How to remove underarm sweat and deodorant stains: saving clothes and reputation. Effective removal of sweat stains on clothes Causes of perspiration staining

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 8 minutes


Every housewife faces the problem of sweat stains. As a rule, the appearance of such spots is most noticeable on the back and underarms. Moreover, silk and woolen fabrics "suffer" more than all others. The best way to deal with this problem is to wash your clothes on time (preferably with laundry soap). But if the spots do appear, then they should be removed correctly.

Understanding ...
The content of the article:

Removing yellow sweat stains from white and light-colored clothing

  • Baking soda. Mix soda with water (4 tbsp / l per ¼ glass). Wipe the yellowed areas with the resulting paste with a brush. We leave the clothes in this state for an hour and a half. We wash it in the usual way and dry it at room temperature. If necessary, repeat according to the same scenario.
  • Persol. This bleach is a chemical one. Mix water with persalt (1 glass per 1 tsp), rub the mixture with a brush (carefully), leave in this form for one and a half to two hours, wash according to the usual scheme, dry.
  • Vodka or vinegar. We mix vodka or vinegar (at choice) with water (1: 1), sprinkle the desired areas of clothing, wash as usual.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Soak the entire shirt or separately the stains in water to which hydrogen peroxide has been added (1 tbsp / l per 1 liter), soaking time -30 minutes. Then we wash it according to the usual scheme, dry it, if necessary, repeat the procedure.
  • Faery... We mix the product with water (1 h / l per 1 glass), apply to areas of clothing with stains, leave for 2 hours. Then we erase in the usual way.
  • Aspirin. Mix warm water and aspirin (1/2 cup for 2 pre-crushed tablets). We wet the stains with this solution, leave for 2-3 hours. We wash off the aspirin, we wash it in the usual way. If the stains are not removed, dilute the aspirin to a thick gruel (instead of ½ glass of water - a few drops), apply on the stains, wait another hour, then wash.
  • Salt. We dilute water with salt (1 tbsp / l per glass), apply on stains, leave for a couple of hours, wash. The method is good for cotton fabrics, linen and silk
  • Acetic essence or citric acid. We dilute the product with water (1 tsp per glass), wipe the stains, leave for one and a half to two hours, wash according to the usual scheme.
  • Ammonium + salt. We mix water (glass) with brown or ammonia (1 tsp / l), add salt (1 tsp / l), apply on spots, rub with a brush. We are waiting for half an hour, we wash according to the usual scheme.
  • Laundry soap + oxalic acid. Lather the brush with laundry soap, rub the stains, leave for half an hour, wash. Next, we wipe the fabric on the stained areas with a solution of oxalic acid (per glass - 1 tsp), rinse off after 10 minutes, wash.
  • Ammonium and denatured alcohol. Mix in a ratio of 1 to 1 (1 h / l), apply to fabric, wait half an hour, wash. You can mix denatured alcohol with yolk, repeat the procedure in the same sequence.
  • Boiling + laundry soap. The method is suitable for cotton clothes and linen. We rub the household / soap on a fine grater (1/2 cup), put it in a metal bucket, boil the clothes until completely bleached - after boiling for 3-4 hours over low heat, stirring constantly. "

Removing white sweat stains from dark and black clothing

  • Table salt + ammonia. Suitable for cotton fabrics and flax. Mix salt with warm water (1 h / l per glass) and ammonia (1 h / l), apply on stains, wait 15 minutes, rinse or wash.
  • Salt. Can be used on silk. We mix salt with warm water (1 tsp per glass), pre-soak the clothes for 10 minutes in ordinary soapy water, then apply the solution to the stains, wait 10 minutes and wash.
  • Laundry soap. We use it for woolen fabrics. Lather laundry soap in hot water, lather stained areas of clothing with it, soak the thing for an hour and a half, wash.
  • Ammonia. Just add for hand wash: for 1 liter of warm water - 1 hour / product.

How to remove perspiration stains from clothes?

First of all, you need to remember that removal of old stains sweat always starts with pre-soaking - in ordinary soapy water, with powder, with bleach or detergent.

After soaking, rinse the item well, and only then use one of the stain removal methods.

Most popular methods:

  • Vinegar + soda. Soak clothes in vinegar solution (for 5 liters - 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar) for half an hour. Mix soda with warm water (4 tbsp / l per glass), rub the stains with a solution. We DO NOT use extra bleach to prevent the stains from darkening. We erase in the usual way.
  • Salmon + lemon juice. Soak clothes in vinegar solution (see item 1) for half an hour. We dilute warm water with ammonia (1/2 cup per 1 tbsp / l), apply the solution to the spots. We rinse. Mix lemon juice with water (1 tbsp / l for ½ cup), soak the armpit area for 2 hours, wash.
  • Aspirin + hydrogen peroxide. Soak clothes in soapy water. We make a paste from aspirin (2 tablets per 1 tsp / l of water), apply to stains, wait 3 hours, wash without bleach. Mix water with hydrogen peroxide (10 to 1), apply on stains, wait 10 minutes, wash.

Note to hostesses:

  • Chlorine is not suitable for bleaching. Reacting with proteins of "sweaty" spots, it leads to darkening of the tissue in these areas.
  • Not recommended rub your clothes hard when removing stains to avoid damage to paints.
  • Acetone and acetic acid prohibited for removing stains on acetate silk.
  • Gasoline solvents, benzene, etc. - prohibited for synthetics (nylon, nylon, etc.).
  • Removal not recommended stains from cotton fabrics with strong acids (hydrochloric, nitric), and from wool and silk - with alkali.
  • Each new method test on an area of ​​fabric that, if accidentally damaged, will not spoil the appearance of the garment.
  • Hot water fixes stains! It is recommended to wash shirts / blouses at 30 degrees and then air dry.
  • Recommended remove stains from the inside of clothing to avoid streaks around the stains. To protect clothing from this effect, you can moisten the fabric around the stain when removing it, or sprinkle it with chalk.
  • When using hydrogen peroxide you should rinse your clothes several times - under the sun, peroxide leaves yellowness on your clothes!

Well, the last tip: avoid antiperspirant deodorants that contain a stain-promoting component - Aluminum Zirconium Tetrachlorohydrex Gly.

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Reading time: 1 minute

An antiperspirant deodorant is a product that almost everyone has today. It helps not only to get rid of the unpleasant smell of sweating, but also to reduce it " turnovers". However, most deodorants have one significant drawback - they leave dirt on clothes. Even after wearing a clean item once. We will tell you how to remove various types of underarm stains from different types of fabrics, as well as how to effectively prevent their appearance.

In the fight against deodorant stains, you will definitely be helped by these practical tips:

  • The fresher the antiperspirant contamination is, the easier it is to remove it without leaving a trace.
  • Do not wash the item in hot water ( above 30 degrees)! This will help the deodorant and sweat particles go deep into the fibers of the fabric.
  • How to remove deodorant stains correctly? Use a sponge for thin, delicate materials, and a brush for sturdy materials. When doing this, do not squeeze, crumple, or stretch the fabric. It is more correct to move the tool from the borders to the center of the spot.

  • To clean the stain with a brush, a sponge is necessary from the inside of the product.
  • If you do not know how a particular tissue will react to a particular agent, test the substance on an inconspicuous area.
  • When you rub the detergent into the stain, it is better to put a cotton napkin or towel under the fabric.
  • Once you've applied a stain remover, homemade or professional, the item should be washed twice - by hand and in the washing machine.
  • Do not dry the washed product on a battery or in direct sunlight, so as not to spoil its color.

Fighting stains

Each stain has its own effective method of elimination. Plus versatile tips to help remove any deodorant stains.

White spots

Why does deodorant stain my clothes? It usually contains talc, which absorbs secretions, and aluminum salts - this component blocks the work of the sweat gland. It is they who stain our clothes if we hurried to put them on until the product dries completely. Read on to get rid of white deodorant stains.

Fresh pollution

If you have time to remove the contamination right away, use any powder, soap, liquid detergent or shampoo ( for delicate fabrics) and apply specifically to the underarm area.

Then leave the product to soak for a few hours, then wash it.

Old pollution

And here are the popular fabric-safe and effective ways to deal with old dirt. How to remove white spots from deodorant, read the table.

Dishwashing liquid Apply the product to a damp sponge, moisten the dirt well with it. Then leave it for half an hour or an hour, then wash the product.
Vinegar The product is not suitable for white fabrics - they may turn yellow!

For all other clothing, incl. made from natural fabric, the following instruction: Apply 9% vinegar to the stain, then leave time for exposure. It depends on the intensity of pollution - from 10 minutes to 12 hours. Then just wash the thing. If the contamination is very problematic, the procedure can be repeated several times.

Vodka Moisten the stain with a cotton pad dipped in a drink. Most contaminants evaporate in 2-5 minutes! If the stain is problematic, then you can leave the vodka for half an hour or an hour, then wash the thing.

Advice! Vodka can be replaced with denatured, medical alcohol, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

Yellow spots

The nature of yellow spots is somewhat different: it is the result of a chemical reaction between sweat and the constituents of the deodorant. Typically, this stain indicates a complex dirt that is deeply embedded in the fibers of the fabric. However, improvised means that are in every home will help to bring it out. Here's how to remove sweat and deodorant stains.

Ammonia ( water and ammonia solution) The substance has a pungent odor, it can irritate the skin - therefore it is better to work with it with gloves:

1. Take a 25% ammonia solution.

2. Add 1 teaspoon to a glass of warm water. ammonia"And the same amount of salt. Stir the ingredients.

3. Rub the solution into the dirt.

4. Waiting time - 15 minutes. Then wash the item.

Hydrogen peroxide There are several recommendations involving this safe remedy:

· Stir 4 tbsp. tablespoons of peroxide, 1 teaspoon of dishwashing detergent and 2 tbsp. spoons of baking soda. Rub the resulting mixture of paste consistency into the dirt. Wash the item after one and a half to two hours.

· Carefully pour and spray 3% peroxide solution on the stain. After 2-3 hours, all that remains is to wash the item.

· In a liter of water, add 1 tbsp. spoon of funds. Soak the item in the solution for half an hour. After that, all that remains is to wash it in cool water.

Lemon Effective only for fresh dirt:

· Squeeze the juice of half a lemon onto the stain. Wait a few minutes and then wash the product.

· The second method is to treat the stain with juice, and then sprinkle it with salt on top. Then scrub the dirt with a brush until it lightens. Then it remains to brush off the salt and send the thing for washing.

Soda In a quarter cup of baking soda, add 4 tbsp. tablespoons of water, stir the mass. Such a peculiar " pasta»Treat clothes: rub in and leave to dry completely. Then shake off excess powder and wash clothes.
Aspirin tablets ( acetylsalicylic acid) Grind 2 tablets into half a glass of water. The resulting solution is applied to the stain, rubbed with a brush, after which you need to leave it for 2-3 hours. Then - washing the thing.

Advice! Be sure to rinse the item thoroughly after applying the peroxide! If, not washed off, it remains on the fabric, the fibers of the latter will turn yellow over time.

Universal ways

How to remove deodorant from clothes yet? Here are general recommendations for products suitable for all stains, most types of fabric:

  • Washing powder. Prepare " gruel”By diluting 2 parts of powder with 1 part of water. Rub this mixture into the spots. Once it's dry, rinse the item and wash it in the machine.
  • Laundry soap. Can be replaced with baby, glycerin, " Antipyatin". Grate a piece of bar, dissolve the shavings in hot water until foam forms. Rub the stains themselves with soap, and then lower the item in the solution for an hour and a half. It is necessary to finish the matter with washing.
  • Salt and soap. Dip the sponge in soapy water for 10 minutes. After that, dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. Dip a soapy sponge into this liquid and treat the stain with it. Wash the garment after 15 minutes.

Glycerin soap "AntiPyatin"
Salt Gasoline
White Spirit

  • Gasoline and ammonia. Soak a cotton ball in gasoline, wipe the stain from the edges to the center. Then treat it with ammonia, rinse the product thoroughly and then wash.
  • White Spirit. The substance is applied to the product, which after a while needs to be rinsed and washed.
  • Hyposulfite. Dissolve 1 tbsp. spoon of the product in a glass of water. Treat the dirt with a solution, then wash the whole thing.

Advice! Soda can be replaced with toothpaste. But such a remedy is only suitable for white things.

Professional remedies

If you do not trust traditional methods, then we will advise you on several popular oxygen stain removers, how you can effectively remove traces of deodorant.

Deodorant and rust stain remover from Dr. Beckmann. A product for both white and colored fabrics. It is applied for an hour, after which it is enough to rinse the thing.
Spray for stains deodorant Amway Pre Wash A phosphate-free product is sprayed onto the item. After that, the product only needs to be washed.
Dry and Liquid Vanish for colored and white clothing The " savior Deodorant from stains is quite aggressive, which is why you need to work with it with protective gloves.
Liquid Soap Stain Remover from Frau Schmidt This hand-friendly soap root extract can clean a wide variety of fabrics: white, colored, baby clothes.

Advice! Be sure to read the recommendations of the manufacturer of the product before use.

Now tips on specific colors and types of material. Each of them is better suited to its own, special cleaning.

White material

Here we will analyze the main types of fabric.

Natural fabric

How to remove the deodorant in this case? The following will be effective here:

  • Hydrogen peroxide diluted 1: 1 with water. The procedure can be repeated several times until the spots disappear. After washing the thing well.
  • Ultraviolet is beautiful " deliverer»Linen and cotton products from deodorant stains. It is enough to wash the item and dry it in the sun.
  • Vinegar - Treat the stain with acetic acid, then wash.

Synthetic fabric

Aspirin will help you. Dilute a few tablets in water, saturate the contamination with a solution, leave for 3 hours. After that, it remains to wash the thing.

Woolen, silk fabric

There are two sure means here, the price of which is symbolic:

  • Soda. Dilute 4 tbsp. tablespoons of powder in ½ cup of water, saturate the contamination with the agent, leave for an hour. After that, be sure to wash.
  • Salt. Dissolve one glass of salt in 5 liters of water, soak a thing in the solution. Then just wash it.

Black material

Now about the stains on dark clothes. How to remove deodorant from black clothes worries many. It is quite realistic and simple to display it:

  • Any fabric can be washed with laundry soap.
  • For all fabrics, including natural ones, vodka will be effective and safe. The drink dissolves most of the impurities almost instantly. Only in especially advanced cases is it necessary to wait about an hour. After that - wash.
  • Lemon juice will also effectively remove deodorant stains from blacks. But after its impact, things will also need washing.
  • For black wool and silk, dishwashing liquid is the best solution.

Colored material

Colored items can be cleaned in the following effective ways:

  • Soak overnight in a bowl of water, where you had previously stirred a couple of tablespoons of vinegar. You can also rub the acetic acid itself into the fabric, leave for an hour. In both cases, the thing must then be wiped away from the substance.
  • « Capricious»The fabric is rubbed with laundry soap, left for 2-3 hours, and then washed.
  • Well-known store stain removers also help well-known stain removers.

In order not to spoil

Not all products and methods are created equal for different fabrics. Don't forget this memo:

  • Acetic acid and acetone are harmful to wool, viscose, silk and others " capricious»Fabrics.
  • The ammonia will discolor the black tint.
  • Gasoline is not suitable for cleaning synthetics - nylon, polyester, nylon, etc.
  • Chlorine bleach can damage colored and whites: in the first case, the dye will fade, in the second, deodorant stains will stand out in dark areas on the clothes.
  • Nitric acid, hydrochloric acid are not suitable for cotton fabrics.
  • Lye will quickly ruin silk and wool.

So that there are no stains

To avoid wasting time, effort, and possibly money fighting deodorant stains, the easiest way to prevent them is:

  • Before using an antiperspirant deodorant, always clean the armpit skin with a napkin - from microparticles of sweat, grease, cosmetics, yesterday's use of the product.
  • Apply deodorant only to dry skin.
  • Do not use too much.
  • You can use the deodorant not in the morning before going out, but at night - so it is better absorbed into the skin.
  • Even if you do not wash the item because of the use of deodorant, you should moisten the areas that come into contact with the armpits with cold water before washing.

  • Only put on your clothes after the deodorant is completely dry! If you use a spray, then after 1-2 minutes, roll-on, solid - about 5 minutes.
  • If you are in a hurry and don't have time to wait for the product to dry, apply it after you put on the item. The advice is good only for loose-fitting clothes, but in no case for tight ones. You can dab your armpits with a towel or temporarily wear tight, old clothes that you don't mind getting dirty.

Advice! If you suffer from increased sweating, then special disposable cotton pads for the armpits (pictured) will help you. Self-adhesive ( attached to clothes), they will absorb both sweat and deodorant.

Here we figured out in detail how to remove stains from deodorant and sweat. For each case, for each fabric and material, there is both its own special effective method, and a number of universal ones. It's also a good idea if our tips help you prevent this kind of contamination from occurring.

Sweat stains that remain on clothes are not only unpleasant, but also smell foul. These spots look brightest on white, standing out strongly with their yellowness. Of course, you can always throw away such a thing and buy a new one, however, firstly, not everyone can afford it, and secondly, the thing can be loved and you simply don’t want to get rid of it.

A few tips. ✔
Newly appeared stains can be washed off quite simply, but old ones may well remain on the clothes even after you have washed them several times. What to do in this case? Here are a few tips from a variety of people who have tackled the issue, and these tips have been tried by many people and work great.

Ammonia and gasoline. ✔
You can remove old stains from clothes either with an ammonia solution or with gasoline. To do this, you must first thoroughly wipe the sweat stain with gasoline, and then wipe it thoroughly with a sponge or napkin dipped in an ammonia solution. It is recommended to pay the most attention to the contours of the stain, as they can often reappear after drying. After completing such processing, the thing needs to be washed properly.

Hydrogen peroxide. ✔
Small sweat stains can be removed with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. To do this, a sponge dipped in a solution, you need to wipe all the places where you noticed stains, then rinse the thing in water, completely removing the peroxide from it and hang to dry.

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). ✔
Surprisingly, aspirin is quite effective for sweat stains. You should take two tablets, gently crush them to a powder state, stir in warm water (about half a glass), wet a sponge, wipe the stains with it and leave the thing for a couple of hours. Then wash properly and dry as usual. The stains should disappear.

Table salt and ammonia. ✔
Such stains can be removed from cotton and linen fabrics with ammonia and common table salt. Add a teaspoon of both to a glass of water and soak the spot where the sweat stain is in this solution. After a short time, you should take out the item and wash it in the usual way with the help of washing powder, after rinsing it in warm water.

Salt. ✔
Woolen and silk items suffer the most from such stains. Silk is a very delicate fabric. To remove stains from such a thing, you need hyposulfite, which can be found in a photo store, or table salt. You need to dissolve a teaspoon of hyposulfite or a tablespoon of ordinary table salt in one glass of water and wipe the spot with a sponge soaked in such a solution. After that, the thing is needed
leave to lie down for a while, then rinse it in boiled warm water. By the way, soaking in such a solution has a beneficial effect on silk, even if it has not suffered from sweat - such soaking helps restore the shine of the silk and freshen the dyes of the fabric.

Oxalic acid and soap solution. ✔
Different stain removal methods can be used for colored and light woolen items. A light-colored item can be wiped with a soft brush, which has been rinsed in soapy water, rinsed in warm water several times until the solution is completely removed. After that, moisten the fabric in a solution of oxalic acid, let it rest, rinse it several times with warm water and dry it.

White Spirit. ✔
Colored woolen garments can be sweated with ammonia and white spirit. You need two parts of ammonia mixed with four parts of white spirit, after which the thing is processed with this mixture. After the item has settled down, it should be rinsed in warm water several times. This method helps to remove such stains from white or light silk, only in this case you need to mix the components in equal proportions in small quantities. The method is quite suitable for silk linings.

Very often people wonder how to remove sweat stains under the armpits. This task is not so simple, so you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to get the desired result. First of all, it all depends on the fabric and on how much the stain will eat into it. That is why housewives are forced to experiment and constantly look for new ways to remove sweat stains under the armpits.

Yellow circles on a dress or shirt are a direct blow to a person's reputation. In society, such traces are considered to be a sign of slovenliness. They can easily ruin the image, even if the rest of the image is perfect. Therefore, each person needs to know the elementary rules for caring for these areas on things.

Most of the problems arise with white clothes. Sweat marks are very noticeable on it, but getting rid of them is not so easy. The article will provide clear and understandable answers to questions about how to remove sweat stains under the armpits on colored clothing created from different materials.

Main rules

Sweat marks are among the most capricious stains. Dealing with them is difficult, but quite possible. Before you learn how to remove underarm sweat stains, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules:

  1. You need to act immediately. It is not worth collecting dirty things for several days in order to wash them all together. This increases the likelihood that unpleasant sweat marks will remain on your clothes forever.
  2. It is better to wash in cold water. Sweat marks and deodorant marks are best washed in cool water, as hot water tends to "seal" them.
  3. Folk remedies are excellent stain removers. Purchased products that contain chemical components can damage fabrics. To protect yourself from such consequences, it is recommended to use the funds that are present in every home (they are described in detail below).
  4. Yellowish marks need to be handled correctly. Sweat marks should be treated starting from the edges and working towards the center. If you act in the opposite direction, the pollution will only increase and it will become even more difficult to remove it.

Yellowish stains on white clothing are best treated with chlorine-free products. Such stain removers can only enhance the yellowing effect, and the sweat marks themselves will attract the attention of others even more.

We wash fresh stains

Sweat stains on clothing should be removed quickly. If they literally just appeared, then you can wash them with ordinary cold water, even without using any detergents. But if the contamination is still fresh, and was not noticed immediately, you can try one of the four methods provided below.

Laundry soap

For many people, this tool wins over with its versatility. It helps to get rid of streaks completely on any fabric. Laundry soap can be used to make a soap solution that will instantly remove traces of sweat. If you wish, you can simply rub the spots that appear with a dry bar, leave for a while and rinse with cold water.

Rubbing the contaminated areas with dry soap or dipping clothing in a soapy solution, it must be allowed to sour for 30-40 minutes. Immediately after that, you should not just wash off the soap, but wash the thing in the washing machine.

Instead of laundry soap, you can use regular liquid dish detergent. Just a couple of drops will be enough for a quality soaking solution.

Hydrogen peroxide

A product like peroxide can easily make white clothes look neat. You can remove yellow spots from snow-white shirts and T-shirts if you follow the instructions:

  1. Peroxide only contaminated areas.
  2. Leave the item for 20-25 minutes to dry the treated area a little.
  3. Wash according to the recommendations on the label.

You can replace hydrogen peroxide with lemon. To do this, you just need to squeeze a little juice on the yellow spots, and then follow the instructions described above.


This method removes yellow sweat stains from fabrics such as wool, fine knitwear and light cotton. The most important thing to remember is moderate use. If vinegar is used in minimal quantities, then it will not cause any harm to clothes.

The instruction is pretty simple:

  1. Treat yellowish spots with vinegar using a cotton pad.
  2. Leave the clothes on for about an hour.
  3. Wash a thing by hand or in a washing machine, but only in cool water.

If there is a need to remove stains from a colored synthetic item, then you need to prepare a vinegar solution for it. To do this, pour the substance into ordinary water in a 1: 4 ratio. You need to leave the thing to sour off not for an hour, but for about 20 minutes.


Sweat stains on white, oddly enough, can be removed with regular vodka. This kind of express method does not require soaking at all. But before using it, you need to remember that it is better not to experiment with delicate materials.

Sweat traces need to be treated with a liquid with a sponge or cotton wool. After doing this, wash your clothes thoroughly as usual.

If there is no vodka in the house, then it can be replaced with ammonia. The effect from it, perhaps, will not be so good, but nevertheless, some improvement will certainly become noticeable. It is required to use it according to the same scheme: processing - washing.

We get rid of the ingrained yellowness

There are often times when sweat stains are deeply "stuck" in the thing. It would seem that getting rid of these hateful yellowish circles is impossible, but the comments of experienced housewives say the opposite. In fact, foods like salt, soda, and aspirin can work wonders.


A universal method that is suitable for all occasions, is able to revive silk items and remove yellowish spots even from denim. It is also perfect for linen garments and cottons.

The first step is to dilute the salt with the minimum amount of water to form a gruel. The resulting mass must be applied to the spots and left for 10-12 hours. After this time, you should wash the clothes in the mode that is suitable for this particular fabric.

Thanks to the salt gruel, you can freshen up the inner surface of a leather jacket and a tweed jacket, where there are traces of sweat. In this case, you also need to wait about 10-12 hours, and then peel off the contents and gently wash the cloth with water.


The unique features of baking soda are its ability to whiten yellow spots on white items. Soda solution is allowed to be used for any fabric, but most importantly, the material should be light. If you apply the method on dark clothes, then there is a possibility that white marks will remain on it. The solution not only copes well with yellow circles, but also disinfects things, eliminating

You can remove traces of yellowish color in just 5 steps:

  1. Collect exactly half a glass of water.
  2. Stir 4 tablespoons of baking soda in it.
  3. Treat the soiled areas with a ready-made solution.
  4. Leave for a couple of hours.
  5. Wash or rinse in cold water.


You can even find an answer to the question of how to deal with sweat stains in your medicine cabinet. Oddly enough, acetylsalicylic acid will be an excellent assistant and a solution to the problem in difficult times. Thanks to her, it is possible to remove even those contaminants that have formed on clothes for a long time. This method is ideal for absolutely any material.

By carefully grinding three aspirin tablets and adding a little liquid to this powder, we should get a thick gruel. The product should be gently applied to stubborn stains, rubbed in and left for about three hours. Immediately after this, you must rinse or wash.

In the case of delicate fabrics, it is better not to risk it and prepare an aspirin solution. It requires dissolving a couple of tablets in half a glass of water. The resulting liquid must be treated with contaminated areas, and then left for 30 minutes.

How not to stain

Since it is not so easy to display yellow circles, there are a few important rules to remember to help prevent such problems from occurring. Just four points will make it possible to forget about the incriminating marks under the armpits forever:

  1. The deodorant should be free of aluminum salts. It is worth knowing that it is these components that provoke the appearance of yellowness when reacting with sweat.
  2. Wait until the deodorant is completely dry. Don't rush to get dressed immediately after using deodorant. The underarms take time to dry. Aerosol products dry in just a couple of minutes, but ball-ons take about eight minutes.
  3. You need to use special pads regularly. This advice is especially relevant for those who wear thick clothing. Modern genetic accessories are easily attached to things and protect them from yellowness.
  4. Clothes should be washed immediately. Learn to wash your clothes immediately after wearing them. There is no need to plan to put it on anytime soon, as it is better to put it in order and send it to the closet. This applies even to those cases when a person walked only 20-30 minutes in one piece of clothing.

Best stain removers

  1. Amway. The stain remover is designed to eliminate various types of dirt. It is marketed as a spray. The Amway stain remover contains the following components: perfume, sodium salt, sodium phosphonate, soda ash, baking soda, silica gel, and sodium perborate. The cost of a bottle does not exceed 300 rubles.
  2. "Vanish Oxy Action". Buyers like this unique product for its cost (200 rubles) and high quality. Liquid stain remover is composed of phosphates, fragrances and oxygen bleach.

These funds deserve respect and attention, since in the short years of their existence they managed to surprise people with their capabilities.

Sweat glands work constantly, so even on winter clothes, you can replace stains on clothes with armpits. With severe hyperhidrosis, it is necessary to use antiperspirants, but sometimes even an expensive and high-quality remedy does not help, especially on a hot summer day.

The result is stubborn yellow stains on clothing. They appear due to the interaction of the secretion of the apocrine glands with substances.

How to remove underarm sweat stains and stay fresh?

Laundry soap

72% laundry soap is a universal product. It is used to remove a trace from white and colored things, as well as from.

Laundry soap can be applied to any type of fabric. It is able to solve a problem if it arose on a delicate thing or. It is not contraindicated to process wool with it.

How to remove sweat stains from clothes with this product:

  1. It is necessary to lather the yellowish trail with soap, leave it for half an hour and wash it off. Then you need to wipe the stained area with a solution of oxalic acid, which is prepared as follows: 1 tsp. acid is diluted in a glass of water. Wash off after 10 minutes.
  2. The traces of sweat from woolen products will be cleared by the laundry soap used in this way: it is foamed in hot water, and things are soaked for 90 minutes.

This tool is also used for digestion. But only natural fabrics can be subjected to the procedure.

Boil things with yellow traces for 3-4 hours over low heat. Add ½ cup of grated laundry soap to the water. The laundry must be constantly stirred. Boil until completely bleached.

Baking soda

Soda is another good method of dealing with old contaminants. Not only does it help remove yellow spots, it is the best remedy for stubborn marks.

This food product is used to remove traces from wool, natural and synthetic fabrics.

Sweat stains under the armpits - how to remove:

  1. You can get rid of such contamination by this method: 4 tbsp. l. soda is poured into 50 ml of water. Using an old soft-bristled toothbrush, the mixture is applied to problem areas. Wash off after 90 minutes.
  2. To implement this method, you will need liquid soap, as well as salt. A tablespoon of baking soda is mixed with 1 tbsp. l. salt and add soap to get a mushy consistency. To completely remove yellow spots from sweat, the prepared mass is applied for half an hour. Finally, wash with regular powder.

These products can be used for products made from natural fabrics.

For silk and synthetics, the exposure time to soda is reduced to 15 minutes. The algorithm of action is the same. After the end of the manipulation, the thing is washed in a machine on a delicate mode.

The saline solution or the grains themselves can be used to remove marks from wool, silk, linen and cotton. That is, this product can effectively remove sweat stains from both natural and delicate items.

How to remove sweat stains:

  1. In 1 liter of water, 200 g of salt is diluted. The agent is poured into a plastic bowl and a silk shirt is placed in it. Make sure the salt is completely dissolved. The blouse is left on for a quarter of an hour. After the end of the time allotted for soaking, remove old dirt by rubbing the thing.
  2. If you decide to get rid of sweat from white clothes made from natural fabric, then the method is slightly different. A tablespoon of salt is diluted in a glass of water and applied to the spot. After 120 minutes, the clothes are washed.
  3. To remove armpit marks from black clothes, you will need to add 1 tsp. salt in 200 ml of warm liquid and pour 1 tsp there. ammonia. The solution is applied to the contaminated area. Can be washed after 15 minutes.
  4. You can also use salt to remove the mark from your black leather jacket. It is poured onto the armpit area and left for a while. Then the clothes are washed in compliance with the temperature regime.

Sodium hyposulfite should not be used to get rid of the traces of sweat on clothes made from natural fabrics. It can be applied to silk and synthetics. This product will only remove fresh dirt.

How to wash:

  1. In 200 ml of water, dilute with 1 tsp. hyposulfite. Buy it in the photography department.
  2. How to wash: wipe the trail with damp cotton wool with the prepared solution.
  3. After achieving the desired result, clothes are washed in warm boiled water.

You can also add ammonia or denatured alcohol to the hyposulfite solution. The effectiveness of the method will increase several times.

Just be careful with the dosage. You can ruin a thing.

How to get rid of a macular sweat spot?

Pollution removal options:

  1. Traces from light-colored items are removed in the following way: vinegar is diluted with water in equal amounts and the solution is poured into a spray bottle. Using a spray bottle, the product is sprayed onto problem areas.
  2. You can also remove sweat stains under the armpits with this tool: add 50 ml of vinegar per 10 liters of water to the washing machine. Wash clothing according to the instructions on the label.
  3. First, the dirty product is soaked in a vinegar solution. It is prepared according to the following scheme: ½ tbsp. l. means for 5 liters of water. After half an hour, the product is rubbed with 4 tbsp. l. soda mixed with a glass of warm liquid. Can be washed after 15 minutes. Do not use stain removers. Sweat stains on white clothing can darken. It is better to repeat the manipulation if necessary.

This product should not be used on delicate materials. Vinegar is a corrosive product. If you have washed silk fabric, you will most likely have to throw it away.

Hydrogen peroxide

If the trail is large, it can be easily removed with conventional hydrogen peroxide. The tool is prepared independently from hydroperite tablets or ready-made 3% liquid.

How to remove a sweat stain:

  1. The dirty shirt is laid out on a flat surface. Undiluted peroxide is poured onto sweat stains on a white item. Rinse the clothes 5 minutes after the fabric is soaked in the solution.
  2. Sweat stains are easy to remove if you use this product: take baking soda, peroxide, and some detergent. How to remove yellow marks: you need to mix 2 tsp in a basin. soda, ¼ a bottle of peroxide and 0.5 tbsp. l. dishwashing detergent. The mixture can remove yellow spots from sweat on a white thing, it is applied to the problem area and rubbed a little. After 2 hours, your favorite shirt is sent to the washing machine. The washed products are hung out to dry in fresh air, but away from direct sunlight.

Hydrogen peroxide can be used to remove sweat stains from white items made from any type of fabric.

You can return things to their original purity with the help of a medicine - Acetylsalicylic acid.

With the help of Aspirin, it will be possible to remove stains of sweat, blood and other organic matter. These tablets act like regular bleach on store shelves.

Also, Aspirin will eliminate the unpleasant odor due to hyperhidrosis. It can be used for any type of fabric.

How to remove sweat from clothes:

  1. Two pills will need to be crushed, and then combined with 1 tsp. water.
  2. The problem area is treated with a thick paste.
  3. After 180 minutes, hydrogen peroxide is poured over this mixture.
  4. After waiting 10 minutes, you can wash the product.

Removing a sweat stain in this way takes a long time. Use it if the item is not urgently needed.


If a couple did not appear washed traces due to the fluid secreted by the subcutaneous glands, Urotropin will perfectly cope with this problem. It is necessary to start getting rid of traces immediately after their appearance.

How to get sweat out of your clothes:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the armpit area with laundry soap.
  2. Then you can grease the contaminated area with a cotton swab dipped in the ready-made solution.
  3. In the morning, they carefully wash the thing.

Formidone is used similarly to Urotropin.


Ammonium hydroxide solution also works great for ugly yellow marks under the armpits. It can be used for any dark or light fabric.

Ammonia is used for both natural and silk fabrics, only the dosage of the product is changed.

How to remove yellow stains?

We get rid of traces with ammonia:

  1. A glass of water is mixed with 1 tsp. ammonia and 1 tsp. salt. The mixture is applied with a soft brush. After 30 minutes, the product is washed.
  2. You can replace the salt with denatured alcohol. Quantity - 1 tsp. The liquid is also applied to things and washed off after half an hour.

How to remove old tracks? Liquid ammonia will also cope with this problem. Ammonia and gasoline will help wipe off yellow stains from sweat that have eaten into the fibers.

First, the trail is thoroughly treated with gasoline, and then with a solution of ammonia. Particular attention should be paid to the contours, do not be afraid and rub them more actively. After the contamination has disappeared, wash your clothes and hang them in fresh air to dry so that any unpleasant odors evaporate.

Egg yolk + denatured alcohol

This product is suitable for removing fresh and old marks from colored clothing.

It is necessary to prepare a product consisting of a 10% solution of denatured alcohol and the yolk of one egg.

How to get rid of sweat stains on clothes:

  1. First, we clean the old dirt with a soft brush, and then remove the dirt.
  2. Grease the stained place with the prepared mixture and wait for the yolk to dry.
  3. We take a spoon and scrape it off. You can warm up 1 tsp. glycerin, pour it over the yolk and wait until it softens.
  4. At the end we wash clothes with powder and conditioner.

After applying this method, things are well washed from the ill-fated secretions of the apocrine glands.

To get rid of heavy sweating, you need to visit a doctor. If the cause is not in the disease, and the processes in the body are not disturbed, it remains only to regularly use home remedies.

Also, don't forget about antiperspirant deodorants. Antiperspirants can be used even if you sweat during the cold season. This cosmetic product should not leave your purse even on a hot, sultry day.