Diet for breast growth. Products for a lush bust: beauty theory through nutrition

Each representative of the fair sex dreams of sexual forms of hips and breasts. But nature, unfortunately, does not endow with all the desired dimensions of the bust.

In this regard, women:

  • decide on breast augmentation surgery;
  • someone is engaged in active physical exercises in order to give her more voluminous and attractive forms;
  • someone goes on a special diet.

This begs the question - are there really foods for breast augmentation?

It is necessary to provide and analyze a maximum of information regarding this topic in order to get a competent and accurate answer to the question posed.

Myth or reality

It has now been precisely proven that breast size is determined by the level of such a hormone as estrogen in the body.

It is on him that the attractiveness of the female figure depends. When a woman has a deficiency of this hormone, it becomes flat in all places where certain round shapes should be.

Accordingly, if the body receives the necessary amount of estrogen, then the female breast will increase in size and volume.

The important point is that estrogen is produced in the female ovaries, and getting this hormone from the outside is just an artificial substitution for the lack of one's own.

There are two ways to supplement the missing amount of estrogen:

  • the use of hormone therapy (tablets, dietary supplements);
  • the use of products containing plant estrogen (“phytoestrogens”).

The first method carries with it a lot of contraindications and side effects, therefore, they are very careful in approaching such methods, and are used exclusively in special cases, strictly according to the doctor’s prescription.

As for the second, this is the safest and most useful way to increase the necessary hormone.

Including products containing estrogen in the diet, you can increase its level in your body, which later will lead to a certain result, namely, to breast enlargement.

But do not console yourself with stunning results in advance. Getting certain products, they still do not have a direct effect on the growth of the mammary glands.


Many common foods consumed almost daily contain phytoestrogens similar to human estrogen.

Once in the human body with food, the latter are easily absorbed, are able to replace and eliminate the deficiency of their own hormone.

The main groups of products containing phytoestrogens:

  • legumes   - beans, peas, various types of beans, lentils;
  • products containing soy   - soy, flour, cheese, yogurt, butter, tofu, etc .;
  • vegetables   - tomatoes, pumpkin, eggplant, broccoli and cauliflower;
  • fruits and dried fruits   - dried apricots, dates, peaches, red grapes, raspberries, strawberries;
  • certain seeds and grains   - flax, sesame seeds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, rice, barley, wheat, oats;
  • spice   - cloves, oregano, thyme, ginger;
  • herbs- mint, clover, fennel;
  • animal products   - meat, fish, milk, cottage cheese, cheese, butter, lard.

From the list presented, it is clearly visible that there are quite enough products containing plant estrogen, and we basically use many of them every day.

But at the same time, not all of them have the desired breast size.

It should be noted that many of the above products, which are a source of additional phytoestrogen, are not able to affect the change in breast volume upwards.

And excessive consumption of some in general can cause significant harm to your health.


Regarding yeast, it should immediately be noted that here we are talking mainly about brewer's yeast, which are used in the manufacture of beer.

It is thanks to beer that it was believed that, using it in large quantities, many men begin to acquire female forms of breasts and hips, therefore, it should contribute to the growth of mammary glands in women as well.

But yeast in this case does not play any role.

Beer is capable of:

  • firstly, lead to weight gain, in connection with this you get additional fat deposits everywhere, including in the bust, as beer is a very high-calorie product that can increase metabolism and appetite.
  • secondly, it is real to change the shape of the breast, in the direction of its increase, in this case, not yeast, but hops, with a high content of the same phytoestrogen, affect it. But yeast is nothing more than ordinary mushrooms, and they have nothing to do with the size of the bust.

Video: At the consultation with a specialist

What foods to eat for breast augmentation

It can be stated with accuracy that many products generally cannot directly affect breast growth.

But they are able to indirectly affect the desired process, namely to entail the production of their own estrogen in the female body, which in turn is decisive in this matter.

In addition, many of the products that contain phytoestrogen are useful for general health promotion, which is also important for achieving the desired breast shape.

The most important thing is not to abuse some of them, and to approach competently to your diet.

The most favorable foods for breast augmentation have been identified, which carry the maximum benefit in this matter, if used correctly.

Legumes and Soya

These products in many respects, and more precisely due to the large amount of phytoestrogen contained in them, can affect breast growth.

Include in your diet:

  • porridge from peas and lentils;
  • soups with beans and the same peas;
  • various salads, where the main ingredients will be legumes and healthy vegetable oils (olive, linseed).

Also, do not forget about soy, which carries the missing hormone.

It is better to use it in its usual form, rather than in products containing it, since they are all currently GMOs, so there can be more harm than good.

Do not abuse legumes daily, otherwise you can easily accumulate excess volumes in all places, and not only where required.


Known for its benefits, oatmeal promotes breast growth. You can eat it daily for breakfast using as an additional source of energy. This is the most harmless and highly effective product.

For the mammary glands, cereals such as rice, corn and wheat are excellent products.

Having compiled a daily menu for the week, where breakfast will be a variety of cereals from these cereals, you:

  1. ensure good digestion;
  2. tidy up your diet;
  3. enrich the body with additional estrogen.

All this will positively affect the shape of your body as a whole.

An important point in the preparation of cereals is that they must be cooked to preserve the benefit strictly from cereals, and not from semi-processed instant cereals.

Vegetables and fruits

They have a direct effect on the production of much needed estrogen by the female ovaries.

By enriching your daily diet with fruits and vegetables, focusing on certain types, you can notice the desired changes in your bust.

In the summer season, try to eat more:

  • peaches;
  • apricots
  • strawberries
  • wild strawberries;
  • raspberries;
  • cherries.

Dried fruits are also very good: dried apricots, dates.

They are good antioxidants that contribute to the cleansing and healing of tissues and the body as a whole.

Vegetables are the richest source of fiber. Increase the consumption of fresh tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers.

Excellent sources of phytoestrogen are:

  1. pumpkin;
  2. eggplant;
  3. potatoes;
  4. beet.

Healthy fats

Since adipose tissue in the mammary glands determines the overall size of the breast, some foods containing fats will be very favorable for its increase.

The latter, in turn, are able to give and add the desired volume.

List of foods enriched with healthy fats:

  • fat;
  • bananas
  • walnuts,
  • olives;
  • seeds of flax, sesame, sunflower;
  • fish;
  • dairy.

All this is affordable and easy to eat daily.

The main thing is to know the measure and portions, so as not to lead to an undesirable set of excess weight, which will be difficult to remove from the abdomen, hips and hands.

It is in these places that adipose tissue is deposited more and faster than in the chest.

What does not help

All of the products presented are able to indirectly affect breast augmentation, providing a general stimulating effect on certain processes in the female body.

From some, very famous and popular, products, even if they are enriched with phytoestrogens, the volume and size of the mammary gland do not depend at all.

These include:

  • cabbage- The main representative of the myths about products that can increase breasts at times;
  • still mineralized water   - it can only normalize the intestines and improve metabolism;
  • easily digestible carbohydrates (buns, pastries, sweets) and fatty foods   –– do more harm than good.

What experiments are generally banned

Some of the products are not only completely useless with breast augmentation and growth, but are also capable of causing significant harm to overall health.

Certain points must simply be excluded and in no case do not experiment on yourself, in spite of any advice.

Among these we can distinguish:

  • the use of various ointments, rubbing and lotions, prepared on the basis of folk recipes;
  • beer abuse, hoping to get the desired amount;
  • the use of various types of yeast;
  • eating raw dough;
  • excessive consumption of any phytoestrogens.

Many prepare various compresses, lotions, creams, apply sheets of various plants, etc.

Beer can cause the development of female alcoholism. It has a detrimental effect on the health of your liver, one of the main blood filters.

With beer, you will quickly gain volume at the waist and hips if you are where you expect it to be.

Yeast and raw dough are a big blow to the digestive system. You risk becoming a hostage to diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and dysbiosis.

When used, great damage is caused to the intestine and its inherent microflora, which in the future requires a long recovery.

In no case should you consume an excess of certain foods, such as legumes - this is a very heavy product.

Any abuse of seemingly harmless food can lead to unpredictable consequences - allergies, indigestion, hormonal failure, upset stool, insomnia, etc.

After analyzing all the points, we can conclude that products for breast augmentation have an indirect positive effect.

Basically, they contribute to the normalization and restoration of the estrogen production process that has lost its strength by the female body, which is the determining hormone of growth and development of the mammary gland.

To increase the breast to the desired volume, an integrated approach is necessary.

It should include the correct diet, with a reasonable bias for the above-mentioned product groups, additional physical exercises, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Many are looking for products to increase breast, because it is difficult to find a woman who is completely satisfied with her face and body. Most of all dissatisfaction with themselves are expressed by the owners of a small bust. They are trying by any means to make this part of the body larger and more attractive. Some do not stop at folk methods and lie down under the surgeon’s knife. But not everyone has the opportunity in such a way to correct the flaw in nature, since pleasure is not cheap, so many are interested in whether something can be eaten so that the breast grows.

Of course, no products will help with the first size to make the third, but to improve the condition of the breast, to make it strong and elastic is quite real.

In order for the breasts to grow well, a sufficient amount of useful vitamins and minerals must enter the body. First of all, nutrition should be balanced. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be present in your daily diet. After all, not only breast size is important, but also the health of the whole organism.

For the bust, the most necessary are such substances:

Hormone estrogen.No wonder this hormone is called female. He is responsible for the formation of magnificent forms. The body produces estrogen on its own. The hormone reaches its highest concentration during puberty. Therefore, the chest at this time grows most actively. With a decrease in the amount of estrogen, the increase in the mammary glands gradually stops. To change this situation, you need to eat foods containing this hormone. Flax seeds, tofu cheese, and legumes have such properties. Among legumes, beans and peas are considered the most useful. To become the owner of magnificent forms they need to be consumed every day. It is also claimed that estrogen is most found in fennel and hop cones. The first is even used to make teas that enhance lactation.

But we must not forget that hormonal balance cannot be upset. A lack or excess of a hormone can have serious consequences not only for the appearance, but also for the health of a woman.

This substance is necessary to create new cells and support their growth. Therefore, folic acid is necessary during the growth period of the body - this is during puberty. She is also prescribed for pregnant women. To saturate the body with it and breasts grow better, you need to eat foods such as carrots, beans, bananas, red fish, meat, pork and lamb liver, and use fermented milk products.

Vitamins A, E, C. So that the mammary glands are in good condition and grow faster, you need to use olive oil. It contains vitamin E, which is responsible for the youth and elasticity of the skin. Vitamin A is found in carrots. If you eat citrus fruits, drink tea from rose hips, then the mammary glands will not need vitamin C. You also need to eat apricots, spinach, peaches.

Unsaturated fats.   Adipose tissue is of great importance for breast size, since this part of the body consists mainly of it. Therefore, you need to eat foods containing healthy fats. They can be obtained from avocados, vegetable and olive oils, nuts. Do not forget about animal fats, such as butter and lard. But do not abuse. Healthy fat can also be obtained from valuable varieties of marine fish.

Cellulose. This substance is rich in fruits and vegetables. Fiber plays an important role in the health of the whole body. Blueberries, strawberries, Brussels sprouts are necessary for the body as a prevention of cancer. Such products as garlic, eggs, blueberries, Brazil nuts do not allow the appearance of tumors in the mammary glands. As a prophylaxis of inflammatory diseases, you need to use sea kale. It contains a large amount of iodine.

In order for the breast to grow, it certainly needs to be nourished with calories. But here you have to choose between harmony and a magnificent bust. Both can not be obtained from fatty foods.

Best and quickest breasts grow from white bread, lard, honey, milk and bananas. In moderation, these foods are very beneficial for the whole body. But their excessive use will make not only the chest, but the whole figure more voluminous.

Also, do not exhaust the body with diets, as this will negatively affect the size of the breast. From this, the mammary glands will not increase, but will decrease, in addition, the skin will become sagging, and in order to restore its elasticity, you will have to make a lot of effort.

Spices are considered beneficial for enlarging the mammary glands. They are used to give dishes a special taste. The addition of ginger, sage, cloves, thyme and oregano to the food not only promotes the growth of the bust, but also enhances sexual desire.

Drinks to accelerate bust growth

An important role is played by drinks that a woman consumes:

  • Natural juices have undoubted benefits. They can be prepared from berries, fruits, vegetables. Any of these drinks will saturate the body with useful substances.
  • Do not forget about the properties of tea. Especially the female body needs green tea.
  • Red wine has long been considered a storehouse of antioxidants and a source of youth. It allows you to maintain youth and elasticity of tissues. But abuse this drink is undesirable. Everything should be in moderation. A few glasses a week will be more than enough.

What does the breast not grow from?

There are many myths in relation to some products that they supposedly help to increase the bust:

  1. Cabbage. This is the most common myth. Scientists completely refute the benefits of this vegetable for breast. Its beneficial properties extend to the intestines. Cabbage helps to cleanse it. It also contains vitamins and minerals. But with the same success you can eat any other vegetable, the size of the breast will not change from this.
  2. It is believed that mineral water without gas is important for breast growth. Drinking a diet is very good for your health. Drinking plenty of fluids provides a quick metabolism. From this, health will be stronger and the figure is better, but the bust will not grow a centimeter.
  3. Raw dough. This product will bring nothing but weight gain.
  4. Light beer. It is considered a miracle drink. For breast growth, it is recommended to drink a liter per day. There is nothing useful in this drink that is beneficial for the breast and the whole organism, but a lot of harm can bring harm, especially to the woman’s reproductive system.

According to surveys, most men pay attention not to size, but to the shape and condition of the chest. Therefore, women need to stop worrying about how to increase the bust, and more care about maintaining its elasticity and beauty.

To do this, you need to eat right, do physical exercises and massages, take care of the skin of the chest. Only the right attitude to your body will allow you to maintain youth and attractiveness for a long time.

If you want to make the bust more round and large, you need to increase, first of all, the percentage of adipose tissue in its composition.

It is necessary to eat foods that are healthy for the body, in which there is a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins necessary for breast augmentation.

The lack of any element is reflected in its beauty and elasticity. The skin may become flabby, dull, the bust will lose roundness. Diet is one of the components of a whole complex of measures: gymnastics, strength exercises, and care procedures.

Some products containing phytoestrogens (an analogue of female sex hormones), attributed the ability to influence the female breast and promote its growth. But it is impossible to say with full certainty that they largely possess such properties. Of course, they have a positive effect on the female body and have long been recommended for use by the fair sex.

Top 7 Products Containing Phytoestrogens

First, we describe what products can really increase the size of this part of the body. Do not be surprised if you do not find on this list some products that you expected to see in it.

1. Flaxseed oil and seeds


  • In the form of oil it must be added to a variety of salads. It is impossible to fry on it, otherwise it will lose all its useful properties. Oil is used both for internal and external use. It must be gently rubbed into the skin of the chest after a shower. Do not wash off the excess, but clean it with a paper towel.
  • As a seed   flax can be brewed and consumed inside, rinsing the face and chest for beauty and youthful skin. Take a teaspoon of seeds in a glass of water, pour boiling water and mix thoroughly for a minute, then wrap with a towel. Take warm twenty minutes before meals.
Caution!   Flaxseed oil is stored in the refrigerator, as it oxidizes quickly and can become harmful to health.

2. Hop cones

Hops are an excellent source of phytoetrogens - plant-based analogues of female sex hormones. Hop cones are used to make infusions, take baths, and make butter.

A great option is to drink in the form of tea,   adding a teaspoon of raw materials to one cup of boiling water. Drink during the day after eating.

Rinse well to rinse face and chest.   This wonderful plant can also be used for baths. Boil a handful of raw materials with boiling water, cool. Add the infusion to the bath with a temperature of 37 degrees. Such a bath rejuvenates the skin and gives it a delicate aroma, has a relaxing effect. This plant is an integral part of many women's herbal preparations.

Oil recipe. Pour a handful of crushed raw materials with not very hot vegetable oil. The oil must not be heated to a boil, otherwise it will be useless! Cool and strain. Add to creams or use as a standalone product.

3. Oregano

The popular name of this plant is the motherboard. It is widely used in the composition of female herbal teas, elixirs for bathing, as well as for cooking oil.


  • Herbal tea.   A teaspoon of herbal raw materials is brewed with a glass of boiling water, cooled, drunk during the day. Such tea helps restore the hormonal background, has a calming and relaxing effect. A great way to deal with stress and insomnia.
  • Bath.   Brew a liter of boiling water a pack of pharmacy raw materials, cool and pour into a bath. This procedure restores the normal structure of subcutaneous fat, helps to cope with cellulite. It is good to take such a bath after intense gymnastic exercises. The broth gives a golden hue to the skin, makes it fresh and velvety.
  • Oregano Oil cooked in the same way as hop oil. It can be added to creams and oils for the chest, décolleté and entire body.

4. Fenugreek

Infusion.   Folk healers recommended to drink infusion of fenugreek seeds for breast augmentation.

Pour a tablespoon of seeds overnight with two glasses of cold water. In the morning bring to a boil, cool. Drink during the day, taking one third of a glass.

Sprouts   - The upper part can be added to various salads or brewed like tea.

5. Fennel

Fennel in his writings mentioned Avicenna. In folk medicine, it is called sweet dill. He is famous for stimulating the production of estrogen in women. Sweet dill oil has a strong bactericidal effect.


  • It makes wonderful tea   which has many useful properties - it soothes, relieves stress, removes bowel spasms.
  • As medicinal raw materials, you can use grass, seeds and roots of the plant.   Seeds have the most pronounced therapeutic effect, so literally a few pieces are added to one glass of boiling water. If we use grass or roots, then in order to prepare a glass of tea, you need a teaspoon of fennel.

6. Soybeans

Soy is rich in phytestrogens, so it is very useful for women to use dishes from it. It is also an excellent source of vegetable protein.

Soy Paste Recipe.   Soak the soybeans for several hours. Boil until they are soft. Add a few cloves of garlic, any vegetable oil, preferably linseed, a little salt, black pepper and beat in a blender. A tasty and healthy dish is ready!

7. Bananas

They are a useful product containing carbohydrates, proteins, B vitamins, PP, carotene, as well as amino acids - lysine, methionine and tryptophan. Their calorie content per hundred grams is equal to one hundred calories. Girls with a “boyish” type of figure for weight gain and the formation of female roundness - breasts and priests, can be recommended to use bananas with milk.

Banana Cocktail Recipe.   One hundred grams of cream, one hundred grams of milk, one and a half banana beat in a blender. Eat as a snack between main meals.

Application Tips:

  1. If you start to use any herbs or products that you have never consumed, then start with small doses. This is due to the fact that they can cause an allergic reaction or individual intolerance;
  2. Plants containing phytoestrogens should not be used by pregnant women;
  3. You can not use infusions of herbs uncontrollably: they should be used only in the recommended doses and in the form of course application;
  4. It is necessary to use infusions in courses of ten days, then take a break, an overdose can cause allergies;
  5. Infusions and oils from medicinal plants to enhance the effect should be applied both inside and out;
Important!   Folk healers recommend, before starting to use a medicinal plant, to pay attention to whether you like its smell. If it is unpleasant or disgusting - this plant is not yours!

And what is a myth?

Now you know what foods you need to eat, pursuing a stated goal. Now let's look at common myths about products that supposedly help in increasing the body part that interests us.

  1. Cabbage.   One of the most useful vegetables for the female body, although it does not affect breast augmentation. The nutritional and healing properties of cabbage have been used since ancient times. It is a source of vitamins A, group B, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc, magnesium, iron, iodine, folic and pantothenic acids. This wonderful vegetable contains fiber, removes cholesterol from the body, and activates the metabolism. It has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. Those who love cabbage are less likely to be overweight. All varieties and types of cabbage are useful - the range of medicinal and simply useful properties is simply amazing!
  2. Yeast.   Beer and fresh pressed yeast have many useful properties, but do not affect the increase in the bust. In brewer's yeast there are a lot of vitamins, minerals, amino acids. Women are recommended to use them in the form of tablets.
  3. Honey.   It is a wonderful gift of nature. An indispensable product in the nutrition of women. It contains all the necessary vitamins, minerals, amino acids. It has antiviral and antimicrobial properties. It is able to rejuvenate the body, slow down the aging process, regulate metabolic processes in the body. Nevertheless, he can not affect the chest. It is good to use inside with herbal or green tea, as well as in the form of masks.
  4. Milk.   It contains almost all substances useful for the body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals. Milk will not play any role for breast growth. It is recommended that women include milk and dairy products in their diet for the beauty and health of skin, hair, and bone strength. Milk 2.5% fat has a calorie content of sixty calories, so it can be consumed without fear of gaining extra pounds.

Attention!   Fresh pressed yeast is not recommended to be used in its pure form. From them you can prepare a healthy yeast drink, which will help strengthen immunity and improve metabolism.

10 more proven methods

Do not forget to consider the other methods of tightening the problem area, which have shown high efficiency:

Today, a luxurious large bust is the ultimate dream of many women. They are not happy with their own small breasts. It causes complexes in many ladies who believe that because of this shortcoming, their attractiveness in the eyes of men is significantly reduced. However, they are not so wrong. Large mammary glands always look beautiful and exciting, attracting the interested views of representatives of the “strong” part of humanity.

Therefore, a large number of ladies want to increase their bust. But how to do that? Implants do not always save the situation. First, you need time and some money for such an operation. Secondly, the mammary glands in which implants are inserted look artificially in many ways. Moreover, not every woman will go for surgery, including an increase in the bust with fat and other similar procedures.

But there is one effective natural method. This is an opportunity to use certain products to increase the bust. Let's look at this method.

How to make your bust larger using separate food ingredients?

It should be borne in mind that the main factor that has a good effect on the natural size of the mammary glands in women is the presence of hormones. Especially important is estrogen. Its increased amount leads to an imbalance in which testosterone (the main hormone in men), which is an obstacle to breast enlargement, reduces its amount. At the same time, high estrogen levels contribute to the growth of glands.

There are two ways to increase the number of this hormone. The first is the administration of special drugs. But such hormonal drugs can cause a negative reaction of the body, so the doctor should prescribe them and control the use.

The second, safer natural way is products that have a positive effect on estrogen growth. Especially important are ingredients that have monounsaturated fats, because a woman's breasts are 85% created from a similar layer. Therefore, many nutritionists and doctors recommend constantly using flaxseeds, olives, avocados, sesame and oils from these products for breast augmentation.

Especially a lot of useful elements has sesame seeds. It contains protein, calcium, phosphorus and iron, so such products not only increase, but also perfectly strengthen the glands. Sesame and flaxseed oils can even be applied and then rubbed into the decollete area.

In addition, a good amount of fats, recognized by experts as “healthy”, is found in a variety of marine fish. Both herring and expensive red fish are rich in these elements.

How useful is the use of herbs and other natural remedies to enlarge the bust?

For many centuries, healers have used herbs that increase the amount of estrogen in the body. Today they are taken as special teas, as well as powders, or as specific food additives. Such natural ingredients naturally increase estrogen, unlike various pills.

Consider the most effective and popular options for these tools:

In addition, it is worth eating palmetto, wild yam, red clover, dong quai and other plants useful for the bust.

How much do beans support bust growth?

Today there is information that such products help the growth of mammary glands. In fact, peas, beans and beans will not be able to increase breasts. But they will increase its elasticity.

In contrast to the above crops, soy, on the contrary, is very rich in phytoestrogens. Products made from it like edamame, tofu and milk are good for bust. It also contains a large amount of protein. This component greatly increases the growth of mammary glands. Therefore, to improve breast volume, it is also recommended to eat eggs, meat, a variety of fish and cottage cheese.

How do fruits, grains and vegetables help bust growth?

Oats, brown rice, and also barley have a huge amount of estrogen and protein. In addition to a positive effect on breast size, they also perfectly cleanse the intestines.

Fruits, like vegetables, also have phytoestrogens, but only certain crops are rich in them. Such an element is found in tomatoes, carrots, beets, cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage (both ordinary and colored), apples, dates, garlic, pomegranates, broccoli and cherries.

In addition, it is useful for the bust to season dishes with sage, pepper, cucumber, cloves, pumpkin seeds, ginger, oregano and thyme.

Experts advise young girls, preoccupied with the small size of their own breasts, to actively use products such as cabbage. But this vegetable can give a good result only during the period of growth of the body. In other cases, it more increases the smoothness of the skin and the elasticity of the mammary glands.

So, we answered the question, what products should be consumed by women in order to increase the size of their own bust. But the main thing is to approach their use as competently as possible and before building a diet that can solve this problem, consult in detail with nutritionists and other competent specialists. Then everything will turn out, and the chest will delight with its magnificent forms not only you, but also the surrounding men.

Any woman dreams of being beautiful and desirable. Big, high breasts have always been considered a sign of beauty. This axiom has its own quite physiological explanation.

The woman’s presence of a large bust is mistakenly regarded as an increased ability to prolong and complete feeding of the baby. According to various literature data, much more milk can be produced in a small breast than in a large one.

It all depends on the level in the blood of the mother of the female hormones responsible for lactation - prolactin and oxytocin. The presence of large mammary glands rather indicates a woman's ability to warm her baby in the cold season, and this feeling persists in people from primitive times.

Among other things, a large and high breast attracts the attention of the male population and, unconsciously seeking to procreate, any lady would like to have a breast at least a size larger and achieve this on her own. It is in the female subconscious.

Read this article

What to eat to grow big breasts

The desire to increase the size of her mammary glands in a woman arises at the level of instinct. And to satisfy their dreams, most women are ready to do a lot.

The question immediately arises of plastic surgery. However, even if you do not take into account the cost of the operation, then for many women it is simply contraindicated for health reasons. Various allergic reactions, problems with the cardiovascular system, the inability to postpone things for a sufficiently long time, to cancel all family responsibilities often make the very idea of \u200b\u200ban operative correction impossible. And here dietotherapy comes to the aid of the ladies.

Of course, there are no products of animal and vegetable origin that could increase a woman's breasts by 2-3 sizes. However, the size or even 1.5 of many dietary delights guarantee.

There is a widespread belief that the main food product for ladies striving for perfection should be cabbage and dishes from it. Most experts are skeptical of such statements, believing that the use of white cabbage in food in large volumes is more likely to lead to gastrointestinal problems in experimental lovers. This happens due to the fact that cabbage juice causes a sharp increase in acidity in the human stomach, and is a direct path to gastritis and ulcer.

However, this myth has its own rational kernel. Indeed, in the cabbage leaf contains folic acid, which is responsible for the rapid growth of new cells in the female body, including the mammary glands.

Substances that stimulate breast growth in women

For the growth of mammary glands, it is necessary to provide the body of any woman with a sufficient supply of two basic substances:

  • First of all, this, of course, is already called folic acid. This substance in the human body is one of the most important stimulators of new cell growth. The main period of action of folic acid occurs during the puberty of girls and the time of gestation by young mothers. Nutritionists include cabbage, carrots, liver, red fish, and beans to foods that supply a large amount of this cellular stimulant to a woman’s body.
  • The second group of products that actively influence the growth of mammary glands include nutrients rich in estrogen. This hormone regulates the processes of puberty and promotes the growth of the female organs responsible for the normal birth and feeding of offspring. Estrogen is found in large quantities in flax seeds, as well as in any soy products.

Dietitians isolate a certain group of nutrients that stimulate the growth of mammary glands at home. Here it is necessary to return to the already indicated estrogens. They directly stimulate breast growth in women.

Basically, in this case, products made from soybeans are recommended as the largest plant storage of estrogen. Ostap Bender also said that "114 delicious and nutritious dishes can be prepared from soy." And he was not far from the truth.

A sufficiently pronounced effect will be brought by flax seeds consumed daily. The methods of application are quite diverse: grind at a home mill and add instead of seasoning to liquid dishes, it is possible to drink it together with various fruit cocktails. In the absence of these seeds, they can be replaced by ordinary pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds.

In addition to these main ingredients for stimulating breast growth, the use of a large number of spices in the daily diet is recommended, as their components also contribute to breast growth. These include: cloves, paprika, sage and ginger.

Often, experienced chefs add collections of various herbs to them to give dishes a certain taste. Many of these plants, even when dried, contain enough estrogen and stimulate the growth of mammary gland cells. The main one is the long-known fenugreek ,   which our great-grandfathers used to treat various diseases, including the growth of mammary glands. To rarer herbal stimulants for the rapid increase in mammary glands, wild yam.

The mammary gland consists mainly of adipose tissue, so for its growth it is necessary to eat healthy vegetable fats, which are found in avocados, nuts, olives and, oddly enough, in herring. And if a woman goes over cooking with vegetable oil to olive, this will help bring her dream closer.

First of all, it is a variety of sets of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle and chest. This includes regular swimming in the pool and open water, exercises with dumbbells and an expander, and other sports available to any woman.

In each athletic hall there are enough techniques for loading a certain group of muscles of the female body . Correct posture also gives the female breast visually at least one size.

Of course, there should be a complete ban on alcohol and cigarettes. Alcohol intake stimulates the deposition of body fat exclusively in the abdomen and hips, and nicotine causes various lung diseases, which can lead to stoop.

It is strictly forbidden to use various ointments and tinctures for rubbing into the mammary gland. Such methods have no practical effect, and they can also contribute to the occurrence of inflammatory diseases of the mammary glands, for example, mastopathy and mastitis of various origins.