How to use white clay for the face at home. The composition of white clay. White Clay: Hair Benefits

Despite a rather rich assortment of factory-made cosmetic products for skin care, many women prefer self-made cosmetics. In this case, most ladies try to select those components that have a minimum of side effects and maximum benefits for the epidermis. One of them is white clay, or kaolin - a natural mineral that is actively used in various industries, including cosmetology. Masks based on this unique substance have a wide range of effects and help get rid of a variety of problems with dermis. In addition, they are suitable for any type of skin and any age, you just need to choose the right recipe and competently approach such procedures.

The benefits of white clay face masks

White clay is a fine-grained rock, dusty in dry form, plastic when moistened. Its composition includes a large number of mineral salts and trace elements, including copper, magnesium, aluminum, zinc and silica. Due to its healing properties, kaolin is widely used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. This product is taken orally for infectious diseases and poisonings, applied externally for joint and muscle pain. Also, clay has proven itself as a facial care product - masks with the addition of this component have a complex effect:

  • whiten the skin, help fight pigment spots of various origins;
  • soothe the skin, eliminate irritation and itching;
  • relieve acne, acne and other dermatological problems;
  • prevent the multiplication of pathogens, increase local immunity;
  • normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, eliminate oily sheen, dry the dermis;
  • contribute to the narrowing of pores, prevent the appearance of comedones;
  • rejuvenate the skin, smooth their relief, accelerate the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • tighten the oval of the face, help eliminate bryly and the second chin;
  • normalize subcutaneous blood circulation, accelerate the flow of oxygen and nutrients into the cells of the dermis;
  • restore the protective functions of the epidermis, increase its resistance to infections and negative external factors;
  • improve complexion, fill the skin with natural radiance;
  • contribute to the removal of toxins from tissues, cleanse the skin from impurities, keratinized particles and sebaceous deposits.

The great advantage of white clay as a cosmetic product is that it is suitable even for very sensitive skin and rarely causes allergies. In addition, kaolin goes well with many different ingredients used in homemade mask recipes, so you can easily find the best combination of products for each specific case.

General recommendations for the preparation and use of white clay masks

Like any other facial cosmetics, kaolin-based masks will be effective only if you learn how to properly prepare and use them. To achieve quick and pronounced results, you should carefully consider the following tips:

  • To create homemade masks, you can use both pure kaolin and preparations combining purified clay and other substances, for example aluminum hydrate, phenol, formalin or activated carbon.
  • Clay is sold in the form of a powder, which before mixing with other ingredients must be diluted with warm water (it can be replaced with herbal decoctions, milk) until the consistency of thick sour cream. To make the mass homogeneous, the liquid must be infused gradually, in small portions.
  • Despite the fact that clay is a hypoallergenic product and rarely gives side effects when applied externally, it is advisable to check the skin reaction before applying the mask. To do this, lubricate a small area of \u200b\u200bthe dermis with a ready-made product, wait 30 minutes and evaluate the result. If irritation, burning or itching appears, such cosmetics are contraindicated for you.
  • Before applying the mask, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin from impurities and cosmetic residues using a special milk or foam. It is also recommended to steam your face over a steam bath to open your pores. It is advisable to apply a oily cream to the skin around the eyes - this will protect it from drying out (clay masks have a pronounced drying effect).
  • White clay masks should be used immediately after preparation. The duration of such funds is from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the type of skin and additional components included in the composition of the cosmetic mixture.
  • After the procedure, you must first moisten the dried mask with water (using a cotton pad or sponge), and then rinse it off and apply a moisturizer to your face.

The frequency of procedures using clay mixtures depends on the type of skin. Owners of oily and combined dermis are recommended to make masks with kaolin 2-3 times a week. Women with a normal type of epidermis need 1-2 sessions in a seven-day period. Those whose skin is prone to dryness and irritation are allowed to apply cosmetics based on white clay no more than 4 times a month.

White clay face masks: recipes

For oily skin

How does it work: cleans pores from impurities, eliminates greasy shine, makes the dermis dull.


  • 20 g of white clay;
  • 100 ml of mineral water without gas;
  • 1 egg white
  • 15 g of honey;
  • 10 ml of lemon juice.

How to do:

  • Dilute clay with water, add honey and lemon juice, drive in egg white.
  • Mix everything and apply on face.
  • After 20 minutes, rinse the composition with running water.

For normal skin

How does it work: gently cleanses the face, evens out the skin texture, eliminates fine wrinkles.


  • 25 g of white clay;
  • 50 ml of milk;
  • 30 g of fresh banana puree;
  • 1 yolk.

How to do:

  • Heat the milk and dilute the clay in it.
  • Add the fruit puree, drive in the yolk, mix and apply on the face.
  • Wait about 20 minutes, then rinse off.

For dry skin

How does it work: helps eliminate irritation, prevent peeling of the skin, improve complexion.


  • 20 g of kaolin;
  • 30 ml of olive oil;
  • 30 g thick sour cream;
  • 20 g of fresh applesauce.

How to do:

  • Mix clay with sour cream and butter.
  • Add applesauce, beat with a whisk and apply to the skin.
  • Wait a quarter of an hour, then wash with cool water.


How does it work: smoothes shallow wrinkles, gives the dermis elasticity, tightens the oval of the face.


  • 20 g of kaolin;
  • 50 ml of homemade yogurt;
  • 10 ml of aloe juice;
  • 20 ml of almond oil.

How to do:

  • Mix clay with yogurt and butter, add aloe juice.
  • Bring the mixture to uniformity with a whisk and spread on the face.
  • Leave on for 15–20 minutes, and then rinse.


How does it work: relieves pigmentation, brightens spots left after acne healing, evens complexion.


  • 20 g of kaolin;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • 10 ml of lemon juice;
  • 1 small fresh cucumber.

How to do:

  • Grate the cucumber and squeeze the juice out of the pulp.
  • Dilute clay with water, add cucumber and lemon juice and mix.
  • Apply the finished mass to the face, leave for 20 minutes, then remove.


How does it work: Dries out the skin, eliminates acne eruptions, relieves irritation and redness.


  • 20 g of white clay;
  • 50 ml of boiled water;
  • 10 ml of alcohol tincture of calendula;
  • 3 drops of lemon essential oil.

How to do:

  • Dilute kaolin with warm water, add tincture and ether.
  • Apply the mask to problem areas of the skin for 10-15 minutes, then rinse.


How does it work: perfectly cleanses the skin from various impurities and dead particles, removes toxins from cells, prevents the appearance of black spots.


  • 20 g of white clay;
  • 50 ml of warm milk;
  • 2 drops of essential oils of juniper and tea tree;
  • 10 g of honey;
  • 10 g of oatmeal.

How to do:

  • Mix clay with oatmeal and dilute with milk.
  • Add honey and esters, mix and apply on the skin with massaging movements.
  • After 15 minutes, rinse off the mask with water.


How does it work: increases skin turgor, tones, smoothes relief, accelerates cell regeneration.


  • 25 g of kaolin;
  • 50 ml of filtered water;
  • 10 g of ground coffee;
  • 5 g of soda;
  • 10 g of ground orange zest.

How to do:

  • Mix clay with coffee, add water, orange zest and soda.
  • Mix everything thoroughly and distribute on the face.
  • Wait 20 minutes, then wash with cool water.


How does it work: nourishes and softens the skin, prevents moisture loss, accelerates the synthesis of collagen fibers.


  • 30 g of white clay;
  • 10 g of starch;
  • 10 ml of rose water;
  • 5 ml of glycerin;
  • 50 g of cocoa butter.

How to do:

  • Melt cocoa butter in a steam bath, add glycerin, rose water, kaolin and starch.
  • Bring the mixture to uniformity and apply on face.
  • After 10-15 minutes, remove the mask.

From enlarged pores

How does it work: tightens skin, tightens pores, evens complexion.


  • 10 g of kaolin;
  • 20 g of yeast;
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide (3%).

How to do:

  • Dilute the yeast with pre-warmed milk and leave for 30 minutes.
  • Dilute clay in the mixture, add hydrogen peroxide, mix and apply on face.
  • After 10 minutes, rinse off the mask and use a moisturizer.

White clay is a unique product that helps to solve many cosmetic problems. Masks based on it are universal, easy to prepare and practically have no contraindications for use. The main thing is to choose the right recipe according to the type of skin and learn how to use it correctly for the benefit of your beauty. And if you can’t do it yourself, you can consult a specialist.

The cosmetic properties of clay have long been known. In nature, there are many varieties of it, but it is white clay that is used for the face most often. Gently affecting the skin, it accelerates blood circulation, saturates the skin with oxygen, increases its elasticity and firmness. White clay masks have an anti-inflammatory and drying effect, eliminating acne and improving complexion.


Properties and benefits of white clay for the face

Externally, white clay (kaolin) is a grayish-yellow powder. It is used mainly in ready-made and homemade face masks, which perfectly cleanse the skin, absorbing excess secretion of the sebaceous glands and normalizing their work, absorb toxins, tighten pores, dry small inflammations, pimples, relieve irritation, and improve face contour, tightening skin, as well as lighten pigmented areas (freckles, age spots). White clay masks are ideal for normal, combination, oily and problem skin. Clay masks additionally nourish the skin, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, and also activate the production of their own collagen and elastin fibers.

Masks based on white clay can be made by yourself; cosmetic powder can be purchased at any pharmacy or special cosmetics store for mere pennies (20-30 rubles).

Due to the drying properties, white clay is not advisable to use for owners of dry dehydrated skin. In this case, it is better to give preference to red, green or gray clay, or a combination of red and white (pink) clay, which is ideal in caring for any type of skin. Before purchasing cosmetic clay, always pay attention to expiration dates. If it has expired, it is better not to use the product.

Rules for the preparation and use of white clay masks for face

  1. Masks and other compositions with white clay are best prepared in glass or ceramic dishes, metal is not suitable, since some mineral substances contained in the clay react with the metal, as a result of which it loses its properties.
  2. It is important to dilute white clay with cooled boiled water until a consistency resembling sour cream is obtained.
  3. Like any mask, clay is effectively applied to pre-cleansed skin, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  4. It is important to apply the mask immediately after preparation, otherwise it will harden due to evaporation of moisture.
  5. In the presence of severe irritations on the face, a clay mask is contraindicated.
  6. It is recommended to use masks with white clay 1-2 times a week with a course of 10-12 procedures, then take a monthly break and, if necessary, repeat the course.

Masks based on white clay in a short time help to eliminate pressing skin problems at any time of the year, lighten the skin and improve complexion.

White clay for face, homemade mask recipes

A classic mask for all skin types (except dry).

  Improves skin color, cleanses, rejuvenates, whitens.


  Warm water (can be replaced with warm milk or herbal decoction).

  Mix white clay with water to the desired consistency. Apply the composition for 15 minutes on the skin of the face, then rinse with boiled water at room temperature, dry the skin and moisturize with a cream suitable for your skin type.

Video: Recipe for a mask with white clay for the skin.

Masks for oily skin.

Nourishing mask with honey.

  White clay - 1 tbsp. l
  Flowing honey - 1 tsp.
  Warm water.

  Dilute white clay with some water to a creamy consistency, add honey. Apply to face, after 15 minutes, wash with warm boiled water or calendula infusion, grease the skin with your skincare product.

Matting and cleansing mask with lemon juice and protein.

  White clay - 1 tbsp. l
  Boiled or mineral water without gas.
  Egg white - 1 pc.
  Flowing honey - 1 tsp.
  Lemon juice - 1 tsp.

  First, dilute the clay with water to a mushy mass, add the remaining components and apply to the face. Hold the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water and apply cream to the skin.


  Milk - 1 tbsp. l
  Talc - 1 tbsp. l

  Dilute white clay with milk, add talc. It should turn out a mass that is convenient for application. Keep the mask for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water, moisturize with cream.

Kefir mask.

  Cleanses, tightens pores, normalizes the sebaceous glands, whitens.

  White clay powder - 1 tbsp. l
  Lemon juice - 1 tsp.
  Fat-free kefir - 3 tbsp. l
  Shredded fresh herbs - 1 tsp.

  Combine the components in a thick mass resembling sour cream, which is applied to the skin and left for 15 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water, grease the skin with a cream with a moisturizing effect.

Mask for mixed or combination skin.

  Cleanses, mattifies, nourishes.

  White clay in powder - 1 tbsp. l
  Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l
  Lemon juice - 4 drops.

  Combine all components of the mask. Apply the composition to the skin and stand for 15 minutes. Then rinse the composition with warm water and lubricate the skin with a care product.

Mask for oily and combination skin.

  Cleanses, whitens, improves complexion, mattifies.

Kaolin powder - 2 tsp.

  Tea tree oil - 3 drops.

  Mix white clay with kefir until a thick mass is obtained, into which the ether component is introduced. Apply the composition to the skin and hold for 15 minutes. Rinse with running cool water.

Mask for normal skin.

  Cleanses, nourishes, softens.

  Powdered kaolin - 1 tbsp. l
  A little warm milk.
  Oatmeal crushed into flour - 1 tsp.
  Egg white - 1 pc.

  Combine all components and apply to the face, after 15 minutes remove the mask with cool water, apply cream to the skin.

Whitening face mask.

  Perfectly brightens pigmentation areas, has a tightening effect, cleanses, mattifies, nourishes.

  White clay powder - 1 tbsp. l
  Parsley juice (or cucumber) - a little.
  Lemon juice (strawberry) - 3 drops.

  Dilute the powder with cucumber juice (parsley) to a mass resembling sour cream. Add the rest of the component, stir and apply on the face. After 10 minutes, rinse the composition with cool water, apply the cream.

Masks for problem skin.

Mask with tincture of calendula.

  It has anti-inflammatory, cleansing, drying effect, accelerates the maturation of acne and their release.

  White clay powder - 1 tbsp. l
  Warm water.
  Lemon juice - 4 drops.
  Alcohol tincture of calendula (chamomile) - 1 tbsp. l

  Dilute white clay with water to a creamy mass, introduce the remaining components and apply on the face. After 15 minutes, wash with cool water and grease the skin with cream.

Acne mask with anti-inflammatory effect.

  Kaolin - 1 tbsp. l
  Aloe juice (keep cut leaves in the refrigerator for 10 days) - 1 tbsp. l
  Mineral water without gas - 1 tsp.

  Dilute aloe juice with water and add clay to the powder. Mix the components and apply for 15 minutes on the skin. Wash off with cool water.

Alcohol mask.

  Tightens pores, has a drying effect on inflammation and acne, smoothes wrinkles, and improves complexion.

  White clay - 1 tbsp. l
  Vodka or medical alcohol - 1 tbsp. l
  Non-carbonated mineral water - 1 tsp.
  Aloe juice - 1 tsp.

  Aloe juice to combine with alcohol (vodka) and water, add to white clay. Stir thoroughly until a creamy mass is obtained. Apply the mask to the skin and hold for 15 minutes. Rinse with boiled water at room temperature.

Mask for narrowing pores.

  Cosmetic white clay - 2 tbsp. l
  Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l
  Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l
  Peppermint essential oil - 2 drops.

In a glass bowl, mix all the ingredients until a creamy mass is obtained. If the composition is too thick, you can add a little more oil. Apply the mask evenly on the face and after 15 minutes rinse with water at room temperature. Lubricate the skin with a calming cream.

Tightening mask.

  Cleans and tightens pores, normalizes the sebaceous glands.

  White clay in powder - 1 tbsp. l
  Egg white - 1 pc.
  Fat-free kefir - a little.

  Mix the powder with protein and add kefir to get a sour cream like mass. Distribute the composition onto the skin of the face and hold for 15 minutes. Wash off with plenty of cool water. At the end of the procedure, apply a care product to the skin.

Mask with a bodysuit against black dots with a rejuvenating effect.

  Powder kaolin - 1 tbsp. l
  Bodyagi powder - 1 tbsp. l
  Warm boiled water.

  Mix the powders and dilute with water until a thick mass is obtained. Distribute the composition on the face and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water and apply cream.

Mask with hydrogen peroxide.

  Cleanses pores, degreases, disinfects, has anti-inflammatory effects.

  White clay in powder - 1 tsp.
  Carbonic magnesia - 3/4 tsp.
  Purified Talc - ½ tsp
  Borax - ¼ tsp
  3% hydrogen peroxide solution - 5 drops.

  Mix the above ingredients. Apply a porridge-like composition to the surface of the skin of the face. Keep the mask for about 15 minutes, then wash with plenty of clean, cool water. At the end of the procedure, grease the skin with cream.

Mask with salicylic acid.

  It mattifies, evens out skin color, cleanses, brightens, and disinfects.

  White clay in powder - 1 tbsp. l
  Freshly squeezed lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l
  Salicylic acid - 1 tbsp. l

  Combine all components of the mask, apply the resulting mixture in an even layer on the skin and leave for 10 minutes. The appearance of a slight tingling and burning during the procedure is normal, if the sensations become unpleasant, wash off the mask earlier. Rinse off with boiled water at room temperature. At the end of the procedure, apply a calming cream to the skin.

Contraindications to the use of white clay

  1. The presence at the site of application of white clay irritation.
  2. Skin diseases.
  3. Allergic reactions.

Before using clay masks, it is advisable to test the skin for allergic reactions. Severe itching, burning, rash and other unpleasant manifestations are a powerful argument against the use of white clay as a cosmetic product. in any case, consult with a dermatologist regarding its use will not hurt.

One of the most valuable tools in cosmetology is white clay for the face (kaolin). This is an excellent tool for problem and oily skin: it is able to gently dry, eliminate foci of inflammation, remove age spots of any origin. On the basis of a natural product, it is easy to prepare homemade formulations that will be characterized by a wide spectrum of action with a minimum of contraindications. Try a unique rock on yourself, and soon your reflection in the mirror will pleasantly surprise you.

What is the use of white clay

The main feature of kaolin is its rich chemical composition. It contains micro and macro elements (zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium, etc.), mineral salts and water. Silica oxide is especially abundant in the rock - a substance that stimulates the production of collagen, the most important building material for cells and tissues. Manganese gently dries and disinfects the epidermis, and aluminum has an astringent effect.

Acting together, the beneficial components of the rock penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis and create a real revolution there. They solve several important problems:

  • bleach - even out complexion, make age spots almost invisible;
  • soothe sore and irritated areas;
  • improve the condition of the dermis of the oily type, narrowing the pores, drying and eliminating the ugly greasy shine;
  • have a disinfecting effect, effectively fight acne, acne and comedones;
  • tighten: remove the second chin and bryl, clearly outline the face contour. The mask made of white clay is comparable in its effect with a good salon lifting;
  • rejuvenate - stimulate collagen production, increase the elasticity of the skin, smooth out shallow wrinkles;
  • protect the epidermis from the adverse effects of factors from the outside;
  • purify from pollution, toxins and toxins, keratinized particles and sebaceous deposits;
  • normalize blood circulation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • improve complexion.

Kaolin is one of the few products that is ideal for the dermis of the sensitive type due to the optimal level of acidity. This product is considered universal, because it solves a wide range of skin problems, not only decorates, but also treats.

Instructions for the use of porcelain clay

Kaolin is sold in pharmacies, because it is not only a cosmetic product, but also a kind of medicine. An instruction is usually attached to it, telling about its correct use. If you strictly follow its provisions, then in a short time you can get expressed results.

The best recipes based on a natural product

At home, you can prepare many effective compounds based on white clay. It is combined with fruit and vegetable juices, vegetable oils, decoctions of medicinal herbs. These components allow you to discover and enhance the beneficial properties of the starting material.

Classic mask

The simplest recipe is diluting the original product with warm water. Choose the consistency yourself: someone likes thicker compounds, someone - more liquid. Water can be replaced with milk or herbal decoction. This recipe is suitable for any type of skin, it dries, cleanses and whitens.

Aloe mask

Squeeze the juice from one leaf and combine it in equal proportions with mineral water without gas. Dilute the clay with the resulting mixture to a creamy consistency. This composition helps well in the fight against acne and acne, has a drying effect, normalizes the sebaceous glands. Owners of a particularly sensitive dermis are advised to replace water with milk.

Tomato mask

Squeeze the juice of one tomato and dilute kaolin with it. This is an excellent acne remedy. It slightly whitens and tightens pores.

Kefir mask

Combine a tablespoon of rock with three - medium fat kefir. Mix everything thoroughly, and then mix with a teaspoon of finely chopped parsley and the same amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice. This recipe helps to get rid of black spots and small wrinkles, significantly improves complexion. It is especially good for oily and mixed types of epidermis. Do such procedures 1-3 times a month.

Vodka mask

Combine aloe juice and vodka in a ratio of 1: 2, dilute the kaolin with the resulting liquid until a creamy consistency is achieved. Keep on the skin for 10 minutes, this composition normalizes the sebaceous glands and rejuvenates.

Honey mask

Mix a tablespoon of the original powder with one teaspoon of honey and a little milk. This recipe has a powerful anti-aging effect, gives the face a tone, freshness and beautiful color.

  White clay is an inexpensive and easy-to-use cosmetic product. Even its one-time use gives a pronounced result, and coursework will help each woman look beautiful, young and fresh.

The popularity of the use of clay in cosmetology in recent years has grown significantly, it is white clay for the face that has become especially popular in skin care. It has several names, among them - kaolin, porcelain. It has unique qualities that contribute to the elimination of many problems with the skin.

White clay for acne is one of the main advantages of this mineral. In addition, kaolin is used:

  • with high pigmentation of the skin of the face;
  • against a high level of secretion of sebaceous glands;
  • to eliminate inflammatory processes;
  • to acquire the effect of "rested skin".

The range of use of porcelain clay is so wide that without special research on this issue, the consumer may not know that he also uses this natural remedy. For example, white clay can be found in baby powders, cosmetic powder, special therapeutic ointments, etc.

Oddly enough, this sounds unrealistic, but white clay is credited with the property of being a “building material” for the regeneration of facial skin.

What is the power of clay

The unusual properties of white clay, even if they are slightly exaggerated, should not be in doubt, because the presence in its composition of components useful to the human body cannot but affect the skin of the face. More about this in detail:

  • aluminum, one of the most important components of kaolin, opposes the excessive release of fat. It dries by pulling excess from the pores. For skin prone to excessive fat, white clay masks are a real salvation, and their regular use is a real opportunity to restore the normal balance of the skin;
  • silicon, which is present in solid quantities in white clay, is characteristic of promoting facial rejuvenation, the formation of a clear contour of the face oval;
  • the properties of manganese, which is also sufficient in porcelain clay, have long been known: it is an excellent disinfector, able to eliminate local inflammatory processes, and promotes rapid healing. Often, masks made of kaolin are just a panacea in the fight against problem skin, on which acne, acne, and irritation appear.

What results to expect

It is difficult to predict the effectiveness of the effects of white clay masks in your particular case. Consulting a cosmetologist or, in some cases, a dermatologist, is still worth a try: firstly, it is safe, and secondly - inexpensive. If you purchase expensive cosmetic preparations or masks, after which there may be the most unexpected effect, it is advisable to try what is affordable and understandable in composition.

According to reviews, the result on problem-free skin can be seen even after one use of a porcelain clay mask.

As for the inflamed dermis, you should not expect a miraculous effect after a single use, but after two or three procedures the result will surprise and please you. This will be especially noticeable on teenage skin or on a problem cover with wide inflamed pores.

To get rid of age spots, such masks are the number one remedy, which is much more effective in comparison with pure lemon juice (acid is very irritating to the skin) or cucumber juice (for the result you need to smear face skin with juice daily, but not the fact that this will especially help against age spots).

The benefits after using white clay masks are as follows:

  • excellent result when getting rid of age spots;
  • soothing effect for inflamed and irritated skin;
  • disinfection, elimination of acne;
  • drying effect;
  • the use of kaolin is the regulation of collagen production, therefore, stimulation of the regenerative processes of the skin;
  • masks from this mineral in cosmetology to some extent become an alternative to plastic, tighten the oval of the face, helping to restore the correct geometry;
  • cleanses pores, helps the skin breathe, stimulates blood microcirculation;
  • covers the skin with a thin protective layer, protecting it from harmful environmental influences;
  • the mineral is able to absorb dead cells, fat, dirt, becoming an excellent assistant for cosmetology at home.

Features of application in home cosmetology

According to reviews, the use of masks from white clay has properties that are predominant in effectiveness compared to clays of other colors. But in cosmetology, as, indeed, in medicine, the main rule is not to harm. If you decide to experience the effects of this beneficial mineral on yourself, you should remember a number of precautions:

  1. the product is worth buying at the pharmacy, while paying attention to the expiration date. Doubtful sources of origin of the product cannot guarantee that there are no abrasive particles in the product, after which there will be no improvement, but new problems will be added;
  2. when using the drug, one should not forget about the possibility of skin irritation with individual intolerance to the mineral, about the possibility of microcracks, if you allow prolonged exposure of the mask;
  3. in pharmacies you can also buy preparations based on white clay, the properties of which are enhanced by some additional components. It can be an aluminum preparation, activated carbon or phenol. Such components in certain cases enhance the effect of the agent;
  4. the classic preparation of the mask is the dilution of clay with water of the temperature of the human body, the consistency is creamy, but in each case it is necessary to reach its own proportion. However, taking into account the type of skin and the nature of the problems, it is justifiable to create masks using mineral water, milk, herbal decoctions at home. The use of too hot liquid is unacceptable, since the healing effect may be reduced;
  5. to make sure that the mask made of kaolin is useful and does not cause allergic reactions, test the mask on the skin of the wrist. And it is not worth the first time to use a liquid other than water as a diluent. Then by the method of exceptions you can make sure that it does not fit the skin;

The frequency of use of porcelain clay masks at home is no more than 1 to 2 times a week, it is necessary to withstand no more than 15 minutes, otherwise the mixture will dry out and be able to injure the dermis. The general course of treatment is a month and a half. Repeat if necessary in a month.

Effective Masks

Classic Dilute clay with a warm liquid.
Against fat Dilute kaolin with the addition of lemon juice (if the cover is not inflamed).
Against sore skin Dilute clay with aloe juice, the leaf of which was stored in the refrigerator for at least 10 days, with non-carbonated mineral water.
Mask for alcohol against acne Replace 10% of the liquid with which porcelain clay will be diluted with medical alcohol. It will be useful and.
Nourishing mask In white clay add fat cream
The bleaching agent against stains Dilute dry powder with lemon juice, this will completely eliminate pigment spots over time. Also, against stains, it is good to use the pharmacy drug kaolin in combination with aluminum.

White clay is an effective and malleable material, the benefits after the application of which will be obvious. If you use kaolin with caution and following the recommendations, you can achieve an effect in a short time at home that is not always affordable even for expensive beauty salons.

Kaolin is characterized by a long thousand-year history of use. Due to the velvet, fine texture, this substance was used for the manufacture of sculptures, porcelain, chalk, paper. Today, white clay is part of many cosmetics, and its absorbent properties allow the mineral to be taken orally during poisoning.

What is white clay

It is a soft, crystallized powder that is used as the main cosmetic component for the manufacture of scrubs, face masks, soaps, deodorants. The white mineral is named after Kao-ling Mountain in China, where this substance was first discovered. Hence the name - Chinese or kaolin clay. Large mineral deposits are also located in the United States, Brazil, Great Britain, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine.


White kaolinite is the main component of clay. Its chemical structure consists of alumina (39.8%), silica (46.3%) and other impurities (13.9%). A mineral is an aqueous aluminum silicate obtained by chemical weathering of feldspar and decomposition of aluminosilicate rocks. This is a soft substance of white color, which is used in many areas.

The chemical name of kaolin is hydrosulfate phyllosilicate. Clay is inert (does not react with other elements) and practically does not dissolve in water. It forms a suspension with weak alkaline properties. Sedimentary rock of white color has a pH level of about 7.0, so it does not harm the skin. However, kaolin can transform and change properties at extreme temperatures (above 500 ° C). The composition of white clay includes:

  • silicon;
  • aluminium oxide;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • nitrogen salts.

The properties

Kaolin clay is a natural sorbent that has a beneficial effect on the body. The white powder mask is ideal for sensitive skin types. Due to the absorbent effect, it does not dry out the epidermis, but effectively absorbs harmful toxins, improves blood circulation and complexion. Clay has the following beneficial properties:

  • soothes the skin;
  • exfoliates dead cells;
  • dries, therefore effective in acne;
  • disinfects
  • bleaches, eliminates minor skin defects (acne, age spots);
  • removes sebaceous impurities from pores;
  • stimulates blood circulation;
  • clay has a slight healing effect;
  • provides nutrition to the skin;
  • tones up;
  • rejuvenates.


Kaolin clay is used in many fields. In medicine, white powder is used to create poisons, therapeutic agents that are taken both externally and internally. As for industry, this mineral is good for the manufacture of paints, insulation coatings, cables, rubber products, protective films, fertilizers. However, it is worth noting separately the benefits that white kaolin has in cosmetology. Miracle clay is part of the following products:

  • natural hair shampoos (against dandruff);
  • ointments;
  • scrubs, face masks;
  • agents for the treatment of diaper rash;
  • soap;
  • toothpaste;
  • baby powder;
  • compresses.

White clay for the face

Fine-grained white powder has natural absorbent properties. Clay kaolin, mixed with a small amount of warm water, absorbs excess sebum, reveals pores. It is suitable for dry, sensitive skin, and also for the epidermis, prone to allergies, the appearance of acne, inflammation. A mask based on kaolin clay will help remove toxins, cleanse the face, whiten and improve its color.

Than useful

Problem skin is the trouble of many girls. The appearance of acne, red spots, black spots does not contribute to beauty. The same can be said for peeling and irritation. The beneficial properties of white clay will help to avoid this problem. The slurry applied to the surface of the skin will cleanse it of toxins, dirt, open pores, and improve blood circulation. The complexion will become fresh, healthy and radiant. Where to get clay? It can be bought at a pharmacy or specialty store.

White clay face mask

The delicate texture of kaolin is ideal for sensitive skin. This substance softens, has a mild exfoliating effect. White clay masks help relieve redness, eliminate irritation, and prevent blackheads. There are several recipes with a different type of action:

  • anti-aging;
  • for problem skin;
  • against acne;
  • whitening.

For acne

Acne is a teenage problem, but people of any age can periodically suffer from unpleasant rashes. To restore radiance and purity to your face, you can use the following recipe from a white mineral:

  1. Pour boiling water over several branches of fresh thyme (or 1 tbsp. L. Dry).
  2. Cover, leave to cool.
  3. Mix the broth with white kaolin until the consistency of sour cream.
  4. Apply to skin areas where there is acne, keep 25 minutes.
  5. Rinse thoroughly with warm water, make massaging movements.
  6. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week until acne disappears.


  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of clay with 1 tsp. oat flour. Add 1 tsp. honey and olive oil.
  2. If the consistency is too thick, you can dilute with water. The mixture should look like a liquid dough.
  3. Drop a little essential oil (lemon, lavender, rose).
  4. Apply to cleansed face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.


White powder will help to remove age spots, reduce the number of freckles and make the complexion even and smooth. The following steps must be completed:

  1. Mix kaolin clay and ground oatmeal in equal proportions. Add a few tablespoons of kefir, strawberry puree, drip a couple of drops of lemon juice.
  2. Apply to skin, hold for 20 minutes, rinse.
  3. Strawberry seeds work like a scrub, and kefir and lemon whiten your face.

For problem skin

The combined type is the most problematic. The presence of seborrhea or acne and peeling at the same time create an obstacle in the selection of the right cosmetic. Kaolin clay will help to cope with the challenge and preserve the natural beauty of the skin. White mask recipe:

  1. Take 3 tsp. clay, mix with 1 tsp dry herbs to choose from (chamomile, mint, lavender).
  2. Add water (for oily skin), honey (for inflamed), sour cream (for dry).
  3. Apply for half an hour and rinse with water.

White clay for internal use

Due to its consistency and safe composition, white powder can be used internally at home. It is characterized by a special molecular structure, which provides an extremely high degree of absorption (absorption). What are the benefits of kaolin clay for internal use? It helps with:

Kaolin clay is a natural “healer” that gently acts on the body. However, the ingestion of white matter should be correct. Better to start by drinking clay water. Cooking method:

  1. It is necessary to dilute a tablespoon of white powder in a glass of purified liquid.
  2. Leave for several hours until a precipitate forms. Small particles of clay will dissolve in the water, and it can be drunk.
  3. It is allowed to use juices, teas, decoctions. Do not use milk.
  4. Dose - 1 cup of white infusion per day until symptoms improve. In serious diseases, the rehabilitation course is 6 weeks.
  5. During clay treatment, you should drink plenty of mineral water (from 2.5 liters per day).
