Nipples of pregnant women. What does it mean if there are no changes? Dark nipples during pregnancy

When carrying a baby, the whole body of the future mother changes. The breast also changes, which begins to prepare in advance for feeding the baby. We learn in detail about how this happens.

Early Change

Already with the onset of pregnancy, women feel how their mammary glands swell. And this is one of the signs of an "interesting situation."

Nipples change almost from the first days. By the sixth week of the term, future mothers notice that they become not the same as before. If before pregnancy they were light, pink, then with its onset they gradually darken, later they turn brown. Very often their sensitivity increases. Some women simply complain that the chest hurts, it becomes larger and denser. All of these changes are classic signs of pregnancy. By the way, after the termination of breastfeeding, they brighten again. But they will not be the same as before.

Why does nipple sensitivity appear in the early stages? This is due to the fact that a special hormone begins to be produced in the body of the future mother. He keeps the pregnancy. It is also called lactation hormone. It is this substance that makes the breast more sensitive, enhances blood circulation in it. And this leads in the future to growth and increase in size. In this case, the size of the halo (zones around the nipples) increases significantly. Behind such changes, the skin of the nipples simply does not have time and is greatly stretched. And this also causes sensitivity, sometimes severe pain. You should not be afraid of such a state. This is a completely normal physiological phenomenon. But not all women experience it. Some do not feel changes in the mammary glands at all, and all because their body is less sensitive to prolactin. All individually.

To help yourself with high sensitivity of the nipples and chest, you can pick up a suitable cotton bra in size. It is also necessary to start using drugs for stretch marks in the early stages.

About swelling of the nipples

Their increase when carrying a baby can be pronounced. Nipples swell because the mammary excretory ducts grow. They must be convex so that the child can capture the mammary gland with his mouth. At the end of breastfeeding, the size of the breast decreases, but the nipples, most likely, will not become smaller in volume.

The type of mammary glands largely depends on heredity. If a woman has flat nipples, then this can become an obstacle to breastfeeding. And so that this does not happen, they need special preparation for feeding the child.

About the darkening halo

This part of the mammary glands also undergoes changes during the period of bearing the baby. Halos increase in diameter, darken. As for the degree of darkening, it is individual. In some women, they turn brown. The darkening is due to the deposition of the pigment melanin. This substance is produced in the skin under the influence of female sex hormones. The timing of the darkening of juices and halo are different. In some women, this occurs in the early stages, up to about 8 weeks of pregnancy. For others, such changes are possible after eight weeks.

Strongly darkened at the beginning of pregnancy, the halo toward the end of the bearing of the baby may lighten.

About discharge from the chest

And this phenomenon is considered normal. In some women, colostrum may appear in the early stages of gestation of crumbs. This can also be considered a sign of pregnancy. But still, more often, discharge appears in the third trimester of pregnancy, which symbolizes the next stage in the preparation of the body for childbirth and breastfeeding.

Colostrum is a clear liquid with a splash of yellow or white. Some women at the end of the third trimester complain that colostrum literally flows by the river. And this phenomenon is especially activated at night. Changing the nipples and colostrum - this is the natural preparation of the female breast for a new stage in life.

It is only necessary to specially prepare the mammary glands for lactation when the breast and nipples are flat and the halo is inextensible. Then the woman will need the help of a specialist - he will teach you how to make a special massage.

From the moment that the fertilized egg is fixed in the uterine cavity, cardinal rearrangements begin in the future mother's body, which will help her with the carrying of the child. The hormones that the body produced before change their concentration (estrogen, progesterone become more active), which is expressed in various manifestations. Changes in the chest very often make a woman think that conception probably took place safely.

The breast begins to respond to pregnancy from 10-15 days after fertilization, that is, after the implantation of an egg. Not only the female breast is exposed to changes, but also the nipples. This process lasts until the end of pregnancy, and a short period of time after the birth of the baby (approximately 2-7 days).

Nipple Sensitivity During Pregnancy

One is the sensitivity of the nipples. After some time, this feeling begins to annoy the expectant mother: any touch to them causes not only discomfort, but also rage. As well as sensitive nipples in women become before the menstrual cycle. Often women do not suspect anything, regarding it as manifestations of menstruation.

As soon as you feel pain in the nipples with every touch, it is better to quickly change the bra to the most ordinary and comfortable. The bra cup should be even and soft, without seams and decorative elements (they irritate the nipples). Doctors of mammology recommend putting coarse pieces of tissue into the cup of the bodice (to prepare for feeding), and this will also reduce sensitivity.

Also, the female breasts are favorably affected by air baths. They reduce her soreness. And her husband will be pleased, to say nothing. Nipples, for a reason, become very sensitive: they protect the breast from possible stimulation, which leads to the release of oxytocin (hormone), which in the future causes uterine contraction.

Nipple swelling

Breast throughout pregnancy increases in size and gets heavier by about 1-3 times. Of course, nipples swell with the breast. All this is due to the fact that hormones become more active. The nipple has an elongated shape, becomes slightly embossed and increases. A woman, such a change is most often upsetting, but men like it on the contrary.

Nipple darkening

When pigmentation intensifies, then a woman can really suspect a pregnancy. Signs of pregnancy include the areola and darkening of the nipples. This does not happen in all pregnant women, but nevertheless, you can often observe darkening of the nipples (the labia of a woman also changes color, like nipples).

Montgomery tubercles during pregnancy

A woman from the first weeks of pregnancy begins to notice the appearance of small pimples around the nipples. These tubercles are glands, they are located in the areolas of the nipples of any woman. But it becomes noticeable during pregnancy, as well as when a woman begins breastfeeding.

These glands can be a different number - from a pair of pieces to many points along the circle of the nipple. During pregnancy, there are about 13 on each nipple. Doctors of mammology say the more these points on the nipples, the more the future mother will have milk.

Tubercles are a rudimentary gland. And it is not necessary that they will somehow manifest themselves during pregnancy, but some may appear already on the second day. After the woman stopped feeding her baby, these glands hide, but there are cases that they remain on the nipples. You can not worry - there is nothing wrong with that.


After the first trimester, a woman in position can notice the secretion of colostrum (a transparent yellowish liquid) from the nipples, but most often it happens closer to the birth (approximately in the third trimester). The hormone that prepares the breast for feeding is again “to blame” for this.

The main thing! Remember, if you saw a discharge on the nipples (colostrum), in no case try to squeeze it out of the chest! Wipe gently and observe good hygiene. If there is a need, then use breast pads. By the way, wetting the nipples with colostrum is very useful - after wetting there are no cracks and dryness on the nipples.

Nipple stimulation

The last thing that cannot be forgotten is the stimulation of the nipples during pregnancy. Be extremely careful with them. Men really like the forms that a woman takes during pregnancy. Such a breast cannot be ignored; it may turn out to be unsafe! During pregnancy, nipple stimulation causes the uterus to tone, it can cause a miscarriage or. And, for example, in the later stages or at, natural is beneficial for the female body. It’s better not to risk or hurt your nipples another time before giving birth.

It should be clarified that the changes with the breast and nipples, which we talked about in this article, may not manifest themselves during pregnancy. There are women whose breasts do not give in to hormonal changes until the very birth. And only when milk appears, the nipples and chest begin to swell and harden. Do not worry if you have not been affected by changes in the breast during pregnancy - this is also good. Each woman is individual, and pregnancy is different for each woman.

Already from the moment of fertilization in the woman’s body, hormonal restructuring begins, aimed at the physiological development of pregnancy and the fetus. From the first weeks of pregnancy, the ratio of the main female hormones: progesterone and estrogen begins to change. They have a peculiarity - they act on the so-called target organs, which include the mammary glands and nipples of a pregnant woman.

Changes in hormone-dependent organs in a pregnant woman are manifested purely individually. In some, an increase in the mammary glands and nipples occurs intensively, while in others, changes are almost imperceptible.

What do nipples look like during pregnancy? The nipple is the outer part of the mammary gland, has a conical shape if the woman has not given birth, and a cylindrical one if she has given birth. Normally, the nipple is surrounded by a rounded pigmented formation - the areola. The size of the areola does not exceed 5 cm in diameter in nulliparous women. During pregnancy and childbirth, the areola acquires a darker color and can increase in diameter to 8 cm. Nipples during pregnancy significantly increase in size and acquire a dark brown color.

A change in the hormonal background leads to the fact that the nipples in the early stages of pregnancy already by the second week begin to increase imperceptibly in size, however, hyperpigmentation joins somewhat later.

Nipple pain during pregnancy

There are many reasons why nipples hurt during pregnancy, the most common are discussed below:

  • A significant change in hormonal levels.   An increase in blood levels by the third week of pregnancy causes an increase in the sensitivity of the nerve endings of the mammary glands. Hypersensitivity of the nipple and areola area causes discomfort and even pain when wearing hard bras.
  • Swelling of the nipples and mammary glands. With a rapid increase in the volume of tissues of the gland and its excretory ducts, nerve fibers do not have time to adapt to rapid growth and can also cause pain in the nipples during pregnancy. With an increase in the concentration of prolactin in the blood of a woman, the gland becomes denser due to the growth of the milk ducts. In addition to pain, a woman's breasts can itch and itch.
  • Cracks in the nipples.   In the third trimester and during lactation, a woman may have microtraumas in the areola and nipples, which also leads to acute pain.


The color of the nipples during pregnancy varies significantly. As mentioned above, this is due to a change in the concentration of female sex hormones: progesterone and estrogen. Hyperpigmentation of the nipples occurs in the second month and gradually increases. Areoles and nipples during pregnancy acquire the most dark shades towards the end. What is the cause of nipple darkening during pregnancy?

In addition to hormonal changes, important reasons for pigmentation of the skin of the nipples and areoles are:

  • The skin type of a woman. In more dark-skinned women, hyperpigmentation during pregnancy and lactation is manifested as much as possible.
  • The disadvantage also leads to the formation of hyperpigmentation.
  • Hereditary factor. The likelihood of hyperpigmentation of the nipples and areoles is higher in those pregnant women who have women with age spots in the family.

There are a huge number of additional reasons why nipples darken during pregnancy, but a combination of the above factors significantly increases the risk of hyperpigmentation.


In late pregnancy, if the chest has not hurt before, the cause of the pain lies in the microtrauma of the skin of the nipples. Cracks in the nipples can appear due to too rapid growth of breast tissue or during lactation with intensive sucking of the mother's nipple by the baby. Soreness arises not only as a result of microtraumas, but also from insufficient care for them.

In some cases, cracks can appear in the absence of regular expressing of milk, which leads to stagnation and swelling of the milk ducts. More rarely, nipple cracks can appear when the skin dries around the nipple.


During pregnancy, a woman necessarily has discharge from the nipples. It is important to note that the discharge can be of two completely different types: physiological and pathological.

Physiological or natural secretions include fluid that prevents the ducts of the mammary glands from sticking together. It is formed throughout life and can be released even at the beginning of pregnancy with tactile stimulation of the nipple and alveolar zones. With the development of pregnancy under the influence of progesterone, the amount of intrathoracic secretion increases significantly. In a woman, colostrum appears - primary milk. Colostrum is usually white with a yellowish tint.

Pathological discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy include spotting, red or saturated yellow in color. Such discharge may be accompanied by obvious discomfort or even pain, the temperature may increase. Allocations from only one mammary gland are also pathological and require a comprehensive examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist or mammologist.

Pathological discharge from the mammary glands may indicate improper expression of milk or poor personal hygiene of a woman.

Nipple swelling

Swelling of the nipples occurs by the end of the first month of pregnancy, this is due to the beginning of the growth of the excretory ducts of the mammary glands. By the end of pregnancy, the size of the nipples varies significantly and exceeds the primary by 2-3 times. Swelling of the nipples during pregnancy is an absolutely physiological phenomenon that prepares the female body for lactation, so you should not be afraid of it.


Even in the absence of pregnancy, the area of \u200b\u200bthe nipples and areoles remains one of the most sensitive in the body of a woman. The sensitivity of the nipples during pregnancy is significantly increased due to changes in the hormonal activity of the body.

The growth of the mammary glands during pregnancy is accompanied by microtraumas of the skin of the areolar and nipple areas, and in combination with its rich innervation of this area, a woman may have a burning sensation, and her breast skin may itch. However, these symptoms should not be feared. If the nipples itch during pregnancy, do not worry, this is normal, and the best way to combat itching is to wear a specialized soft bra and lubricate the nipples with protective creams.

Nipple education

Formation on the nipples and areolar regions of formations is not uncommon during pregnancy. Most often, a woman has birthmarks, white pimples and papillomas.

Birthmarks. They have a similar mechanism of formation as hyperpigmentation. Birthmarks are a hereditarily determined factor.

White pimples. These are nothing but modified sebaceous glands. In the practice of obstetricians - gynecologists, these formations are called Montgomery tubercles. They secrete a small amount of sebum, which has bactericidal properties and prevents drying of the skin of the nipple, thereby preventing the development of cracks in the nipples.

Papillomas. Papillomas are benign skin lesions whose growth is stimulated by an increase in female sex hormones in the blood during pregnancy.

If the nipples do not change during pregnancy

This can also happen, as stated at the beginning of the article, a change in the size and color of the nipples during pregnancy is a very individual parameter. With a combination of factors such as a low concentration of progesterone, heredity, deficiency in vitamins, delayed development of mammary gland tissues can occur.

Nipple growth can be slow. And with a change in the psychoemotional background during pregnancy, a woman can attach excessive importance to such factors. In general, a slight change in the nipples during pregnancy rarely speaks of pathology, but do not postpone a visit to the antenatal clinic with this symptom.

Is it possible to touch the nipples during pregnancy?

Provided that the pregnant woman does not have any inflammatory reactions from the mammary glands, it is not forbidden to touch the nipples. With tactile touches to the areolar regions and nipples, swelling and the appearance of a small amount of secretions or colostrum can occur, which is the norm.

How to reduce discomfort?

With the rapid growth of breast tissue and a significant overstretching of the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nipples, a feeling of discomfort will certainly appear. To fight it is simple - you need to lubricate the nipple area with protective creams and ointments, carefully monitor hygiene.

When a large amount of colostrum is formed, it is worth at least twice a day to express breast milk in order to avoid expansion of the ducts of the mammary glands. A woman should switch to wearing special underwear designed for pregnant women.

Nipple care during gestation

The main rule of care for nipples is to observe personal hygiene measures. If there are secretions from the nipples, you can purchase special pads for the chest, which will absorb them. After expressing colostrum, carefully and gently wipe the area of \u200b\u200bthe areoles and nipples. Rinse your chest at least twice a day under warm water. Switch to wearing special soft maternity bras.

To summarize, it is worth recalling the most important points. During pregnancy, changes on the part of the nipples can be very diverse and occur individually. In some women, the nipples can increase significantly, in others, they practically do not change. The nipple area is highly sensitive, so from the very beginning of pregnancy, it should be treated with tenderness.

Useful video on how to prepare your breasts for feeding

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Changes in the breast during pregnancy are not only the norm, but I have the opportunity to learn about the processes in the body, according to the term. For example, according to the condition, color and size of the nipple during pregnancy, you can find out the amount of the hormone, whether the pregnancy is normal, and how the baby develops. Nipples during pregnancy are a conditional indicator of the norm and abnormalities of all ongoing processes.

An increase in nipple sensitivity is observed long before a woman finds out about her position. Part of this change is due to the fact that the amount of progesterone and prolactin in the blood increases. Estrogen, which is now in a slightly smaller amount, does not block the effect on the mammary glands of the pregnancy hormones, which are now in a slightly smaller amount in the blood.

The manifestation of the sensitivity of the nipple is expressed in the form of swelling, however, characteristic manifestations are from other sides. So, one of the first manifestations of a normal pregnancy is considered to be an increase in the sensitivity of the nipple zone, the nipple itself. This feeling literally annoys the pregnant woman: the most delicate touch of the nipple's snow swollen skin causes discomfort, provokes a surge of aggression, irritability.

In most women, the nipples acquire the hypersensitive sensations characteristic of PMS, therefore, at this stage, many girls are not aware of anything, labeling this as a sign of premenstrual syndrome. Visible changes are observed much later when the pregnancy test shows two stripes.

But when a woman is aware of the situation, then the sensations become more colorful: the nipples hurt at the slightest pressure, touch. It is recommended to change the old bra to a more spacious and comfortable. The bra cup should be even, smooth, made of natural fabric and without seams, which will irritate the nipples with existing decorative elements. Doctors recommend constantly wearing underwear, regardless of the size of the bust, while at the same time placing pieces of tissue in the lower part of the cup, which will raise the chest slightly up.


Air baths have beneficial effects on the nipples, reducing soreness. Every day, you can apply before or after bathing air baths for 15 minutes. This will help harden the mammary gland, preparing it for feeding.

Nipple swelling

Swelling of the papillary zone occurs in parallel with how the entire breast increases in size. Edema, which initially causes pain, stabilizes after three months, the woman notes a decrease in discomfort, but the mammary gland is still increased in size.

Doctors recommend monitoring how the chest swells: if it began to deflate during the first trimester, and the sensitivity disappeared, this is an occasion to seek help from a gynecologist. Perhaps this change is the first alarming sign of a reduced pregnancy hormone that threatens to miscarry or freeze the fetus.

Nipple swelling is most often observed during the first trimester, when the body is the most intensive progesterone production. Due to the fact that hormones increase every minute, the mammary gland becomes large, swollen. A woman notes edema and the nipple itself, which literally becomes stretched and very thin to the touch. Stretching the skin does not have time to adapt to new sizes, and therefore, against the background of such a change, the manifestation of itching of the skin is also noted.


The greatest feelings of discomfort are noted in the first trimester and before the birth itself. All the rest of the time, the breast of the pregnant expectant mother remains swollen, but pain symptoms are not noted.

Nipple darkening

A change in the color of the nipple is also a possible manifestation that a woman notes already at a later date of gestation. Progesterone, which now provides the child with the necessary life support, the right amount of elements necessary for growth, provokes changes in the nipple, which becomes darker under the influence of the hormone.

However, if changes in color have not occurred, you should not think that this is a pathology. Perhaps this feature is due to the individual genotype of a woman who, by nature, has blonde hair and skin. As a rule, if the nipples are very light before pregnancy, barely distinguishable from the primary color of the entire skin of the breast, then during pregnancy the woman will not notice any special differences, as, for example, in girls with dark skin.

Part of this feature is due to melanin, which is present depending on the genotype and skin type, and partly the absence of a change in the color of the nipple is explained by the fact that the action of prolactin does not change the concentration of melanin substances in the juice itself. But, in any case, it is not necessary to talk about pathology.


Changes in the nipples and x color are observed at the same time when the strip from the navel to the pubic bone of the woman darkens. most often visible changes occur in the last months of gestation.

Bubble formations in the form of pimples near the nipple are the so-called Montgomery tubercles, which develop during lactation and pregnancy. Such development is due to the same hormone for pregnancy, as well as oxytocin, which is produced in large quantities before the birth itself.

It is with the onset of fertilization that a large number of women in position note an increase in the size of such formations, which causes fear and fear. It is believed that such tubercles are of particular importance at the time of pregnancy and lactation. The purpose of such entities:

  1. The allocation of a special secret, which provides antibacterial protection of the nipple and breast during pregnancy or during menstruation.
  2. Moisturizing the nipple halo, which becomes “waxed” to the touch. This is a normal phenomenon, moreover, such a property is extremely necessary when preparing the nipple for lactation.
  3. Contribute to the baby’s quick getting used to the chest. It is such tubercles that form a special secret, which the baby distinguishes by smell first, rather than the smell of milk.

Such tubercles begin to swell and increase in size in some women in the first week of pregnancy. This symptom is the main for most gynecologists, who determine both the duration of pregnancy and its normal course. However, if changes do not occur for a long time, it is also not worth worrying, perhaps such changes will appear during lactation.


In 10% of women during pregnancy and lactation, Montgomery tubercles do not stand out and do not develop. This is explained by the individual characteristics of the body. Moreover, such a factor does not affect lactation. .

Montgomery tubercles, which enlarge and swell along with the nipples and entire breasts, are not cause for concern. However, if they become reddish, pink, hurt when touched and there is itching, burning, then this is a cause for concern and additional consultation with a gynecologist.

Treatment of pathological formations on the chest, including inflamed Montgomery tubercles in a pregnant woman, is carried out exclusively by a doctor who conducts pregnancy in a antenatal clinic. Since the circle of drugs during pregnancy and lactation is limited, the most acceptable and safe one is selected from all possible options. Preparations are usually used by homeopathic exposure, with herbs (herbal remedies).


Anxiety in the nipples during pregnancy should cause redness, swelling, pain and tingling. Also, alerts should be highlighted nonspecific greenish or pink.

Since the main task of the mammary glands in a woman’s life is feeding her baby, providing him with proper natural nutrition, nailing colostrum and milk is one of the most important issues that concern most women in an interesting position.

Colostrum is released from the moment of prolactin concentration in the mammary gland. Throughout pregnancy, its concentration gradually increases, while prolactin also increases, which provides the necessary milk supply in the future after childbirth.

The first signs of an existing colostrum can be noted by a woman at the period of 5.6 or 7 months of pregnancy. However, if this did not happen, you should not worry: the amount of colostrum is limited, for feeding the baby in the first three days it is a few drops of colostrum that envelop the walls of the stomach. Colostrum is not milk that comes in large quantities, it is a kind of concentrate that helps the baby go through the period of adaptation.

Interesting fact!

After birth, the baby is applied to the breast, not only for feeding, but also for hormonal exchange between the mother and the baby. The first drops of milk help the baby understand that his mother is nearby, and the mother to feel the first minutes of motherhood in full. At this point, oxytocin is produced, which helps to contract the uterus and stimulates milk production in the future.

Nipple stimulation

Many gynecologists recommend nipple stimulation throughout pregnancy so that lactation continues without complications. However, stimulation of the nipples should be carried out carefully, since with this procedure, the uterus can be contracted. Normally, if there is no threat of miscarriage, then even constant stimulation e can provoke a premature birth, but if a woman has a risk of premature birth, then it is possible to carry out stimulation after consulting a doctor.

What is the stimulation of the nipples, and why is this necessary? First of all, stimulation is carried out so that the nipple is ready for lactation. A woman should remember that the capture of the nipple is made completely, most of it is under the lower jaw of the baby, the upper lip half captures the nipple from above. If the baby takes the breast incorrectly, then cracks appear that over a long period of time bleed and hurt.

Nipple stimulation during pregnancy:

  • a contrast shower every morning, while the coldest water should not be lower than a degree of room temperature;
  • rubbing the nipples with a harsh cloth, preferably from unpeeled flax;
  • stretching and slightly scrolling the nipple forward, clockwise and counterclockwise.

The conception of the child is reflected throughout the body, changes affect the chest. Nipples respond to hormonal changes almost immediately, causing a woman discomfort. During pregnancy, their appearance and sensitivity repeatedly changes, causing the expectant mother to worry.

The effect of pregnancy on the mammary glands

The woman’s breast is a hormone-dependent organ, so the onset of pregnancy leads to their immediate change.

The initiation of a new life in the body requires the onset of activity of the mammary glands, which are designed to feed the baby after birth. Changes are individual for each expectant mother, sometimes they are very significant. Any deviations from the normal options require a medical examination.

How long does pregnancy change during pregnancy?

Breast changes occur almost immediately after attachment of the embryo in the uterus. A woman may note her soreness and increased density even before she finds out about her new position. At a period of 4-5 weeks, almost every expectant mother already feels the begun changes in the mammary glands, and by the end of the first trimester, new sensations arise in everyone.

Early nipple changes during pregnancy

Even before the delay of menstruation, most women notice a change in the color of the nipples, their size, as well as halos around. This is one of the first signs of hormonal changes that occurs during pregnancy. Changes are not dangerous for the future mother and fetus, they are a natural process.

How do they look

The appearance of the mammary glands during pregnancy undergoes pleasant changes:

  • breast volume increases;
  • the skin becomes more firm and supple.

Nipples do not change for the better: they become darker, rougher, sometimes peeling occurs. This is necessary to prepare for the process of breastfeeding provided by nature.

Changes in the appearance of the breast require the control of the doctor conducting the pregnancy. When separate seals appear, an ultrasound of the mammary glands is necessary.

Is there a halo color change

The color of the halo usually changes along with the shade of the nipples. At the beginning of pregnancy, the halo remains unchanged, and toward the end of the term it acquires a brownish-violet hue. Some women pass such changes, the appearance of the breast remains unchanged. Often at the beginning of pregnancy, the halo becomes a pale purple hue, which is not considered a pathology.

Is there any discharge from the nipples

Colostrum is often released in the 3rd trimester, so the body prepares the first nutrient fluid for the baby. In some cases, the appearance of discharge from the nipples can be observed by the end of the 11th week, which is also not a pathology. Be sure to inform the doctor about the appearance of colostrum, so that he will examine the breast.

Discharge from a green nipple with a fetid odor requires urgent medical advice and is not considered a normal option.

When the Montgomery tubercles appear, for how long

Montgomery hillocks are small bulges on the halo, in diameter not exceeding 1-1.5 mm. They often become pregnancy companions, often remain in the woman after childbirth. Their appearance can be detected at any time, often in the second trimester. This is a normal phenomenon that does not require increased attention. It is forbidden to try to squeeze out these formations or remove it in another way. This can lead to serious consequences.

Normally, tubercles do not cause a woman discomfort in the form of itching, peeling, or other manifestations of pathology.

Changes in the nipples during repeated pregnancy in the early stages

Nipple changes occur during each pregnancy, but the timing of changes in color and sensitivity may vary. The process occurs individually in each woman, if in the first pregnancy, darkening and soreness arose immediately, then in the second pregnancy symptoms may appear closer to the 2nd trimester.

Late nipple changes in pregnancy

In late pregnancy, the skin of the nipples is significantly rougher, sensitivity decreases, colostrum may appear. Tubercles can cover the entire surface of the halo, reaching 12-15 on each breast. Any changes should be shown to the doctor conducting the pregnancy. Strong soreness of the nipples at the end of pregnancy should alert the expectant mother.

What do nipples look like before delivery

Immediately before birth, the nipples usually do not bother the expectant mother. Their appearance has remained unchanged since the beginning of the last trimester, and the pain and discomfort disappears. Closer to the appearance of the baby, they should begin hardening - more often go home without linen, making air baths. A contrast shower will help prepare the nipples and chest as a whole for feeding.

What causes color changes

A change in the color of the nipples is caused by the action of hormones, the concentration of which increases during the bearing of the child. A constant change in the hormonal background leads to the fact that as the fetus grows, the nipples acquire a purple hue and again turn pink several times.

With a multiple pregnancy, the changes can be of the most unexpected nature, since the level of hormones is much higher.

If there are no visible changes in the nipples in the later stages

In some cases, a woman does not notice changes in the appearance of the nipples even when the birth is approaching. This is also a variant of the norm and does not require additional examinations.

A sharp change in the color of the nipples to the pre-pregnancy should alert the woman, it is recommended to consult a doctor to exclude pregnancy pathologies.

When they start to get sick before childbirth

Right before childbirth, pain rarely occurs, by the end of the third trimester, the hormonal background is stabilized. Discomfort can occur if the chest begins to pour heavily. In this case, it is recommended to use moisturizers to prevent stretch marks. Painful sensations occur only in the first trimester.

If transparent or yellow discharge

Discharge from the nipples should normally have a transparent color, white tint may appear. It looks like colostrum, which the baby will receive immediately after birth.

The appearance of a liquid of green, brown and other shades is considered pathological, especially with the addition of a fetid odor. Yellow discharge can also be considered a variant of the norm, especially if the woman has not the first pregnancy.

Do they always get dark

All changes during pregnancy are individual, therefore, darkening of the nipples occurs in every woman. A color change may appear at different times, and also vary in intensity for each expectant mother. With a natural dark shade of the nipples and halos around, during pregnancy, they can only slightly change their shade.

Features of discharge from the nipples during pregnancy before childbirth

Before birth, the discharge often becomes abundant, in some cases, a woman may need special bra pads. Discharge is often seen in the evening, during rest. Signs of normal discharge from the nipples:

  • transparent with a white or yellow tint;
  • lack of an unpleasant smell;
  • discomfort is minimal, there is no discomfort during discharge.

Squeezing colostrum on your own is strictly prohibited, this can cause problems with the chest, obstruction of the ducts and stimulate uterine contractions. The doctor conducting the pregnancy should periodically examine the woman's chest and exclude pathology.

Is it necessary to be colostrum

Isolation of colostrum is not an obligatory stage of pregnancy. In some women, it appears only after the birth of the baby.

In some cases, the release of fluid is so small that the expectant mother simply does not notice it.

How much colostrum is excreted before childbirth

Before the birth of the baby, the expectant mother can regularly observe the release of a few drops to several grams of colostrum. Its amount should not be adjusted independently, to prevent discomfort, it is enough to use special inserts.

Is it possible to determine the onset of labor by the nipples

Determine the approach of labor by the condition of the nipples will not work. Their change and the appearance of colostrum are in no way associated with an early delivery.

Irreversible natural breast changes after pregnancy

After the birth of the baby, the breast is already ready for feeding, colostrum appears immediately after the baby is applied. Often the size of the mammary glands significantly increases by 2-3 sizes, which is directly related to breastfeeding.

Stretch marks that appear during pregnancy become paler over time, and sometimes completely disappear. To maintain breast elasticity, it is necessary to properly complete breastfeeding, it will also help maintain the health of the mammary glands. Depending on the physiology of the woman, the following changes may occur with breast after childbirth:

  • its increase will remain after feeding is completed;
  • the skin may become flabby, inelastic;
  • elasticity often disappears;
  • in some cases, the breast after guinea pigment is significantly reduced.

All these changes are a variant of the norm, which does not require additional examination. It is worth worrying if, after pregnancy, seals appear in the chest, strange discharge from the nipples is disturbing.

Manifestations of pathological changes in the nipples

Nipple changes during pregnancy can not always be considered normal. The appearance of itching, white or dark plaque, a sharp lightening of the nipples or the appearance of an unpleasant odor are pathological phenomena, which should be immediately reported to the doctor conducting the pregnancy.

Nipple changes during pregnancy are found in almost every expectant mother and do not threaten her health, with the exception of rare cases. With repeated pregnancies, changes usually appear earlier, and their intensity depends on the hormonal background. Changes take place after the birth of the baby and the end of breastfeeding, when the level of hormones normalizes.