How to make nails beautiful at home: useful tips. How to make yourself a manicure at home

No wonder the French believe that a woman’s hands are the most honest part of her body. Indeed - one can determine by hand not only the degree of grooming of a woman, but also her age, the presence of diseases. As you know, beautiful nails are healthy nails. It is necessary to properly care for them, conduct regular cosmetic procedures. Manicure is the visiting card of any fashionista, and you can do it not only in expensive salons, but also at home.

Sometimes nails have an unattractive appearance - exfoliate, become brittle and brittle, turn yellow. There can be many reasons for this.

- Firstly, the use of chemical detergents affects the condition of nails, and secondly, seasonal vitamin deficiency.
- Secondly, if the fingernail thickens, this may indicate irregular circulation, dullness indicates a lack of moisture, white spots indicate a lack of iron and possible anemia, metabolic disorders.
- If the nails have turned brown, you need to pay attention to the state of the adrenal gland, yellow color appears with an overdose of vitamin A or carotene, or some medical preparations (for example, tetracycline). In such cases, you must consult a doctor and eliminate the causes of damage.

But brown stripes also occur with improperly made manicure, if you press hard on the base, and delamination occurs after building. In many cases, regular care gives excellent results. It is enough to devote only 10 minutes a day - and they will return to their former appearance, become healthy and attractive. First of all, they need to be strengthened with trays and compresses.

Nail care at home - baths to strengthen nails

1. Baths with sea salt
Ingredients: sea salt (table salt is also suitable, 1 spoon), water (1 glass).
Dissolve the salt in warm water, lower the nails for 10 minutes. After the procedure, grease with a nourishing cream.

2. Baths with iodine and orange juice
Ingredients: salt (2 tablespoons), orange juice (50 grams), water (50 grams).
Stir the ingredients, lower your fingers and keep in solution for 10 minutes. Get your hands dry and lubricate with a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

3. Nourishing and firming bath for nails with olive oil
Ingredients: olive or other vegetable oil (half a glass), apple cider vinegar (half a glass). Make a mixture and lower your fingertips for 10 minutes.

4. Oil-iodine bath
Ingredients: olive oil (2 tablespoons), iodine (teaspoon), water (1 cup).
Heat the mixture in a water bath, hold your fingers for 10 minutes.

Baths need to be performed within 10 days, a greater effect can be achieved if to wear gloves from the hb after the procedure.

Nail manicure at home

A huge number of tools are used in a nail salon, but at home you can limit yourself to only the most necessary. Any standard manicure set contains:
- a file for natural nails. In addition, get a nail file - polisher, ceramic nail file and pumice;
- pusher or trimmer;
  - scissors for cutting nails, add scissors to remove cuticles;
- nippers.

In addition, you will need a bowl for emollient solution, napkins or a towel, cotton pads, nail polish remover. Home manicure can be done in 30-60 minutes.


1. Liquid soap or nail polish.
2. Bath salt.
3. Means for softening and caring for the cuticle.
4. Hand cream.


1. Removal of varnish. Using a cotton swab, wipe off the varnish with a nail polish remover. Acetone-free liquid is recommended.
2. Shaping. File nails, give them the desired shape, polish. The main rule is that such actions should be performed only with dry nails.
3. Cuticle processing. Apply a special tool so that the soft skin softens, allow it to soak for 2-3 minutes. Dip your hands in a bowl of soap and salt. After 5-10 minutes, use a trimmer or a pusher to move the cuticle and remove residues. Cut the overgrown cuticle with appropriate scissors.
4. Deburring. With nail clippers for skin with sharp or rounded edges, trim the burrs. Do not pull them so that painful wounds do not form.
5. Processing pads and corners of the fingers. With a piece of pumice or ceramic nail file, grind corns on the palms of the surface on the side of the fingers, coarsened pads.
6. Applying a cream that softens and moisturizes the skin of the hands. Leave on for a few minutes to completely absorb the varnish.
7. Next, varnish and a drawing are applied. To degrease, wipe the nail plates with nail polish remover.

Some useful tips before applying varnish

- Before applying varnish, it must be shaken well;
- it is better to apply varnish on warmed nails;
- it is not recommended to dry the varnish with a hairdryer;
- apply a coating in two layers;
- polishing cannot be done on flaky nails;
- file the plates in one direction;
- do not use metal nail files;
- Use cotton-based household gloves.

Manicure - how to choose the right quality varnish

The final part of the manicure is the application of varnish on the nails. This is an important and responsible procedure. The quality of the varnish not only provides a beautiful, durable manicure, but also strengthens and protects the nail plate from brittleness and delamination. In low-quality varnish contains a mass of toxic substances. What should be a quality varnish?

- Liquid, but lay down in an even dense layer (a drop of varnish from the brush should fall in 5 seconds);
- elastic, after drying, keep, do not exfoliate;
- waterproof, have immunity against household chemicals.

Do not open the bottle with the varnish in the open air - the varnish becomes viscous and takes more time to dry.

Nail extension at home

To build nails at home is a very real task. This will save time and money. True, you have to learn.

Option number 1. False nails

The easiest way to use artistic tips is to stick them on a special glue. Pros - fast sticking, do not require a thorough manicure. Cons, unfortunately, much more. Firstly, sloppy pasted tips look very unnatural. In addition, quick gluing can serve a poor service - without a certain knack it is quite difficult to complete the procedure. Secondly, glue adversely affects the structure of the nail.

Gluing should be in no hurry, decomposing all the tips in order. Artificial nails are best glued to short nails - so they last longer. The old varnish must be removed and treated with a cuticle, trim the burrs. Hands should be dry. Such plates are removed easier if you drop a drop of liquid under them to remove the varnish, then carefully raise the stick with a manicure.

Option number 2. Acrylic nails

Acrylic today is one of the most common materials for giving the nails the correct shape. It is a mixture of powder and liquid, combined in a special way. A dental tool has recently begun to be used in manicure. Grown nails are formed in two ways - on tips or on forms.

The service life of acrylic nails is up to 4 months, after which they should be removed and left to rest. When forming a nail directly from a polymer material, a strong and beautiful manicure is obtained, but there are also negative aspects - this is an unpleasant odor, toxicity.

You will need:
- acrylic, solvent, degreaser;
- fluid to increase the adhesion of natural to artificial nails;
- brush and nail files.

Building on forms - procedure

1. After performing the main manicure, apply a special preparation to the nail. Leave to dry.
2. Set the mold and glue the ends.
3. Pour monomer into the container, dip the brush, squeeze it well and brush in camouflage powder. Get a ball, hold it until it is saturated with liquid.
4. Apply to the mold, roll on the surface and form to the cuticle area.
5. Create the desired shape. Repeat until the desired result is achieved.
6. Thus, you can make ordinary nails of any length, using white and pink powder, French manicure is performed.
7. Remove the mold with tweezers, saw off the excess edge, polish and grind.
8. Apply drawings.
The border between an artificial nail and a natural one can change as it grows. Correction is carried out after about 3 weeks. Carefully apply the product so as not to damage the cuticle. Spread acrylic on the surface of the nail, simulating an exact copy of a real plate.

Option number 3. Gel nails

This method is even more popular than the previous one, mainly due to natural or semi-synthetic components - for example, resin of coniferous trees. The manicure is very natural, it can not be distinguished from natural. The latest improvement concerns silk fabric, which is laid under the tips.

Fashionable decoration with beads, rhinestones, colored foil in this building option holds much better. One of the main disadvantages is the high cost of consumables. You can not use the extension for a long time due to possible dystrophy and thinning of the nail plates. Modern manicure sets are used to perform manicure; an ultraviolet lamp is required.

You will need:
- liquid disinfector "
- files, tips, brushes;
- primer, bonder, gel;
- acrylic paints, brushes for painting.

Gel buildup on forms - the procedure

1. Remove the length of the nails during the main manicure, leave only the edge of the nail 2-3 mm. Sand the surface.
2. To put on a form for building.
3. Apply a layer of gel, extend it to the required length.
4. Place under the lamp for drying for 1 minute.
5. To apply the second layer leaving a gap to a cuticle of 1-2 mm. Place under the lamp again.
6. Remove the stencil, give the desired shape. Spread the gel on both sides with a brush to form a beautiful tubercle in the center of the nail.
7. Dry again. Give the desired shape with a nail file.
8. Apply the last thin layer of gel, dry under the lamp. After the procedure, do not wet your hands for half an hour.
As with acrylic extensions, after 3-4 weeks, a correction of the nails will be required.

Nail art at home

Even a girl who does not have artistic skills can draw on nails.
To do this, use special varnishes with thin brushes or acrylic paints and thin natural brushes. The easiest way is to mix different colors of ordinary varnishes.

Pick up some more tips:

- for drawings, stock up with different colors of varnishes - always black and white, red, beige, green, gold and silver, the rest is at your discretion;

- Before you give free rein to fantasy, practice on tips;

- the main way - mixing with a needle or a toothpick and stretching.

Drawings can be made not only in colors on diagrams, but also experimented. Practice with colors, and very soon you will be able to create your own drawings.

Drawings for nails - photo

Each representative of the fair sex wants to look perfect. To achieve this, women have to constantly monitor their appearance: take care of the hair, face and body skin, do makeup and, of course, take care of the hands, because it is the condition of the skin of the hands and manicure that is the “calling card” and the second face of each us.

Many ladies are convinced that it is impossible to make a high-quality manicure by herself, only a specialist in a beauty salon can help. But in fact, for this it is not at all necessary to go to a professional master. You can make nails beautiful on your own, at home, as it does not require much time and significant financial investments.


Health care starts from the inside. How to make beautiful nails? In order for them to be strong, even and firm, you need to eat right, because no matter how interesting the design, it will never look spectacular on damaged and brittle nails.

Be sure to include in your diet foods rich in B vitamins (wholemeal bread, dairy products, green vegetables, eggs, legumes, cereals, nuts, liver), A (bell pepper, pumpkin, carrots), E (vegetable oils, green salad ), C (citrus fruits, rose hips, sea buckthorn), N (nuts and mushrooms), D (fermented milk products, seafood, sea fish). These products help strengthen the nail plate and accelerate their growth.

If you do not have the opportunity to get all of the above vitamins from foods, you can take a course of vitamins and minerals, after consulting with your therapist.

Caring outside

In order for the nails to be healthy and even, they should also be regularly looked after outside. Make it a rule to use, at least twice a day, a fortified firming hand cream (apply it, of course, exclusively to dry and clean skin), once a week indulge your hands with bathtubs.

For this purpose, you can use the following recipe:

  • pour 100-150 ml of castor or olive oil of the first cold extraction into a small deep bowl;
  • heat it in a water bath to a temperature of 37-40 ° C;
  • immerse your fingers in a bowl for 15 minutes, then wash your hands with soap and water, and then apply a moisturizer or nourishing cream to them.

You can also strengthen your nails and make them beautiful with sea water. It contains a large amount of iodine, bromine and calcium, which are so necessary for horn plates. To do this, simply dissolve a tablespoon of sea salt in a glass of warm clean water and immerse your fingers in it for 20 minutes. Repeat this procedure several times a week.

And to lighten the yellowed or darkened nail plates, immerse them for 5-10 minutes in freshly squeezed lemon juice. It is worth noting that the vitamin C contained in the fruit also strengthens their structure.

The basic rules for creating a perfect manicure

  • To make the shape of the nails beautiful, use only a glass nail file, because a metal tool injures the tips, as a result of which they become brittle and delaminate. You can only move the nail file in one direction. Remember that only dry nails can be cut!
  • Use only high-quality, well-sharpened instruments made of medical high alloy stainless steel. Never use tools belonging to another person without first disinfecting them!
  • In order to remove the cuticle, steam it in warm water, move it with an orange tree stick (it does not injure the skin) and treat it with a special softener, then carefully remove the skin with a trimmer, scissors or nippers. You can also remove the cuticle unedged method (it is also called "European"). To do this, just apply a special gel or oil on it, wait 2-3 minutes, and then carefully push back the dead tissue and rinse everything thoroughly with water. This method allows you to quickly give the nail a shape without damaging the skin around it;
  • Giving the nails the correct shape, do not forget about polishing. However, it is also not worth abusing it, since the frequent removal of the upper stratum corneum of the plate makes it weak, thin, and vulnerable to injuries and infections;
  • Do not cut the nails on the sides - this will lead to the fact that they will become more brittle. Use only a nail file;
  • Before applying colored varnish, use a colorless protective varnish containing vitamins - this will protect the plates not only from damage and destruction, but also from the appearance of dark traces;
  • Apply the varnish in several very thin layers. Before applying the second, wait until the first layer has completely dried;
  • Buy only high-quality coatings that do not contain solvents such as toluene and acetone. Do not save, remember that a cheap, low-quality varnish will go unevenly and will only be able to decorate your fingers for 1-2 days;
  • Make sure all nails are the same length. If one of them breaks, no matter how bad it is, but everyone else will have to be cut off, otherwise the manicure will look ugly;
  • When the varnish begins to wear out and peel off, it must be completely removed and a new one applied. Do not “save” and try to paint over bare spots;
  • Do not use nail polish removers that contain acetone. This aggressive component destroys the structure of the stratum corneum.


If you are a happy owner of healthy, strong, beautiful long nails of the right almond shape, you can make any design on them - both classic and original.

If for one reason or another you can’t grow a long manicure, do not despair. Both long and short nails can be beautiful and effective. In addition, short nails look more natural and healthy, do not require additional care and are much more practical.

They will look great, for example, dark shades of varnish, design with dots, horizontal or vertical stripes, French manicure (the so-called classic jacket), manicure in different colors (2-3 colors).

But the voluminous design is not suitable for short nails, because visually it makes them even smaller, and it will look elaborate and ridiculous.

You can make small, short nails beautiful by applying a vertical strip or a path of decorative elements to them, since the vertical pattern visually “draws them out”.

Also, on small nails, you can apply a picture in the form of stars, berries, hearts, etc. (unless, of course, your style allows this).

On nails of any length, having the correct oval shape, varnishes of light colors, romantic and floral motifs look great. On rectangular - darker shades and graphic patterns.

In this article we will consider the following issues:

How to make a moon manicure;

Maintaining your nails in order is the responsibility of any lady. From generation to generation the secrets of nail perfection, tips for caring for them are passed on. Today, there are many beauty salons and the masters working in them who will make candy out of your nails. However, often going to the master does not have enough money, time or the desire to trust anyone. That is why every lady needs to know how to properly care for her nails. After all, well-groomed nails, whether they are painted over with varnish or not, whether there is an elegant and fashionable pattern on them or not, will still look great. Therefore, we will reveal a secret for you: how to make a beautiful manicure at home, so that the nails are beautiful.

There is a step-by-step instruction that will help to properly manicure and keep your nails in excellent condition. This is a very practical and valuable skill in the modern world, which will never be superfluous to master.

Firstly, in order to save money. Secondly, it will become a godsend in those conditions where you can’t go to a beauty salon. Initially, nail care will take about an hour, therefore, having adapted, this time can be significantly reduced. Please note, in this case, the period of time is taken for the procedure without painting the nails.

How to make a beautiful manicure at home: Preparing tools

To perform a quality manicure, you need the right tools.

In your home arsenal, there must be the following:

  • Manicure scissors
  • Cuticle Cutter
  • Orange stick
  • Nail file

These are the basic tools for manicure, the number of which can vary according to your desire and convenience. Pay special attention to the nail file, do not chase the fashion, its abrasiveness is important, the rate of which should be less than 180 grit. Plastic and glass models are much better than metal ones. The latter contribute to the stratification of nails. If instead of a nail file you prefer a polishing buff, then pay attention to its abrasiveness, which should not exceed 400 vulture.

When choosing nippers and scissors, you also need to be more careful and buy those models that have manual sharpening. It is important that you select the tool for yourself, because you will do the manicure, and the process should give you pleasure.

How to make a beautiful manicure at home: Where to start?

The beginning of a manicure should be accompanied by a correction of the length of the nails and the shape. This is a very important skill that you need to try to master. Usually, to shape the nails, they use a nail file, if the length needs to be changed radically from long to short, scissors are used to speed up the process.

There are several rules that will help you learn how to file nails.

Rules for filing nails:
  1) The procedure can not be performed more often than once a week.
  2) The free edge must remain in any case and not less than two millimeters.
  3) If you file nails under the root, this can contribute to the deformation of the plate, and it looks unattractive. In addition, if after such filing you still want to grow your nails, this can cause difficulties, because the free edge expands, acquiring the shape of a shovel.
  4) It is important to remember that it is possible to file nails only in a dry state. Home technology suggests that initially the nails soar in the bath. Forget about it! First, you should file your nails, only then lower them into the bath. If you file your nails in a wet state, this will cause them to exfoliate.
  5) When filing, you need to hold the file so that the file is perpendicular to the tip. Note that the sawing process starts at the edge and ends at the center.

How to make a beautiful manicure at home: Cuticle care

Processing and caring for the cuticle is an equally important process in nail care along with their filed. There are several ways to remove cuticles: classic and European. The classic version is characterized by the fact that the cuticle is cut with nippers. To do this, you need to steam the skin in a bath, or use special oils, the action of which is aimed at softening the cuticle.

The European version is more accurate, in addition, the possibility of injury here is reduced to zero. Special ownership of the instrument is not required here, at a time when you need to get used to the nippers. For this procedure, gels or oils of a special action are needed, thanks to which the skin dissolves, and the orange stick helps to remove it. You do not need to make any baths.

Deburring is also done with special iron tweezers. Before this, it is also worth dipping your fingers in a hot bath. And tweezers must be disinfected in order not to cause harm.

When all the procedures are completed, some experts recommend applying the cream on the hands and rub it with massage movements. An alternative is healing varnish, which will allow nails to grow faster. There is also a tool for strengthening nails. It's time to apply them.

In fact, you can do a number of other procedures at home. For example, polishing nails. This is done in order to give the nails a more well-groomed look. Sanding allows the nails to shine. This is especially true for those who do not use nail polishes, but prefer naturalness.

Rules for applying nail polish

It just seems that applying nail polish is a mere trifle, in fact, it is important to do the procedure so that the nail does not come out on the nail, it looks beautiful. If you follow some tips, you can make a manicure at home, which will not yield to the salon option.

So, it’s important to put your hands on the table so that your elbows do not hang down. Before you paint your nails, you must degrease them. For this, ordinary acetone is suitable. Even if there was no varnish on the nails, you still need to walk on them with acetone. In fact, the rules of manicure can not be called clear, there are those that are aimed at making this process more comfortable and convenient. These are the rules that start painting the nails with the little finger.

Apply the varnish carefully, it is important not to touch the side rollers and cuticle. It is believed that it is better to retreat 1 mm from the skin when applying varnish. And the most important recommendation: first paint over the middle of the nail, only then sweep the brush on the sides. So the varnish will lie smoother.

How to make a French manicure yourself

Even notorious fashionistas may not know how to make a French manicure at home. In fact, this is not a supernatural procedure, and you can do it yourself. True, some rules must still be followed.

The first step is to ensure that the shape of the nails is even. If with monophonic varnish this will not be noticeable, then the French manicure will not tolerate such an error.

The second step is to varnish the base. Enough drops of the base to cover the entire nail. The third step is tint varnish. It is important that it is completely dry on the nail. There is no need to rush here.

If you are confident, then you can take a white varnish and draw a line on top of the nail. If there is no such confidence, use special strips that are firmly glued to the nail. These strips are sold in stores and are called stencils. Do not make too thick a strip. The required thickness for the jacket is -2-4 mm. White varnish should dry properly. This may take up to twenty minutes. A protective layer of colorless varnish is applied on top, it can also be a fixing agent. This will give the manicure shine and maintain its durability.

How to make a mirror manicure

And here are some more tips for creating a beautiful manicure. How to make a mirror manicure is a mystery to many fashionistas. In fact, there are many ways, because it is made with foil, reflective film, nail art varnish. All these are difficult procedures, but we will share the method of mirror manicure with the help of stickers. The advantage of stickers is that they stay on the nails for a long time. Such stickers can be bought at the store, they are based on a sticky layer.

Step-by-step instructions on how to do a mirror manicure:

  • It is important that the nails are perfectly smooth and fat free.
  • It is necessary to choose films along the width of the nail.
  • Using a table lamp, it is necessary to warm up the stickers, after they become elastic, you need to attach them to the nail.
  • An ordinary cotton swab will help get rid of bumps.
  • Excess tape is removed with scissors.
  • After this, you need to process the tips of the nails with a granular file.

How to do moon manicure

The answer to the question "how to make a moon manicure": very easy. Especially if you know how to do French manicure, then the lunar difficulties will not cause. First you need to apply the varnish that you have chosen for the holes. It is applied to the entire surface. The nail polish should dry well. Use special stencils for moon manicure. But some take on stencils for French manicure. A stencil is molded, after which the main varnish is applied. After the varnish has dried, the stencil must be peeled off and a protective coating applied. On this, the moon manicure is ready. You can make a double moon manicure, for this a stencil is used several times.

How to make a water manicure

In fact, water manicure is not so simple. This requires skill and accuracy. Therefore, the main advice: follow the instructions clearly. After preparing the nails, you need to protect the cuticle so that the varnish does not get on it. This is done with tape.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a water manicure:

  • In the tank you need to pour water not hot.
  • A drop of varnish is dripped into the water with an interval of several seconds.
  • It is better to take varnishes of different shades to make the picture more beautiful.
  • Drops spread over the water, and with a toothpick you need to draw a picture.
  • When the drawing is ready, it must be applied to the nail. To do this, the finger is lowered into the water. The finger is held perpendicular to the water.
  • Take your finger out of the water, remove the tape and the manicure is ready.

How to make a matte manicure

Matte manicure is the peak of popularity in 2016. Therefore, learning to do it is an urgent task. Of course, there are special varnishes, but in order not to splurge, we will reveal all the secrets of how to make a matte manicure at home.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a matte manicure:

  • Apply nail polish, preferably in three layers, because you need to get a rich shade.
  • Heat the water in the kettle so that thick steam forms.
  • Bring the nails just painted over to the pair. Keep a distance of 10-15 centimeters so as not to burn yourself. So the varnish will begin to dry and turn into a matte finish.
  • Keep your nails above the steam for 1.5-2 minutes.

As you can see, doing a manicure at home is a simple process, everyone can do it. The most important thing is desire and accuracy.

Natalya Denisenko

A manicure that you do yourself has several unconditional advantages at once. Firstly, you do not need to pre-register in the salon and spend time on the road. Secondly, this skill can significantly save money. Well, and thirdly, the procedure for creating a manicure can be truly fascinating. We have compiled a detailed beauty cheat sheet, which will help to understand the issue even for those who have never held a nail file in their hands.

How to make a manicure for yourself?

Before you start using bright varnish or creating complex nail art, you need to prepare the appropriate soil - in other words, make a basic manicure. We tell you how to crank it at home.

What will be needed for manicure?

Of course, the list of necessary depends on many factors. For example, on what type of manicure you prefer:. But the standard set of tools you need is something like this:

  • nail polish remover,
  • cotton pads or lint-free napkins,
  • nail clipper (nail clippers) or manicure scissors,
  • orange stick or cuticle pusher,
  • cuticle remover (remover),
  • nail file
  • nail polish file,
  • hand cream,
  • base coat for nails

Simple unedged manicure at home: step by step instructions

Have you prepared everything you need? Then make sure that your workplace is properly lit - and follow our instructions exactly.

Wipe your nails with nail polish remover

The first step is to remove the remnants of the old varnish with a cotton or lint-free cloth moistened with nail polish remover. It is better, by the way, if possible to do it all the same with a napkin: cotton pads often leave small fibers, due to which the varnish is then distributed unevenly. And even if there is no varnish on the nails, still wipe the nail plate with nail polish remover to degrease it.

Use scissors or wire cutters to trim your nails. If the nails are not too long, or you do not plan to significantly shorten them, you can skip this step and immediately proceed to use the nail file.

Use a nail file for natural nails with an abrasiveness of 180-200 grit. You can find out how to choose this tool correctly, and our detailed one will help you choose the right shape of nails. Do not move the nail file according to the “right-left” pattern, this can lead to stratification of the nails: move in one direction, in smooth movements. Round your nails very carefully and do not overdo it: if you file too actively on the sides of the nails, this can lead to their ingrowth in the future.

In no case do not use the nail file immediately after taking a shower, the nail plate must be absolutely dry!

Sand the edges

Polish the edges of the nails with a polishing file to avoid delamination, and lightly polish their surface. But, again, do not strive to achieve a mirror shine: on a perfectly smooth surface, nail polish will be hard to “fix”.

With an orange stick or a special pusher, gently push the cuticle and pterygium - the lower layer of the cuticle, which is a thin film.

Apply a special cuticle softener (remover), wait 20-30 seconds.

Move the cuticle again

With an orange stick or pusher, gently push the cuticle out again, being careful not to press on it. If there is no special remover on hand, you can use a fat cream instead.

If necessary, remove any burrs with a pair of nippers or scissors. Hand skin cream.

After removing the cuticle, use alcohol-containing liquid or nail polish remover. This will help remove remover residues and degrease the surface of the nail. By the way, some beauty brands produce special nail degreasers, they are also very effective and convenient to use.

Apply base coat

Be sure to use the base coat: it will prevent yellowing of the nail plate and provide better adhesion to the varnish. Spread the base in a thin layer, slightly departing from the cuticle. Do not skip this step, even if you plan to then cover your nails with light varnish.

Manicure video tutorial

Beauty blogger Lena Sevelenium prepared a simple and understandable video tutorial on creating a basic manicure at home. We look!

Is it worth doing a cropped manicure?

Nowadays, the most popular is the procedure for unedged (European) manicure, the creation schemes of which we presented above. With such a manicure, the cuticle is not cut, but softened with a special tool (remover), and then pushed back.

If you usually adhere to the unedged manicure scheme, it is better not to start cutting the cuticle: the more often you cut it, the coarser it becomes and the harder it is to remove.

In addition, the cuticle serves as a kind of barrier and protects the skin from infections. If you are still used to trimmed (classic) manicure, but would like to switch to European, just stop cutting the cuticle, start using a remover and be patient. Fortunately, the process is reversible, and if you refuse to cut the cuticle, with regular European manicure after some time, the cuticle will become softer and thinner.

How to make a French manicure at home?

French is one of the classic types of manicure. If the tip of the nail is highlighted with a contrasting strip, then in front of you is precisely a jacket. The canonical version suggests a combination of “pink translucent varnish plus a white strip”, but today, more and more often, different and different textures are used in French manicure - shimmer, glitter, and matte.

According to the latest trends, the color line at the tip of the nail does not have to turn out to be even. But if you want to create a classic version of the jacket, then this problem will be the main one that you have to solve.

The most common way is to use special stencils to create a jacket. You will only need to glue the stencil (it starts not right at the base of the nail, but a little backward from it) and mark the tip with varnish. When it dries, peel off the stencil: a perfectly even strip will remain on the nail.

A brush for a French manicure, the edge of which is not straight or chamfered, but with a semicircle “cut” in the center, will also quickly and conveniently draw an even strip. Such brushes are sold only in specialized stores, so you will have to spend some time searching for it, but it will greatly save you time when creating a jacket.

The third way (and perhaps the easiest) is to buy special stickers for the jacket. You just need to glue the finished strip of the selected color on the edge of the nail.

French manicure: step-by-step photo tutorial

For someone who is skillfully enough working with brushes for manicure, the service jacket will be made simple. You will need the actual brush itself (the thinnest of all possible), a transparent base, soft pink or varnish of another light shade, white or any color varnish with which you will draw a strip on the tip of the nail, as well as a fixing varnish.

Apply a clear base coat.

In two layers, apply a light pink or beige varnish, wait a couple of minutes until it dries.

Using a thin art brush, gently paint the tip of the nail with white or colored varnish, creating the very “smile” that distinguishes the service jacket from other types of manicure.

How to make a quartz manicure?

A nail plate with imitation of stains and streaks, as on the surface of quartz, is one of the main nail trends in recent years. How to repeat such an image? First, stock up with a soft pink varnish with a translucent texture, white varnish, a toothpick or a needle and, of course, the base and finish coatings.

Apply a base coat and paint your nails with soft pink translucent varnish in several layers (for example, varnish for a classic jacket is suitable). In this case, it is not so much the concrete shade that is important as the texture: the varnish should not be dense, otherwise it will not work to create a quartz effect.

Wait until the layers of pink varnish dry properly, and proceed to create those same white “streaks” that distinguish this type of manicure from the rest. Paint them with a toothpick, needle or a special manicure brush with past or pearlescent varnish drawn on it. Draw the lines in a chaotic manner, and then, before the varnish has time to dry, cover the nails with another layer of translucent pink varnish, so that the lines eventually turn out to be a little blurry.

Apply a clear topcoat.

How to make a matte manicure?

It is easiest to make a matte manicure, which has recently become a serious competitor to the usual glossy, using a special matte finish: many nail brands today produce such. The coating can be colored or transparent - the last one can complement any other glossy varnish to turn it into a matte finish.

  • You will need: nail polish remover or nail degreaser, cotton pad, colored varnish of any color, matte topcoat.

Apply a special degreaser to the nails or wipe with a cotton pad soaked in nail polish remover.

In two layers, apply any varnish from your collection. It can be with a dense or translucent texture, with a shimmer or glitter, metallic or mother-of-pearl. But it’s worth clarifying that a regular solid-colored varnish with a dense texture will look more effective in combination with a matte top.

Make sure that the coating is perfectly smooth, without the slightest flaw. A matte top will emphasize imperfections, so if something does not suit you, it is better to repaint the nail. Also keep in mind that a matte finish can change the initial shade of the varnish - for example, make it lighter. Apply a matte finish to the nail. The manicure is ready!

You can learn about other ways to create a matte manicure using improvised tools from.

How to make marble manicure?

Marble manicure in its appearance resembles quartz, as it is made according to the same principle. In this case, it is proposed to create a pattern on the nails that imitates the surface of marble tiles with multi-colored veins. How to create it quickly?

  • You will need: basic transparent coating, white varnish, black varnish, gray varnish, manicure or thin art brush, sponge, transparent top coating.

As usual, start the manicure by applying a base coat layer that will protect the nail plate.

Apply white varnish in one or two layers - depending on how dense the texture is. Your task is to create a coating without “bald spots”. Wait for the varnish to dry properly.

With black varnish, using a special manicure brush or the thinnest art brush, draw thin strips on the nails in a chaotic manner.

Put some dots on the nails with gray varnish. Do this when the black lines are already dry, so as not to smear the previous layer of varnish.

Carefully attach a clean cosmetic sponge to the surface of the nail: this action will help to create the very “marble” stains.

Fix the effect with a transparent coating.

Do-it-yourself mirror manicure

Mirror manicure is easiest to create using a special shiny powder (rubbing), which can be found in specialized stores. Also, you will have to use not ordinary, but gel polish. In addition, you will need special coatings for gel polish (base and top), UV lamp and cosmetic sponge.

Apply a special transparent base for gel polish, hold your nails under a UV lamp for two minutes, so that the coating has time to harden.

Spread the burgundy or wine gel polish in two layers, also let each layer dry under a UV lamp.

On each nail, apply a clear topcoat, and also dry under a UV lamp for two minutes.

Before the nails have cooled, quickly spread with a sponge to apply the eyeshadow rub. The hotter the nail plate at the time of application, the more saturated the resulting color.

Reapply a clear topcoat, dry under a UV lamp.

Lunar manicure: creation scheme

The second name of the lunar manicure is “reverse jacket”. There are several options for its execution. The first is the one in which a semicircular hole in the nail is indicated with a special color or pattern. In the second version, the base of the nail is emphasized by a strip that mirrors the shape of the tip of the nail. Let us dwell on each of these images.

Option number 1

Lunar manicure in delicate pastel colors is a good way out for those who are going to do the reverse jacket for the first time: errors will not be as noticeable as when using darker varnishes.

  • You will need: basic and top coatings, pale pink varnish, light green varnish, a thin brush made of artificial pile.

Apply base coat

The standard step in creating any kind of manicure that should not be missed this time.

Mark the contour of the nail with varnish

With a thin brush made of artificial pile (this can be either a special manicure or a regular art brush) with a gentle green shade drawn on it, draw the outline of the nail plate. At the base of the nail, the strip should be slightly wider. Do not worry if the line is uneven: in the next step you can fix it.

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Apply a varnish of the second shade

Paint the remaining part of the nail with a pink tint, starting to apply the varnish from the center, and then distributing it on the sides.

Secure with the top

Cover your nails with a clear top top to keep your moon manicure in perfect shape for as long as possible.

Option number 2

Often during lunar manicure, the nail hole is indicated not just in a separate color, but filled with an interesting pattern or pattern. We decided to show one of the easiest ways to create a remarkable moon manicure. To repeat it, you will need two bright colored varnishes (we used pink and blue), a base and top coat, and a clean orange stick.

In a bowl of warm water, add a few drops of varnish of the first shade and wait until a colored film forms on the surface of the water.

Put the varnish of the second shade in the center of the resulting circle. If you use more than two shades within the same image, add a drop of different varnishes one by one.

Mix all the colors with a toothpick or needle to create a beautiful multi-color pattern. But you can skip this step if you are afraid to get an unpredictable result.

When transferring the picture from the surface of the water to the nail, the varnish will probably stain the skin around the nail plate. To prevent this from happening, fasten masking tape on the skin around the fingers.

In turn, lower your fingers into the water so that the nail is covered with varnish. When you remove your finger from the water, a multi-color drawing will be transferred to the surface of the nail plate.

Wait for the varnish to dry, remove the adhesive tape, remove excess varnish if necessary with nail polish remover.

Secure the manicure with a clear topcoat.

By the way, in the technique of water manicure it is also convenient to create different types of manicure, which were discussed above: for example, marble. To better consolidate the past, watch our video tutorial on creating a water manicure.

How to make an ombre manicure?

Gradient manicure with a smooth transition of one shade into another does not lose popularity. It's time to find out how to do it right.

  • You will need: nail polish remover and cotton pad, base and topcoat, any two varnishes of different shades (darker and lighter), a clean cosmetic sponge, a thin brush made of synthetic pile or a cotton swab.
  • Long Nails Manicure

    David Bowie-style manicure, bright stripes and stars: don't be afraid to focus on your beautiful long nails!

No wonder the French believe that a woman’s hands are the most honest part of her body. Indeed - on the hands you can determine not only the degree of grooming of a woman, but also her age, the presence of diseases. As you know, beautiful nails are healthy nails. It is necessary to properly care for them, conduct regular cosmetic procedures. Manicure is the visiting card of any fashionista, and you can do it not only in expensive salons, but also at home.

Problematic nails: causes

Sometimes nails have an unattractive appearance - exfoliate, become brittle and brittle, turn yellow. There can be many reasons for this.

- Firstly, the use of chemical detergents affects the condition of nails, and secondly, seasonal vitamin deficiency.
  - Secondly, if the fingernail thickens, this may indicate irregular circulation, dullness indicates a lack of moisture, white spots indicate a lack of iron and possible anemia, metabolic disorders.
- If the nails become brown, you need to pay attention to the state of the adrenal gland, yellow color appears with an overdose of vitamin A or carotene, or some medications (e.g. tetracycline). In such cases, you must consult a doctor and eliminate the causes of damage.

But brown stripes also occur with improperly made manicure, if you press hard on the base, and delamination occurs after building. In many cases, regular care gives excellent results. It is enough to devote only 10 minutes a day - and they will return to their former appearance, become healthy and attractive. First of all, they need to be strengthened with trays and compresses.

Nail care at home - baths to strengthen nails

1. Baths with sea salt
  Ingredients: sea salt (table salt is also suitable, 1 spoon), water (1 glass).
  Dissolve the salt in warm water, lower the nails for 10 minutes. After the procedure, grease with a nourishing cream.

2. Baths with iodine and orange juice
  Ingredients: salt (2 tablespoons), orange juice (50 grams), water (50 grams).
  Stir the ingredients, lower your fingers and keep in solution for 10 minutes. Get your hands dry and lubricate with a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

3. Nourishing and firming bath for nails with olive oil
  Ingredients: olive or other vegetable oil (half a glass), apple cider vinegar (half a glass). Make a mixture and lower your fingertips for 10 minutes.

4. Oil-iodine bath
  Ingredients: olive oil (2 tablespoons), iodine (teaspoon), water (1 cup).
  Heat the mixture in a water bath, hold your fingers for 10 minutes.

Baths need to be performed within 10 days, a greater effect can be achieved if to wear gloves from the hb after the procedure.

Nail manicure at home

A huge number of tools are used in a nail salon, but at home you can limit yourself to only the most necessary. Any standard manicure set contains:
  - a file for natural nails. In addition, get a nail file - polisher, ceramic nail file and pumice;
  - pusher or trimmer;
  - scissors for cutting nails, add scissors to remove cuticles;
  - nippers.

In addition, you will need a bowl for emollient solution, napkins or a towel, cotton pads, nail polish remover. Home manicure can be done in 30-60 minutes.


1. Liquid soap or nail polish.
  2. Bath salt.
  3. Means for softening and caring for the cuticle.
  4. Hand cream.


1. Removal of varnish. Using a cotton swab, wipe off the varnish with a nail polish remover. Acetone-free liquid is recommended.
  2. Shaping. File nails, give them the desired shape, polish. The main rule is that such actions should be performed only with dry nails.
  3. Cuticle processing. Apply a special tool so that the soft skin softens, allow it to soak for 2-3 minutes. Dip your hands in a bowl of soap and salt. After 5-10 minutes, use a trimmer or a pusher to move the cuticle and remove residues. Cut the overgrown cuticle with appropriate scissors.
4. Deburring. With nail clippers for skin with sharp or rounded edges, trim the burrs. Do not pull them so that painful wounds do not form.
  5. Processing pads and corners of the fingers. With a piece of pumice or ceramic nail file, grind corns on the palms of the surface on the side of the fingers, coarsened pads.
  6. Applying a cream that softens and moisturizes the skin of the hands. Leave on for a few minutes to completely absorb the varnish.
  7. Next, varnish and a drawing are applied. To degrease, wipe the nail plates with nail polish remover.

Some useful tips before applying varnish

- Before applying varnish, it must be shaken well;
  - it is better to apply varnish on warmed nails;
  - it is not recommended to dry the varnish with a hairdryer;
  - apply a coating in two layers;
  - polishing cannot be done on flaky nails;
  - file the plates in one direction;
  - do not use metal nail files;
  - Use cotton-based household gloves.

Manicure - how to choose the right quality varnish

The final part of the manicure is the application of varnish on the nails. This is an important and responsible procedure. The quality of the varnish not only provides a beautiful, durable manicure, but also strengthens and protects the nail plate from brittleness and delamination. In low-quality varnish contains a mass of toxic substances. What should be a quality varnish?

- Liquid, but lay down in an even dense layer (a drop of varnish from the brush should fall in 5 seconds);
  - elastic, after drying, keep, do not exfoliate;
  - waterproof, have immunity against household chemicals.

Do not open the bottle with the varnish in the open air - the varnish becomes viscous and takes more time to dry.

Nail extension at home

To build nails at home is a very real task. This will save time and money. True, you have to learn.

Option number 1. False nails

The easiest way to use artistic tips is to stick them on a special glue. Pros - fast sticking, do not require a thorough manicure. Cons, unfortunately, much more. Firstly, sloppy pasted tips look very unnatural. In addition, quick gluing can serve a poor service - without a certain knack it is quite difficult to complete the procedure. Secondly, glue adversely affects the structure of the nail.

Gluing should be in no hurry, decomposing all the tips in order. Artificial nails are best glued to short nails - so they last longer. The old varnish must be removed and treated with a cuticle, trim the burrs. Hands should be dry. Such plates are removed easier if you drop a drop of liquid under them to remove the varnish, then carefully raise the stick with a manicure.

Option number 2. Acrylic nails

Acrylic today is one of the most common materials for giving the nails the correct shape. It is a mixture of powder and liquid, combined in a special way. A dental tool has recently begun to be used in manicure. Grown nails are formed in two ways - on tips or on forms.

The service life of acrylic nails is up to 4 months, after which they should be removed and left to rest. When forming a nail directly from a polymer material, a strong and beautiful manicure is obtained, but there are also negative aspects - this is an unpleasant odor, toxicity.

You will need:
  - acrylic, solvent, degreaser;
  - fluid to increase the adhesion of natural to artificial nails;
  - brush and nail files.

Building on forms - procedure

1. After performing the main manicure, apply a special preparation to the nail. Leave to dry.
  2. Set the mold and glue the ends.
  3. Pour monomer into the container, dip the brush, squeeze it well and brush in camouflage powder. Get a ball, hold it until it is saturated with liquid.
  4. Apply to the mold, roll on the surface and form to the cuticle area.
  5. Create the desired shape. Repeat until the desired result is achieved.
  6. Thus, you can make ordinary nails of any length, using white and pink powder, French manicure is performed.
  7. Remove the mold with tweezers, saw off the excess edge, polish and grind.
  8. Apply drawings.
  The border between an artificial nail and a natural one can change as it grows. Correction is carried out after about 3 weeks. Carefully apply the product so as not to damage the cuticle. Spread acrylic on the surface of the nail, simulating an exact copy of a real plate.

Option number 3. Gel nails

This method is even more popular than the previous one, mainly due to natural or semi-synthetic components - for example, resin of coniferous trees. The manicure is very natural, it can not be distinguished from natural. The latest improvement concerns silk fabric, which is laid under the tips.

Fashionable decoration with beads, rhinestones, colored foil in this version of the extension holds much better. One of the main disadvantages is the high cost of consumables. You can not use the extension for a long time due to possible dystrophy and thinning of the nail plates. Modern manicure sets are used to perform manicure; an ultraviolet lamp is required.

You will need:
  - liquid disinfector "
  - files, tips, brushes;
  - primer, bonder, gel;
  - acrylic paints, brushes for painting.

Gel buildup on forms - the procedure

1. Remove the length of the nails during the main manicure, leave only the edge of the nail 2-3 mm. Sand the surface.
  2. To put on a form for building.
  3. Apply a layer of gel, extend it to the required length.
  4. Place under the lamp for drying for 1 minute.
  5. To apply the second layer leaving a gap to a cuticle of 1-2 mm. Place under the lamp again.
  6. Remove the stencil, give the desired shape. Spread the gel on both sides with a brush to form a beautiful tubercle in the center of the nail.
  7. Dry again. Give the desired shape with a nail file.
  8. Apply the last thin layer of gel, dry under the lamp. After the procedure, do not wet your hands for half an hour.
  As with acrylic extensions, after 3-4 weeks, a correction of the nails will be required.

Nail art at home

Even a girl who does not have artistic skills can draw on nails.
  To do this, use special varnishes with thin brushes or acrylic paints and thin natural brushes. The easiest way is to mix different colors of ordinary varnishes.

Pick up some more tips:

- for drawings, stock up with different colors of varnishes - always black and white, red, beige, green, gold and silver, the rest is at your discretion;

- Before you give free rein to fantasy, practice on tips;

- the main way - mixing with a needle or a toothpick and stretching.

Drawings can be made not only in colors on diagrams, but also experimented. Practice with colors, and very soon you will be able to create your own drawings.

Drawings for nails - photo