How to treat nails after building. The property of the gel, whether it is so harmful. Attention to nutrition

Gel nails are in need of rehabilitation. How to restore nails after building? This can be done both in the salon and at home with the use of therapeutic oils, vitamin massages and herbal baths.

Why is it necessary to restore nails after building?

For more than 15 years, fashionistas have been using gel or acrylic nail extension services. These nails look strong, stylish and well-groomed. But this effect is temporary, as artificial nails need constant correction.

The essence of the process is that the master cuts off a natural nail, sometimes to half a plate. Because of this, the structure of the natural material is damaged. When you have to separate the acrylic coating from the native nail plate. This is done by chemical exposure to the solvent.

After removing the artificial coating, lovers of gel nails can be horrified: native nails will have a yellow, dull color and a thin fragile structure. Damaged nails have a lifeless appearance. Of course, such a dull sight cannot please.

Thus, as a result of mechanical and chemical influences, it becomes necessary to treat nails after extension.

To restore nails after the gel, you must:

  • temporarily stop building up;
  • enable nails to regrow;
  • use rubber gloves when washing dishes and cleaning, to limit the interaction of nails with chemical household products;
  • to return the nail with a flat surface, you need to use a medical leveling coating;
  • make special vitamin baths based on natural oils;
  • make herbal baths with a healing effect.

As a result of prolonged use of artificial turf, the nail plate and the skin around it suffer.   Therapeutic baths are able to restore the structure of not only the nails, but also the skin.

Along with cosmetic procedures, it is important to carry out rehabilitation “from the inside”. This means that it is necessary to increase the intake of vitamins, especially A, E and calcium. To do this, you should not only take a vitamin-mineral complex, but also food rich in these substances:

  • sea \u200b\u200bfish;
  • greens;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • cottage cheese and dairy products.

Nails after building are not the most attractive appearance, but this is not the main thing. As a result of regular polishing, which they underwent during corrections, the top layer of the nail plate is thinned, and the nail itself is deformed. In addition, certain harm comes from the materials used for building.

Since their own, native nails after the first procedure look and feel unwell, there is always the temptation to make the next correction and hide all defects under a new layer of acrylic or gel. In this case, as a result of a weakened immunity, or a master’s mistake, the following problems may arise:

  •   Fungal diseases;
  •   Cuticle problems, inflammation, burrs;
  •   Thinning of the nail plate;
  •   Stratification of nails, increased fragility;
  •   Full or partial pigmentation.

Nails after building need subsequent correction after about 3 weeks. In order to apply a new layer of gel, you need to remove the previous one, so you will have the opportunity to assess the condition of your nails. If they are severely injured, or during the grinding you feel pain, it is advisable to at least temporarily abandon the correction and restore the health of the nails.

Photo: Nails after building

As you can see in the photo, the nails exfoliate and become very brittle. To avoid all the problems mentioned above, you need to take care of them. You can do it yourself at home.

How to repair nails

You won’t be able to completely cure your nails after building, so the best thing you can do is protect them from additional injuries and speed up the growth process.

How to protect your nails

Since the outer layer of the nail plate is damaged, the lower layers are vulnerable and need protection. It is necessary to protect not only the nails themselves, but also the skin around them. You can do this as follows:

  • Avoid contact with household chemicals.  When washing dishes and wet cleaning, wear rubber gloves and use only warm water;
  • Refuse decorative varnishes.  Under a dense layer of colored varnish, you can hide the defects of the nails after building, but this will only exacerbate the situation. Using a primer will not do anything, because when you remove the varnish you will still use a solvent and your nails will suffer again.

How to strengthen them

There are special tools to strengthen the nails, including after building. They look like colorless varnishes and contain calcium and other vitamins necessary for nails. Thus, the nails not only become stronger, but also begin to grow faster.

There is a little secret to using such products: they do not need to be washed with a paint cleaner every time. As soon as a thin layer of transparent therapeutic varnish begins to peel off, apply a second one on top of it, and after a couple of days a third, and so on. Try to use solvent only in the most extreme situations - nails after building are very weak.

Masks for nails

Nail masks after building - one of the most effective ways to accelerate their growth.

Mask with lemon and iodine

Firming mask

Mix 1 teaspoon of olive oil with lemon juice and 4 drops of iodine. Lightly heat the resulting mass, and rub it into the nails starting from the cuticle. After 10-15 minutes you can wash your hands.

Castor mask

Mask for growth and color enhancement

Lubricate the nails with castor oil, or dip your hands in a small bowl with this product. To enhance the effect, you can mix castor oil with 2 drops of bergamot essential oil.

Apply the mask preferably 1 time in 5-7 days.

Vegetable mask

Firming mask with vegetables

Rub on a fine grater, or chop in a blender, 1 medium-sized cabbage leaf and 1 small potato. Add 1 tbsp of vegetable puree. a spoonful of natural sour cream. Apply the mask on the nails for 15-20 minutes, then rinse it off and grease your hands with a nourishing cream.

Baths for nails

Baths for strengthening and growth of nails are good because they take care of the skin of the hands, making it soft and supple.

Sea salt

Sea salt bath

Dissolve in 2 cups warm water 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sea salt and 3-4 drops of iodine. Dip your hands in the resulting solution for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with them the rest of the salt and use a nourishing cream for hands and nails.

Repeat the procedure every 5-7 days.


Baking soda bath

Dissolve in 2 cups warm water 2 tbsp. tablespoons of baking soda. If desired, add 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes, after which the hands need to be greased with a nutritious or baby cream.

Soda baths for nail growth can be used 3-4 times a month.


Salt bath

In 0.5 liters of water, dissolve 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt and 5 drops of iodine. Dip your hands in a container with a solution for 15-20 minutes, then rinse off the remaining salt and use a baby cream.

The procedure is preferably carried out once a week.

Nail plates play an important protective function, they protect nerve endings in the nail position from injury. At the same time, nails are constantly affected by various negative factors that destroy them. Bad nutrition and vitamin deficiency greatly worsen the condition.

Most often, women think about recovery, because everyone wants to have beautiful and well-groomed nails. And not surprisingly, most women regularly use nail polishes, build them with gel and acrylic. These cosmetic methods make the manicure bright and beautiful, but they greatly harm the nails and lead to their destruction.

Extension of the nail plate is a procedure known to all the ladies, which allows you to make your nails beautiful, long and even in literally an hour. Thanks to this procedure, you don’t have to wait for weeks and do a manicure every three days to maintain beauty, so many women choose to build.

Such a method is generally considered safe for health, since non-toxic components are used, but with gel and acrylic extensions, nails can deteriorate in some cases:

  • If the technique of building and removing material has been violated. During the procedure, the master smoothes the nail and cuts off a small layer, making it a little thinner than usual, but if the specialist cuts the layer too thick, after removing the material, the nail becomes deformed and begins to break. The same thing happens if the material is removed incorrectly.
  • Too long wearing artificial nails leads to a violation of their nutrition. At first glance, the nails seem inanimate and hard, but in fact oxygen penetrates into them and fat is released on the surface. When wearing the gel, natural processes are disturbed, the plate dries up and becomes weakened and brittle. You can avoid this side effect if you take breaks between builds.
  • With insufficient care of the nails in between extensions, they do not have time to recover and become brittle, grow poorly and are deformed.

In general, nail extension can be safe if it is performed by an experienced specialist, using quality materials. It is also very important not to abuse this cosmetic method and take good care of the nails. If, however, the nail plates become thin and brittle, warp or change color, you need to urgently deal with their restoration, otherwise there is a risk of losing the nail plate and forget about the beautiful manicure for several months.


Definitely, the most effective methods of nail restoration are cosmetology and medication. No folk remedy can give the same quick effect as treatment by a competent specialist.

First of all, it is worth noting that it is necessary to visit a dermatologist in order to determine what is actually the cause of the destruction of nails. Often the problem is associated with a lack of vitamins, metabolic disorders, fungal infections and even chronic diseases of internal organs.

If the nails become weak not because of improper care, but because of disorders in the body and infection, then you must definitely get rid of the cause of the disease. In this case, no cosmetic methods will help, the disease will progress, and the patient’s condition will worsen.

If the nails need to be restored after extension or after treatment of the underlying disease, the following cosmetic methods will help:

Salon methods are very effective; they help to tidy even the weakest nails in a couple of weeks and give them a healthy look. But, in order to attend such procedures, it is necessary to have a large amount of free time, so many are interested in how to restore nails at home.

Folk recipes

Restoring nails at home can be done using pharmacy cosmetics and folk recipes. The regular use of folk remedies and the refusal to use decorative nail polishes for the treatment period guarantees a quick and lasting effect.

When treating folk remedies, one should not forget that they are not a panacea, and if there is an infection or any problems with internal organs, skin, then you should not neglect a visit to a doctor. An integrated approach with the use of alternative recipes, cosmetics and drugs prescribed by the doctor if necessary will help to quickly restore the state of the nail plates.

Very effective in the treatment of baths with chamomile, calendula and sea salt. Baths with iodine and orange essential oil accelerate the growth of healthy nails. Milk and lemon baths will improve the absorption of active substances from creams. An excellent folk remedy for home treatment is a warm compress from beeswax.

Vitamins and Nutrition

How to restore nails with the help of folk and cosmetics is known, but do not forget that the internal state of the body always affects the nails. Therefore, in the first place, you need to adjust your diet and eliminate vitamin deficiency. If a person lacks nutrients, then even the most expensive salon procedures will not bring a lasting effect and the nail plates will continue to break down.

The following foods are added to the diet for quick nail repair:

  • Dairy products contain a large amount of calcium, which is the basis of the nail plate, hair and bones.
  • Sesame also contains calcium and other vitamins and minerals needed for recovery.
  • Raspberries contain a large amount of silicon, which makes the nails elastic and prevents them from breaking;
  • Porcini mushrooms contain such substances as selenium and sulfur, they prevent the deformation of nails and their thinning. Also in this product contains a huge amount of B vitamins, which are useful for the whole body, including for the beauty of the skin and nail plates.
  • Sea fish contain a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for beauty.

In general, nutrition should be balanced and healthy. It is necessary to limit the number of salty and spicy foods, they impede the absorption of calcium. Preference for low-fat, wholesome and natural food, steamed or cooked, it is better to eat vegetables and fruits fresh, since vitamins disappear during heat treatment.

When caring for nails and restoring them for the best effect, the following recommendations should be observed:

  • Washing hands is necessary not with ordinary soap, but moisturizing. Usually, soap dries the skin and nails, worsening the condition, and special products moisturize the skin and make it soft, beautiful and healthy.
  • It is necessary to try as little as possible to contact with water and especially with detergents. Cooking, washing dishes and cleaning must be done with rubber gloves, all chemicals injure the nail plates and dry them.
  • Before applying medicinal products and creams, you need to prepare. Revitalizing cream is better absorbed if applied after a warm bath for the hands and feet with sea salt or with a decoction of chamomile.
  • Manicure should be done only on dry nails, you must refuse to use the file while taking a bath, otherwise the nails will begin to exfoliate very much.
  • During the recovery period, it is recommended to abandon hunger strikes and diets, you need to consume a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits, proteins and foods with calcium. Starvation is bound to lead to a deterioration of the marigolds.
  • During the treatment period, you need to completely abandon the use of decorative varnish, it is better to strengthen the nails with the help of smart enamel. The duration of treatment is usually at least two months.
  • It is not necessary to grow nails during the treatment period, it is better to cut them regularly, until they are completely restored. This should be done correctly, on the legs with a spatula, and on the hands, rounding the corners. Do not trim under the root, it is better to leave a couple of millimeters and trim the edge with a nail file.

Nail extension is a magical procedure that allows you to turn weak and brittle nails into neat, strong and beautiful. Such nails, even with minimal care, retain aesthetic appearance for a long time. Unfortunately, due to the poor work of the manicurist - violation of the technology of building, the use of low-quality materials, nails can be in a deplorable state. As a result, you need immediate treatment of nails after building.

As a result of a violation of the technology of extension and removal of false nails, the nail plate acquires an uneven surface, grooves and pits form on it. If you have a similar problem, then you will probably need information on how to restore nails after building.

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to the shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - in 96% of shampoos of popular brands are components that poison our body. The main substances that cause all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These chemical components destroy the structure of curls, hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck enters the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refuse to use the means in which this chemistry is located. Recently, experts of our editorial office conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

You will have to repair your nails with special coatings and oils containing vitamins and herbal extracts. In addition, after constant nail extension, the skin on the fingers may dry out, resulting in burrs. In order to avoid such a problem, it is necessary to prevent the contact of chemicals used to build nails on the skin. They should be accurately applied only to the nail plate. You can fix this problem using preparations with natural oils to soften the cuticles.

If you have brownish or green spots on the surface of the nails, it is probably a pseudo-monomial infection or mold. In order to eliminate them, you need to grind the surface of the nails with a soft file and then degrease with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol.

If the false nails were with shiny or sparkling little things, then after removing them, yellow spots may appear on the nail plates. In this case, it is necessary to polish the nails with a soft file, and then polish. After this, a coating with strengthening components (with calcium and protein) should be applied.

  • Quickly and reliably strengthen your nails at home will help the bath with a warm solution of sea or even salt, prepared at the rate of 1-2 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water. If you want to enhance the effect in the solution, you can add a little lemon juice. After taking a salt bath, it will be very useful to massage the nail plates with any vegetable oil. Oil nourishes the nails, and massage thickens them.
  • For brittle nails, 10-minute baths are recommended, consisting of vegetable oil and apple cider vinegar in a 1: 1 ratio. In addition, it is useful to rub the juice of black or red currant into the nail plate and cuticle.
  • Several times a week, you need to wipe the nails with natural lemon juice or a slice of the fruit itself. Citric acid should not be used, as there are no vitamins in it. You can heal your nails with grapefruit. To do this, cut it in half and dip the nails into the pulp. One fruit is enough for two procedures.
  • A nourishing mask with a moisturizer has a good effect. Apply a normal moisturizing nourishing cream to your nails and skin around them, put on plastic or rubber gloves on your hands, and wrap them in a warm towel for 10-15 minutes. Then use a sponge to remove the remaining cream. Or just rub a greasy cream daily into the nails and the skin around them. It is best to carry out this procedure before bedtime.
  • Before going to bed, it is useful to rub castor or burdock oil into the nail plate. With constant use, nails will grow rapidly, their shine and healthy appearance will be restored. It is impossible to replace the oil with any cream for hands and nails, since it acts much more efficiently.
  • Take phosphorus and calcium. You can drink brewer's yeast with these substances or a complex of vitamins and minerals. In addition, fish oil improves the condition of nails and provokes their growth.
  • Helps strengthen depleted nails gruel from grated berries, such as red and black currants, cranberries. You can apply the gruel in 2 ways: place your fingers in the grinded mixture or in the form of a mask. In order for the nails to quickly recover, they need regular and proper nutrition. Products containing calcium will help strengthen nails - dates, almonds, dairy products. It is necessary to use natural vegetable oil and orange, carrot and other juices. Attention should be paid to the intake of elements such as zinc, silicon, iron, selenium, sulfur and magnesium.

It is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the cosmetics that you use. Cosmetics containing acetone and formaldehyde are dangerous. These products dry already weakened and dehydrated nails. At the same time, do not forget about the legs.

If nail extension has led to thinning, then oils with plant extracts and vitamins (A, E), as well as basic coatings, will help restore lost beauty and health. The oil strengthens and nourishes the nails, and the coating protects against negative external influences.

Please note that restoring the legs after building is pointless if you do not allow them to take a break so that they rest from the varnish. Dermatologists and manicure specialists recommend taking breaks at least for the night. In the evening, you need to remove the old coating, and in the morning apply a new one. Before going to bed, you need to massage your nails with oils or a moisturizer.

Mixtures of essential oils are very effective. For their preparation, you can use the base oils: avocado, almond, jojoba and wheat germ. 2-3 drops of ether can be added to one teaspoon of any of these oils: cedar, frankincense, bergamot, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, myrrh, patchouli or pine essential oil.
  A mixture of these oils strengthens fragile and exfoliating nails. The prepared mixture must be rubbed into the nails, and soak the residue with a napkin.

Cosmetic companies offer a huge selection of basecoats. So, the well-known company Sally Hansen (Sally Hansen) offers a tool for strengthening nails Nail Protex, enriched with vitamins B5 and E. Apply the base coat under the varnish, and then on top of it. You can use the product without varnish, applying it in two layers.

The American company OPI has released Original Nail Envy nail nutrition product with a unique formula containing calcium, wheat proteins and vitamin E. The product must be used for two weeks daily, and after the restoration of damaged nails, as a base treatment for prevention.

The cosmetic company Trind Cosmetics BV just recently introduced the Pink Pearl and the White Pearl Pren Pearl Nail Repair Color, which makes the nails strong and flexible.

Those who prefer natural nails without various coatings can use BeYu Fresh Melon Nail Butter cream for strengthening. Shea butter and almond oil, which are part of the product, make brittle nails hard. Cream butter from BeYu Fresh Melon Nail Butter has a pleasant aroma of melon.

  How to restore nails after building using salon procedures

If you have free time and desire, then in the beauty salon you can take a course of procedures for paraffin baths, hot manicure or "sealing" of nails.

  • The use of paraffin baths has a very beneficial effect on damaged nails, makes the skin of the hands supple and soft.
  • During the hot manicure procedure, the nails “bathe” in a container with a heated creamy liquid containing special vitamin complexes to nourish and strengthen not only the nails, but also the cuticles.
  • The procedure of "sealing" is that the nutrient liquid, which contains minerals, proteins and vitamins, is "sealed" in the nail plate and forms a protective film under the action of heat. This procedure protects the nails and is very useful for those who want to restore their healthy appearance after building.

If you want to see your nails healthy and beautiful, then trust to do nail extension and removal only to a professional master. Then you do not need information on how to restore nails after building.

If you have a fungus, a chemical burn or a curvature of your nails due to improper build-up, you should immediately consult a doctor. Your nails will be beautiful and healthy if you apply only to qualified specialists. You should not save, because beauty requires sacrifice!

Having decided to remove acrylic nails, be prepared for the fact that your natural nail plates will have to undergo a rehabilitation course. Exhausted marigolds need special care. In this article, I’ll share some tips with you, how to strengthen and restore nails  after removing the acrylic and give them a beautiful, well-groomed look.

If you have only recently grown acrylic nails, but decided to return to a natural manicure, then the harmful effect on natural nails was minimal. In this case, (provided that the removal of artificial turf was carried out by a qualified specialist), the rehabilitation course will be reduced only to strengthening healing varnish or baths for nails. If you wore acrylic nails for more than a year, or removed artificial nails at home without qualified assistance, you will have to use more serious “artillery” to restore the natural nail plate.

Depending on the manicurist, acrylic is removed either by dissolving with acetone or by sawing off. In case of dissolution, the nail undergoes a prolonged chemical “attack” (approximately 15-20 minutes). If the acrylic coating was removed mechanically, the top layer of the marigold can get a burn from heating. In both cases, the nails become brittle and brittle, the color of the nail plate may acquire a yellowish tint, burn spots may appear.

For the treatment of your nails, get ready for long wearing a short manicure, so as not to disturb the weakened nails even more with additional damage (they can bend, break, crack, etc.).
During the first week after removal of the acrylic coating, your nails may be "whining" and hurt. This is a normal reaction of the nail plate to the release of artificial material, because your nails have not seen sunlight for a very long time and did not feel the load!

Remember that marigolds special care required  during this period, therefore, subject your hands to chemical or physical effects as little as possible. Use gloves when washing dishes or cleaning, file nails so that they do not break, and use hand creams and cuticles as often as possible.


The main components of the course of rehabilitation of the natural nail plate are therapeutic products for nails. There are many firming varnishes, serums and oils for nail strengthening on the market. On the advice of my manicurist, I restored my nails after two years of acrylic extension using products from the Smart Enamel series.
In order to firming varnish  gave the maximum effect, you need to proceed according to the following scheme. On a clean nail, apply one coat of varnish, allow it to dry well and apply a new coat. The next day, we again cover the nails in two layers. And on the third day, we wash the varnish and give the nails a rest for one day. On the fourth day, we start the cycle anew. Thus, we will use therapeutic varnish for about 1-1.5 months. During this period, our nails should restore their former strength.

Vitamins and Calcium

Another important element of the course restore nails is calcium. To quickly strengthen and grow the nail plate, the body will need a larger amount of this useful mineral component in excess of the daily norm. Therefore, within a month or two, it is advisable to replenish your diet with calcium-containing products and take calcium in the form of vitamins. Manicure masters advise - in order for the beneficial mineral to maximize the treatment of the marigold, it is better to take it at night. In this case, it is best absorbed into the body.

And, of course, do not forget about such simple and useful procedures for nails as nourishing baths and masks.

I offer several simple baths and masks for nails, tested on myself:

1. Nail tray with salt and iodine . Three tablespoons of sea salt (you can and table) are dissolved in one glass of not too hot water. Add a teaspoon of iodine to the solution. Lower the fingertips into the resulting solution and hold for 10-15 minutes. Such a bath can be used every other day.

2. Nail tray with oil and iodine.   Add a teaspoon of iodine to a glass of warm water. Pour two tablespoons of olive (or other vegetable) oil into the solution. In a water bath, heat and thoroughly mix the resulting mixture to a homogeneous mass. In a warm bath, lower the nails and hold for 10-15 minutes. This procedure can be used daily.

3. Gelatin bath to strengthen nails.   In a glass of boiling water, dissolve half a tablespoon of gelatin. After the mixture cools down to 37-40 degrees, lower the fingertips into it for 10-20 minutes. The gelatin bath can be used 2-3 times a week.

4. Lemon-oily firming mask for the night. A tablespoon of olive (or other vegetable) oil is heated to a temperature of 37-40 degrees and mixed with a few drops of lemon juice. Massage this mixture into the nails and cuticles, put light knitted gloves on your hands and leave the mask overnight. This procedure can be carried out a couple of times a week.

5. Citrus-salt mask to strengthen the nail plates.   You can use any citrus fruit for this mask. Squeeze a tablespoon of citrus juice, add a third of a teaspoon of salt, mix everything. Light massage movements rub the mixture into the nails. Leave the mask on the fingers for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

6. Vitamin massage for nails. Massaging movements rub the crushed balls with beauty vitamins A and / or E into the nail platinum, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Such vitamins are quite inexpensive, but the effect of them is wonderful! Vitamin massage is best done before bedtime.

Thanks to the methods described above, you will quickly restore the natural beauty and strength of your nails!