He made dolls from the bodies of children, fed and entertained them. Now he is being released. Going around Carolina But if he thought that everything would be so simple, then he was wrong

I cleaned the archives yesterday and stumbled upon a text file, where I once pulled phrases from the archive of the AIDS-info newspaper (remember?)
There is a rubric like: "Pearls from readers' letters."

My dream is to meet a man who is serious in the sense of drinking and women.

I wanted to refuse Oleg, but I could not, because I had already been lying in his bed for a long time, moreover, naked.

Tanyuha and I went to the sauna with the guys, and in the end we washed and soared all night.

We bet on the “thing” that he didn’t have Lisa, but she still surrendered to him. Money probably divided in half.

It turns out that the gossip that I have enuresis was spread by a neighbor with whom we were barely familiar. She is not even from our site - she lives a floor below.

After all, I left him - in the costume of Adam.

We made love, but suddenly he got up, dressed silently and left. Could you explain why this could happen to a man?

I'm just tired of this relationship, and bed is not the main thing for me. It is possible in the end and standing.

Lenka has seven Fridays a week, but I have no fool to have sex.

We kissed, hugged, then had sex all night, and in the morning did IT!

Smiling embarrassedly, he approached me, despite my face.

Masha is small, nimble, with a strange crest on her head; making a blowjob, she reminds me of a woodpecker at work.

Her breasts flew over me like balloons.

We met in the bathhouse. Where two more beautiful and lonely people can immediately notice: are they suitable for each other or not.

Looking at Borya, I feel how the egg begins to move there, inside.

Kostya is such a busy person that all our dates took place in his car, and he taxied, and I gave him a blow on the go. For a couple of months I traveled all over Moscow, but, except for his member, I did not see anything.

The sister and husband behind the wall moan terribly at night; in the end, I could not restrain myself, began to knock, and in the morning my sister told me to knock louder - this excites them.

During my studies at the institute, I mastered all types of sex. And now the institute is behind, I will soon work in my specialty.

He left me for a woman who is older than me and even worse.

I did not waste my feelings, although I was married three times, and this is a big problem for me and others.

Petya is a professional balalaika musician, and during sex he is best at hand.

In the rest house behind the wall lived, as they said, a poet and a poetess. At night it seemed to us that they even groan, observing the rhythm and size.

Two-to-two group sex is top class, especially without women.

I surrendered to him all night, but it never came to sex.

Pavlik tortured how many men I had; I said four. As for the amount, I did not lie, but I kept silent that I went to bed with four at once.

Already that night I have been dreaming of the same man. He walks through the garden - without panties, but with a hat ... I start to think that I am a pervert. Although, if you look, a pervert is him.

At first I was not afraid, but when he took off his underpants and I saw his huge anus, I felt uneasy.

We sat peacefully on the couch and watched a family photo album, but suddenly Victor started kissing me between my legs.

We happily survived the blowjob, the first in the life of Irochka. That was joyful tears and fun.

When I did Edika's blowjob, he said that Irka was doing it cooler. I said nothing, gritting my teeth.

Having made Pavlik a blowjob, I realized that I fell in love.

The husband says that I am "weak in the front." And he certainly does not have a mistress, but there are more and more male friends. I think - maybe he is "rather weak on the backside"?

After a stormy night with Gosha, when he left, such a void formed in my soul that I ate a whole pot of soup.

Then Igor declared "the night of free love." Everyone broke into pairs and went into rooms, and I was left alone in a cot. What kind of freedom is this?

She opened her robe, and there - all without anything.

I tried to have sex with Anya in water - nothing worked. She pops up all the time.

When Ira and I were lying in bed, her husband came in. I was numb with horror, but he only laughed and left ... I don’t know why, but since then Ira and I do not want each other at all.

I am 13 years old, I live, like all the girls in my years: discos, wine, group people.

The son looked at the orangutan for a long time and suddenly asked: "Why didn’t dad go to the zoo with us?"

I take sex seriously, I cheated on my husband only twice: with my boss and with some drunk.

It seems that they spoiled me: only state employees like me.

And we make love slowly with him, like two turtles.

Since childhood, I dreamed of becoming a woman, and when I decided, it was too late.

No matter how I tried to get rid of this complex, nothing happens. As soon as I see a handsome guy, I immediately fall as a slant on my back.

For a long time I looked at all his tattoos, correcting grammatical errors.

Most of all I like buttocks in it. Who would paint a portrait from them.

I tried to get drunk, but even a drunken woman nobody wanted to use.

I was so sad and sad that Mitya immediately began to console me as best he could. And he could only twice.

It didn’t taste so disgusting on the palate, like beer. But after I still swallowed a slice of lemon, beingware of an ectopic pregnancy.

My boyfriend often calls me a tantrum. I was already threatening to jump out the window, and Lech was arguing. Well, how to make him not call names? Open the veins, or what?

When you don’t give Dima, he sobs to the floor and starts banging his legs. Stupid, funny, disgusting, but in the end you give. Do not want, but give.

I started to fuck at the age of 14, and finished only at 25.

Why did I go to him then? I do not know. Why stayed overnight? I still do not understand. When he called, she agreed for some reason. What for? It’s not clear ... What kind of a life is so funny.

Kolya's penis is small and pale, like a dumpling.

In bed with Alyosha I felt so good that I screamed and moaned until my mind became confused.

On Masha there were 10 cm of clothes, on me even less.

Then all night we indulged in unbridled passion in all its diversity and sophistication in its hearth.

But at the moment when everything was supposed to happen, my penis backed up.

Instead of words of love, I heard three loud letters.

Fans of Masha, I gradually began to beat. He did one, then the second, and the third puzzled me. Wiping the blood, he said: "You will not kill everyone."

On October 25, a trial will be held in Nizhny Novgorod in the case of Anatoly Moskvin, whom the media dubbed a puppeteer: he is accused of abuse of children's bodies. A few years ago, 26 “dolls” made from mummified corpses of little girls were found in the apartment of a necropolitan scientist (local historian, specialist in the study of burials). Recently, in Nizhny Novgorod, they reported on the possible release of Moskvin, who is undergoing compulsory treatment. In September, doctors at a psychiatric hospital where a necropolitan is being held sent a petition to the prosecutor to transfer him to outpatient treatment. According to doctors, the patient is in a state of persistent remission. The shocking story of the Nizhny Novgorod puppeteer remembered.


The editors of Lenta.ru are aware that everything described below may shock readers. This text is in no way aimed at promoting asocial behavior. Its purpose is to warn readers about the possibility of such crimes and protect them from danger.

Patient in love

Having received the petition, the prosecutor's office demanded an examination, which would establish whether Moskvin is safe for society. If the examination is ready on October 25, the court will be able to decide on the same day to change the coercive measures of a medical nature. The court noted that the meeting will be held behind closed doors, as it will disclose data constituting medical confidentiality.

Anatoly Moskvin has been undergoing compulsory treatment since 2012. He was sent there by court order: a psychiatric examination showed that a man suffers from a mental disorder in the form of paranoid schizophrenia, which means that he cannot be aware of the actual nature and social danger of his actions.

All these years, elderly parents, his lawyer and bride have visited Moskvin. A friend, according to a source from Lenta.ru, appeared at the necropolist after his placement in the hospital: she learned the story of Moskvin from the Internet, became interested and came from the Moscow Region to Nizhny Novgorod. There she met with Moskvin's parents and began to visit him in the hospital.

The girl graduated from the philology department, but preferred a more creative profession to work at school. She makes handmade jewelry, helps her fiancé’s family in every way and pays for his lawyer. It is possible that it was her appearance that positively affected Moskvin's condition: he began to make plans for the future. True, perhaps not in Nizhny Novgorod. According to friends, after discharge, the couple plans to move to another city.

“Even the stench went down the street”

The story of Anatoly Moskvin thundered throughout the country in November 2011. Police officers found 26 dolls in the necropolist’s apartment, which turned out to be the bodies of dead girls. For ten years, Moskvin dug them in cemeteries in different regions of the region, and then dried them using a special solution of salt and soda.

“On the day of his arrest, many journalists worked near the house, we were not allowed inside, but we saw puppets being taken out of the apartment,” Nizhny Novgorod journalist Kira Lanovskaya told Lente.ru. - They looked like rag, sheathed in fabric. They write that there was no smell in the apartment, but this is not so: even some stench went down the street. As if you are going up to the attic, and there is an old chest, the smell of damp with a rotten admixture, something like that. ”

According to her, one of the witnesses, who was in Moskvin’s room filled with dolls, fainted and she had nosebleeds. After the woman came to, she began to hysteria.

If you have witnessed an important event, you have news or an idea for the material, write to this address: [email protected]

Phrases from the archive of the AIDS-Info newspaper (remember?) There is a rubric like: "Pearls from readers' letters"

During my studies at the institute, I mastered all types of sex. And now the institute is behind, I will soon work in my specialty.

He left me for a woman who is older than me and even worse.

I did not waste my feelings, although I was married three times, and this is a big problem for me and others.

Petya is a professional balalaika musician, and during sex he is best at hand.

In the rest house behind the wall lived, as they said, a poet and a poetess. At night it seemed to us that they even groan, observing the rhythm and size.

Two-to-two group sex is top class, especially without women.

I surrendered to him all night, but it never came to sex.

Pavlik tried how many men I had; I said four. As for the number, I did not lie, but I kept silence that I immediately went to bed with four.

Already that night I have been dreaming of the same man. They walk across the square - without panties, but in a hat ... I begin to think that I am a pervert. Although, if you look, a pervert is him.

At first I was not afraid, but when he took off his underpants and I saw his huge anus, I felt uneasy.

We sat peacefully on the couch and watched a family photo album, but suddenly Victor started kissing me between my legs.

We happily survived the blowjob, the first in the life of Irochka. That was joyful tears and fun.

When I did Edika's blowjob, he said that Irka was doing it cooler. I said nothing, gritting my teeth.
  My dream is to meet a man who is serious in the sense of drinking and women.

I wanted to refuse Oleg, but I could not, because I had already been lying in his bed for a long time, moreover, naked.

Tanyuha and I went to the sauna with the guys, and in the end we washed and soared all night.

We bet on the “thing” that he didn’t have Lisa, but she still surrendered to him. Money probably divided in half.

It turns out that the gossip that I have enuresis was spread by a neighbor with whom we were barely familiar. She is not even from our site - she lives a floor below.

After all, I left him - in the costume of Adam.

We made love, but suddenly he got up, dressed silently and left. Could you explain why this could happen to a man?

I'm just tired of this relationship, and bed is not the main thing for me. It is possible in the end and standing.

Lenka has seven Fridays a week, but I have no fool to have sex.

We kissed, hugged, then had sex all night, and in the morning did IT!

Smiling embarrassedly, he approached me, despite my face.

Masha is small, nimble, with a strange crest on her head; making a blowjob, she reminds me of a woodpecker at work.

Her breasts flew over me like balloons.

We met in the bathhouse. Where two more beautiful and lonely people can immediately notice: are they suitable for each other or not.

Looking at Borya, I feel how the egg begins to move there, inside.

Kostya is such a busy person that all our dates took place in his car, and he taxied, and I gave him a blow on the go. For a couple of months I traveled all over Moscow, but, except for his member, I did not see anything.

The sister and husband behind the wall moan terribly at night; in the end, I could not restrain myself, began to knock, and in the morning my sister told me to knock louder - this excites them.

Having made Pavlik a blowjob, I realized that I fell in love.

The husband says that I am "weak in the front." And he certainly does not have a mistress, but there are more and more male friends. I think - maybe he is "rather weak on the backside"?

After a stormy night with Gosha, when he left, such a void formed in my soul that I ate a whole pot of soup.

Then Igor declared "the night of free love." Everyone broke into pairs and went into rooms, and I was left alone in a cot. What kind of freedom is this?

She opened her robe, and there - all without anything.

I tried to have sex with Anya in water - nothing worked. She pops up all the time.

When Ira and I were lying in bed, her husband came in. I was numb with horror, but he only laughed and left ... I don’t know why, but since then Ira and I do not want each other at all.

I am 13 years old, I live, like all the girls in my years: discos, wine, group people.

The son looked at the orangutan for a long time and suddenly asked: "Why didn’t dad go to the zoo with us?"

I take sex seriously, I cheated on my husband only twice: with my boss and with some drunk.

It seems that they spoiled me: only state employees like me.

And we make love slowly with him, like two turtles.

Since childhood, I dreamed of becoming a woman, and when I decided, it was too late.

No matter how I tried to get rid of this complex, nothing happens. As soon as I see a handsome guy, I immediately fall as a slant on my back.

For a long time I looked at all his tattoos, correcting grammatical errors.

Most of all I like buttocks in it. Who would paint a portrait from them.

I tried to get drunk, but even a drunken woman nobody wanted to use.

I was so sad and sad that Mitya immediately began to console me as best he could. And he could only twice.

It didn’t taste so disgusting on the palate, like beer. But after I still swallowed a slice of lemon, beingware of an ectopic pregnancy.

My boyfriend often calls me a tantrum. I was already threatening to jump out the window, and Lech was arguing. Well, how to make him not call names? Open the veins, or what?

When you don’t give Dima, he sobs to the floor and starts banging his legs. Stupid, funny, disgusting, but in the end you give. Do not want, but give.

I started to fuck at the age of 14, and finished only at 25.

Why did I go to him then? I do not know. Why stayed overnight? I still do not understand. When he called, she agreed for some reason. What for? It’s not clear ... What kind of a life is so funny.

Kolya's penis is small and pale, like a dumpling.

In bed with Alyosha I felt so good that I screamed and moaned until my mind became confused.

On Masha there were 10 cm of clothes, on me even less.

Then all night we indulged in unbridled passion in all its diversity and sophistication in its hearth.

But at the moment when everything was supposed to happen, my penis backed up.

Instead of words of love, I heard three loud letters.

Fans of Masha, I gradually began to beat. He did one, then the second, and the third puzzled me. Wiping the blood, he said: "You will not kill everyone."

If you are so brave and stupid to ask someone to send you a nude photo, then be prepared to get not at all what you expected. 16-year-old Jacquie Ross from North Carolina, USA, masterfully emerged from a similar situation after her friend Michael asked her to send a photo of what she was wearing at that time. Michael came to this issue during a conversation about who in what outfit will go to the prom. At that time, the girl could not show what she was wearing, since she had just left the shower. After that, Michael began to insistently demand that the girl show him what is under the towel. This question would have confused anyone, but not Jackie, because she had found a brilliant answer for this insolent man.

It all started quite innocently

- "Show me what you're wearing."

- "I'm dressed so that you do not want to see believe me."

Further, the situation began to heat up

“Tin. What's below the frame?” Michael asked. To this, the girl decided to respond with a photograph, but after that she wrote: "Towel, fool."

After that, the guy demanded to send him a photo of what was under the towel, and the girl again answered with the photo

- "What's under the towel?"

- "Another towel."

- "And what's under it? I will get what I want."

Next, the girl sent the following photo in a towel

“You just put on new towels. What's under them?”

Not true. I always put on exactly 18 towels after the shower. "

To prove her words, she provided him with another photo

“Take all 18 towels off your body and take a photo,” Michael said.

But if he thought that everything would be so simple, then he was wrong

- "Oppa! And here is the 19th, bitch!"

“Take all the towels off your body and take a photo,” the naive guy went on.

But then he was waiting for something that he clearly did not expect

And it was a Robe!

But even after that, the guy did not lose hope and asked the girl what was under the robe

And under it was another towel ..

Have a bite, Michael! Respect privacy, weirdo!

So, ”she smiled.

Do you know what that means?

Carolina sighed and rubbed her nose. Perhaps the question seemed rhetorical to her.

Will you have breakfast?

I don’t eat so early. ”He shook his head. Strange he felt, without pants, with a tense member, slightly covered by the floors of his shirt, alone with this calm, beautiful, smelling virginity female, possibly completely naked under a dressing gown. But instead of the usual, mechanical morning excitement, he felt in himself the tenderness and stupid desire to give joy.

He came closer to her, feeling an unbearable desire to touch her, stroke her cheek, or at least smell like a flower. Carolina met his approach with an embarrassed smile.

He took her hand. She did not resist, only mumbled, with some doomed humility:

Do not.

Andrey inhaled her smell with pleasure - the aroma of hair and fresh body. He could argue that the girl had already taken a shower. Early bird.

Turn around, ”he asked.

She silently obeyed.

He hugged her shoulders and kissed her open neck.

So it is possible? he asked, looking up from a tender, sweet taste of a piece of flesh.

You can't, ”she said quietly, trembling in his arms.

He ran his palms down from his shoulders to his hips. Hands were filled with elasticity of a girl's body. She melted under his hands, whispering: "No, no, no, no, no way." Her words were music, under which his movements became bolder and more measured.

Carolina held onto the dresser in front of her, trembling with her whole body as he climbed under her robe.

“Baby,” he said fondly, panting, “so velvet ... his hands slid up his hips up, under a dressing gown, meeting the thin fabric of his panties. He felt the strong buttocks clench convulsively under his caresses.

Not! she cried out. - Not here! You are welcome!

Where do you want he asked softly, stroking his strong hips.

To me, ”she said weakly.

Andrei took her in his arms - she seemed light to him, like a rubber doll - and carried her into her room. The heavy smell of her boudoir was spinning his head. Slippers fly off the foot. Knock. Knock. He put her on an already made-up bed. Quickly, not allowing her to come to her senses, in several movements he unzipped her dressing gown, pulling it to the elbows. There was a short shirt under the robe. The sight of a strong pointed chest with dark spots of nipples under a translucent fabric hit him in the head. He threw off his underpants.

What are you doing, Andrei ... Andryusha ... Lord ...

Leaning over the panting girl, he raised her legs higher, so that her soft feet laid on his chest, and began to pull off her panties. She did not help him, she only trembled strongly and shook her head from side to side. A tight robe was holding her, not giving freedom to her hands, but Andrei was satisfied. He wanted her like that.

Unlocking her feet, he pulled off her panties and threw them aside. The soft girl's heels again lay on his chest, they moved, as if settling down comfortably. To the sweet smell of the room was added a faint spicy aroma of a vagina washed with good soap, which gradually emitted secretion.

I'm scared, ”Carolina suddenly said.

Are you a girl he asked intermittently, carefully touching her crotch. Developed large lips were slightly moist. He slid his finger down the convex isthmus to a tightly compressed anus

She nodded her head slightly.

He swallowed his saliva. - You ... do you want?

She did not answer, not taking her gaze from her gazing eyes. Then she said:

It will not be good. True. You will not like...

Do not be afraid...

Andrew slowly passed the head of a tense penis along the pubis, through a bush of soft hair, went down lower, poking into the wet gap.

Her eyes opened wide and she frantically exhaled:

Andrew ... Sick!

I know, ”he said softly. He slowly died of pleasure, squeezing a member into a tight pink ring. Trying not to look at the half-naked body under him, so as not to frighten the instinct and not lower it immediately, he squeezed a member to the limit beyond which the pain began.

Now, ”he told her with his lips, and easily, with one blow, he pierced the hymen, plunging into the girl to the full depth. Carolina made no sound. He only saw how suddenly her eyes widened and flashed with pain ... Her legs hardened and muscles poured, his feet digged with incredible force into his chest, trying to push, tear off his body. He withstood this pressure, remaining in it, snuggling the tip of the penis there, inside, to the quivering body of the uterus. Then he slowly stepped back, took out a barrel slightly stained with blood, tried on, and struck again. This time, Carolina screeched - loudly and piercingly, her body tensed, frantically trying to throw the man off herself. Then she fell silent, only gasping occasionally, when he, pumping her with rhythmic movements, striking the uterus. The legs resting on the chest spring strongly, giving Andrei additional pleasure from overcoming the girl’s resistance. He tried to extend the act as long as possible, and he succeeded easily - his member seemed to be filled with steel, almost numb. Carolina began to move beneath him, and he was surprised to realize that now she was trying to get into the rhythm, living his life with him, raising her ass to ease his tremors. The bed beneath them shook, creaking and cracking. For some reason, he was afraid to look down at her body, and turned his head to the side, looking with bloodshot eyes at a drawing leaning against a vase. This went on for a long, long time ... He withstood the first hoofstroke in his chest, only suffocated a little from surprise, and looked down - under it hoofed earth with shreds of brown grass swayed, and he was thrown sideways. He hit his back on a stunted tree, tried to grab a hand by the twisted branches, but could not hold slippery twigs in his fist, and crashed down, ridiculously sweeping hooves.

When he woke up, everything had calmed down. He was lying in a warm, soft bed, under a blanket. It smelled deliciously of flowers and female cream - he raised himself on his elbow, leaned over to the woman sleeping next to him and kissed her bare neck under her disheveled brown hair. “How strange it is,” he said to himself, looking at the woman’s hand lying limp on the pillow - snow-white, with delicate blue veins of veins. Thin long fingers, with pink nails. "How strange that I am married to a mare."