents come from former supporters. (Tetcorax)

Holy Scripture tells us to forgive our enemies, but nothing of the kind is said about friends. (F. Bacon)

Tell your friends the truth and they will understand you. If they do not understand, then you have no friends. (Tetcorax)

Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are. (Euripides)

Everyone can empathize with the suffering of a friend, but success is only an unusually subtle nature. (O. Wald)

The meaning of true friendship is that it doubles joy and halves suffering. (Joseph Addison)

Our enemies' judgments about us are closer to the truth than our own. (La Rochefoucauld)

Find yourself a true friend and you can do without the gods. (Pythagoras)

Only in one case we have nothing to be afraid of offending a friend, this is when it comes to telling him the truth and thus proving our loyalty to him. (Cicero)

Only the hand of a friend can rip the thorns out of your heart. (Helvetius)

The one who does good to a friend is doing good to himself. (Erasmus of Rotterdam)

Anyone who seeks friends for himself is worthy to find them; he who does not have a single friend has never desired to have them. (G. Lessing)

The one who correctly points out my mistakes is my teacher; the one who correctly marks my right actions is my friend; the one who flatters me is my enemy. (Sun Tzu)

The one who points out your shortcomings is not always your enemy; the one who talks about your merits is not always your friend. (Chinese post.)

Anyone who boasts that he has made many friends has never had one. (S. Coleridge)

Do not tell your friend what you are hiding from the enemy, for there is no guarantee that friendship will last forever. (Abu al Faraj)

An enemy corpse smells good, unlike other corpses. (The author did not admit)

“You ask, what have I achieved? Became a friend to himself! " He achieved a lot, for now he will never be alone. And know: such a person will be a friend to everyone. (Hecaton)

Friends have everything in common, and friendship is equality. (Pythagoras)

A woman does not have friends: she is either loved or not. (Coco Chanel)

The bonds of friendship are immeasurably stronger than the bonds of kinship and property, for we choose friends ourselves, and fate sends us relatives. (D. Boccaccio)

He who has friends does not have a friend. (Aristotle)

I have neither friends nor enemies; only competitors. (A. Onassis)

A clever enemy is better than a stupid friend. (Persian post.)

We have neither eternal allies nor permanent enemies, but our interests are constant and eternal. (Henry Palmerston, British Prime Minister)
(Subsequently, this statement was used in his speeches
W. Churchill. “England has neither permanent allies nor permanent enemies. England has only permanent interests ")

Rebuke your friend in private, praise in public. (Solon)

A good marriage rests on a talent for friendship. (F. Nietzsche)

The worst enemies are former friends: they beat at your weaknesses, they only know, at the most vulnerable spot. (Balthazar Gracian)

A person without enemies is most likely already dead. (Thomas Dewar)

Man is a wolf to man. (Titus Maccius Plautus)
(Later this saying became a Latin proverb. Homo homini lupus est)

The richer your friends are, the more they cost you. (Elizabeth Marbury)
(See the article for a comment)

How is the saint alive who has not known friendship?
It is like an empty pearl. (Navoi)

To fully appreciate friendship, you must first experience love. (Shamphor)

To identify all the rats on your ship, regularly simulate its sinking. (Tetcorax)

To live in friendship with those with whom you live constantly, you must behave with them as if you see each other only once every three months. (Jules Renard)

A generous, wasteful friend is better than a mean two! (Tetcorax)

It is simply outrageous that our enemies have the audacity to have dignity. (Leszek Kumor)

I am always very friendly towards those who are indifferent to me.
(O. Wald)

I cannot be your friend all the time. I need rest breaks from time to time. (Tetcorax)

I do not need a friend who repeats my every gesture: my shadow does it much better. (Plutarch)

I curse the day I took up the pen. Before that I had only friends, but now all enemies. (J.-J. Rousseau)

I've seen so much grief from friends
And so many troubles and anguish washed away with tears,
That in the hour of death it is better to die

The enemy of my mother-in-law is my friend!
My neighbor's mother-in-law is my friend!