How can you congratulate your spouse on your anniversary in an original way? Original birthday greetings to the husband from his wife in his own words. Birthday greetings and wishes to her husband

There are many festive events in the life of every person, however, Birthday is a great celebration that never goes unnoticed. Gifts, treats, positive mood, smiles and laughter are the main features of this festival. However, getting ready to celebrate the birthday of their beloved husband, many wives are confused - what to give their spouse? Some choose the easiest way and go to the store for another perfume or shaving gel, others do it differently - create an unusual, creative gift with their own hands, looking for original and unforgettable gifts.

In order to help wives with the choice of the best gift for their beloved half, we have selected several useful ideas. One has only to add that these are just tips, not orders for action, so you yourself can supplement them, change and combine them with any other options. Imagine! Your husband deserves it!

What to give is strictly prohibited

Before you start looking for an original gift for your husband, you should provide a list of presents that are strictly prohibited to give. Perhaps this sounds too straightforward, but men do not like it when on the most beautiful holiday they are presented with bypassed things. Note! Do not under any circumstances buy for a birthday present:

  1. Hair shampoo, gel or other cosmetics (of course, only if your husband is not a professional stylist or beautician).
  2. Socks, underpants, underpants and the like. Women know! Men are very annoyed with such "presents" - in principle, you should not give them, but buy as needed. So you greatly reduce your husband's self-esteem, turning his holiday into an ordinary weekday.
  3. A jacket, hat or other clothing without consulting your husband. This is natural, because in this way you order the man to dress as his wife says. Maybe this is not his style or the jacket is too big or too warm? If you really want to donate outerwear, pick them up together.
  4. What you need, not your husband. For example, many wives appeal: “We do not have a multicooker, we need to give it to my husband for his birthday, or the lamp in the nursery has broken - I’ll give it to my husband for DR”. You know, such a present is not only unpleasant, but also humiliating. Are you so cold with your feelings that you put yourself in the foreground, even on such a special day?

Wives, remember! Pick up a gift for your husband from the bottom of your heart, with joy in your soul, and not with resentment and sadness. Then you will definitely do everything right!

Original ideas for congratulating your beloved husband

"Edible" poster. Another very attractive and fun idea of ​​how to wish your loved one a happy birthday. To do this, you will need to purchase a Whatman paper and several types of advertised chocolate bars, juices or other small products with a bright, noticeable inscription. You write a wish on the poster, for example: “I wish every day to be a heavenly delight, like a Bounty” or “You are the kindest (stick the juice of the same name) and Beloved (add the juice box again). This way you can create an original edible poster that is not only pleasant to read, but also delicious to eat!

Unusual MMS. If your husband works productively at work all day during his birthday, you can send him a funny and sincere photo message. If you are an extravagant person and do not like standard photos like “I love you, happy birthday”, you can create something creative. Pregnant women can take a profile picture and sign a photo "Your gift is inside me, but you will receive it with a delay", lovers of making cakes and cakes can use their culinary creations to compose a whole composition with the inscription "Sweet and adored husband", passionate natures will not stop at earthly objects, and will use their weapons - will be photographed against the background of the inscription made of underwear. Interesting, pleasant, and most importantly, from the bottom of my heart!

Homemade certificate. Due to the fact that now all stores are practicing selling their certificates, you can prepare an additional gift for your husband - a handmade certificate. Let it not be designed according to the rules, but your beloved will like the content after the first reading. You can give your husband a certificate for "All day in bed" or "All day with friends" - it all depends on how much you value your soul mate and your creativity! Do not forget that the certificate is intended for the husband, so such services as "Cook borscht" or "Clean up the living room" will look derisive.

Handmade gift. It is not for nothing that a present made with your own hands is valued much higher than a store product. During its manufacture, you only think about how much joy this gift will bring when presented to your beloved, how you love and value your beloved. It turns out that you are creating not just a gift, but a real talisman, since this thing is completely saturated with your positive energy, good thoughts. It doesn't matter if you make a cufflink or tie, a phone stand or a photo frame - wrap the done thing in a beautiful package, decorate with bright bows or flowers and present it to your husband on his birthday early in the morning or right after returning home after work.

Candy with a wish. Sweet things are loved not only by small children, but also by more than half of all men. They are much less likely to follow their figure, so such a gift will bring your beloved husband great joy! Buy a box of delicious chocolates in a pretty, colorful label. Write your most sincere wishes, from the bottom of your heart. For example, you can not dwell on standard wishes, such as "health, happiness, love" and so on, but write something original and unusual - "I wish health unbreakable, like a golden egg," or "happy and carefree days, with thoughts only about me. " Come up with! If you connect your creativity, you can create real masterpieces!

Video clip. You won't surprise anyone with computer knowledge, so you should use it for a good deed! Create a video clip for your loved one or make a selection of photos with captions. For a slide, the sweetest, gentle and emotional photos are suitable, which can cause tears of joy not only from you, but also from your husband. The first date, hugs, a large bouquet of flowers, a trip to the sauna - it doesn't matter. The main thing is that all the photos have some meaning and you are joyful and happy on them. To create a more festive mood, the clip can be burned to disc and decorated with speckled paper or satin ribbons.

A beautiful song. How nice it is to listen when they sing not for someone else, but for you! All eyes are directed only to you, all emotions are for you. Such a gesture will be highly appreciated by any husband, even one who does not understand anything in art. Here, after all, neither the voice nor the rhythm is especially important - the main thing is that your beloved wife sings for you! Surprise your birthday boy with a pleasant, lyrical song, right after he comes home from work after a hard day at work. So you will not only give positive emotions, but also get them back like a boomerang!

Unusual cake. It's no secret that the most important detail of any birthday is a big, beautiful cake. If you want to please your husband with culinary skills, prepare a delicious cake with themed lettering. But if you are not a fan of standing behind the stove, solve this problem with the help of a pastry shop! Order an original cake with a magical taste and an unforgettable pattern! An example is this option - a cake, in the form of a large open bag with a bunch of banknotes or a cake, in the form of a pot of dumplings. Eating such sweetness will be not only pleasant, but also fun!

Romantic dinner. In a series of weekdays, all families gradually begin to forget about romance, about warm, tender relationships. Husband's birthday is a pleasant occasion to overstep this stereotype and plunge into a romantic period again. Prepare a candlelit dinner, put on your finest outfit, and tidy yourself up. Believe me, every husband will appreciate such a gift!

A gift depending on your hobbies. This item can also be considered a win-win option, since by giving him the desired attribute of a hobby, you will inadvertently increase his self-esteem, which is very important for all men. Depending on your hobbies, you can buy binoculars, an air gun, a fishing rod, a modern gadget, a new disc or a car part as a presentation.

Airbrushing on the car. If your husband has been dreaming of turning his car into an original and unusual vehicle for many years, but cannot decide on the time, take matters into your own hands. Accidentally ask what kind of drawing he would like on the car and take his car to the workshop. They will do this creative work quickly and beautifully. It will be very pleasant for you to watch the admiring smile of your husband when he sees his transformed car for the first time!

All of the above tips are a real treasure for those who know how to properly handle them. Do not get hung up on one idea, try to determine the advantage of each option and choose for yourself exactly what you like, but even more will appeal to your soul mate. Connect your imagination, creativity and creativity and create your memorable gift!

Video: the best congratulations for your beloved husband

Most people, regardless of age and social status, treat their birthday with special awe. Perhaps for some, this is a bit of a sad holiday, as thoughts about the past years come to mind, but still, deep down, everyone associates this day with something childishly bright.

Therefore, each of us tries to please our loved one with a memorable gift, to congratulate our beloved in an unusual, bright and beautiful way! But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to come up with how interesting it is to congratulate your husband on his birthday.

Tips for those who want to congratulate their husband on his birthday in an original way, but don't know how

The longer you live with a man, the more difficult it is to congratulate him on his birthday, it seems that it will no longer be possible to surprise your beloved, but this is not so. You can always think of something.

Here are some ideas to help you congratulate your husband in an original way:

  • do something with your own hands. Remember how in childhood we made postcards for mothers and grandmothers from scraps of colored paper. Of course, the spouse is unlikely to appreciate such a craft, but the main thing here is to grasp the meaning - we do it ourselves. You can, for example, if your loved one is a fan of some national football team, tie him a scarf with the symbols of your favorite club. Some ladies prepare portraits of chocolate for their men, and they learn this from video lessons. If you are bad with such creativity, then bake your signature cake, just decorate it this time in a special way. Let this be not the main gift, but a sweet addition;
  • if your husband is an easy-going person who loves interesting games and adventures, then arrange for him a real quest called "gift search". You need to prepare for such a congratulation in advance by creating a special atmosphere in your home: by hanging sheets with charades, puzzles, riddles on the walls. When your loved one passes all the tests, a gift should be waiting for him in the "x" place. In principle, it is not so important what it will be, such a game will be remembered by the spouse for a long time.

How to wish your husband a happy birthday is cool?

If in your family pranks and jokes are the norm, then congratulate your beloved not only interesting, but also cool.

There may be several options:

  • Come up with a funny song for your man, record it on your phone and send it as a voice message. If it is difficult to put words into rhymes on your own, find a suitable text on the Internet. Such congratulations will be appreciated;
  • Create a beautiful clip in honor of your husband's birthday. It can be filmed both with your participation and with the help of, for example, friends, relatives, etc. Or just put some suitable music on a photo where your man and his loved ones are captured;
  • most men will certainly appreciate congratulations with erotic overtones. For example, you can learn some beautiful dance with striptease elements, and write pleasant words for your chosen one on bare parts of the body. Such a surprise will be an excellent answer to the question of how to congratulate your husband on his birthday in an original and unusual way. Girls who are ready to spend an impressive amount of money in order to please their chosen one can order a big cake and jump out of it with congratulations. Such a surprise will be in the spirit of Hollywood films, and this is what most men love.

How to congratulate your husband on his birthday beautifully?

If your man is not devoid of romance, loves interesting and cute surprises and lives a little more in childhood, then he just needs to make a beautiful congratulation.

For example, you can decorate the whole room with balloons, inside of which you can hide pieces of paper with affectionate words for your spouse, and in one of these "houses" you need to put a small gift. Your chosen one should pierce the balls, reading pleasant words addressed to him.

If you have money, you can order your spouse a real fireworks, which will not only sparkle, but also fold into pleasant words.

Since we all come from childhood, you can give your spouse an unforgettable day that will return him to his carefree years. Make an appointment with him via SMS in the park, and then develop a route that will be really interesting to him.

For example, buy tickets for different carousels, stock up on bread and offer to feed the pigeons, or you may already be waiting for him in the park with a basket of picnic day. In general, there are many ideas, everything is in your hands.

If your man was born in winter and the weather is not conducive to long walks, then invite him to a circus or, for example, a trampoline club, they are actively opening in many cities.

In general, to make your beloved's holiday truly unforgettable and beautiful, you just need a desire and a little aspiration.

By the way, all the examples that are given above are perfect for those who think how to congratulate their husbands on their wedding anniversary in an original way.

A few words about what to donate

A good gift can cheer up, and a bad one can ruin it, leaving an unpleasant aftertaste in the soul of the recipient. Of course, they say that they don't look anywhere for a gift horse, but remember your feelings when you pin your hopes, wait, dream, and then "zilch" and get a present in the form of shampoo.

In order not to spoil the mood of your spouse, immediately refuse the following gifts:

  • you should not buy useful things. These include underpants, slippers, sweaters and more. An exception may be a gift for a very practical guy or man who, say, plays football like an amateur and dreams of an expensive uniform, for which money cannot be carved out of the family budget. You may not be able to immediately find the entire amount for a gift, but you can always cooperate with your mother-in-law or friends;
  • although a dog is a friend of man, buying gifts for your chosen one is not the best solution. Many will ask why you shouldn't buy animals? Everything is simple here - such surprises impose some responsibility, you need to take care of living beings, feed, etc. And yet, you should immediately think that if your spouse does not want to take care of the beast, then all the worries will fall on you;
  • you should not give the usual cosmetics and perfumery, it is banal.

If for some reason you did not have time to think over a gift for your loved one, then a gift certificate will always help you out.

My beloved husband, happy birthday,
There are no people like you in the world!
Well, who else would have patience
Would it be enough for so many years?

Thanks for your efforts
For putting up with me
For affection, tenderness and attention!
Oh, how I love you!

I wish you strength, success,
Health, new achievements,
Happy friends, sea of ​​laughter
And many joyful moments!

My husband, you are the strongest
Wonderful, beautiful.
Birthday, dear,
A verse prepared by his wife:

More joy and happiness
And success without bad weather.
Both in work and in love
So that good luck just went.

May health be strong
Like a seven-year-old drink.
And to be near forever
Who would be? Of course it's me!

My prince, although no, is already a king, I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish that the crown does not fall, that the power does not disappear, that luck does not change, that your royal palace is full of gold and love, that your queen is the most beautiful and magnificent, that your nature surprises everyone with talent and charisma, so that your heart sings everyone day. I love you, dear, and I wish you to become a year smarter and more confident in yourself today.

I stand in my hands with a frying pan
And suddenly the hubby comes in
With some strange gait,
There is a sparkle in your eyes!

At first I thought to hit
Although there is no reason
He's kind of sober and without a guitar
And drunk friends are not with him.

But still there are fears
What, what is wrong with him
Damn, it's his birthday
You can fix everything with alcohol.

And I rushed to the shops
Calling friends along the way,
I love my man
How cats love pigeons!

Everyone dispersed, the holiday is over,
I wanted to go up to my husband,
And he fell asleep like a classmate,
Snoring, blowing bubbles.

Dear, my beloved man!
You deserve to be idle today.
There is a good reason for that:
It's your birthday today!

I want to say thank you
For your patience and firmness.
I am often wrong, dear,
But to admit it does not give me pride.

You, of course, are not a gift either,
But we will not talk about this now.
Know, although it is often not visible, maybe
I love you. It will always be so!

May you succeed in everything in life
Get healthier over the years.
Let luck hover over your head
And the carpet of money is underfoot.

Happy Birthday sweetheart!
Knight you are imperturbable
My husband, the most real,
Not a walking boy!

I was lucky with a man:
He has remarkable strength
There is a lot of intelligence in him
And darkness of other virtues!

What can a husband wish?
Indulge all the whims
Always come home
Be kind to your wife!

You stay the same
And don't change a bit.
I love you more than anyone
I respect and appreciate!

I'm buzzing like a bee now
Amid the hassle of whirling
After all, dear,
Today is your birthday!

Be healthy like granite
I wish you joyfully
Let it stand from passionate feelings
Always the taste is sweet.

All your desires
Will soon be fulfilled
Rubles will flow to you
Yourself, my darling,

Waiting for pleasantries - do not count,
Life will not be sour!
Well, there is already happiness -
I AM! Kiss it quick!

Happy Birthday honey,
Kind, glorious, smart!
Let the sadness go away
There will be joy on weekdays.

Puts fate into his pocket
Happiness and luck,
Pour a glass of joy
And warmth - for change!

You will wake up early in the morning
In light beige melancholy
Come on, get up, don't frown,
Your present is on the table.

This holiday date
Unobtrusive with you ..
Kissing seems to be necessary -
Happy birthday dear!

The wishes are harsh:
Do not get sick and do not grow old,
To be favored by Fate,
And do not regret the past.

Do your honorable duty,
The one, conjugal, masculine,
So that at full speed
Life was in full swing, my dear.

Happy Birthday
You, my beloved husband,
I promise to be a friend
Be a lover, a wife.

For you, my husband, is ready
I play all the roles,
I will be a cook and a laundress
And I will give birth to children.

In the garden and in the garden
In the pose of a drinking deer
I will grow strawberries
Cucumbers, carrots and herbs.

May my love, care
You have enough for the whole century
My dear and beloved,
The main person in the world.

Happy birthday superman!
Always be happy with everything:
Every moment, hour, step,
Every day by my side.

Have fun to the fullest
Rage old fate,
But behave wisely -
After all, I'm superwoman too!

When the husband's birthday is coming, a loving wife prepares for this event, probably much more and more thoroughly than the hero of the occasion himself. And it is not surprising, because a woman wants so much that this holiday will be remembered by him for many days, become the happiest event for the whole year, so that on his birthday a loved one believes in miracles, as if in childhood!

And, of course, every woman wants to find the most beautiful, unusual and original congratulations for her beloved husband. Indeed, on this day, a lot is worth saying, you need to express a lot of feelings, say such special words that we forget to pay attention to in everyday life. So let's find the best congratulations to my husband, so that this wonderful holiday will be truly remembered by him!

The longer you are married, the more difficult it is, year after year, to find new words to congratulate your dear spouse on the birthday. But if you apply your imagination, do not be lazy and search, then you can find the most interesting and beautiful congratulations that will sound in a new way and will certainly make a splash!

In order for this to happen exactly in such a way that it was a wonderful surprise, it is worth knowing one important and simple secret: the main thing is not beautiful words, but sincerity and soul. So open your heart, do not hesitate to say out loud, in front of guests, how you love, appreciate and respect your spouse, show him your feelings on this anniversary. It's very easy! And the way how to wish your husband a happy birthday, choose to your taste:

  • A touching SMS message.
  • Solemn speech at the table.
  • Prose.
  • Birthday toast.
  • Happy birthday poems to my husband.
  • Beautiful wishes.
  • Happy birthday greetings to husband and dad.

Choose how to wish your husband a happy birthday - simple or original, solemn or creative, romantic or fun, in your own words or in poetry, from yourself or with your children. The main thing is that it comes from the soul, and the rest is just details!

From a loving wife

There is nothing more dear than a real, sincere birthday greetings to the husband from his wife - beautiful words that will awaken the warmest feelings in the birthday man and touch him to the depths of his heart. It can be prose, and poems, and humor, and toasts, and short messages ... Anything. Choose and please your favorite birthday boy!

1. A beloved worker, despite his holiday, is at work all day, and you just can't wait for the evening to please him? Beautiful and touching SMS birthday greetings to your husband are created especially for you! Your man will be in a great mood all day, he will be very pleased to receive a romantic SMS, and the feeling of a holiday will not leave him for a long time! And most importantly, he will see how you love him and care that you remember his holiday from the very morning, it is very pleasant and touching!

2. Many words from relatives and friends will sound at the festive table, but you, as a wife, can prepare something unusual for the hero of the day. Kind, romantic or funny birthday greetings to your husband, said in prose, will make the best impression on him!

In addition, birthday greetings for a husband in the form of prose can contain wishes, words of gratitude, respect, admiration and much more. Tell that your chosen one is the best in the world, tell me how lucky you are with him, how happy and proud you are, mark his best qualities, remind how you love him. This is the best gift!

3. You can simply say: "Happy birthday", or you can do it in an interesting way - with the help of poetry, which always enhances feelings and creates a wonderful mood! As a wonderful birthday greetings to your beloved husband, you can take short or long poems, you can memorize them or read them, choose a poetic text with humor, cool or, on the contrary, beautiful and romantic. It is very unusual, dignified and festive!

4. Do not forget that toasts will surely sound at the festive table, there is no getting away from this tradition, and no celebration will be considered held without raising glasses and speeches. But a toast for a husband from his wife on his birthday should be special: cheerful, beautiful, wise, romantic - what else, you decide!

It can be a parable or wisdom, funny poems with humor, declarations of love, admiration for the best qualities of the birthday man. The main thing is that your toast to your husband on his birthday is original and that your words come from the heart. Raise a glass to your "soul mate" and give your dear husband your warmth for his birthday!

5. How else can you present your birthday greetings to your beloved and only husband in an interesting, unusual and worthy way so that he can appreciate it? An excellent option, one of the best, is birthday greetings to your husband in your own words. Think for yourself, what does your heart want to say?

After all, every good spouse loves his wife very much and expects reciprocity, love, respect, recognition from her. And on his holidays he wants to hear a lot of warm words. It's one thing to say ready-made phrases written by someone, and it's another to make a speech on your own.

And let it be not very pretentious, not literary and artistic enough, but for real! Take as a basis the proposed birthday greetings to your husband in prose, dilute them with your own thoughts and give the birthday boy real emotions!

From the whole family

Beautiful and sincere, warm and funny - birthday greetings to her husband can be different, but he will be especially pleased if the whole family pleases him. After all, he is also a father, and children also want to please dad on his anniversary! Touching congratulations from the children and the spouse - a wonderful surprise for the precious husband on his birthday!

1. From children and spouses, the most beautiful words happy birthday for dad and husband are congratulations in verse! Do not be lazy to prepare such a wonderful surprise, it will create a real sensation and will not soon disappear from your memory. Even if your spouse has never been a big fan of poems, it doesn't matter.

Believe me, poetry will make an impression on him, and beautiful lines from the lips of a beloved woman will be a great gift that will cause tears of emotion and happiness in his eyes! Poems from the wife and children (and maybe grandchildren, if any) are suitable for any age, for any anniversary or anniversary. Use it!

2. A very solemn, sincere and beautiful birthday greetings to the husband and beloved daddy can be in prose. With the help of prose, you can say a lot, about the most important thing, and not miss anything. You can take a ready-made text that will be worthy of your birthday boy, or add your own words to the speech.

Boldly, do not be afraid - you do not need to be a poet to tell about the main thing, especially to a loved one. The prose from your beloved wife and children will become a precious gift on your anniversary and leave the best emotions!

3. Happy birthday greetings to dad and husband from a spouse and children can be funny and humorous - it does not have to be a serious speech. If the hero of the day is a humorist, if he is always young at heart and loves funny jokes, then try to please him and cheer him up with a cheerful, fervent speech!

The main thing is not to overdo it, so remember that even a humorous speech must be worthy, so that it does not offend the hero of the occasion and does not cause mixed feelings in him. Words should be kind and contain only love!

4. Speaking about toasts, do not forget that the birthday person can be pleased with the whole friendly family. Make a joint toast from your wife and all the children, it will be both pleasant and appropriate. Such a surprise will delight any man, it will be appreciated by all the guests at the table and will see what a wonderful, loving family he has. It is worth a lot and will be highly appreciated by the hero of the occasion!

If you do not like ready-made texts, do not be afraid to supplement them, change, adjust to your taste. After all, this is your spouse, and only you know him more than anyone else. Only you really know what words will touch the birthday boy to the depths of his soul, what will make a great impression on him, what he wants to hear from you.

So take prose or poetry as a basis, add any words that you think are necessary, boldly express in words everything that is in your soul. And it will be the best that you can give your loved one on his holiday!

It's no secret that most men value actions and deeds much higher than words, and your precious spouse is no exception. But the exception is a holiday, an anniversary! On this day, words are actions, because it is with beautiful phrases and speeches that you can prove your sincere love, endless affection and real respect for the most dear person in the world.

So do not feel sorry for love, warm words and romance - there are not many of them on this day! Let your congratulations for your dear husband on his birthday be the best gift that will remain a bright memory for a long time and warm your birthday boy's heart on this wonderful holiday, which happens only once a year! Author: Vasilina Serova, sources:,,,,,

It was last year. The idea is almost entirely taken from this post on the Maternity site forum. Here is the original text in full.

Recently we celebrated my husband's birthday. I caught myself thinking that I was starting to get hung up on the household, and daddy was already completely exhausted at two jobs and it would be time to bring a holiday into our monotonous fuss. Maybe my ideas are not new, but you can always improve and add.
The birthday fell on working days, which means that our dad will get up before everyone else and, in order not to wake me and the baby, will quietly pack up my things, have breakfast and go to work ...
I mentally made his morning route through our apartment and, when he went to sleep and dream on the eve of his birthday, she set to work.
Step 1. She goes out into the corridor (here we have a mirrored wardrobe), took gouache and wrote directly on the mirror: "Happy birthday, darling !!!" and three symbol hearts. He, me, Marusya.
Step 2. Toilet ... Then the fantasy played out. On the barrel, where the drain button is, I drew an eye (pupil button) and inscribed "the all-seeing eye of the toilet bowl." The toilet paper was covered with writing and healed (I remembered that I have lipstick) with such phrases: You are super-popper! My Pop idol! My adorable ass! You are the best! WHOO-GO! And stuff like that ... I painted a smile on the toilet lid, and there was an adhesive tape on the door: “Are we sitting well? With relief, my dear! "
Step 3. Bath. Then on the mirror I wrote: I want to look into your eyes ... it meant - endlessly (he is an intellectual, so I remembered mathematics and drew an infinity icon - 8, which they put to sleep, and, by the way, the frog-toy's eyes peeled off and I inserted them into this “infinity.” It turned out like real eyes looking either through glasses or through eternity ...
Step 4. Kitchen. Refrigerator, on a magnet: "Everything for you, my UNSATURABLE!"
Microwave: "Bon appetit, my joy!", Lockers inside with stickers: "Tea, coffee, stronger?" etc.
5step. Boats. - I wrapped it in a napkin with the words "You are the best DAD in the world!" a children's toy scribe and hid it in the shoes. duplicated the gift in sandals, tk. did not know what she would go to work in. Wardrobe - sticker: “Have a nice day, darling. I'm waiting. Kisses." I almost always embody the last word (as a rule, we get up when dad is on the doorstep). Marusya, waking up, waves to him "goodbye, dad", and I kiss. But on this day, the kiss was special ...
For the evening we prepared a festive dinner, and the present (cactus) was hidden in the kitchen pantry (upstairs). Previously, I calculated that when the door was opened, confiti would start to pour on the sheet of paper (left from the New Year) - it turned out right on the head (Marusya was delighted with the trial experiment!). Dad played the hot-cold game before the present fell on him.
Cactus stuck eyes and mouth - a smile and the inscription: "You already have a lot, and only a cactus you lacked!"
It turned out that giving a loved one a good mood is so simple and so wonderful! I remembered "Scarlet Sails" - if someone is waiting for a miracle, do it yourself (yourself)!
Oh, night! I am silent ...

And this is my photo report on the implementation of this magnificent project:

This is the sign in the hallway. On the way, so to speak: