Severe swelling during pregnancy: what to do. When is swelling a threat? Comfort and rest are important for prevention

There is no doubt that pregnancy is the most wonderful and exciting time for every woman. Describe the state and sensations of the woman in whom the new life, it is not possible, it can only be felt. However, pleasant expectations are often overshadowed by unpleasant problems. One of these problems can be safely called swelling of the extremities. Actually, we are interested in swelling of the legs. Doctors state that or left under certain conditions can be considered a normal phenomenon. Although it is more correct to consider swelling of the legs during pregnancy as an unpleasant and quite dangerous symptom. Let's figure out together why pregnant women's legs swell, how you can independently determine the swelling, and what treatment helps eliminate this problem.

Why do my legs swell? Causes

It is rare to find a woman preparing to become a mother who does not complain of swelling different parts bodies, especially on later pregnancy. Yes, this phenomenon is very common. But in order to successfully deal with such a problem, you should first find out: is this condition a sign of some pathology or not? It is worth mentioning here that pregnancy for a woman is quite a difficult test, and if everything is not in order with health, if some organs do not function as expected, then edema, in particular, swelling of the right leg during pregnancy may be a consequence of exacerbation of somatic diseases. These can safely include the following:

. Inflammatory processes and infections of the urinary system;

Diseases of the cardiovascular system;

Kidney diseases (pyelonephritis, nephrosis);

Malfunctions of the endocrine system.

As you can see, there are a sufficient number of reasons that cause swelling of the limbs, face, and neck, and only an experienced specialist should determine what caused swelling of the legs during pregnancy. Often, edema in pregnant women can appear due to an increase in the amount of blood that appears in women during pregnancy. As the baby grows, the uterus grows along with it; more nutrition and oxygen are required for the growing body, which is delivered to the child precisely by this additional blood. As pregnancy progresses and the uterus grows, pressure on the pelvic organs and the vascular system that pumps blood from the lower parts of the body increases. IN right side In the pelvic region there is a large venous vessel, which becomes compressed in the later stages of pregnancy. The result of this process is stagnation of blood in lower parts, water retention and, as a result, swelling of the right leg during pregnancy.

Stages of development of edema

Doctors, as a result of many years of observation, have identified four main stages of development of swelling of the legs during pregnancy. These include:

. Swelling of the feet and legs;

Complete swelling of the legs;

Swelling of the lower abdomen and sacral region;

The appearance of swelling in the hands and puffiness on the face.

These stages end with general swelling of the body. In the offices of a gynecologist during pregnancy, you can often hear such a common question: How to determine the presence of edema? We immediately draw attention to the fact that it is impossible not to notice the symptoms of edema. Women usually notice that by the end of the day or even in the morning, their favorite shoes become unbearably tight. When standing on your feet, you feel a tingling sensation under the skin, and bursting pain occurs in your ankles and legs. If you put pressure on your feet in the ankle area, swelling will leave a hole left by your toe, and it will level out only after some time.

It should be said that swelling of the legs during pregnancy is normal, but if some other parts of the body begin to swell (arms, stomach, face, lips and eyelids, fingers and toes), then you should immediately consult a doctor. Such swelling can be a symptom of pregnancy pathology - late toxicosis. Late toxicosis is also called gestosis.

What should you do to reduce or completely eliminate swelling?

Agree, it’s not very pleasant to feel like a bloated, watery bladder. But this feeling covers almost every woman when she is visited by edema during pregnancy. Reasonable questions arise here: Is it possible to eliminate swelling in any way? What should you do for this? We immediately draw attention to the fact that the main way to reduce swelling is movement. A pregnant woman needs to move more, walk in the fresh air, dance the waltz, in general, give up a sedentary or lying down lifestyle. To reduce swelling in your legs, take fifteen to twenty minutes several times during the day to lie down with your legs elevated. Do foot massages, foot baths with sea ​​salt, drink as much fluid as you want.

The daily consumption of ordinary water for pregnant women is at least three liters. Follow physical exercise, limit your intake of table salt and other foods high in sodium (olives, olives, salted nuts). Remember that a balanced diet rich in vitamins is extremely important for a pregnant woman. Naturally, the main suppliers of vitamins and enzymes are vegetables and fruits. The main thing is that they are not subjected to prolonged heat treatment, during which large quantity vitamins are lost.

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Edema during pregnancy is one of the most common phenomena, therefore, often, expectant mothers simply do not pay attention to them, having no idea why they are dangerous and blithely thinking that they do not threaten any consequences. In fact, everything is far from being so, because the accumulation of excess fluid affects both the activity of the entire female body (kidney function is disrupted, problems with blood circulation appear) and the functions of the placenta (it is through it that your baby receives nutrients, water, oxygen) . But the most important thing is that in the late stages of pregnancy, edema is the very first sign of a pathology such as gestosis (formerly referred to as “late toxicosis”), which threatens the life of the expectant mother and her baby.

Hearing the word “toxicosis,” many women will think that nothing needs to be done, and that the problem is simply exaggerated, because every second woman experiences morning sickness and other unpleasant phenomena during the first ten weeks. But it should be borne in mind that in the first trimester this condition is caused by changes in the body and is considered normal, and after 32-33 weeks it can be the beginning of a dangerous complication of pregnancy.

Edema is most often obvious, in which case it is easily noticed by both the woman and her doctor, or it can be hidden, appearing due to fluid retention in the body. A hidden pathological deviation can be suspected by uneven or excessive weight gain.

Your doctor should tell you how to get rid of them, because... The treatment program depends on the degree of pathology. In case of a mild form, a number of recommendations are given to relieve symptoms at home, these are:

  • diet (reducing the amount of salt consumed, increasing fiber, protein and vitamins);
  • weekly cottage cheese and apple “fasting” days;
  • control of drinking balance ( daily norm liquid 1.5 liters);
  • daily walks in the fresh air;
  • Maybe, medications.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy and why they appear

Swelling of the legs in pregnant women is almost inevitable; the reasons for this phenomenon most often lie in weight gain and disruption of metabolic processes (especially the removal of fluid from the body). Extra pounds lead to increased stress on the lower limbs, poor circulation and, as a result, varicose veins. In the later stages, women often see dilated veins, and expectant mothers themselves complain of heaviness and severe pain in the legs, and increased fatigue.

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The sooner you pay attention to the deviation, the easier it is to stop its development. If the problem is fluid retention in the body, then the first signs of swelling can be noticed when your favorite shoes of the right size suddenly become too small. What to do in this case? The first is to limit the consumption of table salt; sodium attracts water and prevents it from leaving. In addition, it is necessary to exclude fried, pickled and smoked foods, and also give up coffee and black tea. You can alleviate the condition by resting and placing a cushion under your feet (this can be easily done by twisting any blanket). The measures taken should already give effect within five days visible result If this does not happen, the doctor will prescribe medications.

What causes hand swelling during pregnancy and how to eliminate it

Often, expectant mothers complain of swelling of their fingers. Deviation may manifest itself as the inability to remove the ring, and may be accompanied by pain, tingling or numbness, or a burning sensation in the wrist area.

On early stages This phenomenon is often not dangerous; it is observed in women who work a lot on the computer and actively use the keyboard and mouse, as well as in those who are interested in knitting, modeling, and handmade items. It is explained by the so-called “tunnel” syndrome, in which fluid accumulates in the wrist and puts pressure on the passing nerve, which leads to pain. The problem can be eliminated with the help of exercises for the hands and fingers, as well as rest.

If swelling begins to appear in the later stages, and the expectant mother notices similar problems with her legs, then this may be a sign of “hydropsis of pregnancy,” i.e. first stage of gestosis. What to do in this case?

  1. Firstly, it is urgent to reduce salt intake, it retains fluid in the body.
  2. Secondly, consult a doctor, he will prescribe medications or recommend herbal teas.
  3. Thirdly, do not forget about the activity and benefits of movement (in particular, gymnastics).

If the measures taken do not help, a course of therapy in a hospital is necessary.

Nasal swelling during pregnancy - what could it be?

Swelling of the nasal mucosa is also observed quite often. A specific phenomenon called “runny nose during pregnancy” can occur for a number of reasons, for example:

  • due to hormonal changes;
  • because of allergic reaction(for plant pollen, pet hair, new washing powder etc.). Even if there was no allergy before, an “interesting” situation can become an impetus for an unpleasant reaction in the body.

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Swelling of the nasal mucosa does not directly harm the mother, but it can affect the supply of oxygen to the body and to the fetus. Therefore, you need to worry about how to relieve a runny nose faster, but do not forget that not all medications are allowed to be taken by expectant mothers.

Why does the face often swell during pregnancy?

Changed facial features, its roundness and swelling, swelling of the eyelids (which visually narrows the eyes) - all this also often worries pregnant women, and such signs may indicate a problem in the functioning of the kidneys. In this case, special treatment is prescribed under the supervision of a nephrologist. But we can also talk about physiological swelling, in this case try to reduce the consumption of salt, as well as smoked and fermented foods, adjust the daily volume of fluid consumed (optimally 1.5 liters per day), minimize the amount you drink at night, try to sleep on your left side – all this will relieve symptoms and help “unload” the kidneys.

If along with the face future mom feels swelling of the lower and upper extremities, abdomen, thighs, vagina - this may indicate a more serious pathological process. On last weeks edema is often the first sign of gestosis, a disease that threatens serious consequences, including placental abruption, bleeding, premature birth, freezing of the fetus.

Edema at 38 weeks of pregnancy: dangerous or not?

The reasons for the appearance of edema in an expectant mother at 38 weeks of pregnancy can be caused by various reasons and be of both physiological and pathological nature. Unfortunately, most often this is a pathology (preeclampsia), although doctors at this stage are already calm about the baby’s life, because at 37 weeks the little man is already fully formed and ready to be born, without even waiting for 40 weeks. In principle, he only needs the 38th and 39th weeks to gain weight and grow a little more.

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Preeclampsia in most pregnant women develops at 32-34 weeks; swelling is only the first stage of this pathology, and it is reversible. It is important to take the doctor’s recommendations seriously, and most often the problem can be eliminated within 6-7 days. If a deviation is detected at week 25, this indicates a complex course. pathological process, therefore, the expectant mother comes under the close attention of doctors until the 38th week, at which point labor can be induced.

Update: October 2018

Edema during pregnancy occurs to one degree or another in almost every woman. But not in all cases they indicate pathology and require drug treatment. Before you begin to treat edema, you should identify the cause of its occurrence, whether it is necessary to eliminate the edema, and whether the fight against it could be something worse.

Water as an essential element of pregnancy

As you know, the human body consists of up to 80% water. During gestation, the amount of water increases by 6 - 8 liters, most of which (up to 6 liters) is in an extra-tissue state, and about 3 liters accumulates in the tissues. By the end of gestation, the volume of water increases by another 6 liters, 3 of which are for the baby, placenta and amniotic fluid, and the rest to increase the woman’s circulating blood volume, the growing uterus and mammary glands. This “flood” is a normal state of physiological pregnancy.

The increase in the volume of the liquid part of the blood begins at 8 weeks, while the increase in the number of red blood cells begins at 18 weeks. This is explained by the need to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the fetus - the thinner and more fluid the blood, the faster it delivers.

Mechanism of edema formation

For water to flow to the fetus, it must be in the vascular bed, and not in the tissues or body cavities. The fluid in the blood vessels is held by 2 components:

  1. sodium chloride
  2. protein (albumin).

The protein albumin maintains oncotic pressure in the blood vessels, and sodium retains water in them. If there is a shortage of these substances, the fluid “leaves” into the tissue, that is, there is increased vascular permeability. Albumin is produced by a woman's liver from those amino acids that come with food, that is, it matters how the expectant mother eats.

Sodium chloride comes from food and is also stored by the kidneys. In addition, salt metabolism is regulated by hormones. Thus, there is a second point in the mechanism of edema - a violation of water-salt metabolism, when sodium accumulates in the tissues and attracts water from the vessels. Since the liquid part of the blood becomes small, it thickens, that is, against the background of visible or hidden edema, the mother’s body experiences dehydration ().

Classification of edema

Edema can be both physiological, that is, those that go away on their own when the provoking factors are eliminated, and pathological, caused by some medical problem. The line dividing edema into “normal” and pathological is quite fluid, and it is very difficult to draw it, and one should take into account not only the gestational age and concomitant pathology, but also the woman’s age, the number of fetuses gestated, her height and constitutional features.

Edema is also classified according to its prevalence:

  • I degree – swelling of the legs (most often the feet and legs) and hands;
  • II degree – swelling “rises” to the anterior wall of the abdomen and the lumbosacral region;
  • III degree - not only the lower limbs and abdomen swell, but also the face;
  • IV degree – generalized edema or anasarca.

Depending on the origin, edema is divided into:

  • hydremic – caused by diseases of the urinary system;
  • cardiac – arise as a result of cardiovascular pathology;
  • cachectic or dystrophic due to exhaustion;
  • inflammatory arise as a result of the formation of a focus of inflammation (traumatic, allergic, neurotic and toxic);
  • congestive edema appears with venous diseases (varicose veins, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis).

Causes of edema

Physiological edema may appear for the following reasons:

  • hot and muggy weather;
  • excessive physical stress on the legs (prolonged standing, walking) or on the arms (working at the computer, writing);
  • flat feet;
  • wearing tight shoes or high heels;
  • prolonged sitting on soft and low seats;
  • the habit of crossing your legs when sitting;
  • errors in diet (excessive consumption of salty and spicy foods);
  • overweight;
  • large volume of the uterus (in late gestation or during multiple pregnancy) - the uterus compresses the inferior vena cava and disrupts blood flow in the lower body and legs;
  • short stature;
  • physical inactivity.

Pathological edema appears in the presence of a number of diseases and/or as a complication of pregnancy:

Varicose veins of the lower extremities

In this case, edema appears due to a violation of the outflow of blood through the veins, its stagnation in the veins, which provokes an increase in hydrostatic pressure in them. First, the pressure increases in large venous vessels, and then in small ones, and fluid is “squeezed out” from the vessels into the interstitial space with the formation of edema. This group also includes other venous diseases, which can be either a complication of varicose veins or an independent disease (thrombosis, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis). In this case, in addition to the described mechanism of edema development, there is also an inflammatory moment.

Cardiovascular pathology

Heart diseases (congenital heart defects, etc.) lead to the development of cardiovascular failure, one of the manifestations of which is edema. Fluid retention in the body is caused by an increase in central venous pressure, as the internal organs do not receive oxygen-enriched blood, as well as sodium retention by the kidneys. As central venous pressure increases, hydrostatic pressure in the capillaries increases, which “squeezes” water into the tissue. Pregnancy increases the load on the heart, which further causes edema.

Kidney pathology

Nephrotic syndrome, which is characterized by edema, is usually observed with glomerulonephritis. The mechanism of edema formation has several aspects. Firstly, protein is lost in the urine due to normal or frequent urination, which leads to a decrease in oncotic pressure in the blood vessels and an increase in their permeability, and, consequently, the occurrence of edema. Secondly, with reduced urination, sodium is retained in the tissues, which draws fluid from the blood vessels. Thirdly, the filtration function of the kidneys is disrupted (sodium retention) and water-salt metabolism is disrupted (the production of aldosterone increases, which also retains fluid in the body).

Allergic reactions

Quincke's edema - one of the severe manifestations of allergies is associated with generalized swelling of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and skin and develops due to the penetration of an allergen (antigen) into the body. The allergen promotes the production of inflammatory mediators: serotonin, histamine and others. In turn, inflammatory mediators increase the permeability of the vascular wall, and fluid from the blood rushes into the tissue, forming edema. Read more about.


Thyroid diseases

How to determine swelling

Edema, by definition, is the accumulation of excess fluid outside the vascular bed, in tissues and cavities internal organs(cardiac sac, pleural sac and others). Edema is divided into hidden and visible. Hidden edema can only be suspected by a doctor based on the following signs:

Weight gain

A pregnant woman experiences pathological weight gain, which after 30 weeks is more than 300 grams in 7 days. Or the total increase in body weight over the entire gestation period is more than 20 kg. However, one should take into account the type of constitution and height of a woman and distinguish between pathological weight gain that occurs due to hidden edema or due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat.

Daily diuresis

To determine it, the amount of liquid drunk (together with soups and watery fruits) and excreted is taken into account. Normally, their ratio is 4/3 (with about 300 ml of fluid released through sweat and breathing). If daily diuresis is negative, that is, the amount of fluid drunk significantly exceeds the volume excreted, this indicates hidden edema.


The woman notes that the volume of urine excreted at night is much greater than during the day. Moreover, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent at night. But it should be remembered that after 37 weeks, this symptom may also indicate impending labor (the head is pressed against the entrance to the pelvis and compresses the bladder).

McClure–Aldrich test

0.2 ml of physiological sodium chloride solution is injected intradermally into the forearm area and the time of resorption of the resulting blister is recorded. Normally, it should disappear after 35 minutes or more. If its resorption time is shortened, we can safely talk about hidden edema.

Visible swelling can be determined by the pregnant woman herself based on the following symptoms:

  • Ring symptom - swelling of the fingers is indicated by a characteristic sign: wedding ring does not come off the finger or is difficult to remove.
  • Shoes - familiar and worn-in shoes suddenly become tight and tight, which indicates swelling of the feet.
  • Socks - after the expectant mother takes off her socks, she notices that the marks, even pronounced indentations from their elastic bands on her legs do not disappear for a long time.
  • Symptom of a “pit” - when pressing with a finger on the shin (in the place where only the skin covers the tibia), a characteristic depression remains, which does not go away for some time.
  • Ankle volume- when measuring the circumference in the ankle area and increasing it by 1 cm or more per week, it speaks in favor of edema.
  • Signs of generalized edema- with anasarca, not only the legs swell, they are also accompanied by swelling of the arms, labia, anterior abdominal wall and face (lips, eyelids and nose swell). Dangerous symptom– inability to clench your hand into a fist or bend over and fasten your shoes. Such severe swelling during pregnancy may indicate developed gestosis.

Symptoms of various types of edema

Edema of different origins also differs in symptoms:

Cardiac edema

Edema in early stages start from the legs, spreading to the hips and higher, symmetrical. In an upright position of the body, only the legs swell. In a horizontal position, the swelling is redistributed to the sacrum and lower back, and disappears after sleep (in the early stages). The swelling is quite dense, the “pits” do not disappear for a long time. The skin in the area of ​​edema is bluish and cold. Later, the swelling of the subcutaneous tissue is accompanied by the accumulation of fluid in the cavities (pleural, cardiac, abdominal). In addition, there is shortness of breath, fatigue and general pallor.

Renal edema

Edema of renal origin is characterized by its appearance from above, and it spreads downwards. Such swelling, on the contrary, appears in the morning and disappears by evening. They are loose and do not retain pressure marks for long. Appear on the face, where the subcutaneous tissue is looser - the eyelids swell. Edema is prone to migration - it moves easily when changing body position. The skin in areas of swelling is pale, warm and dry. Other symptoms also occur: headaches, high blood pressure, urine the color of “meat slop” (gross hematuria).

Edema in diseases of the veins of the lower extremities

With varicose veins of the lower extremities, edema develops gradually and is associated with prolonged stay in an upright position. Swelling appears in the evening, accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, hyperemia of the feet, swollen veins, and pain may appear. The skin over the swelling is warm, sometimes with a cyanotic tint. As a rule, such swelling is not symmetrical (appears only on one leg). In the case of thrombophlebitis, edema is accompanied by inflammatory signs: hyperemia, heat, pain along the vein, as well as upon movement or touch.

Physiological edema

Usually their severity is insignificant; they appear more often on the shins or fingers (after prolonged work). They go away on their own, after sleep and exclusion of provoking factors.


Swelling during gestosis always begins in the feet and ankles (in some cases, the fingers “swell” at the same time). As the condition worsens, the swelling rises and spreads to the thighs, labia, and anterior abdominal wall. A doughy pillow appears above the pubis, which makes it difficult or impossible to bend forward (to tie shoelaces). Then swelling of the face occurs, its features become coarser, the eyes look like slits due to swollen eyelids. After sleep, visible swelling “disappears” and is redistributed throughout the body. Even significant swelling is accompanied by a satisfactory condition of the pregnant woman, but nevertheless requires treatment. Prognostically unfavorable signs are increased blood pressure (especially diastolic) and the appearance.

Measures to combat edema

What to do if edema occurs during pregnancy. First of all, put aside panic and calm down. You can deal with small, physiological swelling on your own, but in case of significant or permanent swelling, you should consult a doctor who will tell you how to get rid of the swelling:


In the diet, it is recommended to limit the consumption of table salt (but not eliminate it altogether). Drink at least 2 - 2.5 liters of fluid per day in small sips and constantly. As for drinks, preference is given to herbal teas with a soothing effect (mint, lemon balm), fruit drinks and still mineral water.


It is recommended to take regular walks of 1.5 - 2 hours at a leisurely pace in a forested area, which will help disperse “stagnant” blood, raise general tone and prevent not only the appearance of excess fat deposits, but also swelling.

Herbs with diuretic effect

Decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs with a weak diuretic effect are prescribed only by a doctor. Their use is especially indicated for diseases of the urinary system. Similar medicinal plants include: bearberry, lingonberry leaf, parsley. They have weak diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. Take with caution in case of edema caused by gestosis (in this case, diuretics are contraindicated).

Drugs that increase vascular tone

Local anticoagulant and vascular wall-strengthening agents () will help remove swelling (especially in diseases of the veins of the lower extremities). Such drugs are prescribed by a doctor. It is allowed to rub Lyoton-gel, Venitan, heparin ointment, Essaven gel into the skin of the feet. It is also recommended to take orally ascorutin, aescusan, and venoruton, which strengthen the vascular wall and reduce its permeability.

Wearing compression garments

Wearing a special compression garments(stockings or tights), which is especially recommended for pregnant women with varicose veins of the legs. It is necessary to put on stockings/tights while lying down in order to evenly distribute the pressure on the lower limbs.

  • Avoid being in hot places
  • Avoid prolonged standing or sitting.

In case of severe condition, in case of development of gestosis or worsening of chronic extragenital diseases (pathology of the kidneys, liver, heart), the pregnant woman is hospitalized.

Question answer

I swell (during pregnancy). What exactly can and cannot be eaten?

It is recommended to exclude strong tea (including green) and tea from drinking, which act as a stimulant and provoke the appearance of edema, as well as sweet carbonated drinks and juices (cause thirst). You should not give up salt consumption, but you should exclude, or at least limit, the consumption of highly salted, spicy and pickled foods (pickles, sauerkraut, nuts and chips, etc.). To follow the rules healthy eating, refuse to eat smoked meats, sweets and baked goods. It is advisable to steam, stew, bake or boil food, but under no circumstances fry it. The daily diet should contain a sufficient amount of protein, both animal and plant origin (lean meat, offal, cottage cheese, cereal porridge). Also consume fresh vegetables and fruits daily as sources of vitamins, and lactic acid products as a source of calcium. Fish and seafood are healthy vegetable oils, which contains a large number of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

What are the dangers of edema during pregnancy?

Any swelling, unless, of course, it is physiological, poses a threat not only to the woman, but also to her unborn baby. A woman, as a rule, knows about extragenital pathology even before pregnancy, on the eve of which and during pregnancy she is prescribed appropriate treatment. A serious complication of pregnancy is edema caused by gestosis. If left untreated, a preconvulsive condition (preeclampsia) and a seizure disorder (eclampsia) may develop. Signs of preeclampsia include confusion or an excited state, swelling of the nose during pregnancy, which is manifested by congestion or a sudden runny nose, flashing spots before the eyes, tinnitus, etc. Failure to provide timely assistance leads to convulsions, which can result in the death of the pregnant woman.

How can you relieve swelling at home?

Minor swelling of physiological origin will help eliminate the following measures:

  • lying on the left side (reduces pressure from the uterus on large blood vessels, improves blood circulation in the kidneys);
  • sleep or rest with your legs elevated (place a small pillow under them);
  • cool foot baths, rubbing feet with ice cubes;
  • gymnastics and foot massage;
  • give up heels, preferring shoes with low heels and loose ones;
  • in case of prolonged forced position (sitting at a desk), give your legs a rest (raise them on a chair, walk a few steps);
  • Avoid wearing tight and constricting clothing (elastic bands, belts, tight collars and socks).

How do I know if I am at risk for developing edema and gestosis?

This group includes pregnant women with the following factors:

  • young (under 17) and late (over 30) age of a woman;
  • gestosis suffered during previous pregnancies (especially eclampsia and preeclampsia);
  • pregnancy with more than one fetus;
  • presence of arterial hypertension before pregnancy;
  • bad habits (both before and during pregnancy);
  • and other endocrine pathologies;
  • severe early toxicosis;
  • presence of industrial hazards;
  • detected hidden edema.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy- a problem that almost every woman faces while carrying a child. Swelling occurs especially often during late pregnancy. in the second half of pregnancy, closer to the third trimester. The legs swell during pregnancy, they hurt, there is a feeling of heaviness, and it becomes difficult to stand on your feet for a long time.

A similar problem arises due to the fact that the pressure in the vessels of the veins, which are located in the lower extremities, increases greatly. The fetus increases in size, the uterus grows, squeezing the pelvic veins. As a result, stagnant processes can occur in the vessels of the legs, which lead to the formation of edema. Untreated swelling in the legs can cause a number of serious complications, therefore, this problem cannot be left without due attention.

Causes of edema during pregnancy

Why do legs swell during pregnancy? Edema during pregnancy, in most cases, is a temporary phenomenon and quickly disappears shortly after birth. Most common reasons swelling of the legs during pregnancy:

  • Excess fluid in the body. When carrying a child, hormonal levels change, which is why pregnant women often experience thirst. This is a completely normal phenomenon and should not cause concern to the expectant mother.
  • Varicose veins of the legs. As the fetus grows, the uterus begins to exert a compressive effect on the vessels of the legs, as a result of which it forms. The veins become overfilled with blood, which leads to the appearance of edema.
  • Renal dysfunction. During pregnancy, the load on the kidneys increases. This leads to the fact that they do not always fully remove excess fluid from the body, which provokes the appearance of edema. Such problems are often accompanied by the formation of bruises under the eyes and a decrease in the frequency of urination.
  • Uncomfortable shoes and clothes. Tight and constrictive clothing and shoes can interfere with blood circulation in the legs. It is especially not recommended to wear high-heeled shoes during pregnancy.
  • Problems with the heart or thyroid gland. They cause not only swelling of the legs, but also of the shoulder girdle and even the tongue. In addition, with such disorders, fatigue and constant drowsiness may be observed.
  • Intestinal problems. If frequent, intestinal disturbances are possible, which often lead to swelling in the legs.
  • Acute thrombophlebitis. Extremely dangerous disease, one of the signs of which is swelling of the legs. This disease can be recognized by symptoms such as: fever, hyperemia (redness) of the legs, pain.
  • A recent viral illness. An infection can cause complications on the kidneys, and they, in turn, cease to cope with their functions.
  • Preeclampsia. This condition poses a serious health hazard. Preeclampsia is characterized by swelling not only of the external parts of the body, but also of the internal organs. The placenta also falls under its harmful influence, and this is a direct threat to the life of the unborn baby.

Edema can also occur for such reasons as: joint diseases, venous insufficiency, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, prolonged stay in sitting position with crossed legs. To exclude possible diseases, it is necessary be sure to visit a doctor.

In some cases, when edema is caused by pathological disturbances in the functioning of the body, the condition of a pregnant woman may constantly worsen. In this case, swelling will spread not only to the legs, but also to other parts of the body.

There are 4 stages of edema:

  1. First, swelling forms in the area of ​​the legs and feet.
  2. They are accompanied by swelling in the hips, lower abdomen and lumbar region.
  3. Further, the swelling spreads higher, affecting the hands and even the face.
  4. General swelling of the body.

While carrying a child in maternal body There is an accumulation of sodium salts, which tend to attract water. Under the influence of certain factors, physiological edema develops. Such factors may be: eating a lot of salty foods, heat environment, excessive physical activity. Physiological edema is a completely natural phenomenon during pregnancy and should not cause concern. If the provoking factors are eliminated, the swelling will easily disappear.

Another thing - pathological edema that arise as a result of diseases. They are usually accompanied by other symptoms: sudden weight gain, spread of edema to other parts of the body, fever, hypertension, weakness, difficulty moving, and more.

What are the dangers of leg swelling during pregnancy and when to consult a doctor?

Greatest danger represent swelling of the legs in pregnant women, which is caused by gestosis. In the initial stage, it leads to the formation of dropsy, which over time can lead to nephropathy - damage to the renal apparatus, and subsequently to. Eclampsia is almost incurable and is characterized by frequent attacks of seizures, which can sometimes be so severe that the woman falls into a coma.

Preeclampsia can cause severe disturbances in the blood supply to organs, including the placenta. The fetus is deprived of nutrients, as a result of which the normal development of its organs and systems is disrupted. It is in this state that the foundations for future chronic diseases are laid.

Other complications of gestosis may include intrauterine fetal death and premature birth.

You should consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • when swelling appears not only on the legs, but also on the stomach, hips, lower back, face or arms;
  • if swelling and heaviness in the legs persist even after a long rest or the next morning after sleep;
  • if the general condition worsens, there is high blood pressure And .

If the legs are slightly swollen, this does not mean the presence of edema. Often this is simply due to an increase in body weight during pregnancy. Swelling can be detected by the enlargement of the foot, when it becomes difficult to squeeze your foot into your usual shoes.

Swelling can also be determined by how the surface of the leg reacts to compression. For this purpose it is carried out simple experiment: You need to lightly press your finger on the skin of your leg, then release. If the skin immediately evens out, then there is no talk of any swelling. But if after squeezing a small dent remains, it means there is swelling of the leg.

In the evening, symptoms usually become more pronounced because more fluid accumulates in them during the day, after being on your feet for a long time. In the morning, after the pregnant woman has had a good rest and sleep, swelling usually decreases significantly or disappears altogether. If swelling is caused by physiological reasons, it does not cause pain.

Treatment of edema during pregnancy

What to do if your legs swell during pregnancy? How to get rid of edema during pregnancy? For natural causes of swelling in the legs, no special treatment is required. The doctor may prescribe some means that improve blood circulation- for example, ointments Heparin, Venitan, Troxevasin, Lyoton, as well as creams based on horse chestnut.

In addition, it is usually prescribed special diet and a number of preventive measures:

  • Reduce the amount of salt you consume, which prevents the removal of fluid from the body. It is better to undersalt food. In addition, you need to eat as little hot, smoked and spicy foods as possible. Best option- steamed food.
  • Reduce the amount you drink, especially in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. The maximum amount of liquid that should be consumed is one and a half liters per day. This includes not only drinks, but also juicy fruits or vegetables, as well as soups.
  • Take vascular-strengthening vitamin complexes. They will help reduce the volume of fluid that leaks from the vessels into the tissue, thereby reducing swelling.
  • Herbal teas, which have a diuretic effect, will help remove excess fluid from the body. These include decoctions of rosehip, lingonberry leaves, horsetail, cranberry, bearberry, and dried apricots. For these decoctions to have a positive effect, you need to use them for a month or more. It is strictly not recommended to take any chemical diuretics as they can be dangerous during pregnancy.
  • Foot massage helps reduce swelling well, especially if done with jojoba, peach or grape seed oils.
  • May have a beneficial effect homeopathic remedies. For example, sodium chloride restores fluid metabolism in the body. Non-traditional treatments such as manual therapy, acupuncture or osteopathy are also often used to improve blood flow in the legs, normalize urinary function and relieve swelling.

If the cause of edema is gestosis, treatment is carried out in stationary conditions. It is rarely possible to completely eliminate this problem, but with the help of properly selected drug therapy, the negative impact of the disease on the body of a pregnant woman can be reduced.

How to avoid swelling

To prevent the occurrence of edema, it is recommended to observe the following: preventive measures:

  • Physical activity. During pregnancy, you should maintain physical activity - do exercises every day, take walks, and in the evenings, after a working day, lie down on the bed or floor, raise your legs, resting them against the wall, and lie there for 10-15 minutes. At the same time, the blood will flow down, reducing congestion in the legs.
  • Special diet. You should reduce the amount of salt you consume, eliminate carbonated and sugary drinks, and drink less coffee and tea. If you are very thirsty, it is better to eat some juicy vegetable or fruit, and if you drink water, then only mineral water.
  • Necessarily include such foods in your diet like: oranges, parsley, lemon, celery, garlic, tangerines, onions. These products have a beneficial effect on the function of the urinary system.
  • During sleep it is recommended put a pillow under your feet so that they are slightly above the head.
  • Shoes should be comfortable, and the clothes are spacious so that they don’t squeeze your legs.
  • Avoid overheating the body– during pregnancy, you should avoid visiting steam rooms and saunas, as well as sunbathing.

Video about swelling of the legs during pregnancy

This video talks about the causes of leg swelling during pregnancy, the symptoms and dangers of this problem. After watching the video, you will find out how to relieve swelling during pregnancy and prevent their occurrence.

To combat swelling, many women use folk remedies treatment. For example, compresses made from fresh cabbage leaves applied to swollen legs can have a very beneficial effect. And what folk recipes do you know against edema? What helped you cope with this problem? Share your experience in comments.

Leg swelling during pregnancy is a common problem that many women face. This phenomenon occurs especially often during late pregnancy. In many cases, this is a normal condition (if the legs are swollen at the ankles), unless it is caused by some pathology. Your doctor will help you determine the causes of swelling.

When is swelling likely during pregnancy?

Certain groups of pregnant women are particularly susceptible to developing excess fluid. They often experience swelling in their legs at 38 or 39 weeks of pregnancy. These include women who:

  1. eat incorrectly or maintain an incorrect lifestyle;
  2. over 32 years old;
  3. have any severe pathology (for example, obesity or).

Usually in such cases, maintenance therapy and a special daily regimen are prescribed. Edema during pregnancy (photo):

Types and stages of edema

In the first trimester of pregnancy, swelling is a rare occurrence. Only by the second trimester can such manifestations appear, and their nature can be different. There are 2 types of swelling of the feet during pregnancy:

  1. Physiological. During pregnancy, the body may retain water and sodium cations. This happens because pregnant women often eat too much salty food, which interferes with the loss of excess water. Swelling can also occur in very warm weather. This increases the stress on your legs as excess water increases your body weight.
  2. Pathological. In this case, swelling is a symptom of a disease. Often this is accompanied by dropsy, a disease that develops in pregnant women when there is excess moisture in the body. In this case, body weight often increases by more than 20 kilograms, and the limbs and face become very swollen. This condition always requires treatment, as it can lead to more serious diseases - for example, gestosis. This disease can lead to death of both mother and child.

In total, there are 4 stages of edema - from the weakest to the strongest:

  1. swelling in the area of ​​the feet and legs (this is the initial stage, swelling always begins in the legs);
  2. swelling on the thighs, lower abdomen and lower back;
  3. swelling in the hands during pregnancy and on the face.

At the fourth stage, general swelling of the body appears.

There are four stages of edema, from the weakest to the most severe. To determine the type and intensity of swelling, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

Why does edema develop in pregnant women?

The causes of edema in pregnant women can be different - both physiological and pathological. Usually, if swelling occurs in the afternoon at the ankles (it can develop asymmetrically - for example, sometimes only the right leg swells during pregnancy), this is considered normal.

Causes of physiological edema

The causes of this condition during pregnancy are:

  • an increase in the amount of fluid and circulating blood in the body (it increases by about half, it may not be distributed quite evenly throughout the body, and therefore accumulates in the lower part);
  • transformations in the functioning of the endocrine system (it increases and water in the body accumulates due to the influence of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy);
  • congestion in the pelvis (during the period of enlargement of the uterus, the blood supply to the pelvic organs may deteriorate, as the veins are compressed; this can cause swelling in the lower part of the body);
  • improper daily routine and non-compliance with the diet (you need to get proper rest, perform special sports exercises and not eat too much salty or spicy food, as it forces you to consume a large amount of water, which is retained in the body due to salt);
  • decrease in the amount of protein in the blood plasma (during the period of bearing a child, the content of albumin in the blood gradually decreases, which provokes swelling in the legs).

All these are physiological reasons why swelling of the legs may occur at 38 weeks of pregnancy and later. All of them can be corrected - just play sports, lead healthy image life, eat right and follow the advice of a specialist.

Swelling by physiological reasons can be corrected – it is enough to lead a healthy lifestyle

Causes of pathological edema

Treatment is required for pathological edema - when the swelling reaches the face, becomes very pronounced and is present on an ongoing basis. Most often they occur due to the following conditions:

  1. diseases of the pelvic organs (if the kidneys function poorly, swelling of the legs develops in the early stages of pregnancy);
  2. gestosis (a common cause of excess fluid in the body of pregnant women, which can also cause the presence of proteins in the urine; the disease disrupts the water-salt balance of the body and can cause general edema);
  3. varicose veins (if it was there before pregnancy, during this period this disease will become even more obvious; swelling can be localized only on one leg - for example, it happens that only the left leg swells during pregnancy);
  4. heart and vascular diseases (whether there will be swelling on the legs of pregnant women or not depends directly on the state of the circulatory system);
  5. disruption of the functioning of the endocrine glands (with insufficient functioning of the thyroid gland, swelling often occurs);
  6. allergic reactions (if the pathology appeared suddenly and affected not only the legs, you need to consult a doctor, as it may be an allergy complicated by swelling, which is life-threatening).

Important. To determine exactly why the swelling appears, you need to consult with your doctor.

Pathological edema necessarily requires treatment

Symptoms and diagnostic methods

If the swelling is not very severe and is localized only in the legs, no special treatment is required. However, in order to exclude pathologies, it is better to consult a specialist (this is especially important at the end - from the 36th week of pregnancy).

Edema can be identified by the following manifestations:

  1. a slight tingling sensation in the arms or legs;
  2. significant increase in body weight (more than a third of a kilogram per week);
  3. Difficulties with removing and putting on rings due to swelling of the hands, as well as putting on shoes.

Normally, during pregnancy, such phenomena can be observed in the legs in the evening. Swelling of the legs during pregnancy occurs especially often in the later stages of pregnancy. They should go away by morning anyway. Advice. You can independently determine the presence of edema by pressing on the swollen area with your fingers and abruptly removing your hand. If there is a depression in this place, we can talk about swelling. If the swelling does not hurt, we can say that the swelling is of a physiological nature.

Specialists have a more extensive diagnosis:

  1. blood and urine tests to exclude serious pathologies;
  2. determining the rate of recovery of swollen skin after pressing on it;
  3. calculation of the amount of fluid drunk and excreted;
  4. weighing to calculate the volume of excess water.

If the swelling does not cause pain, it can be assumed that the swelling is of a physiological nature

This allows you to find the pathology that caused the swelling and quickly remove it.

Treatment of edema during pregnancy with medications

In case of serious illnesses (for example, gestosis), hospitalization is required, as this condition is life-threatening. In other cases, it is often enough to use diuretics prescribed by a doctor or rub in ointments.

Most often, experts prescribe the following remedies:

  • herbal diuretics (special herbal mixtures and homeopathic preparations help relieve mild swelling of the leg - for example, Cyston, Canephron, Nephrodite);
  • medicinal diuretics (used before childbirth to relieve swelling; the drugs Furosemide, Hypothiazide, Veroshpiron are effective);
  • external ointments (gels, Venitan, Heparin ointment are suitable for rubbing into a swollen area).

Medicines are used in the 9th month of pregnancy as a last resort.

In most cases, for swelling, diuretics prescribed by a doctor are used or ointments are rubbed in.

Traditional methods of treatment

What to do if your legs swell during pregnancy are also suggested by unconventional methods of treatment. If the swelling is not dangerous and is not too severe, you can try to eliminate it with remedies traditional medicine, if there is no hypersensitivity to herbs.

Popular folk remedies:

  1. infusion of dried apricots(a tablespoon of dried apricots should be poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 12 hours. You should drink the decoction to remove excess liquid 40 minutes before meals);
  2. ice massage(you need to freeze herbal decoctions and wipe your feet with ice cubes before going to bed);
  3. compresses(chilled cabbage leaves should be applied to the swollen areas and held until the leaves become wet; after that they need to be replaced with new ones);
  4. folk diuretic(in equal proportions you need to mix dried horsetail, knotweed and birch buds; pour a teaspoon of the resulting mixture into a glass of boiling water and drink a teaspoon after meals. Course - 21 days).

Advice. You can also simply massage your feet with your hands before going to bed (it is acceptable to use base oils such as jojoba or cocoa). Sometimes herbal teas are additionally prescribed for edema, as well as vitamins that help strengthen the heart and blood vessels.

Prevention of edema during pregnancy

Before conception, it is advisable to undergo an examination as early as possible in order to exclude serious diseases that could complicate this period.

You can avoid swelling if you follow simple rules:

  1. drink enough clean water in a day;
  2. maintain physical activity;
  3. rest for several hours during the day (with your legs elevated on a pillow);
  4. do not neglect a healthy diet;
  5. control weight;
  6. monitor the condition of your fingers (whether the rings can be removed without problems);
  7. Sometimes you can do fasting days on apples or cottage cheese.

Note. It is also better not to take diuretics without a doctor’s prescription in the ninth month (especially from the 37th week of pregnancy). Physical activity should be moderate - light exercise and walking are enough.

Healthy diet, physical activity, a few hours of rest during the day will help avoid swelling

Diet for edema

To avoid swelling, you need to eat right. The rules of proper nutrition during pregnancy are as follows:

  1. eat the largest possible amount of vegetables or fruits;
  2. Eat lean protein every day (for example, from);
  3. reduce salt and sugar intake;
  4. eat natural diuretics – apples, parsley, garlic);
  5. maintain a drinking regime (2 liters per day);
  6. stop eating canned food and pickles.

It is also important to refuse bad habits from the very beginning of pregnancy.


The most serious complication if legs and arms swell during pregnancy is gestosis, which can develop into dropsy if left untreated. Dropsy, in turn, can severely disrupt kidney function, leading to. If the disease is not treated at this stage, it can be life-threatening, since in this case people often experience convulsions and fall into a coma because of this.

Preeclampsia is also dangerous for the fetus, as it affects the placenta. The child ceases to receive enough nutrients, and therefore develops normally. His death may even occur. Therefore, it is important to treat gestosis in a timely manner and be examined whenever swelling appears on the legs.

The most serious complication with edema - gestosis. If left untreated, it can progress to dropsy


Overall on birth process swelling has no effect. They are dangerous only if they have already progressed to gestosis and have not been cured before. In case of danger, specialists carry out C-section. There is no swelling after pregnancy.

Note. If swelling occurs, a pregnant woman may develop late swelling (at 35 weeks or even 39 weeks of pregnancy), which is very dangerous at this time. Therefore, you should always consult a specialist in a timely manner to assess how dangerous the swelling is.

Swelling during pregnancy is normal if it is not very pronounced and the mother does not have any chronic severe pathologies. In any case, to avoid risks, it is better to consult a doctor - he will tell you exactly why your legs swell during pregnancy in a particular situation and how to relieve the swelling. They also write about this on the forums.