What to do if the perineum hurts (37 weeks of gestation)

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Pain in various muscles during pregnancy is not uncommon. The muscles of the abdomen, legs and perineum undergo serious tests both from the hormonal background of the pregnant woman and from the child who is constantly growing and moving. The muscles of the perineum undergo the greatest load during pregnancy, since they cover the exit of the small pelvis. When pregnancy occurs, these muscles are stretched, thereby preparing for natural childbirth.

The reasons why the muscles of the perineum in pregnant women can hurt depend on many circumstances, the individual characteristics of the woman and the course of her pregnancy.

1. Women who have been involved in sports before pregnancy usually do not suffer from pain in the muscles of the perineum due to the elastic state in which they are. But women inactive, an increase in load and weight, can lead to sprains and muscle injuries, which are characterized by pain in the perineum, abdomen and other muscles. Therefore, it is very important to engage in muscle strengthening before and during pregnancy.

2. Hormones act on the woman’s body during pregnancy in such a way that the ligaments that connect the bones of the small pelvis soften, thereby ensuring the passage of the baby through the birth canal. Divergence of the bones and relaxation of the ligaments of the pelvis in the last months of pregnancy can feel like pain in the perineum.

3. Improper intrauterine position and movement of the child can also cause short-term pain in the muscles of the perineum. The child moves, kicks with his leg, which sometimes gives not very pleasant sensations for the future mother.

4. Multiple pregnancy. This is a strong increase in amniotic fluid, which is accompanied not only by pain in the muscles of the perineum, but also by a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, acute lower back pain and increased blood pressure. It can be both at the beginning and at the end of pregnancy.

5. Too much weight also affects muscles in the perineum and can cause pain.

6. Uterine tone can cause perineal muscle pain. Especially dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy. This can create a risk of miscarriage. The appearance of discharge in this case is an additional symptom, which should serve as a reason for calling a doctor.

7. The omission of the baby’s head in the last weeks of pregnancy puts pressure on the vessels and nerve endings and muscles in the perineum, which also gives unpleasant and even painful sensations. Swelling of the genital organs, constipation, frequent urination and other symptoms may appear.

Almost all of these pains are normal, but at the same time they should be reported to the gynecologist in order to help understand the real reason and if necessary, cope with them. The presence of other symptoms in combination with perineal muscle pain is an urgent reason to contact a gynecologist.

Therapeutic exercises will help to reduce pain in the perineum.

In recent months, a bandage can help, which can share the load on the body.

Unfortunately, some causes of such pain must be endured before childbirth.

Prevention is to perform exercises with a specialist who deals separately with pregnant women.

After the birth of the baby, the pain in the muscles of the perineum for all of the above reasons stops.

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Pregnancy is a real firework of positive emotions and at the same time a colossal load on the female body. At different stages of pregnancy, a woman experiences some difficulties, which in most cases are not dangerous and are accompanied only by a certain discomfort. Along with toxicosis, lower back pain and migraine, complaints of soreness in the perineum during pregnancy are often recorded during pregnancy. In 90% of cases, these are normal physiological phenomena in bone and muscle tissues due to excessive load. But do not exclude the risk of pathology, which is rare, but still occurs. Therefore, consultation with a gynecologist should be mandatory in order to diagnose the inflammatory process in time. Such a disease does not affect pregnancy, but during the delivery process it can create many difficulties. Let's look at all the alleged causes of pain in the perineum, how to fix the problem yourself, and whether treatment is necessary in this situation.

Pain, regardless of the nature of its origin, always signals various disorders in the body. It can appear as a result of serious diseases or be temporary and pass independently after elimination of the irritant. Pain in the perineum just refers to the last type of pain, which is caused by a heavy load on the muscles and bones in the pelvis. This happens especially often if the woman before conception was not particularly involved in sports and her ligaments and muscles are not elastic. After childbirth, the pain passes, because the root cause of its appearance is self-eliminating.

In some cases, intense pain in the perineum can be unnatural and appears due to an acute inflammatory process in the muscles or bone tissue. To confirm the diagnosis, the woman immediately undergoes an examination and, if necessary, a course of anti-inflammatory therapy. Timely prescribed treatment helps to eliminate the pathological process and then the woman will be able to give birth on her own. If the inflammation progresses, the woman goes to a cesarean section. Natural delivery can result in divergence of the pelvis or severe muscle damage.

Causes of perineal pain during pregnancy

In the early stages of gestation (up to 20 weeks), there should be no tingling and tingling in the perineum. Their appearance almost always indicates a serious problem. Therefore, an appeal to a gynecologist at the first painful sensations is extremely necessary. The doctor should rule out complications that threaten pregnancy.

Why does the perineum hurt in early pregnancy?

The provocateurs of the pain syndrome that gives to the perineum during pregnancy in the first few weeks of pregnancy are:

  • Risk of miscarriage. In this situation, the cervix opens and there is a small divergence of the bone corset in the pelvis. Pain in this place may be the first and even the only signal of a miscarriage beginning. But timely access to an obstetrician-gynecologist in 80% of cases helps prevent the loss of the baby.
  • Varicose pelvic organs.  If a woman has a rapid expansion of the veins of the varicose type, she may feel severe discomfort. She seems to prick in the perineum during pregnancy, there may be a feeling of “goosebumps,” numbness. Such sensations occur as a result of circulatory disorders. Such a disease should be treated immediately, since the appearance of a dense venous network may be accompanied by internal bleeding in the pelvis or hypoxia of the fetus.
  • Purulent inflammation in the muscle tissue of the perineum.  Pregnancy helps to reduce immunity. Therefore, even microtrauma on the genitals or in the region of the inner thighs can become a “gateway” for infection. It can get from outside, for example, from clothes, through dirty hands, when visiting the pool or penetrate from the anus. Harmful microorganisms can become active and strong suppuration will begin in the form of furunculosis, acne, purulent wounds. If untreated, the infection will enter the uterus and the baby. Complications can be very diverse: from infection of the fetus to sepsis.
  • Uterine hypertonicity. In the early stages, this phenomenon is very common. During treatment, the uterine tone decreases, and the woman calmly continues to bear the baby. One can suspect an increase in tone by a characteristic symptom: a woman feels that she has crotch pressure during pregnancy.

Pain in the perineum at this gestational period always has serious grounds for examination, therefore, you do not need to neglect a visit to the doctor.

What causes pain in the perineum in the II and III trimester

Starting from 4 months of pregnancy, perineal pain is classified as a functional short-term disorder. As a rule, the pain syndrome persists from 34 to 40 gestational weeks, but can occur at 20-25 weeks and continue for 1-2 months after childbirth.

The cause of pain in this area may be the physiological characteristics of a pregnant woman:

  • Excessive activity of the baby. If the fetus often moves its legs for a long time, it rests on the bottom of the uterus and presses on the muscles of the perineum. They can be very stretched and even partially injured. But this does not threaten either the mother or the fetus and does not affect the delivery process. It's just that a woman often notes that she has a crotch during pregnancy and a feeling appears, as if something was interfering with her in the pubic area.
  • Reduced physical activity. In the absence of the necessary load on the muscle apparatus, a woman quickly gains excess weight, perineal muscles lose elasticity, become flabby and are easily injured when walking under pressure from a large uterus. In the process of delivery, this provokes multiple tears.
  • Hormonal changes. According to the law of nature, which is genetically incorporated in the female body, a change in the hormonal background occurs. This process controls the softening of bone tissue in the hip so that the fetus can be born without damaging the mother’s bones. That's why the perineal bones hurt during pregnancy. But the pain is periodic in nature and is quite bearable.
  • Polyhydramnios or overweight. Both of these factors increase pressure on the walls of the uterus, under the weight of which muscle tension occurs. In this case, a woman can constantly experience discomfort in the perineum.
  • The approach of childbirth.  Closer to delivery, the baby is located with his head to the exit, and the neck itself begins to soften gradually, preparing to skip the fetus. This helps to squeeze the vascular network and nerve fibers, which causes pain in the perineum after 37 weeks of pregnancy.

All of the above factors are absolutely normal and often occur during pregnancy. No special treatment or additional examinations are performed. And to improve the well-being of a woman and reduce the risk of trauma to the perineum during childbirth, it is recommended to do light gymnastic exercises to increase muscle elasticity.

Perineal pain before and after childbirth

Soreness in the perineum after 38 weeks of gestation is not a completely normal phenomenon, but you cannot call it a deviation either, so there is nothing to fear. It is impossible to completely eliminate the discomfort, because the fetus has already grown and constantly presses on the perineum. The only thing that remains is to look for a comfortable pose, stand less and wait for childbirth.

At the 40th week of pregnancy, the perineum hurts due to impending delivery. But this symptom is not necessary, because not all women experience it.

Pain in the perineum after childbirth is a condition that every woman in labor experiences. The nature of the pain depends on how the birth process proceeded: were there complications and tears or not.

If everything went without injuries and episiotomy, pain and swelling subsides after a couple of days. In other cases, soreness can persist from 7 to 10 days.

How to get rid of pain in the perineum during pregnancy

If the doctor does not detect abnormalities, and the woman has a crotch during pregnancy due to normal changes in the body, she may be advised to perform simple physical exercises and regularly do massage in the painful area. You do not need special skills or specialist assistance, just follow these recommendations.

Gymnastics for pain in the perineum during pregnancy

Any physical exercise, including yoga and a visit to the pool, is permissible only after the permission of your obstetrician-gynecologist. It is impossible to independently take such preventive measures, since sports activity has many contraindications during pregnancy.

When the doctor has approved such methods of dealing with pain, you can perform therapeutic strengthening exercises, gradually increasing the load. If you notice a feeling of constriction for a long time, you are pricked or shoot in the perineum during pregnancy, the following exercises are suitable for you:

  • Incomplete squats - strengthen the muscular apparatus in the perineum, make tendons stretchable and strong. The exercise is performed as follows: lean on the back of the bed, chair or table, spread your legs wide at the knee joints and slowly squat 90⁰. Since this increases the load on the back, it is recommended to do 6-9 exercises.
  • Swinging legs - train the perineal muscles, making them stretchable. To complete the exercise, grasp the back of the chair and gently swing each foot back and forth alternately, from left to right. The number of swings - 10 times in each direction. If there is discomfort in the lower abdomen, the number of times you need to halve.

There are many other exercises that are effective when the perineum hurts during pregnancy, but they are performed only under the supervision of an instructor. Women study some of these at prenatal training.

Together with the exercises, you can use a special bandage for women in position. He will hold the tummy in position.

Perineal massage during pregnancy

Crotch is a combination of muscle tissue and skin. Its purpose is to close the entrance to the lumen of the pelvic organs. In order for a woman to feel comfortable during pregnancy and not to receive multiple tears during childbirth, it is important to maintain the elasticity of all soft tissues.

In many women, especially primiparous, the crotch is quite elastic and unyielding. For this reason, in women, pregnancy is accompanied by cramps. A special massage helps to significantly reduce pain, preserve the integrity of the perineum and prevent episiotomy during childbirth. You can perform it yourself in the first trimester and with the help of a husband or a massage therapist at a later date.

It is better to massage after a warm shower, which helps to relax smooth muscles. If this is not possible, you can apply a warm compress to the crotch area for 7-8 minutes.

After that, take a reclining position, lay a large pillow under your back. If you do not reach the perineum due to the large abdomen, you can perform the procedure while standing. Then oil the hands, the vestibule of the vagina and most of it. For this, you can use calcined vegetable oil or special oils for intimate massage. To enrich the composition, you can add essential oil of rose, wheat germ, apricot kernel, a liquid solution of tocopherol (vitamin E).

Such a massage is prohibited in the presence of any gynecological diseases of an infectious nature.

Perineum massage can be done at any gestational age. In the first trimester, it is permissible to conduct 1 session per week, from 28 to 32 weeks - 3-5 times a week, starting from 36 weeks and before delivery - every other day. If you have 38 weeks of pregnancy and the crotch hurts so badly, you can do massage daily.

How to massage the perineum:

  1. Gradually insert the thumbs of both hands into the vagina to a depth of 3-4 cm. With compressive movements, move your fingers slightly down and to the sides. The duration of the procedure is 60-90 seconds. In this case, there should be a slight burning sensation under the fingers.
  2. Insert your fingers into the vagina 2 cm, and begin to stretch it to the sides. You can massage in turn with one finger in each direction, if you can’t reach out properly. Perform 10-15 sprays in each direction.
  3. Insert your finger 3 cm deep and make movements from the bottom up, slightly stretching the walls of the vagina. Massage for 3-4 minutes.

Important! An intimate massage should be done with clean hands with trimmed nails (sterile gloves can be used). It is important to cleanse the intestines and relax.

Now you know why the perineum hurts during pregnancy. As you can see, there are no special reasons for alarm, so do not worry in vain. And if in doubt, be sure to consult your gynecologist.

Video "How to massage the perineum before childbirth"

Regardless of the fact that usually during pregnancy something often starts to hurt, literally any pain should alert you and serve as a reason for concern and consultation with a doctor. Of course, literally from the first days of pregnancy and up to delivery (and even some time after them), the whole body of a woman will undergo tremendous changes. And this, in turn, is often accompanied by some pain. And probably, therefore, to experience pain during the bearing of a baby, unfortunately, it is customary to consider "Normal phenomenon". However, doctors themselves often say that it is absolutely normal - this is when nothing hurts or bothers at all.

So all the same, how are things in reality and in reality?

As you know, everything will depend on what, how often, how and where you will be hurt. Among all the most frequent and real complaints of pregnant women - this, of course, pain or discomfort in the perineum. Most often, pain can occur mainly with or even with and then they will be real harbingers of early childbirth. After all, the baby himself by this time already begins to slowly move down, while pressing on all the muscles, on the nerves and ligaments.

In addition, by the same time, the hip joints diverge more, but the ligaments unfortunately can not keep up with them, which in turn causes sharp and even shooting pains and stretching somewhere in the perineum and even in the legs. However, all such sensations may well arise even at much shorter gestation periods. And already in this case, it will be necessary to tell all your guesses to refute or confirm with your doctor. Often pain in the perineum, occurring in the first weeks of pregnancy, can indicate real.

And of course, besides the fact that the real one is happening at the moment, sharp pains in the perineum may well have completely different sometimes dangerous reasons. Often a growing fetus can simply compress the nerves (for example, the sciatic nerve), which will also cause severe pain. At the same time, as a rule, it will be not only difficult for a woman to get up, but even just lying can be very uncomfortable and even painful. Unfortunately, there is only one way out in such a situation - you have to endure it. Perhaps later the fetus will be able to take a different position, and then, as they say, it will “let go” of the nerve pressed earlier.

In addition, the usual cause of such unpleasant pain in the perineum may well be the usual loosening of the ligaments, or even varicose veins of the perineum - however, only a gynecologist will have to establish this and in cases of urgent need to prescribe treatment appropriate to the situation.

Most often, the pain in the perineum still passes by itself literally immediately after childbirth. However, if it happens during normal delivery, it will definitely be able to cause sharp pain (as well as the result of the gap itself), and over a certain period of time.

During pregnancy, the woman’s body undergoes many changes, some of which are accompanied by pain. Many expectant mothers complain of pain in the perineum of varying intensity. This phenomenon can be both normal and pathological, and therefore it is better to consult with a doctor who is pregnant if it occurs. In the initial stages, pain should not appear, since the muscles and bones of the perineum are not yet subjected to stress and restructuring. When the pain is not pathological, then for its relief it is possible to use special gymnastics, which allows you to increase the elasticity of muscle fibers and ligaments, due to which the increased pressure will be carried by a woman much easier. In those cases when the pain syndrome is very strong, it is imperative to undergo an examination aimed at identifying inflammation of the muscles and bone ligaments of the pelvis, since sometimes pain in the perineum occurs precisely for this reason. In this state, there is usually no threat to the fetus, but delivery through natural routes is contraindicated due to the fact that during the inflammatory process it is difficult to predict how the bones, muscles and ligaments will behave.

Causes of perineal pain in early pregnancy

Painful sensations in the perineum that occur in the first 3 months of pregnancy should certainly alert the woman, since in the vast majority of cases they are not natural and signal a pathology. You can’t do without consulting a doctor, and you should not delay a visit to him in order to avoid serious consequences. Pain in the perineum in the first trimester of pregnancy occurs for the following reasons:

  • Risk of miscarriage. In this case, the pain syndrome occurs due to the fact that the opening of the cervix and even a slight divergence of the pelvic bones begins. As a result of this, the perineal muscles are stretched, which causes pain. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, you will not be able to prevent spontaneous abortion. A doctor to preserve a pregnancy, depending on how high the risk of a miscarriage is, can simply prescribe a number of medications, and can put a woman to preserve. With timely medical intervention, the possibility of preserving the pregnancy reaches 80%.
  • Varicose veins of the perineum. This pathological phenomenon can also cause pain during pregnancy in the early stages. In such a situation, seeking medical help is required, since otherwise the risk of developing serious complications is high. One of them is rupture of the venous wall with heavy bleeding, which can provoke fetal death due to oxygen starvation and circulatory failure. The doctor prescribes a woman to take certain drugs to improve blood circulation and strengthen the vascular walls.
  • Suppuration in the muscles of the perineum. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy, a woman’s immunity is significantly reduced and pathogenic bacteria can easily penetrate the perineal tissue from the anus. If there are even minor injuries on the perineum, the development of a purulent process begins very quickly. Without a woman receiving timely help, the infection will spread and lead to severe damage to the fetus or even death. Only a doctor can properly treat such a disease and prevent fetal damage.

In the first trimester, pain in the perineum is a signal for an urgent visit to the gynecologist and therapy. It is extremely rare in this period that such soreness does not mean any illness or pathological condition.

Perineal pain in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy

From the fourth month of pregnancy, soreness in the perineum is most often physiological in nature, but despite this, you still need to consult a doctor, since in this period the pain can be a harbinger of the threat of miscarriage and premature birth, as well as purulent inflammation. The physiological causes of perineal pain in this period include:

  • Inadequate physical activity of the expectant mother. In this case, the woman has a noticeable weight gain and insufficient elasticity of the muscles of the perineum and ligaments. As a result, trauma and distension of the perineal tissue occurs, which causes pain. In addition, with a sedentary lifestyle in a woman, perineal tissues become quite flabby. With natural delivery, this will cause breaks.
  • Hormonal changes in the body. Under the influence of hormones, the ligaments of the pelvic bones gradually soften, so that by the time of the onset of labor they can freely move apart and the baby easily passes through the birth canal. Due to such a change in the body, pain in the perineum often occurs, which either appears or completely disappears. Usually it is insignificant and does not cause severe discomfort.
  • Active fetal movement. In such a situation, the woman is uncomfortable due to the fact that the child often increases pressure on the muscles of the perineum during movement, thereby causing their slight injury, which in no way affects the process of childbirth.
  • High water. With this feature, the pressure on the perineum increases many times, and because of this, its tissues receive a stretch, which is manifested by pain.
  • Very large fetal weight. Similar to the previous case.
  • The last weeks of pregnancy. Before giving birth, the baby turns its head to the cervix, which begins to gradually relax. For this reason, the compression of blood vessels and nerve endings increases, and the load on the perineum also increases, which causes pain.

All these pains are not a pathology and do not require any treatment. However, there are exercises that not only relieve discomfort, but also help to avoid tearing during childbirth, as they improve the elasticity of muscles and ligaments.

Gymnastics from perineum pain

Performing any exercises is possible only if the permission of the doctor conducting the pregnancy is given. Without consulting with him, you should not engage in special physical education, since in some cases it can adversely affect the condition of the fetus.

  • Shallow squats - allow you to strengthen the muscles of the perineum and increase their elasticity. For such an exercise, a woman should, leaning her hands on the back of a chair or bed, perform shallow squats, legs spread wide apart at the knees. During the exercise, there should not be a strong load on the lower back. Do no more than 7 squats at a time.
  • Foot swings are also beneficial for perineal muscles. To perform the exercises become, leaning on the back of the chair. Having taken a comfortable pose, they do slow swings with the foot forward and backward, and then to the right and left. For each leg, the exercise is performed 10 times. If during its execution pressure is felt on the stomach or lower back, it should be abandoned.

The rest of the exercises should not be done at home, as they should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. They are part of the complex of special gymnastics, which is included in the courses for preparing for childbirth, available at maternity hospitals and antenatal clinics.

The period of pregnancy is a time when a woman listens to the smallest changes in her body. Knowing that pain, including in the perineum, is a beacon that signals problems, the expectant mother begins to worry at the first signs of discomfort. She has nothing to do with unnecessary worries, and therefore if discomfort occurs, it is better to consult a specialist for advice.

Pain in the perineum during pregnancy can be caused even by natural causes - in this case they just have to endure. Most often, they appear in late gestational periods and are harbingers of early birth. But they can also be caused by pathological reasons, which means that treatment is required. Therefore, we will examine the causes of this phenomenon in more detail.

Any inflammatory processes that occur in the pelvic organs can cause a woman's malaise.

Causes of perineal pain

Pregnant women often complain of pain in the perineum. To understand them, you need to decide what exactly can hurt. And that means we need to discuss what goes into the perineum.

The crotch is called the group of soft tissues that form the bottom of the pelvis. The division occurs in 2 parts:

  1. Front This includes the area that begins with the adhesion of the large lips and ends with the anus.
  2. The back. This is the area surrounding the tip of the coccyx and the anus.

The skin on the woman’s crotch is thin and begins to thicken only closer to the transition to the general skin.

The vestibule of the vagina is called the area that is located directly in front of the entrance to the vagina itself. So, the clitoris is located in front, but behind is a commissure of the labia majora. On both sides will be the labia minora. Here is the urethra, as well as the excretory ducts of not only the paraurethral glands, but also the bartholin glands.

Any pathological processes can cause pain in the perineum during pregnancy.


In the later stages of pregnancy, the appearance of pain in the perineal region is a completely natural phenomenon and should not cause concern. For example, such sensations are caused by the expansion of the pelvic bones and muscle strain. It is explained by insufficient elasticity of the soft tissues that make up the perineum. You just have to put up with this pain - after the birth it will pass.

Why else are painful sensations:

  • Multiple pregnancy.
  • The position of the child.

Pain in the perineum is considered very dangerous precisely in the early stages of pregnancy, that is, up to 20 weeks. If you find red, brown discharge, and the period is still small, then a miscarriage is likely.

Child's position

If a woman passed uncomfortable sensations in the early stages and in the middle of pregnancy, she can get to know them by the end of gestation. This is especially true for age-old primiparas.

It is possible that the pain in the perineum is caused by the baby’s position when he takes the “starting position”, pressing his head against the woman’s pelvis (36–38 weeks). In this case, the child, preparing for the birth, advances to the pelvic bones of the mother and presses the head against them. And then the pain is not justified by the activity of the baby, but by the constant pressure of his head.

As a result of compression, the blood supply to the pelvic organs is disrupted. Compression and impaired blood outflow can cause exacerbation of chronic diseases and the development of pathological processes with which the woman was not familiar before pregnancy. What does this threaten the woman herself:

  1. At this time, edema to the lower abdomen may appear, and the legs swell.
  2. During this period, the threat of developing varicose veins, thrombosis and phlebitis increases. Moreover, the pathology affects not only the veins of the lower extremities, but also the groin.
  3. At the same time, there are pulling-aching sensations along the vein, nodules in the groin are felt, veins swell and hurt.

Rectal compression can cause constipation. Accumulating feces can lead to anal fissures, exacerbation or development of hemorrhoids, proctitis. These processes are accompanied by fairly strong pain. Compression of the urinary tract leads to increased urge to urinate. Urine leaves in small portions, stagnates in the bladder - this can cause cystitis.

Uterus growth

Not all women suffer from unpleasant pain in the inguinal zone while carrying a child. But doctors noted that they often hear complaints that the perineum hurts precisely during a multiple pregnancy. As a rule, these are short-term pains and episodic pains that pass without intervention.

If you have only one fetus, then in this case, sometimes there are painful sensations in the perineum. The reason is that after the twentieth week the baby is already quite large, its activity can lead to strokes on the internal organs with the radiation of pain into the groin area.

During this period, the uterus grows rapidly, and the ligaments that hold it can hurt from time to time. Therefore, gynecologists advise wearing a special belt (bandage) for pregnant women:

  • It supports the uterus, preventing the muscles and fascia from stretching excessively.
  • The belt also supports the baby’s body, preventing him from kicking his mother excessively.
  • The brace restrains excessive movements of the abdomen. That is, it prevents the overexcitation of the fetus during vigorous physical activity of the mother. This means that the child will not work too often with legs.

Special exercises for expectant mothers can reduce discomfort and even prevent their appearance.

Pathological causes

Pregnancy is far from always smooth. Moreover, when you consider that it is during this period that chronic diseases often begin to manifest / worsen. There are also new problems.

What doctors attribute to pathological reasons:

  1. The tone of the uterus.
  2. Cystic formations.
  3. Symphysitis.
  4. Diseases of the spine.
  5. Diseases related directly to the perineum.
  6. Premature birth.

We consider each of these reasons in more detail.

Uterine tone

In the early stages, pain in the perineum is accompanied by uterine hypertonicity. It is easy to identify it by probing the bottom of its abdomen with your fingers - it becomes dense, “stone”. Also, this pathology is accompanied by pulling and stitching pains in the lower abdomen, discharge with blood.

In cases of detecting signs of uterine hypertonicity, an appeal to a specialist should be immediate. These are signs of a pathological development of pregnancy. And such a condition can threaten the loss of a child. Therefore, after examination by the obstetrician of a woman, ultrasound diagnostics will be recommended to determine the degree of threat.

In most cases, pregnancy can be maintained. If there are no serious abnormalities in the development of the fetus, the doctor will recommend inpatient treatment to maintain pregnancy.

If pregnancy fading or detachment of the fetal place (chorion) were noticed too late, the woman will be prescribed procedures to preserve her life and health.

Cystic formations

Another cause of pain in the inguinal region is the corpus luteum cyst. It is the corpus luteum that forms at the site of the egg. Its function is the production of progesterone, and normally successfully performs up to 14-16 weeks, until the placenta takes on this role.

Sometimes a cyst forms in the corpus luteum, which grows under the influence of hormones. Usually, this condition does not threaten either the baby or his mother, and does not require treatment. But medical supervision is necessary to notice the development of corpus luteum insufficiency, and consequently, low progesterone levels, and start therapy on time.

In case of excessive growth of the cyst, its removal may be required. But this is extremely rare - usually the corpus luteum cysts resolve on their own after 16 weeks of gestation.

If at this time the pain in the perineum is accompanied by sharp, pulling sensations from the side, lower abdomen (feeling that it is shooting in the ovary) - this may be acute adnexitis. Additionally, you should check whether the embryo (in the uterine cavity) is properly fixed in order to exclude an ectopic pregnancy.


Symphysitis, or symphysopathy (pubic dysfunction) is a serious complication of pregnancy. Pathology develops in the last third of pregnancy, at about 37 weeks. Its signs are:

  • Pain in the pubic area, which intensifies when climbing the stairs and subsides at rest.
  • With the development of the pathological process, the pain does not recede even at rest.
  • A “duck” waddling gait forms in a woman. This condition requires the mandatory consultation of an obstetrician-gynecologist. Because in some cases, the disease is an indication for surgical delivery.

This condition requires specialist supervision. Since with a strong discrepancy between the articulation of the womb and active inflammation, a decision will be made on the method of delivery.

Spinal problems

For periods after 20 weeks, a child may be the cause of discomfort in the inguinal zone. The fetus can rest against the legs in the lower part of the uterus, and its tremors lead to unpleasant sensations in the perineum. This condition is subjectively perceived as bone pain.

If pain in the groin is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the lumbar region, a pathology of the spine can be a factor provoking this condition: a hernia of the intervertebral disc, exacerbation of osteochondrosis. In this case, the solution to the problem is a bandage.

Sciatic nerve compression

Compression in the pelvic area can lead to compression of the sciatic nerve. In this case, the pain is sharp, radiating to the leg. The pain interferes with moving (each step is accompanied by sharp pain), sitting, and when lying down may not let go. It’s hard to roll over in bed.

This process is very painful. Usually, treatment is not carried out during this period, because standard therapy of lubmalgia and radiculitis is not allowed during pregnancy. But consulting a neurologist in this case will not hurt. If the condition is very serious, he can recommend means to help alleviate it.

Premature birth

Another cause of pain, which is difficult to attribute to physiological, is premature birth. If the pain is spastic in nature, constantly increasing, and does not go away after rest, you should immediately seek help. It will be especially relevant if there is abundant mucous discharge with an admixture of blood and a painful feeling of pressure in the perineum.

After pregnancy, physiological causes will cease to cause pain, and pathological ones will need to be overcome. Although it should be understood that the lactation period is not the time for active drug therapy.

Methods of struggle

Preparing for pregnancy is in advance. And not only in terms of giving up bad habits, getting rid of STDs and taking vitamin complexes.

Women who lead an active lifestyle, athletes rarely complain of pelvic pain and discomfort in the perineum due to sprain and circulatory disorders. Their soft tissues are adapted to the loads, and stretching does not cause tangible discomfort. In addition, during the period of gestation, they continue to engage in permitted sports: yoga, swimming, etc. This improves blood circulation in the vessels, is an excellent prevention of varicose veins and other pathologies associated with compression of the organs.

In late gestation, the only effective measure is to wear special belts for pregnant women. They can be prenatal or combined, suitable for use during gestation and after childbirth. Such a belt softens the impact from the outside and, with gentle shocks, protects the fetus.

The use of dairy and other calcium-containing foods helps strengthen the ligamentous apparatus. The use of any drugs, as well as diet food, is agreed with the obstetrician.

Improving blood flow and reducing pain helps change the position and permitted during the appropriate period of exercise. Do not be in one pose for a long time. It is especially harmful to sit a lot.