Relax in childbirth. Calm, only calm. Childbirth relaxation methods

All your consciousness should be occupied with the thought of meeting the New Life.

It is very important to feel comfortable during childbirth. Try to allow the body to become “softer,” “more supple,” more relaxed.

DO NOT SORRY yourself! You are not injured!

And it is important to constantly mentally ASK the baby during childbirth to do everything correctly so as not to injure herself and her mother.

Breathing techniques really help, although it's hard to BELIEVE.

How to organize classes and learn how to breathe properly during childbirth?

  1. Find the most comfortable posture for classes. Lie on your side with a pillow between your legs, or lie down reclining by placing a pillow under your knees.
  2. Relax in turn all the muscles. Feel the muscles in which there is resistance to relaxation and concentrate your attention on this part of the body until it relaxes. Relax everything: toes, calves, hips, buttocks, abdominal muscles, each muscle along the spine, shoulders, forearms, fingers, neck, face, area between the eyebrows. With complete relaxation of the body and facial muscles of the face, a slight smile arises.
  3. Once you learn to achieve a relaxed state, you can recognize the slightest tension in the body and achieve complete relaxation. Begin to mentally relax each of the above muscle groups until your body reaches complete relaxation.


Try to FIND a mental or visual IMAGE that will distract you from the fights.

Pick up relaxing music.

You can LET, mentally DRAW patterns on the ceiling, LISTEN to a player with pre-selected relaxing music, you can talk with your baby, etc.

With regular 3-5 workouts, you can quickly mentally focus on something that distracts from the fights.

  1. FOCUS on one point. It can be a picture on the wall, a stain or something else.
  2. Close your eyes and catch the feeling of calm, relaxation, imagine with your inner eyes a peaceful picture: the waves are splashing on the shore, the clouds are floating across the sky, the breeze is moving the grass in the field. “Feel the peace of a bird flying to the nest ...”

  Pregnancy and childbirth

How to breathe correctly during childbirth?

Take a comfortable, relaxing posture. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth with relaxed lips and not clenched teeth.

There are many breathing techniques. It is DIFFICULT TO BELIEVE their effectiveness in a rational mind, but childbirth, like conception, is sometimes an irrational process, understood and accepted somewhere in the far corners of the soul and heart. And breathing techniques bring relief and harmony.

All breathing techniques during childbirth work well, but every pregnant woman chooses for herself how to breathe during childbirth.


CLEANING RESPIRATION - inhale slowly and deeply. Exhale slowly, easily pushing air out. This deep, relaxing breath must be applied at the beginning and end of each bout.
Cleansing breath during childbirth will help you and your baby get enough oxygen. A cleansing breath during childbirth will also help you relax.

SLOW DEEP BREATHING during labor - inhale slowly and exhale slowly through the mouth. This is the basic breath during childbirth.
Try to breathe just to get less tired. Slow deep breathing during childbirth allows you to evenly saturate the blood with oxygen and reduces muscle tension. Breathe in 1-2-3.

DEEP BREATHING during childbirth - at the moment when contractions become more frequent and stronger (more sensitive), you will naturally begin to breathe more often. Try to artificially lengthen the inspiratory time slightly so that there is no hyperventilation (excessive oxygen supply).
Prolonged shallow breathing during childbirth is dangerous due to dizziness and fainting.

NOISY RESPIRATION during childbirth - try to breathe loudly and rhythmically during the active phase of labor, when you lose control of breathing. Noisy breathing during childbirth allows you to "get together."

Breath during childbirth - take 2 short breaths, then exhale as if you want to blow out a candle.
You will need this technique at the time of the birth of the head, when there is a desire to push, but the time has not yet come. It is very important not to hold your breath, otherwise you will begin to push.
Do not bother until there is a doctor or midwife command.

It is important to clearly follow the commands of the doctor and midwife during contractions to help the baby.

Between contractions, relax, accumulate strength for the next encounter.

HYPERVENTILATION - when you breathe too often, the oxygen content in the blood increases, which can make you dizzy, trembling in your legs, arms. If you feel this, try to breathe more slowly.

During fights, you can cover your nose and mouth with your hands in the shape of a bowl. At the end of contractions you can inhale and hold your breath at the expense of 10-20.


  • The period between contractions allows you to RELAX.
  • Relaxation helps BREATH more correctly.
  • Proper breathing really HELPS more comfortable giving birth.
   All these techniques of proper breathing during pregnancy and childbirth work great together, but not separately.

Although it is not difficult to breathe correctly during childbirth, be sure to practice breathing techniques during childbirth before automatism. So you will feel prepared, and at the right time, apply this or that breathing technique.

And you will feel confident during childbirth!

  Features of breathing during the forced period of labor


Attempts are strong contractions during which the birth of the fetus takes place. When the cervix is \u200b\u200bfully opened, birth, ideally, occurs during the third attempt.

How to push hard during childbirth:

  1. DO NOT LIFT THE LUMB! To control the fit of the lower back to the obstetric bed of Rakhmanov.
  2. At the beginning of the attempt, according to the doctor’s instructions, inhale, exhale as deeply as possible and HOLD BREATH for 10-15 seconds. The entire volume of air should press on the diaphragm, and through it - on the bottom of the uterus, pushing the fetus out. DO NOT push “IN THE HEAD” and the anus. Straining "in the head" causes hemorrhage in the eyes and brain, up to retinal detachment and stroke. Straining in the anus contributes to the "birth" of hemorrhoidal nodes. BACK WITH heels, pull the handrails toward you, LOOK at the belly in the navel.
  3. If there is a feeling of lack of air, it is necessary to EXHAUST smoothly and immediately take the deepest possible breath.
  4. For one attempt, repeat the breath-hold-breath-tightening-exhale cycle 3 times. This corresponds to 60 seconds - the period of the bout. BETWEEN the ATTACKS to breathe deeply and slowly, gently inhaling and exhaling.

PRINT this manual and TAKE it with you to the hospital. Check the phone book for the doctor you are about to give birth to.

Experienced specialists in teaching breathing techniques during childbirth and proper behavior in childbirth in Pyatigorsk

Ermolaeva Elvira Kadirovna
He is a well-known and recognized specialist in the CMS in the field of applying various breathing techniques during childbirth and the correct behavior in childbirth. He is a good obstetrician-gynecologist, specialist in rational nutrition during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, a physiotherapist, balneologist, and an experienced ultrasound doctor. People who want to save the figure and successfully give birth turn to her.

THE INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION of the reputation and achievements of the Women's Health Spa Clinic in the development and implementation of effective and safe treatment methods and the quality of the medical services provided IS REWARDING the Women's Health Spa Clinic in Pyatigorsk with the SIQS QUALITY CERTIFICATE in the field of medicine and health. International Socratic Committee, Oxford, UK and Swiss Institute for Quality Standards, Zurich, SWITZERLAND.

A good obstetrician-gynecologist specializing in proper nutrition during pregnancy and during breastfeeding leads a reception at the Women's Health Clinic.

A NUTRITIONAL SPECIALIST will select for you the necessary vitamins, HEALTHY PRODUCTS during pregnancy and after childbirth, which will not allow you and your baby to gain excess weight, and will help to organize tasty and NOT HUNGERED NUTRITIONS on pregnancy trimesters and during breastfeeding.

In addition, our experienced nutrition specialist CALCULATES for you the possibility of a SAFE SWEET USE during pregnancy and will tell you in detail WHAT YOU CAN’T EAT during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. How to balance foods prohibited by public opinion during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But who so want !!!

Based on foreign and Russian experience, we DEVELOPED and successfully tested the NUTRITION SYSTEM, which allows you to choose products during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, depending on the INDIVIDUAL characteristics of the woman: her complexion, taste preferences, body weight and height, sex, and external characteristics .. .

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Admission of an obstetrician-gynecologist specialist in proper breathing during childbirth and ultrasound of the fetus by appointment by multi-channel telephone

Often, a pregnant woman is so afraid of the upcoming birth that she tries to concentrate in her thoughts either on bearing the child, or at the time when the “worst” is already behind, and she will return from the hospital with the newborn. But do not neglect information about the upcoming process, especially one that gives an idea of \u200b\u200bproper breathing during childbirth and labor. Knowing what awaits her and how to facilitate the process, a woman will be able to make her birth less painful and traumatic.

  • Contraction breathing techniques

Physiological changes in the respiratory system in pregnant women

When a woman expects a baby, many changes occur in her body. They also affect the respiratory system. The uterus is enlarged, as a result, the lungs move slightly upward, and this makes breathing more superficial. It would seem that the result should be a smaller amount of oxygen (compared with the "non-pregnant position") that enters the bloodstream.

At the same time, the demand for oxygen increases significantly: by the last trimester, it is one third higher than it was in the first, and during the process of childbirth it even doubles. How does the body solve this problem? He copes with the task in the following ways:

  • the circumference of the chest increases;
  • the sternal angle becomes wider;
  • reserve expiratory volume decreases.

These changes pass after childbirth, the lungs "return to their place."

Childbirth is the final stage of pregnancy, which can be compared with hard work. Moreover, not everything is inherent in nature: a woman can control a lot herself if she familiarizes herself with the essence of the process in advance. The main question to which much attention is paid at courses for pregnant women is how to breathe during contractions and childbirth. Why? It turns out that proper breathing can facilitate childbirth.

Proper breathing and labor: a relationship

When a woman feels contractions, her first instinctive desire is to squeeze, strain, in order to somehow endure this difficult moment. Very often at this time, the pain is so pronounced that a woman, not ready for pain, can not help screaming. As a result, a vicious circle arises: the woman in labor screams, her muscles contract, the cervix tightens, even stiffens, and the hormones continue their work, causing her to stretch.

Stretching in this condition leads to microcracks of the neck, which add pain. The woman again screams in pain ... In addition, the gaps increase as the child passes the birth canal. To prevent this vicious cycle from occurring, you need to know what breathing and contractions should be like.

In addition to increasing the likelihood of complications for the mother, improper breathing leads to fetal hypoxia. At such moments, the child does not have enough oxygen, which can greatly affect his growth and development in the future. In particular, he may in the future:

  • lag behind in development from peers;
  • difficulty gaining weight;
  • hard to adapt to a new world for him;

The technique of breathing during contractions and childbirth cannot be mastered by a woman at a time when, as they say, the process has already begun. This must be prepared in advance. In this case, proper breathing skills will be brought to automaticity, and a woman in labor at the most crucial moment will be able to concentrate on the main thing, learn to be distracted from pain and thereby help herself and her child.

The techniques of breathing during childbirth are aimed at easing pain, the proper organization of rest and relaxation between contractions. One must learn to rest, so that there is enough strength for the most difficult and crucial period - the immediate appearance of the child. If a woman controls her breathing during contractions, she will be able to do without medical intervention, drugs to strengthen labor and pain relief, which exert their, sometimes not too good, effect on the fetus.

Contraction breathing techniques

When the moment of delivery is still far away, and the pregnant woman only felt the first weak contractions, she can breathe as usual. At this stage, contractions are irregular, the body manages to relax in between. You should monitor your condition. After the intervals are about 10 minutes, it is time to start using special techniques.

First, try this technique: inhaling into four counts (through the nose), exhale through six counts with your mouth. At the same time, you can stretch your lips with a "tube". Thus, maximum muscle relaxation is achieved.

When you feel that contractions have become stronger, you need to “lengthen” the process of inhalation-exhalation a little: inhale through 5 counts, exhale to count 10.

Proper breathing during contractions, the intervals between which are less than 5 minutes, is “dog-like” breathing. Have you noticed how the dog breathes out of breath after a long run to rest as quickly as possible? This is a shallow, shallow breathing. You can even stick out your tongue a little. So a woman in labor is distracted from severe pain, saves strength.

The breathing technique during contractions that have already become quite frequent - from 1 to 2 minutes - can be this: loud breathing for 2 counts: “one or two”. It is called "forced candle." Before the attempts, when there was already a strong desire to push, but the doctor still forbids this, since the neck is not quite ready, you can try to combine and alternate all the methods. So you can empirically find your own, one that will help more.

Proper breathing in the last stages of labor

Very close to the birth, obstetricians advise women in labor to use another such method: portioned breathing. At the same time, air is taken into the lungs by a powerful wave, and the exhalation proceeds gradually, in several stages. During attempts, when the expulsion of the fetus from the uterus and its passage through the birth canal begins, one should breathe this way: take a big, deep breath and then immediately begin to push, “directing” the exhaled air into the perineum.

If you scream or breathe out during a period of effort, the fight will end in nothing - the fetus will not advance. It is also possible to use the dog’s breath during childbirth, but in the interval between attempts to take a little rest and gather strength. This technique is especially effective when the fetal head has already come out, and the mother’s body prepares to push the child’s shoulders out.

The final stage is the birth of the placenta. It also needs to be organized correctly: after the doctor’s team sounds, inhale the air with force, hold your breath and push yourself to the best of your ability. "Baby place" after that should exit.

Proper breathing skills are the key to easy delivery

Proper breathing during labor and delivery is so important that you need to study it a few weeks before giving birth. Having managed to bring the acquired skill to automatism in advance, you will minimize the risk of complications and will be able to better cope with the difficult and lengthy work of the child’s work in the light.

Contractions are not the time to start training: a woman in labor during this period is simply not able to absorb and repeat the necessary information. Therefore, you can enroll in courses for pregnant women and master various techniques. Which one and when to use during childbirth - the doctor and your own body will tell you.

The key to proper breathing during childbirth and labor is an early training, the body must receive the "skills of proper breathing movements." It is necessary to develop muscle memory. To do this, you need to exercise daily, several times a day: for a walk, while watching a movie. If you are planning a parturition, it would be good for your husband to learn all the breathing techniques with you (in case you get confused during the parturition) Training together is more effective and more fun.

At the beginning of the development of proper breathing techniques for childbirth, hyperventilation may occur, manifested by dizziness. Start small and gradually these sensations will pass.

The difficult and responsible period of pregnancy is coming to an end. It would seem that the expectant mother should feel the joy of waiting for a meeting with the long-awaited baby. But what if the mood is clouded by a strong fear of future births? Fear, moreover, very strong and frightening, literally fills with itself all the thoughts of a woman, preventing her from resting and working normally.

What to do in a similar situation? Allow yourself to worry and let things go by chance or maybe look for ways out of the situation? There can be many options for this answer, and all of them depend on the goal that the woman sets for herself, as well as on the characteristics of the future mother’s temperament and temperament. If there is a fear of childbirth, how to overcome it can be learned both from Internet sources and at a specialist appointment.

Why do pregnant women have fears on the eve of childbirth?

The root cause of the fear of childbirth are several factors at once:

What are the fears of expectant mothers

In addition to the fear of uncertainty and pain, expectant mothers may experience fears for a variety of reasons related to the upcoming birth. Quite often, pregnant women experience the following fears:

  • what if the baby suffocates during childbirth?
  • but what if the baby is born inferior, despite the results of an ultrasound?
  • suddenly the birth does not start at all?
  • and if the baby is born right in the toilet during the “big deal” process?
  • what if a husband doesn’t like a newborn, and he will fall out of love with his wife and a newly born baby?
  • what to do if childbirth begins suddenly on the street or in the store?
  • and if they do cesarean under anesthesia, what if after the operation it doesn’t work out?

Fear of childbirth manifests itself in the emergence of both these and many other issues. Some techniques will help to cope with the problem, which you can master on your own or with the help of loved ones. In some cases, it does not hurt to turn to a psychologist who can identify the cause of this condition and choose the most preferred methods of therapy. An experienced specialist will tell you how to cope with the fear of childbirth, and without medication, because taking a medicine for a future mother during pregnancy is highly undesirable.

What do psychologists say about pregnant fears?

According to psychologists, the first rudiments and prerequisites of prenatal fear arise not during pregnancy, but much earlier. A woman, while still a young girl or a schoolgirl, involuntarily absorbs information about how dangerous birth can be, how her own mother gave birth to her, and what problems this was associated with. Such information is stored in the subconscious, and on the eve of childbirth manifests itself in the form of strong fears and phobias.

Considerable contribution was also made by the attitude to women in childbirth during the period of Soviet medicine. Despite the fact that generic care at that time was provided free of charge and of fairly high quality, the behavior of medical personnel often left much to be desired. The cries and discontent of doctors and nurses, which the woman in labor at that time heard in abundance, negatively affected her condition, so the attitude to staying in the maternity hospital was not the best.

Therefore, psychologists advise not too trusting the information received from older relatives or friends, because everyone has their own personal subjective experience. But talking with a doctor who is monitoring the pregnancy is very desirable, because he has information about the health status of the future mother.

Experts warn that fears cannot be ignored, but they need to be worked out in order to find a way to turn these thoughts into their allies and assistants. Then the process of giving birth to a baby will become more conscious and painless in comparison with an unprepared birth.

Fear of childbirth: how to cope?

To help overcome the fear of childbirth, some recommendations will help to reduce stress and relieve anxiety. The first thing to do is:

  • Get rid of the unknown. The more a woman knows about the birth process itself, the easier it is for her to navigate the situation and act adequately. Therefore, it is necessary to study information about the precursors of labor, about how to behave during periods of labor and labor, and how to calm down before childbirth. If possible, you should attend courses for expectant mothers. But at the same time, it is undesirable to overload yourself with excess information. Especially should refrain from listening to the stories of friends about the negative consequences of pregnancy or childbirth, and various tragic cases. Such stories are at least half exaggerated, and even actual incidents are extremely rare. It is better to concentrate on communicating with family and friends, because a spouse, mother, sister or grandmother can provide more tangible support, if only for the reason that they are sincerely interested in a successful outcome of childbirth.
  • Choose a maternity hospital in advance and talk to doctors. In this case, you should find out about all the rules of staying in a maternity hospital, study the list of items that you can take with you. Bag for the hospital   it is better to assemble in advance, having provided all the necessary little things.
  • Overcome the fear of pain.   You can learn about how to survive painful contractions at the doctor or at special courses for expectant mothers. It is important to learn proper breathing, relaxation methods. It is important not to allow excessive physical stress during the fights. The pain must either be "passed" through oneself, as something else, or eliminated by various physical actions. You can beat a table or a wall with your hands, squeeze any object in your fist, say your emotions out loud. The main thing is not to keep everything in yourself, so as not to create excess tension in the body.

  • Massage.
      During the initial period of labor, massage movements play a major role. Properly performed massage will reduce the intensity of pain, calm down and relax. If partner labor is planned, then it is advisable for the husband to learn in advance simple massage techniques.
  • Walking.   It’s not necessary to go to bed when labor pains and endure pain, turning away from the wall. On the contrary, active movements reduce the intensity of discomfort and help calm down. You can walk around the room between contractions - this will allow the baby to move faster to the exit in the tummy. You should listen to your feelings, and then it will become clear when it is better to lie down or sit down, and when - to walk around the room with a quick step.
  • Emotional mood.   When the first contractions appear in the future, you can not think only about pain. It is necessary to concentrate on other things, and first of all, to dream that a baby will be born very soon. You should reassure your child with your thoughts, because now he is even harder than his mother. Childbirth is an important test for two, therefore it is better to support the baby with a positive attitude and a mental wish for good
  • Focus on positive information about childbirth.   Psychologists advise, shortly before the end of pregnancy, to search online for stories and impressions about the successful completion of childbirth. You can ask to pick up the necessary information of the spouse or another family member so as not to accidentally stumble upon descriptions of tragic cases or all kinds of complications. The successful experience of other women who have already experienced the happiness of motherhood will allow you to feel faith in your own strength and tune in to a positive result;
  • Physical activity.   Of course, on the eve of childbirth, a woman should not do serious physical exercises, but to perform a complex of light workouts is perfectly acceptable. Concentration on performing simple movements (sweeping arms, turning the head, warming up the hands and fingers, etc.) will increase the level of endorphins in the body and reduce the production of stress hormones.
  • Changing attitudes to the birth process.   Experts advise to imagine that the birth of a baby is not a heavy punishment associated with pain, but a serious and responsible work aimed at achieving an excellent result. And as with any important work, it is necessary to carefully prepare for the birth process: study all the necessary information, follow the recommendations of doctors, learn the breathing technique during contractions, etc. This attitude will greatly reduce fear and better control their behavior during labor.
  • Support for loved ones.   If most of all the expectant mother is afraid to find herself in the cold and uncomfortable interior of the maternity ward surrounded by unfamiliar staff, then it will not be out of place to ask her spouse, mother, sister or other close person to attend the birth. Now almost all maternity hospitals practice partnership delivery, so such a request will not surprise doctors. It is necessary to prepare in advance for the possible presence of another family member at the birth, namely, to obtain the necessary certificate about the absence of diseases that could be dangerous for the mother and the baby.

What you should refrain from in the process of eliminating the fear of childbirth

Some methods of dealing with fear and anxiety, quite acceptable in ordinary situations, can be dangerous for the future mother and baby. In the fight against stress and anxiety on the eve of childbirth, the following actions should be avoided:

  • taking antidepressants, sedatives, and other similar drugs is extremely undesirable for the expectant mother. It is strictly forbidden to take such medications on your own. An exception is allowed only in one case - if the doctor himself prescribed the sedative, for example, on the eve of a planned cesarean section;
  • too thoroughly study medical information about possible complications during childbirth. It is quite enough for the expectant mother to know which precursors are accompanied by the approach of labor, as well as which symptoms should consult a doctor. Everything else will only increase anxiety and excitement;
  • listen to the stories of other mothers about their negative personal experience with childbirth. It’s better to tactfully transfer the conversation to another topic or directly state that such a conversation does not have peace. The same applies to virtual communication on the Internet.

When the help of a psychologist or doctor is needed

In most cases, the expectant mother can cope with the fear that has appeared. But what to do if no efforts bring the proper result, and the mental state worsens day by day? In a similar situation, a professional psychologist can help.

It is advisable to contact an experienced specialist in the following cases:

  • when the state of anxiety of fear becomes intrusive, and therefore a woman cannot concentrate on something else;
  • when persistent insomnia appears, the cause of which is the anxiety before childbirth;
  • in case of deterioration in general health caused by increased levels of anxiety. It is advisable to visit a specialist if, due to intense fear and tension, blood pressure rises, a headache occurs, and the heartbeat becomes more frequent;
  • if previously a woman experienced symptoms of depression or neurosis;
  • with increased irritability, tearfulness, nervousness.

In the matter of overcoming the fear of childbirth, a lot depends on the woman’s spouse, because who, if not him, is next to the future mother most of the time. To help her beloved find peace of mind and tune in to a positive outcome of childbirth, a man can do the following:

Relaxation techniques, breathing techniques and a comfortable position for childbirth are very important components for mastering the birth process. There are other techniques that reduce pain during childbirth - this is massage, counter-resistance, acupressure, childbirth in water and the application of heat or cold. They can be easily studied by a woman and her birth attendant. Some additional techniques, such as cutaneous neural electrical stimulation, intradermal injection of sterile water, and acupuncture, require professional help. All of these non-medicinal products must be tried before using medication, since the risk for women and children is lower. They can also reduce the need for other interventions.

Massage during childbirth

Massage during childbirth can be an effective way to relax, reduce stress, conserve energy, facilitate breathing, and reduce muscle cramps and pain. Although some women prefer not to be touched throughout childbirth, others appreciate the relief that massage gives, as well as the care, love, and support of the person who performs it.

A light massage with your fingertips can be performed during contractions by both you and your assistant. To do this, carefully place the fingertips of both hands on the stomach, directly above the pubic bone. Slowly lead them upward, all the time pressing lightly, to the upper point of the abdomen. Then gently spread the fingertips in different directions, down and back to the starting point. Continue to draw these circles on your stomach while the scrum continues. If you want, draw circles in rhythm with a breathing technique.

Another massage technique that your partner can try during childbirth is as follows: □ gently stroking your arms and legs with his full palm, go in the direction of the heart;

□ gently massage your face with light strokes of the jaw area to help her relax during active labor;

□ push along the base of your skull with the tips of his fingers between contractions;

□ Grab and gently squeeze together the first three toes (thumb and two of the next) during the bout. The rhythmic squeezing and loosening of these fingers helps to relax the muscles of the pelvic floor;

□ Gently rub your neck and shoulders.

You can hire a professional massage therapist to assist with childbirth. Having knowledge and experience, he is able to combine such additional methods as reflexology and the impact of the pressure sharpening application.

Counter resistance

Counterresistance is also used to relieve labor. Your partner may put his fist or base of the palm on your back to reduce pain if childbirth passes from the back. You will need to direct it to the exact place on both sides of the lower back and show the pressure force that you need. The point of application of pressure will drop as labor progresses, when the baby’s head gradually passes through the pelvis.

Performing bilateral pressure on the hips may be helpful in reducing back pain. To perform this technique, you should either stand up, bending at the waist and resting your upper body on a chair or bed, or kneel. Standing or kneeling, your partner should put his hands on the upper parts of your buttocks, on the fattest areas. Using the entire plane of the palms, he should squeeze your hips together, which opens the way out in the pubic joint.

Another way to apply counter-resistance to reduce back pain is to put pressure on your knees. For this technique, you should sit on a straight-backed chair with a small pillow or towel to support your lower back. Your partner should kneel before you and put your palms on your knees. The base of his palms should be at the bottom of your knees, at the ends of the tibia. During contractions, the partner should lean forward, pushing the upper parts of your legs towards the back of the chair


Russian theorists who have put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bpsychoprophylaxis in obstetric care have included acupressure massage in their method. They defined the usual “pain-preventing points.” On the body and recommended! apply pressure to these areas to reduce pain. This childbirth preparation technique was missed when it began to advance to the West. Acupressure replaces pain impulses going to the brain (the theory of controlled entry), and can also contribute to the production of endorphins.

Acupressure, or pressure massage on a point, involves applying pressure, heat or cold over a known acupressure point. This method of stimulating certain points provides pain reduction in other specific areas. The pressure is carried out with your fingertips or with your thumbs, or keeps constantly, or moves in a very small circle on top of the acupressure point, without the use of lubricants. If the acupressure point is found correctly, then the patient experiences a special sensitivity or tingling sensation in it. If the area is very painful, then you need to start with a light pressure, then gradually increasing the pressure force. Pressure should be applied for 5-10 seconds, then can be repeated. Since acupressure points are located in pairs, on both sides of the body, remember that you need to apply pressure to two points at once.

Acupressure can be performed simultaneously with breathing techniques to increase the effectiveness of both methods. Constant pressure, along with breathing techniques, works very well, like circular and variable pressure. Acupressure can be performed both independently and with the help of a partner. Since the positive support and strength of the touch of another person tends to act soothingly and give relaxation, performing acupressure by your assistant can be more effective.

To reduce discomfort during childbirth, the postpartum period, and also during pregnancy, use the following acupressure technique:

□ To relieve headaches, pain in the neck or upper back, place your fingers or only your thumbs on the muscles at the top of the shoulders, slightly shift towards the back, along a vertical line through the nipples. Apply circular pressure.

□ In case of discomfort in the lower back, pain or heaviness in the pelvic area or during childbirth from the back, firmly press inward towards the body on both sides of the spine, immediately below the waist line. Use the pressure in a circular motion during contractions, or the pressure in a circular motion, interrupted between contractions.

□ To reduce pain in the hips or in the sciatic area, alternately apply heat and cold to the upper outer quadrant of the sore buttock.

□ To help relax the lower body, massage the point in the center of the foot, which is immediately below the joints of the base of the fingers.

The following techniques are also effective in reducing labor pain. They can not be used until the 38th week of pregnancy, as they can stimulate the onset of labor. These are the tricks:

□ To speed up the process of prolonged labor, press on the point at the end of the fold between the thumb and forefinger. This will relax the vagina and cervix.

□ To help make childbirth difficult, push the point above the inner ankle approximately three fingers apart. Press throughout this area of \u200b\u200bthe inside of the ankle and you will locate it as the most sensitive spot. Apply strong, constant pressure.

□ To reduce pain during contractions, pinch or push on the outside of the corners of both small toes. This must be done with force and hold for 7-10 seconds.

Acupressure is a non-aggressive, easy-to-learn and effective method. This is another important method that you can add to your list of techniques to reduce pain and use if necessary during childbirth and the postpartum period.

Childbirth in water

More and more clinics offer women in labor baths and showers. Many women believe that warm water helps to relax. Immersion in the bath reduces external influences and eliminates pressure on the joints. Painkillers are required less often, since the body can produce endorphins, which reduce pain. Studies show that in women with high blood pressure it decreases after -10-15 minutes. after immersion in the bath.

There were no cases of an increased number of complications, such as infection, during childbirth in water, even if the fetal bladder was already opened. The water temperature should not exceed 37.8 ° C to prevent an increase in body temperature. Since immersion in water can slow down contractions at the beginning of labor, wait to immerse yourself in the bath until you have an active period of labor. While in the bath, you can use the dopton to alternately listen to the fetal heart rate, or use the tub and fetal monitor alternately.

If a shower is available, let the nurse place a chair in the shower room so you can rest. If the shower can be held in hands (it has a flexible hose), the partner can direct a spray to your stomach or lower back, if desired.

Using heat during childbirth can have a calming effect and provide pain relief. The heat application can be combined with immersion in a bath or shower. It can be done using a hot water bottle, a heat bag, or a hot wet compress. A heated blanket can also be helpful. The heat increases the temperature of the skin and muscles, providing relaxation, and also reduces muscle cramps. If you are giving birth from the back, you can do this in water or apply heat and cold to the lower back. The application of heat increases blood circulation in this area. When the crotch is stretched during the passage of the head, the application of a hot compress will help increase elasticity and reduce the burning sensation associated with stretching the skin.

Applying a cold pack provides a good reduction in pain, as a cold temperature gives the effect of numbness. Cold is especially effective for childbirth from the back. You can use an ice bag, a bag of frozen gel, a rubber glove filled with crushed ice, a washcloth, or a small towel dipped in ice water. Cold can give soda or even a pack of frozen vegetables (a pack of peas well takes the form of a surface). Lay a layer of fabric between the skin and the ice pack. If you are standing, ask the nurse to attach an ice pack using the elastic strap used to strengthen the fetal monitor.

Cutaneous Nerve Stimulation

Cutaneous neural electrical stimulation is commonly used in the treatment of chronic pain, but it has been found that it may be useful for some women during childbirth. It is performed using a small portable battery-powered device that connects to the skin using four electrodes. The area is stimulated and controlled by a person watching the device. The device gives a tingling sensation, which the specialist can increase during contractions and decrease between contractions. This device must not be used by women giving birth in water.

Intradermal injection of sterile water

Intradermal injections of sterile water is a new technique in which a small amount of sterile water is injected directly under the skin to form bubble-shaped swellings. The injections cause an intense stinging sensation lasting less than 30 seconds, followed by a decrease in back pain by 60-90 minutes. It is believed that injections cause the release of endorphins. This technique requires specialized knowledge.


Acupuncture is injections with thin needles at specific points on the body. It is believed that stimulation of these points causes the release of endorphins. This technique requires competency in application and knowledge of the location of points. It can be used to reduce pain in childbirth, as well as to increase the intensity of contractions. Talk with your doctor if you want to use this technique and hire an experienced professional who will assist with childbirth.

Other techniques used in childbirth

Childbirth scares many women. Often this natural physiological process becomes almost the main reason why a woman refuses to have children. And many pregnant women with horror expect the final reckoning for nine months of happiness. But do not be afraid of the devil painted over by a collective, often distorted imagination.

If you have already managed to get pregnant and much less bear the baby, then give birth to him, especially when using some simple tricks to help yourself   and the absence of pathologies, it will not be difficult, in the end, it’s not. Rather, labor should be applied a lot, because childbirth is work, but small secrets and tricks in its implementation must be taken into account.

All books and magazines on the topic, first of all, say about. But I would like to dwell in more detail on other methods of helping myself in childbirth.

The first is muscle relaxation. To understand what true relaxation is, you need to feel its complete opposite. To begin, tighten your face: close your eyes, tightly close your lips, wrinkle your nose. Then retract your neck and arch your back with an arc. Next, tightly clench your fists, tighten your buttocks and feet. Now fix the state of full, strong tension and analyze it. After a minute, begin relaxation from the bottom up, that is, from the feet to the face, and be sure to remember this state of relaxation. It is incomparable with anything. You should be warm and comfortable, do not want to move and violate the idyll of a relaxed body. Remembering this condition during childbirth, you will reproduce it without effort.

Secondly, to help yourself in childbirth, use reception   renderings, or figurative representations. I have no doubt that everything is in order with associative thinking and imagination in future mothers. Surely, you have repeatedly presented your long-awaited baby, his toys, clothes, a beautiful canopy bed and a bright stroller. Now try to close your eyes and relax to imagine your favorite fruit or berry. Everything from a juicy apple to sour cranberries. Moreover, be sure to study its shape, color, smell and, finally, try the delicacy to taste. You can also imagine a blooming flower bud, which is often advised in numerous articles on assisting yourself in childbirth. Believe me, your imagination will help you escape from pain and fatigue at the right time.

The third method of assisting yourself in childbirth is associated with focusing attention   on any subject or object. Try to “hang” on it like a computer when it gets tired and resentful of the user. Experts advise drawing on a white sheet a circle the size of a ten-cent coin, be sure to paint over it, place the props at arm's length. Next, focus on the object and study it. Along with focusing attention, the technique of dispersing it is also used. He is painfully familiar to those who traveled on trains and trains. You can spend hours looking out the window at landscapes passing by and, at the same time, not know which station you are driving through and what was outside the window a minute ago. A good “diffuser” of attention in the hospital can be a second hand on the watch. Observe it for several minutes and, in the end, you won’t even be able to tell how much time is on the clock.

Finally, your mood plays a decisive role during childbirth, or rather long before them. It should only be positive. Tune in the right way with the first fights and keep your confidence in a successful outcome until the very last moment - a long-awaited meeting with your beloved baby!

Relaxation-relaxation-stress relief

Mastery of relaxation ( relaxation)   individual muscles and the whole body - the basis of a comfortable state during childbirth. Learn to relax properly, perform certain exercises and you will be able to consciously control the relaxation of your muscles, properly tension them during the fight.

Muscle relaxation body leads to a decrease in the activity of the nervous system and relieve stress. It is known that negative emotions during childbirth, such as anxiety, anger, fear or pain, cause an increase in the number of catecholamines (stress hormones) - adrenaline and norepinephrine. High levels of catecholamines in the blood affect the duration of labor, reducing the effectiveness of uterine contractions, and can adversely affect the fetus, reducing the blood supply to the uterus and placenta.

Relaxation   relieves fatigue and muscle tension and thereby reduces pain during childbirth. In this case, the uterus receives the maximum amountthe required oxygen, which, in turn, also reduces the sensation of pain, because the working muscles (such as the uterus) themselves are painfully strained with insufficient oxygen supply. In addition, a conscious focus on relaxed muscles will help you escape from pain.

First, you should learn to be aware of mental and bodily sensations during rest or sleep. Since the psyche and the body mutually influence each other, during the development of relaxation exercises, you can notice how mental tension decreases simultaneously with the release of muscles. Your breathing becomes slow and even, with small pauses between inspiration and expiration. This type of breathing will help you with the development of relaxation exercises and during childbirth.

Getting to classes, lie on your side among the pillows or sit in a comfortable chair with armrests and a support for the head, create yourself maximum comfort. Having mastered the relaxation exercises in a certain position, try to relax while sitting, standing or walking, since to prepare for childbirth you need the skill of relaxation in any position. After class, lazily stretch and slowly get up to avoid dizziness.

Start mastering the technique relaxingin a quiet and calm atmosphere, gradually moving on to classes in a noisier room. Remember that there are many people in the hospital, and you need to be able to relax in these conditions.

The methods described below will allow you to identify and relieve excessive muscle tension.

Tension and muscle relaxation

Starting position. Sitting in an armchair or on the floor, try relax   all muscles that are not currently involved in maintaining a posture.

Exercise. Squeeze your right hand tightly into a fist. Pay attention to the sensations in the muscles of the forearm. Tense muscles become tight and hard.

Touch these muscles with the fingers of your left hand. Then relax the muscles and feel their softness.

Now raise your shoulders up. Analyze your feelings when your shoulders are tense. Relax and lower your shoulders. Now you are more relaxed. This is real relaxation. Did you notice the difference? If you learn to recognize which particular muscles are tense, you can always relieve residual tension and completely relax.

Tension and relaxation of the whole body

Starting position. You should lie in a position convenient for you.

Exercise. Muscle tension throughout the body. Tighten the muscles of the abdomen, hips, legs, and then the muscles of the neck, arms and legs. Keep this voltage for 5 seconds. Pay attention to the sensation - stress, tension, spasm or discomfort.

Then relax   whole body. You can begin to relax with the muscles of the abdomen, and then relax the muscles of the arms, legs, and head. Think about the stress passing. Breathe slowly. Take a breath, relaxing even more. Feel how relaxed you are.

Awareness of the influence of the psyche on bodily sensations

The mental state of a person has a great influence on the tension and relaxation of the muscles of the body, if you experience anxiety or anger, your body reacts to this with tension. In a calm state, the body remains relaxed. Therefore, in pain, try to induce a positive emotional state, this will help relieve muscle tension. Otherwise, the tension will intensify and intensify the pain.

Test. The images described below will help you imagine the opposite reactions to birth pain. Pay attention to how these images affect muscle relaxation. Some can cause stress and fear, others will help to relax.

1. When the fight begins, you feel a pulling pain first in the lower back ... "Oh, oh! Here she is". The pain increases and with an iron hand covers the stomach ... "Oh, no!". The pain is stronger and stronger. Unbearable! I want to shout: “Enough, I can no longer! I can not!". You clench your fists. The back muscles are tensed. You grit your teeth, close your eyes, resisting pain. "Please stop it!" The grip shrinks on the stomach. You are weak. There is no one to help. You hold your breath. Will it ever end The fight is gradually weakening. She passed, but you are afraid that she will start again. All over again? "Ohhhh!"

How did you feel reading all this? Tense, upset? Now, for comparison, read the following description.

2. The fight begins like a wave, barely perceptible, somewhere in the distance, like a faint smell. Unclear at the beginning, the wave is growing, becoming higher, stronger. You wonder, "What am I to do?" Contraction of the uterus reaches the peak of tension, strength and pain. Your strength, your tension and your pain. You can ride this wave and rush forward on it. Her strength will belong to you, the cervix will open, and the baby will begin to come out of it. You do not fight the wave, you are too weak for this, however, you feel satisfaction, support and strength. Your face remains calm, your legs and arms are lethargic and relaxed.

You are not afraid. You open up to this power. And now the wave subsides and goes deep into your body. You are resting.

What do you feel when imagining the contractions in this way. Do you find this image less formidable? Does it help you tune in to positive emotions better than the first description? If so, then you can use it in preparation for childbirth.

As you understand, your idea of \u200b\u200bpain during contractions affects your physical condition. If you imagine pain as a necessary and normal condition for the course of childbirth, you can easily transfer it. Knowing and training will help you relate to pain in this way, and this will greatly facilitate your birth.

Passive relaxation

By focusing on the sensations in various parts of your body and gradually relieving tension, you can achieve a state of deep physical and mental relaxation.

You can also ask someone close to read the text of the exercises below in a quiet and calm voice. Reading should be unhurried, as you need time to concentrate and relieve tension in every muscle in your body.

It’s nice and pleasant, relaxing   music. After choosing the right music, listen to it in every class so that you can create a familiar, soothing atmosphere with this music during childbirth.

Passive relaxation exercises

Sit back, lying on your side or half sitting, covered with pillows, or in a chair with armrests. Take a moment and sit down so as not to waste muscle effort to maintain a pose. Place pillows under your head, under your knees. In a word, create comfortable conditions for relaxation.

  • Take a deep breath or yawn.
  • Now focus on the toes and feet. Feel how warm and soft they are.
  • Focus on the ankles. They are weak and lethargic. Your ankles are relaxed.
  • Now focus on the calves. Feel them soft. Good.
  • Think about your knees. They lie calmly on the pillow and relaxed - they do not need to support the body. They are very comfortable.
  • Think of your hips. Large and strong femoral muscles allow you to walk. Now they are soft and heavy. Good.
  • Now focus on the muscles of the buttocks and perineum. Especially important is the ability to relax these muscles during childbirth and delivery. Now they are soft and supple. When the time comes and your child begins to move aroundby the way, the muscles of the perineum should not interfere with its exit. Therefore, it is so important to learn to own them.
  • Next - the muscles of the lower back. Imagine that someone with strong and warm hands gently strokes her. You are very pleased. Your muscles relax from imaginary touches. Feel the warmth. Feel the tension release you.
  • Now think about your stomach. Relax him. Allow it to swell, as when inhaling, then let it go, as when exhaling. The stomach is free. Focus on the movements of the abdomen as you inhale and exhale. Good. Think about the baby. Your child moves and fidgets, he is warm, comfortable and safe inside the abdomen.
  • Now the chest muscles. You breathe freely. When you inhale, the chest rises slightly, and air passes into the lungs. When you exhale, the chest falls and the air exits. Breathe slowly and easily, as in a dream. The air is inhaled and exhaled calmly and without any effort. Such breathing will help you relax even more. And relaxation, in turn, will contribute to a calm and “easy breathing. Good.
  • Now try to inhale with your nose, exhale with your mouth - slowly and without effort. On inspiration, you can noticeably slight tension of the pectoral muscles, which passes on exhalation. Listen to your breath. It is barely audible, as if you are sleeping. With each exhale, you relax. Feel how with each exhale your tension goes away. That is how you must learn to breathe in preparation for childbirth. Good.
  • Now, shoulders. Imagine someone gently massaging your shoulders. Relax.   Feel the warmth. The stress is leaving you.
  • Focus on the hands. With each exhale, your arms are larger relax   - along the entire length, from shoulder to wrist, hands, fingers. Hands are heavy, warm and relaxed.
  • Focus on the neck muscles. All neck muscles are soft, relaxedthey don’t need to hold their head. Your head rests on a pillow, your neck can relax. Good.
  • Now - the mouth and lips. The muscles of the mouth are relaxed. You do not have to keep your mouth open or closed.
  • Relaxede muscles themselves will take a comfortable position. No stress.
  • And now - eyes and eyelids. The muscles of the eyes are lethargic and relaxed. Do not try to keep your eyes open or closed. This will happen by itself. The eyelids are slightly covered, and the gaze is not focused on anything. The eyelids are heavy, relaxed.
  • Focus on the forehead and eyebrow muscles. Relax these muscles. Feel the warmth. A calm facial expression matches your inner state.
  • Enjoy this state of calm and well-being. You can relax in this way whenever possible - before going to bed, after lunch, during a work break. This condition must be achieved during childbirth. When giving birth, you will not lie all the time. You will walk, sit down, take a shower, but during contractions you can relax all the muscles that are not involved in maintaining the posture. This will relieve excessive nervous tension, give you a sense of calm and self-confidence and help you behave properly during childbirth.

And now - it's time to finish our exercises. No rush. Slowly open your eyes, stretch, look around the room and slowly stand up.

Active relaxation

If you have learned to relax in any position and in any occupations, then you have already prepared well for childbirth and in the hospital this skill will be very useful to you. The purpose of your studies is to learn to, under any conditions, induce a state of the same complete physical and mental relaxation as when practicing at home, when you are lying and your body is supported by pillows or a comfortable couch.

Active relaxation exercises

Try relax   muscles in different positions - standing (straight or leaning on the wall or on the shoulder of your partner), sitting, half-sitting, standing on all fours, kneeling and resting your head and shoulders on a chair, squatting, lying on your side.

In each of these positions, certain muscle groups work, while others remain p relaxed. Only by learning relax   in various positions, you will be able to effectively relax during childbirth. In a state of deep relaxation, when you have the right breathing, try to imagine the beginning of contractions, evoking vivid visual images of the alleged sensations. With the help of such exercises, you do each of your practical exercises with rehearsal of childbirth.

Spot voltage test

Sometimes it seems to you that your body is completely relaxed   but by focusing on certain parts of the body (arms, legs, stomach), you feel that some muscles are still tense.

The exercises below will help you completely. relax   the whole body, successively moving from one part to another. The relaxing effect of these exercises is based both on a natural decrease in muscle tension during exhalation and on the ability to consciously relieve tension acquired by you.

Sequential Stress Exercises

Accept a position convenient for you. Breathe slowly and easily, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Focus on the right foot. On inspiration, try to determine if there is tension in the muscles of the right leg. On the exhale relax   all leg muscles. Repeat if necessary. Then, during the next breath, focus on the muscles of the left leg. Identify tense muscles and relax them as you exhale. Repeat these exercises, mentally dividing your body into the following eight parts:

  • right leg;
  • left leg;
  • buttocks and perineum;
  • chest and stomach;
  • back;
  • right hand;
  • left hand;
  • head, face and neck.

Consistently relieving muscle tension in different parts of the body with each exhalation, you will feel that relaxed   at the end of the lesson.

This method is useful to you during childbirth. Your partner will be able to help you by suggesting which muscles you need. relax, or by touching and stroking these muscles with each of your exhalations.

Countdown Relaxation

If you have learned to recognize muscle tension and properly remove it, you can learn other methods of quick relaxation. These skills will be especially helpful during labor. With each fight, your “organized” breathing will signal relaxation.


Start your lessons while sitting in a comfortable chair. You can continue the complex in any position that the time of childbirth will require from you - standing, on all fours or on your knees, as well as lying down (see below for more details on the situation during childbirth).

Inhale through the nose. During exhalation through the mouth, relax the muscles of the whole body, from head to toe. Count in the reverse order from five to one until completely relaxed. At first, one should learn to relax during five respiratory cycles. Having mastered this exercise, you can to relax   during one slow exhale. Imagine that during the count, a wave of relaxation passes through your body, covering all its areas:

  • head, neck and shoulders;
  • hands, hands and fingers; »Chest and stomach;
  • back, buttocks and crotch;
  • legs, feet and toes.


Along with p relaxation   and other methods that facilitate the state of the woman in childbirth, properly organized breathing during childbirth reduces pain. Properly organized breathing is breathing with a certain frequency and depth.

You will choose specific values \u200b\u200bof the frequency and depth of your breathing depending on the features of the course of future birth, your preferences and oxygen demand. Having previously mastered the proposed exercises and adapted to them, you can calm down and relax with their help during childbirth.

There are three main types of controlled breathing during childbirth: slow, light (accelerated) and variable (transitional). You can use all three breathing methods if they help you relax and get enough oxygen, as well as behave properly during intense contractions.

It is best in the early phase of labor to breathe slowly and continue to breathe as long as it helps. Then you can switch to light or variable breathing - which suits you best. A third type of breathing is recommended in the later phase of labor. For some women, slow breathing is appropriate throughout the entire period of childbirth. Others use two types of breathing: slow and light or slow and variable, and some use all three types. What exactly you choose will depend on your reactions and the intensity of the fights.

Slow breathing should be used in intense contractions when you can no longer walk or talk. You can breathe slowly with your stomach or chest; it is important that your breath helps you relax.

Application of the slow breathing method:

  • Set the type of breathing you want: as soon as the fight begins, take a deep breath. Relieve all tension (slowly, from head to toe) as you exhale.
  • Focus on the sensations.
  • Inhale slowly through the nose (if this is difficult, then through the mouth) and exhale completely with your mouth. Hold upbreathing as much as you can. Breathe at a frequency of 6-10 times per minute (about two times less than usual).
  • Calmly, but with a noise, inhale, while leaving your mouth slightly ajar and relaxed. The sound should be the same as with a relaxed breath.
  • Lower your shoulders and relax. Relax the muscles of the chest and abdomen, while they rise slightly, as if you were inhaling, and then tighten the same muscles as if you were exhaling.
  • When the fight is over, take the last full relaxing breath. Then inhale as if you are sighing. A suitable ending to breathing exercises may be yawning.
  • Relax, change your body position, have a drink, etc.

Repeat the above exercises until you feel completely sure that with the help of slow breathing you can completely to relax. During labor, you should breathe for 60-90 seconds at a time. Practice breathing correctly in various positions - sitting, lying, standing, on all fours, and even in the car. With each exhalation, focus on relaxing   different parts of the body - this way you relax all the muscles that are not involved in maintaining the posture.

Use light (accelerated) breathing if you feel that slow breathing does not bring relief.

To learn easy breathing, inhale and exhale through the mouth at a rate of approximately once per second. Breathing should be superficial and light, quiet breath and noisy exhalation.

The use of light breathing:

  • Pay attention to your breath as soon as the fight begins. As you exhale, release all (each part of the body) tension.
  • Concentrate your attention.
  • Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth, gradually accelerating your breathing and making it more superficial - depending on the intensity of the contractions. If the scrum quickly reaches its peak, you should go to accelerated breathing earlier. If the fight reaches its peak graduallybut, you should also gradually accelerate the rhythm of breathing. In this case, the muscles of the mouth and shoulders should be relaxed.
  • When you have accelerated breathing according to the intensity of the contractions, inhale and exhale through your mouth. Breathing should be shallow and approximately once per second.
  • When the intensity of the contractions decreases, gradually switch to slow breathing, inhaling with your nose and exhaling with your mouth.
  • When the bout is over, end your breath with a deep breath.
  • Relax completely, change your body position, have a drink, etc.

This type of breathing is not as easy to master as slow breathing. Be persistent and take your time, gradually you will get used to such an exercise. Practice breathing first once a second, but changes in breathing rate are possible - from two times per second to once every 2 seconds. Then try to breathe at different frequencies, but that! with, to make you comfortable. The best way to count your breathing rate is to count your breathing cycles (inhale-exhale) in 10 seconds. If you have counted from 5 to 20 cycles, you are breathing correctly. If within 1-2 minutes you can freely and effortlessly establish the right rhythm of light breathing, then you are ready to combine it with slow breathing.

Variable (transient) breathing is a variant of light breathing and combines light shallow breathing and periodic noisy exhalations. Variable breathing begins with quick breathing, followed by a quick light breathing with a frequency of 2 times per second to 1 time every 2 seconds. After every 2-5 cycles, exhale slowly, deeply and without tension, such an exhalation will help you establish the rhythm of breathing.

The use of alternating breathing:

  • At the beginning of the bout, set the desired breathing rhythm. As you exhale, release all tension (sequentially, all parts of the body).
  • Concentrate stitching. You can concentrate on the face of your partner.
  • Throughout the struggle, breathe through your mouth easily and superficially, with a frequency of 5-20 cycles in 10 seconds.
  • Exhale slowly every second or after every third, fourth, or fifth respiratory cycle. You do not need to take a deep breath for this, it should be normal. Some women prefer to exhale with the sound "hu" or "pa". Pick the right type of breath for you and keep it throughout the fight. Your partner can count for you (“one, two, three, four exhalations”) or you yourself can count for a greater concentration of attention.
  • When the fight is over, take one or two deep relaxing   exhale.
  • Absolutely relax, drink, change position.

Add these exercises to your classes. Contractions can last for two minutes and be as if doubled, so learn to "orderly" breathe for at least 3 minutes in a row. In this case, it is necessary to change the position of the body.

Selecting the exercises that you will use during childbirth, you should distinguish between two conditions: the first period when the cervix opens, and the second when the fetus is expelled from the uterus; in these states two points are taken into account: contractions and attempts.

Autotraining classes are best done in special groups under the supervision of obstetrician-gynecologists. Practice shows that women easily learn the recommended techniques and that the acquired skills allow them to reduce pain during childbirth.

Aromatherapy during pregnancy

Inhaling pleasant aromas can have a beneficial psychological effect, contribute to creating a good mood, inner harmony, peace of mind; protect you from colds and alleviate many ailments. And it is precisely these possibilities of aromatherapy that become especially relevant during such a period as pregnancy.

A woman expecting a baby is very sensitive and emotional due to hormonal changes and body restructuring. Fears, anxieties, various health problems appear. Most often these are back pain, constipation, nausea, varicose veins, leg swelling, insomnia. Most of these problems lend themselves well to aromatherapy.

Any therapy during pregnancy should be safe for both mother and baby.. But here, all sorts of surprises lie in wait for us. Information about the degree of danger of a particular group of drugs, medicinal plants and essential oils is very scarce and often contradictory. In principle, any drug under certain conditions can pose a threat to the fetus, due to the high vulnerability of immature cells, tissues and organs of the unborn baby and the peculiarities of the placental barrier. Therefore, any appointment for pregnant women should be careful and thoughtful.

It should be noted the negative effect on the fetus (up to its death) of such essential oils as:

  • wormwood / artemisia absinthium;
  • ruta / ruta graveolens;
  • swamp mint (bulgarian) / menta pulegium;
  • common wormwood (Chernobyl) / artemisia vulgaris;
  • thuja / thuja occidentalis;
  • hyssop / hyssopus officinalis;
  • salvia officinalis sal via officinalis;
  • spiked (bucket, spike) lavender / lavandula stoechas.

These oils with a high content of ketones (mainly thujone, bulletin, camphor, pinocamphene) in their composition, have hormonal activity and are able to stimulate uterine bleeding. Phenols with a strong immunostimulating, diuretic and hepatotropic (toxic to the liver) effect are just as dangerous during pregnancy as aldehydes are highly irritating mucous membranes and actively affect the nervous system. In addition, the hormonal activity of other components of EM is actively studied today.which can disrupt hormonal balance and lead to the predominance of estrogen, which, of course, cannot but affect the forming fetus and the course of pregnancy in general.

More specifically, uterotonic (increasing the uterine tone) action, which poses a threat to the course of pregnancy, especially in its first trimester, is possessed by oils such as: basil, juniper, myrrh, wormwood of all kinds, chamomiles of all kinds, ordinary thyme, and in large doses, even lavender and ginger.

Juniper oil, in addition to the above, has a strong effect on the kidneys (affecting mainly the glomeruli), which leads to its exclusion from the list of permitted for use throughout pregnancy.

Anise, all kinds of wormwood, all sages, fennel, hops, yarrow and some others are estrogen-active oils.

The degree of toxic effect depends on the method of application of EM. The most dangerous is oral, therefore, during pregnancy, EM intake is prohibited (and in any other case is not recommended). The risk of toxicity is reduced in the following sequence: rectal administration, vaginal, cutaneous, nasal.

Of course, there is a list of oils that can be used during pregnancy, but each of them requires a separate discussion, since there are always some but which we talk about in the classroom. And when using them, one cannot be sure of the absolute safety of use, since the assessment of the effect on the fetus of many essential oils has never been carried out. True, this is fraught with great difficulties - which pregnant woman voluntarily agrees to conduct such studies on herself and her child; the information obtained in animal experiments does not give a 100% guarantee, and the EM list is very large and checking the effect on each of them is practically impossible.

When choosing oil, you need to carefully consider the feelings of the pregnant woman herself. If for some reason she is recommended, for example, lavender oil, and this aroma causes her nausea, then it meansapply it is not necessary. The body itself signals the danger of rejection of the smell. Although, if the pregnancy proceeds without any complications, the expectant mother is in good shape and practically healthy, it is unlikely that essential oils pose any threat to pregnancy. But it’s better to be careful, especially for those who have had spontaneous abortions or there is a threat to their mother’s health. In this case, consultation with a qualified aromatherapist (of which there are only a few in our country) and constant monitoring by a doctor or refusal to use aromatherapy are necessary.

You need to pay attention to the fact that during pregnancy the skin becomes more sensitive and therefore it is difficult to predict its reaction. The attitude to odors also changes - they can cause nausea. Therefore, even if we use essential oils (EM), we must use fewer drops than is usually recommended, and reduce the duration of use or significantly increase the intervals between procedures. This rule, first of all, applies to the contact use of oils (baths, massage, compress), although it would be absolutely wrong to say that the use of aroma lamps and, moreover, inhalations have only a psychological effect. The uniform distribution of the volatile components of EM in low concentrations in the air ensures their deep penetration into the respiratory organs, where they, penetrating the lipid structures of the membranes, enter the bloodstream and tissues, which, naturally, has an effect on the whole organism. Although of course the concentration of EM in these cases is close to natural and, as a rule, does not cause harm.

When using aromatherapy during pregnancy, I would especially like to emphasize not only the quantitative, but also the qualitative composition of the oils, which, first of all, determines the efficacy and harmlessness of essential oils.

High-quality oils have a high cost, which, unfortunately, leads to a large number of fakes. A number of oils can be obtained synthetically, and they will be completely identical to the natural smell, but do not have therapeutic activityand, worst of all, be toxic. Sometimes, there is a dilution of the essential oils with alcohol or fatty oils, which leads to a decrease in the therapeutic effect, and in the case of alcohol, makes it more aggressive towards the skin.

Before using any aromatherapy agent, it is necessary to conduct an individual sensitivity test to the drug, after first finding out from the patient information about the presence of any type of allergy; intolerance to any smells and olfactory tests. Attention! Signs of intolerance to a substance are expressed not only by the appearance of a rash, the occurrence of itching and redness of the skin, but also shortness of breath, shortness of breath, an attack of suffocation; the appearance of sweating, increased heart rate, a violation of the heart rhythm; headache, dizziness and tinnitus (i.e., have a respiratory, cardiac, cerebral and allergic forms), as well as the appearance of a local reaction, expressed by sneezing, flushing of the skin and mucous membranes, and lacrimation.

If you find the use of essential oils useful and enjoyable and you are determined to use aromatherapy during pregnancy, there are a few more things to consider. Like most substances that enter the human body, EM is excreted from it by the excretory organs, creating an additional burden on them. In addition, the rate of excretion depends on the composition of the oils, and it is not the same for different organs. In order to facilitate the excretion of metabolic products, which is activated under the influence of EM, it is recommended to increase the amount of fluid consumed from the body. Except, perhaps, cases with edema and other problems in which its limitation is shown.

You cannot do the same day massage, hair mask, bath, lotion, etc. with EM. We prescribe only one aromatherapy procedure per day! If there is a need to use various methods of aromatherapy, then use a minimum amount of EM. And be sure to periodically give the body a rest from EM for at least two weeks; Well, maybearomatization of the room can be carried out every day. But at the same time, you need to take into account that children and elderly people can be in your house. In children, the olfactory analyzer gets tired much faster than in an adult, and in older people, metabolic processes proceed differently, which should be taken into account when determining the amount of EM used during the operation of the aroma lamp.

Aromatherapy Rules

  • Remember that essential oils are volatile compounds that, in their pure form, can cause unwanted effects. Essential oil can only be used with diluted base oils.
  • Avoid contact with essential oil in the eyes.
  • If you accidentally spill the essential oil, collect it with quick-absorbing napkins or a cloth, pack them tightly, open the window for ventilation and leave the room for this time.
  • Take a cool shower before aromatherapy massage. Do not take a hot bath, otherwise the oil will quickly absorb into the skin.
  • Do not use perfume or deodorant during the procedure - this may block the effect of the oil
  • Do not eat before an aromatherapy session, as your body will experience an additional load to digest food.
  • Do not massage for influenza, fever, or any serious illness. It’s worth the wait until the crisis of the disease passes.
  • After an aromatherapy massage, drink as much water as possible to help the kidneys remove toxins from the body.
  • Do not take a shower for several hours after the session, so that the oil is absorbed into the skin and begins its effect.

Back pain

Massaging the lower back will help relieve pain caused by increased stress. On two tablespoons of base oil: two drops of lavender oil and sandalwood. A bath with 6 drops of lavender oil will also help relieve pain.

Abdominal wall tone

With tension in the front wall of the abdomen, you can cope not only with medical methods. Light rubbing chamomile-based oil with fennel and jojoba will help to relax in response to the arising tone.

Pain in the mammary glands

The breast swells during pregnancy and requires increased attention. Massage oil from 3 drops of pink and orange oil based on one tablespoon of almond oil will help to avoid stretch marks of the skin and will gently care for your breasts. Almond oil is an excellent remedy for cracks and sores of the nipples that occur during breastfeeding. During the period of breastfeeding, the use of pure essential oils is unacceptable - they can get into the mouth or on the delicate skin of the baby and cause harm.

Sleep disorders

In the last months of pregnancy, many women suffer from insomnia. A bath with rose oil and neroli oil will help. Ylang-ylang oil will cleanse thoughts before bedtime, calm and give a deep sleep. You can apply 2-3 drops of oil on the edge of the pillowcase or sachet. Lavender also contributes to good sleep.


Daily massage of the abdomen and hips will help to avoid stretch marks after childbirth: 3 drops of lavender oil based on a tablespoon of jojoba oil, wheat germ or evening primrose. Massage can be started from the beginning of pregnancy.


Mix two drops of lemon grass oil, cypress and lavender with 2 tablespoons of apricot oil. A gentle and gentle massage will help reduce the symptoms of varicose veins. The veins themselves cannot be massaged.

Destabilization of blood pressure

Rosemary oil will help “fix” galloping blood pressure during pregnancy. Apply it to damp skin after a shower at the moment of “correct” pressure. With diuretic and tonic properties, it will help to cope with toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy and edema.


With colds, inhalations from rosehip oil, as well as eucalyptus oil   with thyme, hyssop and chamomile.


Aroma lamp with lavender oil will create a good atmosphere during childbirth. Oils of rose, neroli, ylang-ylang will give strength and calm confidence in the process of childbirth. Also, these oils help in contractions during massage of the lower back, the so-called "Venus Triangle."

Marjoram oil will help strengthen labor. Add 2-3 drops of marjoram to warm water, moisten a napkin and put this compress on your stomach.

After childbirth

A bath with jasmine, ylang-ylang, massage with chamomile, geranium, orange oil (5 drops of essential oils for 2 tablespoons of base oil, such as almond) will help to cope with postpartum depression. This mixture helps eliminate hormonal imbalances. The crotch pain will be relieved by a bath of lavender oil. And the addition of such a powerful antiseptic like tea tree oil promotes the rapid healing of wounds and sutures.


Baths with oil of cypress, rosemary, lemon and jojoba will help to cope with cellulite after childbirth. As well as compresses of problem areas with cypress, lemon and peppermint oil.

Recovery of problem areas

On the abdomen and buttocks, the so-called fat alpha cells "sit", rather large and very gluttonous. If they occupy the full volume, then it is incredibly difficult to make them shrink to the necessary limits. Use aromatic wrap. Rub your belly, buttocks and thighs with lemon-peppermint oil and wrap yourself in several layers of plastic wrap. Leave for half an hour for the active effect of the oil on the skin.

Lactation stimulation

To establish lactation and some increase in milk, you can use anise-lavender oil with fennel, Moroccan rose, coriander and calendula.

Skin diseases or problems

Fungal can be treated with the help of baths with the addition of patchouli oil, lavender, tea tree, St. John's wort, blue chamomile.

Also, the disinfecting effect of tea tree oil can be used for furunculosis and other cutaneous diseases.


Daily mouthwashes with water with a few drops of tea tree oil, sage, myrrh and peppermint will help to quickly heal the sores in the mouth and prevent their reappearance.

Perineal tissue regeneration

Sedentary baths with pink geranium, lavender, chamomile oil, as well as rose oil and yarrow contribute to the healing of tears and sutures of the perineum.

Cutting teeth in a child

Significantly facilitate teething in a child and soothe gums a slight rubbing of clove, chamomile and jojoba oils. Use is permissible only in small quantities! One small drop of oil is enough to rub into the gum.


Avoid the use of laurel, basil, clary sage, hyssop, juniper, marjoram, lemon balm, myrrh, thyme and sage during pregnancy. Due to the strong diuretic effect and the ability to cause menstruation, they can give an undesirable effect.

Oils of woodruff, tansy, wormwood, oregano and mint are toxic and abortive.

During pregnancy, use only natural oils - synthetic falsifications can act unpredictably.

Chamomile, geranium (in small doses), lavender, lemon, neroli, orange, pink, sandalwood, calendula, masor, wheat germ, jojoba, fennel (in small doses).

Every day, sometimes past our will, we have to experience a feeling of tension. And sometimes not only in the nervous aspect of our life, but also in the physical. And this very much affects the general condition: a headache, irritability appears, sleep and perception of the surrounding world worsen. This is especially indicated on the body of a pregnant woman. And when the birth is soon to come, stress in most cases becomes a daily state. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to relax. This will become an indispensable quality not only in everyday life, but also during childbirth.

The technique of relaxation during childbirth is very important, because it helps to open the cervix. In order for the opening to occur quickly and minimally painfully, it is necessary that the muscles of the neck are as relaxed as possible. But this will not happen if the woman’s body is very tense. Because of this, the uterus spends more time and energy on contractions, so in this case, the birth can last a very long time. Along with this, of course, the pain will intensify.

Also, do not forget that the child constantly needs oxygen. Which also completely depends on how relaxed the woman is. But in order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to spend a lot of effort to work out this technique to the ideal.

Relaxation techniques

  1. Contrast technique.   Ideal for those women who do not know how to properly relax the body. In this case, relaxation is compared with intense stress. And best in this situation will help muscle tension, which will pass completely consciously. When a woman starts performing a contrast technique, she should take a comfortable pose while lying or sitting. It is necessary to take turns with all his strength to strain different parts of the body (legs, arms, lips), and then very sharply relax so that the body feels this relaxation. It is necessary to be in a stressed state approximately 10-30 seconds. Depending on the physical fitness of the woman. When a woman learns to completely relax her facial muscles, it can be guaranteed that she will be able to relax and the rest of the body.
  2. Phased relaxation.   This technique is perfect for those people who have no problems with imagination. In order to succeed, you need to relax a certain part of the body and begin to spread this relaxation throughout the rest of the body. In most cases, experts recommend starting from the toes and gradually moving up.


   Visualization is a certain work that is carried out using images. You can imagine, for example, a situation from the past that would cause you a lot of positive emotions. And when you stop remembering and imagining it, you will find how relaxed your body is.

This method is perfect for use during childbirth, namely when contractions are not yet very strong and frequent, and all your attention can be focused on presenting some situation. When the contractions begin to intensify, then you can imagine yourself on the waves that swing you up and down.

Of course, this will not work on the first try, but still after a while the pain will not be so noticeable, and the opening of the cervix will accelerate significantly.