Sexual life during pregnancy. Sex during pregnancy: is it possible and necessary

Is it possible and necessary to have sex during pregnancy?

There are two opposite stereotypes about this: one says that sex during pregnancy is unnecessary, dangerous, harmful and generally contrary to nature, and the other, more modern, that pregnancy is never a reason to refuse sex, and pregnancy in general not a disease, therefore precautions are not needed. And the truth, as usual, is somewhere in between. Let's look for her.

Do pregnant women need sex?
It's not the same for everybody. And here too extremes are observed. The game of hormones is unpredictable - in some women the desire disappears from the first weeks of pregnancy, while others do not know what to do with the raging libido. It also happens that completely disappearing in the first trimester of pregnancy, sexual desire returns in the second.

From the point of view of nature, sex with a pregnant female is unnatural and inexpedient - after all, she can no longer be fertilized, so why waste time and seed on a useless thing? So for those who have sex exclusively for reproductive purposes, during pregnancy they really do not need it.

So, with a woman's arousal, blood circulation in the pelvic area increases - and as a result, blood flow in the placenta increases, due to which the child receives more oxygen and nutrients. And from the release of endorphin - the “hormone of joy” - gives pleasure not only to mom, but also to the child.
Contraction of the uterus during orgasm is considered a good preparation of muscles for the upcoming contractions.

Many doctors also recommend having sex in the last weeks of pregnancy, since the hormones contained in semen increase the elasticity of the cervix, thereby contributing to its better opening during childbirth and to reduce the risk of ruptures.

Is sex dangerous for pregnant women?
So it turns out that pregnant women from sex are one sheer joy and benefit? Not really and not always.

Sex is dangerous and is usually prohibited by doctors in the following cases:

  • active threat of abortion;
  • history of miscarriage or premature birth. The most dangerous are the days of the alleged menstruation, that is, every fourth week of the term, as well as the dates of previous miscarriages;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid - a high risk of infection in the uterus;
  • placenta previa or low attachment - sexual intercourse can cause bleeding;
  • multiple pregnancy - doctors recommend that from the 20th week to abandon sex due to the increased threat of premature birth;
  • bleeding or spotting from the vagina - what kind of sex is it, running to the doctor;
  • the presence of signs of genital tract infection in one of the partners;
  • if the pregnancy is classified as “high risk" for other reasons - for example, pregnancy after IVF.
Precautions during sex
In the middle and in the later stages, postures for sex should be the most sparing, convenient and comfortable for a woman, limiting the possibility of deep penetration. Sex in the “woman on the back” position is contraindicated. At any stage of pregnancy, the pose is lying on its side when the man is behind, convenient for the expectant mother.

If bloody discharge or abdominal pain appears during intercourse, stop it immediately and consult a doctor! Pain should also not be.

Many doctors recommend having sex with a condom during pregnancy to avoid possible infections. In any case, the man must carefully monitor the slightest signs of infection of the genitourinary tract and, in which case, immediately consult a doctor for treatment.

Pros of pregnant sex
The disadvantages and difficulties of pregnant sex are clear. But there are pluses!

At first, from the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman’s blood supply to the uterus and vagina increases, the clitoris becomes more sensitive. And since the violation of blood flow to the genitals is one of the causes of anorgasmia, some women may experience an orgasm during pregnancy for the first time. In others, sensations intensify - in the presence of excitement and the absence of fears, of course.

Secondly, the couple can completely relax and not think about contraceptives and their reliability: they are clearly not in danger of an additional pregnancy. Those who tried for a long time to have a baby and they finally succeeded can relax: you no longer have to have sex strictly on the days of the most probable conception and take promotional poses, you can only think about pleasure.

In general, everything is possible, if carefully, if you want and there are no contraindications!

Everyone knows that without sexual intimacy, a child cannot be conceived. However, with the onset of the long-awaited event, most parents have a question: is it possible to have sex during pregnancy?

Sex Do not be afraid of posture
Oral sex be together long-awaited sex
  Intimacy after childbirth problems consultation

Someone claims that for the given period it is better to refuse sexual intimacy: what kind of sex can be if a little man lives inside? Others, on the contrary, experience significant discomfort without love joys.

Allowed if gestation is smooth, without complications

Contraindications to intimacy

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, there is no threat of miscarriage, then sex during the bearing of a child can be practiced almost until birth. If in the past, not everything was smooth, or miscarriages and premature births occurred, then sex during pregnancy is undesirable.

In the first three months, engaging in “mating games” should be done with caution or else abandon it. Also find out and.

It is better to abstain from sexual intercourse:

  • in the case of bearing several embryos, despite the general well-being of the woman, it is better to stop having sex from the 20th week: this is due to the fact that with multiple pregnancy there is a high risk of premature birth, and arousal can stimulate labor;
  • if there is a high tone of the uterus: then, regardless of the trimester of the "interesting position", sexual intimacy can cause uterine contractions, as well as premature birth;
  • if the ultrasound scan showed placenta previa, then blood may appear after pregnancy during pregnancy: doctors advise against using postures that provide deep penetration (expectant mother from above, future father from behind);
  • if sex has led to bleeding or spotting, then it is better to refuse sexual intimacy before visiting a gynecologist;
  • if a pregnant woman has previously had miscarriages, premature births or there is a threat of interruption, it is better to refuse closeness in the most dangerous periods: in this case, the days of the alleged menstruation are considered dangerous, in other words, every fourth week of the term, as well as the dates of the previous interruption;
  • in the presence of sexually transmitted diseases, as well as in situations where conception occurred during the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • a month before the expected date of birth, all doctors advise to avoid sexual contact: this is due to the fact that during excitement, a woman produces oxytocin, a hormone that helps to reduce the uterus, the same effect is exerted by prostaglandin, a male hormone contained in semen, which is why intimacy it can provoke contractions before childbirth (if the future mother, on the contrary, reposts her term, then doctors recommend stimulating labor through sexual affection).

Why is there no desire?

All women have different attitudes to changes in their body: for someone, pregnancy proceeds without complications, someone experiences constant discomfort. This determines the attitude to intimacy: some are ready to do it daily, while others do not know whether it is possible to have sex during pregnancy, so they avoid it in every way. Both positions are absolutely normal.

Do not be afraid of intimacy, an orgasm does not cause real fights!

Immediately, we note that during intimacy a man cannot harm a baby, because the embryo is reliably protected by amniotic fluid, placenta and uterus. That is why you can have sex during pregnancy.

Another thing is if the expectant mother feels discomfort, which is caused by changes in her body:

  • the baby’s head strongly presses on the small pelvis, the ligaments are pulled, which causes pain during sex;
  • the breast also gains high sensitivity, so even gentle gentle caressing movements can be unpleasant;
  • the usual postures for sex during pregnancy can also be uncomfortable, because now there is a large tummy.

Thus, a woman begins to listen more to her desires, and not to the desires of her husband. Therefore, if during pregnancy you do not want intimacy, there should not be questions here.

However, it is worth noting that sexual desire in an “interesting position” can be unpredictable: if today it is completely absent, then tomorrow it can jump sharply. According to popular beliefs, if a girl is waiting for a boy, she has high sexuality, if a girl is very low or completely absent.

Only permitted items must be used.

Also, many women shy away from intimacy due to the fact that they do not know whether it is possible to make love during pregnancy, because there is an opinion that an orgasm can cause real fights. However, it has recently been established that if the fetus, uterus and cervix are not ready for labor, then contractions during orgasm will not affect the woman's condition.

Allowed and forbidden poses

No less popular is the question among all young parents awaiting an addition, how can you have sex during pregnancy? Consider the most popular postures for sex and identify what they are dangerous during pregnancy.

  1. If the expectant mother lies on her back, the syndrome of compression of the vena cava may occur, as the growing uterus exerts pressure on her. As a result, a woman and a baby develop oxygen starvation.
  2. The knee-elbow pose for sex, presented on the video, is also not entirely comfortable, as it gives a large load on the lumbar region.
  3. You can not have sex during pregnancy in the "woman on top" position, as this requires a lot of physical effort from the woman. Poses for sexual contact should be gentle, eliminating pressure on the stomach.
  4. The best option is the position on the side - face or back to the man, as well as sitting, at different levels - the expectant mother lies across the bed, at the very edge, and the partner kneels in front of her.
Oral and anal sex

Oral eliminates any injuries and deviations during gestation

It is very important to know the technique of sexual intimacy, which replaces sexual intercourse. This is most necessary in the first months of an "interesting situation" when you need to satisfy your spouse without bringing your expectant mother to orgasm. This is because it is better not to overload the uterus with excessive amounts of blood and not make it contract at the peak of sexual intimacy.

An ideal option would be oral sex during pregnancy. No woman will be against such a manifestation of passion. If the couple succeeded in this field before the onset of an “interesting situation”, then there will be no discontent and misunderstanding, and oral sex during pregnancy will continue to be practiced.

But do not forget about the emotional state of a woman in front of oral caresses during pregnancy. A man should support his spouse, give her a joyful feeling of a “wonderful period”, and only on a positive note, if both parties want to engage in this kind of intimacy.

Many couples use anal sex during pregnancy to add variety to their intimate life. This is the only possible option for sharing pleasure. However, not all prospective parents are wondering if it is possible to have anal sex during pregnancy.

  1. Some resort to this kind of sexual pleasures only during the period of bearing a child, because it strongly resembles standard sexual intimacy.
  2. Moreover, the woman's tissue elasticity increases, so the introduction of the penis becomes almost painless.
  3. The expectant mother has a high sensitivity of hemorrhoidal nodes, which allows you to experience more pleasant sensations during anal sex during pregnancy.

However, this type of love joy is considered the most dangerous:

If you had bleeding or spotting in the first months of pregnancy, then your doctor will probably advise you to refrain from sex until at least 14 weeks of pregnancy. If you didn’t have any discharge, and everything goes fine, then you can not infringe on yourself in love making.

You can have sex during pregnancy right up to the birth itself, and there will be no harm to the baby. After you feel the orgasm, you can feel the baby moving in your stomach, but this is not due to the fact that he is uncomfortable or ill, he just hears how his mother's heart began to beat faster.

Many pregnant women in the early stages do not feel the best, there is nausea, fatigue, stress and anxiety. In this case, sexual desire does not arise so often. In the later stages, a woman begins to feel much better, and therefore, sexual attraction to her return.

Men also sometimes do not want to have sex with a pregnant woman. In many ways, this is due to the fact that representatives of the strong half of humanity are afraid to harm their beloved and baby. In some cases, this may be due to the fact that men are not attracted by the changed appearance of the pregnant woman.

The longer the gestation period, the more uncomfortable the posture will be, in which the man is on top. In this case, you will have to experiment, you need to choose a pose in which both you and your partner will have fun.

In the third trimester, caresses should be more tender, otherwise you may feel discomfort. In the later stages, one must take into account the fact that when having sex with a woman, the hormone oxytocin, which prepares the cervix for childbirth, can enter the bloodstream. Directly in recent weeks, this hormone can trigger contractions. Premature birth is also facilitated by ejaculation. The fact is, sperm contains prostaglandins, which cause uterine contractions. If your pregnancy is proceeding normally, then this is not fraught with any risks.

If you have previously had a miscarriage or premature birth, then your doctor may advise you to refuse to have sex in the last trimester of pregnancy.

In some cases, a woman may completely abandon sex. In principle, this is normal. The main thing is to discuss the current situation with a partner so that there are no grievances and misunderstandings between you.

Can I have sex and won't it hurt my baby

   Surely, every pregnant woman asks a serious question: “Can I have sex and will it harm my baby. There are two points of view regarding this important issue. Some people think that it’s better not to have sex, others say that it’s even necessary.

Statistics show that in European countries, pregnant women need to have sex at least once a week. Russian experts recommend that a woman analyze what period she is on.

And then came the long-awaited moment - the pregnancy test shows a positive result. It seems that everything is simple next - nine months will pass and the most important meeting in the life of a woman will take place. Meeting with her baby. But before that, there is still a small separate life to live, where you need to observe the regime and think first of all about the interests of the future baby. But one must be careful not only in routine matters, but also in intimate matters.

Can pregnant women have sex in the early stages

   After all, it seems that prevents a woman in the first trimester of pregnancy from living a normal, full life and fully tasting the joys of sex? Nothing, but only if the expectant mother feels normal and comfortable.

To have or not to have sex in the early stages of pregnancy is a purely non-standard question that cannot be answered unequivocally. There are no external signs, that is, a huge abdomen. But there are changes in the soul and worldview of a pregnant woman. It is not their own desires that come to the fore, but the interests of a small lump that grows inside day after day.

Doctors advise to refrain from rough sex and choose a more relaxed leisure. The first three months of pregnancy are a dangerous period and miscarriages most often occur in short periods. From a medical point of view, having sex in the first twelve to fourteen weeks of pregnancy is contraindicated for expectant mothers who have health problems, such as placenta previa, cervical insufficiency, the risk of miscarriage, sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, if a woman does not feel well, suffering from toxicosis, dizziness, pain in the lower back or chest, then she is unlikely to think about sex. In this case, the man should not be offended and demand the fulfillment of his conjugal duty, but support his beloved.

If everything is in order, health does not bother, there is no threat to the baby, the mood is at the highest level and you want to have sex - then there are no taboos, you just need to choose comfortable poses for two partners. It should be noted that it is not advisable for a pregnant woman to lie on her back. So goodbye missionary position, and hello diversity. Although here you must be as careful as possible so that the stomach is not pinched. After all, having sex in the early months of pregnancy has its advantages. This has a good effect on the elasticity of the muscles of the uterus and vagina, women experience a stronger orgasm, no need to think about how to protect themselves and relax as much as possible. And sperm feed the embryo, so to speak more simply, with the necessary useful substances, which helps its development.

When should you not have sex during pregnancy?

   Whatever it was, it is important to consult your doctor, do an ultrasound on time and listen to your own desires. Indeed, if mom is happy, then the baby will be happy. No wonder they say that only the woman who is loved can get true pleasure from sex, but all because it starts and ends in the female head. Therefore, it is very important to have and feel complete psychological comfort during carnal pleasures. And not only in the early stages of pregnancy.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman does not experience a strong sexual desire for her man. This is due to the restructuring of the body and its getting used to new conditions. An important role is played by toxicosis, as well as the psychological characteristics of a pregnant woman. The thing is that a woman, fearing to harm her child, simply refuses love joys. But human physiology, on the contrary, recommends regular sex in the early stages of pregnancy, since it is during this period that the woman’s intimate place becomes the most sensitive. The period between 14 and 28 weeks is different for the pregnant woman getting used to the changes occurring in her body. It is because of this hormonal explosion that a pregnant woman has a great need for sexual relations.

But still there is a period when you need to be careful and pay attention to your feelings. In the later stages, pain during intercourse may appear, this indicates an improperly selected posture. In this case, it is better to stop everything and transfer it to a more suitable moment for your body.

If the pain occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, of course, in this case, you must be wary and identify the cause of this pain. In addition to all this, from 38 weeks the pregnant woman is already beginning to prepare for childbirth. After all, each incorrect movement can provoke them and cause contractions.

Especially cautious should be women who have a cesarean section. The ban on sexual relations can only be set by your doctor after numerous examinations and a thorough examination.

Marital Relationships During Pregnancy

   Many future fathers claim that they are ready to completely abandon having sex during the pregnancy of their spouse, so that God forbid? Do not harm the fetus.

A rather well-known journalist about relations between spouses, the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, decided to publish the results of a sociological survey that could reveal the real male attitude on the frequency of intimate contacts with his wife during pregnancy. It turns out that the answers of men are contrary to all known stereotypes about the constant dependence on sex and their gluttony.

Approximately 81% of respondents are not only willing to generally reduce the frequency of sexual relations with a pregnant wife, and often they themselves are the initiators of this abstinence. Future dads refuse sex during pregnancy, as they are really afraid of harming the health of the future baby, or provoking an early birth. Also, men argue that such abstinence does not in any way affect the strength of marital relations.

This study involved 105 men aged 20 to 46 years and their second half at the time of this survey was in the ninth month of pregnancy.

Experts, commenting on these results, explain that when a pregnancy passes without any complications, this is not a reason to completely abandon the proximity of the spouses, but it is advisable to choose the posture so that the spouse does not have a strong certain pressure.

In order to resolve the issue with her husband about the lack of intimacy, a woman just needs to talk to him and explain everything. But if the husband still did not stop doubting, then you can take him to your specialist, where she is constantly observed during pregnancy.

Pathologies during pregnancy when sex is contraindicated

   Here are a number of pathologies when sex is strictly prohibited during pregnancy:
  • the presence of an infectious disease;
  • the threat of miscarriage;
  • venereal disease in a man;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • placental abruption ..

If earlier there was one categorical opinion about having sex during pregnancy - it is impossible, today the right to choose is granted directly to future parents, in the absence of contraindications and observing elementary rules of caution. If you are interested in whether it is possible for pregnant women to have sex, then first of all on this topic should consult a doctor who is pregnant. He owns objective information about the state of your health and well-being of the fetus, obtained on the basis of the examination and analyzes, will be able to give a specific answer.

The main reasons for the prohibition of intimacy

Typically, contraindications to sexual activity during gestation are:

  • risk of miscarriage,
  • increased uterine tone, which threatens to terminate the pregnancy,
  • periodic bleeding, regardless of their intensity and frequency of occurrence,
  • history of problem pregnancy
  • risk of placental abruption,
  • multiple pregnancy.

In other cases, you can have sex, but you should adhere to simple recommendations that will help avoid negative consequences:

  • the right choice of posture - while the stomach has not yet reached large sizes, you can take the classic pose when the man is on top. At a later date, it is recommended to have sex in a spoon position - lying on your side. A woman should not be placed on top, because in this case the penis penetrates too deeply, which can lead to negative consequences. The same applies to posture when the man is behind. You can try a standing pose,
  • full confidence in the absence of sexually transmitted infections - this rule applies if we talk about sex without a condom, which couples increasingly prefer. The fact is that most of the infections that are in the body of the expectant mother are transmitted to the baby. To avoid such problems, it is better to discuss with your husband the question of checking him with a urologist and taking the necessary tests,
  • acceptable intensity - too active sex is contraindicated during pregnancy, even with its normal course. This must be remembered to avoid the resulting problems.

If we talk about the benefits of sexual life during the bearing of a child, then for a woman it is quite noticeable, manifested in such effects:

  • blood circulation stimulation, which favorably affects the provision of the fetus with nutrients,
  • improving the emotional state, relieving stress, in which women are in an “interesting position” often enough, worrying about the upcoming birth and other problems,
  • activation of the processes of elimination of the products of vital activity of the fetus
  • support of physical condition, which will be useful in the approaching birth.

In the last stages of pregnancy, many women even strongly recommend that unprotected sex with her husband, especially when there is a risk of bearing the fetus. This applies to a period of 38 weeks. The thing is that semen contains prostaglandins, which stimulate uterine contractility. This option to solve the problem is much better than medication.

If you are interested in whether pregnant women can have anal sex, then you should refrain from it. The thing is that in this case, the risk of developing hemorrhoids, anal bleeding, as well as transmission of an infection that is dangerous for the unborn child, can lead to various pathologies and diseases. Accordingly, it is better to look for an alternative method, for example, to have oral sex, which in this case is much safer.

When and how often you can have sex if a woman is pregnant

  Many future mothers are interested in the question - when can you have a sex life without a threat to pregnancy and the fetus. In fact, there are no particularly categorical restrictions. In the first month after fertilization, most women, unaware of their pregnancy, continue to have sex. Although, it is believed that in the first 7 weeks after conception, you should still abstain from an intimate life, because at this time the fetal egg is fixed, and sexual intercourse can disrupt this process. In this case, in most cases, when a woman does not know about her situation, she continues to lead a habitual lifestyle, nothing terrible that could threaten pregnancy or the baby does not happen.

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The same trend continues for the remaining period of bearing a child. The only condition is compliance with the above recommendations and the absence of contraindications. It is recommended to limit sexual contact after 36 weeks, when the uterus begins active preparation for delivery. Again, this issue is discussed individually with the doctor, because in some situations additional stimulation of the uterine contractility is required.

To understand whether it is possible to have sex during the gestation period, a doctor who observes pregnancy will help. As soon as a woman is registered, she undergoes a full range of studies, which include laboratory tests and instrumental diagnostics. Based on the data received, the doctor will make a conclusion about the state of health of the future mother, the course of pregnancy. Then he will be able to say whether it is worth having sex, and how often it can be done.

If a pregnant woman has no health problems, then she will not even care about the question - how long can you have sex with your spouse. The only thing to consider is that in the third trimester, taking into account physiological changes, it will become more difficult to have sex, so you will have to reduce the number of sexual acts and reduce their intensity.

It should also be understood that sperm contains prostaglandin, which stimulates uterine contractility. This must be taken into account, understanding how many times you can have sex in the last stages of pregnancy.

Waiting for the first-born is a happy and exciting time for a young family. During this period, future parents worry about the comfort of their heir and in every way protect him, try not to harm. That is why, when it comes to solving intimate issues, spouses begin to torment doubts about the safety of having sex for the baby’s health. A logical question immediately arises: is it possible for pregnant women to have sex with her husband and for how long? Medical specialists do not prohibit sexual acts, but only if the future mother does not have contraindications for this.

During pregnancy, relations between spouses go to a new level: sexual attraction can reach unprecedented heights. This is explained by hormonal changes in the female body. Desire cannot be restrained, and if the doctor does not ban intimate life, then couples who are expecting a baby can not only do it, but it is also useful.

Exclude risks: sex during pregnancy without consequences

When a woman finds out about replenishment, traditionally at the reception of a gynecologist she is informed about intimate quarantine during the first two months of pregnancy. Then, in the absence of any problems, the restrictions are removed. But in the case of pathologies, the couple must refrain from having sex.

Contraindications to active sexual activity are

  • the threat of abortion
  • former miscarriages
  • periodic bleeding from the vagina
  • double or triple pregnancy
  • lowered placenta
  • leaking amniotic fluid
  • infectious diseases of one of the spouses

If none of this exists, you can safely have sex at any time, right down to the time of birth.

The use of sex at different times

In the first trimester, making love with her husband allows the expectant mother to produce a large number of pleasure hormones that are transmitted to the child. Intimate relationships are especially useful for women with toxicosis. A good time with your spouse can perfectly replace the medicine.

In the middle of pregnancy, sex helps train the muscles of the uterus, preparing them for childbirth.

When childbirth is close, moderate intimacy can become their stimulant. Sperm contains the hormone prostaglandin, which helps soften muscles and open the cervix.

Fears of some women who refuse sex in connection with the fear of injuring the fetus are in vain. They need to know that making love is not capable of harming the baby - nature has taken care to reliably protect the baby with the help of the abdominal wall, muscles, fetal bladder and amniotic fluid.