How to clean up stuck gum. How to remove gum from clothes. Proven methods. How to wash a carpet, carpet or carpet

An invention like chewing gum can be a hassle. Irresponsible citizens who like to chew gum often spit it out in the most inappropriate places. Therefore, no one is immune from the situation when chewing gum sticks to clothes. This can happen in the office, in transport, or on a bench in a park. Most often, children bring chewing gum on their clothes. They love to sculpt them under desks, on chairs and other surfaces. Parents are very upset in this case and believe that the thing is hopelessly spoiled. But you shouldn't let her on rags, it is better to try to "reanimate". It will be useful for housewives to learn how to remove chewing gum from clothes and give things a new life.

Cleansing with cold

The effectiveness of any method depends on how quickly the problem is discovered. The faster you react, the easier it will be to clean the item.

Cold helps a lot. Soiled clothing should be placed in a plastic bag and tucked into the freezer. It is important that the gum does not come into contact with any surfaces. If this is not possible, then the contaminated place must be laid on top of the bag. You need to cool it for about a day to achieve a good result. The gum will then harden and can be easily removed.

In the event that it is not possible to put a thing in the freezer, you can attach a piece of ice to the gum. It must be put in a bag so that there is no liquid. It is necessary to keep in the soiled place until the gum is frozen. Then it can be dressed from the fabric.

If the gum sticks to the couch or other bulky item, apply dry ice to the stained area and then peel off the gum. Naturally, it is unlikely that you will be able to wash the sofa, so you can treat the place that has been contaminated with ammonia. After that, it will again be like new, and there will be no trace of the gum.

Wedge wedge

No matter how ridiculous it may sound, there is a way to remove gum from clothes at home using chewing gum. It should be chewed until it becomes tasteless. Then you need to knead the gum in your hands so that it begins to stick to them. The stained place must be treated with this rubber band, it will collect all the dirt.

Hot iron

This method is more suitable for fabrics that can withstand temperatures around 100 degrees. Therefore, before getting down to business, you need to carefully study the label on the product. Use a heated iron to iron the dirty area through the paper. The gum should melt and stick to the sheet. After that, the clothes will be clean.


When deciding how to remove gum from clothing, you need to be careful using this method. Not every tissue can remain intact after such an aggressive action. To remove chewing gum from clothes, you can use acetone, gasoline or a liquid with which girls remove varnish. After wetting a cotton swab, you need to attach it to a dirty place and hold it for a while. The gum can be difficult to separate, so be patient. After complete removal, the item must be washed. The fabric can be pre-held in bleach that is suitable for this type of product.

Special means

There is now a large selection of freezing sprays that give the effect of a freezer. They are used for injuries, so you can buy them at the pharmacy. Once applied, the gum will freeze and can be detached from the tissue.


Experienced housewives know how to remove gum from clothes by boiling. Place the spoiled area on the fabric in boiling water and separate the chewing gum with a sharp object directly in the saucepan. If after drying there are traces of gum, the procedure must be repeated.

Peanut butter and vinegar are useful things on the farm

Not everyone knows how to use peanut butter to remove gum from clothes. This should be done with extreme caution, as if the oil gets on the fabric, a greasy stain will remain. After applying it with a sponge or a cotton swab to the chewing gum, you need to wait a little. The oil and gum should react with each other. After that, it can be easily removed with a knife.

To remove vinegar contamination, it must be preheated. After wetting a toothbrush in it, you must carefully rub the gum. Gradually, it will peel off, but there is one condition - the vinegar should not cool down. To remove a specific smell, the thing must be washed with the addition of balms.

Liquid soap

If you notice gum on your clothes right away, you can try to remove it using liquid soap. Rub it into the gum and gently pry it off with a sharp object, such as a knife.

Gas spray

Gum sticking to clothes is not the best accessory. Sometimes it is not so easy to tear it off, and besides, this process takes time. If you need to clean the thing in a short time, it is best to use a can of gas. It is necessary to splash it onto the gum, after which it will freeze. The advantage of this method is that the dirt can be removed quickly and without removing the thing. It is quite convenient and practical.

How to remove gum with scotch tape?

If the dirt is fresh, you can try cleaning the product with tape. But do not use it when the fabric is fleecy. A piece of scotch tape must be glued to the gum and peeled off sharply. The procedure must be repeated until the stained area is clean.

If all else fails ...

When no method has brought the expected result and the thing is still dirty, you need to move on to drastic measures. How to peel chewing gum from clothes if all else fails? If it is impossible to solve the problem at home, you should contact the professionals. Dry cleaning will carefully and carefully remove the chewing gum from the product and return it to the owner in its pure form.

Before removing the gum from your clothes, it is helpful to remember the basic rules. Aggressive substances such as vinegar or solvents can damage the fabric. Therefore, you need to handle them with great care, without losing your vigilance. When using explosive means, make sure that there is no fire or appliances nearby that can generate sparks. You should also avoid direct contact with the skin.

When thinking about how to remove chewing gum from clothes, do not forget that you need to work with sharp objects with caution so as not to damage the fabric. Also, do not rub the product too much, otherwise it will lose its original appearance.

12/25/2016 5 43 914 views

What kind of contamination housewives do not have to face, but how to remove gum from clothes if it is very stuck? - after all, it is extremely difficult to remove it, moreover, a terrible stain may remain on the fabric. Not everyone knows how to quickly and without consequences cope with this problem. Below will be presented 12 effective ways to remove gum without traces.

How to remove gum from clothes on your own?

As it dries, the chewing gum becomes hard and, it would seem, is the right decision to simply tear it off, but this is far from the case. The gum penetrates deeply into the fibers, and additional funds are required to completely remove it. Taking advantage of some folk secrets, you can easily remove gum from any material.

Use one of the following products to completely remove any traces of chewing gum from your clothing.

With ice

The most common anti-gum remedy is cold. If a shirt is attached to jeans or your favorite jacket, attach ice cubes. Change periodically as they melt.

This can be repeated for bulky items such as rugs, coats or jackets. In order to remove the gum, take a small amount of ice, wrap it in cellophane and attach to the product. You need to keep the cold until the gum cools, then try to scrape it off with a stiff brush.

Cold is the simplest and most convenient way to remove gum from clothes, which can be easily done at home.

Ethyl alcohol

Alcohol is used when the gum fell off the clothes, but left a mark.

A small amount of the substance is applied to a cotton pad and the white spot is wiped with it until it disappears completely. If there is no alcohol in the house, it doesn't matter, it can be replaced with acetone or any nail polish remover.

The listed tools quickly deal with the remnants of chewing gum on clothes, while if you do everything correctly, then not a single trace will remain on the clothes.

Using a regular package

Let's go back to the topic of cold. Applying ice is not always convenient, because there is a lot of other work waiting at home. It is much more convenient to put small things in a plastic bag and put them in the freezer for a couple of hours. During this time, the gum will cool and harden, and it will not be difficult to scrape it off.

Important: Place your items so that the chewing gum does not touch the bag.

With a knife

The sticking gum needs to be removed with something and a flat-bladed knife is best suited for this purpose. You need to use it after freezing the product, when you need a tool that allows you to easily remove the elastic from the fabric.

You can use the knife for any fabric, be it wool or polyester.

Stiff brush

It is good to use a brush when the gum is firmly adhered to the product or the area of ​​damage is large.

  1. To begin with, clothes need to be frozen or very cold.
  2. When the gum hardens, it is first peeled off with a knife, and the remaining traces are cleaned up with a stiff brush.

Most often, the stain is pretreated with some kind of composition that allows literally at the cellular level to destroy traces of chewing gum.

A brush with stiff bristles is convenient to use for cleaning carpets, its bristle allows you to eliminate unpleasant dirt without a trace.


Refined gasoline will help to effectively and quickly cope with traces of smeared chewing gum. Do not use fuel to refuel cars, it contains substances that can damage the fibers of the fabric.

Before proceeding with the elimination of gum, the product must be prepared.

  • water is poured into a small saucepan and brought to a boil;
  • the soiled product is hung over evaporating water so that the tissues and the gum itself soften a little;
  • wipe the desired area with a cotton pad dipped in refined gasoline;
  • chewing gum will begin to flake off under the influence of gasoline; you can completely remove it using a knife, scissors or a stiff brush.

Not always types of fabrics are able to “survive” the aggressive effects of gasoline, therefore, before you start cleaning, check how it interacts with the fabric in an invisible area.


Jeans are the most popular item of clothing among men and women of all ages. Denim has been trendy for many years, but it is this denim that often suffers from chewing gum. After all, such comfortable clothes are worn for study, work or a walk in the park, where you can accidentally sit on the chewing gum.

Vinegar is a great way to remove gum from denim.

  1. The vinegar is poured into a small container and slightly heated over low heat.
  2. An old toothbrush is dipped in liquid and immediately rubbed over the stained area.

After a few minutes, there will be no trace of the gum, vinegar is able to cope even with ingrained dirt.


As mentioned above, acetone-containing substances are used to remove chewing gum stains.

  1. The soiled clothes are laid out on the surface.
  2. I moisten a cotton pad abundantly in acetone and wipe the right place.

This cleaning method is only suitable for heavy fabrics. It is better not to use such an aggressive substance to remove chewing gum from delicate material. Silk and other delicate materials are cleaned with a nail polish remover that does not contain acetone.

Liquid soap or detergent

When the gum itself is safely removed, but there is a white mark on the clothes after it, use a dishwashing detergent.

  1. A little detergent is applied to the gum stain and left for a few minutes.
  2. The product is rinsed and washed in the usual way.

Dishwashing detergent can not only be applied directly to the stain itself, but it can also be added to the water during hand wash. Often, regular liquid soap is used instead, which has a similar effect.

With an iron

You can remove chewing gum from clothes not only with the help of cold, but also with its reverse state - heat. To get a good result in the end, it is important to observe some nuances:

  • do not warm up the iron to the maximum temperature;
  • you can iron the product only through gauze, napkin or any other clean cloth;
  • a sheet of cardboard is placed under the product;
  • You managed to detach the chewing gum from the fabric, but still there was a white mark? - then use dishwashing detergent or liquid soap.


In order to process the gum using high temperatures, it is not necessary to use an iron, you can use a hairdryer.

  1. The soiled item is hung on a hanger or laid out on a convenient surface.
  2. The hotter setting is set on the hairdryer.

A jet of air is directed into the gum site as soon as it becomes more viscous and softer, and is removed with a knife or stiff-bristled brush.

Boiling water

Boiling water will help get rid of the gum on your clothes. It's better if you have an assistant.

  1. The water is brought to a boil.
  2. The garment is lowered into the bath.
  3. One person pours directly onto the spot of contamination, while the other gently removes the gum itself.

If there is no helper, soak the item in boiling water and put it on fire. The gum is removed with a sharp, heat-resistant object while the product is in water. Perform all actions carefully so as not to burn yourself.

This cleaning method is only suitable for materials that can withstand high temperatures. Read all of the information on the tag carefully before proceeding with the removal of chewing gum from clothing.

How to get rid of a gum stain?

To remove the remaining gum stain, you do not need to buy any expensive products, you will definitely find one of the listed liquids at home.

To get rid of the stain, you can use solvents, which must be used with special care, because they can ruin both the color of the fabric and its texture.

  1. Acetone is used for dense fabrics.
  2. Nail polish remover is a less aggressive product that is used to clean colored items.
  3. Stain removers - they are selected based on the fabric and color of the clothing.

Incorrect use of any of the listed remedies will permanently ruin the item.

Cleaning with solvents should be started as soon as possible. The longer the gum is on the tissue, the deeper it penetrates into the fibers.

Video: how to clean chewing gum from clothes?

You can remove chewing gum from clothes using various means, but which one is right for you depends on the fabric and its color.

Here are some additional tips to get rid of chewing gum without harming the material.

  1. Chewing Gum Removers can be used to freeze the product, which can be purchased at any hardware store. Its action is similar to that of ice and cold, but freezing is much faster. The spray is applied to the gum and after a few minutes it can be scraped off with a knife or scissors.
  2. In modern stores, you can buy a special product for removing such stains. It is applied to a contaminated place and then proceed in accordance with the instructions indicated on the cylinder itself.
  3. Apply some toluene on top to make sure the gum sticks out of your denim.
  4. Some housewives use peanut butter to remove chewing gum stains, but this must be done very carefully, because after it you can come across greasy marks. The oil is applied directly to the stain itself and gently removed with a hard object. If you still have a greasy stain after removing the gum, apply a dishwashing detergent or stain remover suitable for the type of fabric on top.
  5. Sometimes they use a rather strange method, for this they use chewing gum, as they say: "they knock out a wedge with a wedge". Chewing gum must be chewed well, then applied to the place of contamination and torn off sharply, repeat the procedure until there is no trace left on the fabric.
  6. If none of the listed remedies helped, seek professional help.
  7. It is also better to have the item dry cleaned if the item is made of expensive delicate fabric. Any wrong movement of yours will lead to the fact that the product will only be suitable for wiping off house dust.

It is very unpleasant to see chewing gum on your favorite clothes, but the perseverance, efforts and experience of many housewives will help to cope with this problem as quickly as possible.

Always remember that modern dry cleaners can eliminate almost any kind of contamination, so do not experiment again if you are not confident in your abilities.

You can remove the gum, but from now on, be extremely careful not to re-stain your clothes and teach your children this.

How to clean chewing gum from clothes - 12 basic ways

5 (99.64%) 56 votes

How to remove gum from clothes is an unpleasant question that sooner or later many face. If you do not want to say goodbye to your favorite thing, you should immediately start a rescue operation. Here are 17 tips to help you clean chewing gum from clothes.

Dry cleaning is the most easy way, which guarantees excellent results, but this pleasure is not cheap. Moreover, you can remove gum from clothes at home, the main thing is to use proven methods that will not harm.

Hot way

The hot method of getting rid of chewing gum is only suitable for thick fabrics that can be washed in hot water. For delicate products it is better not to use this method. For example, it can help you clean your favorite jeans. How to remove gum from clothes using this method?

To get rid of chewing gum using a hot method:

  • Iron. To use the technique, you need to warm up the iron and iron the soiled thing with it through paper or gauze. The gum should stick to the sheet / gauze.
  • Hair dryer. Turn on the device on the warmest possible stream of air, heat the thing from the back side. Once the gum is softer, brush it off with a hard object or unnecessary toothbrush.
  • Boiling water. For this method, you will most likely need an assistant. Heat the water to 100 degrees. One person should pour boiling water over the contaminated area, and the other should clean the gum with a toothbrush.
  • Steam. It is not necessary to boil the gum; you can steam it off. It will be enough to boil water in a kettle and hold the gum over the steam, and then try to remove it.
  • Warmed vinegar. The vinegar should be warmed up. While dipping your toothbrush into the solution, try rubbing off the gum. Remember to reheat the vinegar as it cools, and be sure to wash the item after cleaning to get rid of the unpleasant smell.

Cold method

Not only boiling water will help to get rid of the sticky problem, but also bitter cold... So, thanks to freezing, the stain hardens and becomes brittle.

  • Freezer chambers a... Simply put the item in the freezer, wait about an hour for the gum to freeze, and then try to peel it off with a blunt object. Please note that the thing can have time to be saturated with various smells. To prevent an unpleasant nuance, pre-pack it in a bag.
  • Ice. This method is ideal for getting rid of a sticky stain on a large item such as a jacket. Place a piece of ice on the gum, and once it hardens, remove it with a stiff brush.
  • Cold water. If it was not possible to find the prepared ice, it does not matter. Run the adhering gum under cold running water, trying to scrape off the dirt.


Chewing gum is a tasty and healthy treat, according to manufacturers. However, as long as it is in your mouth, it is pleasant. If you don't throw the gum into the bucket, nothing happens at all. But if the gum gets on clothes, hair or other surfaces, it becomes annoying. Until recently, the spoiled thing was sent to the trash can. Today, people have invented many ways that can be used to combat this problem.

How to remove gum from any surface?

To answer the question asked, it is necessary to consider in more detail the type and types of surfaces:

Wooden lacquered and polished surfaces

It is advisable that the product from which you intend to remove the remaining chewing gum is dry and cold.

The contamination removal mechanism is as follows:

Wrap an ice cube in cellophane and rub it over the spot;
The gum will begin to harden, and it will be convenient to remove it from the surface with a plastic flat product (you can use an old plastic card);
After this procedure, rinse the lacquered surface with a solution of ammonia and water, and the polished surface with a soapy solution;
Wipe the area with a dry paper towel.

Iron coatings

The chewing gum adhered to the metal is removed in the same way as described in the first method. Alternatively, heat the stain with a regular hair dryer. Now scrape off the residue with a spatula and wipe the surface with a damp sponge. Dry with a towel.

Porcelain, glass and earthenware surfaces

Chewing gum on the dishes is not a serious problem. Boil it in plenty of water.

Scrape off the softened chewing gum with a knife. Wipe the treated area with residues of the substance with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol and wipe dry.

Stone surfaces

In this case, heating will not work. It is advisable to use ice cubes again:

Treat the stained surface with ice cubes;
Clean off the dirt with a plastic object;
Soak a cotton pad in gasoline, treat the surface area;
Wash with soapy water and dry with a dry towel.


How to remove a gum stain from carpets quite recently, not many people knew. However, this is not as difficult as it sounds. Smooth carpet (low pile) is cleaned with a regular trowel. Remove the remaining pieces with a damp cloth. If the pile of the carpet is long enough and the gum is lying on the surface, you just need to cut this piece.

How to remove gum from clothing

It happened to any person - he sat down in the wrong place or leaned inaccurately, the result is chewing gum on his clothes. What to do? It's a shame and annoying, but somehow you need to remove it. The easiest and most hassle-free way is to dry-clean the item. But why pay money when you can clean up the pollution at home yourself?

All methods of cleaning fabrics from chewing gum are based on the use of household chemicals, high and low temperatures.


Put the stained clothes in a plastic bag and send them to the freezer. Keep clothes in it for at least 1 hour. After this treatment, the gum will exfoliate from the surface of the product in pieces, practically leaving no traces.
The ice cube method described above is also applicable to cleaning clothes. Wrap ice cubes in cellophane. Sweep the bag over the stain, wait for the gum to harden, and peel it off. Thus, it is convenient to wipe off outerwear - jackets, coats;
Many people know how to remove chewing gum from trousers. More than once people have found themselves in similar situations. It is necessary to substitute the place of pollution under a stream of cold water, and when the gum hardens, just remove it with your hands. Even easier with sleeves. You don't even need to take off your clothes for this. Just repeat the same on the sleeve section;
There is a special aerosol cooler for sale in radio component stores. Treat the area of ​​contamination, the chewing gum will harden in a few seconds, and you can safely peel it off.

The heating

Turn clothes inside out. Place it on hard cardboard. Put the iron to heat up in position "2". Apply the heater to the web for no more than 2-3 seconds. Gently repeat heating until all of the gum is on the surface of the cardboard. To avoid getting the chewing gum on other areas of the clothing, try not to move the fabric from one place;
Place a dirty piece of clothing in boiling water. Take an old toothbrush and, without touching the fabric itself, clean the gum from the thing. The same can be done under running hot water or over steam;
You can do the same with a hair dryer. After heating under a stream of hot air, the chewing gum melts and can be removed with a toothbrush or dry tissue.

Removing gum with household chemicals

You can remove the gum using gasoline, kerosene, cosmetic solvents (nail polish removers). To do this, apply the product to a cotton swab, wipe the contaminated area with it, and the dissolving chewing gum with a dry cloth;

You can clean non-delicate fabrics with. Warm up the product, moisten a toothbrush in it, carefully wipe off the remaining gum;

The gum can be removed from white items using a traditional wash and a large amount of detergent. This method cannot be used for. Whitish stains remain on them;
Try cleaning the fabric with regular masking tape. Place a piece of duct tape in place of the chewing gum, holding the fabric, and pull the duct tape off with a sharp upward motion. Repeat the process until you have completely cleaned the material. The same effect can be obtained from using duct tape.

How do I remove gum from the surface of my shoes?

Most often, chewing gum ends up on shoes. It is difficult to imagine the streets of cities without sidewalks strewn with gum. Therefore, it is very easy to get a stain on your shoes.

Any of the above methods for removing chewing gum are applicable to shoes. But there are a few more options:

Take a solvent (acetone). Apply it to a rag and rub the stain until all residue is removed. In this case, the gum should dissolve without residue;
If the rubber is stuck to the sole, cover the dirty area with dry sand. Put on rubber gloves and roll the gum into a ball. Remove it with your hands;
Apply generously to the stained surface. Wait a few minutes and wipe off any residue with a dry cloth.

How to remove gum from hair?

The first desire that arises when you see chewing gum in your hair is to cut off the soiled tuft. However, take your time, you will always have time to take up the scissors. Try using the products that are always at hand and leave your hair intact.

The situation, it should be noted, is not the most pleasant, but there are ways of salvation. And there are many of them:

Cold. Above, we have already described the option of removing the gum using pieces of ice wrapped in cellophane. Apply the "compress" to the soiled curls and hold for a few minutes. It will be easy to remove the hardened piece of rubber - it will break and flake off the hair without leaving any residue.

Vegetable oil. In this case, the effect of the preparation for removing gum residues is based on softening the chewing gum. Any vegetable oil is suitable for this option:


You can use peanut butter that does not contain the nut pieces.

Apply the product to the dirt. Lubricate the gum thoroughly on all sides. The softened and loosened substance can be easily removed by hand. Comb out the rest of the mass with a comb.

Lemon juice. To prepare the drug, take the following ingredients:

Freshly squeezed lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
Water - 1 tablespoon;
Air conditioner or - 1 tbsp.

Mix the ingredients and apply them to the damaged area of ​​the hair. Knead the gum in your fingers until it loses stickiness. Remove gradually from hair.

Petrolatum. This tool is easy to use, and affordable, because there are few in which house it is not in the home first aid kit. If not found, replace the preparation with regular mayonnaise of high fat content.

Apply a generous amount of Vaseline to the stained hair. Lubricate your fingers with petroleum jelly, and gradually loosen the strands from the elastic.

Baking soda. This remedy is known to every housewife. With it, you can generally clean everything in the house! And it is very easy to get rid of traces of chewing gum in your hair with the help of baking soda.

Take the following ingredients to prepare the mixture:

Baking soda - 2 tablespoons l.;
Water - 1 table l

Apply this mixture to cover the damaged clump of hair from all sides. Let it dry for a few minutes. Use a comb to comb out the gum.

Alcohol. In addition to traditional medical alcohol, a strong alcoholic drink is also used. Soak a curl with a rubber band in rubbing alcohol, wait a couple of minutes and remove the gum with your fingers.

Toothpaste. Squeeze the toothpaste out of the tube. It will take a lot. Apply to stained hair, and knead in your fingers until the ball looses from the hair. Add more paste if necessary.

Anti-corrosion aerosol. In hardware stores, you will find on sale an aerosol can designed for. Now he has another purpose - to remove chewing gum from hair. Apply the product gently to the gum and remove after a few minutes. Avoid prolonged contact of the drug with the skin, this may cause allergic reactions.

Silicone. This tool is intended for treatment. However, it can also be used to "destroy" the remnants of gum. Thoroughly moisten a curl in the solution, and comb out the gum with a fine comb.

We must give credit to human ingenuity. It was hard to imagine a few years ago that such an annoying misunderstanding could be solved in such simple ways. Now, you can find everything you need to remove gum from every surface at home, and you can easily get rid of such trifles.

January 27, 2014 11:51 am

If chewing gum comes into contact with clothing or other surfaces, it creates a lot of problems with its removal. How many clothes, carpets and furniture upholstery are ruined by these colored lumps! How to remove stuck gum? There are many simple and effective ways.

Rules for removing gum stains from hard surfaces

In the case of sticky chewing gum, it is important to consider how long ago it was on the material. Some experts believe that the sooner you start clearing the clump, the better. And a number of "experienced" victims have a different opinion: if you start removing the gum right away, you can smear it even more. Better to wait until it hardens.

How to peel off rubber from wood surfaces, floors, tiles, stone and linoleum

The main condition for the complete removal of chewing gum from a wooden table and other furniture is that its surface must be cold and dry.

  1. Wrap an ice cube in a bag.
  2. Drive it on a dirty surface for 2-3 minutes.
  3. When the gum is completely hardened, scrape it off with a spatula.
  4. Wipe the unlacquered surface with warm soapy water.
  5. Treat varnished surfaces with ammonia diluted with water (2 parts water and 1 part alcohol).
  6. Wipe dry to avoid streaks.

Freeze the stain to remove gum from granite, marble and tiles. The method described above for cleaning wooden surfaces is suitable. If the gum sticks to the linoleum, it needs to be strongly cooled, but you will have to use a spatula with great care so as not to scratch the top layer.

It is interesting. In the rating of the Forbes magazine, dedicated to the ten unusual things in the world, one of the leading places is occupied by rapidly decomposing chewing gum. It does not stick to the surface and can be easily washed off with plain water.

How can you clean glass, porcelain or faience

Kitchen utensils suffer from chewing gum as often as clothes and shoes. The easiest way to remove sticky lumps is with hot water. If the material permits, then boil the dishes or limit yourself to a stream of hot water. Under the influence of high temperature, the gum will melt and drain off by itself.

The exception is thin glass dishes. It is better not to heat this material, but rather cool it (just do not freeze it, otherwise it will burst), and then gently remove the leftovers with your fingers.

We remove sticky mass and greasy traces from iron, liquid crystal surfaces and plastic

For iron, you can use the "cold method" (as for wood, stone and linoleum) or "hot". The second is considered more reliable.

  1. Direct the hot stream of the hair dryer at the stuck elastic band.
  2. After softening it, remove the remnants with a napkin or brush.
  3. Rinse with cool water and wipe dry.

If the rubber band is stuck to a computer monitor or laptop, proceed with caution.

  1. Turn off the fixture and let it cool down to room temperature.
  2. Mix distilled vinegar and distilled water in a 1: 1 ratio. Attention! You cannot use ordinary tap water - streaks will remain.
  3. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle.
  4. Apply it to a lint-free cotton cloth.
  5. When blotting the gum, try to remove it from the surface. Do this carefully, as you can damage the top layer of the LCD film.
  6. Repeat the previous step until you have removed all of the elastic.
  7. Wipe the screen with a dry cotton cloth to remove the grease mark.

How to remove stuck chewing gum from the sole: saving sneakers or boots

What can be more frustrating than stepping on the gum, especially if you are in a hurry or put on a new pair of trendy sneakers for the first time. But you should not despair: there is a way that helps to quickly tear off the rubber band from the sole.

  1. Saturate a cotton pad with alcohol, acetone, or nail polish remover.
  2. Blot the sticky mass for 3-4 minutes, applying and lightly pressing on the swab.
  3. Remove residue with a knife or unnecessary toothbrush.

Please note: if the elastic is stuck to shoes with bright colored soles, then the above solvents must be mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 0.5.

To wipe off colored or smooth soles, use vegetable oil methods.

  1. Place any vegetable oil on the sticky gum.
  2. Wait 2 minutes.
  3. Remove the sticky lump with a tissue.

If you don't have oil on hand, use sand or coffee.

  1. Sprinkle sand or ground coffee on top of the gum.
  2. Roll it into a ball with your finger and remove from the sole.

You can also remove the gum from the shoe using the "cold" method, placing the shoe for 15–20 minutes. into the freezer.

How to wash a carpet, carpet or carpet

If chewing gum gets on the carpet, there are two ways to remove it. The first is suitable for coatings with a short nap.

  1. Remove the gum with your hands as much as possible.
  2. Saturate a soft cotton cloth with white spirit.
  3. Wipe off the remaining trace.

If the nap is long, use scissors.

  1. As in the previous instructions, remove most of the gum with your hands.
  2. Gently shave off any remaining tangled fibers.

These methods are also suitable for cleaning fluffy car mats.

How to quickly wipe dried gum from a sofa and other upholstered furniture

Chewing gum stuck on a sofa or armchair is not a reason to get rid of spoiled furniture. There is a chance to restore it.

  1. Place a drop of makeup remover on the gum area.
  2. Use a sponge to wipe the problem area.
  3. Remove any remaining gum with a tissue.

How to remove old gum stains from the sofa - video

We remove gum from tight clothes: jeans, knitwear, jackets, shirts, down jackets and bed linen

If the elastic is stuck on jeans, a cotton blanket, a heavy blanket, linen bedding or a sheet, shirt or down jacket, it is best to use the cooling method to remove it.

  • freeze the spoiled item in the freezer or place a piece of ice on a lump of gum;
  • wait until the sticky mass is completely frozen;
  • remove the gum with your fingers or an unnecessary toothbrush.

You can also use a special Freeezer cooler, which is sold in radio component stores.

  1. Apply a freezing spray to the stuck gum.
  2. Remove dirt with your fingers or a brush.
  3. After processing, it is advisable to wash the thing, as an unpleasant odor may remain.

Do not use an iron to remove adhering gum. It does a poor job and leaves stains on clothes that are difficult to get rid of.

Old stains from elastic bands stuck to tight jeans, school jackets or pants can be removed in unusual ways. For example, another chewing gum.

  1. Apply fresh gum to the stuck gum, press with a knife.
  2. Pull off both elastic bands sharply.
  3. Repeat several times until the lump is completely removed.

Another easy way is to use tape or duct tape.

  1. Place a piece of tape or duct tape over the gum.
  2. Peel off sharply.
  3. Repeat until all the pieces remain on the tape.

How to remove elastic from cotton pants, skirts, sweatshirts, T-shirts, or synthetic dresses

Thin jersey, cotton shorts, leggings, stretch synthetics require special handling. When rubbed, they can stretch a lot and the thing is completely deformed. If the fabric doesn't fade, use a regular nail polish remover.

  1. Soak a cotton ball in the liquid.
  2. Attach to the lump.
  3. Use your fingers or a knife to gently scrape off any remaining gum.

Use dishwashing detergent to wash gum off of colored, stretch fabrics.

  1. Pour any dishwashing liquid on the stain.
  2. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Remove the gum.
  4. Wash the item as usual.

You can substitute peanut butter for dishwashing liquid. Drop it on the stuck gum, gently remove it with a napkin and wash your clothes.

Home and professional remedies for chiffon, silk garments, leather jackets, briefcases and furniture

Silk, chiffon and other delicate fabrics require extra care when removing the gum ball. One sudden movement can irreparably damage the product. In order to reduce the gum, you will need warm vinegar.

  1. Heat 9% vinegar to 40-50 degrees.
  2. Dampen an unnecessary toothbrush in it.
  3. Remove the gum by gently rubbing the surface.
  4. Wash the item as usual.

To avoid damaging delicate fabrics, you can use the special spray Chewing Gum Removers. Its action is similar to freezing, only several times faster. With it, the gum can be removed easily and without loss.

  1. Spray the adhering gum.
  2. Remove the frozen mass with a spatula, spatula or nail file.
  3. Let the fabric dry.

Please note that lighter shades may appear darker after applying Chewing Gum Removers.

Saddle soap (a special detergent for leather items) is needed to wipe off the adhered rubber band from the leather surface. Make a dense foam out of it and wipe the lump with a sponge until it disappears completely.

There is another way, suitable for leather furniture, is to cut the gum with a knife. After that, you just need to remove the remnants with a hard brush and grease with special oil or ordinary petroleum jelly.

How to dissolve and remove chewing gum from different surfaces: from old jeans to a leather bag - video

Clearing gum from car seats

To effectively remove sticky chewing gum from car seats, you need to choose a method that is suitable for the material from which it is made. The most convenient and versatile method is considered to be cooling with a piece of ice.

If you need to peel the gum off the fabric seat upholstery, use the warm milk option.

  1. Moisten the adhering gum with milk warmed to room temperature until it begins to crumble.
  2. Remove residues with any cleaning agent.

After removing the gum, a greasy residue often remains on textile surfaces. Any stain remover or dishwashing gel will help get rid of it.

How to clean a car seat - video

How to get rid of an elastic band stuck to fabric: a rating of effective ways

The first place in freezing, this technique allows you to remove the remnants of elastic from any fabric. Moreover, after strong cooling, even old, ingrained gum can be removed quite easily.

The second position is for solvents such as white spirit or nail polish remover. It should be remembered that these products are suitable only for dense materials of light shades. As for delicate fabrics, there is an alternative for them - vinegar. The third place is shared by dishwashing gels and makeup remover lotions.

Of course, special aerosols are out of competition, but the question of their universality remains open. After their use, white traces may remain on colored fabrics of any texture.

How to remove gum from skin or hair

If the gum sticks to the skin, moisten it with warm water and remove it with your hands. H Some experienced "rescuers" recommend rubbing the lump with lemon juice, so the gum will go away faster.