Quotes about parting with meaning. Parting. Cool sayings about separation. Trying to forget someone means remembering him all the time. Reflections and memories only strengthen

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How much human happiness was smashed to smithereens just because one of the two did not say in time: "Sorry!"

You can part with love, the pain will dissipate little by little, but only by deceiving ourselves - we can deceive, we cannot deceive God !!!

When it’s over, the pain of parting is proportional to the beauty of the love experienced. It is difficult to endure this pain, because memories immediately begin to torment the person.

It sometimes happens that life divorces two people just to show both how important they are to each other.

It's strange, but even when you know that there are no prospects, when you part, the heart is still heavy ...

The consequences of a breakup depend on how long and sincere the feelings were.

A person leaves not because of a lack of feelings, but because of a lack of reciprocity or betrayal.

Once we leave our loved ones, so that later our whole life we ​​can mentally return to them ...

People sometimes want to part, in order to be able to yearn, wait and rejoice at the return.

Parting is a great thing. It always seems to give more than it takes.

It is easier to part with a person than with illusions about him.

If humanity knew about its future, it would not laugh so much, parting with its past.

They meet and marry for beauty, part and divorce for wretchedness.

Parting is a carefully planned attempt on a person: a bomb is planted in the very heart, and there is no escape from its destructive explosion.

Sometimes the only thing left to do is hug each other one last time and just let go.

Why don't we fall in love every month with something new? Because when parting, we would have to lose a piece of our own heart.

Initiating parting with his beloved, a man will tell her any reasons except the true one - she does not suit him in bed.

Here are three phrases that should be uttered when breaking up with a woman: "I'm leaving you", "It's all over between us" and "I stopped loving you." Until they are uttered, it is still fixable.

Parting is always sad; but at the same time somewhere deep - there is no parting. They part completely, irrevocably, hopelessly, only when hearts grow cold; as long as the heart is warm, as long as there is a vivid memory of the heart - there is no real parting, people cannot lose each other. The mind can become confused, weaken, - the heart does not get in the way and does not get weak.

Only if you finally part with a person, you begin to be truly interested in what concerns him.

Parting only strengthens the power of those we paint.

Some breakup stories evoke sad memories, while others have pleasant dreams about when they will have the same person about whom they can remember and be sad.

You will understand that she is an angel only when she turns her back on you ...

Pain, betrayal, lies and circumstances. All this very often leads to the same end - parting. How to survive this, what great people say and just those who have come across this, will tell you quotes about parting. Speaking can help express feelings, or maybe learn to perceive what happened in a different way.

Quotes about man

  • "It is worth leaving a man at a time when he himself is not yet thinking about whether to leave him."
  • "The more time has passed since the breakup, the more desirable and interesting the meeting."
  • "Sometimes we continue to be sad not for the person, but for the memories of him."
  • "Love seems to be greater just after its loss."
  • "Men have no idea, Women - when is it better to do it."

Quotes about parting between loved ones are often found in the form of statuses on social networks. There is deep sadness, disappointment, resentment, and even gratitude. Therefore, such a set of feelings is universal, familiar to very many. And the realization that you are not the first to know this can already become a saving ring on the way to peace of mind.

Quotes about parting are sad

  • "When a person loses everything and everyone he loved, it is easier for him to say goodbye to himself."
  • "As soon as you begin to forget a person, the brain immediately reminds you that today is his birthday and he loves watermelons more than melons."
  • "When love only brings pain, the best way out is to leave."
  • "Parting can weaken only a fleeting love. Just like a candle goes out in the wind. Love in parting only grows. Like a fire flaring in the wind."
  • "A man is best characterized by whether he was able to say goodbye to a woman without humiliating her."

Breakup quotes and statuses to cheer up

Breakup quotes are often hilarious. This applies to those people who have already experienced the first pangs of loss, or those who are optimistic about life. The latter are sure that parting is another opportunity. The ability to find another person, get rid of the shortcomings of the past and look at yourself differently. One way or another, funny quotes can help you look at the problem from a different angle:

  • “It is necessary to part. Especially when you understand that you don’t need to grow up to your beloved. And you just have to go down.”
  • "You can only lose someone who belongs to you."
  • "After parting, a woman becomes not lonely, but self-sufficient and free."
  • "By eliminating your presence, save the need to drop your calls later."
  • "If you are unlucky in love, grow up, wiser, put yourself in order, and now let her be unlucky with you."
  • "If they part with you, try to thank and smile in return. The time will come when a person realizes that he is wrong and remembers your nobility."

What do great people say about parting?

Quotes about parting with a loved one of great people also reflect this process in different ways. Someone talks about grief and a broken heart, someone draws a life lesson from this. Further - a few examples of how great cultural figures of the past speak of separation.

An interesting thought was expressed by the philosopher A. Schopenhauer: parting gives a person a feeling of impending death, while a date gives a real resurrection. That is why former lovers feed in themselves the hope that even after decades they will be together.

The romantic M. Lermontov successfully noted that the more joy we learn in love, the more bitter the separation will become. W. Shakespeare noted that the pain of separation makes people completely dumb.

And the words of the poet of Antiquity Ovid can be used as a reminder to those who initiated the rupture: "Being able to leave is not as difficult as not being able to return."

Another optimistic remark belongs to. It should be a reminder to everyone who is in a state of despair. He talks about not being discouraged after parting. The latter is just an excuse to meet. And the meeting is possible only for those who have remained friends.

In conclusion, I would like to give an example of Remarque's attitude to parting: parting is not always the end, more often it is the first step of the ascent.

Quotes about parting are, in fact, an attempt to analyze your negative experience, express it verbally and the first step towards liberation. Even psychologists recommend verbalizing what hurts in the soul. This makes it easier to grasp the essence of what is happening. And over time, stop blaming yourself, another, or fate for injustice, and treat it as an experience.

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How much human happiness was smashed to smithereens just because one of the two did not say in time: "Sorry!"

You can part with love, the pain will dissipate little by little, but only by deceiving ourselves - we can deceive, we cannot deceive God !!!

When it’s over, the pain of parting is proportional to the beauty of the love experienced. It is difficult to endure this pain, because memories immediately begin to torment the person.

It sometimes happens that life divorces two people just to show both how important they are to each other.

It's strange, but even when you know that there are no prospects, when you part, the heart is still heavy ...

The consequences of a breakup depend on how long and sincere the feelings were.

Once we leave our loved ones, so that later our whole life we ​​can mentally return to them ...

If humanity knew about its future, it would not laugh so much, parting with its past.

Parting is a carefully planned attempt on a person: a bomb is planted in the very heart, and there is no escape from its destructive explosion.

Sometimes the only thing left to do is hug each other one last time and just let go.

Why don't we fall in love every month with something new? Because when parting, we would have to lose a piece of our own heart.

Initiating parting with his beloved, a man will tell her any reasons except the true one - she does not suit him in bed.

Here are three phrases that should be uttered when breaking up with a woman: "I'm leaving you", "It's all over between us" and "I stopped loving you." Until they are uttered, it is still fixable.

Parting is always sad; but at the same time somewhere deep - there is no parting. They part completely, irrevocably, hopelessly, only when hearts grow cold; as long as the heart is warm, as long as there is a vivid memory of the heart - there is no real parting, people cannot lose each other. The mind can become confused, weaken, - the heart does not get in the way and does not get weak.

Only if you finally part with a person, you begin to be truly interested in what concerns him.

Parting only strengthens the power of those we paint.

Some breakup stories evoke sad memories, while others have pleasant dreams about when they will have the same person about whom they can remember and be sad.

You will understand that she is an angel only when she turns her back on you ...

A break does not always mean the end, but often a stepping stone.

You need to leave a man before he thinks about leaving him.

Sometimes breaking up is doing the right thing.

Parting does not cause them [people] to feel proud of a job well done, or excited anticipation of the next meeting - only gloomy, exhausting uncertainty. In truth, no amount of copulation gives rise to passions in a person comparable to the passions of separation.

Divorce always shows how much a husband and wife have in common ... Property.

We fell from heaven to earth, And we can no longer rise up, The stars in the Universe have faded, It hurts to part with love.

There are situations when only the ability to part with the real perception of the world saves from madness.

Sometimes parting saves love from its death.

Parting always shows if the feelings were sincere. Georges Elgozi

Just as by the ashes one can judge the strength of the fire, so the consequences of parting will tell the truth about the power of love.

It happens, having deceived yourself, Then you suffer every evening: When you part with love, And you again pray to God for a meeting.

Being together all the time can lead to a quick breakup.

People do not know the future, knowing about it, they would not have thrown away their past so easily.

When the sacrament of the wedding has taken place, the thread that binds lovers is strong: nothing can separate the spouses.

Read the continuation of the quotes on the pages:

It's a pity ... You just had to remember the basic rule of family life: if you are right, rather apologize.

Before dreaming about something - think, and suddenly it will come true.

It has always been so that the depth of love is known only in the hour of separation.

How much human happiness was smashed to smithereens just because one of the two did not say in time: "Sorry!"

It sometimes happens that life divorces two people - only to show both how important they are to each other.

You can also communicate with absent friends, as often and for as long as you like. In separation, we enjoy this communication even more. Life next to us makes us spoiled, and although we sometimes sit together, walk and talk together, we disperse separately and stop thinking about those we just saw.

True love is not one that can withstand years of separation, but one that can withstand years of intimacy.

If your wife left you, remember how you achieved this.

I always received only what I took, not noticing how much I was given.

Once we leave our loved ones in order to mentally return to them all our lives ...

It started as usual and ended as usual. Big and bright love was canceled for technical reasons.

Reality is cruel. We are alive. We breathe. But the heart was left torn to shreds. And memory in spaces and dots ... Forever!

One day you will realize that you have lost me. One day you will wake up lonely in a dream, you will see how I cry, suddenly you will understand how cruel you were, you will understand the one you lost, in fact, without recognizing me, and then one day you will cry the same tears as I did.

It is unfair to despise me for being so wrong about me. It's not my fault that you were such a fool.

It is better to love and be out of love than to wash three baskets of laundry every week.

I know now you are with the other, and my heart beats only with you, I don’t know how I can live without you, I cannot forget you.

We need to part. It is better to be unhappy without you than with you.

It is easier to part with a person than with illusions about him.

Here are three phrases that should be uttered when breaking up with a woman: I'm leaving you, It's all over between us and I have stopped loving you. Until they are uttered, it is still fixable.

Distance is not so terrible when it is in kilometers of the earth, and not in kilometers of the soul.

The most important thing in separation is to know - it can be forever!

When you are alone, all the couples in the city will like to hug in public.

Without a heart, it is impossible to exist ... Without a soul, it is impossible to live ... Without you, I do not exist.

We keep a mistress in order to have, we have a wife to support.

Death is easier than separation. Death is just a moment, in separation we suffer all our lives.

Marriage is a union of two people to jointly overcome problems that they would not have had it not for this union.

People sometimes want to part, in order to be able to yearn, wait and rejoice at the return.

Only in moments of meeting and separation do people know how much love their heart hid, and the words of love tremble on their lips, and their eyes fill with tears.

Nowhere do you feel so much your loneliness as among people. - T. Rebrik

Each parting gives the anticipation of death and each date - the anticipation of resurrection. That is why even people who were indifferent to each other rejoice if in twenty or thirty years they will come together again.

What was - passed, and the pain died, what was long ago - that was then ... Forgive, do not be angry, I loved you, forgive and accept - I am no longer yours ...

The horror of separation is not at all that passion is lost, but that part of you was given along with it, which disappeared along with the loved one. - Roger Vadim

The man does not know how to leave; woman - when to leave.

Only a man who respects a woman can part with her without humiliating her.

The era is like a woman with whom you live: in order to appreciate her, you must part with her forever.

I have never loved anyone so much and will never love again, even though I have not opened my heart to you, I still keep your image in it.

Even knowing that after parting there is no future with a loved one, it doesn’t make my heart any easier ...

With the advent of experience, you want to return to it less and less.

After breaking up, the pain is equal to the strength of the love experienced. The pleasant memories of the deceased love interfere with this pain.

You indulge your vanity, throw him and beckon him with your finger, and he lay down without you and does not wake up anymore ...

If you come back at nine in the evening instead of seven, and he has not called the police yet, then love is already over.

Some friends are good in the distance, others - close; someone who is not very suitable for conversation is excellent at correspondence. Distance smooths out the flaws that are unbearable with close communication.

A person leaves not because of a lack of feelings, but because of a lack of reciprocity or betrayal.

Farewell comes before realizing your feelings.

A rude break is a sign of strong feelings.

When she leaves, she will take all the colors and emotions with her. Will take away the very air he breathes.

Sometimes, changing the phone number changes the life of only one person. Someone who never gets through again.

You say that I am not the one you need, you want me to be a true slave in front of you ... But I am not a fool to be like that, go further dear!

Parting is a great thing. It always seems to give more than it takes.

When girls break their wings, they start flying on a broomstick.

It often happens that fate divorces lovers so that they understand what they mean to each other.

From the point of view of women, men have two main disadvantages: the fact that they think about sex all the time, and the fact that their thoughts are at odds with their deeds.

Few slam the door once. It is really very difficult.

Leave the past to those who stayed in it ...

I will stop loving you only when a blind artist draws the sound of a rose petal falling, on the crystal floor of the castle, which is not ...

They meet and marry for beauty, part and divorce for wretchedness.

Bitter separation makes poor lovers decidedly dumb.

I prefer the inscription "No entry" over the inscription "No exit".

The snow is melting, there is a piece of ice in my heart, A tear on my cheek will not melt. We are different people, with different destinies, Our meeting is a mistake. The mistake is love.

When people no longer love each other, it is difficult for them to find a reason to part ways.

You will not see how I cry, I will be strong with you. And I don’t know what I’ll do, because you’re leaving for good.

There was love without joys, separation will be without sorrow.

Just as the wind can blow out a match and fan a fire, separation can either weaken infatuation and rekindle great love.

In the life of every man, there comes a period when clean socks are easier to buy.

Man, I can't be with you. More than anything, I want to be with you. But I can not! That would be mean, you know. I am like sulfuric acid, which fell in love with the titmouse, a small bird with black, attentive eyes.

Aphorisms and quotes aptly and poetically reveal the essence of the relationship between people, between a man and a woman. Well-known witches, masters of laconic verbal sketches, often turned to this favorite topic to express their feelings, thoughts and desires.

The fear of losing a loved one gave rise to many aphorisms about parting. François La Rochefoucauld, and Paulo Coelho, and even Pliny the Younger wrote about this. In their statements, one can hear deep sadness, longing for love, regret for lost feelings.

Trying to forget someone means remembering him all the time. Reflections and memories only strengthen

love. Jean de La Bruyere

Death is easier than separation. Death is just a moment, in separation we suffer all our lives.


Nureddin ibn Ahmad Jami

The best moment of love is when you go up the stairs to your beloved one. Georges Clemenceau

The separation should be sudden. Benjamin Disraeli

Some friends are good in the distance, others - close; one who is not very suitable for conversation is excellent at

correspondence. Distance smooths out the flaws that are unbearable with close communication. Baltasar Gracian y Morales

In order not to part, people bind themselves with chains, although they must not break their threads.Maxim Valerievich


Bitter separation makes poor lovers decidedly dumb. William Shakespeare

I know for sure that love will pass

When two hearts are separated by the sea. Lope de Vega

Separation only strengthens the power of those we love. Romain Rolland

Separation weakens a slight infatuation, but increases a great passion, just as the wind extinguishes a candle, but

fanning the fire.Francois de La Rochefoucauld

You can also communicate with absent friends, as often and for as long as you like. We are still apart

enjoy this communication more. Life beside us makes us spoiled, and although we sometimes sit together,

we walk and talk together, but, dispersed separately, we stop thinking about those with whom we have just met. Lucius

Annei Seneca (junior)

Temporary separation is useful, because constant communication creates the appearance of monotony. Karl Marx

Friendship is not such a pitiful flame to go out in separation. Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller

Therefore, we must endure separation calmly, because everyone is separated for a long time, even from those who are close. Lucius

Annei Seneca (junior)

- Don't be afraid of cultural breakups. It's better than scandals.

- But there is passion in scandals ...

Alan Tichmarsh.

In separation, the remaining one takes three quarters of grief, while the one who leaves takes only one quarter. Ibn Hazma

Separation decreases moderate love and increases strong love, just as the wind extinguishes a candle and blows

Fire. La Rochefoucauld

Parting is for love - what the wind is for fire: it extinguishes the weak, and blows the big one.Roger de Bussy-Rabutin

If humanity knew about its future, it would not laugh so much, parting with its past.

Shenderovich Viktor Anatolievich

Only a man who respects a woman can part with her without humiliating her.

William Somerset Maugham

The surest way not to go crazy in other circumstances: to remember the unreality of everything around and not

part with it.

Emile Michel Cioran

Only if you finally part with a person, you begin to be truly interested in everything that his


Erich Maria Remarque

All the joys of the earth are brighter than the opportunity to be among friends. The bitterest torment in the world - with close friends

parting. Abu Abdallah Jafar Rudaki

Why don't we fall in love every month with something new? Because when we parted, we would have to

to lose a particle of your own heart.

Sigmund Freud

People sometimes want to part, in order to be able to yearn, wait and rejoice at the return. Janusz

Vishnevsky. Loneliness on the web

Without you, my life is a waiting room.

Frederic Beigbeder.

The extreme opposite of love is not at all separation, not jealousy, not oblivion, not self-interest, but a quarrel. Lope de Vega

The shortest night is before parting, the saddest messenger is dawn. Someone, regretting everything,

will say: "goodbye", but there is no road to the past ... Bernard Weber

The assurance that you are loved soothes the suffering of separation. The last sorry even loses its bitterness

when the echo of love is still heard in it. Joseph Addison

By rejecting love, man not only rejects God, but also loudly calls the devil.

In every separation, a new meeting is always hidden. Leonid Soloviev

The consequences of a breakup depend on how long and sincere the feelings were.

Georges Elgozi

When it’s over, the pain of parting is proportional to the beauty of the love we have experienced. Endure this pain

difficult, because the person immediately begins to torment the memories.

The first parting is pain, the second is fear, and the third is boredom.

All rejected lovers should be entitled to a second try — with someone else.

Mae West

A break does not always mean the end, but often a stepping stone.

Erich Maria Remarque.

If the marriage is completed, then the marriage union

The connection is indissoluble, it cannot be broken:

Spouses should not be apart. Pierre Corneille

The cure for hatred is separation. "Pshekruj"

When your best friend wants evil

Just part with him, do not need the evil of another.

Do not enter into an argument or a lawsuit,

Do not close the road of reconciliation forever. Abdurrahman Nureddin ibn Ahmad Jami

There is no more joy than seeing friends

There is no grief worse than separation from friends.Abu Abdallah Jafar Rudaki

I have lived for two days without seeing you, and by this I have proved that I can endure everything.

George Bernard Shaw

Pain, betrayal, lies and circumstances. All this very often leads to the same end - parting. How to survive this, what great people say and just those who have come across this, will tell you quotes about parting. Speaking can help express feelings, or maybe learn to perceive what happened in a different way.

Quotes about man

  • "It is worth leaving a man at a time when he himself is not yet thinking about whether to leave him."
  • "The more time has passed since the breakup, the more desirable and interesting the meeting."
  • "Sometimes we continue to be sad not for the person, but for the memories of him."
  • "Love seems to be greater just after its loss."
  • "Men have no idea, Women - when is it better to do it."

Quotes about parting between loved ones are often found in the form of statuses on social networks. There is deep sadness, disappointment, resentment, and even gratitude. Therefore, such a set of feelings is universal, familiar to very many. And the realization that you are not the first to know this can already become a saving ring on the way to peace of mind.

Quotes about parting are sad

  • "When a person loses everything and everyone he loved, it is easier for him to say goodbye to himself."
  • "As soon as you begin to forget a person, the brain immediately reminds you that today is his birthday and he loves watermelons more than melons."
  • "When love only brings pain, the best way out is to leave."
  • "Parting can weaken only a fleeting love. Just like a candle goes out in the wind. Love in parting only grows. Like a fire flaring in the wind."
  • "A man is best characterized by whether he was able to say goodbye to a woman without humiliating her."

Breakup quotes and statuses to cheer up

Breakup quotes are often hilarious. This applies to those people who have already experienced the first pangs of loss, or those who are optimistic about life. The latter are sure that parting is another opportunity. The ability to find another person, get rid of the shortcomings of the past and look at yourself differently. One way or another, funny quotes can help you look at the problem from a different angle:

  • “It is necessary to part. Especially when you understand that you don’t need to grow up to your beloved. And you just have to go down.”
  • "You can only lose someone who belongs to you."
  • "After parting, a woman becomes not lonely, but self-sufficient and free."
  • "By eliminating your presence, save the need to drop your calls later."
  • "If you are unlucky in love, grow up, wiser, put yourself in order, and now let her be unlucky with you."
  • "If they part with you, try to thank and smile in return. The time will come when a person realizes that he is wrong and remembers your nobility."

What do great people say about parting?

Quotes about parting with a loved one of great people also reflect this process in different ways. Someone talks about grief and a broken heart, someone draws a life lesson from this. Further - a few examples of how great cultural figures of the past speak of separation.

An interesting thought was expressed by the philosopher A. Schopenhauer: parting gives a person a feeling of impending death, while a date gives a real resurrection. That is why former lovers feed in themselves the hope that even after decades they will be together.

The romantic M. Lermontov successfully noted that the more joy we learn in love, the more bitter the separation will become. W. Shakespeare noted that the pain of separation makes people completely dumb.

And the words of the poet of Antiquity Ovid can be used as a reminder to those who initiated the rupture: "Being able to leave is not as difficult as not being able to return."

Another optimistic comment comes from Richard Bach. It should be a reminder to everyone who is in a state of despair. He talks about not being discouraged after parting. The latter is just an excuse to meet. And the meeting is possible only for those who have remained friends.

In conclusion, I would like to give an example of Remarque's attitude to parting: parting is not always the end, more often it is the first step of the ascent.

Quotes about parting are, in fact, an attempt to analyze your negative experience, express it verbally and the first step towards liberation. Even psychologists recommend verbalizing what hurts in the soul. This makes it easier to grasp the essence of what is happening. And over time, stop blaming yourself, another, or fate for injustice, and treat it as an experience.

How not to break your leg falling from the roof of the house? All you can do is group together and mitigate the consequences. It's the same with our gentle companions in life. “Let's stay friends”, “it's not about you, it's about me” are commonplace and excuses for breaking up, which only cause irritation. At the request of TTR, the author of the public Dmitry Kagdin came up with five phrases that you need to say to a girl so that she takes your departure as painlessly as possible and does not want to kill you, at least in the first five minutes of the conversation.

The feelings that were before are not there

A phrase that strikes the popular, modern opinion that love is not eternal. In a sense, you can show the girl that feelings are fading away. This is especially useful if she was naive and believed that you were sent to her from heaven. Many books claim that feelings can go away. People's revelations also tell us that "there are no those feelings that were during the first date." Every girl guesses about it, but hides these fears deep inside. It's easier to live like this than to shake every day, crossing out the three-year calendar, at the end of which love will surely die. If we hit this place, we will provoke her personal growth, which we can then brag about to friends. Yes, and her suffering will pass faster, because subconsciously she was ready for such an outcome.

Understand, now you think that I'm the only one, but when you meet me, you can miss true love

Sweet honey for the girl's ears. The natural reaction would be rejection, but the phrase itself is a classic Trojan horse. Accepting her with refusal, the girl will emotionally load your words, and later, having seen through them, will understand that there is a prince who is waiting for her, and you were just his likeness. The embedded meaning conveys a message to her - “you need to look for another, why spend time for suffering. " This is a modernized phrase that does not provoke aggression due to its originality: "You will find yourself better."

Sorry honey, I'm not a sadist. My love is gone, and if we don't part, I will torment you with this. I can't do this

With this phrase, you show that you still care about her, and make it clear that if she does not let you go, it will be worse for her. There will be no those flowers on Fridays, anniversary celebrations, gifts and attention. In general, all that a girl needs. At the same time, you signify that you do not want such a life for her. You remain a good friend to her who protects her. They love it.

If we continue to be together, we can part and hate each other, and I don't want to lose a person like you, so it's better to leave now.

Another modernization, this time banal: "Let's stay friends." The difference is that you are describing the prospect of friendship, which, by the way, may never come true, you both know that. But you give her warm words that will be a soft pillow for her. The standard expression of care in the form of “I don’t want to lose a person like you” works very well for her social memory, laid down by many generations, as well as love films, songs and poems. And again - you are a hero, you see the danger and prevent it. In general, I deserve a round of applause!

Sorry, I have changed. I realized that relationships are not for me. I am attracted to other girls, but I don't want to spoil your life with cheating

"Oh, you're so caring, stop it!" - this is not what you will hear from her after this phrase, but nevertheless, you declare that you are frank and honest, which in itself is a manifestation of care and respect towards her. You have nothing to blame, you are a free man and live as you want. If you want others, you have the right.

There is no universal magic phrase that makes you stop loving you painlessly. A girl is a living person with her emotions, we can only mitigate and shorten her suffering in time.


Termination of relationships between loved ones is always very difficult. You can read breakup quotes to help ease the situation. After all, quotes about parting were left by people who experienced a similar situation and they, through their words, can give any advice.

People sometimes want to part, in order to be able to yearn, wait and rejoice at the return.
Janusz Leon Vishnevsky. Loneliness on the web

If I knew when I saw you for the last time that this was the last time, I would try to remember your face, your walk, everything connected with you. And if I knew the last time I kissed you that this was the last time, I would never stop.

It is easier to part with a person than with illusions about him.

Martha Ketro. Always smile, my love.

How can you say goodbye to someone you can't live without? .. I didn't say goodbye, I didn't say anything, I just left ... at the end of that night I decided to move on.
My Blueberry Nights

When it’s over, the pain of parting is proportional to the beauty of the love we have experienced. It is difficult to endure this pain, because memories immediately begin to torment the person.
Sorry for love (Scusa ma ti chiamo amore)

We need to part. It is better to be unhappy without you than with you.

Frederic Beigbeder. Love lives for three years.

Sometimes you understand, reading quotes, parting is necessary and there is no getting away from it.

Sometimes the only thing left to do is hug each other one last time and just let go.
Gossip Girl

She was leaving, and he wanted time to stop. On this deserted sidewalk, without knowing why, he already missed her. When he called out to her, she managed to take twelve steps - and she never admits that she counted each step.
Mark Levy. Everyone wants to love

Your footprints will disappear in an hour, but she will never forget you. And you never told her. Life is shorter than you think. Love while you can ...
Five centimeters per second (Byôsoku 5 senchimêtoru)

The information is incorrect; the testimony is false. He wrote to me "I will die without you", but we both survived ...

Vera Polozkova

They say there is such a connection in the world that it doesn't matter how many times you break it. You will meet anyway.
Boys are more beautiful than flowers (Kkotboda namja)

Loneliness is perceived more easily while the one with whom you have been for a long time is alone.

Never go back to what you decided to leave. No matter how much they ask you, and no matter how much you want yourself. Having conquered one mountain, start storming another.
Marilyn Monroe

Only if you finally part with a person, you begin to be truly interested in what concerns him. This is one of the paradoxes of love.
Erich Maria Remarque. Black obelisk

I will let you go if it is necessary for you to come back.
Gossip Girl

It is amazing, incomprehensible, how a big city can be empty with the departure of one person.

Natig Rasul-Zade. Among the ghosts.

Why don't we fall in love every month with someone new? Because when parting, we would have to lose a piece of our own heart.
Sigmund Freud

Separation is a dark room in which not even love is visible.

It has always been so that the depth of love is known only in the hour of separation.

The pain is not in the distance. Even if we are in different countries - I will hear your silence ...

I know for sure that love will pass when the sea separates two hearts.

Separation does not extinguish, but enhances the feeling.

All our parting meetings, alas, are destined ...

If the marriage is completed, then the marriage is indissoluble, it cannot be broken: the spouses should not be apart.

The separation should be sudden.

You went into the radiance of light after a thunderstorm, A gray downpour drowned out your voice, I will listen in silence to the splash of rain, Remembering your gray eyes ...

Cool sayings about separation

Distance between people is sometimes measured by hypocrisy.

Cool cool sayings about separation

If you are away for a short time, I am ready to wait for you all my life.

Separation only strengthens the power of those we are.

Dogs and women who have waited a long time flinch in surprise when their master and deliverer finally appears.

Trying to forget someone means remembering him all the time. Reflections and memories only strengthen love.

Separation weakens a slight infatuation, but heightens a great passion, just as the wind extinguishes a candle and blows up a fire.

Bitter separation makes poor lovers decidedly dumb.

The book penetrates the door, courageously removes the veils, gives understanding without understanding; a speaker who does not speak; the gaze of the yearning rushes to her, if separation sits next to him.

Parting is for love, like the wind for a fire - it blows strong love, and extinguishes weak.

Let her be as good without me as it was with me, but I am much better without her than it was with her.

The extreme opposite of love is not at all separation, not jealousy, not oblivion, not, but a quarrel.

Positive Cool Separation Sayings

You can also communicate with absent friends, as often and for as long as you like. In separation, we enjoy this communication even more. Life next to us makes us spoiled, and although we sometimes sit together, walk and talk together, we disperse separately and stop thinking about those we have just met.

I haven't seen her since the stone lost weight and the wind gained weight.

The death of a loved one and separation are the worst of ten thousand sad and sad deeds on earth.

In separation, you are afraid that one of the two will run out of strength.

What an inexplicable phenomenon: when you are apart from your beloved, time stretches to eternity, but when you are next to him, time in an incomprehensible way is compressed to the moment.

Separation decreases moderate love and increases strong love, just as the wind extinguishes a candle and fancies a fire.

If a person is ready to let go so easily, then you meant nothing to him.

Remember only: the world is open to you at all ends, it is open to me. Maybe we will meet: in every separation there is always a new meeting.

Temporary separation is useful, because constant communication creates the appearance of monotony.

Parting makes love young, does not allow it to grow old and decayed.

Love, sometimes, does not withstand even a short separation. Too fragile a feeling for which neglect is often fatal.

In the impossibility of meeting - the endlessness of goodbyes.

The assurance that you are loved soothes the suffering of separation. The last "forgive" even loses its bitterness when the echo of love is still heard in it.

There is no more joy than seeing friends, There is no more bitter sorrow than separation from friends.

Death is easier than separation. Death is just a moment, in separation we suffer all our lives.

In every separation, a new meeting is always hidden.

Some friends are good in the distance, others - close; someone who is not very suitable for conversation is excellent at correspondence. Distance smooths out the flaws that are unbearable with close communication.

Parting is dying, dating is birth.

When your best friend wants evil, Only part with him, do not need another evil. Do not enter into wrangling or litigation, Do not close the Way forever.

Let us be apart, but together in soul.

If souls do not die, then to say goodbye is to deny separation.

When hearts are full of love and beat only from meeting to separation, a slight hint is enough to understand each other.

Funny Cool Separation Sayings

Love is stronger than separation, but separation is longer than love ...

Separation taught her love - not that splitting, throwing from side to side, impenetrable, but pure, genuine, hiding, hidden.

Parting helps to understand your feelings to the end ...

The road is a source of meetings of constant and endless partings.

What you really love is not the one you want to meet, but the one you don't want to part with.

The drop began to cry that it parted with the sea. The sea laughed at the naive grief.

Parting is accompanied by the words "on the road."

Separation is just as difficult for us as a date after death. Do not measure human souls by equal measure!

After the meeting, the parting rings out.

In separation, the remaining one takes three quarters of grief, while the one who leaves takes only one quarter.

It so happens that in life we ​​meet, either they let us go, or we let go.

Why is a madman a rose, if he is apart from it?

Each parting gives the anticipation of death and each date - the anticipation of resurrection. That is why even people who were indifferent to each other rejoice if in twenty or thirty years they will come together again.

Kindly Cool Separation Sayings

The desire to exclude from our life all those things that we did and loved together is about the same as excluding life from life.

In separation from a loved one, they grow old quickly.

The cure for hatred is separation.

Nothing stimulates love like a short separation. What makes marriage unbearable? Too close relationships, base worries and routine.

In order not to part, people bind themselves with chains, although they must not break their threads. Maxim Valerievich Vulkanov

Parting is the thing: not expecting anything, we shudder not from knocking, but from hope for it.

Separation is another name for love.

It was easy to wait for Penelope when the line was for her, and not she was in line.

The longer the separation, the more interesting the meeting.

All the joys of the earth are brighter than the opportunity to be among friends. The bitterest torment in the world is separation from close friends.

True love is not one that can withstand years of separation, but one that can withstand years of intimacy.

You cannot understand love without knowing the separation.