Makeup for dark girls. Makeup for green-brown eyes. Lipstick for dark-haired young ladies

Happy owners of luxurious dark hair have many advantages in the use of makeup. With the help of them, they can make up various spectacular images, while even bright and unusual makeup techniques look very natural. But there are still some features in the selection of cosmetics.

Suitable palette for brunettes

Dark-haired beauties can conditionally be attributed to one of two color types. The warm type includes girls with dark skin, and fair-skinned ladies - cold. This should be taken into account when choosing a palette, because calm tones are more suitable for light skin, saturated tones will make the image unnatural.

While beauties with dark skin can be experimented freely, bright colors will give them spectacularity and charm. At the same time, brunettes should avoid shades of yellow and peach in their makeup, their use gives a tired and painful look.

Makeup for brunettes depending on natural data

When choosing a makeup option for a brunette, it is worth considering the natural data, namely the color of the skin and eyes.

Skin color makeup

Dark hair combined with fair skin is a very interesting contrast, which is given by nature. And it should be correctly emphasized. At the same time, the curls can be dark chestnut or deep blue, the degree of contrast and the choice of shades in cosmetics depend on this.

For fair-skinned beauties, the following makeup option is suitable:

Makeup of dark-skinned brunettes is somewhat different, here you need to use soft warm colors:

  1. Facial skin is cleansed, foundation is applied to the surface.  The shade should be chosen specifically for dark skin.
  2. Beige shades are applied to the upper eyelids., the outer corner of the eyelid and crease can be distinguished by dark shadows.
  3. You can use eyeliner to highlight the eye line.  Black ink is applied in two layers.
  4. Lip makeup is as follows:  emphasize the line of the lips with a pencil, a brown lipstick with a light pink tint is applied with a brush.

Makeup according to eye color

Eye color directly affects the choice of makeup. For gray and blue eyes, light shadows with brilliance are suitable, they look organically. Eyes will look expressive if you add black mascara and eyeliner to such shadows.

For blue and blue eyes  bronze brown, violet or blue shades are suitable. You can use the means of pearl, silver, beige, light pink tones. Lipstick for such a make-up is better to choose soft pink.

  For blue and blue eyes bronze brown, violet or blue shades are suitable

Brown-eyed Brunettes  they may prefer shades of chocolate, gold or amber-green colors, it is better to choose opaque shades for the day make-up, and the evening one allows the use of glitter and mother of pearl.

The silver-gray and violet colors, as well as black and dark brown eyeliner, are effectively combined with brown eyes. Lipstick should be a restrained shade, red or pink.

Green eye color  hold shades of dark purple and malachite, as well as chocolate. Powder is better to choose strawberry or peach shades. The color of lipstick is coral, matte pink, for a special occasion - ruby.

Gray-eyed girls  with dark hair can use shades of olive, tobacco, sea wave. You can use shades of any brown shade, dark gray, chocolate.

General rules for brunettes in the selection and application of makeup

Depending on the time of application, distinguish between day and evening make-up. Everyday makeup requires minimal use of makeup. This is especially true for brunettes, whose appearance is already so bright. Makeup should not look defiant, in the afternoon, proximity to natural beauty and naturalness are welcome.

When choosing an evening option, you can use bright saturated colors, which allow you to emphasize the natural data, grace and beauty of a woman. Makeup is selected depending on where the girl is going to go - to work or rest, celebration or for a walk.

Eye makeup

Carrying out make-up of brunettes eyes, the funds are selected depending on the color of the eyes, skin and hair. Black is better for brunettes with rich black hair and dark eyes (black, brown). If the locks are chestnut, it is better not to use cosmetics for eyes with saturated colors. Light-eyed brunettes are suitable shades of brown, gray or blue.

When applying shadows, you should follow the rule when the tone turns into a lighter to the eyebrows. This will increase the distance between the upper eyelid and the eyebrow line, as if raising it. To obtain a spectacular and beautiful image, special attention should be paid to eyebrows, they should be smooth, have a clear contour. You can use black eyeliner.

In order to emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes, you can create arrows by pointing them up.  Shadows are used as follows: a lighter tone from the selected ones is applied from the inner corner of the eye, the outer corner of the eye from the middle of the eyelid is drawn in a darker color, the transition should be smooth, the shadows should be shaded.

Brunettes can use lipsticks and shine of bright saturated colors, the contour of the lips is outlined with a pencil, while its color should be darker by a tone than lipstick. The secret to giving lips volume is to put a little gloss on the center of the lips. In order to make lips larger, you can use a pencil and draw a contour, slightly going beyond the natural line of the lips.

Brunettes have a unique opportunity to boldly experiment with the colors and textures of lip cosmetics.  They are the only ones who can use bright red colors, the main thing is that the shade is not cold. But when making up lips, do not forget the main rule of make-up, which states: if you make expressive eyes, lips can not be made too bright. Conversely, lips should be highlighted if eye makeup is minimal.

Face makeup

Before applying the foundation to the skin of the face, it must be cleaned and apply a moisturizer. The foundation is selected in color depending on the skin tone, a correctly selected tonic is able to naturally hide skin imperfections. It is recommended to use two tonal creams - for the natural color of the skin and a tone darker.

Powder should only be used to remove oily sheen. For dry skin, it is better to choose a powder with a soft texture, for oily - friable. The color of the powder for light-eyed brunettes is natural, with peach green eyes it goes well with peach, with brownish tones.

Blush allows you to set the right accents, adjust the shape of the face and emphasize the best places. They are applied in places where convex circles appear at the time of a smile in a minimal amount and are shaded along the cheekbones. Color taken to match the tone of lipstick. Brunettes can choose any shades of pink interspersed with brown.

What to avoid

When choosing a make-up option, you should be careful in the following cases:

  • If the eyes are often red, do not use shades with purple and pink shades, it is better to give preference to brown or ash-gray tones;
  • Eyebrows play an important role in creating a spectacular image, holistic and complete.  Beautiful eyebrows are the key to successful makeup. Do not forget to paint and comb;
  • The pink color of the lipstick makes it faded, it is especially worth avoiding the use of pale pink tones with mother of pearl, as well as the colors of apricot and peach. These shades give the face pallor and lifelessness, add age;
  • Be careful to use orange blush., they reveal even small skin imperfections. They do not look on fair skin.

To create the perfect makeup that will look natural and natural, you should know certain tricks:

  1. The basis for cosmetics should be chosen according to the natural skin tone.  Too much difference is striking, in everyday makeup all the flaws will be visible.
  2. Daytime makeup involves the allocation of either lips or eyes.  It is impossible to emphasize both of them; the result will be too vulgar.
  3. Be careful with the arrows.  Too bright, black, thick arrows age a woman.
  4. The ideal color for all brunettes, regardless of eye color, skin, is plum.  It can be safely used to create a daily make-up.
  5. Powder must match skin tone, only in areas of the nose and forehead can a lighter shade be used.
  6. To create high-quality makeup, you should use the entire arsenal of brushes and applicators.  One brush and fingers is simply impossible to do.
  7. You can not leave clear lines and sharp transitions of colors, the lines should be carefully shaded.  In this case, the first color should be applied, and only then - additional.

And most importantly, do not be afraid of experiments, there are exceptions to any rule. Each woman is unique and beautiful in her own way. Only by being creative can you choose your perfect makeup!


To class

Know if you are a brunette, then you are incredibly lucky. Dark-haired girls, by nature having a very bright and expressive appearance, can freely express their imagination when creating makeup. Brunette girls belong to the “winter” color type, and this is perhaps the only type of appearance that suits such a huge number of different colors and shades. But, despite this, dark-haired girls need to know a few nuances of makeup that will help them become even more effective and attractive. Today I will tell you how to make beautiful makeup for brunettes.

When creating a competent make-up, it is necessary to take into account all the features of your appearance, and first of all, pay attention to the combination of hair color and eye shade.

Brown Eyes Makeup

Usually brunettes with brown eyes have a dark skin, therefore, the foundation, as well as the powder should be quite dark. The choice of tonal foundation is better to make in favor of a bronze or peach shade. Powder with a touch of tan will give the dark brunette a special freshness and playfulness. Blush with such an appearance should not be pink, it is better to give preference to beige-brown or copper-coral tones.

When creating makeup, it is very important to choose the right shade of eyeshadow and lipstick. One wrong choice and your face can change for the worse. Shades of brown are ideal for shades of brown eyes with the following colors: all shades of brown (from light brown to dark chocolate), blue, silver, pale green, white, charcoal black, all shades of gray, golden, blue, aquamarine, lilac, purple, pale pink. Shades of lipsticks that are suitable for this type of appearance also have a fairly rich assortment. Among them are saturated pink, saturated red, light pink, caramel, scarlet, ruby, cherry, coral, beige, peach, plum tones.

Among Hollywood celebrities, there are a lot of brown-eyed brunettes. What makeup do they prefer?

Selena Gomez. Despite her young age, Selena has already achieved a lot. She, of course, can be included in the list of not only the most successful, but also the most stylish stars. The makeup of the singer always has an impeccable look, which is impossible to complain about.

Dayselena Gomez makeup. In the afternoon, Selena prefers to use natural shades of shadows, focusing on long, thick eyelashes. A little secret: the singer emphasizes the lower eyelid with a white eyeliner, this technique helps make her eyes larger and more expressive. Such a simple eye makeup complements the lipstick of a beautiful caramel shade. To make the lips look puffier and more seductive, Selena applies a transparent shine on top of the lipstick.

Evening make-up of Selena Gomez. In the evening, Selena's eye makeup is more intense. To make such a make-up, it is necessary to apply silver shadows to the upper eyelid, underline the lower eyelid with a black eyeliner, and draw a very thin line with black eyeliner along the eyelash growth line on the upper eyelid, now it only remains to apply the mascara lengthening. Pale berry lip gloss helps to complete the makeup.

Leighton Mister. Few people know, but for the sake of filming in the series "Gossip Girl" Leighton had to repaint herself from a natural blonde to a brunette. In my opinion, she only benefited from this.

Daytime makeup Leighton Mister. This makeup option is my daily salvation. The makeup, which is done in five minutes, was apparently appreciated by this famous actress. Eternally relevant arrows, a light layer of mascara and lip balm - all that is needed for your attractiveness.

Evening Makeup Leighton Mister. Blue smoky shadows and light pink lipstick are perfect for a brunette with brown eyes.

Nina Dobrev. In my opinion, the star of the series “The Vampire Diaries” has incredible attractive beauty. She is good with absolutely any makeup option.

Day makeup by Nina Dobrev. For the choice of pale green shadows, I can give Nina only a rating of five with a plus.

Evening makeup by Nina Dobrev. In this version, Nina chose smoky eyes in charcoal black. If you have chosen the same makeup, then you should know that the lips should remain as natural as possible.

  Photo of beautiful makeup for brunettes with brown eyes

Makeup for brunettes with green eyes

If you have fair skin, then choosing blush, give preference to light pink, and if you are a dark-skinned person, then peach tones. Brunettes with green eyes are best suited for purple, lilac, brown, silver, gold and sand shades. From blue and green shades you better completely refuse, they will not emphasize your appearance. Ideal for lips are all shades of red lipstick, as well as light pink, beige, coral and caramel lipstick.

Let's see what tricks the famous brunettes with green eyes use in makeup.

Mila Kunis. It should be noted that Mila has heterochromia, i.e. one eye has a green tint, and the other is brown. But with proper makeup, such a defect goes unnoticed.

Daytime makeup by Mila Kunis. Brown shades are the best option for brunettes with any eye color.

Evening make-up by Mila Kunis. Mila knows very well that green eyes emphasize purple shades best of all, for this reason she chose smoky eyes in these tones.

Rihanna. This young singer loves various makeup experiments. Every day she looks different.

Rihanna's daytime makeup. In the daytime, the singer emphasizes her brown-green eyes with pastel shades.

Rihanna's evening makeup. A win-win option for a brunette is an emphasis on the lips with red lipstick.

Evangeline lilly. This actress has perky freckles, which are usually unusual for dark-haired girls. In my opinion, they do not spoil her at all, but, on the contrary, give her a pretty look.

Evangeline Lilly Day Makeup. Evangellin's day is limited to nude makeup.

Evening Makeup Evangeline Lilly. Since this actress prefers applying a minimal amount of makeup, even in the evening in her makeup you can meet only light and gentle tones.

Photo of beautiful makeup for brunettes with green eyes

Makeup for brunettes with blue eyes

An incredibly beautiful, angelic combination of dark hair and blue eyes requires a special approach to the choice of makeup. For brunettes with blue eyes, brown, gray, pale pink, golden, purple, pale green and pale blue shades are ideal. When doing lip make-up, blue-eyed brunettes can afford quite a lot. For the daytime option, peach and light pink lipstick are suitable, and in the evening you can apply a red, plum or saturated pink shade.

Let's see what make-up tricks Hollywood blue-eyed brunettes use.

Megan Fox. Megan is one of the most striking and memorable examples of brunettes with blue eyes. This girl has been leading the list of the most beautiful and sexy actresses for several years in a row.

Megan Fox Daytime Makeup. Golden shadows look win-win on the blue eyes of brunettes.

Evening makeup Megan Fox. In this version, the actress emphasizes the lips with dark plum lipstick. It’s a rather risky choice, but it looks flawless on her face.

Jessica zor. Beautiful brunette with dark skin knows a lot about good makeup.

Jessica Zor Day Makeup. The blue shade of the shadows requires special care when applied to blue eyes. In most cases, blue shadows do not suit blue-eyed girls, but a shade like Jessica's looks quite harmonious on her face.

Jessica Zor's evening makeup. Here, the actress preferred saturated pink lipstick, dark brown shades and neat arrows.

Katy Perry. An extraordinary singer chooses an interesting and catchy makeup to match herself.

Katy Perry Day Makeup. Silver shadows and retro arrows are one of Katie’s calmest make-ups.

Katy Perry's evening makeup. Not every girl will decide on such eye makeup. The combination of purple shades on the upper eyelid and green on the lower eyelid looks very bright and original.

Photo of beautiful makeup for brunettes with blue eyes

I hope that in this article you have found some useful tips. Good mood and good makeup!

Dark-haired girls always stand out in the crowd. The striking appearance makes them mysterious, in the shadow of black hair, skin imperfections become not so noticeable, and the proportions of the face look perfect. You just need to be able to take advantage of this advantage by choosing the right palette of cosmetics.


There is an erroneous opinion that brunettes can use completely different color palettes in makeup. But very often, such experiments end in the fact that the created image looks too defiant. Useful tips from makeup artists will avoid this.

  1. For a non-contrast color type, there should be a shade of ocher and create the effect of a natural tan. For contrast - beige or ivory.
  2. The powder is matched to the tone of the skin of the face.
  3. Blush should be warm colors - coral or peach.
  4. Makeup of dark-skinned brunettes should play with colors to add expressiveness to the image - use pearlescent, golden, blue, and lilac shades.
  5. Light skin forms a vivid contrast with dark hair, which is best emphasized with silver, pearl, pale pink, beige and light brown shades.
  6. The hit of the season is pink makeup, which is just perfect for green-eyed brunettes in winter, as it goes well with outerwear. Basic rules: only the lower eyelid is emphasized with pink shades so that the eyes do not look tired; the emphasis is on the lips with gloss and pearly pink lipstick; blush - coral.
  7. Lipsticks are recommended in saturated red shades: plum, bright red, fuchsia, copper, raspberry, lingonberry, dark pink, coral.
  8. Particular care should be taken to make-up brunettes with bangs. This is because it enhances contrast. So you have to give up dark blue, black, dark brown and dark gray.

About the color palette.  “Brunette” is a hair shade with different variations: dark blond, brown, chocolate, light chestnut, coffee, black, blue, raven, etc.

Eye color

The most difficult thing for brunettes is to make beautiful to their shade.

For brown-eyed

  1. Successful tones with brown eyes: purple, brown, lilac, white, gray, black, blue, pale green, golden, sea wave.
  2. Shadows are recommended black, golden, silver, purple.
  3. Eyebrows are stained with black or dark brown eyeliner.
  4. The ideal mascara for brown-eyed is charcoal black, dark violet or dark brown.

For green-eyed

  1. In the choice of colors for brunettes with green eyes there are no prohibitions. The most preferred shadows are silver, green (muted), brownish-green, purple.
  2. Ink -   black or dark brown.
  3. Cold red shades of lipstick will fit well into evening makeup. In the daytime - a bronze pencil and carefully shaded brown-pink lipstick.

For blue-eyed

  1. For brunettes with blue eyes, a good option is the rich, dark colors of the shadows, elegant arrows and bright smoky ice.
  2. Ideal combinations: pale pink, beige, pearl, purple, silver, brown.
  3. For evening make-up, bold color experiments are acceptable: deep blue, black, blue, intense green.
  4. Lipstick - in the light of holiday spotlights: candy pink or scarlet, with the effect of additional moisturizing or volume. For daytime make-up - coral, pink, beige, purple, brown.

For gray-eyed

  1. Makeup in technology is ideal for brunettes with gray eyes.
  2. Shadows should be soft, dark and well shaded: asphalt gray, black, metal-asphalt, bronze.
  3. The lower eyelid is emphasized by gray-silver, bronze shadows.
  4. Lipstick can be chosen bright berry.

When choosing a palette for makeup, brunettes should pay attention not only to the main eye color, but also to their shade. For example, under turquoise it is better to take shades of the sea wave, and under jade - lilac. Do not miss this moment to create an even deeper and more expressive image.

Beauty educational program.  Translated from French, “brunette” - “brown”, and “brown-haired” - “chestnut”. It is difficult to catch the difference between them, but it is. Brunettes belong to darker shades, close to black, brown-haired - light red, copper-chocolate.

Style Directions

There is complete freedom, you can use any style directions - from juicy smoky-eyes to gentle.


  1. Base, concealer - to hide skin imperfections.
  2. Foundation with powder shade so that they are not visible.
  3. For the eyelids, we make two-layer makeup: bronze shadows, and on top of them - beige-brown. Everything is carefully shaded.
  4. The inner corners are highlighted in gray, dark emerald, brown shades or khaki.
  5. Eyeliner of the upper eyelid is done with a brown pencil, without arrows.
  6. Only the top row of eyelashes is stained with brown ink in one layer.
  7. The cheekbones are slightly covered with blush: bronze, red, brown, pink.
  8. Matte lipstick in beige or pink shades completes the look. Shine is not included in everyday makeup.

Natural (Nude)

  1. For, you need a lot of masking agents to bring the skin in perfect condition.
  2. Eyebrows are combed, colored with shadows to match the hair, without creating contrasts.
  3. It is advisable not to use shadows. If you can not do without them, limit yourself to 2 layers of beige, peach, dark brown. Careful shading is required.
  4. There is either no eyeliner at all, or it should be ultra-thin and well shaded. Shades: golden, copper, bronze.
  5. Brown mascara is applied in a single layer.
  6. For lips choose light gloss, hygienic or matte lipstick.


  1. To make evening makeup perfect, it should be done in the darkest and most saturated colors.
  2.   required.
  3. On the eyelids, the first layer is matte smoky shadows, the second is golden (applied from the inner corner to the middle of the eyelid), the third is purple (they cover the upper edge of the black layer in the brow zone). Everything is shaded.
  4. Connect the upper and lower eyelids with black shadows.
  5. To the outer corner, draw a smooth arrow from the middle of the upper eyelid with a black or bright purple liquid eyeliner.
  6. She draw the lower eyelid, the line should start from the inner corner.
  7. All cilia are stained with black or purple mascara with a volume effect in several layers.
  8. Embellish eyebrows with shadows with sparkles.
  9. Glossy coral-colored lipstick and transparent gloss will fit well on the lips. Makeup with red lipstick is allowed if the eyes are not highlighted too brightly.

Smokey ice

  1. Apply base.
  2. Cover the upper eyelid with bodily shadows.
  3. From eyelashes to creases - the shadow of coffee with milk. Fade the border.
  4. Paint the moving eyelid with dark brown shades.
  5. They also connect both rows of eyelashes.
  6. Bring the lower eyelashes with a black pencil, paint them with black mascara.

Smoky-eyes make-up

A bit of chemistry.  For the saturation of pigmentation of dark hair, black-brown pigment (zumelanin) and yellow-red (feomalin) are responsible.

Under the outfit

It is very important for brunettes to be able to choose makeup for the outfit that they are going to wear. Its shade will play a decisive role in choosing a color palette.

To red

  1. Make-up should be done with a red dress with caution so as not to look too vulgar.
  2. Cream - or.
  3. The black pencil arrow is not long.
  4. The upper eyelid is treated with light shadows with a shimmer.
  5. The corners of the eyes are emphasized by a highlighter to make the look radiant.
  6. Dark saturated mascara will give expression to the eyes.
  7. Glitter - pink or coral.
  8. If the choice fell on Smoky Ice, the following options are suitable: classic, smoky gray (for the “winter” color type), color using lilac, pink, turquoise shades.

To black

  1. Brunettes need a warm make-up under a black dress.
  2. Smoky ice is possible with the following contrasts: beige - brown, pearl - silver.
  3. Shades of steel color will be good in combination with a rich liquid eyeliner and long arrows.
  4. Red lipstick is perfect for a black dress. It will become a bright accent, but when using light shades of shadows.
  5. Golden color is recommended for everyday makeup, bronze - for evening.

To blue

  1. The main rule of makeup for brunettes to a blue dress is to revitalize the face with a blush.
  2. Shadows should be bright and intense: gold, metal, purple, blue, silver, emerald. It is better to refuse neutral, light shades.
  3. A saturated, bright eyeliner and voluminous mascara (it can be blue, purple or black) can not do.
  4. Lip gloss - dark pink, flesh.

Brunettes are the type of girls who are allowed to go out even without makeup, since their appearance and without it is very bright and expressive. At the same time, fashion trends do not tolerate such a frivolous attitude to their image. If you want to follow trends and attract admiring glances, learn the art of make-up for dark-haired people.

What makeup is perfect for brunettes? Rules for choosing colors

Brunettes in terms of needs for decorative cosmetics are in a better position than owners of fair hair. In the vast majority of cases, it is enough for dark-haired girls to simply emphasize natural data, since they do not have to “paint” colorless eyebrows and eyelashes. But for brunettes there are certain rules in the selection of makeup.

The secret to the perfect look is the right color palette.. Selecting “your” colors is based on the color type, which is the starting point in choosing the right color scheme:

  • Cold (winter) Snow White color type: porcelain skin with a pink or olive tint, eyes blue, gray-blue, blue or green.

It’s worth choosing carefully makeup for this type of appearance. The main rule - make-up should be contrasting, but not colorful. It is advisable to limit yourself to a pair of flowers, such as red lips and black arrows.

  • Warm (autumn) color type: yellowish or yellow-bronze skin; brown eyes, honey or black.

This type is suitable tone and powder of bronze or tobacco color. As for the blush, then choose the deep shades of coral, carmine pink, dark peach flowers. This color type is most suitable for bright makeup..

For owners of dark eyes and brown hair, a delicate palette is suitable, for example, beige-pink powder and pale pink blush.

Regarding eye makeup, burning dark-eyed brunettes with dark eyes and a warm skin tone can use the most daring techniques: shadows, mascara, eyeliner of saturated colors.

In general, the field for experimenting with makeup for brunettes is very wide. However, dark hair has its own risks, for example, it is no secret that dark colors add age. However, this statement is only partially true. Too heavy makeup, combined with scruffy skin or excessive tanning, really does not make anyone young. The best makeup is always the one that looks as natural as possible.

The contrast between dark hair and fair skin makes the slightest cosmetic defects noticeable. Therefore, the secret of perfect makeup for dark-haired girls is perfect skin and carefully applied decorative cosmetics.

Fashionable shades of makeup for brunettes for different eye colors

Any makeup artist will tell you that the most fashionable makeup is the one that suits you. You can verify this by looking at recognized style icons that clearly follow their color type, allowing themselves to experiment only as an exception.

remember, that when choosing the color of shadows or a pencil to the color of the eyes, the eyes will look dull and inexpressive. Natural pigment is not able to compete with bright synthetic paints.

Makeup for blue-eyed

If you are a brunette with blue eyes, it is worth taking a closer look at the gray and light purple colors., pale blue and pale green colors are also a good choice, but it is important to remember that using such shades close to the color of the eyes, you run the risk of getting a blurry, inexpressive effect. You can avoid this by using a black liner or eyeliner, as well as the contrasting colors of the shadows.

If you have bright eyes, it is advisable to use only black mascara, other colors will make the look inexpressive.

Green-eyed Makeup

A brunette with green eyes is a rather rare combination. Emerald eye color is a rarity, and most importantly, what is required of the happy owners of such a gift of nature is not to spoil it.

You can emphasize green eyes with rich dense shades of dark brown, black colors.. Avoid shades close to the color of the eyes or use the darkest tones of the swamp green in combination with brown and black.

Brown-eyed Makeup

Brunettes with brown eyes are one of the most expressive types of appearance, such girls least of all need complex makeup. However, it is precisely this eye color that suits most types of makeup.

Makeup for gray-eyed

If you are a brunette with gray eyes, you should be wary of light shadows,  which simply “grease” the eyes. Shades can be selected according to your color type, but your main weapon is a contrasting choice of colors.

If the color of the eyes is light and inexpressive, choose shades by contrast, then the natural pigment begins to literally “glow”.

Black eyed makeup

Makeup for black-eyed girls is almost endless possibilities for experimentation, since such eyes will look expressively in any frame.

Beautiful makeup of eyes and lips for brunettes. Different options in the photo

Each case and time of day corresponds to a specific appearance. Even if you are made up perfectly, the image can be a failure if you appear in it at the wrong time and in the wrong place. For every day, choose the most natural and restrained make-up, but on holidays you can show imagination.

Natural day makeup

A casual look requires minimal effort from brunettes, it is enough to emphasize the look with a small amount of mascara and use lip gloss. Focus on skin condition and avoid heavy tinting agents. In this case, be sure to use a concealer in the area around the eyes - this will make the tone of the face even, and the look fresh and radiant.

Natural style nude

This style has not left the catwalks for many years. The main goal of such a make-up is to create the illusion of a naked, not painted face. It is difficult to achieve such an effect, but you can use the tricks of professional makeup artists. It requires a minimum of makeup and perfect skin condition. A fresh look for invisible makeup will help create a light foundation or simple foundation, diluted with a moisturizing emulsion.

If you have dark eyes, you can use brown mascara. But the color of the shadows should be selected as close to the skin tone as possible.

Easy winter make-up

Everyday winter makeup can be created using a two-tone black and white palette, this combination is always true. The only thing worth paying attention to in the cold season is the intensity of the colors. In the afternoon, saturated “color” will look out of placebut in the evening you can tint your eyes.

To avoid winter makeup is worth the bronze-golden colors, even if you maintain a tan all year round, bronzer in winter is appropriate only if you relax in warm places.

Evening and wedding make-up

The output makeup for brunettes is a real holiday. The format of such events allows the most daring make-up options.

Makeup for a wedding for brunettes is also represented by many options. But since at such events girls always try to emphasize femininity and tenderness, the choice is given to calm makeup without bright color accents. Red lipstick and smoky eyes look too aggressive. The best option - thin arrows and pastel pink shades of eyeshadow, blush and lipstick.

Video tutorial on applying makeup for brunettes

You can find your perfect makeup only by trial and error. But the result is worth it, because you will always know how to quickly create an irresistible image for any occasion.

It’s worth starting the search for your ideal with the basic options, you can try classic evening make-up now, following the step-by-step video instructions:

You can learn to do the most trendy makeup, which has gained popularity thanks to Hollywood brunettes, by carefully watching the video lesson:

For owners of a warm color type, characteristic of oriental girls, the most saturated make-up is suitable. It’s quite difficult to do it, so you should practice using a good example:

Tips for women. What shadows are suitable for brunettes

It is impossible not to miss the brunette, they say that if a brunette enters the room, then all eyes are fixed on her. This may be good, but you must agree that only if the brunette herself is sure that at the moment she looks the best.

And how can you look gorgeous? - correctly, only if you have created the very image that perfectly suits you and favorably emphasizes all the advantages of your appearance - all the most beautiful features. It is important in the creation as a whole, and in particular - eye makeup. What shadows are suitable for brunettes - can be determined correctly only if the color of the eyes, the tone of the face and the shade of the hair are taken into account.

What shadows are suitable for brunettes with a light tone of eyes and hair

This type of appearance is recommended not to use too juicy shades in, especially black shadows and eyeliners. It is assumed that with light tones of the eyes and hair, the image should be soft, delicate and feminine, and the colors of the shadows should enhance these characteristics.

The color of tobacco, walnut - many brown shades are successful for creating eye makeup for such brunettes.

Additional shades in makeup should be chosen in accordance with the color of your bright eyes:

Light green eyes are the colors of violet, orchid and pale purple.

Light - tan, creamy, beige.

Light brown eyes - pale blue tones, possibly aquamarine.

What shadows are suitable for brunettes with light eyes and dark hair tones

The combination of light tones of the eyes and a burning brunette in the hair is a rather rare case if the hair is not dyed and the eyes do not have lenses. But still this type of appearance is found in nature. And as a true rarity, such an appearance must be protected by creating makeup using a minimal set of decorative cosmetics, which must be chosen wisely.

Delicate colors: pink, beige, pastel colors, the most calm shades, but eyelashes - only black.

What shadows are suitable for brunettes with dark eyes

Burning brunette, black eyes. Even if not black, then distinctly green, almost blue, deep brown. Appearance itself suggests that the main thing in the face is the eyes, and they need to be given the right attention, emphasizing their charm and originality.

This type of appearance can endure without experimenting a lot of experimentation with the tones and techniques of applying eye makeup. You can draw at least a rainbow before your eyes, if only it would be appropriate for the occasion and style of clothing.

Bright, juicy shades of shadow can afford the happy owners of dark hair and bright eyes.

Emerald eyes - burgundy tones, purple and lilac shades of shadows.

Blue eyes are brown, yellow, and orange.

Brown eyes - blue, blue, steel shades, many tones of green shades.

Makeup Tips for Black-Haired Brunettes

For brunettes wearing black hair and light eyes - careful make-up of gentle tones and a soft attitude to the coloring of eyelashes.

More often this type of appearance has blue eyes. Therefore, you can use makeup in light brown tones, even if it is a complex makeup. Brown eyeliner is acceptable, but the mascara is preferably black, the main thing is not to dye your eyelashes too thick.

For brunettes with black hair and fair skin: use bright colors in your makeup only if the color of your eyes is deep, rich and uniform.

Most brunettes are more fortunate with appearance more than anyone. Only brunettes have the widest range for choosing colors and shades in makeup and clothing. . Good luck to you.

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