What you need to know about biochemical pregnancy. Biochemical pregnancy - an early miscarriage, which most do not know

Pregnancy that does not end with pregnancy ... In other words, fertilization has occurred, but the process does not develop and is interrupted in the early stages. So early that many do not even realize that they were pregnant.

70% of pregnancies are biochemical

This is so common that it significantly outnumbers normal normal pregnancies that end in the birth of babies. According to doctors, 70 out of 100 pregnancies are biochemical, and only 30% of fertilization have their development.

Every third

The egg is fertilized, the fetal egg is fixed in the uterus, then something went wrong (fetal abnormalities, hormonal balance, immune disorders), the fetus is rejected, menstruation begins. On time or with a slight delay. Every third woman had it, and some had it several times.

HCG is also growing

  Although biochemical, it is still a pregnancy, and is accompanied by an increase in hCG. True, it’s not at all a high indicator: for someone it does not exceed the mark of 5-6 units and is not caught by pregnancy tests. But sometimes it reaches 100 mU / ml and perfectly shows two strips, however, not for long, then the hCG drops sharply, and the tests are negative again. By the way, that is why in gynecological departments of hospitals with suspected biochemical pregnancy, doctors ask the patient to repeat the pregnancy test or donate blood for hCG.

Delay no more than a week

On average, a biochemical pregnancy lasts two weeks: this is the time from fertilization to rejection. Thus, the delay of menstruation is from 3 to 7 days, and menstruation itself can be more intense or painful than usual.

She is, but as if she is not

The uterus is not enlarged, ultrasound does not diagnose pregnancy - nothing is perfect! And this is the main difference between a biochemical pregnancy and a real one.

No symptoms

With a biochemical pregnancy, you will not feel bouts of nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, swelling of the mammary glands, taste preferences, irritability and other signs of pregnancy.

It often happens with IVF

With IVF, biochemical pregnancy is a common drying, and the reason for this is the powerful hormonal support that is assigned to expectant mothers. It can disrupt the hormonal background of a woman and increase the risks of malfunctions.

It is impossible to save

  Although most women are not aware of their pregnancy, there are those who “caught her,” carefully monitoring their cycle, basal temperature, and other indicators. And, dreaming of a child, these women turned to doctors at the first sign of spontaneous miscarriage. Alas, injections, droppers and other measures do not help maintain a biochemical pregnancy.

She does not require treatment

A biochemical pregnancy is interrupted naturally and does not require medical intervention. Together with complete rejection of the embryo, endometrial rejection occurs, and therefore curettage is also not required.

After a biochemical pregnancy, you can immediately plan a baby

Biochemical pregnancy is not a sign of disease, it is a natural process, and in the next cycle you can plan a new pregnancy.

An exception is IVF - where doctors advise taking a break for two months to restore hormonal balance - as well as a situation where a biochemical pregnancy occurs repeatedly (in this case, an examination of the body is necessary).

Usually pregnancy occurs in the next cycle

It’s a paradox, but in most couples, in the next cycle, after a biochemical cycle, a real pregnancy occurs. Perhaps, after a little “training”, the body will fertilize more easily, but maybe the whole thing is in the mood: the woman understands that she is able to become pregnant and becomes pregnant!

Modern women try to approach conception responsibly, so they carefully plan their pregnancy. But, probably, not everyone knows what a biochemical pregnancy (BCB) is. Doctors say that a similar condition occurs in 35% of women of reproductive age.

Biochemical pregnancy is called the processes occurring in the initial stages of conception. No ultrasound technique can detect such a pregnancy. Even a gynecological examination will not give any results, since the uterine body is in a normal state, that is, not enlarged. Some experts believe that about 70% of all conceptions are independently interrupted soon after the onset. In fact, the patient becomes pregnant and almost immediately encounters a miscarriage. But this happens so imperceptibly for the body that a woman believes that she has started her next menstruation. This happens quite often.

Biochemical pregnancy - what is it? A similar condition arises, like the traditional conception. The egg, as expected, leaves the follicle, is fertilized by sperm and sent to the uterine body, and the rudiments of the ovum are fixed to the endometrium. However, the time comes for the onset of menstruation and self-abortion occurs, i.e., conception is interrupted. The lady is calm, because the menstruation came on time, although somewhat more abundant or painful than usual.

And some women who are expecting conception monthly observe the slightest changes in their condition, and on the first day of the delay they begin to experience pregnant symptoms like nausea, tearfulness, etc. Of course, it is quite difficult to determine pregnancy during an ultrasound during this period. If you take an analysis for hCG on the second day of the delay, then it will detect a characteristic increase in the hormone, indicating a conception. But after a couple of days, menstruation comes. Usually a woman does not understand how this is possible, attributing everything to a mistake or hormonal failure. But this is a biochemical pregnancy, which in medicine does not have a final explanation.


Experts find it difficult to accurately name a specific factor that causes the occurrence of biochemical conception, or rather, a sudden breakdown of pregnancy. But still there are some conditions that may pass for the causes of biochemical pregnancy.

Under the influence of the above factors, the maternal organism acquires aggressiveness in relation to the embryo, complicating its survival in the uterine body.

Clinical Signs of BCB

Most often, the biochemical conception is asymptomatic, so the patient may not experience absolutely anything unusual and not suspect what happened. The most striking and frequent manifestations of biochemical pregnancy are symptomatic signs present from the very first days of traditional gestation. Such symptoms include olfactory changes and gastronomic oddities, nervous system symptoms like tearfulness or irritability, increased drowsiness, etc. In addition, gastrointestinal upsets such as nausea and vomiting syndrome, constipation or diarrhea, aversion to food or excessive gluttony.

Some patients, who every month with excitement wait for a delay while trying to get pregnant, recognize a biochemical pregnancy already with a week delay, as well as by more painful, heavy and long periods. In addition, menstrual irregularities may indicate BCB, in which subsequent periods will come with some delay (maximum for a week). But these manifestations are indirect in nature and cannot for certain confirm the biochemical pregnancy that has happened. Although more often such conditions occur in latent form.

Is it possible to determine

The biochemical type of gestation occurs according to an algorithm similar to normal pregnancy. After fertilization, the cell divides, a blastocyte is formed, and then a fetal egg, which gets to the uterus and even fixes to its endometrium, but for unknown reasons, the pregnancy is lost and the dead embryo leaves with the menstrual masses.

Such a bearing is not able to fix a single ultrasound device, or test strips for home diagnostics, nor a gynecological examination. Such a condition can only be determined by laboratory determination of the level of goronadotropin chorionic in the blood. This is a special hormonal substance that is actively secreted in the mother's body immediately after fertilization. With the further development of the fetus, hCG grows, rapidly increasing the concentration by half every two days. This hormone is excreted in the urine, but its concentration in the blood is higher, therefore, it is easier to determine it there.

But home tests, traditionally used to detect conception, are not informative in determining BCB due to the negligible concentration of gonadotropin. But with laboratory diagnostics, the level of hCG will be slightly lower than with ordinary pregnancy. Usually, the level of chorionic hormone in the biochemical type of conception is close in value to the values \u200b\u200bof hCG after an abortion or spontaneous interruption. A chorionic indicator of 5-6 mU / ml speaks of biochemical gestation.

If, after a second study, it turned out that the concentration of hCG is reduced, then the fact of biochemical pregnancy is confirmed. If, during ultrasound diagnostics, a fetal egg is found in the uterus, then normal gestation is confirmed. BCB has no continuation, it is doomed to interrupt.

IVF and biochemical conception

The number of women with various reproductive pathologies is growing rapidly, which makes such a technique as in vitro fertilization popular. The principles of this method are reduced to in vitro fertilization, followed by implantation of the embryo into the uterine body. According to gynecologists, with in vitro fertilization and some time after it, a woman risks a biochemical pregnancy. Similar risks are caused by:

If this happened during the usual conception, then in the next cycle, the onset and successful preservation of pregnancy is likely. Single clinical cases of biochemical pregnancy cannot be considered a pathology, therefore, an additional examination of the spouses is not necessary.

What to do

The fact of the biochemical type of conception was confirmed, but what should the patient do next? Firstly, it is worth remembering that BCB is not a pathological condition, many women live with it without suspecting anything. Secondly, it does not threaten the maternal body in any way, and therefore does not need specialized therapy. Spontaneous interruptions at such short times occur without consequences and complications for reproduction, do not require medical intervention and surgical procedures such as curettage, etc. The reproductive functions quickly recover on their own.

If interruptions of this kind often occur, then it is necessary to identify the causes. Actually, the process of treatment of BCB itself involves the elimination of factors that impede the normal development of pregnancy. Similarly, standard miscarriage may occur. Surgical manipulations with such a deviation are not prescribed. No curettage or drug therapy is required, since at such a meager time the embryo is rejected completely and leaves without a trace with menstrual masses and exfoliated endometrium.

How to get pregnant after bhb

If everything is more or less clear with the nature and etiology of biochemical conception, then further actions, or rather, the period that must be waited before planning a new pregnancy, cause a lot of questions. Doctors say that you do not need to wait, because a normal pregnancy can occur in the next cycle. Moreover, the likelihood that the patient successfully becomes pregnant, tolerates and gives birth to a healthy baby is quite high.

In fact, do not treat biochemical pregnancy as a sentence. At the first failed attempt at successful bearing, it is not at all necessary that the story will be repeated in the next cycle. Examination and therapy may be necessary if the patient monthly encounters such a phenomenon as biochemical conception. By the way, the patient’s partner must also be examined, so that the doctor most accurately determines the true cause of miscarriage. It is treated with hormonal drugs that help the uterus and the body as a whole safely prepare for gestation.

Reducing the risk of BCB is a healthy diet with enough protein and a sugar limit. When planning a new pregnancy after a biochemical pregnancy, it is necessary to monitor the condition, diet, daily routine and menstrual cycle, regularly observe by a gynecologist and treat infectious pathologies on time.

Symptoms, causes of development and diagnosis

It is wonderful, but the woman sometimes does not even suspect about her own pregnancy - moreover, the future mother can endure a natural one and not notice changes in her condition. Medical statistics report that about 70% of all pregnancies occur in a latent form and spontaneously interrupt in the first weeks. This condition is called biochemical pregnancy (BCB).


The main feature of BCB is that in 9 cases out of 10, the diagnosis is made ex post, it is already detected at the time the new reproductive cycle begins. This condition is determined only by a blood test that records the change in the level of hCG hormone during biochemical pregnancy, hence its name. The necessary changes in the body occur, but do not receive development.

A biochemical pregnancy does not have pronounced symptoms, and a woman may not suspect anything. Usually small deviations from the usual well-being do not cause concern - the signs become apparent only with careful monitoring of the cycle and condition of the body.

Do not wait for the classic manifestations, such as nausea, fatigue, changes in appetite and taste preferences. The body sends these signals when the embryo is successfully fixed. With BCB, the main symptoms are as follows:

  • menstruation delay of 5-7 days;
  • spotting a week before the expected menstruation;
  • intense bleeding;
  • severe cramping during menstruation.

Menstruation after BCB goes according to plan, from the next month the duration and normal profusion are restored.


In most cases, BCB is not diagnosed - a woman does not know about the changes that have occurred, there are no reasons for a medical examination. Pregnancy can not be determined by the usual methods, such as on a gynecological chair, use.

The most reliable indicator is an increase in the level of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin in the blood. It increases first at the norm, and then goes into decline, but it is possible to detect this rise only before the onset of menstruation.

If the embryo is clearly visible on ultrasound, and when examined, an increase in the internal genital organs of the woman and swelling of the mammary glands is recorded, the gynecologist diagnoses a physiological pregnancy.

HCG level during biochemical pregnancy

The hormone is secreted by the chorion - one of the elements of the embryo. As it grows and develops, the concentration increases, the lowest level is 5 mIU / ml. With a normal pregnancy, it doubles every day.

If a woman suspects that she is pregnant, it is better to immediately donate blood for a laboratory test: home tests are unreliable and have little sensitivity.

Based on the results of the tests, the doctor will be able to determine whether it happened, but for accuracy, it is necessary to donate blood twice with an interval of several days. There are two possible scenarios:

  • the level of hCG does not stop increasing, which indicates the normal course of pregnancy;
  • HCG increases, then reaches a certain peak and drops sharply to normal levels, which marks the end of biochemical pregnancy.

Development reasons

Gynecologists relatively recently managed to establish what a biochemical pregnancy is. Previously, they did not even suspect this diagnosis, but now he was able to clarify much in the development of the fetus in the initial stages.

The causes of biochemical pregnancy most often have nothing to do with deviations in the reproductive system. Its development is limited by general indicators of the body and even lifestyle features.

Despite the fact that most of the factors are related to the condition of the woman, the health of the father also affects the successful development of pregnancy.

The main causes of BCB:

A single case of BCB is not a cause for panic; this deviation is found in many women.

If the situation repeats several times in a row, you should consult a doctor to determine the reasons. You will need help not only from a reproductologist and gynecologist, but also from a hematologist, immunologist, therapist, and nutritionist. To normalize the condition, it will be enough to eliminate the provoking factors.


Since BCB is not a disease and does not require direct intervention, its consequences are minimal and it cannot be said that this diagnosis provokes a failure to bear or infertility. Attempts to conceive after a natural termination of pregnancy can be resumed immediately in a new cycle. It is advisable to take into account the recommendations of doctors and strengthen the body so as not to provoke a recurrence of the situation.

Doctors note that with the timely detection of BCB, the embryo can be tried to be maintained with hormonal therapy. This does not work out so often, but if obstacles are overcome, pregnancy can be saved.

Biochemical pregnancy and IVF

BCB can occur even after - in this case, it can be perceived as a natural defense of the body. The main reason is a sharp jump in hormones and intense.

If a biochemical pregnancy has occurred after IVF, it is better to stop attempts for several months - during this time the woman will have time to recover. A break will provide greater success with new ones.

Biochemical pregnancy is a common occurrence. If a woman does not suspect about the situation and feels well, BCB will not hinder getting pregnant in the future. When the expectant mother knows the diagnosis, stress can occur amid failure. The main thing is not to go in cycles, to follow the advice of doctors and not to leave attempts.

Biochemical pregnancy: manifestations, signs, level of hCG. What to do with BhB?

Not every fertilization of an egg goes into a full pregnancy and ends with the birth of a baby. The probability of pregnancy with natural fertilization is only 30%.

In most cases, a woman does not suspect that fertilization has occurred. On time or with a slight delay, menstruation begins. And only blood tests for hormones can show that the pregnancy was, but ended in interruption. This condition is called biochemical pregnancy (BhB).

  • What does biochemical pregnancy mean and how is it manifested
  • Causes of biochemical pregnancy or why abortion occurs
  • HCG change
  • Symptoms
  • Pregnancy Planning After BhB
  • How long can I get pregnant?
  • What should be done if the situation is repeated?
  • Treatment after biochemical pregnancy

This means that a biochemical pregnancy can develop into a normal one. But often the state of biochemical pregnancy is diagnosed already at the stage of its completion, when it is in a plateau or falls. More about this later.

For implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall, nature has been assigned a short period of time. "" Open only two days. During this period, a biochemical dialogue occurs between the embryo and the endometrium. The blastocyst for contact with the mucous membrane of the uterus is freed from the luster. Trophoblast cells protrude special finger-shaped processes that are needed for immersion in the endometrium. They secrete cytokines, growth factors that affect the endometrium. Its cells draw pinopodia villi to attract the blastocyst and help it gain a foothold.

After implantation, the new shell of the embryo is the chorion. It synthesizes the chorionic gonadotropin necessary for stimulating the corpus luteum to produce progesterone. In this case, the onset of menstruation becomes impossible.

  • Endometrial receptivity disorder. Chronic inflammatory diseases, frequent curettage of the uterine cavity or abortion interfere with the ability of the endometrium to take a blastocyst.
  • Hormonal changes are often associated with. In this case, the maturation of the endometrium and its preparation for implantation are disrupted. This condition can be observed with insufficiency of the corpus luteum. But its excess does not bring benefits.
  • Autoimmune diseases that are associated with the production of antibodies against substances formed during the development of the embryo.
  • Clotting disorders are accompanied by microthromboses, which do not pose a significant risk to the mother, but disrupt the nutrition of the embryo and lead to its death.

From the side of the embryo, the cause of the sudden termination of development may be chromosomal abnormalities.

The dynamics of hCG during biochemical pregnancy and its signs

Chorionic gonadotropin is a biochemical marker of pregnancy progression. It begins to grow rapidly, doubling every day. But in the case of biochemical pregnancy, its indicators rarely exceed 100 mIU / ml. Growth dynamics are also different. At first, the hormone grows as in a normally progressing pregnancy, but then the growth suddenly stops and the decline begins. This is a sign of abortion.

In urine, the concentration of hCG remains minimal and is not determined by pregnancy tests.

How to determine that fertilization has occurred

Not always biochemical pregnancy is accompanied by severe symptoms. Sometimes this condition goes unnoticed. In other cases, a woman may be disturbed by the following deviations:

  • drowsiness;
  • taste change.

But if hormonal abnormalities have become the cause of biochemical pregnancy, then they can disrupt the menstrual cycle.

How long can I get pregnant?

Biochemical pregnancy does not affect sexual life. After all, many women do not even know that they were pregnant several times, but continue to lead an active sex life after menstruation.

Therefore, re-pregnancy can be planned already in the next menstrual cycle, if there are no serious contraindications and the biochemical pregnancy is not repeated several times in a row.